2018-11-26: A Big Help: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: A Big Help''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Riesenlied (as Janey and Mikaia), Character :: Noeline, Character :: Jacqueline Barber *'''Where:''' New Arctica *...")
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Mikaia furrows her brow, but then nods as well. "I'll work hard... I'll be the best student you've ever had, promise."
Mikaia furrows her brow, but then nods as well. "I'll work hard... I'll be the best student you've ever had, promise."
You paged Jacqueline Barber and Noeline with 'actually that brings me to... I'm planning on running the Outreach run of the Gutter dig on the 1st (after Impenetrable) -- I'd love to have Jay there for it, especially since she's going to Mother's scene!'
Jacqueline Barber (Jay) pages Riesenlied and Noeline: Oh, I'd be glad to!
You paged Jacqueline Barber and Noeline with 'Yay!'
Idle message from Noeline: Currently idle, please try again later!
MAIL: Mailbox purged.
==== <Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed. ====
==== <Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed. ====
"... of course. The same goes for us, Miss Barber. I doubt we would be here without your earlier help, time and time again," she chuckles, and then hesitates for a moment. "Actually--... I am planning to give everyone I can some information about the Photosphere. I could perhaps use a little hand handing it out and around. It is not much, and perhaps it will be a little boring for everyone - but it includes some maps of the Photosphere and its primary defences, at least as far as I remember them."
"... of course. The same goes for us, Miss Barber. I doubt we would be here without your earlier help, time and time again," she chuckles, and then hesitates for a moment. "Actually--... I am planning to give everyone I can some information about the Photosphere. I could perhaps use a little hand handing it out and around. It is not much, and perhaps it will be a little boring for everyone - but it includes some maps of the Photosphere and its primary defences, at least as far as I remember them."

Latest revision as of 03:15, 16 June 2024

  • Log: A Big Help
  • Cast: Riesenlied (as Janey and Mikaia), Noeline, Jacqueline Barber
  • Where: New Arctica
  • Date: 26th November 2018
  • Summary: Jacqueline catches up with the Fereshte and the Outreach...

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

New Arctica has been...

... well, it's busy, is perhaps the most amiable way you could describe the town in the wake of the Metal Demons' foiled assault, thanks to the Drifters present. Inbetween the Wayside Outreach and the Caravan Kinship working overtime to sustain the refugees, inbetween Golems and Gears making an appearance to bolster the defences of the town ...

Janey and Mikaia haven't been sitting still; perhaps some measure of it is to keep themselves buoyed to in turn help Noeline, who's going through a really tough time. Perhaps it's not surprising, but a little heartening nonetheless that Mikaia...

Mikaia appears to be... enchanting several small mirrors still in non-stop practice, the 101 Alchemy book that Jacqueline gave her aaaall the way back in Wayside open to one of the last pages. It looks like someone's utterly consumed the instruction manual and might be ready for a 102 at this point.

They grow up so fast.

The rest of the Outreach appear to be about as busy with activity as they can, though the undercurrent of worry is unmistakable. Still... when it comes down to it--

Riese or not, this is their pivotal moment. The moment in which they'll rescue their brethren still trapped in the Photosphere, or die trying for a noble cause.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline is easy to spot amongst the quiet of the cave and its muted colours. She stands out as a plume of crimson and black, moving quickly back and forth between the Fereshte and the gathered guards of the makeshift town as she does her best to direct the Outreach in providing crates and building materials and temporary shelters. The Fereshte does not have the greatest amount of supplies, not after everything that's happened - but they still have some amount of provisions and medicine with which to bolster New Arctica's stocks.

The mood around her specifically is-- definitely an odd one. There are those unwilling to even countenance her presence, given the now-public knowledge that she's a Metal Demon and the fact that Riesenlied has seemingly turned on them. Then there are those slowly warming up to her in the aftermath of her speech, buoyed up by her words and then by a seemingly impossible route of the Photosphere's forces. Then there are those who are simply tired or out of hope, who simply accept the Outreach's assistance with muted tones.

None of the reactions have a chance of stopping her, it seems. She moves through them all, head held high thanks to her sense of pride, as like her children she does her best to keep herself busy. No sooner has she returned to the Fereshte than she's made her way up the gangplank onto the deck, dragging a hand back through her hair and letting out a breath as she mentally takes stock of what's needed where.

Her mind flicks with ideas; Jedan and Sedam could help the instructors below, the Arctican sergeants flagging after the pitched battle. With structural damage having forced open many new tunnels, Dva's a natural choice to check which offer access to the sea for escape. Devet needs to replenish the traps on the east side--

Awareness filters through, and she thins her lips at the realization the officers of the Outreach are way ahead of her, forcing a rough but amused chuckle. Instead, she crosses to her children, resting a hand on Mikaia's shoulder as she tries to aim for lighter topics. "So... what do these actually... do?" she has to admit with curiosity, her own exposure to sorcery rather a specific one.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

It's been a busy time for everyone. Jacqueline hasn't been exempt from that. In the aftermath there was a lot of people that needed to be treated, and as someone with the relevant medical talent she was often on call.

Enough time had passed, however, that Jacqueline found herself with a bit more time on her hands. And so, she decided it was time to take a visit to people she had been meaning to talk with before the Metal Demons invaded New Arctica.

Eventually, she finds her way to where Mikaia is currently exercising her talents and enchanting small mirrors. Jacqueline takes notice of how well-used the book she gave her is, and makes a mental note to acquire some more advanced materials for her to work with.

"...Hello, I hope this isn't a bad time." Jacqueline greets with a faint smile, offering Noeline and Mikaia a wave. Her eyes are soon drawn to the mirrors. She couldn't help but feel happy that someone was following in her footsteps, and using that knowledge to help other people.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

True to their word, the Outreach are doing everything on their part to not demand too much of Noeline. It's not spoken on everyone's lips, but the implicit undercurrent was there: We've got it. Everyone's more in sync than ever before; the builders are hammering out prefab buildings faster than ever before, the cooks and line kitchen staff are seeking people in need of nutrition and care.

Mikaia's shoulders sag for a moment as she looks towards her latest mirror, which is the latest in a big and growing pile. At least she doesn't have her soul leaking out of her mouth anymore like last time.

"It's a basic treatment made with alchemy that prevents it from fogging..." Mikaia explains to her mother--

--at the time there's a swing-swingity-swing and Janey hops on down next to Noeline with a grin. "I'm all ready to go!" A pause. "Yo, Miss Jay! Wow, you should take a look at what Mickey's been doing with your book!"

Indeed, the pages are very well earmarked at this point...

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline can recognize the effort from the Outreach, and be glad for it. She's done the same thing before, after all, working with the Ebony Wings to try to take as much load as she could off of Riesenlied's shoulders. It's a slightly odd feeling to be on the receiving end of it this time, if she's honest - there's still this little voice in the back of her mind that insists she's not a leader, not an officer - but one she's willing to accept and not think too much on.

Noeline raises her eyebrows at Mikaia's explanation, and not even in a mock way; she turns one of the little mirrors over in her hands, and you can see the followup questions bubble up. "I see... does it knit the silver back together? Is it a protective enchantment?" she wonders, obviously enjoying the chance to think about something else for a while. "I have to admit, this is exactly the sort of place I'd expect everything and anything to fog up."

She pauses, going silent for a moment. She knows all too well what it's like to be out of reading material and craving more, and knows that Mikaia could probably use a push into something new to take her mind off of things. "Do you think you'd accept a special request? Would you do a couple of experiments and see if you can get the glass to sparkle a little as well?" she wonders.

It's only then that she looks up at Jacqueline's approach, looking mildly surprised. "Miss Barber. How are things looking in the town? Is everything quite alright?" she wonders quickly, half-expecting another report of something going wrong - but Janey landing next to her shakes that worry loose, and she looks relieved to have both of her children next to her. "Or-- rather, I should say that it isn't. What can we do for you? ... as Janey says, if you have any other manuals, I dare say that would be an excellent start," she chuckles.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline listens as Mikaia explains to Noeline the purpose behind the treatment, and as the latter makes a request. Jacqueline knows the answer to that one...but it was important that Mikaia experiment and figure things out for herself - that was the key to growing as an alchemist, and Jacqueline believed Mikaia could go far.

She offers Janey a smile and a wave as she hops down, then looks toward the book once more.

"May I?" Jacqueline offers, approaching and gesturing to the book. As she waits for an answer, though, she looks toward Noeline.

"Mm...well, I suppose things are about as alright as they can be, all things considered..." Jacqueline replies, and then chuckles. "I was about to ask that same question, actually...is there any way I can help you all out?"

Noeline suggests more manuals, and Jacqueline smiles.

"I might be able to arrange that. I don't have anything on hand, but I'm sure I could figure something out." She agrees with a nod.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Mikaia holds the mirror out for Noeline, tilting her eyebrows for a moment. "I think it prevents moisture from building up and sticking to it... but I'm not sure. It took a long time for me to learn how to make the coating transparent so it doesn't cloud it up and make it useless..."

She pauses and-- murmurs, "Special request? Sparkle...?" A pause as she murmurs, "If it's for mom... of course I'd do it..."

Janey puts her hand to her waist as she arcs her eyebrows to go, "A sparkling mirror! That's-- it'd be kinda annoying if it got in your eyes, huh, wouldn't it? But that sounds like a fun challenge!"

Mikaia does look up at Jacqueline. She's not quite as animated and chipper as usual, but given what's happened...

"... hey Miss Jay. I..." A pause, as she hands the book over towards her. She bites her lip. "... I miss mom." She looks apologetically to Noeline for a moment, knowing she's trying to divert the topic away. "... I feel we didn't do enough to help her... not even-- in the-- not getting kidnapped way."

A pause. "But she looked really distraught on the day... more than I ever saw Riesemama before..."

Janey blinks a few times, as she stammers to go, "A-awwh, Mickey, we all have our bad days. Like mom said last time -- we'll hug the heck out of her when all's said 'n done, we won't let things slip through the cracks as much!"

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

"It's just if you want to," the Hyadean says gently, leaning down a little and then dropping to a bit of a squat. Not the most smooth and gainly look for her, but it's more important for her to be closer to Mikaia right now rather than talking over her. "I don't even know how you'd do it, but it might be interesting to find out, wouldn't it?" she encourages quietly.

At Jay's question, Noeline's chuckle is rather rueful, but she tilts her head in thanks. "I think... barring the obvious, the Outreach have everything well in hand at the moment. If I had to suggest anything it would be to go on doing what you're doing. Outreach medics are certainly not as well versed in human medicine as any of us would like. I suppose we're going to have to work on that, a little..." she trails off; thinking about the future is tricky right now.

She shakes it away a moment later. She looks tired, much like her children, and yet determined to stay standing. "But, thank you for the offer. I would certainly appreciate it if you did have any more reading material - and I'm sure that Mikaia would appreciate it as well," she adds, patting the girl's shoulder to try to encourage her.

Instead, Mikaia makes a quiet admission, and though Noeline's face doesn't visibly fall she does slightly tense up, does gently draw in a slow and uncertain breath. Gently and carefully, she nudges the beastgirl to set down the mirror she's playing with, and slowly takes Mikaia's hand in hers. "... I miss her dearly, too," she replies to that guilty look. "It's alright to say that. It's alright to feel that way. Riese and I would not want you to put on a brave face just for us," she adds with a soft and remarkably gentle chuckle.

"When she was taken... she was trying to do everything she could to feel like she was of use. Finding out about her past was very difficult on her, and I think... I think that had sent her into something of a panic. I wish I had done more myself, wish I had reached her sooner. I'm sorry," she admits to the winged girl, voice softening at the end as she strokes at Mikaia's hair.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

A sparkling mirror...Jacqueline could see some potential uses for that. Noeline's response gets a nod from.

"Then I'll continue doing that." She replies, accepting the book from Mikaia and starting to look through it...but her attention is primarily on the girl as she speaks.

Riesenlied...looked distraught? Jacqueline's face falls subtly. Had she...overheard what Ethius said on that day...?

"...Listen, Mikaia. You didn't do anything wrong. You and Janey...you did everything you needed to do. You looked after the refugees for us, and that was a very important job..." She says. "And, your mother's right. It's natural to feel that way...I'd be lying if I said I don't think back, trying to think about things I could've done differently..."

She steps a little closer, but not enough to interrupt Noeline. She could tell that they both needed this right now.

"I think I can get you some more study material. I'll have to put it together myself, but...I think you're ready to work on some more difficult things." Jacqueline says. It'd probably be easier that way, anyway, now that she knew enough to be able to tailor things more into line with Mikaia's interests. Having something to focus on would probably help, in these times.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"... I'll work on it," Mikaia promises. She laces her fingers together, looking up towards Jacqueline. "Maybe someday it could do more powerful things... like refract magic away harmlessly." Janey grins and just about limpets onto her side as she says, "That's the Mickey I know, always thinking like ten steps ahead to the future~!"

Janey nods with Noeline's comment and says, "The Outreach peeps're mostly makin' sure people are clothed and fed and warm, that kinda thing, last I got an update!" Someone's playing an impromptu Wayside Second to Noeline's impromptu Wayside Leader, it seems. "Anythin' from the Carakin's talents, y'know... that's still a real big boon to have."

The winged girl grumps very softly as she looks towards Noeline, leaning into that hug of hers. ".... feeling like she's of use.... from my view it's almost unthinkable she can feel that way, so why...?"

A pause. "It's like Lydia said... doubt's a real demon... that can creep inside of you." She does listen to Jacqueline, though. "... I know, Miss Jay. I'm... doing as much as I can, trying to be as helpful as I can... it's a bit tough still..." She bites her lip further.

She does at least look up to Jay and say, "Thanks, Miss Jay. You've been... you've been a real great friend to mom and us." She nods more vigorously. "... I also heard you're getting certified by the Crest Sorcerer's Guild. When this is all over... I want to be your student too, Miss Jay."

Crest Sorcery and alchemy! Following fully under her footsteps!

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline's response to Jacqueline is a quick nod of her head and a brief glance of thanks; she still has Mikaia in her arms, after all, and her attention is distinctly drawn towards the winged girl rather than any other considerations. "We're counting on you," she notes quietly, then lets out a breath. "Really, can you imagine what a time we would have all had on Elru if this place hadn't been here to use as an encampment? My own feelings as an Arctican aside, I'm seriously grateful for it."

She nods along with Jacqueline's encouragement. "The two of you don't know it, but... the situation outside of those wagons was quite dire. Having someone with them - having someone to help keep their spirits up - well, I'm quite sure it made all the difference. And I'm quite sure that that's what your Mother would have wanted, as well," she adds with a quiet chuckle. "You just know she would have put their safety over her own, and did."

As Janey cuddles into Mikaia, she's drawn into Noeline's reach, and the Hyadean pats her on the forehead with a sigh. "Good work, and I'm glad. ... hopefully, they're getting along alright?" she wonders with a soft amusement at the back of her voice, before nestling Mikaia against her with a soft laugh. "... 'why' isn't a question that's easy to answer when it comes to feelings, is it? I felt the same - I couldn't begin to imagine how she'd feel that way, but she did."

"... her health worried her, you know. The fact she couldn't fight as well as she used to, or the fact that her strength was failing-- I always told her that her words and her heart were more important, of course," she grumbles. "But it preyed on her a great deal. I wonder if I tried to take too much off of her..." she muses quietly, with a light frown.

She trails off, but snorts in surprise as she picks up her expression afterwards. "Ah... if you're not careful, Janey, she'll start throwing fireballs at you when you're late for your chores," she teases gently, in hopes that a little levity might help.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"Keep studying, and maybe it could! The beauty of alchemy is being able to approach a problem, consider it, and working out a way to achieve the desired result..." She says, and then chuckles as Janey compliments Mikaia.

Janey then provides some additional input into Noeline's earlier comment and Jacqueline nods.

"As always, let us know if there's anything we can do. We're all in this together, right? We might as well all pitch in." Jacqueline says. And Noeline's right, of course. If it weren't for New Arctica...

"...Yes. Not only did it give people a place to stay...but I think it acted - and continues to act - as a beacon, for like-minded individuals who might not have otherwise had a reason to come together. Now more than ever is when we need to all stick together..." Jacqueline says with a nod of agreement.

Noeline offers her own input on what happened that day. It's true...it would've been very easy for panic to overtake the refugees and for something tragic to happen as a result. But thankfully, that didn't happen.

And her insight on Riesenlied...Jacqueline nods sadly. It doesn't surprise her, but she wishes she could've done more to help. Still, Mikaia's thanks cheers her up.

"I'm glad to hear that. It really does make me happy to be able to count all of you among my friends." She replies. "Ah...yes. That's the plan, anyway, but I'm still not sure whether or not they think I'm ready for it..."

She was a little nervous about it, admittedly...maybe even more nervous about facing the Photosphere and the Metal Demons. At least that was a problem she would be able to fight... But then, Mikaia says she wants to be her student! It alleviates some of those worries.

"I'd be glad to have you, Mikaia! I think you'd make an excellent Crest Sorceress." Jacqueline says, a little excited. Maybe she should get some lesson plans drawn up - no, no, it was too early for that...

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Mikaia furrows her brow to say, "I didn't need to be able to see to be able to hear it," she points out to Noeline, though not in any dire or serious way. "That beast's roars... the way the air started flickering with heat... that kind of thing. The kids started crying... I didn't think I could keep them from breaking down, but somehow..."

A pause. She shakes her head again. "Yeah. I think so... I know so." She bites her lip as she looks towards Noeline, and then clings to her a little harder for a moment.

"You'll get to her. It won't be overnight, just like how it took Janey and I a while to open up too... but... you'll get to her." Her cheeks redden as she adds, "And your relation's going to get deeper and deeper and more complex and wonderful..."

Janey puts her hands behind her back to go, "That sounds like a great way to start the day, honestly!" She nods towards Jacqueline as she says, "We're--"

A pause, as she grins bigger to Noeline. "Actually. When you all go in to the Photosphere? Down to the Gutter? Janey 'n I are gonna come help. We've been prepping for this for weeks. We'll help y'all rescue the Tainted and evacuate people... and hopefully get to see mom too. But that's all right, cause... we know our feelings'll be spoken through the Tear. Yeah?"

Mikaia furrows her brow, but then nods as well. "I'll work hard... I'll be the best student you've ever had, promise."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

"... of course. The same goes for us, Miss Barber. I doubt we would be here without your earlier help, time and time again," she chuckles, and then hesitates for a moment. "Actually--... I am planning to give everyone I can some information about the Photosphere. I could perhaps use a little hand handing it out and around. It is not much, and perhaps it will be a little boring for everyone - but it includes some maps of the Photosphere and its primary defences, at least as far as I remember them."

She pauses, and frowns in a way that could be described as a little uncertain. When she says it aloud, it feels like a very detached course of action, too clinical and too lacking, as if she should just be charging in ahead - but she chuckles quietly as she shakes her head. "Information was how I was taught to wage war. Of course, nowadays I seem to have joined the Drifter 'just charge in' way of thinking, but... right now, I will do everything I can to at least prepare people for the attack. Even if one person is warned, that is better than none."

She swallows her next sigh as she looks between her children, drawing them both closer to her; her laugh is a little shaky as she feels emotion bubble up inside of her once more, but she manages to gather herself with a nod. "... I'm proud of you both for what you did," she whispers back to Mikaia, before closing her eyes; the smile is fond as she wanders across her face. "And... I know. Hopefully, once all this is done with, we will have a little time to work everything out, hm?"

If she catches Mikaia gleeing over the idea of more NoeRiese shipping, she doesn't voice is - instead, she's paying attention to Janey's speech with a solemn frown that turns comically glum. "... I... I am going to be terrified for you both every step of the way," she admits with a solid huff, flicking out her hair theatrically for what feels like the first time in a lifetime. "But I meant what I said: If that's what you wish to do, then I'll support you. No, more like-- I will be counting on you both, and counting on your help."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

It must've been awful for those who couldn't actually see what was going on, Jacqueline reflects. It was terrifying enough to look at, but when they could only wait and wonder what was going on outside... Jacqueline shivers at the thought.

She smiles a little, though, as Mikaia reassures Noeline about Riesenlied.

And then, the topic turns to the Photosphere - the place they would inevitably have to go.

"I've been meaning to get together with you about that, actually..." Jacqueline says. "Any information you could provide us with would be a big help - I'll do what I can to proliferate it, too."

She then offers her a smile.

"I've never been a...'traditional' Drifter myself, admittedly. I've always preferred to do my research ahead of time, when possible. But that might come with being an alchemist and a Crest Sorceress both. We thrive on knowing what we need to be ready for, so we can prepare spells and potions accordingly."

Mikaia and Janey would be going to the Photosphere, too... Jacqueline would be lying if she said she wasn't worried about that prospect, but if Noeline was okay with it, she would be, too.

"I'm sure you'll be a big help." Jacqueline says with a nod.