2023-06-13: Retail Therapy

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  • Log: Retail Therapy
  • Cast: Hannah Curie, Eleanor Klein
  • Where: Klein Central Ward
  • Date: June 13, 2023
  • Summary: Hannah asks for Eleanor's help shopping for a dress to wear to the latter's wedding. Eleanor insists Hannah also pick out a few things for herself, and there is much discussion of their feelings on various topics.

============================<* Klein Central Ward *>============================

The central ward of Klein City is dominated by the great, imposing castle of House Klein, black stones with great spires stretching up to the sky atop a high cliff overlooking the rest of the city, with a fine view of the sea far below. ...But while the fortress could be imposing, it is largely open to the public, the government offices of the city sprawling from within the castle itself into the sprawling buildings that have sprung up somewhat less securely. The bureaucratic machine that oversees most of the trade of Meria Boule with other nations requires a great deal of upkeep, and many industries have sprung up to provide for and cater to the officials and merchants involved in the process. Klein City occupies a notable place at the east coast of Meria Boule, and it is in many ways its gateway to the rest of Filgaia, particularly outside Aquvy. Accordingly it is fairly cosmopolitan, favoring bright fashions and a sophistication that can sometimes grate on those who prefer more straightforward talk and manner. The rocky terrain means people are often closer together than not, but it is not known for its great machinery or production as a rule, even if it is one of the more bustling cities of Meria Boule.

BGM: Chrono Cross - Another Termina
<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

Hannah sighed as she looked at the numbers she'd jotted down. "This is hopeless."

Zephyr chirped softly, peering over the numbers.

Hannah reached up to stroke his head gently. "No matter how I rearrange it, how many extra jobs I squeeze in, how much I strip back our budget... I don't have enough money." Numerous sets of calculations were scattered around the page, and Hannah put her head down on the table. "But this is important, so... the only option left is..."

Zephyr chirped, and then leaned down to preen at Hannah's hair consolingly.

"I know, I know..." She sighed. "May as well get this over with..."

Hannah got up, putting her journal away and then slipping her bag on. She still hadn't managed to repair her cloak--that was still a work in progress, on a separate table (although it might be more properly called a work in stasis for all the success she had had in her mending efforts.) This left her in her shirt, shorts, and hiking boots. With her bag and wrapped rifle, she looked like she was ready to hit the road.

She always looked like she was ready to pick up and leave. She never seemed to settle, really. Even with the room in Klein Manor, and dutifully letting Eleanor know she was leaving to take a job each time she left, she still flitted in and out constantly, working constantly and hardly seeming to take many breaks. (At least she always returns, now.)

She set out into the manor, asking around for Eleanor until she managed to find her.

"Hey, Eleanor... Um..." This could easily be the prelude for Hannah leaving again on another job, and she always looks a little bit guilty every time she mentions she's leaving. However, this time, she follows it up with something a little different.

She looks down at her feet. "Can... we talk? I... needtoaskyouafavor," she mumbles quickly.

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

As it happens, Eleanor is not hard to find. She's discussing some arrangements with someone for the wedding, and steps out of the room she was doing that in to spot Hannah, who was advised to come around here. It's true that Hannah seems to leave a lot... but Eleanor is pleased to note that she keeps coming back at least. And here and now--

"Hannah!" she says, and she notices hte guilt. But the something... Talk?

"Oh," Eleanor says. "Certainly. Here," she says, and gestures into the sitting room she'd been using. "Come in, have a seat," she says. The person she'd been speaking to has already left; the tea is gone, but there shouldn't be a need for it at the moment. (Eleanor will get more anyway if desired).

"What's on your mind?" Eleanor asks, but only once Hannah's seated.

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

Hannah does offer Elanor a weak smile once they've spotted each other. It's brief, though. Eleanor has her join her in the sitting room and she follows, taking a seat as Zephyr hops off of Hannah's shoulder to sit on a seat back. (Luckily, he knows how to perch there without scratching any wood or fabric, so there's little worry of that.)

Once seated, she takes a moment to gather her thoughts.

"Soo... You invited me to your wedding. Annnnd I want to get somethin' nice to wear, it bein' a wedding and all. Buuuut I kind of... need to..." She takes a deep breath and blurts out the rest. "borrowsomemoney."

Which might be odd, given how frequently she leaves for jobs and how unlavish of a lifestyle she seems to lead.

There's a beat, but she hastily follows it up with, "But I ain't askin' for charity! I'll... pay you back, or... maybe I can work it off, or do somethin' to help with the wedding, or something but I just... wanna make sure I'm all presentable-like for your big day."

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

Eleanor believes in Zephyr's good manners. ...Especially when Hannah seems to be troubled. The nature of that trouble comes along quickly enough, though. Something nice to wear...


It is odd. Eleanor furrows her brow in thought. THen, that hasty warding off, that followup...

"You don't have to," Eleanor says. "It's an expense because of me, so I'm perfectly willing to take care of it. I won't hear of doing otherwise. But if it's a sticking point for you, we can come to some terms, I'm sure. I'd like to get you some new clothes, though. How about we compromise? I have access to a number of discounts because of my status..." Which she could use for Hannah's benefit. "Well, we'll figure that out. However..."

She looks thoughtful. "With as much as you work, I'm surprised. Where does all your money go? --If you don't mind my asking. I suppose that might be a little personal..."

"It's hardly charity to buy a gift or two for a friend," Eleanor points out. "...But I do have to ask."

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

Zephyr is content to let Eleanor and Hannah do the talking... though he does make a soft chirp every now and again in Hannah's direction. Perhaps it's consolation or encouragement.

Hannah does actually seem to consider that point. The expense is due to Eleanor, and once put that way... "I... hm. Okay, that's a good point. I'd... I mean, it's your wedding though, I'd still like to something to help, regardless..." Buying a wedding gift for a noble's daughter and the daughter of a merchant family is... a bit out of her means.

Eleanor mentions new clothes, and she blushes even as she turns defensive. "I... don't... need a lot of clothes, though! Once I fix my cloak I'll be fine!" That's not the first time she's said that, and it still shows no sign of being completed.

"I, well..." Hannah sighs. "Well, I got expenses. Trying to fix up my crest graphs so's they don't run wild ain't cheap, especially since I gotta experiment n' do all the work myself. But honestly... most of it I send back home." 'Home' meaning the orphanage.

Apparently she still thinks of it as home, even if it's been at least 5 years since she's been back there.

"... Figure they can use it more'n I can, you know?"

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

"Hmmm." Eleanor nods along. "Very well. I'll consider what you can help with, then. I think that's a perfectly lovely thing to do." Eleanor has some ideas, but she has to take into account a lot of different arrangements at once. "So thank you, Hannah. I think that serves as a good approach."

Eleanor grins--blushing is like blood in the water for her sometimes. "Oh, clothes aren't about what you need! It's about what you want!" She won't insist on getting rid of the cloak... but only because it's clearly important to her. Even then it's tempting to try to replace it.

"True, Crest Graphs do add up even under normal ocircumstances," Eleanor adits, but then--Hm. Home...

"I see. Well, that's a very good reason. It explains a few things. ...And it's nice. I'm glad you can do that."

"...Ah, that's..." She pauses. "Well. I've also been sending them money, you see. Not a great deal, but enough to help some. I thought it was a nice thing to do for you..." Given that she thought she was GONE.

"Hardly a problem, though. Perhaps you should check in sometime. See how 'home' is doing."

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

Hannah nods, "Thank you kindly. Just... let me know. I doubt you need the services of a crest sorceress, considerin'...." Well, considering her problem and that Eleanor, herself, is a crest sorceress. "... but I can do lots of other stuff. Me n' Zephyr both."

Hannah should really know better. But it's hard to be completely closed off from Eleanor, especially after what she inadvertently put her friend through. And really, she's a bit starved for companionship that isn't from a bird that she may or may not be supernaturally connected to in some way. "I don't want anything!" she fires back, reflexively. She's a bit tense, but then... she relents. She glances aside and in a very quiet voice she admits, "I mean, I guess it'd be nice if I had somethin' decent to wear if you'n Xiumei invite me over for tea like you were sayin' before..."

Of course, if she gets more clothes, that she can't carry around with her on the road, she'll have to keep them at the manor, and that's... one more excuse for her to stick around, now isn't it?

It explains some things. Hannah nods. "Yeah... I mean, I didn't have a lot growin' up, so... don't really need a lot now..."

She blinks. "Wait... you what? Why--" she cuts herself off immediately, realizing the answer. There's no need to say it outloud, but that surprise very quickly deflates. "... Oh. Um... Sorry." For leaving, for causing the extra expense, or both?

(It's both.)

She hesitates. "I... I want to, but... I mean, I haven't fixed my magic, I never finished Sielje, it's been so long..." And the thought of Sielje. She starts to open her mouth to say something, but then seems to think better of it.

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

"A collaborator is always useful," Eleanor offers, but it's true that there are... complications there. "...But I've seen that you have many talents. And there is a lot that needs doing."

That tension gets a brief pause from Eleanor, who has to decide how to play it from there--but when she relents, "...Yes, that's the sort of thing I'm thinking about. It's well and good to have sturdy traveling clothes, but if you allow yourself to want a few things, I don't think you'll regret it."

It sure is another means.

"Yes," Eleanor says. "You've always been like that..."

Then--yes. "It's all right," Eleanor says. "I did it in honor of a friend... and now I have a different reason to. Finding that I didn't have to help people in need is hardly a reason to be bothered."

But the hesitation... "Mm. I can see where that would all make it much harder. I think that it's worth considering all the same--but I won't force it."

"Hm? You were going to say something."

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

"If you only need a collaborator and don't want me castin' anything, I could do that... but yeah, lemme know. Even if it's just... helpin' move stuff around or set stuff up." Here she actually manages the smallest of grins. "I know you don't much care for doin' any kind of hard labor, so I'd be more than happy to do it in your stead."

Hannah sighs. "I guessss we can see what jumps out at me, but I ain't makin' any promises, now." IT's possible she just needed the excuse of resisting to allow herself that concession, in the end. And honestly, her traveling clothes could probably use a refresh, too.

After a long moment to consider it, Hannah nods. "I do much appreciate it... Truth is, home's never far from my mind, but especially recently, for... a variety of reasons..." Running into another orphanage, for one thing.

She shakes her head. "Sorry, it's nothing."

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

"...Ahahah. I've gotten a little better at that," Eleanor says, "But you're right. Not unless it's something I can show off with!" She flexes her arm!! ...Even if she didn't have sleeves on there would be no notable muscle there. It's fine.

Then, "That's fine, that's fine!"

But Hannah, "Mm... Well, if you do decide to go, and you want company, just let me know, all right? I'd be happy to go with you. It might be easier with someone else."

But nothing? "Ah! All right, then. That's fine."

"Regardless, I appreciate you taking the wedding so seriously. It's... nice."

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

Hannah watches Eleanor flex her arm. She doesn't, but... she defintiely has some tone, to her. Must come from all that rough living on the road. She doesn't bother trying to flex, though. "That's okay, Eleanor. You've got that fancy power bracelet to fall back on."

That might almost count as a playful tease. A rare sighting from Hannah, these days.

She nods, "I will. I'm sure Miss Marivel will want to go, too. But... I still... need to work my way up to that." Of course, the longer she takes, the longer it'll be and the more awkward, but... she probably doesn't need that pointed out to her.

"Of course! I... well, I'd be excited for you anyhow, but I especially want to make it up to you for..." She trails off, and really they should both know what for, at this point.

Hannah's trying her best to make up for it regardless, though.

"So... you were talkin' using discounts n' such... Do you... want to come shopping with me?" She's almost flinching as she asks that question. She's pretty sure they both have pretty different expectations of what shopping is, but... well, it's for her friend, so.

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

Eleanor laughs. "I do! It's wonderful. I never got to feel so strong as with it!" She loves that thing. And it's very handy out and about...

It's a little teasing, but Eleanor doesn't mind that.

"Oh, yes, I'd imagine she would. I'm still amused at that--at how we both had connections with her, without even realizing it. Though, of course, I didn't know at the time that I was part of a time loop with her. The first time I knowingly met Marivel was in Spira. She introduced herself as 'Irving Valeria's personal monster.' ...ANd things went on from there."

Eleanor doesn't point it out. She smiles, though. "Don't worry about that," she says of making it up. "Your presence already does that. Knowing you'll be there is lovely."

They know, though. They both definitely know.

"Oh!" Eleanor brightens. "Yes, that would be fun!" She tries not to crowd Hannah with her enthusiasm but, "Yes, let's do that. There's a number of great places here in the markets..."

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

"Yeah, I never imagined I was, either. I don't really remember the first time I met Miss Marivel--well, I know when it was, but... Um... She and Susie found me as a baby. They both used to visit me lots, just to check up on me, but, well... they were also doin' stuff for the other kids, too. But Miss Marivel used to share all kinds of books on technology n' ARMs with me...." She sighs softly. "They were so amazin', I learned so much from her, too..."

Hannah might not mind a little crowding. It's honestly nice to have the support and emotional connection. But once they're both free then...


Klein has a lot of shops. A lot of shops. Hannah mostly filters them out when she's going about her business, but being shown around is certainly eye-opening. She actually, to her credit, seems rather interested in some of the different styles around that she sees. Sure people are wearing them out and about on the street, but, but it's another thing to actually consciously inspect them, imagine herself in them...

Zephyr's taken off to go hunt, though. Not that he doesn't want to participate, but after trying to explain for the third or fourth time to a concerned shop attendant that he wouldn't be a problem girl and hawk seemed to mutually decide it would just be easier to not keep going through that.

(She might also get a few looks being dressed as a very obvious Drifter--and one who looks like she just came in off the road, no less, but Eleanor's presence is usually quite enough to smooth over any concerns there. Zephyr is just a harder sell.)

Hannah is nervous, but... there might also be a tiny flicker of excitement, deep down. But there's still plenty of nervousness as she looks through the displays in the shop they're currently in, trying to find something that speaks to her.

"Gosh. I never imagined there could be so many styles... certainly more colors than I'm used t aseeing." She might have said that a couple times already on this outing. It's fine.

"... Hey, Eleanor... mind if I ask you a question?"

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

"That's very like her," Eleanor says, and she doesn't clarify if she means the rescuing of babies, the sharing of books, or teaching. But it's nice, all the same.

Eleanor not only knows the shops, but the shops tend to know her, and by now she's picked up a few things for herself--or rather, arranged to have them delivered to the castle later. That's another handy benefit of living here!

Zephyr hunting is... for the best. But Eleanor indeed can put all concerns aside as regards obvious Drifters. She's a friend, and that's more than good enough.

"Hmmmm," Eleanor says, and considers a particular dressy shirt that she thinks might suit Hannah. But then she pauses. "Oh yes. We have all sorts of interesting dyes here, since it's a worldwide port. So we have literally more colors than a lot of places!" A smile. "And styles, too, from all over. We might even start importing from Spira soon..."

"Their fabrics are wonderful."

Then a pause. "What's the question?" she wonders. "I don't mind at all."

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

Hannah still has a hard time thinking of Marivel as a friend--but only in the way that it's hard for kids to be 'friends' with an adult in the same way that they're friends with other kids. She still views Marivel as more of a mentor than anything else. Still, she's glad to ahve made that reconnection, all the same.

Hannah is definitely grateful for Eleanor's support. It's awkward enough for her as it is without having to deal with snooty shopkeepers.

She looks with interest as Eleanor mentions importing from Spira. "Really now? That's impressive." A beat as she considers as she holds up a pink dress to herself, looking at her reflection in the mirror. "Hrmmm... Not sure..." But to Eleanor she says, "Thanks for takin' me with you to Lunar the other day. Zephyr and I both enjoyed getting to see new places, n' the library was truly somethin' else."

She looks over to Eleanor. There's probably some Proper way of approaching the topic, but that's not really her style, and they're alone enough at the moment that she decides to just ask.

"... How come I didn't see you datin' girls when we were in school?"

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

For Eleanor it's complicated in a different way; she learned how to be a responsible time traveler in part from Marivel, who learned how to be a responsible time traveler in part from her. Time loops.

"Monty," Eleanor still uses the nickname, "Has been in negotiations with a number of people on the other side. The Al Bhed in particular, but also Besaid. He saw the possibilities fairly quickly once he got over the part where I had been trapped in a country at war for a while."

Then she smiles back. "You're very welcome," Eleanor says of Lunar. "There's many other new places to see, but I thought you'd appreciate that library especially."

Then, there's definitely a Proper way somehow or another, but--"Oh!"

Eleanor looks a little sheepish. "Good question, isn't it?" It's certainly not 'well, she was engaged'. Though that was true.

"...It didn't occur to me to," she admits. "I liked boys well enough, after all. Quite well, as you'll recall. So broadening the dating pool didn't feel necessary; I just assumed that most girls liked other girls all right."

"Xiumei is actually the first woman I've been with. It came with a great many adjustments! But... it's good. Different, but good."

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

Hannah might have accidentally inspired Marivel's habit of sharing books with kids by sharing her experience of it with a younger Marivel who then went on to do the same thing with Hannah. More loops. Only this time neither of them realized this had happened until after that particular loop was tied off.

It's fine.

She catches the use of the nickname, but doesn't comment on it. "Oh, good for him. I bet they could really use the economic development..."

She puts the dress away and starts to look through some more. "I did! It was so amazing..." She pauses. "I, uh... really appreciate everything else you've done too. Puttin' me up and all. I, um... might complain about all the fanciness and hardly ever stick around much, but... it's... nice." It's a small word but still a big admission, in its own way.

"It is," Hannah confirms. "'Swhy I asked it," she says with just a hint of that teasing energy from before. Being engaged certainly didn't stop her from dating guys.

But then she does answer. "Oh, I see..." She listens. "Wait, you thought most girls liked other girls like that, or just normal like?"

"Mind if I ask what kind of adjustments? I mean, I havent really dated a lot, so I don't know what to compare it to..." There might have been a few dates at Sielje, certainly mostly guys asking her out rather than the other way around, though while most of them seem to have gone okay and she usually described the date as 'nice', it didn't seem like she got that much out of it.

She's looking around as she goes, and she makes a soft 'Oooh' sound as she spots something, though it's not immediately clear from Eleanor's line of sight what she's found.

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

Super fine!

"Strengthening the ties between our worlds seems to me like a good thing. Particularly as Spira reshapes what it was into what it will be, I think how it relates to lands close and far will be worth watching out for. I hope that we can be friends to them, as a nation."

She smiles, looking around at a few more dresses herself, but, "...You're very welcome. I'm very happy to have you around, and, well... If it's a little over-fancy, then know that i'm doing my best to be a good hostess to you." She nods firmly.

Then a laugh. She flushes a little red because she knows full well that's definitely teasing this time, but--

"A little of both? It never occured to me to try to be with a girl in that way, as I mentioned, but I thought all girls could appreciate how pretty others could be. I just thought it was aesthetic. It's... easier, to tell when a boy likes you back, I think."

"Oh, I don't mind!" she says. "Hmmm... There's a few things. For one, I sort of--well, I tended to let the man take the lead, as it were. I thought that was fairly normal and expected. But with women, there's no 'default' in that way--you have to think about it more. Not that I was some passive damsel, obviously, but--It was just the way I knew."

"There's certain precautions that I don't have to take with Xiumei, for another. And of course, a lot of other things differ in the bedroom."

"But mostly it's just... It's hard to explain, but being with a woman is different from being with a man. It's something I haven't been able to entirely put into words. Just as intense, maybe moreso in some ways--but different."

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

"And you are!" Being a good hostess, that is. "My complaining is just... me bein' ornery, and... I'll try to work on that, promise. But if I hadn't run into you, I'd... well, I don't know what state I'd be in."

It might be difficult to imagine, since she still not doing great, but... she'd be doing a lot worse without Eleanor's help.

Eleanor explains why she didn't try dating girls sooner. "Oh, I see. I suppose that makes sense..." But there's no 'default' with two women for who takes charge. "Oh, I guess I can see that... Are... you both wearing dresses for the wedding, then?"

A beat. "Do you both have a Maid of Honor and bridesmaids?"

She's not fishing for anything, she's just genuinely curious.

"Yeah, no offense, Eleanor, but I think we can skip those details." But then. "Just as intense but different... okay."

At that, she steps out holding up a dress to herself. It's a green, sleeveless number that matches her green eyes, with a voluminus, layered skirt. She's holding it up against herself for Eleanor to see--add on a few accessories and it might be the start of a wedding-appropriate outfit. "... What do you think?" she asks, rather nervously.

It is quite possibly the nicest piece of clothing she'll have ever owned, with her Sielje uniform as a very close second.

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

"Well, all right. Luckily we don't have to find out, because we did run into one another." And that's good enough for the moment.

"We are!" Eleanor enthuses. "And we do. It's going to be a woman-heavy bridal party, for sure, but we do happen to have a lot of female friends, so it works out well that way. Danielle is going to be my maid of honor again. ...This time things will stick better, I'm sure."

Then Eleanor laughs. "Oh, of course. I was just being comprehensive. We definitely don't have to go into any detail." A smile. "Yes. That's the best way I can describe it."

Then, when Hannah steps out with the dress, Eleanor looks over at her, and her eyes light up. "That's lovely!" she says. "And an ideal color, too..."

She beams. "I think it suits you very well. Let's definitely add this to the list to try on."

Because of course that's the real test!

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

"Right." Getting more stability is helping. It's slow, but... it's helping.

"Oh, that's nice for her," meaning Danielle. "... Wait, didn't you say Danielle and Montgomery were seein' each other? Is he...?"

There's no way Eleanr's ex-fiance is on the guest list... right?

"Guess it'd be easier to describe if I had any experience dating women... or at least I'd know what it was like, I s'pose."

There is a happy but shy smile as Eleanor sees the dress--and approves. "I'm so glad you think so--this might be my favorite of the lot yet." She puts it with the others and then looks to see what Eleanor's been looking at. "Kinda got an idea what I might pair it with, but we'll see. Did you find anything else interestin' to look at?"

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

"I rely on her a lot for these things--she's a party genius, for one!" A beat, "Actually, it was at the reception that they hit it off once Monty was single. He's on the list, of course. It'd offend his family otherwise, and Danielle would be disappointed." And he's a good friend! But that's not the main reason.

"Indeed. It's one of those things you have to do to figure out, I think. ...But if you ever want to talk more about it, my door's open, so to speak."

She beams. "Wonderful." Then, as to what ELeanor's looked at--mostly in warm colors, she has a few dresses and a couple pairs of shoes to try out. "These! And these shoes might be good for you with that dress, now that I see it..."

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

"Well, I guess if you and Montgomery are still on good terms, then that's okay..." She's not sure about offending Mongomery's family, but maybe that's a Noble thing. There's definitely more to the marriage considerations that she'd never have to worry about in this case.

If she were to ever get married, which... isn't something she thinks about a lot. (Though she does sometimes think about why she doesn't think about it.)

Elearnor offers to talk about it sometime if she wants, and she nods. "Okay. We'll see."

She looks over the other dresses, and also the shoes. "Oh, those might look nice. Should... we go give these a try? Seems like we've got a few..." She starts carefully gathering up the dresses. "I got these if you can get the shoes?" She starts heading for the dressing room...

And then it's a bit of an impromptu fashion show. Most of them look good, though it says more about the dress than her, in most cases. There's a red one that even looks striking, and could be argued goes with her pink hair, but doesn't seem to suit Hannah's vibe. She saves the green dress for last. "Eleanor, can you had me the shoes you thought would go with the green one?"

A few moments later and she steps out... It suits her. It looks elegant but not extravagant, (even if her bar for 'elegant' is fairly low, under normal circumstances), and while she might be a bit shy presenting herself to Eleanor, the way she looks herself over in the mirror speaks volumes, turning this way and that. "... Maybe..."

She looks to her friend. "So... how do I look?"

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

"We are. We make good friends, as it turns out; the reasons we got along in the first place haven't changed." Well, a few of them have changed, but those aren't things Eleanor needs to get into; it's true enough, after all. "We had... some things to work out," she admits, "But we've done so fairly well, I think."

But that's another time. For now, more things to try. "Sure," Eleanor says, and soon they're doing a fashion show! Eleanor likes the red one--but it doesn't suit Hannah very well, no. ...She thinks of having Danielle try it instead. Eleanor saves her own choices for after; she can show off after they've accomplished their goal! But when it comes to the shoes..

"Got them."

"Ah!" Eleanor claps once when Hannah comes out. She sees how she looks at herself; she sees how it suits her, rather than just being good-looking. "Beautiful," Eleanor declares. "It suits you wonderfully."

She beams. "What do you think? That's what really matters, of course. But I think you have a winner..."

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

Hannah isn't an expert, but she suspects that calling a wedding off at the wedding and then the groom that got dumped hooking up with the bride's sister could get very messy, and it sounds like it hasn't, so... that's good, right? "That's good that you're still friends. I always thought Montgomery was nice." But they had things to work out... "I'll bet."

Hannah isn't terribly used to trying on lots of fancy clothes, but as long as it's just her and Eleanor, who already knows her background... it's fine. Eleanor's always been a good friend like that. She looks at herself a moment longer, turning this way and that. "... Eleanor, I need you to do me a favor." She looks at Eleanor. "Don't tell me how much this dress costs, or I'll never be able to enjoy it."

"But... I think I like it. A little fancy, but not too fancy, and... will this look good at a fancy high-society wedding?" She can only imagine who's on the guest list given the two people involved. Though, it occurs to her there may be a fair number of drifters, so it might not be all bad...

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

That's all very true. Very... very true. Some have found it odd that Eleanor doesn't mind Monty hooking up with her near-identical sister, but their personalities are at least very different, so maybe that's why? Either way. "Yes. ...I wasn't always very good to him," she admits, "But that's in the past, now." And mostly between her and him.

It's just her and Eleanor for now! And Eleanor does her best. But then the favor? Eleanor smiles, and then inclines her head. "My lips are sealed." She'llo never mention it!

"It will!" Eleanor says. "Of course, there's not only society types present--but even among those, you could be proud of this look, I think. Going full 'idle heiress' wouldn't suit you."

"...Well. I'll have it sent off, and my tailor will want to make a couple of adjustments for you, if you don't mind. ...But could we get a few more things, too? I want you to have a bit more to just wear. In case your current clothes are damaged, of course."

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

Hannah gives Eleanor a curious eybrow raise. "Hard to imagine you not bein' nice to someone, Eleanor." But she doesn't comment further, letting the matter rest. She doesn't need to be privy to everything, after all.

She knows this isn't the fanciest dress out there... but it's still far more than she'd be comfortable knowing the price of.

She looks at her reflection a bit nervously, but does nod a bit when Eleanor says it's a look she could be proud of. "Good." She's not ashamed of her upbringing, but she does concern herself a lot with fitting in. Eleanor probably noticed her working very hard to fit in at Sielje, for instance. This time though, it's not just for herself, it's for Eleanor. "No, it wouldn't, but..." She sighs, knowing that now she's done the first thing, there'll be a chain of things to follow. "... I should probably..." She glances aside. "... do somethin' with my hair, an' all that, huh?"

But Eleanor mentions a tailor. "Oh, there's no need for that, I can fix it up--" She pauses, looks down at herself, and the nback to Eleanor. "... On second thought, I'll let your tailor do it." She's used to fixing and mending things back home, especially hand-me-downs, but this might just be a bit beyond her talents.

"Well... I suppose since we're already out..." She ducks into the changing room and comes out in her traveling attire, handing the dress and shoes off to Eleanor. "Did... you see anything you thought might suit me? I think there's a thing or two that caught my eye..."

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

"Well..." Eleanor laughs nervously. It's hard to explain. But luckily Hannah doesn't press the matter, so they can move on from there for the moment. Instead...

She smiles back. Hannah does work hard at fitting in. "Yes!" she says of hair. "I can help with that, though. We'll find something that suits you, and that isn't so much trouble that you can't be comfortable. How does that sound?"

She wants to make it easy on Hannah... But she does know there's a bit more to it. "Maybe a manicure?" She can hope!

But then there is--Eleanor does not laugh or smile at that. But, "Yes. She's specialized in this sort of thing. Most of what she actually does for a living is alterations."

But they are already out... Eleanor takes the dress and shoes, and once she has a chance, she'll give them to the shopkeep to have delivered.

"Oh, I did see something! I saw you looking at it earlier, and I think it might really suit you..."

Eleanor leads the way back to the articles in question!

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

Hannah sighs and nods as Eleanor offers to help her figure something out with her hair. "Alright. I'd be much obliged for the help..." Along with all of the other help, of course.

She glances sidelong at Eleanor as she suggests a manicure, as if she's suspicious of something, or possibly trying to figure out how to weasel out of it. But ultimately... she sighs and nods. "I suppose. But only this one time, because it's your wedding."

"No kiddin'. All she does is alterations, huh? And she can make a livin' off of just that? Well whaddya know..." This might honestly be a new idea to her, the way she says that with a tiny bit of wonder and fascination.

And Eleanor leads them to... a much more casual, but still green, dress. It's designed to be minimalistic, so it looks nice even without being overworked, with a flowing skirt that goes down to about the knees. Hannah's eyes light up. "Oh! Well, this ain't too bad at all, honestly."

She picks it up and holds it against herself to look at the mirror, and nods. "Um..." She suddenly looks a bit nervous. "I... think I know what..." She goes and picks up a couple of things, heads to the dressing room for a moment, and then steps out...

She's wearing the dress, and on top she's layered a denim jacket (it does get rather chilly down by the port section of town, after all), and a belt. She's wearing her trusty hiking boots, and overall while this won't take her on the trail, she is much more suited to walking around town.

Admittedly, she might look more ready to walk around town if she didn't have her pouch with her crest graphs hanging from the belt on her hip and her satchel (with wrapped rifle attached) slung behind her, but...

Baby steps.

She looks to Eleanor. "It... it looks nice, and it's practical, I think... It can be both of those at once, right? Does it look okay?"

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

Eleanor doesn't really consider 'doing someone's hair' to be a favor worthy of repayment... but she knows Hannah might feel differently. As to a manicure, "Oh good! It'll be fun!" Yes, yes, only this time. She heard, honest!

"She can! She's very, very good. She does other projects than mine, of course. And she has her own pursuits. But that's what I pay her for, at least." Eleanor may not be the most frugal--she has Xiumei to help with that--but she knows full well about a lot of occupations' viability.

But here, this new green dress... "Oooh." Green--Hannah clearly likes green. And it's not too fancy...

"Oh? By all means!"

Eleanor waits--an then her eyes light up when she sees Hannah's new look. "Oh!" she says. "Yes, it's definitely both. I find that practical things often look better for it--you're more comfortable in it so you can show your personality more."

"Nice choice!" she beams.

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

Hannah wasn't really counting it as an obligation to be paid back--she's kind of lumping it all in with 'this is for the wedding.' And also the manicure, too. Just this once. Though... "... if you've got any other suggestions... I mean, this is for your wedding n' all, so..."

She considers that. "I guess if most of the clothing is being sold premade, and not tailored to someone's measurements, you'd need to make a lot of adjustments, huh?" Hannah can also help with budgeting, but her version is probably... incompatible with Eleanor's lifestyle.

If Hannah's only gonna have a few outfits, she might as well make sure they're in her favorite colors.

Hannah nods as Eleanor confirms that it both looks nice and is practical, like she thought. She turns to look at herself in the mirror, checking herself out from different angles as she continues to explain, though pauses...

"My personality, huh...?" She frowns at her reflection as she considers that. She hasn't been in a great headspace for a while, and... she's finally started to admit that to herself, but it's still a work in progress.

She gives Eleanor a shy smile as she confirms they were nice choices though. "Thanks. It... does feel nice having something that won't stick out so much while I'm in town, I guess..."

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

"Hmmmm," Eleanor considers for suggestions. "Don't worry, I won't make it too onerous," she answers with a wink. She might get some other ideas. But...

"Exactly right. While we do occasionally commission specific garments, for the most part these days with trade being what it is it's simply more efficient to alter the things we can get from around the world."

Eleanor's lifestyle is... not budgeted in the same way, no.

"That's right," Eleanor says. "That clever, 'free' girl I know. Yes, you've got a lot on your mind, but..."

"You need a style that lets you move, I think. That lets you have that 'freedom.' Like a Drifter should."

She smiles again. "I'm glad you think so. I won't ask you to think of it as home... But I hope we can find that Klein is a place you can be more comfortable all the same."

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

"I see... I guess that way you get to be surprised by the things you might find, rather than havin' to decide everything yourself... Like all the things that might come in from Spira someday."

"Well that's awful nice of you to say, but... I ain't been feeling much of either clever or free, lately... Mostly tired." She sighs. "Sorry, sorry. This is supposed to be about your wedding and all, I'll try not to be all gloomy."

"A style that lets me move, huh..." She looks down at herself and does a quick little turn. "I guess this is easy to move in... Not that I plan on usin' it for any Drifter business, though. Much too nice for that."

"Klein ain't so bad, no... It's... I mean, I don't usually get to explore a city in depth like this... even with all the jobs I've been taking on. It's... interesting, the little shops and such you find, when you have the chance."

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

"Yes1 It's more fun, I think, for most clothes. Sometimes you know what you want, but... Sometimes it just is nice to be surprised."

She looks sympathetic at Hannah's next statement. "It's all right," she says. "I'll try to give you more reasons to have energy!"

But she smiles. "Haha. That's fair. It would add up having to repair nicer things all the time..."

But it's... Hmm. "Yes. You travel, but you've been reluctant to stick around places, for I think very understandable reasons." She smiles. "Klein has all sorts of things like that. I love this city. It's why..."

She hesitates, and then shakes her head. "No, I'll get into that another time. It's my turn not to be gloomy. ...And I think it's my turn to try on some outfits! Are you ready?"

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

Hannah shakes her head a little, "Energy's not the problem, Eleanor..." But she does smile a little, despite the protest, and even though there's a little sadness in it, it's still happier than not. "I appreciate the thought, though. And even though I've been running off all the time, um... Having you to talk to helps. And, I appreciate everything you're doing for me, even if I ain't so good at showin' it sometimes."

"That it would. But... I guess I am due for a new set of traveling clothes... but probably not a dress, so maybe in another store..."

She looks tto Eleanor curiously when she cuts herself off this time. More things they can talk about later, then. But she nods, "Sure! Gimme a sec." She gets changed out of the dress--gotta get that rung up, after all--and then steps aside, giving Eleanor the dressing room.

"I'm... actually a little bit curious to see what you've picked out."

She got to spend some time with Eleanor, managed to reaaionalize getting new clothes to herself, and she actually found some things like liked. All in all... not a bad day's worth of shopping.