2024-05-25: Family Secrets

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Revision as of 20:14, 25 May 2024 by Bel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "*'''Log: Family Secrets''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Sable Aomori, Character :: Whit Aomori *'''Where:''' Cafe, Cerulean City, Energy Nede *'''Date:''' May 25, 2024 (506 PC Filgaian) *'''Summary''': ''While preparing for the next of the Four Fields, Sable invites her brother out to a cafe in Cerulean to have a serious conversation. They discuss their mother primarily.'' ---- <Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed. <poem> Cerulean City is a beautiful place, on...")
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  • Log: Family Secrets
  • Cast: Sable Aomori, Whit Aomori
  • Where: Cafe, Cerulean City, Energy Nede
  • Date: May 25, 2024 (506 PC Filgaian)
  • Summary: While preparing for the next of the Four Fields, Sable invites her brother out to a cafe in Cerulean to have a serious conversation. They discuss their mother primarily.

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

Cerulean City is a beautiful place, on the shore of a large lake. It's light out today as it is most days that it doesn't need to rain, and it's morning. Here on Lakeway Street there are many cafes, and that is where we are at the moment:

At a small booth in the back of a Kalos-style cafe. Sable Aomori sits there, waiting for her brother; she has a coffee and a Berry tart, and there is already a tart waiting for Whit as well, though not a drink because that would get cold.

She's dressed for travel; her usual jacket, her rune-inscribed sneakers, and so on. She is as thoughtful as ever.

She has news...

And she has Ulpi!! Ulpi (the Prinplup now) is in the booth on her side with her, nomming some Poke Puffs.

<Pose Tracker> Whit Aomori has posed.

Whit sidles into the cafe and joins Sable in her booth. "Sorry I'm late!" he says breezily. Then, "Ulpi! You've evolved!!" He glances at his sister. "Congratulations! Is that why you wanted to see me?" He remembers well when Chauncey evolved...The Ivysaur accompanies him, as always. Good thing the cafe is 'mon-friendly!

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

"It's okay," Sable says, and there's a warmth in her voice that isn't usually there. "I'm happy to see you."

A pause. "Yes! He has!" Ulpi crows proudly (but quietly), "Prin!"

"He evolved in battle. Against some very dangerous people... But he's really strong now. He's learned some Lunarian moves, even."

"Hi, Chauncey." She waves. "But... No. I had something serious to talk about. But first I'm supposed to ask how you're doing."

"How's traveling? Have you been to any new places?"

<Pose Tracker> Whit Aomori has posed.

"I've been to several places on Filgaia...it's...very different from what we're used to," he replies. "And how have you been?" he asks, his expression serious. If Sable has concerning news instead of good, it's bound to be very concerning indeed! "Are you all right? Is Mom all right?" He ignores the berry tart for now in favor of worrying about Serious Issues.

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

"I see... That's very cool. I want to go more places on Filgaia, too." A nod. She knows this dance! Socializing is important! "I've been OK. I'm working on visiting the Four Fields, and trying to get stronger. I want to fight for Energy Nede."

A pause. "I'm okay. And Mom's okay, but..."

"Mom's helping Team Rocket," Sable explains. "She believes that Energy Nede is stagnant, and that the best way to change it and to help our future--yours and mine--is Team Rocket. ...I don't like it, and I told her so. She told me..."

"She told me that I should prove that I have a 'better way', and then she might listen."

<Pose Tracker> Whit Aomori has posed.

"Are you -- are you sure?" Whit stammers, aware even as he says it that it's a stupid question. His sister always knows what she's doing. And things start clicking into place.

        Anne's mysterious comings and goings.

                The company she keeps.

                        Her many late-night 'work meetings.'

"I didn't see it -- I'm such an idiot!" he blurts, slapping his forehead in chagrin. Chauncey approaches him with a comforting "veeeeeee!" but Whit shoos him away gently.

"We need to talk to her -- to convince her to stop!"

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

"She told me herself, when I asked."

She's sure. And the only reason she had a chance to find out is that she's been tangling with Team Rocket more than her brother, she thinks.

"You're not!" Sable says, and you can tell she means it because she uses an exclamation point which she almost never does. "...She's hidden it. Because... I guess because she didn't want us to find out. She wasn't very happy that I did..."

Ulpi watches carefully, and places a wing on Sable's arm.

"I tried," she says. "But she said that words wouldn't be enough. She seems to think that the Pokemon League and the government won't do enough about the Ten Wise Men..."

"And that it's a chance to use the skills she taught us."

<Pose Tracker> Whit Aomori has posed.

"It sounds like she has the courage of her convictions," Whit says. "It won't be easy to persuade her." It's still sinking in. His mother is a mobster. "Did she say why stagnation is such a bad thing? It beats conflict and war...unless there are good reasons." He's seen them in action on Filgaia, with kingdoms and empires constantly at odds with each other. "Fighting the Ten Wise Men, I understand...they're a threat to all of Energy Nede...."

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

"...She said it was fine that I was going against her, as long as I didn't expect them to go easy on me." A ause. "It won't..."

Sable tilts her head. "No, she didn't. She just said it was bad. But I didn't ask, either. I didnt think about it..."

"Yes. I'm going tonight, to another of those 'training grounds'. ...If I can beat Mom, I have to be strong, too. So... I have a lot of reasons, now."

"...I think maybe it's like the old stories... How our ancestors did all this secret stuff."

<Pose Tracker> Whit Aomori has posed.

Whit remembers those old stories. He nibbles on his tart thoughtfully, nodding his thanks. "I can't imagine going up against her...she's our *mother!*" A dangerous opponent indeed -- but that's not why he hesitates. "I think," he says at last, "it'll take *everyone* to take down the Ten Wise Men -- if it can be done. We need to talk to her about that..."

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

Sable sips her (extremely sweetened) coffee. "Yeah..." Sable nods. "I've known Laqui all my life, too." Her Typhlosion. "And she's..." Well, she's their mother.

"...Yes," Sable agrees. "I think so too. Whether we can do it or not, we have to do our best. And that's going to take people working together..."

"Maybe that'll be the answer? Convincing her we need to work together."

<Pose Tracker> Whit Aomori has posed.

"It's worth a shot," Whit comments. "I wonder if she'll be amenable?" He winces. "I suppose the worst that can happen is that she'd say 'no'.... You don't suppose" -- and here his voice drops to a whisper-- "she's being blackmailed to stay with them?" He wants to believe the best of Anne, he really does! "It sounds like she'd be open to a third path -- if we can find one."

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

"I dunno..." She stops, and then, "She said she wanted me to find my own way. I think that's true for you, too. But--" Whisper whisper. "Blackmail," she repeats. "...I wonder what they would have on her...?" Sable can't rule it out, either.

"Yeah. She said so, anyway. Something that doesn't rely on just the governmennt, doesn't leave it all to the Visitors, and doesn't make people sad..."

<Pose Tracker> Whit Aomori has posed.

"Well, the more people who unite against the Ten Wise Men, the better. Her, us, the government, the Visitors, everyone! Surely she realizes being conquered by them would be even worse than 'stagnation!'" His expression grows even more serious. Being a secret ninja wasn't nearly as cool as everyone thought -- or would think, if they knew. "That might be the best angle to take."

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

"That's true... But I guess we have to think about what happens 'after', too. If the Visitors do most of the work, then they get to decide what happens next. ...Same for 'Team Rocket'." But it would assuredly be worse. Sable is pretty certain of that, too.

She does like being a secret ninja, but... It's more complicated than she imagined.

"It might. ...I just..."

"I thought I wanted to tell you. It's always been easier to do stuff if I knew you were on my side."

<Pose Tracker> Whit Aomori has posed.

"Always," he says. "In fact, if you like, I'll go with you to the training ground to cheer you on!"

"You're right. But Nede's fate should be decided by the Nedians...not outsiders, and not them." He doesn't want to mention Team Rocket in case they're overheard. Nedian ears are very sensitive! No one's seated right next to them, but why take chances? "We will discuss this with Mom together, later." He appreciates her letting him know but is still having trouble wrapping his head around it. Didn't the Aomori family have secrets enough already??

<Pose Tracker> Sable Aomori has posed.

Sable smiles. It's small, but it's there. "I wouldn't want you to go unless you felt ready too... But I'll remember you're cheering for me while I'm there. Maybe you should visit them too though, if you're thinking of fighting. Chauncey was always retty strong..."

Sable nods. "That's what I think, too. They want to get ahead by stepping on others... but I don't think we have to do things that way."

She nods again. "Okay. When we can... We'll both talk to her, then."

Apparently not quite enough secrets yet!

<Pose Tracker> Whit Aomori has posed.

<poem>Whit sighs, relieved to be changing the subject. "Yes, Chauncey's special. I guess all Trainers think their Pokémon are!" He scritches the Ivysaur affectionately, and Chauncey croons. Whit absent-mindedly slips him a PokePuff, which he gulps down eagerly. He may be able to photosynthize, but he never turns down a snack! "Together! You, me, and all of our 'mons!"