2024-05-15: Just Perfect

From Dream Chasers
Revision as of 22:05, 21 May 2024 by Sheriff Star (talk | contribs) (Created page with "*'''Log: 2024-05-15: Just Perfect''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Redi Hayworth, Character :: Yulie Ahtreide *'''Where:''' Cerulean Gym, Cerulean City, Energy Nede *'''Date:''' May 15, 2024 *'''Summary''': ''Redi and Yulie had agreed on a second date, at Cerulean City's Gym. Which, in the Nedian tradition, doubles as a civic site. Sometimes, things just seem to fit.'' ---- <Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed. <poem> A ''second'' date! Redi has never been on a...")
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  • Log: 2024-05-15: Just Perfect
  • Cast: Redi Hayworth, Yulie Ahtreide
  • Where: Cerulean Gym, Cerulean City, Energy Nede
  • Date: May 15, 2024
  • Summary: Redi and Yulie had agreed on a second date, at Cerulean City's Gym. Which, in the Nedian tradition, doubles as a civic site. Sometimes, things just seem to fit.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

A second date!

Redi has never been on a second date before. Either Redi, for that matter. And, as they promised, they dressed up for it!

But traveling together means outfit reveals are before they arrive at the aquarium -- actually Cerulean Gym -- and Redi is in the hallway, outside their room, while Yulie finishes. Redi took the room; Yulie had the bathroom.

Redi is wearing a button-up white shirt, short-sleeved, and with a patterned black vest, with red and gold colors swirled through it. She also has a dark red tie on, underneath; and, for once, isn't in shorts or a skirt. She has somewhat snug-fitting slacks, with polished black leather shoes.

And she has a hat!

She must have a hat.

But it's a dark grey, patterned newsboy hat instead. It has a golden button on one side. Redi leans back against the wall, takes a breath, and tries to center herself.

...She is more than a little nervous.

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

A second date... Yulie is nervous, too. She hadn't anticipated the first one, and that may be part of why it went so well. Now that she's conscious of it... is it going to go nearly as well? What if she messes it up? Yulie stares at herself in the mirror... the exhales, smacking her cheeks to psych herself up.

...It's okay. She'll be fine. It'll be fine. She trusts Redi - even if she slips up somewhere, it won't be the end of the world. This is going to be a fun night - she just has to remind herself of that. And so...

Yulie emerges. There's a nervous look on her face, but it flees immediately as she spots Redi in her new outfit. She gasps, almost.

"Wow, Redi... you look incredible..." Yulie enthuses, in awe. It's a striking and very dashing look for her. Seeing her look that good, it's hard to feel nervous...

As for Yulie herself, she's chosen a long, rich blue dress with white ruffles around the skirt and silver buttons up the top. Accompanying it is a matching long-sleeved shrug, connected in the middle with a ribbon of a lighter blue, and white shoes. She's elected to wear her hair down today - her usual ribbon instead worn around her left wrist.

"I'm a little nervous, but... I'm looking forward to today." Yulie says, with a shy smile.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

Redi looks up when she hears the door open. When she sees Yulie--well, she had told her that she thought she looked cute in Nedian clothes...

But this is something else. She flushes, her cheeks turning red, as she looks at her. She actually takes a second to find her words. "Y-You look amazing!" she says. "I... I really like the dress. And your ribbon!"

It's nice to see she still wears it. Redi smiles, straightening her back out. "I'm glad I pulled the look off."

She swallows, then she nods. "Me too. Uh, nervous and looking forward to it." She holds her hand out towards Yulie, then, and glances down the hallway of their hotel. "Ready? It's not a long walk at all."

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

Seeing the look on Redi's face when she spots... Yulie won't like it feels... actually pretty good. Yulie beams, pleased, and offers her a smile.

"Thank you, I'm glad." She replies, brightening. "I really like your vest. The tie really suits you, too... And the colors! They're perfect for you."

She laughs fondly as Redi states her gratitude, and then nods. She reaches out, taking Redi's hand.

"Ready." She confirms with a nod.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

"Y-You think so? I thought--you know, the uniform, it's so blue. I should try something not blue? But the same style, I think it works, and..." Redi laughs, trailing off. "I'm glad."

She squeezes Yulie's hand, when she takes it. It is, indeed, a short walk; out of the front door of the hotel, and then onto the street. The aquarium-slash-gym towers over them, in the distance.

She looks sideways at Yulie. And she is nervous, because--because for a second, she isn't sure what to say.

Then, she breathes out. "So, um..." She laughs a little. "...Is the ribbon a keepsake? I really like it. It looks like the same one that you usually put in your hair.""

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

Redi laughs, and Yulie laughs along with her.

"Oh, I know all about that." She says. Her uniform is blue, too... She does like blue, but it does put a thought in her head. Maybe she should be a little more adventurous and try something new, herself...

Yulie offers Redi a smile as she squeezes her hand, and then, they walk. The aquarium really is a remarkable sight, towering over them... She can really tell that it, and the gym inside it, is the pride of Cerulean City.

Her attention is drawn away from it, though, as Redi starts to speak. She can tell that she's a little nervous... though the question surprises her. She raises her wrist, staring at the ribbon for a moment.

"Something like that." She replies. There's a fond, nostalgic, yet somber smile on her face as she looks it over. "It was a gift from my brother. I've worn it ever since. It used to be so big on me..."
All channels have been gagged.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

"Blue looks good on you!" Redi says. Then, she laughs. "But... we've maybe established I'm biased."

She keeps walking -- stopping as they get to the short line to enter; a brief hold-up as people find their way inside. She looks at Yulie, and she can spot the way she feels nervous.

She smiles at her.

"I didn't know you have a brother..." She trails off for a second. "It looks really good on you! Th-though... I like your hair down, too." She coughs, looking forward.

"...I-I wasn't sure," she admits after a moment's pause, a little quieter. "If you, um--how you felt about me. You know, with everything going on. And even if... you, um. If you liked women that way, or..."

She trails off.

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

"Yes." Yulie replies with a laugh. "I don't mind that, though."

They make their way to the line. It figures it would be a popular location. She wonders if potential challengers have to wait in line, too... That'd be one way to keep them on edge, she supposes. When Redi comments on her brother, Yulie nods.

"Yes. He left the Orphanage before I did. He was... recruited, by the military." She explains. "...I'm sure I'll see him again, though."

It feels a little hard to believe somedays, with the world in the shape it's in... but she still earnestly holds to that promise.

"Thank you." She smiles... and chuckles, as Redi says she likes her hair down. She runs a hand idly through her hair. That had been Raquel's suggestion... it looks like she was spot on. She'll have to thank her later.

She looks her way as she starts to speak. It's something that takes her some effort to say... so she listens carefully.

"Redi..." Yulie murmurs. "Honestly, my feelings are all a bit of a jumble. I haven't really had the chance to... think about anything like this before. My heart is pulling me every which way, and it's all kind of a mess... It's all so new and strange to me."

She chuckles a bit sheepishly... but then she turns too face her fully, taking Redi's other hand in her own, holding them both tightly.

"...But I do know you mean a lot to me. And I feel... happy, and at ease, when I'm around you." She says. "I like you, Redi. That's enough for me to try."

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

"Oh--oh, I'm sorry," Redi says, her voice quiet. She almost winces -- maybe that wasn't the best thing to bring up on the date. "But... I bet he'd be glad you've got his ribbon, still."

She looks sideways at Yulie, for a moment. It wouldn't surprise her that Raquel offered a suggestion -- Redi doesn't quite know her well, but...

Raquel seems like the sort of person who would know a little more, there.

She quiets, though, when Yulie speaks. She glances down, then she nods. "I... I get that," she says. Her other hand is taken -- and she turns, to face Yulie, too. She smiles at her, and she squeezes both of her hands.

"I'm glad," she says. "I--I feel the same. I mean... it's easy to get in my own head, you know? About whether I'm really me. And you listened, when I was at my worst. And around you..."

She squeezes her hands back. "I worried I was too much of a mess. But... I don't feel like a mess with you," she says. "And I really like you, too. And--"

Someone behind them -- a young Nedian woman, standing near another girl -- clears her throat. "E-Excuse me, um..."

She points. "...the line is kind of moving? Y-You might want to go inside."

Redi blinks her eyes a couple of time.

"...Oh gosh," she stammers.

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

"It's okay." Yulie assures, offering her a smile. She doesn't mind talking about it. "I think he would, too. And..."

She chuckles, just a bit.

"I've grown up so much since then... but at least this way he has something to recognize me by." She says.

Redi faces her, in turn, and squeezes her hands back. Yulie smiles. She's glad to hear she feels the same way.

"I know how that feels..." Yulie says with a nod. The circumstances are different... but getting in her own head, that's something she knows all too well.

"I'm glad." Yulie murmurs. She waits, eyes on her, for reach her conclusion...

And then, the sound of a clearing throat. Yulie, in contrast to her incredibly blue outfit... goes BRIGHT red as she remembers, oh yeah, they're in line in a public place... She opens her mouth to speak - but it comes out as more of a 'squeak' at first.

"O-oh goodness I'm so sorry..." Yulie apologises quickly. "U-um, shall we....?"

She looks toward Redi.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

Redi blinks once -- then she smiles, and she nods quickly. It makes perfect sense: a way for her brother to recognize her, despite all of those years apart. A way, maybe, to make it so tragedy isn't the only thing at work.

"I like that idea," she says. There's more she can say; more that comes to mind.

But... let them find him, first.

Redi turns redder, when she sees Yulie go bright red. She looks at the other girl, then she nods quickly. "S-Sure, yeah, onward! T-To the aquarium!"

And if she zips a little -- though not at the sort of speed that she'd pull Yulie too much -- maybe it can be forgiving.

But the inside of the aquarium is stunning. They enter, and find themselves in a great glass room. Floor to ceiling, and then even past the ceiling, is thick glass that holds water all around them. There is coral inside, and kelp, and...

So, so many aquatic Pokemon. A few Horsea move on by; a school of Goldeen swim to their left; a Magikarp looks almost graceful. A Wailmer is in the distance.

Redi stares. She forgets to finish what she was saying earlier, as an Octillery poofs over their heads.

"O-oh my gosh, Yulie!" she exclaims. "L-Look at this!"

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

Yulie smiles, and relief is visible on her face. It's good to know others feel the same way - that it isn't just her grasping at straws, if someone else thinks it's a good idea.

"O-onward!" Yulie agrees, and bows politely to the other girls. "U-um, enjoy your visit!"

Redi zips, but Yulie doesn't mind - she keeps up the pace, not wanting to continue that awkward social interaction any longer, either.

They slow down as make their way inside... and Yulie stares, eyes wide in awe as they step into the glass room. Clear, transparent glass on all sides, with water beyond - water teeming with life.

She's struck silent, just staring at it all.

"Yes, it's incredible..." She replies, awestruck. "How did they manage to pull off something like this? And look at all of those Pokemon... Oh, those ones with the curly tail are really cute..."

She doesn't know 'Horsea' yet.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

"Right?" Redi says, as she looks around -- eyes briefly lingering on the Wailmer. Which, as it happens, is swimming merrily in the distance. "There's so much water. Like it's gotta be like... a lake's worth, right? And they're all so--"

She stares for a second, at a couple of Magikarp. Which are wide-eyed and lazily swimming by. "Cute..."

And they're not scared of Redi! (Because of the glass, which is almost three feet thick.)

"Oh, oh, I'm not sure what those are!" Redi stays, as she steps closer to the glass. "They're cute, though. And look at those!"

She points at the Goldeen. "Those are so shiny."

Redi stepping so close to the glass makes her reflect in it -- which distorts the reflection, and gives her quite the face. She doesn't quite notice.

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

It really is a lot of water. It's incredible, really. The idea of having so much water all around her would be worrying if she didn't have so much faith in the Nedians' ability to construct things safely.

Yulie's eyes track to the Wailmer, too, following Redi's gaze. It's so round, and seems to be enjoying itself so much... And then she looks to the Magikarp.

They're a little goofy, but... that only increases their charm.

"They really are." Yulie agrees - and then she looks toward the Goldeen with interest as Redi points them out.

"Oh, wow, they are... They're really pretty." She agrees. She looks toward Redi - and because of that, she spots her reflection in the glass... and, of course, she can't help but giggle at that. She steps up a bit closer, too.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

"I want fish like that some day," Redi says. Of course, there are problems with collecting Pokemon, for her. But... maybe, one day, she can figure something out.

She grins when Yulie giggles -- catching her reflection in the glass and seeing why -- and then she beams.She watches as Yulie steps closer.

She looks back up at the Octillery, watching its tentacles wiggle -- and send it puffing along into the ocean. She also takes a look around, spotting another couple. That gives her an idea. Or, maybe, some courage.

So, after a moment's hesitation...

She puts an arm around Yulie's shoulders, like she did in the cave.

"H-How's that?" she asks, and it's her turn to sound nervous.

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

"I'm sure you'll find one, someday." Yulie encourages. She knows it'll be difficult for her, but... surely there's a fish out there that will be okay with Redi and her situation. They just have to find one.

Octillery wiggles, then goes on its way... Yulie watches it leave, as Redi's attention turns elsewhere...

And then, an arm finds its way around her shoulders. Yulie looks at it... and then, at Redi.

She's a little nervous about it, but... at the same time, it feels nice. So, after gathering her own courage, she offers her a smile.

"It's perfect." She assures with a smile, resting a hand on hers for a moment before letting it fall away.

<Pose Tracker> Redi Hayworth has posed.

"I hope so..." Redi says, but she does look happy at the reassurance. Eventually, one day, they can figure out a Pokemon that she doesn't scare off.

And, besides, she can't really be down right now.

She has her arm around Yulie -- and she's smiling at her -- and they're here. Even if they're both nervous.

She smiles back at Yulie, her fingers squeezing Yulie's hand for just a second, before it slips away.

"Mm-hm," Redi answers. "Just perfect."

<Pose Tracker> Yulie Ahtreide has posed.

One day...

But right now, they're here. Right now, the two of them enjoying each other's company is all that matters. She smiles as Redi agrees from her and, after taking a moment to come to a decision...

...Leans to the side a bit, resting her head on Redi's shoulder as they watch the water life ahead of them together.