2018-02-18: Professional Conference

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============================<* Great Aveh Desert *>=============================

The heart of the Republic of Aveh is its great desert. The rolling dones and blistering heat here are infamous, and all but the most foolhardy would ever dare to cross it on foot. Most do so via the great rail lines running north to south, east to west, leading as far as Krosse and Adlehyde. The ones who do cross it on foot will find the heat isn't the only danger. Mirages can lead men astray, oases are few, and great and terrible beasts sink beneath the sands until they find their prey.

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ddOSJ8571M
<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

The Caravan Kinship was difficult to miss. It was because of that that their absence might have been noted in the past few weeks, but they were back in business again.

Those who know the signs - or just track unusual things in general - can easily locate where the Caravan Kinship will stop next. Or, perhaps, a little bit of luck will see one simply stumbling upon it. Whatever the case, they're present in this small, desert settlement.

Their vehicle - a large, vibrantly-colored self-powered thing with wheels, an usual sight this side of Guild Galad - is set up in a comfortably-sized niche. Out of the way but still plenty visible, as is their preference. Panels on the side of the vehicle have been folded out into a series of shelves, bearing a veritable rainbow of merchandise including potions and various traveling supplies, among other things.

A new sight this time around is a table, upon which is set a pitcher of tea, a series of glasses, and a sign reading 'Complimentary Refreshments', alongside a smiley face.

It's...vibrantly-colored. Almost gaudily so.

That was Jacqueline's idea.

As for Jacqueline herself, she can be presently found adjusting merchandise on the shelves with a smile on her face.

<Pose Tracker> Ashes has posed.

Hark! Commerce!

Ashes had actually been tracking an unusual thing for a day or two now, in a professional capacity, but she knows break-time when she sees it. Her companion does too, most definitely; already striding teaward. Ashes splits off toward the merchandise, shifting her pack a bit, and looking for the merchant.

Jacqueline isn't hard to find. Ashes waits and assembles her own smile, until J reaches a breakpoint.

"Do you buy?"

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

While Matilda's been busy involving herself with a whole bunch of things the CaraKin seem to intend not to touch, it's always nice to come home every now and again. As a result, she has, sure enough, returned to the CaraKin... if only to make some money. ... well, no, that's a lie -- she's been delighted to see everyone and find out that they don't (overtly) hate her for her last couple little outbursts.

When Ashes approaches, Matilda turns from her mortar and pestle, fluffs out her hair, and takes a breath. "Sometimes!" she answers, brightly. "It depends on what you're selling, exactly -- and who's in, for that matter... what were you interested in selling?"

<Pose Tracker> Iskandra Grendorre has posed.

Iskandra is not part of the Carakin, nor did she ask if she could set up a stall near them. But nonetheless, across the road is a stall, the stall is much less big than the Carakin, being a horsedrawn wagon with one side designed to turn into a stall. She's got gels, herbal potions, adventuring concoctions (acids, glues, and other useful basic liquids) and enhancing draughts. Her market is clearly the dedicated adventurer. For now, she keeps a watch on others rather than doing her own thing.

<Pose Tracker> Bethany Liston has posed.

It's not the familiarity that leads Bethany to the caravan kinship so much as it is the limited supplies at the settlement's general store. Well, that and the abrupt obviousness of their presence. A thankfully light load of patients has left the doctor with an opportunity to not only restock, but to possibly relax. At least until some fool falls off his horse and down a well or something.

It's the potions and poultices, initially those on display in the Carakin's stall, that get Bethany's initial attention, as she scrutinises them with an almost accusatory eye, before she picks up one- for cuts and wounds- and holds it up to the sun before turning to face Matilda, when the light of recognition flashes in her eyes.

"You were one who organised that trip into that weird ruin a little while back, weren't you?" That question floats out before her main question: "Y'mind telling me what's in this one here?"

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline was glad to see Matilda return, really, and she certainly didn't hate her. She was always welcome back for as long as she felt she could call the Carakin home.

As for business, it's hard to tell if Jacqueline stops because she had reached a good stopping point, or if she stops because she detects a potential customer watching her. It isn't long before she turns around, offering Ashes and her teaward-bound companion a smile. Matilda answers the question on their policies, and Jacqueline nods.

"That's right. We're an eclectic bunch, so if neither of us right now are interested, it might be worth dropping by some other time when more of us are around." She replies.

Her eyes soon track to the others present, spotting Bethany first and then Iskandra and her stall on the other side of the road. It looked like the former was already speaking with Matilda, so she offers the latter a friendly wave.

<Pose Tracker> Ashes has posed.

Ashes' companion waves, but doesn't look. She (probably) hasn't actually looked at all, but she had no trouble locating a cup and the pitcher, and filling the one from the other, two thirds or so.

Ashes looks for someplace to upend her pack, and doesn't really find one. That's alright. She fishes in it, and carefully makes space on the end of Matilda's workbench. "I what I have you don't anyone look like it's your things, but," clunk, clatter. Maybe 2/3 of a repeating carbine, stripped receiver and internals. No barrel, slightly mashed. Clonk, a few magazines.

Ashes reaches in her pack for something significantly more delicate, and her companion yells from the tea stand, "Don't you even," but it's too late. A ratty canvas pouch; stuffed with rags, it turns out? But the rags are stuffed with jewelry.

"Hey I wanted that--" Ashes sighs, theatrically, selects one of the weightier packets, and whips it at her companion's head. Her companion catches it without looking, and wanders towards the vendors, finally.

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

"Oh -- yes, that was me!" Matilda replies to Bethany, giving her a smile. "That's a local analgesic -- reduce pain for cuts and other smaller wounds. That one is more for surgical or at-home use than adventuring use -- it's numbing enough that it'd be a problem for anyone but a sorcerer to use out in the field. ... I mean, I have, but, desperate times..."

She manages to stop herself from rambling too much before long, and says, "It really is a pleasure to see you again! I'm glad the wastes haven't taken you yet -- ah, that might be too grim..." Then Ashes reveals an ARM and a whole bunch of ARM-related objects.

Matilda smiles. "I actually will buy that -- let me see... it's usually a thousand gella for this type of ARM, but there's... rather a lot to rehabilitate here..." She counts out a few hundred gella.

"... The jewelry isn't really my style, though -- normally I'd be able to recommend a buyer, but they'd be in Krosse..." Matilda looks over toward Iskandra briefly, considering. ... that mostly looks like adventuring gear -- not a great buyer either... hmm.

<Pose Tracker> Iskandra Grendorre has posed.

Iskandra returns the wave to Jay, and finally catches sight of Ashes, which means all of sudden her stall has some extra items. Candied walnuts, little candy canes, some kind of fruit gum. It all looks fairly cheap, rather sweet and probably somewhat unhealthy. In exchange, some of the other more obscure products are gone. She glances at the others, and chooses this moment to the classic of all ancient vendors with stalls, "Gels, Potions, Curatives, Draughts, Concotions and more. Find all you need at Iskandra's Imporium."

<Pose Tracker> Bethany Liston has posed.

"Surgical use is what I need it for." Bethany says, frankly. "'s why I want to know what's in it. I don't want to be hoping the pain makes 'em pass out while I'm digging out a bullet." For her part, Bethany doesn't seem to be put off by Matilda's grim hello. "Y'ain't saying anything but the truth. Nothing wrong with that. For what it's worth, I'm glad you seem to be doing well yourself."

Ashes haul, however, does not fail to catch Bethany's notice, letting out a bit of a whistle when the gemstones are brought out. "Y'might struggle to find a buyer for anything that fancy out here. Folks've rarely got more than just enough for themselves." She doesn't ask where the gemstones came from, at least not yet.

The talk of others does get Bethany's attention, briefly. "What else is it you deal in, then? I've always got an interest in someone out in the wastes with a decent supply."

Her reaction to Iskandra's call is tinged slightly with suspicion. The call of a merchant can be all too similar to the call of one of those 'wondrous' medicine men. Still, she casts an eye over the stall, making a note to compare prices and make. After all, the longer you can stretch a gella out here counts.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline turns her attention toward Ashes's haul. She gives it a fine look over, with a considering look on her face. Matilda is the one to grab up the ARM first, however. Jacqueline didn't have much personal interest in it, so that's fine. As for the jewelry...

"Hm...jewelry... It can be a bit of a hassle to sell. I used to sell some at my old store in Adlehyde, but... Well, I went mobile and haven't since replaced my equipment for appraisal." She doesn't elaborate on the 'why's'. "I can take if off your hands, though you'd probably get a better price from a dedicated jeweler."

There was also the matter of confirming whether or not it was stolen merchandise, but she wouldn't accuse a customer to their faces unless she was entirely certain of it.

Bethany asks what the others deal in, and a wide smile crosses Jacqueline's face.

"Why, all sorts of things! Beyond my potions and general goods, and Doctor Whitehead's compounds," She says with a bright smile and a gesture over to Matilda. "We've got a mechanic, a combination armorer and tailor, a purveyor of symbological goods...we even have a couple of fantastic cooks, capable of preparing the best meals around!"

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

"Oh, good. Ah -- it's mostly artemis leaf-based, like ... most of the primary analgesics I sell -- there's a little bit of heal berry extract to promote clotting, but only in the long term... too much would render it too effective." Matilda is honestly so unused to having the chance to talk shop with someone who cares that she sometimes outright misses oportunities.

"The one thing we don't have is a dedicated ARMs meister, I think -- I imagine Shalune can fill that role for those who need it, but..." Matilda taps her chin. "... But, yes, the real hallmark is the cooking. If I had to guess, I'd say we have more people who cook satisfyingly than don't..."

Matilda's stomach growls, and she frowns.

<Pose Tracker> Ashes has posed.

Matilda has the attention of Ashes' companion. Bethany has Ashes', though. "It's, I-" "we," her companion corrects her. Ugh.

"It's, we, Kari, source things. Mostly. Recover, sometimes." Ashes gestures at the jewelry, and Kari chuckles. I mean, yeah, J, it's obviously stolen, though Ashes seems to be suggesting that it wasn't she what done it.

She looks over the table she's been dumping things on, and "Oh!. You I might need you to compound somthis that Iskandra wait a moment." Is that Iskandra?

<Pose Tracker> Iskandra Grendorre has posed.

Iskandra smiles at Ashes, gives a wave. That is definitely Iskandra, and when she hears a stomach growl another basket mysteriously makes its way onto her stall, this one contains sandwiches and some pastries, nothing fancy but reasonable well made. The difference between alchemy and cooking is a matter of materials and goals, not of means, after all.

Not knowing Bethany, Iskandra makes no immediate callouts to the doctor, but she merely repeats her line about sales, and adds, "I've got Lunarian medicine, unlike anything made on Filgaia, along with classic Filgaian choices. You won't regret buying here."

<Pose Tracker> Bethany Liston has posed.

The prospect of food is one that strikes a chord with Bethany. "Y'almost make it sound like I chose the wrong time to swing by." The doctor chuckles. Matilda's description also seems to meet with approval. "I'll take three bottles. And some antidotes, too. I'm seeing a bit too many snakes this season to feel comfortable."

Bethany also takes stock of Ashes and her companion, considering what to make of the mess. Still, this isn't her business to nose about in. At least not yet. "Seems like profitable business, then."

"Lunarian Medicine, huh." Bethany mutters under her breath, surprisingly coldly. "I hope you don't mind me taking a second, miss. The order still stands." She places some gella on the counter, before turning around. "Just got to indulge my curiosity a bit."

"Alright then, I'll bite. What's this Lunarian medicine you're selling?" Bethany asks, perhaps a bit loudly for comfort, as she walks towards Iskandra's stall.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"Oh, Shalune is a fine ARMs meister, really...! She built that new ARM of hers basically by herself, after all. But, ah...I suppose I'm hardly unbiased..." Jacqueline replies with a chuckle, before looking back to Ashes.

"'Recover', hm?" She repeats. Hm...well, that sounded suspicious, but it wasn't entirely unreasonable. "I can give you..."

She lists off an amount. It's a reasonable amount, but possibly not one Ashes and her companion might be looking for.

"How does that sound?" She asks.

She has to chuckle slightly at Bethany's comment, then.

"Hahah, sorry. But hey, it might be a reason to come back sometime..." She says.

"...But if you're having a problem with snakes, perhaps I could interest you in a bottle of my repellant? Spread a little bit of it around, and you shouldn't have any problems with unpleasant critters." She says, and moves over to the shelves. "I can give you a sample now, and if you're satisfied you can purchase some more next time you come around. What do you think?"

As she's picking a bottle of black liquid off the shelves, she can't help but glance back as Iskandra speaks about 'Lunarian medicine'.

...Bethany would probably be in for quite the surprise, if she didn't think Iskandra was trying to scam her. Jacqueline had to see this.

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

Matilda's attention rests more directly on Ashes's friend. "Source, hm? Well -- that's... fair, I suppose!" Matilda does not offer too much more on that. Bethany, however, gets a nod. "Right -- three it is. And yes, of course -- you really can't be too careful as regards snakes. Scorpions, too -- though if you can capture a scorpion and avoid exposing the tail to heat, I'm always interested in the venom sacs..."

When Jay mentions repellant, Matilda nods. "Jay's repellant has worked very well for us in the past -- enough so that I don't bring my attractant anymore, actually." Ultimately, though, her attention, much like Jay's, is drawn first and foremost by 'Lunarian Medicine.' She peers over.

<Pose Tracker> Ashes has posed.

Ashes and Kari consult, briefly. The content of their discussion can be inferred; they don't seem much disappointed by J's offer. "We if I knew where they were coming from we'd try to return them, but," but.

Ashes is transacting this; Kari wanders over to Matilda's table. Recall the discussion over the parts kit. "What d'ye want to rebuild this?" She pokes at the rifle carcass; you'd need a barrel, at least, and who knows if the bolt's any good after... kinda looks like something grabbed it, crushed it.

And then un-crushed it. Somehow. Who knows.

"Three hundred for the parts, if not? It's all the fiddly bits, those're the expensive ones, right?"

<Pose Tracker> Iskandra Grendorre has posed.

"Well for starters, there's the gels." Iskandra takes out a box that contains verious blobs of coloured gel, "They address different medical needs, colour-coded and fruit-flavoured to prevent mixups." She picks up a red one, "This one provides modest pain relief on short notice." Then on to a yellow one, "This one strengthens the body's ability to close wounds."

The alchemist moves on to a series of small bottles, "This one deals with a variety of common poisons. This one treats most infectious diseases. This one helps deal with burns. And because all of them have minimal side effects and don't have cross-incompatibilities we also offer this one." She points at a bigger bottle, "For those of us who explore dangerous environments and need a curative right now while dealing with aggressive distractions, it deals with most common problems encountered in such situations. So, it contains all the others." If this weren't fantasy medicine, that would be a horrible idea. "We call it the panacea bottle."

Then she moves on to some other Lunarian medicines she has for sale, while keeping an eye on the others present, clearly quite happy to take questions, and expecting to get some.

<Pose Tracker> Bethany Liston has posed.

"I'm afraid if I'm involved, it's a little late for repellent." Bethany shakes her head. "But you sure make a case for returning customers. I might swing back when the cooking starts." She follows with a nod to Matilda. "Better to at least have a chance to save the leg rather than have to take it off."

Bethany at least listens to the whole spiel. "You'll have to excuse my hesitation, but that's a hell of a lot to take on trust. Especially when half of 'em look like something you give a kid to stop them bothering you." Yeah, perhaps it is hard to really take the gels seriously without evidence. "And I've got enough patients still alive I don't want to risk their wellbeing on something untried."

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

"Hmm... I admit that isn't my forte -- if it were me buying the parts, I'd be taking it to a fellow my father used to know -- he had a very similar weapon for home defense." Tapping her chin, Matilda says, "I can give you a referral, at least -- he's a bit of an itinerant himself, but I can tell him to stick around November City all of next week and he'll probably repair it for half the market rate for a gun like that. If he can't, he'll probably buy it from you for better than I would anyway..."

And back to the gels. "I actually am interested in the gels -- but at the moment, my research funds are a little strapped... I'll keep you in mind?" Matilda offers, with a slightly awkward smile. "If I dig too much deeper in my own pockets, I won't have anything to do business with..."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"It really is quite useful!" Jacqueline says with a glowing smile as Matilda compliments her repellant. Bethany clarifies, though, stating that the problem is with her patients.

"Ah, I see...well, I can still send a sample along with you! Anyone who does any amount of traveling should carry some with them, really - it's not just your patients who are at risk, after all!" She says, then turns her attention toward Ashes.

"...Well, as a merchant, it's easier for me to find that kind of information. I'll put a few feelers out, see if anyone's had any jewelry stolen. If so, I'll make sure they're returned to rightful owners." If not...well, she could find a seller, herself, or see if any of the others could do anything with all of it. She reaches into her bags, then draws out the gella she offered and sets it down next to the jewelry.

The response Iskandra's medicines gets is...well, about what Jacqueline expected, honestly. The gels especially always seemed like a hard sell - she had a recipe for Heal Berry Gels she'd put together as a novelty, but finding a buyer for the product wasn't easy when they could take her regular potions instead...or just normal Heal Berries.

<Pose Tracker> Bethany Liston has posed.

Okay, Matilda's interest in the gels catches Bethany off guard. Could there be something to those weird little treats? Or does the compounder just want to experiment with them? Or is it possibly a failing of university teaching? Either way, it's enough to give Beth pause.

And then comes the inevitable, as there's the whinny of a horse, then a crack, then a scream and then bystanders laughing. and Bethany sighs. "I'll have to look into it next time." She walks back towards Matilda's counter to pick up her medicine bag. "I'll be back for the antidotes once I've seen to that poor bastard. Hopefully I won't be long."

And with that, the doctor goes off to deal with the idiot who fell off his horse, and into the well.