2017-08-21: A Pillar of Support

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============================<* Gunsmoke Desert *>=============================

The Gunsmoke Desert occupies the northwestern portion of Ignas. This desert is different from Aveh's. Instead of rolling dunes of sand, it has dry and cracked ground, and the mountains that rim it also intrude into the interior, forming stunning rock formations that can look as beautiful as they look impossible. The settlements here are hard-pressed to survive, consisting of countless small towns. The lucky few are connected by railways to the Seed Cities scattered about the Gunsmoke. Many are lost to the sands, which cover them and a tremendous concentration of ruins from Filgaia's past. This makes these badlands the heart of Drifter activity in Ignas.

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z_CxmE0AkA
<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

The Carakin makes its way steadily through the desert. Within its interior, Jacqueline is quiet. Her hands cling tightly to the wheel in front of her, and her eyes are solely on the sand ahead of them.

To someone looking upon her from outside she looks...defeated. Her movements are mechanical, more than anything, and she's shrunken in on herself. She reacts only to avoid anything she sees up ahead.

Even if someone didn't stop her now, there was a limit to how far the Carakin would go. The charge would only last a certain amount of time, after all, and it had been a while since she had last charged.

Even so...this wasn't exactly healthy behavior.

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.
Ethius sat quietly, without anything over his upper torso beyond blood-stained bandages with stains both red (of blood) and blue (of Potion Berries) wrapped around his bullet wounds. In his left hand - the one further from view of those here - was a strange metallic stone. On his lap, partially obscured by the former, a Stone Medium of the Guardian Rigdobrite.
He remained quiet. His gaze was unchanging. The yellow bandanna continued to be wrapped around his face.
He had said nothing since the demand that they move immediately, even at risk - and now loss - of no less than four of their own. Only Jay, Shalune, Kourin, and himself remained on board the caravan.
What was he thinking of this? He hadn't shared.
<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.
And even then, Shalune had all but vanished following their flight from the Kislevi troops. At first, Big Shal had held onto the mechanic, bearing her upset and her anger as the caravan sped away from the battlefield. Clearly, the golem was acting in a protective manner - but whether that was for Shalune in specific, or the CaraKin at large, Big Shal isn't about to say. It was only when they managed to reach a safe distance that the golem set Shalune down - only for the mechanic to immediately let loose a tear-ridden stream of 'I hate you's before bolting inside to her room within the Caravan and hiding there well into the night.
When she emerges and peeks out later, it's with deeply red eyes, tears still in their corners. With her heart worn as firmly on her sleeve as always, it's easy to read her expression - the conflicted and upset grimace of someone who would dearly love to be bitter but can't quite bring herself to be, and who knows that her petulant tirade earlier wasn't exactly fair.
She hesitates at her door for a long moment, then dimly seems to recognize that the caravan is still moving; chewing hard at her lip, she tiptoes out into the main corridor of the vehicle as if certain that placing her foot down too hard might suddenly break it all apart, or at least count as intruding on anyone within the caravan's interior. Following the light is all she can do, as she peeks around the entrance of the driving cabin.
<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline had borne all of this silently and unflinchingly. It could be easy to assume that she had ignored it all...but at this point, she didn't seem to be reacting to any outside stimuli much. She had stopped the Carakin exactly once since she began driving, and that was to let Shalune on once Big Shal had set her down.

It's hard to tell if she noticed that Ethius was sitting there. It's hard to tell if she heard Shalune behind her, peeking into the cabin.

She just continues driving quietly, even past the point when she should've stopped.

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.
Ethius' head turned to regard Shalune's arrival into the main corridor. He shifted his grasp of the strange stone in his hand, and put more of the hand in view as he allowed Shalune to walk by. He voiced no protest... but said nothing. His gaze remained on her for several seconds before it returned to looking towards the opposite wall of where he sat.
He lifted his legs inward with a slight pained grunt as to allow Shalune more space to cross, if she so desired.
<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.
The pink haired mechanic doesn't look all that hot either - her hair even more askew than normal, her bobble hat off, kind of bruised and beaten, her eyes puffed up and her expression turned down into a solemn frown that looks entirely alien on her face. She looks up at the silent man for a long moment, torn on what to possibly say or ask - and not really feeling able to break the unnatural, awkward, heavy silence that lies around the Caravan like a thick blanket.
Swallowing uncertainly, her gaze travels to Jacqueline - tries to seek her eyes in the reflection of the windshield - before looking back to Ethius as if for confirmation, dithering on the spot as she does so.
A whine of complaint from the engine is what ultimately galvanizes her into action, though - and as Ethius shifts his foot, Shalune sucks in a deep breath, not sure what to expect when she suddenly drapes over Jacqueline's shoulders in one of the patented Shalune moves, a cross between a hug and simply leaning annoyingly on someone. "Jay-- Jay, c'mon," she starts, her voice trembling.
<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

There's an empty, not-all-there look in JacquelinesThe sudden feeling of weight on her shoulders surprises Jacqueline. The wheel is thrown roughly to the side and the Carakin drifts sharply and abruptly, kicking a lot of the sand to the side, before the vehicle is brought to a halt.

Fortunately the Carakin had been upgraded with more durable wheels so the vehicle itself didn't suffer any appreciable damage, but it might be a little jarring for its occupants.

She sits there quietly for a moment, her hands still on the wheel. Eventually she shuts her eyes tight and rests her head against the wheel.

There's a sharp intake of breath, and her shoulders shake.

"I...I'm s-sorry. I-I...I'm so sorry..." She murmurs, shaking her head.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

There's an empty, not-all-there look in Jacqueline's eyes when Shalune looks for them in the windshield. She's generally unresponsive...at least until Shalune begins to cling to her.

The sudden feeling of weight on her shoulders surprises Jacqueline. The wheel is thrown roughly to the side and the Carakin drifts sharply and abruptly, kicking a lot of the sand to the side, before the vehicle is brought to a halt.

Fortunately the Carakin had been upgraded with more durable wheels so the vehicle itself didn't suffer any appreciable damage, but it might be a little jarring for its occupants.

She sits there quietly for a moment, her hands still on the wheel. Eventually she shuts her eyes tight and rests her head against the wheel.

There's a sharp intake of breath, and her shoulders shake.

"I...I'm s-sorry. I-I...I'm so sorry..." She murmurs, shaking her head.

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.
Ethius remained seated for a short while, as Shalune crossed. When she looked back, Ethius did not look her in the eyes. There was movement in his left hand anew, but no gesticulations appeared intended for communication to the young prodigial mechanic. He allowed her her space. Her peace.
The Caravan stopped a short while later. Ethius' head turned as the two women exchanged pained words.
He rises, shaking off the past tense as the present seems to spur him to action. He risks aggravating serious injuries with this movement. Without the Potion Berries, the Caravan Kinship's survivors would be Jacqueline, Shalune, Kourin... and erstwhile companions Spirit and Big Shal.
Ethius limps towards the front. Far above, the skies soon look to give way to something other than a colorful sky, a bright dot, and whatever clouds pass by. A single light yet stands to transition into countless smaller ones, underneath an ever-changing sphere whose luminosity waxes and wanes in a cycle.
He is quiet, with the same unnerving gaze. Does he disapprove? Is he upset? His composure is eerie, standing before certain loss of people Jay and Shalune recognize as close friends - the closest.
Whatever he has in his left hand disappears into a pocket. In the opposite hand, the Stone Medium of Rigdobrite, which he places on the dashboard. He stands it up, keeping it in balance with one hand.
...Is it a reminder? An attempt to rally through the use of faith, through a situation that seems so dire... in place of words?
DC: Shalune Amira switches forms to Metal Gear -Big Shal-!
<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.
The sudden pitching of the CaraKin to one side draws a stunned yelp from the mechanic, who does the only thing she can really think to in the circumstances - hold on tighter as the rest of her pitches to one side, then nearly end up half-clambered over the seat as Jacqueline almost drags her forward over it.
Already, Shalune is out of her depth. Not in an unkind way - it's just easier to cheer Lunata up, both with the way the waitress responds more naturally to her bubbliness and in the way that they've got their own sort of bond. Jacqueline is-- is the sensible one, to the mechanic's mind, as much a rock as the pillars she creates - and seeing her like this silences the mechanic just as much as it provides a rather blunt and timely reminder that she's not the only one hurting.
"I-it's not-- it's not your fault," she promises, her own voice already wavering in sympathy as she tries to swallow down a lump in her throat. "It's not your fault," she repeats again, stronger this time, as if it were a mantra. "You got us out, y'know?"
Her eyes flick towards the Medium as Ethius sets it on the dashboard, and for a moment she looks like she might say something in response - but she swallows it back, a sour expression flicking across her face for a moment as she focuses her attention back on the alchemist.
<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline had always tried to remain strong for everyone she cared about. She knew that people looked to her for support. It...wasn't always easy, but she managed it. This may very well be the first time Shalune has seen Jacqueline seriously begin to cry.

She doesn't attempt to extricate herself from Shalune's hug. She sits there in her arms, essentially curled in on herself, and shakes her head at Shalune's statement.

"I-I didn't...!" She replies, her voice almost a sob. "E-everyone else...it was only...be...because of them!"

"Lu-" She starts to say the name, but practically chokes on it. "L-Lunata...C-Cyre...i-it was only be-because of them! All's I...all's I did was drive...any one of you...could've done that..."

She's either forgotten or has downplayed in her mind her own contributions to the escape effort.

She hadn't noticed Ethius approach, nor did she see the Medium he had placed on the windshield.

Would it help, if she had...?

It was difficult to tell.

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.
The gaze follows Shalune's distaste, but otherwise his composure does not change. Ethius stands next to despair and fury, palpable auras of sorrow and fear. He remains too calm around such powerful emotion, but... he also has the benefit(?) of narrowly escaping death by blood loss. It may be using almost all the strength he has to remain standing here and now.
No words escape him. Does he have any? He can't be so emotionally stunted as to be incapable of something so basic as a hug, or a reassuring shoulder pat, or... anything, can he? In better times, his stoicism is an icon of reliability - even accounting for some of his more erratic and unexplainable behaviors.
In times such as these...
He remains still, beyond raising the opposite hand to his forehead.
<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.
Shalune's flowchart for these matters tends to be pretty simple, at least at its core - so she heaves herself forward to try to tighten her hug, her incredibly awkward position hung over the back of the seat forgotten as she somehow manages it.
"That's-- that's not true!" she fires back, her voice cracking. "Or-- no, I mean-- that's the wrong way to look at it! There-- there were how many armies there, Jay? Four? There's no way you could take all those on your own shoulders!" Bodily shivering at the next wail, the mechanic screws her own eyes shut for a moment, biting back her own tears with a sob as she desperately tries to marshal her thoughts.
"You shouldn't-- they didn't do that to show you were powerless. They did that 'cause they had faith in the CaraKin you made. 'cause they wanted to make sure the rest of us got away safe. That wouldn't exist if it weren't for you." She sounds more sure of herself there, at least, huffing out a shaky breath before sucking it back in, feeling herself calm down if just a very little. "That's-- that's the part we couldn't have done. If it weren't for you there'd be none've this at all."
<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline is quiet for a moment, except the occasional sniffing. And then, eventually...she loosens her grip on the wheel, her arms falling away from it to her sides.

Shalune...Jacqueline couldn't refute her words. The odds that had been arrayed against them were insurmountable...those that had sacrificed themselves, did so believing in the Kinship. Believing in her.

This was...hardly any way to repay them.

She looks up, her eyes falling finally upon the Medium left on the dashboard.

The Medium of Rigdobrite.

The gesture involved...Jacqueline appreciated that more than the Medium itself. Jacqueline wasn't sure what...but Ethius was there, and he was trying to display something.

That was enough for her.

An arm raises, wrapping around Shalune and returning her hug.

"...Y-you're right... I-I...I know... I-I'm sorry...I know this isn't helping anything..." She murmurs, tears still streaming down her face.

"I'm being foolish right now..."

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.
"I would elect to have faith." Ethius speaks at last. Even if acknowledging he is presently there, that he speaks at all may be disarming. Alarming. He doesn't punctuate this with 'Miss Jay' or 'Miss Shalune,' as he removes the hand from his forehead, to keep his gaze level.
He can still speak with such an even tone and rhythm to his voice, for however much pain he's in. For however much blood he's missing, he remains standing. The hand that holds Rigdobrite's medium upright against the dashboard is too steady for a man who by rights should be dead by blood loss were it not for the miracle of Potion Berries.
"Miss Matilda is MIA, but I do believe her Honeybee would be with her - I do not recall seeing it during our escape." That greatly enhances her odds of survival, if not a sure bet. This seems agreeable logic, at face value.
"Miss Catenna and Mister Cyre are devout shamans of the Guardians." And yet, their answers in the test are incorrect - the resulting response a wound to the pride, a blow to their psyches. The Guardians told everyone that they weren't what they were looking for - but the best they would have. "On our last observance of Mister Cyre, he invoked the power of his patron Guardian, Fengalon. Though their words were barbed... I believe it stands to reason they would not abandon their chosen in a time of great crisis."
Cyre's last request, fresh in recent memory, is in regards to Catenna.
"Miss Catenna is in good hands alongside Mister Cyre, I am certain." Can Ethius truly be certain? He seems a man of logic, less that of feeling and gut instinct (even putting aside his admission that the decision to destroy an ancient container of Metal Demon blood was cuff-of-the-moment).
He puts his hand to his forehead again. "Miss Lunata..."
Ethius pauses for a moment. Uncertainty. He must be uncertain. If this is all a bluff, then hers is the most difficult example to brush away under logical explanation. She vanished without a trace. There can't be a way for Ethius to put that in rosy circumstances.
"The Guardian of Death, I assume, would rather be the sole arbiter of her demise, and no other." This is sidestepping the hard fact of her disappearance, but Ethius keeps his poker face intact far too well. He... he must truly believe, then.
"We have been witness to great loss in our time together, with hardly any warning or fairness in who was taken." Adlehyde. He removes the hand from his forehead. Both hands - including the one holding the Medium - fold behind his back as he stands erect without using the structure of the caravan's interior as a crutch.
Other than a leg shaking. He fights through that instability.
"We are mortal. One day, our own journeys will come to an end however way they will. In the circumstances of Miss Matilda, Mister Cyre, Miss Catenna, and Miss Lunata..."
He closes his eyes with a poignant pause.
"I would elect to maintain faith. They have put faith in all of us to be able to escape with our best resources on hand."
Ethius turns around, now placing his right hand against a frame as strength begins to give out in one of his legs. An inaudible hiss escapes his mouth, as he takes in air. He keeps his back turned to the both of them, the clinging mechanic and the exhausted alchemist
"Even with their reservations, the Guardians are placing their faith in us," so speaks a man that seems deeply spiritual for the lack of strong emotion in his words. "With our own reservations, it is time for us to put our faith in them."
<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.
"It ain't-- it's not foolish to be scared. I'm-- I'm super, super scared, okay?" Shalune whispers back, her temple against Jacqueline's as she closes her eyes and continues to hug the alchemist from behind, making a rather watery sniff as she tries to keep herself under control. "It-- it really sucks, and it's really terrible-- but-- but I'm sure we'll find them, okay? Lunie, an' everyone else too. Until then, don't-- Lunata wouldn't want you to blame yourself, okay? She-- she said it herself - she did it to buy you time an' get us safe. Which you did," she burbles at the end.
Ethius begins to talk more, perhaps, than Shalune has ever heard him manage in one sitting - a surprisingly deep mixture of faith and logic that give her time to hiccup slightly and wipe at her eyes with one sleeve. To say she looks unconvinced would be a gross understatement, and the way her brow furrows is significantly harsh whenever the man mentions Guardians.
"... yeah, well," she mutters petulantly when he finishes, dipping her head to stare at the floor of the cockpit, and tighten her grip on poor crushed Jacqueline. "I've got one whole heck of a lot of reservations about them right now." It's a remarkably unhappy statement from the mechanic - but the look on her face says that she knows this isn't the time to get into that, and she shakes it away with a grimace. After all, she can't refute the majority of his words, at the very least.
<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline goes quiet again. She'd nod, but she can feel Shalune's head against the back of her own and doesn't want to accidentally dislodge her..

"You're right...I know. I know she wouldn't want this...it'd make her sad to see me like this...and then she'd start crying too...and then we'd all be sobbing and useless together..." She comments with something halfway between another sob and a chuckle.

At that point, Ethius begins to speak. It was more words from him than she had heard from him in quite a while. She listens quietly, taking everything he says in.

"You know...I wouldn't have taken you for someone who'd put so much faith in the Guardians." She comments, with a sniff and another chuckle. She notes Shalune's distaste in the Guardians, and...she can't entirely blame her for those feelings. Still...

It brings Grudiev to mind once again.

She needed to be like him - a pillar of support for those she cared about.

She shuts her eyes again and breathes in deep, trying to clear her mind and focus solely on what needed to be done.

"Okay..." She says.

"The Guardians...while their support is valuable, there's a reason they gave us Mediums. They can't do much on their own right now. They might be able to protect everyone...but if we leave it all to them, nothing will get done." She comments.

"We have to have faith in our friends right now. Faith that they'll be alright. Like you said...Lunata may have disappeared, but she has to be out there somewhere."

She sits up a bit straighter.

"I think we should contact the Yggdrasil Alliance. Let them know what happened, see if they can't help us find her. I know Bart wouldn't abandon her, if he knew what happened." She suggests.

"As for Catenna and Cyre...we don't know if Kislev took Cyre, at least. But they did take Catenna. If they wanted to kill her on the spot, they could have...but they didn't. So she's probably relying on us, too...though I don't know where they took her." That was a little more difficult...

"They might be able to help us with that. But...there is someone...else...we might be able to ask for help..." She said.

She wasn't sure if the crew of the Yggdrasil would have more information on any Kislevi structures they might be keeping her at...or if Riesenlied would.

Then again, there was always a possibility they had taken her directly to Nortune itself.

That'd be problematic...

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.
Ethius takes Shalune's scathing sayings and Catenna's chuckling and commentary in seeming stride. With his back to them, his face is inscrutable.
Did receiving a Medium affect him on some deep, fundamental level that he would sing their praises from the rooftops, and use them as a means of comfort in a time of great distress and need?
It could be that he has memories resurfacing as a Zoa Priest? He does look like he might hail from one of the Baskar colonies, but... he's a Symbologist. The tattoos plainly visible on his body at this juncture do not really match with the known iconography of the related faiths.
It may simply have to remain a mystery, for now, among the many that remain concerning him.
"I leave the way forward in your hands, Miss Jay." Ethius says, back remaining to the two of them as he starts to limp further back. "If you will excuse me. Miss Jay. Miss Shalune. I should not be upright at this time."
He should also not be sitting in the middle of the main path between the cockpit and the rest of the interior, but, one out of two ain't bad, right? Unless one of the two interrupts him, he'll head to the back where Kourin and Spirit are at rest.
He does not appear to have an answer for Shalune's retort of reservations.
<Pose Tracker> Lunata Croze has posed.

Out of the blue, Jacqueline feels a familiar tinge from within her bag -- a faint shimmer starts to ensconce a particular item that she's once seen emanate a soft, gentle light before. It is the wooden carving, shaped in the emblem of the Fereshte, that Riesenlied has given her before.
It echoes a message out, spoken and gently, as if reverberating softly towards their minds:
'Jacqueline, I hope all is well.
But if you were caught in the war that Kislev and Aveh have struck by the Guardian Temple's sands, head west.
Look for the winding trail between two cresting mountains, marked with the same emblem as the one you hold.
We can provide you shelter from the war, and medicine there.'
<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.
Shalune swallows for a long moment, acting basically like a cushion at Jacqueline's back; her smile is quiet, and still terribly sad, but at least it's stronger than it was as the alchemist's mind begins to spin up and lay plans. "... see, that's what I mean," she laughs gently, and rather thickly, before she swallows hard and sits up a little as well. "I'll-- I'll get on the radio to the Yggdrasil, or-- well, I dunno what I'll do, communications are probably shot right now - um, maybe literally - but I'll see if I can find a way."
She has no grounds to make fun of Ethius' chosen seating spot, because it's absolutely certain that in the coming days she's going to find some extremely strange places to go to sleep. As much as several of their members might be cat-themed, she's the one who's most like a wet sandbag when asleep, able to curl up in bizarre nooks and crannies.
"And maybe if we can-- um--"
She's interrupted by the soft light of the charm as Riesenlied's voice emits from it, her eyebrows rocketing up at the serendipitous message. "Ah?" she blurts, not quite able to place the voice without a face to go with it, and then: "Um?"
<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline nods toward Ethius.

"I'm sorry for worrying you. Rest well, okay? I've got a few more potions, if you need them." She replies with a nod toward Ethius. He probably would still prefer to slather the berries on himself, but they were there, if

She nods for Shalune, as well.

"Thanks...I'm sure you'll be able to figure out something, Shalune." She says. It's a weak one, but there's finally a smile back on Jacqueline's face as well.

She doesn't make a motion to stop Ethius, but what happened next might - she can feel something from within one of her bags, and shortly after, she hears a voice. A familiar voice.

She reaches into that bag, retrieving the carving held within and showing it to Shalune.

"Riesenlied gave this to me a while ago...during the tournament. She called it an empathic charm, passed down from the Fereshte people...it allows us to contact each other, like you just experienced." She explains.

"It looks like we have a destination set...but I'm thinking I should...probably try to get some sleep, before we go driving anywhere..." She comments with a chuckle. "We could probably use a safe place to restock and think things over."

With that said, she returns her attention to the emblem. She doesn't know if her response will be able to reach Riesenlied...but she tries anyway.

'Thank you. We'll set out for there in the morning. You've seen our vehicle and Big Shal, so we should be easily recognizable.'

<Pose Tracker> Shalune Amira has posed.
For a long moment, Shalune stares at the charm with abject curiosity written on her face - it might take a moment to realize that she's trying to figure out how it actually works, as if one could pick out moving parts from a small little charm. "Aah... huh," she says, still hanging around Jacqueline's neck as she curiously nods.
It takes her a while, but she eventually nods her head. "O-okay. That sounds-- I mean, it sounds as good as any option, right? We came out here so fast, I don't think we've even got much of a map, so maybe we should get that sorted out - and it's not like we've got any specific destination in mind, right?" She still sounds a little shaky, but at least determined to keep her head high and stay as encouraging as possible.
"You'd better get some sleep, okay?" she adds, wagging her finger with an exaggerated frown as she nods her head. "It'll be for the best."
<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline wouldn't at all be surprised if Shalune was trying to puzzle out how it worked. Unfortunately, this was probably one of those things that was out of her league. Jacqueline couldn't even begin to imagine that level of Sorcery that must have gone into crafting a charm like this.

"Right. I trust her. I'm sure she'll be able to help us out." Jacqueline replies with a nod. When Shalune scolds her...she chuckles.

"A-admittedly...I don't know if I'd be able to take the Carakin even further tonight if I wanted to...I drove for so long, and this day has been so exhausting that I don't think I have the energy to give it even a partial charge..."

She admits sheepishly. Sleep it was, then. After this talk...

Well, it still wouldn't be an easy rest, but Shalune and Ethius had helped pull much of the weight off of her mind. She felt a gratitude toward them that she could not express...but it was the kind that one didn't need to. It could easily be felt.

Still holding onto her friend Jacqueline stands up from the driver's seat and gives her one last hug, before setting her down and ruffling her hair.

"Now, I will have to ask you to get some rest, too, however! We've got a long day ahead of us." Jacqueline says.

A long day, indeed...

If they wanted to reunite the Kinship, they would need to work hard.