2020-04-24: Bound by Duty: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 02:17, 6 May 2020

  • Log: Bound by Duty
  • Cast: Riesenlied, Citan Uzuki
  • Where: Meria City - Central Commercial District
  • Date: April 24, 2020
  • Summary: Citan checks up on Riesenlied's health at her request, and learns a little more about her condition. The Mediums are discussed, as are the Hyadeans.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    Riesenlied has been having a very good time exposing Noeline to the dangers of the two-headed puke green Christmas sweater, amongst other things -- but today, she has something that she needs to follow up on...

    So she's contacted Citan -- since she knows he's a doctor -- to get her health checked up on. As much as she's buoyed herself with as much joy and vigour in her life, she knows that her health is continually degrading, even at a slow pace, and some of the things Alhazred has done to her has left that in an even more precarious state.

    Somewhere where Citan could use as a makeshift clinic...

    "... so, with the help of a long-term pen pal from Sielje -- she is a lecturer at the academy -- I have been able to walk again, assisted by these leg braces," Riesenlied explains. "I think it has done a lot of good for my mood, as well as for exercise, of course. But it has its limits, and I am aware of that."

<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    It is not the first time that Citan has been asked to play this role. As the Black Wolves' affiliated doctor and general support, he is accustomed to seeing to the group's various needs in this regard. So naturally, when Riesenlied asked him for a general checkup, he'd agreed.

    As it happens, he has a few questions he would like to ask her as well.

    "...I see. Regular exercise, in moderation and with consideration for your condition, should be beneficial," he remarks starting with the 'basics', such that they are for a Hyadean, borrowing this small sideroom in a little pharmacy in town (Citan knows the owner, somehow; with anyone else, perhaps the temptation would be to assume 'medical school', except...).

    Which in this case, means starting with asking questions.

    "So, in that case, compared to your condition after your... ah, capture, would you say that your overall health has improved, worsened, or stayed the same?"

    He has some impression of her health before -- and after, of course. But it's a different thing to make that assessment himself, and to hear that assessment from the patient. This is something he had learned the hard way, come to think of it...

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    Riesenlied nods warmly. "It is not always easy to get exercise -- there are days where I cannot manage it, but we have looked towards several of the safer Digs meant for rookie Diggers. I also have someone teaching me some of the basics of combat again, like swordplay."

    She bobs her head one way as Citan asks. "Mm... well..."

    The Hyadean glances to one side. "If I had to admit, it would be a bit worse." She gestures towards the way her legs have dramatically taken on scales, and are digitigrade in shape. "I was not able to walk at all after I was... captured, owing to the transformation in my body, and... there are days where it is quite difficult."

    A quiet pause, as she gestures. "And the Medium Alhazred grafted on me left... a lot of scarring." She makes a motion near her neck, where it is somewhat visible -- albeit covered by her capelet and the Dragon's Tear, which she's taken to using as a neckpiece.

<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    "Yes, I see." He nods, just the once. "As long as you remain aware of your limitations, I see no reason for you to abstain. Indeed, so long as your health remains stable and such activities enable you to build your strength safely, it may be beneficial."

    Even if 'safely' apparently can mean turning into a dragon, sometimes. ...Though at least it means that she, as a dragon, is not straining her legs as much?

    Though, even as he says that, she admits that she is somewhat worse off than when she had been released from her capture (to put a euphemism to that ordeal). It's hard to read the doctor's expression even at the best of times.
    Right now, he's positively poker-faced. "Ah," he remarks, glancing just the once down at her legs as she indicates towards them -- though, really, he scarce needs to look.

    "I am sorry to hear that, Riesenlied." Something to his gaze sharpens. "Is it merely the difficulty you experience in walking, or are there other elements?"

    Perhaps, such as the scarring.

    "Forgive my ignorance on the matter, but I must ask. Is such scarring typical for Hyadeans? I had been under the impression that the malleability of their bodies might prohibit the formation of such tissue. However..."

    However, Riesenlied is not precisely typical for a Hyadean. And then there's the matter of how Alhazred fused a Medium -- of Filagaia's nature, as near he can tell -- with her body.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    In truth, Riesenlied does not understand it either. It isn't helped by the fact that she has significantly less awareness of her own body as a Dragon -- with how her consciousness seems to expand, and the borders of her own personality feel like they fade and blur somewhat.

    "You are correct. A... 'regular' Hyadean has a malleable body, yes, owing to the Living Metal we are made out of," Riesenlied begins there. "But I was born -- created -- during a particularly harsh time for our species, when there was a dire shortage of quality Living Metals."

    She shifts just for a moment as she explains, "The Hyadeans they attempted to create during that point used infected, brittle metal, like me... which caused all kinds of problems -- health, ailments, feeble strength and an inability to transform. They eventually called them 'Tainted' and threw them to the base of the Photosphere, a ghetto we eventually made our home and called the 'Gutter'."

    Well... that's all gone now, and the Gutter is nothing more than a memory, along with the Photosphere.

    "But as the decades passed, as you might imagine, the 'Tainted' label mutated and started being used to any Demon that was found lacking, or insufficient."

    There is a soft sigh as she remarks, thinking on Citan's earlier question, "I am more susceptible to temperature and cold, and that results in colds and fevers and coughing... and I needed the assistance of Lily's physical therapy to fight against the atrophy that is happening to my muscles."

    She does undo the clasp on her capelet and reveals the Medium -- it's a horrid sight, not at all natural, what Alhazred's done; the clavicle area looks a blend of scales, wiring, all streaming to a central point where the Artificial Medium of Life is half-grafted into her skin.

<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    He's silent while she explains. In truth, pieces of this story he has heard before -- from Fei and others, from a few of the Hyadeans that had gathered in Wayside. But as is always true with stories...

    It's important to gather as much corroborating information as is possible. What was the saying, a lie is halfway around the world before the truth has got its boots on? His role back in the Empire was information; old habits die hard.

    "...I see..." he muses at length, nodding the once. "So even those from another world still ascribe to such..."

    But he shakes his head. Now is not the time for that.

    "No, I do understand," is all that he says, leaving it at that.

    Focusing back on her, he gestures towards Riesenlied. "Your health was poorer than most even before that event. Is that correct? And, if I am understanding correctly, it has continued to decline since." With only Lily's power keeping it in check. "Are you aware of the atrophy abating since you have been able to move about more, or has the decline you note been steady?" Citan asks, continuing this line of questioning.

    Which is the point at which she bares her throat to him.

    He doesn't flinch or gasp or look away; his blue eyes remain on the Medium, tracing the odd mix of wiring, scales, Hyadean flesh, and the hideous scarring. If his expression can be called anything, it could be called some detatched form of 'intrigued', perhaps, like someone regarding the wings of a butterfly for the first time under a microscope.

    "Does it cause you pain?" he asks, meeting her gaze once again. "It appears healed, but I cannot speak for how well it is healed. Some scars are insensate, while others remain painful to the touch."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    "Yes, though..." Riesenlied tilts her head. "Perhaps it is strange for me to say, but I have never thought of myself as from 'another world'. After all, I was born here on Filgaia, and I have never known another world as my home, as curious as I was about Hyades... I consider myself Filgaian, through and through."

    She smiles just a bit. "And with it, comes the love and motivation to defend it."

    Her smile fades again, though, as she twinges just a bit as the Medium shimmers at the centre of its octagonal shape. "Most of it has healed. But channeling the Ley causes some pain, depending on how much... I admit I do push myself a bit beyond what is comfortable, sometimes."

    On the topic of health, though -- Riesenlied nods, slowly. "I do not think the atrophy has remained still, no... I still take the precautions -- exercise, healthy foods, and the like."

<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    Citan appears to consider this for a moment or more. "Yes... that is true. I had not considered it in that way," he says ultimately, nodding as if in agreement with her statement. "'We are as the society that makes us, regardless of our origin'," he seems to quote, regarding her. "I suppose if we replace society with world, then we would have your situation precisely."

    Even as he regards the Medium, it shimmers, pulling on some distant power of Filgaia itself. "Oh--" utters the doctor, and here his expression breaks into genuine astonishment; he straightens where he sits across from her. "...I wonder why that is," he muses, reflecting on what he knows. "I understand your partner similarly has a bond with a Medium. However, in your case..."

    It might be because of her already fragile body. Or the bonding was difficult. Or...

    "I do recommend on refraining from overexterting use of the Medium, though I am well aware you have already been warned as much by your friends!" he does remark, before she goes on, to explain the extent of her atrophy.

    "Well, that is good to hear. Perhaps it may reverse in time, or at the very least, abate. I am afraid your case is a unique one, so all that I can do is speculate."

    Or at least, he assumes it is unique. But to attempt the same, they would need Hyadeans and one of those Original Mediums, unless he has missed the mark.

    "By the way... speaking of your kin. I know that many have taken up residence in New Petra, but would you know where other Hyadeans may be or what they may be doing?" He continues: "Fei and Elly recently told me of an unusual installation that appears to have once been a Hyadean base. ...Odessa meanwhile seems to have been using it to some unclear end. While it appears their ambitions there have been stopped, I am left wondering what they were attempting... and whether you or your kin might be able to clarify matters."

    He glances away, pushing his glasses up his nose. "I... admit that I am prone to worrying, and my main worry now is that a conflict with Odessa is inevitable, and that Fei will be drawn into that conflict."
    Fei, and, specifically, his other self.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    "I agree with that," Riesenlied rather warmly says of Citan's quote. "For better and for ill... I have been shaped by the communities that I have been part of." She chuckles very quietly, blinking as the Medium shimmers and Citan retracts just a bit--

    "Oh," she gasps herself. "Sorry. Sometimes it reacts, but I do not always know why."

    Citan mentions Noeline as well, and there is a nod-- "Noeline's case is slightly different, I believe. She mentioned how she thought it was an accident, but we eventually found out that Duras Drum chose her himself. Not... as much in my case, yet..."

    It was true. Odoryuk did not seek her out specifically, yet she was bound by duty...

    There is a bashful smile as Citan says she should not overexert herself. "I do have that in mind, believe me," she smiles awkwardly. "I want to do right for everyone -- my family, my friends..."

    All he can do is speculate, as it is a unique case -- "Yes... I may request periodic checkups from you as well, as I am in need of a regular physician, if that is all right."

    Citan brings up another topic, however--

    "Oh... I was there, actually," Riesenlied frowns very gently. "I helped several Drifters confront a Dragon Fossil thief we had been chasing from Ignas. They..."

    A pause. "There was a Hyadean amongst them, Polynya, I believe. She appeared to be possessed by the same presence that we discovered underneath Wayside, and was aligned with Odessa..."

    Riesenlied lowers her head. "I do not know what their root intentions are, but they are interested in appropriating the remains of our brethren as weapons." A pause, as she looks to the doctor. "It is a ... sensitive matter, for Hyadeans -- akin to digging the bones of the buried."

    Fei will be drawn to the Odessan conflict... "I... will do what I can as well, of course. Fei is important to me too, after all we have gone through."

    And Id, is the unspoken part.

<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    He shakes his head. "No, it is nothing to apologize for. I merely was not expecting it to react." He smiles a little ruefully. "I have not been lax, I assure you, but my understanding of Mediums in general and this sort of Medium in particular is rather more limited than other things. I suppose this is another area in which I must learn more," he says in the end, punctuating the remark with a slight shake of the head.

    Learn more, apparently, in his ever-copious free time.

    "...So she was chosen?" He arches an eyebrow. "Now that is interesting. And you, in your case...?"

    Her tone suggests a certain answer, and yet, there is that uncertain note.

    "Then, all should be well," he answers her, though being himself he must ammend that with, "barring unforseen factors, of course. Still, though I am concerned that you feel still worse than you had been..." Perhaps now that she can walk sometimes it may abate.

    He nods then, as if in agreement to her request. "That is quite alright. I am more than happy to assist you as needed, as with the other Black Wolves."

    And it may not be a bad opportunity, at that, to fill in his self-reported gap in understanding the physiological differences between Filgaians and Hyadeans.

    Which, speaking of Hyadeans...

    "Oh, then that simplifies matters. Yes, Elly spoke to me of some of the matter," he says, gesturing vaguely. "And that you were able to achieve a strong victory against the... construct within that place?"

    He settles back in his seat, though, when she mentions 'that presence from under Wayside."

    There is a long moment of silence on his part.

    "...I see. And, do you know this Polynya?"

    Riesenlied speaks then of the fossils -- of what they mean to Hyadeans. "Yes... so I have learned. Much technological progress has been had through the use of Dragon Fossils, and yet, this is all had at the cost of desecrating the dead..." The look on his face -- however brief -- is strange. A little resigned, a little weary, but a little bit...
    It's hard to say what, precisely, the emotion behind it all is.

    In the end, he just shakes his head, and the look is gone as if it had been carried away by fastmoving water.

    "Thank you, Riesenlied. He has been... doing well, as of late. I can only hope it remains such."

    After all, the last time...

    By nature, he is prone to worrying.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    "Odoryuk is the patron Guardian of a Baskar tribe I belonged to, a long long time ago," Riesenlied explains. "But that tribe was wiped out by the Veruni..." A pause. "During our expedition to Elru, I made the choice to return there and found the Medium that had disappeared."

    'Disappeared', she thinks, but perhaps... she just blotted it in her mind.

    "As it were... even if not chosen, I have decided to carry on the legacy of Heritor of my long-gone tribe, to honour their memory."

    And on the topic of the Hyadean installment...

    "We were able to drive them back, but they took some of the remains with them," Riesenlied frowns. "At this point, I am unaware of what they might be planning next."

    And Polynya... "No... but she seemed stressed with her circumstance. I do not wish to abandon her, so in this sense, I must continue. And defend myself, if it comes to it..."

    Citan's expression catches her eye a little, the weariness... it makes sense for a doctor to respect the buried and dead. Little does she know there's something else parallel to it.

    "I hope so too. Elly has been a positive influence on his life, has it not? And, of course, with your long-lasting support too... he has talked about how important you are to him."

<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    "Wiped out by the Veruni... that part, I had not known," he muses, as she explains some of the story of the Medium. Perhaps he heard some of the story from the Black Wolves -- after all, after reuniting with them in Adlehyde, he had stayed with them after, all the way to Elru. "No, that does make sense, given their proximity to those lands. They..." He pauses, then shakes his head. "...I am sorry."

    For the loss of the tribe? Or for his somewhat-to-the-left musing?

    "If they were your tribe, perhaps it is their will that you bear it. ...Though I cannot say. I only know of the practices of the Baskar academically, I am afraid."

    He straightens slightly when she says they took some of the remains with them.

    "I see. So, there are components that are unaccounted for..."

    To say nothing of Polynya's apparently compromised state. He nods, making no remark here, as if he understood what drove her to some extent.

    Everyone has something that drives them, some element about themselves that defines them down to the core. In her case, it is her devotion. In his...

    "Yes, it seems so. I had been hoping it might be possible for him to regain a peaceful life. However..." As long as he is a member of a mercenary group -- and more to the point, as long as the world itself remains in such an uneasy way -- it seems an unlikely thing.

    And then she says that he's spoken well of Citan, himself.

    Citan smiles, though it doesn't quite meet his eyes. "Has he, now. Well, perhaps I should be flattered." He pauses a moment, glancing over at the wall. "...I suppose that goes back to his arrival in Lahan." He falls silent a moment. "Was that really six years ago? How time flies... In any case, he arrived quite badly injured, I hear, and it was some time before he recovered. It was by chance that my family and I settled in Lahan not terribly long after that. ...After he healed, though, it was, ah... difficult for him to connect with the other villagers. This is not to say that they were cold to him," he explains, shaking his head, "rather that... I suppose it is the nature of such a tightly-knit small village. Suffice to say, being both relatively new residents, it happened that we -- which is to say, myself and my family -- spent more time together."

    He sighs, glancing up at the ceiling for a brief moment. "For him, those memories must be important ones..."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    Riesenlied reminisces for a long moment -- perhaps Citan's story struck quite the chord with her, in a way Fei hadn't explained his relation to Lahan. It's hard to talk about Lahan, with how it's gone.

    "... ah, sorry," she speaks up, once she realises she had fallen into a lull in the conversation.

    "To be honest -- I resonate with that story a lot. When I first came upon the village of the Fereshte, in my time outside the Photosphere as a child, I was... similarly an outcast. Some of the adults suspected I, a horned girl, might have been a demon. The children would also tease or bully me..."

    Which gives more clues as to why she's not certain if the tribe would want her as their successor, as it were.

    A pause. "I should speak a bit more about it with Fei. I think he might appreciate a similar viewpoint."

    She smiles just a bit warmer, and looks to Citan. "I am sure he values you like family..."

<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    It's a difficult topic of discussion by any metric -- there are good memories to be had in Lahan, but even raising the subject of it is painful for Fei.

    And, even if he had only lived there three years, likely painful for Citan as well. Whatever he might ultimately feel, kept as always close to his chest, he had lived there and cared for the people there. He would have known both the survivors and those who had perished quite well.

    Silence reigns, as it does at such awkward moments.

    Citan shakes his head. "No, you have no need to apologize."

    She goes on.

    "Ah... I see. There are... similarities," he says, fidgeting a moment with his glasses. "Differences, of course, but also similarities." Lahan was a kind place -- but there are still some things you can't quite get unless you were born and raised somewhere. It would have been different if Fei had been born there, perhaps--

    And Riesenlied, meanwhile, was marked as an outcast from the start, just from her appearance.

    And yet, as he gathers, they might have -- someone might have? -- accepted her, or else she would have remained an outcast and not of the tribe.
    But on this, he says nothing.

    Instead, it is her other comment on which he remarks, "I think that may be helpful for him. He still blames himself for what happened."

    Only for her to then remark again that Fei must think of him as family. He shakes his head. "A grown son at my age... I am only thirty-three, you understand," he says, only mock-affronted, the helpless smile giving the game away.