2024-06-07: Taking Power

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  • Log: Taking Power
  • Cast: Giovanni, Anne Aomori, Jessie and James, Mia Tamaoka
  • Where: Field of Power, Energy Nede
  • Date: June 07, 2024
  • Summary: Team Rocket braves the Field of Power regardlesss of the wishes of the Nedian governmment.

DG: A party led by Giovanni is now entering Field of Power.
DG: Party formation is now over. An Entry Challenge will now be drawn and displayed to the party.
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
======================<* CHALLENGE - Ice-Encrusted Door *>======================
| Type: Entry        | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  The path to the Field of Power wasn't an easy one, already. It entailed a     
  half-day hike through the snowy foothills north of Pewter City -- a remote    
  area that few travel to -- and almost a stone's throw away from the barrier   
  containing Energy Nede's atmosphere. From here, the huge Symbols across it    
  flicker in the sky like an aurora.                                            
  But now, you've arrived. There is a stone plinth outside, marking this as     
  the legendary Field of Power. And, beyond that, you see a door leading into   
  the initial cavern. It is a metal door, ancient but untarnished. Symbols      
  glow over it; someone well-versed in Symbology can see that these are         
  Symbols specializing in ice magic. This door continuously generates a         
  massive sheet of ice, encrusting it into place. Your first challenge will be  
  to force this door open.                                                      
  Every step of the way, more ice will form. It will even crust over hands and  
  weapons, with how fast it grows. It will take considerable might -- and some  
  cunning -- to push open.                                                      
  But if you seek the Blessing of Power, you will need such might and cunning   
  to continue.                                                                  
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|          Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure! and Weaken:_Brute_Down!          |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Giovanni has posed.

"This..." Wedge Guado grunts, as the wirey Guado follows after Biggs's much larger form. As he was breaking the trail across the snowy path, until they get to a large door -- and a stone plinth. "...this is almost as bad as Gagazet."

"Almost?" Biggs asks.

The two Guado pause, as they consider the sins of their past.

"...yeah, fair enough," Wedge sighs. Then, they look at the plinth. They squint; its words, in Nedian, are hard to read. "This seems like it?" Wedge asks. He frowns. Then, he looks at the door. "Biggs."

"I'm up!" the big Guado says. He rushes forward, throws his shoulder into the door, and the ice on it shatters into so much dust. Then, it begins to reform. Biggs steps back.

"That's a pain in the--"

The ice is growing over, already, erasing his blow. But an icicle falls, obscuring what Biggs says at the end of that sentence.

DG: Giovanni has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Ice-Encrusted Door. 
<Pose Tracker> Anne Aomori has posed.

Anne Aomori is finally getting out into a fascinating environment... but first, of course, there's the snow. She comes to Pewter often enough, or used to when she was getting along better with her ex. But she's grown accustomed to balmier climes, so she has a few complaints about the snows, too.

She is in a heavy coat, anyway. "It's not great," Anne admits, until lthey reach the plinth. "Yes, this is it," she confirmms. "And the door is full of Ice Symbology..."

The Guado start to work on it, but Anne pulls a Pokeball. "Laqui," she instructs. "Let's advise an open-door policy to the Field's supervisor."

The Typhlosion--a blue-and-cream mammalian Pokemon with huge gouts of fire where spines might stick out of his back--roars. Then, he curls, and lava starts to erupt up out of the ground.

"Let us help," she says pleasantly.

DG: Anne Aomori has used her Tool Lava Plume toward her party's challenge, Ice-Encrusted Door. Strengthen! Party Brute
<Pose Tracker> Jessie and James has posed.

    Jessie and James, of course, appear in glamourous Winter gear -- no doubt James made it all himself. And yet --

    "The door's locked!" James whines, as he knocks on it. "Jessie, can you --"

Jessie and James says, "Can I!" Jessie exclaims, as she sits down on a snow-covered log. "You two can handle it," the strongest member of their team assures them, as she pulls out a make-up compact. "Put your backs into it, okay?"

    "Myaaaaaaaaaar...." Meowth wails, as he dangles off of an icicle.

    "I can't believe you're making us do this!" James wails, as he pulls out an ice-pick and starts chipping away.

    ... then, Laqui's lava makes him sink a good six inches into the melting ice. "Ack!"

DG: Jessie and James has used their Tool Bossy Babe toward their party's challenge, Ice-Encrusted Door. Stalwart! Party
shielded from some Exhaustion this round!
<Pose Tracker> Mia Tamaoka has posed.

Team Rocket is probably not supposed to be here... and here they are anyway. Which, in a weird way, makes this kind of exciting.

It's still a lot colder than Mia's used to, but... still not her least favorite part of Energy Nede, by a long shot. (As long as there are no ghosts here.)

Still, it's cold enough to need to bundle up, and Mia's decked out in a long, fur-trimmed coat, thermal tights, and boots for the trip up. Purri's huddled up with her in the coat, too, with her head peeking out of the collar under Mia's chin. They're keeping each other warm!

"... What's a Gagazet?" Mia asks innocently enough as they arrive to the door.

"Ice... then that means..." Mia takes out a pokeball and tosses it. "Pixi! H-help out Laqui with Flamethrower!"

The little red fox creature pops up and nods. "Vul." She inhales deeply, and spews out a stream of flames at the door.

DG: Mia Tamaoka has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Ice-Encrusted Door. 
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
======================<* CHALLENGE - Ice-Encrusted Door *>======================
| Type: Entry        | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  The path to the Field of Power wasn't an easy one, already. It entailed a     
  half-day hike through the snowy foothills north of Pewter City -- a remote    
  area that few travel to -- and almost a stone's throw away from the barrier   
  containing Energy Nede's atmosphere. From here, the huge Symbols across it    
  flicker in the sky like an aurora.                                            
  But now, you've arrived. There is a stone plinth outside, marking this as     
  the legendary Field of Power. And, beyond that, you see a door leading into   
  the initial cavern. It is a metal door, ancient but untarnished. Symbols      
  glow over it; someone well-versed in Symbology can see that these are         
  Symbols specializing in ice magic. This door continuously generates a         
  massive sheet of ice, encrusting it into place. Your first challenge will be  
  to force this door open.                                                      
  Every step of the way, more ice will form. It will even crust over hands and  
  weapons, with how fast it grows. It will take considerable might -- and some  
  cunning -- to push open.                                                      
  But if you seek the Blessing of Power, you will need such might and cunning   
  to continue.                                                                  
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|        Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!, Strengthen:_Brute_Up!, and        |
|                             Weaken:_Brute_Down!                              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================< Results - Field of Power - Round 1 >=====================
=======================< CHALLENGE - Ice-Encrusted Door >=======================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Giovanni                            0 --(20)--> 20                   Bad       
Force                               Bsc Brute         Effects: BASIC           
Anne Aomori                         0 --(20)--> 20                   Bad       
Lava Plume                          Min Brute         Effects: Strengthen      
Jessie and James                    0 --(0)--> 0                     Good      
Bossy Babe                          Min Brute         Effects: Stalwart        
Mia Tamaoka                         0 --(20)--> 20                   Bad       
Force                               Bsc Brute         Effects: BASIC           
Leader: Giovanni                    0 --(20)--> 20                   Pass     
Conditions: Exhaust(1) and Weaken(2)                                          
Effects: Strengthen(1)                                                        
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Giovanni has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Giovanni has posed.

"Guh... right. Team Rocket's all about teamwork!" Biggs says, punching a hand into his fist -- as the huge gouts of flame from Typhlosion begin to melt some of the ice, quickly. Icemelt runs down the door in thick rivulets, and sheets of ice begin to crack and give way.

The ice begins to grow back -- and then lava from Laqui begins to melt it again, and make parts of the stone door glow bright. Pixi breathes fire out, and it washes over the ice -- and then Biggs nods.

He looks back at Jessie. "You wanna leave it to me, that's fine!" He grins. "Gweh heh..."

"A mountain," Wedge says. He looks at Mia. "It's a mountain in Spira. One with a battle we fought at." He looks away from her. "It wasn't so good."

Then, Biggs runs into the door -- slams into it -- and it goes barreling open. But then he leaps back, and yelps:


DG: Anne Aomori has drawn a new Challenge.
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=================<* CHALLENGE - Branching Paths in the Dark *>==================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Wits            | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You enter another of the tunnels winding through the Field of Power. Like     
  many of the others, the tunnel is a cave that is narrow and winding, and      
  poorly light. You get far enough inside that the light reflected off the      
  snows barely reaches. Hopefully, you've brought a light. You may need it,     
  because here, you see two paths separate -- and wind about quickly. In fact,  
  more paths split off down each of those. Confoundingly, many loop back on     
  themselves. You'll need to navigate carefully, to not just go in circles.     
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|     Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!, Hesitate:_Agility_Down!_Wits_Up!,    |
|     Strengthen:_Brute_Up!, Tire:_Exhaustion_Up!, and Weaken:_Brute_Down!     |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Anne Aomori has posed.

Of course Team Rocket isn't suppposed to be here. But that doesn't matter. They're here anyway.

Whether anyone likes it or not.

Anne looks with some amusement at Jessie working on her makeup and making Jessie and James do it. She looks with approval as Pixi helps. Because teamwork!

Anne smiles, when the door is opened. "Good work," she says to the others, and advances through the door without pity for Biggs's hot foot. Her own feet do fine.

They enter the tunnel--and it winds, and winds, and winds. Narrow and poorly-lit, the tnnel suddenly separates into two paths--and Anne considers. She doesn't know which path is best...

Which means--

"Well Mia," Anne says, "Here's your chance to show off. Tell us which path you'd pick."

A pause. "Unless Biggs and Wedge have a better idea..."

She does not look to Jessie, James, or Meowth for ideas. For some reason.

DG: Anne Aomori has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Branching Paths in the Dark. 
<Pose Tracker> Jessie and James has posed.

    "Open sesame!" Jessie crows, as she hops up to saunter on in. She reaches down to scruff James and Meowth, soaked by melted ice, and drag them in as she goes.

    "cool mountain," James mumbles, as he leaves a soggy-icewater trail behind him.

    They come to those winding paths, though, and Meowth recovers his wits to come to one of the tunnel paths, and declare: "Myarth, myaow! Nyaa, nyaa, nyan." He folds his paws, and nods his head, confidently.

    Mia may notice he is indicating the most wrong tunnel. Somehow, there's a worst answer, and he's decided it's the way forward.

DG: Jessie and James has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward their party's challenge, Branching Paths in the Dark. 
<Pose Tracker> Mia Tamaoka has posed.

Mia is curious to learn more about Spira, but... maybe not that particular subject. "Oh, okay," she says simply.

She does take an interest in what Jessie is doing for her makeup, though. While also keeping an eye on Pixi, of course.

"Alright, we got in! Good job, Pixi!" Mia recalls Pixi so she can ride out the rest of the trip in relative comfort.

She follows along with Anne, and frowns as the paths start to twist and split... and then Anne turns to her to get her advice. "Oh! Right! Hrmmm..." She studies the paths seriously, frowning hard in contemplation.

Mia hasn't noticed yet--But Purri has. "Purr, purr loin loin purr," she says. They can go that way if they want to waste everybody's time. (She'd normally be more coy about it, but it's cold and she wants to get on with things.)

Meanwhile, Mia calls out Pixi again ('Sorry, but we need your help with a light'), then pulls out her cell phone, starts taking pictures, and then traces out a map of what she thinks the various paths look like. "I think we go... this way." She points, at an entirely different path from what Meowth picked.

DG: Mia Tamaoka has used her Tool Smartphone toward her party's challenge, Branching Paths in the Dark. Resilient! Party
shielded from some exhaustion next round!
<Pose Tracker> Giovanni has posed.

"...Hrn," Wedge grunts. Anne asks if he has a better idea. He looks sideways at his comrade, for a moment.

Then he looks at Meowth. Wedge looks up from him and to Mia. He shakes his head at her.

"You got it with you?" Biggs asks Wedge.

"Yeah," Wedge says. "Let's see if he's got any nuggets of wisdom."

Wedge pulls out a dark blue sphere, rolling it in his clawed hand -- and it comes to a stop with a clink against his claws. Then, pyreflies come off it. The two Guado look on somberly, as a hovering small illusion of a man in blue robes, with an open shirt and blue hair with jagged, long strands appears.

The late Maester Seymour Guado.

"I thought it best to never flinch. To never doubt," the recording says. "I tried to remember that... when I chose my path."

"...Not really," Wedge answers Anne, finally.

And, fortunately, Mia has a path picked. Wedge glances at her, then nods, before he tucks the sphere away.

DG: Giovanni has used his Tool Seymour Sphere toward his party's challenge, Branching Paths in the Dark. Rally! 
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=================<* CHALLENGE - Branching Paths in the Dark *>==================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Wits            | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You enter another of the tunnels winding through the Field of Power. Like     
  many of the others, the tunnel is a cave that is narrow and winding, and      
  poorly light. You get far enough inside that the light reflected off the      
  snows barely reaches. Hopefully, you've brought a light. You may need it,     
  because here, you see two paths separate -- and wind about quickly. In fact,  
  more paths split off down each of those. Confoundingly, many loop back on     
  themselves. You'll need to navigate carefully, to not just go in circles.     
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|     Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!, Hesitate:_Agility_Down!_Wits_Up!,    |
|  Resilient:_Exhaustion_Down!, Tire:_Exhaustion_Up!, and Weaken:_Brute_Down!  |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================< Results - Field of Power - Round 2 >=====================
==================< CHALLENGE - Branching Paths in the Dark >===================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Giovanni                            20 --(8)--> 28                   Good      
Seymour Sphere                      Maj Wits          Effects: Rally           
Anne Aomori                         20 --(8)--> 28                   Good      
Investigate                         Bsc Wits          Effects: BASIC           
Jessie and James                    0 --(8)--> 8                     Good      
Investigate                         Bsc Wits          Effects: BASIC           
Mia Tamaoka                         20 --(8)--> 28                   Best      
Smartphone                          Min Wits          Effects: Resilient       
Leader: Giovanni                    20 --(20)--> 40                  Pass     
Conditions: Exhaust(1), Hesitate(2), Tire(2), and Weaken(1)                   
Effects: Resilient(1)                                                         
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Giovanni has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Anne Aomori has posed.

As is so often true in the world of Pokemon, it would appear that the answer is to make the teenager do it.

In short: Meowth shows the worst possible option. It's somehow even worse than going back. Mia compliments her Pokemon! And Biggs and Wedge consult with their Sphere.

But in the end, Anne just goes, "All right, Mia. We'll go that way."

It gets them through the cavern!

"Good job, Mia. I knew we could count on you." Laqui, still outside his Pokeball, steps up behind Meowth and smiles toothily.

"Interesting approach though," she says to Biggs and Wedge.

DG: Jessie and James has drawn a new Challenge.
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================<* CHALLENGE - Sleeping Slopetails *>======================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Wits            | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  Slopetails are bipedal, icy blue lizard-like Pokemon known to enjoy the       
  cold. At least, ordinarily, they are bipedal; today, there are about a dozen  
  of them, scattered across the snowy landscape of the mountain. Most are in a  
  cluster, though others are scattered about here and there. While this is the  
  Field of Might, it is not the Field of Stupidity: fighting all of these at    
  once would not be a wise idea.                                                
  You will need to sneak past. Slowly, carefully, as to not wake one -- and in  
  doing so, surely wake them all. Once you're past, though, a well-timed        
  Pokeball might catch one... and without its fellows any the wiser. (And, if   
  goes badly, you have a chance to run with a good head start.)                 
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|         Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Hesitate:_Agility_Down!_Wits_Up!,         |
|  Resilient:_Exhaustion_Down!, Stupify:_Wits_Down!, and Tire:_Exhaustion_Up!  |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Jessie and James has posed.

    "Who's that?" Jessie asks, leaning over Wedge's shoulder.

    "Who did his hair?!" James exclaims, leaning over his other shoulder.

    "Mraaaah!" Meowth doesn't have time to focus on Seymour Guado, because he's too busy yowling at Purri.

    "Come on, Meowth," Jessie says, with a sniff, as she calls him over.

    "Mreh," Meowth pouts, as he slinks after the group.

    And then, they come out of the cave, into a snowy clearing --

    -- full of Slopetails!

    James snaps his fingers. "I know," he says, and at least says it quietly. "Slopetail, go --" He throws a Pokeball of his own --

    -- revealing another Slopetail, who immediately turns around and gives James a big ol' bear hug.

    "Gh--ghhuhhh-- no, Slopetail, show us how to sneak past your buddies!" James squeaks, quite compressed.

    Unfortunately, Slopetail is too busy hugging him to help.

DG: Jessie and James has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward their party's challenge, Sleeping Slopetails. 
<Pose Tracker> Giovanni has posed.

"Never know," Wedge says, with a glance at Anne. "Maybe we'll get an idea one day."

Biggs looks at Jessie -- then James -- as they lean over Wedge's shoulders. The wirey Guado tenses, that look of 'someone is invading my space, what do I do.' Then, Biggs clears his throat. "Our old boss," he says.

They make their way out of the cave -- into a snowy clearing -- and spot all of the Slopetails. Wedge glances at James. "All right, you're--"

His Slopetail, freshly produced, is now hugging him.

"...up," he finishes, lamely.

"I've got an idea," Biggs says. He pulls out a Pokeball; this one has a green, glass-like top. When he opens it, Bomb comes out. He floats up -- and then he begins to grow, swelling in size.

Biggs then throws an X Speed up to him, and throws a rope up.

Bomb bites onto it.

Biggs and Wedge climb onto the rope; the Bomb lifts into the air. "We can fit at least one more on," Biggs says, as Bomb holds his breath -- and tries to fly ever higher!

DG: Giovanni has used his Tool Seymour Sphere toward his party's challenge, Sleeping Slopetails. Rally! 
<Pose Tracker> Mia Tamaoka has posed.

Mia blinks and looks up from her work as a few Pyreflies escape from their Sphere. She looks over to Biggs and Wedge to study the object they've brought out. "... Is th-that a Sphere...?" She says it with the capital S. If she gets a puzzled look she quickly adds, "Timu m-mentioned them, once..."

Mia beams up at Anne for the praise, pleased she got them through when needed. "Thanks, Doctor Aomori!" She looks to Pixi. "And good work, Pixi."

They soon encounter a field full of Slopetail, though, and when James calls out his, Mia peeks with interest. "Oooh, c-cool," she says, completely unironically and without any pun intended. "When d-did you get a Slopetail?"

She doesn't seem to take notice of the crushing hug squishing James. Purri does, though. "Purr, purrloin," she says quietly.

"O-oh, right." Mia turns her attention to the morass of Slopetail... then snaps a picture with her phone and starts tracing out potential paths once more. "If we go th-this way..." she mutters.

DG: Mia Tamaoka has used her Tool Smartphone toward her party's challenge, Sleeping Slopetails. Resilient! Party
shielded from some exhaustion next round!
<Pose Tracker> Anne Aomori has posed.

"Keep it up, and we'll be in good shape." Anne says his to Mia, and doesn't step in abou the Spheres. Instead...

"Hmmm." Anne will think on that Sphere. It's fine. But as they see the problem, Anne considers for a moment. then, when Slopetail appears--

"Stop wasting time, James."

As soon as anyone looks, though--

Anne is abrubtly with the bomb, on h end of the rope. "What a lovely creaure," she comments. Her movements were entirely silent.

DG: Anne Aomori has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Sleeping Slopetails. 
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================<* CHALLENGE - Sleeping Slopetails *>======================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Wits            | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  Slopetails are bipedal, icy blue lizard-like Pokemon known to enjoy the       
  cold. At least, ordinarily, they are bipedal; today, there are about a dozen  
  of them, scattered across the snowy landscape of the mountain. Most are in a  
  cluster, though others are scattered about here and there. While this is the  
  Field of Might, it is not the Field of Stupidity: fighting all of these at    
  once would not be a wise idea.                                                
  You will need to sneak past. Slowly, carefully, as to not wake one -- and in  
  doing so, surely wake them all. Once you're past, though, a well-timed        
  Pokeball might catch one... and without its fellows any the wiser. (And, if   
  goes badly, you have a chance to run with a good head start.)                 
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|         Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Hesitate:_Agility_Down!_Wits_Up!,         |
|  Resilient:_Exhaustion_Down!, Stupify:_Wits_Down!, and Tire:_Exhaustion_Up!  |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================< Results - Field of Power - Round 3 >=====================
======================< CHALLENGE - Sleeping Slopetails >=======================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Giovanni                            28 --(8)--> 36                   Good      
Seymour Sphere                      Maj Wits          Effects: Rally           
Anne Aomori                         28 --(20)--> 48                  Bad       
Investigate                         Bsc Wits          Effects: BASIC           
Jessie and James                    8 --(20)--> 28                   Worst     
Investigate                         Bsc Wits          Effects: BASIC           
Mia Tamaoka                         28 --(8)--> 36                   Best      
Smartphone                          Min Wits          Effects: Resilient       
Leader: Giovanni                    40 --(20)--> 60                  Pass     
Conditions: Bad Luck(2), Hesitate(1), Stupify(2), and Tire(1)                 
Effects: Resilient(1)                                                         
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Giovanni has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Jessie and James has posed.

    Jessie and James are very good at invading someone's personal space. Call them the Personal Space Invaders, because they're always getting WAY too close to sell the bit.

    As Bomb floats upwards, carrying Anne along too, a message streams out from Wedge's pocket as the Seymour Sphere is inadvertently activated again: "I have saved him. He was a man who craved power. And great power he had, but he feared losing it..."

    ... whoever that Seymour was, he must have been a great boss. Probably.

    "Well," James says, to Mia, still mid-hug, "it -- it all began when our Wander Trade scam went south -- and after Sable blasted us off, she came and found us, and she and Jessie got into this fight over who could catch the Slopetail living in the wreckage -- come on, buddy!" He whines, trying to pry himself free of Slopetail.

    "Slop," Slopetail rumbles, cheerfully.

    "James undercut us both by feeding the damn thing, and now he's his best friend," Jessie pouts, arms crossed. "All right," she looks to Mia's navigation, "let's go that way."

    "Don't leave me--!" James wails, as they all start walking off.

    One of the wild Slopetails lifts its head, sleepily, stirred by the racket. "Slope?"

    "Slope," James's Slopetail replies.

    "Sloooope," the first responds, as it puts its head back down.

    Somehow, James manages to catch up to the party alive.

DG: Mia Tamaoka has drawn a new Challenge.
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=========================<* CHALLENGE - AVALANCHE!! *>==========================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Agility         | Challenge Rating: 4  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  Even though you are undertaking a trial, sometimes there are beautiful        
  sights to see here. You find one such view: a place where a snowy path ends   
  at a rocky outcropping, looking over the mountains beyond. They are covered   
  with snow, beautiful and awe-inspiring -- and then beyond it, cold and grey   
  mountains where they are exposed to the harshness of space. The artificial    
  sun projected into Nede's sky is low on the horizon, red and giving           
  everything a golden cast.                                                     
  But then there is a noise. Perhaps you feel compelled to cry out; perhaps     
  you say something too loud. Perhaps a distant Pokemon bellows.                
  After that, though, there is a terrific RUMBLE.                               
  And then a massive sheet of snow and ice, crashing down atop you -- and       
  threatening to sweep you away and bury you. RUN!                              
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|        Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!,        |
|       Injure:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!, Resilient:_Exhaustion_Down!,        |
|                Stupify:_Wits_Down!, and Tire:_Exhaustion_Up!                 |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Mia Tamaoka has posed.

"Wait, d-doesn't the League run the Wonder Trade...?" asks Mia, confused.

"Purr, purr," says Purri from the comfort of Mia's coat. That was Wander, not Wonder.

"R-right, that's what I said."

But she lights up a moment later. "Oh! I d-didn't know you knew Sable." She looks to Jessie as she complains about being undercut. "But... th-that's a legitimate way to befriend a pokemon..."

But she nods as Jessie agrees with her plan. "S-sure!" Mia shows Purri her map, then lets the feline out of her coat so she can help Mia lead the way. They work quite well together, in fact, with Purri gesturing and indicating for Mia about the dangers ahead.

But soon they arrive at a beautiful, scenic vista, and Mia draws in a sharp breath. "It's beautiful," she whispers... She and Purri stand there for a moment, admiring it. "... I w-wish I had my paintbrushes...."

She does the second best thing she can, though, and snaps a picture.

And right after her phone makes an artificial clicking sound (some weird holdover from some really ancient technology Mia isn't sure of the details of), the ground starts to rumble.

"Purr! Purrloin!" exclaims Purri, and the message is clear--RUN!

Purri takes off like a bolt, and Mia hastens after her, and it might be weird to think about but they kinda look like they move similarly, at times. Just something in the way they carry themselves.

DG: Mia Tamaoka has used her Tool Purri toward her party's challenge, AVALANCHE!!. Fanfare! 
<Pose Tracker> Giovanni has posed.

"It's a Sphere Ball," Biggs says. "It's made specially for housing Fiends."

The Sphere inside Wedge's pocket speaks -- and that makes Wedge look down for a moment. He shakes his head, before he hops down from Bomb. Biggs calls it back to the Sphere Ball, tucking it away.

"Good work," he tells Bomb.

They stop a distance away. They're not so moved by the snowy sight before them -- it reminds both of the former Guado Guardians of Mount Gagazet. It isn't a pleasant memory. When Biggs exhales, his breath is mist before him.


"Oh, oh no," Wedge says. Then, loudly, echoing Purri: "RUN!"

Biggs tosses up another X Speed. It bursts into aquamarine light over them, making Pokemon and Trainer alike run faster. And the two Guado take off into a sprint.

"Go go go!" Biggs yells.

DG: Giovanni has used his Tool X Speed toward his party's challenge, AVALANCHE!!. Quicken! Party Agility boosted! 
<Pose Tracker> Anne Aomori has posed.

"Power, and fear of losing it, hm? That's something."

The Wander Trade scam... Anne remembers that one.

The three had a lot of pushups to do after breaking that equipment. She laughs a little at the explanation of Sable. "Ah, yes. That sounds like her."

Then, of course--

"Remember, Mia. 'Legitimate' or not, we get Pokemon however we want to."

It is a beautiful vista. Anne appreciates it too for a momen. Until--

"Not good," Anne grimaces, and recalls Laqui to instead bring out a Raichu, Ichi! "Ichi!" she calls. "Surf us out of here!"


Raichu suddenly produces a snowboard, and Anne and Ichi zoom across the way towards a cavern entrance. "This way!"

"And DON'T do that again!"

DG: Anne Aomori has used her Tool Surf toward her party's challenge, AVALANCHE!!. Stalwart! Party shielded from some
Exhaustion this round!
<Pose Tracker> Jessie and James has posed.

    "No, no, the Wander Trade!" Jessie clarifies, with careful enunciation. "And it would have worked, too, if not for those twerps! And -- oh, yeah, I've known Sable forever?" Which is something she could really stand to elaborate on, which might be why she totally doesn't.

    "Huff... huff..." James and Slopetail finally catch up, only for -- click --

    "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" James and Jessie scream, latching onto each other, which only makes the problem worse.

    "Get it out, James, get it out!!" Jessie screams, and 'it', as it happens -- is a Symbologically-folded instant-hot-air-balloon with Meowth's face on it. They grab a hold as it inflates...

    ... only for a massive icicle to fall down from above, straight into the balloon.

    "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" they scream, again, as they're sucked forward haphazardly.

    Maybe they'll get lucky and hit a cave before certain doom.

DG: Jessie and James has used their Tool Meowth Balloon toward their party's challenge, AVALANCHE!!. Rally! 
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=========================<* CHALLENGE - AVALANCHE!! *>==========================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Agility         | Challenge Rating: 4  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  Even though you are undertaking a trial, sometimes there are beautiful        
  sights to see here. You find one such view: a place where a snowy path ends   
  at a rocky outcropping, looking over the mountains beyond. They are covered   
  with snow, beautiful and awe-inspiring -- and then beyond it, cold and grey   
  mountains where they are exposed to the harshness of space. The artificial    
  sun projected into Nede's sky is low on the horizon, red and giving           
  everything a golden cast.                                                     
  But then there is a noise. Perhaps you feel compelled to cry out; perhaps     
  you say something too loud. Perhaps a distant Pokemon bellows.                
  After that, though, there is a terrific RUMBLE.                               
  And then a massive sheet of snow and ice, crashing down atop you -- and       
  threatening to sweep you away and bury you. RUN!                              
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|        Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!,        |
|           Injure:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!, Quicken:_Agility_Up!,           |
|                Stupify:_Wits_Down!, and Tire:_Exhaustion_Up!                 |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================< Results - Field of Power - Round 4 >=====================
==========================< CHALLENGE - AVALANCHE!! >===========================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Giovanni                            36 --(0)--> 36                   Good      
X Speed                             Min Agility       Effects: Quicken         
Anne Aomori                         48 --(0)--> 48                   Best      
Surf                                Min Agility       Effects: Stalwart        
Jessie and James                    28 --(18)--> 46                  Worst     
Meowth Balloon                      Maj Agility       Effects: Rally           
Mia Tamaoka                         36 --(0)--> 36                   Best      
Purri                               Min Agility       Effects: Efficient and   
Leader: Giovanni                    60 --(20)--> 80                  Pass     
Conditions: Bad Luck(2), Exhaust(1), Injure(2), Stupify(1), and Tire(2)       
Effects: Quicken(1)                                                           
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Giovanni has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Mia Tamaoka has posed.

Sphere Ball. "No, I know about--" A creature made up of the remains of the dead. Mia is all too keenly aware of those. She sighs and shakes her head. "N-nevermind. I meant the other one."

Mia does nod to Anne. Legitimate or not. "R-right!" Well, she prefers befriending them, at least. For her, at least, it's easier to build a bond that way.

But Jessie clarifies, at least, and Mia blinks in confusion. "... Wander Trade? But th-that's not a thing... is it?" She's still picking up some of the finer intricacies of running scams. And a lot of the broad strokes, really.

"Purr, purr," says Purri gently. She'll explain later.

Jessie's known Sable forever. "... Does that mean y-you've known Doctor Aomori for forever too?"

The avalance comes, and Mia and Purri are off like a shot--Purri having spurred Mia into action helpfully. Biggs as an X Speed that helps everybody get in gear faster. Anne and Ichi surf their way across the snow, and after a moment Mia shouts, "Copycat!" Purri's eyes flash blue for a moment before a second snowboard appears, and Mia throws herself on it as the pair follow behind Anne and her Raichu.

Meanwhile, Jessie, James, and Meowth are swept off the mountain. Conveniently this throws them clear of the avalanche, and the balloon slowly rises back up into view as they ride out the rest of the avalanche.

'Don't do that again.' Mia throws herself onto steady ground once they're in a safe place. She's bent over, gasping for air. "S-s-sorry!" she whispers quietly, looking mortified at lamost getting them all killed.

DG: Giovanni has drawn a new Challenge.
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
====================<* CHALLENGE - The Guardian of Power *>=====================
| Type: Climax       | Dungeon Ability: Combat          | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You ascend the last snowy path, and come to a wooden bridge built across a    
  chasm. On the other side is a summit, with a stone platform built on it. A    
  coppery altar is atop the stone platform. As you begin to cross the wooden    
  bridge, though, there is a crackle of light; then, a large grey automaton     
  appears, with huge arms and a rounded body. Symbols glow across its form.     
  "Welcome!" it bellows. "I have borne witness to your every struggling step    
  up the mountain! Now, I will test you further!"                               
  The robot surges forward. Both hands come back together -- and it /slams/     
  them down in a hammerblow that rattles the stones, and sends a shockwave out  
  towards you! Now, it is time to show you have the power to overcome this      
  final foe.                                                                    
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|         Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!,         |
|           Injure:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!, Quicken:_Agility_Up!,           |
|                Tire:_Exhaustion_Up!, and Wound:_Combat_Down!                 |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Giovanni has posed.

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING--" Biggs shouts back at Jessie and James.

But an icicle rips through their balloon and they go falling. Biggs and Wedge look in their direction, and then look forward once more, before they continue to run.

So it goes.

But they are in a a safe place. Mia apologizes, profusely; Wedge grunts; and Biggs walks over to two conspicuous holes in the snow. He reaches down, and yanks out Meowth, then Jessie, and then...

He pauses, then steps off James's head.

"Looks like everyone is fine," he says, before he gives James a little room to get up.

Then, Wedge looks up the path -- and starts up towards it. He starts walking, before he punches a hand into his fist. There is a large, wooden bridge ahead of them. And when they step on it...

Symbols flash across it. A large robot appears; all steel, aglow with Symbols, and speaking in an electric voice: "Welcome! I have borne withness to your every struggling step up the mountain! Now, I will test you further!"

"Oh, hell yeah!" The hands swing down, slamming down at Wedge -- the shockwave sending him flying backward. He comes up, kneeling -- then he slams his palms together, and fires off a beam of white light.

Biggs swings his shield before him, and throws a Rare Candy towards Anne. "Try that," he says, before he runs out, shield raised.

"Come at me, Machina!"

DG: Giovanni has used his Tool Rare Candy toward his party's challenge, The Guardian of Power. Embolden! Party Combat
<Pose Tracker> Anne Aomori has posed.

Anne doesn't elaborate on Sable and Jessie. She does sigh at Mia not getting the Wander Trade, though. "Try to keep up," she suggests. "Remember what I told you about lying."

The poor Meowth balloon...

"Thank you," Anne says to Biggs as he pulls out Jessie and Meowh and--well, James is fine too. "I am fond of them."

"Even if the repair on that balloon is coming out of their pay."

But they start walking up, and suddenly--Symbols!

"Ichi," she says, and reecalls the Raichu in favor of someone else as she jumps back to avoid the shockwave, landing in a three-point crouch. "Arrow!" sshe says. "You're up!"

She catches the Rare Candy--and smiles, unwrapping it to give to her Pokemon. Arrow takes it between the beak and CHOMPS.

"Now," she says. "Let's show him what we can do. Arrow... use Hyper Beam."

The Fearow crows, "FEAAAAAAAR!" And then, it rears back, spreading its wings. A ball of light appears a its beak, drawing in mmore and more energy, until all color leaches from the world--

And a terrible yellow BEAM erupts forth!!

DG: Anne Aomori has used her Tool Hyper Beam toward her party's challenge, The Guardian of Power. 
<Pose Tracker> Jessie and James has posed.

    The pile of snow twitches. Wait, no -- that's a leg. Who's that Pokemon?!

    It's Jessie!! As Biggs soon uncovers.

    "Gakkk," she and James cough, rescued from the snow. (And Biggs's boot. Poor James...)

    Jessie might have answered Mia, but, well, she's a little snow-logged, right now. Meowth says, "Myaowww?!", when Anne insists that they're paying for those repairs, going pale.

    "But we already spent all our..." Jessie starts, before -- MACHINA.

    Her eyes glint.

    "I have an idea," she says, with a wicked grin.

    "Meowth! Use your Pay Day on that bucket of bolts!"

    "Nyaow?!" Meowth whines, pointing at himself.

    "Yeah! Go get 'em, Meowth!" James cheers, pumping a fist.

    "MYAOW?!" Meowth yowls, as Jessie picks him up and throws him at the robot. "Nyaooooooooooooo....!!"

    Tears streaming down his stupid little cat face, he invokes Pay Day, using the Symbological fuel of battle to make money grow on -- well, not trees, they're not fighting a Sudowoodo. Robots? He'll make money grow on robots.

    Jessie and James, of course, busy themselves with grabbing all the coins from the snow.

DG: Jessie and James has used their Tool Pay Day toward their party's challenge, The Guardian of Power. Cleanse! All
negative effects will be cleared at the end of the round!
<Pose Tracker> Mia Tamaoka has posed.

Mia very discretely sets her phone to silent before they proceed. She offers a chagrined smile to Wedge's grunt.

Getting a second admonishment from Anne right after the first, though... "I--" she nods. "I'll try." She'll... ask Jessie more about it later.

And she feels bad for Jessie and James having to pay for the repairs to the balloon for something she caused. Maybe she'll offer to help them...

Then a robot attacks. Later. She'll offer to help later.

Mia throws up a Symbological shield to protect herself from the shockwave, straining behind it as the robot's force washes over her. When clear, she throws out her pokeball. "Pixi! Flamethrower! Purri! Copycat!"

Pixi unleashes with a torrent of flames, and after a moment Purri copies suit, the two of them dodging and weaving between attacks.

(Mia captures a silent picture of the robot while they're fighting.)

DG: Mia Tamaoka has used her Tool Pokeball Belt toward her party's challenge, The Guardian of Power. Embolden! Party
Combat boosted!
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
====================<* CHALLENGE - The Guardian of Power *>=====================
| Type: Climax       | Dungeon Ability: Combat          | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You ascend the last snowy path, and come to a wooden bridge built across a    
  chasm. On the other side is a summit, with a stone platform built on it. A    
  coppery altar is atop the stone platform. As you begin to cross the wooden    
  bridge, though, there is a crackle of light; then, a large grey automaton     
  appears, with huge arms and a rounded body. Symbols glow across its form.     
  "Welcome!" it bellows. "I have borne witness to your every struggling step    
  up the mountain! Now, I will test you further!"                               
  The robot surges forward. Both hands come back together -- and it /slams/     
  them down in a hammerblow that rattles the stones, and sends a shockwave out  
  towards you! Now, it is time to show you have the power to overcome this      
  final foe.                                                                    
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|           Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Cleanse:_All_Effects_Removed!,          |
|           Embolden:_Combat_Up!, Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!,            |
|         Injure:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!, Tire:_Exhaustion_Up!, and         |
|                             Wound:_Combat_Down!                              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================< Results - Field of Power - Round 5 >=====================
=====================< CHALLENGE - The Guardian of Power >======================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Giovanni                            36 --(5)--> 41                   Best      
Rare Candy                          Min Combat        Effects: Embolden        
Anne Aomori                         48 --(17)--> 65                  Bad       
Hyper Beam                          Maj Combat        Effects: Improved        
Jessie and James                    46 --(5)--> 51                   Good      
Pay Day                             Min Combat        Effects: Inefficient and 
Mia Tamaoka                         36 --(5)--> 41                   Best      
Pokeball Belt                       Min Combat        Effects: Embolden        
Leader: Giovanni                    80 --(0)--> 80                   Pass     
Conditions: Bad Luck(1), Fright(2), Injure(1), Tire(1), and Wound(2)          
Effects: Cleanse and Embolden(1)                                              
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Giovanni has passed this challenge! The party gained 0 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Giovanni has posed.

The golem rushes forward, and one fist SLAMS into Biggs's shield. Sparks fly when it hits, the shield denting, and it slams Biggs backward. He grunts, sharply.

Then, a massive beam of golden light strikes into it. It drives the automaton backward -- and then he stumbles as FOL (in an ancient style, when such things were glittering coins) begin to pour off it, as Pay Day is invoked.

"What... strength is this...!" the automaton cries out.

(Whether it is asking how they are this strong or how this counts as strength is up to you, the viewer.)

Then not one, but two flamethrowers slam into the automaton. The fire washes over it; it stumbles backward, croaking out an electronic "Well... done!" before it falls off the bridge.

And leaves the way ahead clear.

DG: Anne Aomori has drawn a new Challenge.
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================<* CHALLENGE - The Trial of Memory *>======================
| Type: Final        | Dungeon Ability: Wits            | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  At the end of the Field of Power, you find a coppery altar. It rests between  
  four pillars, and when you approach, you are greeted by a brilliant golden    
  light that flashes out from it. It shines bright into your mind, as the       
  Guardian speaks: "Wonderful! You have overcome every part of the trial!       
  Proceed, now, and behold the power within yourself."                          
  And so you do.                                                                
  You find yourself taken to a memory from your past. The time that you faced   
  something terrible -- something where you had to find strength within         
  yourself to overcome something that seemed unconquerable. What was this       
  terrible thing? And how did you find that strength -- then or later?          
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|          Embolden:_Combat_Up!, Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!, and         |
|                             Stupify:_Wits_Down!                              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Anne Aomori has posed.

Jessie starts, but it is better that she doesn't finish, because if she had, Anne's own glinting eye might've reached her. Instead, Pay Day happens. Mia is worried about being admonished, but Anne doesn't appear to consider her advanced enough for proper Punishment yet--the pushups will wait. For now.

She might take the photo later though.

Arrow the Fearow is tired from the use of its full power, however, and sags, before Anne recalls her with a motion. "Good work," she says to the Pokeball, and the way is clear. "We're going ahead," she says, and leads the way this time. She checks for traps, she looks for trouble, and--

"There's Symbols here," Anne warns, an instant before:

"Wonderful! You have overcome every part of the trial! Proceed, now, and behold the power within yourself."

The four pillars shine; there is light. And memories come...


"Mother, Father." An eighteen-year-old Anne sits quite seriously in seiza on the floor of her parents' home, looking into the eyes of both in turn.

"Yes, Anne? You're being remarkably formal..."

"I am. ...I'm pregnant."


"What!?" her mother starts. "But you're so young! You have school! You have your work with Professor Maple! And you certainly don't have a--" Pause. "So who is the father, then?"

Anne steels herself. "...It's Linden," she explains, and her parents exchange looks with one another. Her father looks thoughtful.

"Well," he says, "He is an upstanding member of the ancient clans..."

"Why didn't you say so?" her mother asks, seemingly relieved. "Very well. So when's the wedding, dear?"

"Ah, that's..." Anne's face falls. Can she do it? Can she assert what she came to say, what she decided for herself?

"Of course, it will have to be soon," her mother says, and her father adds, "Very soon. Best before you start to show. He's a good young man. He'll be a fine match. I was rival to your mother when we were your age--"

"Oh, yes. And perhaps an outdoor wedding, then? You will want your Pokemon present..."

Anne listens distantly as her parents speak, hearing them plan out her future. She steels herself again. What is 'strength', if you can't use it?

"I..." Anne starts. Her parents don't stop. Her expression shifts to something angry.

"Mother! Father!" she shouts.

"What? What, there's no need to shout!" Her father is disturbed. Her mother frowns.

But Anne says, "I'm not marrying him. ...He drives me crazy. I'll raise my child myself. He can help if he wants, but this child will be mine."

...It's only the start of the argument. But it might've been the hardest thing she ever had to do.

Other visions are of course present...

<Pose Tracker> Giovanni has posed.

"I see 'em," Biggs tells Anne, lowering his shield. He steps forward with Wedge just behind him. The Monk knows well enough to let the big, armored Knight go first.

So it goes.

There is a flash of light from the pillars.

Biggs and Wedge stand in a room in Macalania Temple. The cold of Macalania penetrates through; even here, even away from the worst of the ice, there is a chill. They stand behind a young man.

The same young man from the sphere; a blue robe, open-chested, and clawed hands... but the paler skin of a human, and pale eyes too. His hair, blue, is distinctive.

Seymour Guado faces off against Yuna, not then a High Summoner, and her Guardians. Biggs and Wedge stand with him; next to them is another Summoner, Belize, and they have an anguished expression on their face.

There is no doubt -- Biggs and Wedge look at each other, then they nod, and start to advance forward.

The die is cast.

Biggs and Wedge look off into the distance. They remain silent; snow blows by, and their jackets, with the red R on them, flutter in the wind. There are no words, but the same thought goes through their minds.

The die was cast, and it all came up wrong.

DG: Giovanni has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward his party's challenge, The Trial of Memory. 
<Pose Tracker> Jessie and James has posed.

    "We're rich! We're rich!" James and Jessie crow, as for once they actually win the fight and get to keep their Pay Day earnings.

    (That's the real kicker which stops them from solving all their money problems with Meowth. That and the poor little guy's tuckered out.)

    And, having succeeded, there is that pillar of light, and --

    A Student Nurse Joy stands by a counter, as a woman behind it files something on a computer. "I'm sorry," she says, "but we just can't re-schedule your finals for sleeping in. You'll have to repeat the year."

    It's Jessie's voice which says, voice tearingly high: "That's NOT FAIR! I was--!!" Helping Chansey; but if she tells the administration Chansey needed so much help just to Sing, would that come down on her? "... tired," she says, lamely. "I was studying all night..."

    "You should have organised your time better," the administrator says. "You'll have to repeat the year."

    "Screw THAT!" Jessie yells, grabbing her cap and tossing it down on the desk. "I don't need you -- this -- I quit!"

    "I'm sorry to hear that," the administrator says. "But if that's how you feel, I'll process the paperwork."

    "WHATEVER!" Jessie yells, as she storms out. "The system stinks! I'll make my own way!"

    As, beside her, the light crosses over James, and --

    "You're a Kojiro," a rich man insists, beside his very rich wife. "You can't protest on such trivial grounds."

    A younger James clutches a Growlithe for support as he yells: "I don't love Mariana, Father! I've gone through all your tutors without complaining, but this is too much--!!"

    "Mayor Nall is an excellent match for our family," James's mother insists, wrinkling her nose. "You should be thanking us, young man."

    "Sorry, Mother," he sighs, hanging his head. "I know. Just... just give me some time to think."

    "Of course."

    But when he runs to his room, with Growlithe beside him, the first thing he does is pack a bag.

    "Growl?" Growlithe asks, pawing at his arm.

    "No, Growlie," James says, all teary. "You've got to stay here. You have a good life, boy. But I can't -- I can't just be a trophy for my parents to marry off. I know she's, she's like, the strongest warrior in Celadon, but..."

    "Grrrr..." Growlie whines, his ears wilting.

    "Don't forget me," James pleads, giving his dog a big, warm hug. "I can do it. I promise."

    Meowth, meanwhile, flashes back to --

    -- a horrifying image --

    -- of the Boss pushing him off of his lap, and Meowth resolving to join a Team Rocket team of his very own to prove to him that he really was the top cat.

    His trials are ongoing...

DG: Jessie and James has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward their party's challenge, The Trial of Memory. 
<Pose Tracker> Mia Tamaoka has posed.

Mia heaves a huge sigh of relief as they defeat the ancient robot. She quickly goes to check on Pixi and Purri both, making sure they're both okay.

She might have escaped push-ups... but the guilt of doing poorly in front of Anne still cuts deep. After all the time Anne's taken with her...

But they proceed ahead, and are greeted by a voice, and then--

'Not again' is all Mia has time to think before she is whisked away to a memory.

In a flash of light she is home again. She despairs a little as she recognizes her bedroom, exactly as it was before she set out on her journey. Her real bedroom, this time, because even though some part of her inside the memory recognizes the date, place, and time in an instant, some part of her is still some months in the future, observing at the same time.

(The one saving grace, in this memory, it seems, is that she appears to herself as she is now, rather than as she did then.)

She is curled up on her bed, clutching a desperately purring Purri to her chest, tears streaking down her face. She'd just spent the whole day working with Ghost-type pokemon for her training. A whole day spent with that horrible itching feeling in her brain, feeling the pressure just build and build behind her eyeballs as she was forced to use her powers continuously without breaks.

Sure she'd smile and bow formally to her parents and assure them the training was going well... and then she'd come to her room, with just Purri to know her real thoughts, and cry off all of the stress and anxiety she'd been holding in.

"I c-c-can't do it..." she finally got out, burying her face in Purri's fur. "Th-they'll find me, th-th-they'll stop me, I c-c-can't... I c-can't go against th-them..."

"Purr, purrloin purr," said Purri softly, licking at Mia's cheek.

"I-I-I know, b-b-b-but..." Mia squeezed her eyes shut. "... I c-can't go against them... I-i-it'll never work..."

"Purr!" Purri wrested herself free from Mia's hold for a moment so she could look her trainer in the eyes. "Purrloin, loin purr. Purr, purrloin."

Mia blinked, her vision still blurry as she looked at her pokemon. "... Y-you really think s-s-so...?"

Purri nodded assertively. "Purr!" She pointed to Mia. "Loin, purl purr." And then to herself. "Purrloin purr."

The young medium-in-training smiled breifly, a fragile, timid thing. "Well..."

She rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling, pulling her phone to herself and starting to flip through pictures of her friends. "W-w-well... I g-guess if I came up with a r-r-reason..."

... Maybe a journey...

It's only the start of her planning, but maybe... just maybe... it'll work.

DG: Mia Tamaoka has used her Tool Smartphone toward her party's challenge, The Trial of Memory. Resilient! Party
shielded from some exhaustion next round!
DG: Anne Aomori has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward her party's challenge, The Trial of Memory. 
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================<* CHALLENGE - The Trial of Memory *>======================
| Type: Final        | Dungeon Ability: Wits            | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  At the end of the Field of Power, you find a coppery altar. It rests between  
  four pillars, and when you approach, you are greeted by a brilliant golden    
  light that flashes out from it. It shines bright into your mind, as the       
  Guardian speaks: "Wonderful! You have overcome every part of the trial!       
  Proceed, now, and behold the power within yourself."                          
  And so you do.                                                                
  You find yourself taken to a memory from your past. The time that you faced   
  something terrible -- something where you had to find strength within         
  yourself to overcome something that seemed unconquerable. What was this       
  terrible thing? And how did you find that strength -- then or later?          
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|      Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!, Resilient:_Exhaustion_Down!, and      |
|                             Stupify:_Wits_Down!                              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================< Results - Field of Power - Round 6 >=====================
======================< CHALLENGE - The Trial of Memory >=======================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Giovanni                            41 --(17)--> 58                  Bad       
Investigate                         Bsc Wits          Effects: BASIC           
Anne Aomori                         65 --(17)--> 82                  Bad       
Investigate                         Bsc Wits          Effects: BASIC           
Jessie and James                    51 --(17)--> 68                  Bad       
Investigate                         Bsc Wits          Effects: BASIC           
Mia Tamaoka                         41 --(5)--> 46                   Best      
Smartphone                          Min Wits          Effects: Resilient       
Leader: Giovanni                    80 --(35)--> 115                 Pass     
Conditions: Fright(1) and Stupify(2)                                          
Effects: Resilient(1)                                                         
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: You have overcome the dungeon's trials! This run is a success!
DG: The party led by Giovanni has successfully explored Field of Power!
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
======================<* CHALLENGE - Blessing of Power *>=======================
| Type: Discovery    | Dungeon Ability: Conclusion      | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  As you memories dissipate, you find yourself back on the stone platform --    
  and with the altar ahead of you. The light before you shimmers and shifts,    
  condensing down to form a bright, golden sphere. This is the Orb of Power,    
  which shines before you. Touching it doesn't make you feel stronger           
  immediately -- but perhaps that's because you had to draw on the power        
  within already.                                                               
  There is a warmth to it, though. Something that comes from deeper in the      
  mountain below. There is a sense, fleeting, of a connection to something      
  That, though, is a mystery for another time. It is time to leave this place,  
  because the cold winds still blow, and a gentle dusting of snow is starting   
  to fall.                                                                      
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|        Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!, Resilient:_Exhaustion_Down!,        |
|               Secret:_Exploration_Up!, and Stupify:_Wits_Down!               |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Anne Aomori has posed.

The present reasserts itself. In silence, Biggs and Wedge stand. Jessie, James, and Meowth come out of the experience fine. Anne returns to the waking world. And Mia, too, overcomes that time where she needed power, full of youthful energy still.

Anne looks around at the others, in wake of the end of the Trial. "So that's the kind of 'power' that it measures... Not just combat power, but force of will, too."


"Well, everyone. It seems this outing is a success. No rare Pokemon, but..."

She picks up a red Orb. There are a few of them.

"This is a good start. Remember this, for the next ones."

"We're powerful. And we take what we want out of life."