Matilda Whitehead
Matilda Whitehead | |
IC Information | |
Full Name: | Matilda Whitehead |
Gender: | Female |
Age (Birthdate): | 23 (12 September) |
Hometown: | Krosse |
Height: | 5'4" |
Hair Colour: | Blue-black |
Eye Colour: | Blue-grey |
Class: | Itinerant Scholar-Merchant |
Role: | Drifter |
Bounty: | 0 Gella |
OOC Information | |
Theme: | Original |
Groups: | Caravan Kinship |
Player: | Fuchi |
Voice Actor: | Cristina Vee (EN)/Chiwa Saito(JP) |
Matilda has a degree in compounding from the Academy of Linga and a neat ARM! She also has a possible food intolerance to non-oleracea brassicas.
If you want more than that, ask her!
Powers and Abilities
Matilda is a compounder!
Ignore the ARM.
Artemis Leaf
A strong curative of toxins even in its uncompounded state, the artemis leaf is reliable and valuable.
- Kaguya: "We're in this together -- until the end."
- Dean Stark: "I wish you'd asked, about the scarf, but... you really are very sweet."
Reliable, commonly available, and uncomplicated. ... And I'm always running out, somehow...
- Ida Everstead-Rey: "I think perhaps we are not terribly un-alike! We seem to have similar stories, though she's much more... outgoing than I am. I hope to get to know her better!"
- Jacqueline Barber: "Her resolve is impressive. There's something she has that I simply... don't."
- Claude C. Kenny: "Ah... I think we'll be great friends if I never have to hear that wretched instrument again."
- Rena Lanford: "Thank you so much... if you hadn't been there, things could have been much worse."
- Sephilia Lampbright: "It's true. I have brought book words into our fun adventures."
- Mariel: "Thank you very much for your assistance!"
- Avril Vent Fleur: "What a terribly strange woman... but I'm -- glad that we know each other, even so."
Orchids are beautiful, but in a complex, sometimes dangerous way.
- Noeline: "The mystique feels like it's worn off... but she's still a fairly valuable companion."
Rose Hips
Rose hips, in compounding, are eclectic and prone to significant change based on what else is in the compound. Isn't that beautiful?
- Corwynt: "His grooming is impeccable."
- Neriah Parringer: "My! What an unusual young woman! ... though... quite the quick wit, all else said..."
- Rosaline Calice: "I thought I'd had you figured out, but... that wasn't what I expected..."
- Asteroid the Kid: "I have my concerns, but I'm grateful for the help."
- Cyre H. Lorentz: "I have reservations."
Tremendously poisonous... but a little captivating just the same.
- Riesenlied: "In the end... It's hard to trust her, but easy to believe in her, I suppose? I... mmm. It's difficult. But I believe she means well."
- Ethius Hesiod: "Untrustworthy and bloody-minded. Would doom us all if allowed to operate unchecked. Keep your friends close..."
Death is certain. At best, a repellent.
- The Black Ties: "... There are reasons a polite society must be an armed one."
- The Metal Demons: "A black star in whose light nothing grows."
Weapon Stories
Chapter | Story | Unlock |
1 | Ever hear the story of the Freeshooter? Gifted with seven magical bullets, the last of which would be at the command of Valmar?
There's something wrong with that, isn't there? |
Bleak December |
2 | [Unknown] | ???? |
3 | [Unknown] | ???? |
4 | [Unknown] | ???? |
Refurbished Gear "Honeybee"
Chapter | Story | Unlock |
1 | [Unknown] | ???? |
2 | [Unknown] | ???? |
3 | [Unknown] | ???? |
4 | [Unknown] | ???? |
Logs and Cutscenes
Chapter 1 Logs
- 2017-03-15: A Berry Bad Day
- 2017-04-25: Phantoms of Lahan
- 2017-04-29: Attack on Descartes's Base!
- 2017-05-11: Malevolence 101
- 2017-05-25: Turning your Convictions
- 2017-05-27: Operation Gungnir
- 2017-05-29: Haunted Heels
- 2017-06-03: Bugs, Brute Force, and Book Words
- 2017-06-06: Something New
- 2017-06-07: Right to Bear ARMs
- 2017-06-18: The Missing Child
- 2017-06-24: Gylfaginning
- 2017-07-01: The Place Once Called a Temple
- 2017-07-03: Shalune Amira vs. Lady Chloe Alexandre
- 2017-07-08: A Venture into Sacred Grounds
- 2017-07-10: Battle at the Bae
- 2017-07-11: Janus Cascade vs. White Knight Leo
- 2017-07-12: Business Meeting
- 2017-07-21: Alisha versus Garan! Hyland versus Rolance!
- 2017-08-13: The Pressure of Fear
- 2017-08-19: I'd Rather Drown
- 2017-08-19: The Guardian Kinship
- 2017-08-22: Tug of War
- 2017-08-23: Nightfall at the Wayside
- 2017-08-23: Within the Coil
- 2017-08-24: Rescue in the Desert
- 2017-08-28: Claude's Kingly Adventure
- 2017-09-02: Genesis of Sweetness
- 2017-09-09: A Grand Opening Indeed
- 2017-09-11: The Guests Who Have You For Dinner
- 2017-09-13: Crate Expectations
- 2017-09-14: Moon Day, Urbanization, And You
- 2017-09-19: The Tyranny of Bookwords
- 2017-10-14: Loose Threads
- 2017-11-04: The Rogue Brother
- 2017-11-07: CaraKin's Pleasant Stroll (Not a Revenge Quest)
- 2017-11-10: Racing the Wind
- 2017-11-14: Sharing the Story
- 2017-12-01: Nice Hat
- 2017-12-10: Sales Upon Sales
- 2017-12-15: Today is Glove Day
- 2017-12-16: Velvet Glove
- 2017-12-17: Metal Dinner
- 2017-12-23: Bleak December
- 2017-12-29: Bet On Red
- 2018-01-07: Masquerade
- 2018-01-12: Vorthuzahl's Prize
- 2018-01-13: Dead and Dreaming
- 2018-01-20: The Hand of Friendship
- 2018-02-04: Enchantment Land
- 2018-02-06: Don't Talk To Strangers
- 2018-02-08: Mei Mong Wong's Border Adventure
- 2018-02-18: Professional Conference
- 2018-02-21: In the Name of Love and Peace
- 2018-02-24: Our Final Stand
- 2018-02-25: The Frogs and the Ox
- 2018-02-28: When Birds Fly
- 2018-03-03: My Way
- 2018-03-04: Aliens on a Rampage
- 2018-03-12: Discussion Amidst the Hunting Grounds
- 2018-03-15: Dangerous Ground Indeed
- 2018-03-21: Urban Spelunking
- 2018-03-23: Frozen Footsteps
- 2018-03-31: The Pursuit of Knowledge
- 2018-04-07: Lunar Market Research
- 2018-04-14: See the Light of Althena
- 2018-04-21: Hunters and Hellfire
- 2018-04-24: Happy Boost!
- 2018-05-18: The Heist at House Armagnac
- 2018-05-20: Bartlow's Scheme
- 2018-05-27: Strange Dogs
- 2018-06-10: Secrets in the Depths
- 2018-06-21: Vintage Village
- 2018-06-24: Dragons and Illusions
- 2018-07-21: Caliban's War
- 2018-07-25: Practical
- 2018-07-26: Called Upon
- 2018-07-28: The Keeper at the Gates
- 2018-08-18: Shooting Stars
- 2018-08-24: Complications
- 2018-08-26: Gods of Risk
- 2018-08-31: Leviathan Wakes
- 2018-09-01: In The Hour Of Our Greatest Need
- 2018-09-02: Tiamat's Wrath
- 2018-09-04: Uncaged Exploration
- 2018-09-05: Shanty Shindig
- 2018-09-15: CaraKin Catchup
- 2018-09-16: The Stuff That Breams Are Made Of
- 2018-09-23: Ruinous Memories in the Ruins of Memory
- 2018-09-27: Chase Your Breams
- 2018-09-28: Outreach Gathering
- 2018-10-27: Into the Drowned Sanctum - Side B
- 2018-10-28: Breaking the Shackles
- 2018-11-11: Burned
- 2018-11-16: After A Name
- 2018-11-20: Harsh Reflections
- 2018-11-21: We Don't Have To Walk It Alone
- 2018-11-23: Devastation
- 2018-11-30: Impenetrable
- 2018-12-01: All Our Hopes and Dreams
- 2018-12-08: Pain of Loss - Daughter
- 2018-12-23: Das Rheingold
- 2018-12-27: Leaving Mother Behind
- 2019-01-11: One Step at a Time
- 2019-03-15: Everybody Get Up
Chapter 1 Cutscenes
Chapter 2 Logs
- 2019-05-11: Force Your Way
- 2019-08-10: A Taste of Power
- 2019-09-14: Paradigm Shift
- 2020-06-06: Interdiction
- 2020-08-15: Aurichalcum
- 2020-08-28: Civil Discourse
- 2020-10-02: There Is Blood on My Hands...
- 2020-10-10: There Will Be Sacrifices
- 2021-04-10: Cindered Shadows
- 2021-05-01: Tragedienne Sins
- 2021-07-17: You Can (Not) Redo
- 2022-01-03: Tales from the Thunder Plains
- 2022-06-07: Arrhythmia
- 2022-06-13: Absence of Light