2022-06-22: Making Camp, Making Friends: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 22:06, 3 July 2022

  • Log: 2022-06-22: Making Camp, Making Friends
  • Cast: Rani Vela, Ruth Pauling, Marivel Armitage, Ryoko Mizore, Jacqueline Barber
  • Where: Ruins of Azado
  • Date: June 22, 2022
  • Summary: Rani, one of Azado's survivors, is making her final preprations before heading into the ruins of the city to once again reach Filgaia - and reunite with others who survived. She is joined by one of her faithful friends, and soon finds herself with others intending to make that trip back.

==============================<* Ruins of Azado *>==============================

Azado, once, was a city on the southern edge of the Goddess Plains. Its proximity to Pentagulia meant that it saw rich trade. However, a terrible night years ago saw two calamities come. First, its great lighthouse burnt, and fire engulfed much of the city. Second, Sin came to Meribus's shores for the first time. The city was shattered, leaving a ruin. Now, some parts are terrifying Malevolent domains, haunted by ghostly and undead Hellions. Others have lingering amounts of pyreflies, with Spiran fiends in evidence.

BGM: Silence.
<Pose Tracker> Rani Vela has posed.

Rani Vela is a beastwoman with long purple-furred rabbit ears, dressed in blue--and in chainmail. She is standing on a hill overlooking Azado at the moment, a thoughtful expression on her face. Her short hair waves in the breeze, and her mace and shield are currently stowed. It's evening, now that she's finally made it here, and Azado can be even more dangerous at night--but it's also the only way back to Filgaia, which is where she's planning to go.

She is quiet, just putting out a fire she'd set to finish dinner, and is mostly done cleaning up. Soon, she will head into the city.

But first...?

<Pose Tracker> Ruth Pauling has posed.

    Not all that far from the camp, at roughly the same elevation level as the hill, a (former) elf sits on the ruins of what was once a fortified watchtower. She is all but motionless, like she could be confused for being a piece of fanciful decor for what was once a well-maintained place for posted Guard sentries. She, too, looks out towards Azado as the evening blackens the sky.
     She has been a semi-frequent traveler alongside Rani when their paths meet to and fro the two worlds, and so, has elected to keep watch for any Sinscales, fellow Hellions, or other problematic elements coming their way. Her eyes have yet to fail her... which is fine. She's electing to take a longer vigil than usual, but that's easy enough to do when one tends not to sleep restfully to begin with.

<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

Footsteps. Rani picks them up easily. The benefit and power of bunny ears cannot be denied.

It's coming from the direction of Azado rather than the other way around but nevertheless, the source becomes evident soon enough. Rani might remember her as they both had a battle against the Guard not too long ago. It's Marivel Armitage, her blonde hair, pale skin, glowing crimson eyes (even more evident at night) and sharp fangs are dead giveaways. Nevertheless, Marivel's eyes trail towards Ruth first as she finishes up licking some....dark fluids from her lips.

"Are you two companions?" Marivel asks. "Has your changed opinions of the Goddess encouraged you to seek companionship in darker places? I can't say that I complain..."

"But this is good timing," She adds. "You mentioned something before I didn't get the opportunity to ask about it," Her eyes slant back to Rani. "May I borrow a bit of your time? In return, perhaps I can find a way to skip some of the nastiness for your return to Filgaia?"

She drums her finger across her cheek. "While I'm at it, have you considered the offer, Ruth? There is no rush exactly..."

That's not entirely true, time is at a premium, but she can't really get into that.

<Pose Tracker> Ryoko Mizore has posed.

Ryoko Mizore has no real good reason to be out here, but no bad ones persay. She'd finished up a delivery and anyone asking for details would get stonewalled. The job had been straight forward. The fights easy. She'd probably even deny she was out here even if confronted on the spot with all that aside! The sound of voices does change the swaggering walk she had been maintaining subtly. She's shifted to watching her surroundings more closely. Those confident steps making their way towards the sound with one hand readjusting the grip on the big club she's prone to swinging around. She even begins to whistle. Some aimless tune!
 Stumbling across the staggered gathering though, she, well she still stays on guard, but it's not what she fully expected and I mean, they don't look like they're about to try and light her on fire or anything. Her freed up right hand goes up in a wave, paired with a, "Yoo." with just enough movement to ready herself just in case. Respectful distances and all aside.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline makes frequent trips across the worlds. She's a multiple-globetrotting merchant, at this point, so she makes frequent trips around. But by necessity, there are always several points she must return to - the Elw Teleporters that link the worlds together. They are, at present, the only way to and from.

She can be heard first before she arrives, by the footfall of her ever-reliable chocobo friend. She had been on her way to Azado when she saw a flickering campfire in the distance. It's gone by the time she approaches, but she remembers the location well enough. Fire means people, or trouble - but either way, it's worth looking into.

"Ah, good evening, everyone." Jacqueline greets with a wave as she approaches, still on chocobo back and faintly lit by the enchanted lantern attached to her saddle bags. Briefly, she takes a look around - Marivel she recognizes, and... she can't quite make out Ruth, but she'd greet her if she saw her. Ryoko and Rani, though, are unfamiliar to her.

"I saw your fire, and thought it worth looking into. I hope I'm not intruding...?" Jacqueline explains.

<Pose Tracker> Rani Vela has posed.

Rani is used to traveling with Ruth by now; they've achieved something of a rhythm when it comes to who performs what tasks at camp. But indeed--her bunny ears are powerful. he notices Marivel coming possibly before Ruth sees her, given how stealthy Marivel can be. But possibly not; Ruth is very adept at sight herself.

"Hello," she greets Marivel, and indeed there's the light of recognition in her eyes. She remembers her; Marivel is very... memorable.

"We are," Rani answers of Ruth, "Though that's not exactly how it happened. She helped me out before I knew what she was, and I found that what she was didn't change who she seemed to be. We're friends."

"...But if you wanted to ask something, it's likewise good timing; I was just pulling up camp."

She looks then to Ryoko as she approaches, and indeed--no fire happens. "Greetings," she says, and then turns to Jay, "It seems our camp is popular. I can't offer you much hospitality since I was on the way out, but you're not intruding at all."

<Pose Tracker> Ruth Pauling has posed.

    Ruth's partial deafness... the one major hole in her vigil. (Also, it's Marivel, she comes and goes as she pleases even if you pass the spot check. If you even get to roll it.)
     She catches the glowing crimson of Marivel's eyes and the fluids at her lips. Rani may have grounds to reprimand Ruth for not going to alarm on the approach of an alarming figure! (Were she not familiar to both of them.)
     Then there's Ryoko, whose brighter personal colors and swagger catch Ruth's gaze. If Ryoko's paying attention, Ruth - someone she met over a year ago in Guara Bobelo - is sitting in an uncomfortable place among the ruins of a watchtower. (It's not that big a step down from a bench in Guara Bobelo.)
     "It's safe here," Ruth may surprise Jay with this statement as she turns to not quite make eye contact with Jay and Ryoko alike. Whether this is true or not is a matter of perspective, as everyone here (save Ryoko) is aware that they are in the company of a powerful Hellion.
     Rani more or less explains the situation between them succinctly enough that Ruth only offers a nod that might be hard to see from where she's seated. She helps herself down and approaches, hands raised and clasped at her chest that the fire's light catches her bowed head and hands before the rest of her.
     She parts a hand to retrieve and show that she's still holding the empathite radio piece she was given. Some time ago, she called in to ARMS about the Fangs, responded to by Ida and Eleanor.
     But she didn't go back to Meria Boule with them.
     "I'm still considering," she replies, deciding not to intrude over everyone meeting and speaking with Rani. She is, technically speaking, still on watch duty.

<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

"Oh excellent. That's wonderful to hear." Marivel says to Rani. "I'm always impressed by how readily adventurers find new companions irrespective of their nature or origin. Though if I'm being honest it does make it a little tough for me to spook people and I feel a little down about that."

She looks to Ruth, down to her radio, and then nods once to her. "No rush for you either. The Fangs unfortunately are a complex matter for me. Because they are adorable together. But alas, all the murder! But I'm grateful it came in handy."

She shakes her head to Jacqueline. "Not at all, we're all just passing through. I see you've learned a new talent." she nods to the chocobo before finally setting her eyes on--

--she has no idea woh this is.

"Hello. My name is Marie Valeria. Wonderful to meet you."

Just outright lying well. She turns back to Rani. "You mentioned something last time at the Wind Shrine. Althena abandoned Azado, wasn't it?"

"I wanted to ask you what makes you say that?" She smiles. There's not a hint of danger in her presence but like any wild animal, the tells can be tough.

"My initial thought it was because of how the city fell but I told myself no no no that could not be it. There must be more to it. So--I was wondering if you could enlighten me?"

<Pose Tracker> Ryoko Mizore has posed.

Ryoko Mizore relaxes. Merchants aren't USUALLY going to wander into oncoming danger unless they're actually... well okay she's had to dress up for ambushes before, but this seems legit enough. She works her fingers a few times against the club, then drops the weight in a way that it's hooked against her elbow rather than in hand. "Not the best part of town. Figured I'd check out what was up. Glad it's friendly enough." Even if she does like a good scrap.
 As for it being safe? Ryoko'd be convinced of that one way or the other. That swagger isn't just for other's benefit! She's got enough self confidence to take her a long way. Even if it tends to be a crime scene. "Of course it is." She states with that same confidence! There's even a grin to go with it.
 When she's given a name by Marivel, she taps her club and says, simply, "Ryoko." And adds in that same confidence, though with an edge of humor, "I'll probably forget your name though. Terrible with that." Which probably explains the amount of labeling she does while repairing the revenant. There's a followup that's asked, not to her, but she does give her a flat look, then glances around the surrounding area. Philosophical questions are fun, but not usually in the infested ruins of a city.
 Finally, Jacqueline waves, then decides with a mental shrug to actually properly introduce herself. "Uh, Ryoko Mizore. Mechanic and specialist in odd jobs." Smuggling mostly. Shh..

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Ah, she's not intruding... good. Jacqueline nods, and smiles when Rani points out she can't offer much hospitality.

"That's alright. I was mostly just curious to see who else would be coming by at this hour." Jacqueline explains. Marivel points out her chocobo friend, and Jacqueline chuckles.

"Oh, Remedy here has been with me for quite some time, actually." She comments, giving the bird a brief, appreciative pat on the neck. "I can't bring my vehicle here, so she's very helpful to have around."

She can't yet bring the Carakin with her through teleporters, after all... though, since she doesn't know who knows what yet here, she decides to keep that vague.

This is when Ruth breaks her silence, causing Jacqueline to jump slightly with an 'ah!' of surprise that causes her chocobo to look up at her curiously.

"Hello, Ruth. I'm sorry I didn't see you there before." She greets with a wave... and listens curiously, as Marivel mentions an offer she made. Interesting... She doesn't pry, though, instead looking back toward Rani and Ryoko, as the latter gives her name.

"Ah, I'm Jacqueline Barber, by the way - a traveling merchant." She introduces herself.

<Pose Tracker> Rani Vela has posed.

"If it helps, the only reason I didn't prepare my weapons seeing that dark liquid at your lips is that I'd seen you at the Wind Shrine before." She says this amiably enough--but she's clearly not lying. She nods to Ruth, and--well, she's not going to tell her not to watch out, and neither is she going to give her trouble for not spotting Marivel. One of them noticed her; it's good enough.

She didn't comment on the chocobo, but she does look over the unusual-to-her bird with a thoughtful look.

"We were running late," Rani admits as to why it's this hour.

But Marivel's question... Rani is an honest person; even if she sensed the danger, she would tell what she thought of as the truth. So when Marivel asks, she looks out to the city. "You see?" she says. "..The people of Azado, as far as I knew until recently, simply died here. And there was no Shepherd sent to cleanse the Malevolence; no Guard presence set to push out the monsters. Instead, Althena appeared to the whole of our continents, and announced that she would be embarking upon a war." Rani says that word darkly, dourly.

"I don't blame Althena for Sin's presence, Miss Valeria. I blame Her for choosing to embark upon a crusade in a far-off land and leaving a city of Her faithful to rot. ...The day I understood that is the day I left Her priesthood."

She looks to Jay, at that, and nods. "I might take the opportunity to restock some curatives if you carry any." But her attention goes back to, and stays on, Marivel.

"...That may sound ungrateful," she admits. "Given that she gave us this whole world. But I don't seek to destroy the Goddess. I just can't bring myself to serve Her when her priorities seem to be what they are."

<Pose Tracker> Ruth Pauling has posed.

    Ruth cracks a little smile at the idea of Marivel feeling down about having it harder to spook people, because even she occasionally has to brush up against the idea of how she can be a kindly individual when some of the times she feels best is when people are terrified of her. (Like when Jay jumps hearing her speak.)
     "It's fine." Ruth responds. "I wasn't supposed to be seen." Is that really fine?!
     The subject goes to the Fangs, for a moment. "They... they are... beloved, to each other," she struggles to put this in clear words without emotion overflowing as she clasps her hand back around the empathite radio and puts it back.
     "Being forgotten can be a privilege," she says with a discordant smile with her back mostly facing Ryoko during her playful ribbing of whether or not she'll remember who 'Marie Valeria' is.
     Ruth's eyes close as she takes in Rani's spoken rebuke of what Althena chose to do instead of seeing to the well-being of her own land. She lifts her right arm - wrapped rosary still visible and everything - and somewhere in the morass of thoughts she always has to fight with wonders if it's okay for Granas to have stayed their hand for as long as they have.
     They've spared the Fangs their wrath.
     Just as they've spared her, for everything.

<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

"Don't worry, Kyoko. I will never forget your name." Marivel promises the elf, watching Jay thoughtfully. You have to always be a little wary when a traveling merchant shows up because they tend to appear right before a boss fight so you can restock on items. She knows the drill!

Or maybe she just hasn't seen her in a while really and is trying to get a new read on her. Nevertheless she adds to Ryoko. "Is something the matter?" upon noticing her look, as mildly as she ever gets.

She looks out to Azado when Rani says to look at it again. "I see it." She did just come from that direction after all. "I am drawn to the Dark."

But she doesn't seem capable of fixin things there either. She doesn't argue against what Ruth has to say about being forgotten. It's not like she's wrong.

She nods once to Ruth and then glances to Remedy, "I'm glad you are far less tempermental than that Guardsman's chocobo."

She focuss back on Rani. "It seems you have put some thought into it. That is a relief. You see, Althena abandoned me at a critical point in my life too. So I'd like to know if she made a habit of it--but ahh--I am very keen on precision, you see., so I don't want to presume guilt without exhausting other options because it...is keenly aggravating..."

"To hear the people she abandoned me for speak of being abandoned themselves."

She lets that hang for a moment before adding, "Have you confirmed that she is the one who sent the command? Perhaps an intermediary simply stated it was a command of Althena. Perhaps she is imperiled or unable to properly express her will to her commanders and lieutenants, leading for mortal fallbility to distort her will."

<Pose Tracker> Ryoko Mizore has posed.

Ryoko Mizore watches Ruth for a moment. Then a moment longer. Taps her foot. Then says with an exhasperated sound, "See, case in point. Sorry." She offers an apologetic shrug after. Nothing she can do about an iffy memory for names! She does vaguely remember the time at the bench. There were... - "Been a while. Been busy. Got Revenant's engine to stop making that clanking sound and I no longer get angry warnings from the system on startup." Progress! ...she had talked about her goals of mostly funding her repairs right?
 "I mean I tend to knock the memory out of people as an occupational hazard. Also most people just recognize the tattoos, let's be honest." Since she's 100% sure that stands out more than anything else! Well. That or the violence. Or her half-constructed abomination of a former Solarian mech. There's a lot of... excesses there.
 She stays wholly out of the religious talk. She's a smuggler and a bit of an oddball at that. Not her place. The idea that they simply keeled over does get a curious look around again though. Rubbing her chin, she glances skyward, then shrugs. She can't think of anything that would pop a place en masse. Though there is an angle she can jump in on. Especially from her origins! "You thinking it was some low level boss trying to muscle in? Pin the blame elsewhere and step up when the fallout hits?" She pauses. "Or just someone that wanted to hurt others. Had to - let's not get into my side jobs."
 A nod goes to Jacqueline. She'll probably remember everything, but the name as is tradition. Though Jack's an easy name... and probably what she'll think of. "You happen to have any actuators in stock?" Guessing by the chocobo she's from elsewhere and might know the tech! "Been looking for a specific size and tearing apart scraps isn't yielding any in better condition than Revenant's existing."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Rani says they were running late, and Jacqueline nods. It happens to everyone... but with Ruth keeping look out, Jacqueline has a feeling she would've been alright even if less friendly individuals had shown up. Ruth, who says it's fine because she wasn't supposed to be seen.

"Ah... well, it's good to see you all the same." Jacqueline replies.

She chuckles, then, at Marivel's comment to Remedy. She doesn't know which Guardsman she's talking about, but it sounds like she had quite the run-in...

"Remedy is very well-behaved, yes. She wouldn't hurt a fly, unless it was currently attacking me." Jacqueline replies. And as for curatives...! Jacqueline offers Rani a smile.

"I do! Curatives happen to be a specialty of mine, in fact." She replies with a nod. Ryoko asks about actuators, then. Well, if she knows about those...

"Not on hand. I don't get a lot of call for those in this region, so I don't carry any on me - but if you tell me what kind you're looking for, I'll see what I can do." Jacqueline replies.

And then, she considers the topics at hand... Althena, and the Fangs. She frowns a little.

"It was... a horrible time." Jacqueline admits, of Azado. "I think it's good to question. Important, even."

<Pose Tracker> Rani Vela has posed.

She doesn't really know the deal with the Fiends; she does notice Ruth's talk of being forgoten. Perhaps it could be true...

"...Hm. Hiro mentioned you knew her," Rani comments. Marivel has been entirely cordial about it, though Rani can indeed tell that this is important to her. It's not... exactly difficult to see. "Though he didn't give me any details, obviously; it's not my business." A pause. "But that's reasonable," she answers. "...And yes, I'd have to give it a lot of thought. My mother was a priestess, too; I've been preparing for it all my life." She has no idea what Marivel is talking about, abandoning her; Hiro also said Marivel doesn't talk about the details. However, she can answer the question.

"Althena appeared in light, a giant image of herself, and issued the order that way. If it was a lieutenant, it was one bold enough to use Her face. ...No, I'm sure it was Her. If I could believe it was mortal fallibility in interpreting her will, I'd be much happier."

To Ryoko, "Azado? No, it was a giant monster. Wrecked the whole city. You must not be from around here."

But to Jay she says, "Then I'd appreciate a look at your stock; I want to be sure we have everything we need before we go into Azado... Though," she says, "Since Miss Valeria has offered to help us with the trouble..."

She pauses. "You were thre, then?" she asks of Jay and Azado. "I have learned recently that a number of heroic Drifters managed to evacuate some of the people of Azado. That's why I'm returning to the Blue Star; I'vve found a lead on where they ended up."

<Pose Tracker> Ruth Pauling has posed.

    Ruth watches Remedy for a while. That well-behaved giant... horse-bird, whatever it is. She goes back up to her post with all the effort it entails. She's carrying a lot on her back, and her present pair of boots are (as per normal) difficult to climb with. But she manages, takes her place, and casts that extra looming shadow underneath the light of the stars and Filgaia above as she keeps her right ear facing out to the others.
     She closes her eyes at Ryoko's musings. "I would know what mortal hands are capable of," she says cryptically in dismissal of Ryoko's thoughts about it.
     Marivel speaks of having known Althena - and about how she abandoned Marivel at a 'critical point' too. Ruth has almost nothing to do with Althena, but something about the exchange has her bringing her right hand up to over her heart while Rani talks about her certainty it was Her.
     "That's... also why I go with her," she appends to Rani's mention about having a lead. "The suffering of a people abandoned in pursuit of further bloodshed..."
     There's that weird smile there, gaze downcast. "I can't look away from that."

<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

"Mmmm..." Marivel considers this new information. "An imposter, there's been some evidence of that but she clearly passed on information to her Priestess that only those who knew about past would know..."

She cups her chin, losing herself in thought. No matter how she attempts to arrange the pieces of the puzzle there are always some that do not fit which suggests some are red herrings but it's difficult to know which ones are which.

"She was the sort to make sacrifices for the greater good," She murmurs. "Perhaps the threat of Sin is so great no matter the sacrifice... Heh, that would make she and Yevon peas of a pod wouldn't it...?"

She curls her hands into fists and then stretches out her fingers.

"She was our mentor." Marivel says. "She taught me how to sing. Play the violin. We fought together."

"There was a point where she was supposed to help Ana, Luceid and I and she did not show up. For a while I thought something may have happened, perhaps she had been waylaid--but since your people came to My world and started referring to her as a deity, I knew what truly happened. She abandoned us in order to save your ancestors."

"So it is, in a sense, your business." Marivel admits. "You are not the first to speak to me of a territory left to rot from spiritual poison." She thinks it over. "It almost seems like she wants the Malevolence to take over. Now Althena, no matter how treacherous, is surely not that kind of person. But perhaps her guilt has allowed Malevolence to infest her? Perhaps she requires purification, yesss.... that could be it..."

She mulls about it a bit more. "I mean if her Angels can succumb to Malevolence clearly she could, given time. And she had many...contradictions."

Ruth explains that this is why Ruth is traveling with her.

"I see" Marivel admits. "I'm glad that you have found common cause. Even people like us need companionship."

"Even if bound by tragedy."

She reaches forward to pet Remedy with a hand. "I was not at Azado myself I'm afraid." She admits. "So this is my first time seeing it. If you recall what it was like ere its destruction--I would be happy to hear of it so that I can remember. My memory is rather good. And I write things down."

She nods to Ryoko. "That's why I still remember you are Kyoko."

Okay she might be trolling a little there judging by her grin. "You are an engineer?"

<Pose Tracker> Ryoko Mizore has posed.

Ryoko Mizore shakes her head. "Nope, not from around here, haven't had a reason to ask. You hit things that try to eat you and keep going." She shrugs. It's that easy! Besides, "You'd be surprised what kind of mischief you can get up to." Though there's a shrug, there's also enough she doesn't know. She's still convinced it's a solid guess. That it's someone lower on the rung trying to muscle in. She's also shy a considerable amount of context. She hasn't fully gotten involved beyond smuggling.
 A curious look goes between 'Marie' and then Ruth and back to Rani. On second thought, stay out of this. Far away. Or get involved on a level that isn't just swinging wildly and hoping for the best.
 A bit of a change of topic helps though. Sort of. "A life without suffering is a life without happiness. If you can alleviate it wth violence, well. There are people that are happy to hit that scale for good and bad reasons, right?" She's morally flexible enough. "Sometimes it's a necessary evil." Then there's a shrug. "I don't know enough details to go beyond surfacec level belief though."
 Then there's the Kyoko jab again. She's not bothered in the slightest! "Engineer works too. Self-taught so I use mechanic. I did have to make some of my own parts for the machine though." Another shrug and a grin, leaning against her club. "I mostly fixed vehicles and smaller machines until I found my personal ride though." There's a pause. "I have a lot of hobbies these days." Hobbies, jobs. Whatever.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

As Ruth watches her, Remedy watches back - more curious than anything, her head tilted to the side quizzically.

Althena appeared as a giant image of light, and issued the order of war... Jacqueline frowns at that. She doesn't remember if she heard that before, but it does make things line up.

"I see..." Jacqueline murmurs consideringly, then considers Ryoko for a moment, and the casual talk of violence. ...There's a lot to unpack there. She's not sure she wants to get into that now. So instead, when Rani says she'd appreciate a look at her stock, Jacqueline smiles and nods.

"Of course!" She replies. She dismounts from Remedy - who leans down when Marivel reaches out to pet to make it a little easier, pushing her head into her hand with an appreciative 'kweh' - and begins detaching some of the saddle bags. She pauses, though, when Rani asks if she was there.

"I was, yes. I helped see to the citizens while others engaged Sin directly." She confirms. "My friends and I left those we were able to evacuate in the care of the people of Wayside - though I couldn't tell you where they are now. It's been far too long since I visited."

<Pose Tracker> Rani Vela has posed.

"She looked the same as when I saw her during my training in Pentagulia," Rani admits at the matter of an impostor. "So if she is one, she's been able to fool us for a long time." She is.. dubious on the prospect, but she's not going to tell Marivel she knows Althena better than she does--not after what she shares. An Althena who loved music should be a surprise to a modern Guard, but either it isn't or Rani is just that stoic.

"...Hm," she says. "When you put it that way, it is. ...I can't apologize for her actions; I wouldn't be here if not for them. But I see that your quest for her is an important one, too."

But Marivel mulls it over, and the prospect that the goddess herself has fallen to Malevolence is admittedly a daunting one, but Rani has no particular way of refuting or affirming the point. So instead, she nods to Ruth.

"And the fact that she can't look away from that is part of why we're friends. Though I've already told her she can't go with me all the way; I wouldn't take her from her other business that long."

She considers Ryoko'sstatements. "...Hm."

But rather than engaging with a philosophical discussion at the moment, she instead moves towards Jay. And what she says of that--

"Wayside. That's what I heaerd, as well. I met a girl, Shalune, who said she could put me in touch with them."

<Pose Tracker> Ruth Pauling has posed.

    While Ryuko grins and verbally struts about violence, Ruth turns her gaze upon her - looking to the same pointed ears she has (if not necessarily the same shape). In the span of time Ryoko looks between several people... even in the 'light' of nighttime darkness, Ryuko might see something beyond those gray eyes of Ruth's. If eyes are the window to the soul, something on the inside of that window is not... clean.
     Should Ryuko gaze over-long, Ruth breaks sight first as if with some urgency to do so, but nonetheless closes her eyes.
     "I cannot understand why she would take song from those who love and trust her so." As if on that specific point, but otherwise doesn't interrupt Marivel about her story with Ana, Luceid, and herself.
     She turns keenly to Jay as she mentions having been to Azado at its time of weakness. A part of her might have shied before Jay's rock-solid emotional strength, unaware of a similar transformative event in Adlehyde had already hardened her spirit to such a tragedy in concept (if not as much in scope - Sin's annihilation of Azado was all-encompassing).
     "Of course," the subject goes along to how Rani has already spoken about how they can't go all the way together. Whether she feels that strongly about the impermanence, it doesn't show over-much. "You deserve to return to the people who love and miss you." She looks to the rosary again. The realities of Lunar do not gel with the teachings of Granas at all.
     But do you know what you deserve, K.K. asked that question, and she has yet to speak an answer there.

<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

Marivel gives Rani a strange look when she said she can't apologize for Althena's actions and then she lets out a soft chuckle. "You know, you are not the first person to say that to me. In fact... You are not even the second." She exhales out a sigh. Ryoko isn't getting annoyed and that's annoying Marivel! She's supposed to be tweaking her not the other way around! Well, she'll just have to try something else. But she focuses on the matter of Althena a bit longer all the same.

"You know, though," Marivel adds. "An apology wouldn't be half bad. A 'I'm sorry, we left you behind and things got out of hand here. MY priestess trying to murder you, just a misunderstanding...!' Well, gosh, it is not as if I would not unerstand. I mean..." She shakes her head. "Twas a difficult time! Maybe you were worried I was going to reveal the secret spot behind your ears that's incredibly sensitive to tickling! Kind of ruin the whole godly image!"

She huffs. "But no just assassinations and wars. Tis dull, is it not Ruth? Another who uses soldiers as if they were pawns?"

She crosses her arms. "Well I suppose the big bad Mari will just have to huff and puff and blow her house down and demand my Answers."

"A moment." She adds.

Pet pet pet pet pet pet pet. She strokes REmedy under the chin and kisses her forehead and says, "Who is a byootiful bird, it's you, yes it's you...!"

Another kiss on the forehead--then back to Rani.

"Where was I? Oh it doesn't matter, I suppose. Only two more spots to worry about, mm? I might as well relax and enjoy the journey since our victory is all but assured."

Surely it won't take like another several months, she thinks. A dark wind blows in response.

"I heard it said it was with great reluctance she abandoned music." Marivel admits. "I must confess I still sing and calamity just seems to follow me."

<Pose Tracker> Ryoko Mizore has posed.

Ryoko Mizore is definitely beyond her depth on religious topics regarding an actual entity that someone has met. She's been a scavenger and criminal longer than she's had a cause to work towards. Means she tends to err towards pragmatism than faith. There's probably something of a golden path to follow when her introspection gets more refined, which to be fair has been helped to a degree by day to day dealing with the non-shady parts of the world.
 Ruth's gaze is met. She doesn't have any particular strangeness to her eyes, but there's a hardness there. A set to her jaw at the perceived challenge. Probably makes the myriad of scars easier to notice. Probably not a charity case! The 'unclean' perception doesn't even phase her though. Either she doesn't recognize it, or her dealings have exposed her to the darkness that resides in others all too often. Might even explain the break from intimidation and shakedown jobs. She's turning. Slowly.
 'Jack' gets some consideration for a moment. The reaction to violence is nothing new. She's well aware of who she is. "I'll get measurements closer to the way home from my ride and I'll let you know. I could also use replacement armor plating if you know a dealer. Above or below table, I don't care."
 At the mention of demanding answers, she admits more soberly and probably closer to her internal voice. "Sometimes you won't like the answers you get. Sometimes you just won't get them." She lets out a single laugh. There's some bitterness there, but it's shoved back down. "You need help kicking a door in, I probably know some people though." Back to her normal brash self.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline can't say much about Althena - she doesn't have a personal relationship with her like Rani and Marivel do, so it doesn't feel right intruding on that. She does, however, glance back at Ruth as Ruth looks at her, giving her a curious look but not pressing the matter further.

Remedy... looks rather pleased at the attention! Marivel poses her with a mystery - who is a beautiful bird...? And the answer comes - it's her!! Remedy 'kweh's in delight at this revelation.

Rani mentions that she heard of Wayside, as well - and from Shalune, in fact! It's hard to miss how Jacqueline brightens up when Rani mentions that.

"Ah? You met Shalune? She's an old friend of mine, actually... She won't steer you wrong." She replies, before looking toward Ryoko.

"Of course! Just let me know. And, ah... everything I provide is above board, of course." She clarifies.

<Pose Tracker> Rani Vela has posed.

"Maybe you'll get your chance," Rani says of the apology Marivel says wouldn't be so bad. But Ruth's comment on song--Rani shakes her head. "The theory was that they lead to the sorts of strong feelings that incite Malevolence..." But apparently this isn'tthe first Malevolence-infested place Marivel has seen left to rot by Althena. How far does the rot go?

"But thank you," she says to Ruth at what she says of deserving. "I at least need to see their safety for myselves."

Two more spots to worry about...

"True," she says to Ryoko of answers. "And I'll keep that in mind. I know of a few doors that need kicking in." But Jay--

"Oh, you know her? She seems a good sort. That suggests good things about you, too." A pause. "...Of course."

"But once I've looked, Ruth and I should be going shortly. I want to get through Azado before the night gets too deep."

<Pose Tracker> Ruth Pauling has posed.

    'Tis dull, is it not Ruth? Another who uses soldiers as if they were pawns?' Marivel asks of Ruth, and Ruth takes in one of those infamous breaths that never really leaves. Her eyes close as she listens to the soft, joyful coos of the horsebird. (Her nostrils flare too. That is a very distinctive smell from that horsebird.)
     "She is cruel," is as far as she can go about Althena without digging to deep into the wellspring of sorrow, as Ryoko gives some insightful words on a bitter laugh Ruth feels familiar. (Ruth and bitter laughs go hand-in-hand!)
     "Hmm... you've made many good friends, haven't you." She says to Jay, as something of an understatement as she slinks back down from the roost of that ruined watchtower around the time Rani speaks of needing to see their (the people of Azado's) safety for herself, and how they're going shortly.
     "Whenever you're ready," Ruth's voice goes softer as she kneels down and starts to undo the laces on her boots. To Ryoko, this should be very strange to witness, because it looks like she's about to traverse the difficult terrain beyond without them.
     She knows how well Rani guards her emotions, but she's under no illusions as to what else could lurk within Azado to strike a nerve - and what will be asked of either of them to survive the journey through a land blighted by both the Malevolence-tainted undead and the strange Pyrefly-based Sinscales. There's no point holding back anything on her part once they're there.
     (Also, as something of an unexpected boon, letting out your endless wellspring of emotional conflict against things that seem to be under an unyielding, laser-focused desire to bring misery to the living is... theraputic, in its own way.)
     "I'll need more time," Ruth asides to Marivel as she starts to remove her gloves, showing off her perfectly normal hands that she is defensive. "I'm... under no illusion what's being asked of me." What's another monster, Marivel said (paraphrased). Ruth is unaware about how much time she's borrowing when there's a run happening on the bank.
     She needs to be able to answer what it is she wants, beyond just chasing everything that speaks to her.

<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

"Ah, is that so, Ryoko? Well, in that case--perhaps you should talk to a young man by the name of Hiro." Wait! Marivel switched to Ryoko! What is she planning?? "I imagine he could use all the help he could get as the last two shrines will surely be the most difficult of the two to handle."

She cracks a smile but seems content with that, taking a moment to feed Remedy some Gysshal Greens on the side. This might be hampering the drama a bit.

"Mm?" She asks of Rani. "Ah yes." She draws out her microphone. "Unfortunately I cannot teleport us past the danger--Aporting into infested territory long distance is just begging to get your leg gnawed off-- but I can lure the beasts of lesser intelligence away and make your trip a mite touch easier."

She lightly taps her own head with the microphone.

"In any event, by the leave of the two of you I am good to go."

Ruth asides to Marivel that she'll need more time and she waves off the concern with a hand.

"Find your truth. It matters not what it is."

Sounds very similar to what another said to her, but she means it just as much.

<Pose Tracker> Ryoko Mizore has posed.

Ryoko Mizore tries her best to follow along with the talk about malevolence and other issues. She's mostly kept things small scale, but being pushed into a bigger issue is worth keeping tabs on for a multitude of reasons! She does offer Rani a wave. Seeming cheery enough. "Yell if you need help." Literally here. Probably.
 She gives Ruth a curious look, vaguely remembering the conversation last time. The boot removal thing is weird, but she's weird enough on her own. "Could do a tanker setup on those boots of yours next time you need a patch up." Is all she offers there. Weird's weird! They're easy to slip off too!
 A tilt of her head at both her name being used properly and a name to remember. Which... at least will be easy. Hero hiro. "If he's looking for help I can probably provide some. Should I tell him Marie sent me or is there a secret handshake?" There might be some return teasing there. Besides, help usually leads to pay. Or favors.
 She brushes herself off, then scoops up her mace and slings it over her shoulder. With a glance at Jacqueline, she asks, "Probably not the ideal guard for most, but if you'd like company I can get you home." There's a pause. "The offer's to any of you hoofing it. Been friendly enough, you want the help, I'm on the same route I'm sure, anyway."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Remedy gladly accepts the greens from Marivel, munching away at them happily.

Jacqueline looks toward Ruth, then, as she comments on the friends she's made.

"I'd like to think I have. They're the strength that keeps me going." Jacqueline replies with a nod, before looking back toward Rani. "I'm glad you think that!"

And as for Ryoko's offer...

"Well, I wouldn't say no - it's a little dangerous out that way, and Remedy and I both would appreciate a little more assurance." Jacqueline replies. She'll gladly accompany any of them, should they choose to join forces.