2018-02-04: House o' Rest

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  • Log: House o' Rest
  • Cast: Riesenlied, Jacqueline Barber, Shalune Amira, Maya Schrodinger
  • Where: Wayside Village
  • Date: February 4th, 2018
  • Summary: Jacqueline and Shalune visit Wayside for a time, to chat with Riesenlied and the children, who are keeping an eye on her, and talk inevitably turns to work... Maya pops in for a chat, as well.

============================<* Wayside Village *>=============================

Wayside Village sits at the midst of a road exchange leading into the neck of the Badlands. Decades ago, this village was abandoned due to increasing pressure and risk from roadside thieves and bandits, as well as aggressive wildlife, but it was resuscitated recently by the Ebony Wings.

Now, Wayside Village stands as a haven "for those who have been left by the wayside" - it houses an orphanage, school and a homeless shelter and soup kitchen to aid those that have been abetted. A vulnerable, but growing community has gathered here, slightly odd in shape, size and appendages, owing to them being mostly "Tainted" -- rumored to be broken Metal Demons, or perhaps just Beastmen and other demihumans; the real story isn't quite widespread. Besides, those that have nowhere to go seem to be happy enough to coexist here.

For Drifters, a large roadside saloon called the "V4L-H4LLA" acts as an inn, a watering hole and a stable all in one. Those with vehicles that require repair can also find some mechanics who can enact some basic maintenance and a top-up of common fuels. A dojo with all kinds of martial training equipment has been set up near the village centre.

Wayside Village sustains itself largely by trading and selling water for other services, owing to its recently repaired water purifier unit - served to the village via a Qanat with a robust irrigation system stands at the edge of the village, where a Garden with simple hardy crops and other agricultural pursuits can be followed.

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4uR39jNeGE
<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

        Upon her next visit to Wayside, Jacqueline Barber wound find the small village of Metal Demons bustling with a nervous yet empowered kind of energy; the large hole from the battle with Rahab's been paved over with something approximating a floor bay door, albeit makeshift; several parts of the carrier are being worked on independently in sheds that, again, approximate some kind of shipyard... if things were made out of duct tape and gumption.

        But then again, that's Wayside, isn't it?

        Riesenlied, however, is nowhere to be seen in the midst of it, which is unusual. Yet something more unusual and amusing is the sign outside the orphanage door, which reads in bright crayon:

                           MOMMY UNDER HOUSE ARREST
                               MIKAIA AND JANEY

        Riesenlied is facing one of her toughest challenges, clinging her hands close as she feels her fingers sweat. She gazes towards Janey, horns wiggling--

        "D-do you have a... a... a five?"

        Janey pumps her hands up.

        "GO FISH!"

        Her horns wilt. "Nooo..."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

It was really quite impressive, how much work the people of Wayside had been able to get done. The hustle is a good thing to see - it's nice to see everyone working hard.

And, of course, it's also nice to see that hole fixed. It was a little worrying.

Also slightly worrying is that she didn't see any signs of Riesenlied in all of this. This worry is relieved, however, when she approaches the orphanage and sees that sign. It brings a smile to her face, as well as a slight chuckle.

She opens the orphanage door very carefully, and soon enough, she finds an epic battle of wits going down.

She's trying to be quiet, but she can't help but chuckle at that...so she decides to announce herself.

"Hello there, everyone! I hope I'm not interrupting." She says, shutting the door behind her.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

        "O-oh, Miss Jacqueline... hello, I did not see you come in--" Riesenlied smiles as she sets her cards down, perhaps relieved to be able to slip away from being outsmarted!! Janey seems content to bask in the glory of her victory, while Mikaia giggles and looks up towards Jay, hands out.

        "Hi, Miss Jay...! I've been studying really hard from that book you gave me... look!" She's holding what looks like a very simple herbal decanter, full of ground up herbs mixed with heal berry.

        "Are you doing all right...?" Riesenlied steps a bit closer, gesturing her in.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline offers everyone a wave, though Mikaia in particular gets her attention as the girl rushes up to her with something in her hands.

"Oh? Let me see." Jacqueline says, kneeling down to get a closer look. She examines the herbal decanter Mikaia shows her, giving it a quick study before looking back up to her with a smile.

"It looks like you've been learning quickly. Excellent work, Mikaia!" Jacqueline says, with a quick congratulatory clap. She couldn't help but feel proud of her. She stands back up, then, looking toward Riesenlied.

"Oh, yes, thank you. I decided to let the Kinship take a vacation, and I think it's been a big help for me. I was actually more worried about you...but it seems you're being well taken care off." She comments, sending a smile toward Mikaia and Janey.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

        Looks like Mikaia's done her homework! It's decently crushed and mixed, and not diluted too much, though... sniff sniff, is that apple juice and honey? Looks like someone decided the drink should be sweeter... Mikaia, are you an alchemist or a dessert chef?! Well, chemists are going to grant their own touches, one supposes...

        "M-mm, mm!" Mikaia blushes with a big smile, rather pleased at being praised. "I'm still trying to learn the harder things... but... I'll get there!" She diligently heads back to the table as Riesenlied looks towards Jacqueline.

        "Yes... they insisted I rest," Riesenlied blushes herself. "... the wounds are still painful, but they're healing. I'm sorry to worry you..."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

As long as it still works, Jacqueline supposes it should be fine. She got to where she is now by deviating from the recipes herself, after all! The mark of a true alchemist is experimenting...

...Which explains why Jacqueline-made meals are so very often hit-or-miss...

"I know you will! I believe you'll be a fantastic alchemist, as long as you keep in mind your reason for wanting to be one." She says, then looks back up at Riesenlied with a slight smile.

"While, I'm glad to hear you're recovering. I have my supplies with me, so if you need a restock on anything, let me know." She says, then glances in the direction of the door.

"Do you mind if I ask what's going on out there? Everyone seems to be hard at work on something..." She asks, curious.

<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.

        Shalune, of course, had beelined straight for the makeshift cargo bays that newly dot the village; unable to hide the interest in her eyes, she's spent some time looking over the carrier that the Tainted are working on. Even if she's smart enough not to try to second guess the members of the Ebony Wings, who surely have been doing this for longer than she has, she's at least trying to think of ways to help out, and it isn't long before Big Shal's been called in to help lift and move larger chunks of the craft carefully around.

        There's a dopplering 'Miss Riese~' before the pink-haired girl leans around the door, her bright smile ahead of her. "Are you okay? Janey-waney, you better have hugged her better by now, you know she's just gonna start runnin' herself down again otherwise--" chimes Shalune, breaking into an eager grin and thankfully cutting her makeshift lecture short. ... if the Kinship are on a vacation, it doesn't look like Shalune's taking one, and she looks the same as she does. (In fact, she's taking the opportunity to tune and fix up the Caravan a bit.)

        Instead, she picks up on Jay's question to run with it. "Oh, oh, I'm pretty sure it's the thing from down in the hole, right? It looks like you guys chopped off what you could and lifted it up towards the surface, somethin' like that." If there's something Shalune does know, it's 'people making use of what they can'.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

        Perhaps in exchange, Mikaia's potions will always be really tasty... and perhaps their efficacy will be a bit compromised. And maybe you'd be tempted to drink them for a treat before you really need them... hmm, perhaps that's the reason they taste like medicine...

        Janey perks up as she waves and goes, "Lunie! Lunie, come on, you gotta see the little bobot I fixed up that mommy brought home!" She rummages into a little chest beside the table...

        "... e-er, yes, just that," Riesenlied looks taken aback by Shalune's sudden answer.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline hears that call, and knows that Shalune must have finished her investigations by now. She starts moving toward the table in order to get out of the entryway, then starts rummaging through her bags and setting some potions on the table.

She has to admit, she is curious about whatever it is Janey wants to show Shalune, but her attention soon turns back to Riesenlied.

"It's really quite inspiring, seeing everyone hard at work. I wish there was something I could do to help...but I'd probably just get in the way." She comments. "Still...if you all need any materials, let us know and we can try to arrange something. That much I can do, at least."

<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.

        Shalune rubs at the back of her hair, slightly guilty in a bashful sort of way. "Ehehe... sorry. I, um, I kinda snuck past people to take a peek," she admits with a broad smile that reeks of her trying to get away with something. Perhaps she'd be a good espionage agent... but more likely, people just figured she was harmless enough as-is so long as they kept an eye on her.

        "Ooh, you managed to find one intact enough? All I've got is a little flying thingo, but one of the rotors is out of alignment so it keeps bonking into stuff," she natters happily as she crosses over to Janey's side, peering over her down into the chest in anticipation.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

        Janey rummages around in her chest some more, before pulling out what looks like a spherical little... dragonfly? It flutters around with a little buzz, before Janey yelps, "Oops! I forgot to turn it off!" Mikaia 'eeks' a little as she ducks its flightpath, and complains, "No letting ARMs loose inside the house, Janey!" "Sorry sorry!"

        Riesenlied sighs and takes the dragonfly to turn it off, as she brings it into her hands. "Yes... it is quite the inspiring sight. ... we decided that we had no time to perform a grand excavation of the entire carrier, so we are stripping out what exists above-ground and creating a workable design from it..."

        A pause, and she moves towards another table to show a design of an airship on it.

        (Images: https:'imgur.comaclFTf )

        "... the top half will be the frame and wings of the carrier that we were able to lift, along with its engines... and the bottom half is a traditional seafaring vessel. It's the most reasonable design Cetiri, Lydia and Miss Hetfield were able to conjure in the time we have ..."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline quickly moves out of the dragonflies pathway, briefly hiding a slight chuckle behind her hand at the sight of the little machine fluttering about. It was quite impressive that Janey was able to repair something like that, though.

Her attention returns to Riesenlied as she catches the little machine and explains the situation. Jacqueline follows her over to the table, taking a moment to look over the design on display there.

"Wow...it'll be a sight to see once it's all put together." She comments, clearly quite impressed. "But I suppose it's not surprise they were were able to come up with something like this, with three great minds put together."

She takes a moment to study it further.

"What are you doing for power? Did Professor Hetfield put something together, or was the carrier's power-source salvagable?" She asks, curious.

<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.

        "Wah--" the mechanic blurts as she jolts backwards, nearly having to pinwheel for a moment before she catches herself and her balance both. "--wah, that's amazing! Good job," she beams towards Janey, then offers a smile Riesenlied's direction as she edges closer to peer at the wings. "Though if you ask me, the amazing part is how it survived that well. The work on those is so delicate, y'know? I wouldn't have thought it'd stand the test of time, or somethin' like that."

        She quiets as Riesenlied crosses to the design, kind of aware this is Big News that she Shouldn't Interrupt - instead, she takes a peek at the paper, and any further words escape her as she stares at the technical drawings with wide eyes.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

        Janey griiins, though she mostly says, "It was mostly already working, I just applied what Mistah A taught me how to do!" The dragonfly sputters again for a moment, before Riese hands it back to Janey as she grins at Shalune to answer, "Mom brought it back from one of the Digs, I guess? She ain't tellin' where, though..."

        Riesenlied remarks, "If I told you, you'd be curious about visiting it, and I can't risk that..."

        Janey whines slowly to go, "I'm more sensible than that! ... sensable? I'm not sure I have the right word." Case in point...

        "Ah, no... the power source was completely destroyed. Professor Hetfield suggested scavenging the slave generators of the Gears we escaped the warfront with months ago. So it's powered by conventional means, using fuel, and for a backup way to move, um... ..."

        She embarrassedly holds up a Shalune-esque doodle of Muni-Muni and the other dragons sweating as they lift the airship up... scientific???

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline couldn't help but be curious herself...but considering how she, Shalune, and Lunata had found them wandering around an abandoned amusement park not too long ago, she had to wonder about that. Janey could be very...adventurous.

"Ah, I see...well, leave it to Professor Hetfield to come up with an idea like that. That'd probably give you plenty of power." Jacqueline replies, nodding in understanding. Her eyes then turn toward the doodle Riesenlied holds up...

...and yet again, she has to cover her mouth to conceal a slight giggle.

"Well, I'm sure they'll be up for the task, if it comes down to that." She says. She's still smiling about that...

<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.

        If Shalune's expected to laugh at the design, even the cartoon of the backup plan, she doesn't. Instead, she looks starry-eyed - perhaps a little too much so, because it's not hard to pick out the way her mind is obviously wandering, imagining what the CaraKin would look like soaring through the skies... "... it looks great," she finally decides, softer than expected and with her hands in front of her to accompany a bright smile. "I mean, it really looks good. Whatever gets you in the air, right?"

        She does at least puff up the next moment, looking towards Janey with a fake sort of pout. "Uh-huh-- but someone had to chase you through an abandoned amusement part. Jeez, if we hadn't been there, I'm not sure what woulda happened, you know," she decides, hands on her hips as she grumbles at the young orphan.

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

There comes a knock-knock-knockin' on Riesenlied's door, before a blonde head pokes through the frame and peeks inside. "Is this where the workaholic isn't spending enough time in bed?" comes the wry query, a shadow of a grin threatened on the girl's face.

It's not all bad news. Maya is holding a glass jar full of drinking cocoa mix, and is shaking it threateningly. Someone came bearing gifts. "Not that I'm any better. But I brought treats and know the secret handshake, can I come in~?"

Today's outfit: Cream shawl and matching long-sleeved blouse, and chic hiking trousers.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

        Riesenlied does look a little surprised that Shalune isn't bouncing off the walls, and nods as she puts the image back down, especially as Jay giggles a little. "... we won't be able to soar high, high into the air past the clouds -- there's not enough power for that. But we can get enough lift that we won't have to worry about the sand, and hopefully we can can eventually sail the oceans if we need to."

        She blinks and-- tilts her head, blushing a little as Maya steps through. "Maya! Goodness..." she steps closer and-- can't help but give her a quick hug, remarking, "I was deeply worried..."

        Mikaia waves and says, "Miss Maya, Miss Maya! Woow..." Looks like someone's a little taken by her sense of fashion, maybe she wants to take after her someday?

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"Someday, perhaps. It'll be something to work on, at least. But for the time being, it's best to focus on what you can do at this moment." Jacqueline comments with a nod toward Riesenlied. It's around this time that there's a knock on the door, and Jacqueline gives a bright smile as she sees Maya walk through the door.

"Ah, Maya! It's good to see you again." She greets, offering her a friendly wave and turning away from the designs. "How have you been?"

<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.

        The pink-haired mechanic is evidently just sort of glowing at the thought of Wayside soaring through the air, and her enthusiasm isn't dented at all by the way in which Riesenlied warns her that the craft is never going to have much in the way of height. "Ehehe... but it doesn't matter that much so long as you guys are mobile, right? I mean, it's not like you're gonna go looming over towns all 'give us tribute!' or anythin'."

        She--tries to make herself look big for a moment by lifting her arms into the air, which really just makes her look more like a kaiju or something instead with the amount of hair movement it involves.

        And then Maya knocks, and Shalune kind of perks up to attention, zipping her mouth briefly and bringing her arms right back down as she tries to look like she's actually totally presentable and not basically being an idiot around adults. U-u-uwah...

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

There's a friendly chortle from the Drifter woman as Riesenlied hurries over and hugs her, which is a bit of a surprise but not an unwelcome one. "Now, now. I'm built tough, spooky memories and weird science can't keep me down for long. Too much at stake!" she quips with a wink, patting the leader of Wayside on her shoulders.

Maya then produces a small bundle of cloth from a well-worn leather handbag. It's basically a fancy handkerchief in which a small assortment of homemade boiled sweets have been gathered. Her butlerhistorianFast Draw trainer(?!)'s work, no doubt. This is obviously for Mikaia, and it's handed to her with a conspiratorial wink.

"Don't forget to share with Miss Riese, and Miss Noeline, and Miss Jay, okay?"

Cocoa offloaded to a shelf and gifts given, Maya's hands go to her hips. She seems at home here! "Miss Barber," nevermind that she used her first name with Mikaia. "Close calls and intrigue as usual. Some of it even revolves around me. Heavens!"

This is spoken with a truly sly grin, and with the voice of someone who loves it. Ah. To be young and bulletproof again. "But mostly good. Yourself? And Miss Catenna's recovery went well, I assume?"

There's a pause while Maya evaluates the way Shalune pays attention to her as if she were actually a responsible adult with important things to say. She decides the right thing to do here is to give her a chocolate bar.

"Phew. Lively!"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

        "That's right. We have to focus on what we can do now... and this is an important step to saving our less mobile and less able brethren back home," Riesenlied expresses -- which has been the plan all along. Those that have come with her to Wayside look ailed and weak... and yet they are still amongst the most able of the Tainted, which speaks to how disadvantaged they truly are...

        She smiles at Maya and nods, saying, "I know you're tough, I just... I just have a tendency to worry, is all, as you know." Mikaia gaaasps quietly as Maya hands her the sweets in the handkerchief she expresses, "Wow! I'll--I'll make sure it's only for when Janey behaves..."

        Janey pouts to go, "I'm right here, you know!"

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

It's very hard for Jacqueline not to chuckle at Shalune's display in front of Maya, but she manages to resist.

"It sounds like you've been busy!" She comments before returning Maya's greeting with a nod.

"I'm doing alright, yes. The Caravan Kinship has been resting, for the most part, and I think it's helped everyone. As for Catenna... Thankfully she's managed to make a full recovery." She replies. That incident with the giant, Malice-fueled owl probably didn't help...but that had turned out alright, at least.

Her attention returns to Riesenlied, as her friend restates her desire to help the Tainted that were less mobile.

"Yes. I wish you luck in that." She says with a nod.

<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.

        Shalune gets chocolate!... and grins in a lively fashion, scratching at her cheek. "Ehehe... thanks. Ah, I'm Shalune-- part of the Carakin, y'know? You've probably seen me up to my waist in water around here, stuff like that. Never really figured fussing with the water purifier would end up like this, though," she adds, sounding faintly uncertain as to whether she might have been partly responsible for the Primarch's waking up.

        "Lunie and I stayed with the Caravan, of course. I mean, that's home for us, more'n everyone else - at least until we go back to the east some. Besides, we knew that Jay was gonna still be working herself hard even if she was on holiday," she adds with a mischievous smile before breaking into a fake fussing tone of voice. "It's not like we can just leave her alone, the poor dear," she offers solemnly, as if some kind of elder.

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

Maya winks gently again at Riesenlied, "I know. You're a big Metal Sweetie, and we're lucky to call you a pal." she doesn't let her off without some praise, u--uwaaah! "I'm causing too much darn worrying lately, though!"

Sapphire eyes briefly sweep across Jacqueline, holding her gaze as she reports what the gang is up to. Maya's smile reaches to her eyes, which is hard to fake. I think. "Well, sounds like you've got it under control. Our friend Lydia said she was going to hitch a ride with you guys, did she wind up doing that?"

Maya also bows a little, Shalune's way. "I certainly have seen you keeping busy out here. Maybe heard more than seen..." she tries not to grin too candidly, but it's hard. "Must be a full-time job keeping that many things running smoothly! I should've brought something more useful as a gift, but... ah, well. Were you part of Miss Riesenlied's effort to get this boat off of the ground~?"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

        Riesenlied can't help but blush at Maya's compliment, nodding very slowly as she remarks, "T-that almost sounded like teasing, you know, but... thank you, nonetheless." She smiles a bit warmer as she expresses, "Shalune's been helping, as has Big Shal... I can't thank you enough for everything the CaraKin has done for Wayside. I can only hope we've offered much the same in turn..."

        Mikaia warmly says, "I like it every time Jay and the Lunies and everyone else come to Wayside, I look forward to it!"

        Janey grins as she remarks, "They're some of the only merchants who bring games along with them..."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline gives Shalune a Look at her teasing, though she can only maintain the serious expression for so long before a smirk creeps back onto her face. She couldn't deny what Shalune said about working, though...what with the business with the owl, and the other day's visit to that ruin...

"Oh, yes, she did! I think she's been adjusting well enough, or at least I hope she has...it's been nice having her along." She replies with a nod toward Maya. She looks toward Riesenlied, offering her a smile.

"You all were there to help pick us up when we needed it the most. I'm just glad we've been able to return the favor. We're all living here together, after all, we have to do our best to help each other." She replies, and then chuckles slightly as Mikaia and Janey add their two gella.

"It makes me happy to hear that. I certainly wouldn't forget to consider all of you here, as well!"

<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.

        "Ah-- well-- I mean, I'm pretty great with snacks," Shalune beams brightly at Maya, then rubs at her hair. "I was looking after the purifier some, but it wasn't like I could actually fix it from scratch or anything. I just sorta offered to keep things ticking over, really, and it kinda..." she frowns for a moment, then furrows her brow.

        "It kind of feels like I shouldn't really touch the craft? That's-- I think the others want to work on it themselves, is all, and I feel like that's important to them that I don't just wanna butt in," she decides eventually with an unhurried smile.

        She snickers towards Mikaia and Janey, bobbling in the former's direction to very nearly scoop her up in a hug. "Aww~... Mikkie, you're adorable! Of course we like seeing you two as well, y'know?" she laughs happily, and then steals a glance towards Riesenlied. "When we caught them in the ruins, I did kinda offer to take them camping sometime, if you're okay with them having a chaperone."

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

Maya wags a finger gently at Riese, adopting a mildly put-upon look. "Now, you know I don't tease those who are too innocent for it." she points out. U--uguu, is Riesenlied more innocent than Virginia Maxwell? It must be. How scandalous.

Jay points out that Lydia (formerly Asteroid the Kid) is integrating well enough, as far as they can tell. Maya exhales suddenly, as if having held her breath for the answer the whole time. "Oh, that's good! Ginny and I don't want to keep her cooped up around us the whole time, when there's a whole world of friends out there to make. I'm really glad. She's a handful, but you guys are the new family I think she needs right now. I'll have to drop in on occasion to say hi!"

Is that a way of saying the CaraKin is full of slightly off-kilter types? Well...

Maya also listens intently to Shalune, who she takes completely seriously despite, perhaps, what the small mechanic might expect from such a big-shot drifter. "Hmm--if it's important to you to help out, you should help out. If you really don't feel it's your place, there, then it's okay not to. But you should never leave something like that hanging, lest you find regrets later." I'd call this an impromptu lecture, but it isn't delivered in a particularly stern or impatient manner.

"Oh, that was kind of weird. Sorry! Things've been dramatic lately." Maya chuckles dryly and waves a hand at the assembled CaraFriends, as if inviting them to disregard that if they so chose. "I get all inspired when I see people like Miss Hetfield or Shalune here getting knee-deep in technology."