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(Created page with "*'''Log: Searching for Puzzle Pieces''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Gwen Whitlock, Character :: Hiro, Character :: Seraph Ragnell *'''Where:''' Silver Coast *'''Date...")
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Revision as of 04:22, 18 April 2017

  • Log: Searching for Puzzle Pieces
  • Cast: Gwen Whitlock, Hiro, Seraph Ragnell
  • Where: Silver Coast
  • Date: 4/11/2017
  • Summary: The Drifters Hiro, and Ruby come across Gwen one pleasant evening, not realizing that they're being watched by the Seraph Ragnell. While Ruby notices and quietly goes to engage with the Seraph, Gwen finds out a sort of 'truth' behind the strange bounty on Hiro's head, as well as his relationship to the mysterious Lucia.

===============================<* Silver Coast *>===============================

The Silver Coast is the name given to the northeastern coastline of Ignas. The origins of the name are lost to history, but residents of the area tend to assume it reflects either the famous white-sand beaches northeast of Lacour, or the region's distance from the desertification slowly spreading out from the continent's heart.

The Coast and its surrounding territories are claimed by the Kingdom of Lacour, and contain a wide assortment of biomes, from plains to rocky hills and mountains to rolling beaches. Major roads between Lacour and its next two largest settlements - the Port City of Hilton and the Academy City of Linga - are heavily patrolled by the kingdom's soldiers, and are generally safe. The hinterlands, however, are plagued by monsters of all types; researchers in Linga can find a variety of uses for the body parts of monsters, and do a brisk trade with Adventurers seeking to protect the population and make a little coin to boot.

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYbFnoRSW6M
<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

If there's a spot Gwen prefers for an ideal camping site, it's around the Silver Coast. It's just about right as far as Gwen's 'visible habitation' to 'complete wilderness' ratio goes- fewer bandits, if any, and the sort that escape the patrolling soldiers' notice are usually easily rebuffed by a show of an ARM. Or... other methods.

Plus, depending on where she is, there's probably going to be a spare bit of lumber to use as firewood. Which is what Gwen is doing now, chancing upon a fallen tree that's been nice and dry. No cutting means no disturbing anything alive, and when you're from the Badlands, the very idea of cutting down a tree sounds more akin to a crime than a necessity. Plus. more work.

Ungloving her right hand briefly to produce a spark of electricity, Gwen covers it right back up and gently coaxes the flame to grow bigger, throwing some small brush on top for it to feed on. Gulliver mulls nearby next to the cart, his mouth pursuing for some tasty blades of green grass.

All in all, the start of a fine evening, even if what's for dinner is some foraged vegetables and some dry beans, which soak in a pot of water nearby. With the wind being light, the smoke'll make her somewhat visible to people traveling the roads nearby, but that's why Gwen's not quick to take off her gloves just yet.

<Pose Tracker> Hiro has posed.

When Gwen doesn't know won't hurt her, and that's the fact that the most malicious of Vile Fiends are making camp just a little further off the road.

And since one of them has a seventeen billion bounty on her head over a pretty significant misunderstanding, that requires constant vigilance. A teenager who's seated himself on a high tree branch squints when he notices the smoke and pats someone beside him, "Hey Ruby did you notice anyone camping out around here while you were flying around earlier?"

The less vigilant cat-like creature who had been snoring up until this point brushes a pink pawsie across her face. "Hu-what?" Giving the guy beside her this look like 'why would you do such a thing' stretches by arching her back as much as a slinky, long forepaws extended out, before eyeing it, "Of course not. If I had then I would have said something." "Huh."

It's not long after that Gwen gets a visitor approaching her camp, and definitely not from the direction of the road. Despite the possibility of bounty hunters looming large, he strolls right up, wearing a tattered blue tunic, pants and a long orange scarf. His boots are wrapped up in the way one might fear losing them from sudden changes of position.

Behind him, is what appears to be a flying pink feline, white underbelly, sporting a yellow bow on the top of her head.

"She kinda seems familiar..." "Well that's because she is. Hey Gwen!" He holds up a hand, waving her way an affable smile, "Oh right!" "Mind if we drop in- we were just in the area-" He rethinks that after a second, "-and by that I mean passing through!" Ruby rolls her eyes and says, "Smooth."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

The Silver Coast *is* a good place for camping sites. Ragnell, being a Seraph, doesn't need to work too hard to make a camp of her own--for her, as what is functionally a nature spirit, it's mostly pretty unnecessary--but human comforts are nice every so often too. Plus, she likes the crackle of a nice fire. Even better, the spark of a nice bit of electricity.

That's what draws her attention to Gwen from the still-living tree not too far from the one that had fallen over, cracked and dry. This one seems like it's on its way too, but it's still hanging in there... for now. At the least, it's got enough foliage that someone like Ragnell, sprawled lazily in its branches, may not be immediately visible. Ragnell meanwhile eyes Gwen from her perch, watching as the stranger builds up a bit of fire and starts cooking dinner. She's just off a nap herself, so she's not inclined to mess with anyone just yet... but when Hiro and a baby Red Dragon (*is* that a Red Dragon? Looks more like a fluffy pink catwings) come strolling up, she starts paying a little more attention--mostly because of the Dragon. The guy looks familiar, though... Has she seen that face on a wanted poster before? And he seems to know the lady...

Well now. This might get interesting. For now, Ragnell opts to remain in her perch and see how this pans out--and see who sees *her*.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

The last time Gwen camped out here, her camp was invaded by THE DARK HERO ZED, which turned out exactly how such an incident would go. They're on pretty good terms now, even if he did make her cry.

When Gwen spots the young Drifter, she waves cheerily, her behavior betraying no real indication of her about to spring on the two. Granted, squatting down by a fire does make such a feat difficult. "Oh hey! Mr. Hiro! And..." It was the name of a gem. Similar color to little dragon's fur. A pink gem? No, it was red, like... Garnet, maybe? No, no, it was- "Ruby, right?" Gwen lazily points towards the cute flying dragon (with her pink pawsies~). "I mean, I've only seen one other like you. C'mon over!" Hiro'd be perfect for this survey. Though before she even gets to that? There's some questions she needs to get through.

Casting a look around as she dusts her knees off and raises up, Gwen walks towards Hiro and Ruby and leans in, her eyes wide and cupping a hand by her whispering mouth. "What's this about you having a bounty on your head? Someone trying to play a prank on you?" She squints critically at the Drifter and leans back, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "Did you piss off some girl? Wait, wait, I got it." She grins wide. "You pissed off a girl named Althena- turned her down or something, and a beau of hers is trying to use slander to get back at you? Or a few. And they're trying to smear your friend's reputation too by calling her the Lord of... Destruction?" She trails off. "I mean, it's creative, I'll give em' that. Or maybe it's your friend that turned this Althena girl down? Hm."

Wait. Quickly, Gwen waves a hand. "Don't worry- I'm a courier, not a bounty hunter. Besides, that bounty on your friend's got to be a joke. There's only one person out there with a bounty like that, and I doubt anyone's gonna be willing to throw out the money to cart his butt in, if he's even still puttering around. Dude's got to be, like, 70, now?"

<Pose Tracker> Hiro has posed.

"That's right- wait one other?" She instantly sounds excited, enthusiastic, flying past Hiro and right up to Gwen, "You've met another Red Dragon?!" Hiro just grins, stopping far shorter than Ruby, at least until Gwen mentions the bounty and that grin disappears and he looks a little tense, "Uh- not some girl no. Kinda backwards-"

He twirls his finger in a circle as if to show a 180- wait did he make a 360 and not realize it? He seems kind of debating it, until Gwen mentions she's just a simple country courier and he relaxes a little, "Okay how to explain." Ruby heaves this long-suffering sigh and preempts him, "More like he met this girl who got accused of being the Lord of Calamity. But there's just- no way."

He crosses his arms and nods, "Though it's a long story getting up to there- uh- most people on the Blue Star- I mean Filgaia wouldn't know what the Lord of Calamity even is right?" He takes a deep breath, "If she were then- that bounty would actually be no joke." His eyes trail upwards, past Ragnell's position, but he obviously doesn't see them, he's just thinking.

"Okay. Best to start from the beginning. If I told you we were from Filgaia's Moon- Lunar would you think I'm a con artist or that I'd just... lost my mind?"

"Noone would believe you're a con artist Hiro! You couldn't lie to save your life, remember your cover identity? And crazy? Ha! The only thing crazy about you is your loyalty to that girl."

He looks rather embarrassed after Ruby's statement- cheeks just a little aflush, "You know I should have really seen that coming from you Ruby..."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Zed made Ragnell cry too!!

Cry with laughter, that is.

As Gwen questions Hiro about his bounty, suggesting that he slighted some girl named Althena (pfft) and that her beau is getting back at him for it (PFFT), Ragnell snorts and chuckles and laughs with increasing volume as the suggestions go on. Nice for him that he's got so trusting a courier on his side--though a Filgaian wouldn't properly appreciate the kind of trouble this kid is in. Well then well then, so this is one of the Lord of Calamity's entourage... Or the supposed Lord's entourage, if Ruby's claim is to be believed. Ragnell's smile fades, and she swings a leg over her branch perch so she can watch the three more closely. There's 'no way'...?

"Loyalty, huh," she murmurs, leaning her face on one hand. Hiro looks up at--and through--her. She knows that look. His eyes in her direction are just a coincidence. "You're really just gonna tell her, kiddo? She might not be so friendly after she hears your story."

It's mostly muttered, not really intended for Hiro to hear. Ruby, on the other hand... Well, a Red Dragon should see a Seraph like Ragnell easily. Heck, she might even agree with her remark.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

"Well, he's not fluffy like you are," Gwen answers, shaking her head as she tries to bite back the urge to just cuddle the adorable dragon cat. "I mean, he's kinda cute because he's small, but he's more reptile-ish? Hangs around a beastwoman named Riesenlied? She's got horns." Subconsciously, Gwen's hands raise to either side of her head, each pointing an index finger as a sort of visual reference.

'Okay how to explain.' Gwen knows that song all too well. The long sigh from Ruby, the debating expression on Hiro's face, that breath, as if the young man was about to dive into a pool that might not be deep enough for him. "Well, if it's gonna need an explanation, might as well make yourself comfortable by the fire." She looks to the metal pot of beans, and the foraged vegetables, and sighs. "I'll have some soup ready in a bit, anyway. No meat or anything, but beans are just as good in a pinch."

As Hiro explains, Gwen sighs, itching her head, giving no indication of having heard just about anything from the trees. The way she mulls over Hiro's words almost lend credence to Ragnell's comments.

If Ragnell managed to spot Gwen's metallic right hand earlier, it may explain just what happens next, as Gwen shrugs. "Well, y'see, uh, I would've disbelieved you if you told me two months ago or so. But I've been stumbling into a number of people seeming to just sorta.. be lost. Like, lost in a sense that can't be 'y'got on the wrong road' lost. I've been doing this Drifter thing for only a few years now, but even I can tell there's something different about y'all. None of the lore I hear you guys talkin' about really exists here, but there seems to be a shared knowledge. That said..." She seats herself by the fire. "Are we talkin' the actual moon? Like, what'll be in the sky in about an hour? I figured you guys just somehow all got on a ship and crash landed on the shore nearby." She throws a piece of one log into the fire, using a metal rod to adjust the pieces around. "Never seen anyone like you until recently, either." Her eyes are looking towards Ruby. "I almost thought maybe it was because I was from the Badlands and just hadn't stayed around in this area long enough to appreciate things around here."

There's also the fact that Mr. Rider, a professional, serious man who wouldn't be the sort to waste someone's time, had asked her to gather information on the group. "So, does this mean Filgaia's, like, your guys' moon?" Gwen positions the metal tripod holder over the fire, and places the pot on the hook with her right hand, wincing as the heat licks her gloved hand. "Ach- I *knew* I forgot to do something. But yeah." She looks over at Hiro, then, remembering Ruby's words, grins big. "Heyy, you're sweet on her, aren't cha? There's few things that can drive a loyalty like that for someone y'just met, and one of them's being sweet on someone." She pauses, looking upwards with a half-frown. "I guess the other is just getting along with someone really well, but... y'know what I mean."

<Pose Tracker> Hiro has posed.

Ruby answers right away, "Oh! Odjn! I've already met her. She's so great isn't she?" It is for the best that Gwen fights that urge though because- well most cuddly things can't breathe flames like she can, though she's been increasingly tolerant of being cuddled lately.

Hiro takes a few steps forward at the invitation near the fire, before plopping straight down and cross legged with a jingle of metal. "Well I appreciate your hospitality Gwen. You don't mind if I call you that right? Didn't really get to ask down where we met..."


"Yeah that's the one though. The actual moon- though we call it Lunar."

Ruby's ears twitch just as Gwen mentions how she only saw something like her recently. And the tiny wyrmcat's eyes survey the area, "Well as far as I know- I'm one of a kind, even back where I came from. Hey Hiro- going to go check out the surrounds a bit. Be right back." "Huh? Alright sure, but be careful." Flying towards the road, Ruby vanishes from sight for a while.

This is fortuitously timed though because- when Gwen mentions being 'sweet on her' his face begins to try and imitate a strawberry. "It's not like that!" He gesticulates his denial with his arms, looking completely flustered, "It's just- that her mission is really important! So- yes. The Blue Star is sorta our moon? But it's also supposedly where Althena- she's a goddess by the way- brought everyone to begin with when our world was created. Lucia- the girl who's accused of being the Lord of Calamity came from the Blue Star because she saw something really horrible coming and needs to speak to the Goddess Althena to sort it out."

He kind of looks down at the ground after a moment because it was still embarrassing, "So uh- yeah it's definitely not that I pissed Althena off but- I guess we sorta did too? Her entire army at least- Althena's Guard. They posted the bounty notices you're seeing. The moment Lucia came to our world they declared she was the Lord of Calamity and have been after her ever since. Even uh- followed us here. But there's just no way Althena actually ordered that. They're being tricked."

Ragnell hears a whisper nearby her from Ruby flying from above, down to her position- though she likely caught that she was coming her way beforehand so it's no surprise, "Didn't anyone ever teach you it was rude to eavesdrop, miss Seraph?" Ruby presses a pink pawsie to her mouth in a gesture for quiet, "You weren't with the Shepherd's group though. So maybe I don't mind you being a little rude and listening in. He could definitely stand to be a little less open-"

She mutters in a way that might give Ragnell the sense that she's been putting up with it for a long time, "-he's just not that kind of guy."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

A metal arm, huh... Well, ain't that something. Ragnell leans over a little more when she catches sight of Gwen's hand. You don't see something like that every day. It seems normal enough for her, though maybe Gwen's just a weirdo. After all, she takes Hiro's story in total stride. There can't be a lot of Filgaians who're that chill.

...thinks the Seraph whose reaction to the sudden appearance of a fluffy Red Dragon is to jerk back a bit, blinking rapidly, and then shrug.

"Eavesdrop? They're the ones who decided to start up a conversation right under the tree I was takin' a nap in," Ragnell counters. "Is it my fault they're both so loud and blind?" She chuckles when Ruby guesses MAYBE she can forgive her though and goes on to criticize Hiro. "Right? You never know who might be listenin' in. Even in a wide-open nothin' like this." She gestures expansively at the horizon. Trees like the one they're in are few and far in between.

Then she leans her head on one hand, elbow on her knee, and listens to Hiro's story. The little dragon's not kidding about him being too open; at the very least, it seems like he *believes* his story about Lucia not being the Lord of Calamity. And he doesn't have much if any Malevolence about him to speak of... She rubs her chin in thought. "You're a Dragon, right? If I'm not mistaken," she says to Ruby. "Is what he's sayin' true, 'bout that Lucia girl?"

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

Depending on Ragnell's abilities, there's probably a lot for her to notice about the courier's metallic arm from earlier. It was just a spark, small and concentrated enough to summon up a flame and not much more. Yet, when the hand was brushed by a flame, Gwen reacted much the way any normal human being would when a gloved hand gets hot.

Gwen nods amiably, both to Ruby and Hiro, the motion shifting the turquoise earrings on either side of her face. "Yeah, Gwen's fine! And I'm guessing by name that Hiro ain't your surname, but just a general name, so, I guess I could drop the mister, haha." She runs a hand through her short hair. "Unless you want me to address you that way. It's a bad habit, so I might slip up."

As Ruby mentions she's one of a kind, Gwen's face falls. "Really? Man, that stinks. At least you got a pal like Hiro over here- oh? Oh yeah, good idea! This is near some major pathways. It's real easy for someone to sneak right in." She gives a wave to Ruby then sighs, looking to Hiro. "That's got to be useful, having a friend like that to scout around for you." She thumbs towards the eating, docile Gulliver. "Gulliver over there? He's got horse sense, but beyond that, not much. He's managed to kick away a few coyotes, though. But yeah, so, you guys call your place Lunar?

Scooting over to a nearby basket, she gets out a wooden spoon as the water in the pot begins to boil. "Is it really rocky and desolate, though? I don't see a whole lotta green on it. Though..." Didn't her aunt say something about revolving planets? "What if it's just one part of it that's like that? I guess, with the light of the sun and the light reflecting off of Filgaia, you'd be getting a good amount of light, so..." She ponders innocently, as Hiro's strawberry imitation is given time to set in.

She has to look away to mask her smirk.

"So we're called the Blue Star? That's a pretty name, kinda." Wait. Looking up as she stirs the soup, Gwen squints across at Hiro, her freckled cheeks bunching up. "It sounds like your goddess forgot a few folk here and there back then, if there's still people here." Her deadpan expression shifts into a playful grin. "Sorry, couldn't help myself, hehe. But so this Lucia came from Filgaia to chat with Althena? And you guys somehow ended up back here. But so's these pissed off guards who think this Lucia's a bad guy."

She begins adding the foraged vegetables. "I mean, I gotta say, it sounds weird, but there's a *lot* of weird things out there. And no matter what's goin' on, you got a bunch of weirdos trying to claim a bounty on you and your gi- er, Lucia."

<Pose Tracker> Hiro has posed.

"Ha- yeah. Don't have a surname." Though he doesn't go so far as to explain it as Ruby leaves and Gwen mentions she's useful, "Useful? Well sure Ruby's useful, but she's mostly like a little sister to me. We grew up together."

It's a good thing that that was said while Ruby was out of the camp. Such a good thing.

Hiro does give Gulliver a wave though- which likely isn't even noticed by the docile horse- "Hey nice to meet you Gulliver. Hey good to know he looks out for you a little at least. Can't be easy being a courier on a world like this- just the two of you travelling alone." Though the question draws him back, "Uh nah- it's actually green and bountiful. Fertile crops? Plenty of water." He looks up, scratching the nape of his neck, "Margie- who is apparently the Holy Mother of Nisan says she looked at it up close through some fancy device and saw the same thing. No idea why- we came here in a flying carpet accident. But ha- yeah. It's gorgeous. It looms so large in the sky of our world... way bigger than Lunar looks from Filgaia's sky."

He considers that for a moment then frowns, "Appearances are a little deceiving I guess, though this world has a lot of its own kind of beauty." But Althena... causes him to look embarrassed, "Apparently so. Seems kind of cruel to leave people behind but..." He shrugs helplessly, "I don't think she would have done it by choice, you know?"

But apparently Gwen is teasing and he gets this relieved look like 'Oh thank Althena!' "You really got me there. No matter where I go, women really seem to love watching a guy squirm." He chuckles, before putting his palms behind him and settling back on them, "Yeah that's the long and short of it. Still don't even know how they got here."

Ragnell immediately scores points by not doubting she's a dragon, "That's right. I'd introduce myself but you probably already heard it so I'll just ask- what do you go by?" But she asks if it's true, Welllll-"

There's another long suffering sigh as she alights atop the same branch, "-he's biased. He's obviously not being objective at all. First time he saw Lucia it was like he'd never seen a girl before. But it's all true. I was there with him. There's no way to confirm that she actually came from the Blue Star but, she knew enough about this world when we got here that I buy it."

Ruby looks somewhat bitter for some reason. "The Shepherd's group says they felt a lot of malevolence on her- but she's suffering from a nasty curse too that came from- well I don't know what it was, just that it was bad news, and she was different after. So unfortunately there's no way to prove it one way or another. She sure doesn't act like what I would think a Hellion would be like though." To be fair though, Ruby has never seen one, "She acts like a complete airhead- and has the social skills of a turnip.}" A beat, "Say how'd you get here anyhow? Happen to know a way back?"

Hiro had been looking up, but then gives Gwen a look as she's preparing the soup though he briefly pinkens when it seems like she's about to say 'girlfriend', "Yep. Already had a few try. We're handling it well enough I guess, but we really need to get back to our world as soon as possible. I mean according to Lucia- something's there that's going to destroy it if she doesn't talk to Althena first and given everything I've seen well-" He shivers, "-I kinda believe it."

After a few moments, whatever bad feelings caused him to shiver fade and he recomposes himself, "Feel kinda bad just going on and on about all of us though, even though you asked. What's your story Gwen? Just doing your job, trying to get by? Taking an occasional job sorting through what people long ago left behind?"

He chuckles, "Just remembering how well you did in those ruins... sounds like people should pay you this huge premium to protect their deliveries."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

A good thing that Ragnell went for confirming rather than doubting first, then. Ruby has the *sense* of a Red Dragon, but... nnnnnnot exactly the appearance. And it's easier just to ask someone directly. Could be transformed or something right now? For all that she's 800-some years old, Ragnell doesn't know very much about dragon-kind, either Althena's or Fell Dragons. Her wanderings and travels have not often afforded her the dubious priviledge of their company.

Ragnell does snicker at Gwen teasing Hiro. Points in Gwen's favor; whether it's pranks or watching humans squirm, she loves this kind of thing, and she's got a bit of a soft spot (or less of a hard spot?) for people who indulge in it. As for her abilities--well, she has an affinity with lightning and thus electricity, so there's nothing special about it... but you don't need special senses beyond her natural affinities to at least see that spark, or at all to see her jerking her hand away from the heat. An ARM, maybe? Ragnell knows some about those--has even seen a couple so far. Her own weapons have been mistaken for ARMs by design. So if this human is doing something similar... well, it stands to reason.

"Ruby, right?" Ragnell says, thinking back to when Gwen greeted the dragonlet. "The name's Ragnell. Pleased to meet ya." Damn pleased, if this dragon can lead her to the Lord of Calamity. Though, the story she tells, as well as what Hiro says... "You've never run into a hellion?" Ragnell wonders, arching an eyebrow. "How can you be sure this Lucia girl isn't the Lord of Calamity, then?" Though the Lord is more than just a hellion--their abilities go FAR beyond what a mere hellion can do. It's like comparing angry chickens with a T-rex. They're related, to be sure, but there's a world of difference between them.

...that said, Ruby's description doesn't fit what she'd picture the Lord to be like, either. Ragnell rubs her chin. "Huh. That so... If she's originally from this world, then..." She pauses, then lowers her hand. "Don't suppose you could introduce me to her, Ru? As they say, seein' is believing."

A pause. Does she happen to know a way back? "Nope, sorry to say. If I had that kind of intel, I could sell it for a mint." Ragnell raises a gloved hand a rubs her fingers together. "Just about everyone from Lunar wants to go back... well, with some exceptions. But it's still info that'd come at a premium, you know what I'm saying?" She shrugs. "So, looks like we're both stuck here for now." Not that she really minds Filgaia, as is obvious at a glance considering her typical vaquero get-up. But if what Hiro says about Lucia needing to get back and talk to the Goddess to avert a coming crisis to Lunar... That's interesting. That's *very* interesting.

<Pose Tracker> Hiro has posed.

"Good to meet you Ragnell. Nope. Never. Only read that they exist in books." There's this suddenly anxious look at the realization that she's not as experienced about the world as she wants to be and how this might make her look UNCOOL to the best Seraph she'd met so far- only edging out Edna by the fact that Edna sometimes felt like fighting them too, "Might be convinced to give you an introduction. If you promise me you won't go blabbing about it to Silverfish and the others."

It takes her a moment to realize that not everyone might call him by a nickname so- "Uh- Silver haired water Seraph, has this stick way up his butt. I think the Shepherd called him Luvluv Duflay when they- merged? Armatized? Whatever. They sure seemed like a married couple."

She slumps just a little when Ragnell mentions that no she doesn't in fact know that, "Was worth a try. And heh- don't worry we'd have a few things that'd be worth your while to trade." Fortunately Ruby doesn't mention what those things are. Unlike Hiro, she's not some too honest idiot.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Ragnell stares at Ruby. How sheltered do you have to be to have only heard of hellions? Unless-- "How old are you?" she wonders. This probably does not help Ruby's anxiety that she may have made herself look UNCOOL in front of a totally cool Seraph. (It's okay, Ruby, it'll turn out later that Ragnell's a TOTAL JERK. She doesn't seem it at first though, huh?)

"Dunno who that is," she says. Good thing Ruby goes on to explain, except: "Woah, hey, are you seriously just--" Ragnell cuts herself off, giving Ruby a hard and searching look. This dragon... really doesn't understand the significance of giving out a Seraph's True Name? Well, of course not, not if she doesn't even know what a hellion's like... Hmm. Hmm. Ragnell rubs her chin, setting aside that thought and instead focusing on the description.

"You're not talkin' about Meebo," she says slowly, "are you?" Edna hadn't specified that 'Meebo' was a Seraph, but she'd described him as the Seraph's boy toy, and Ruby here says that the two of them are practically a married couple. "Anyway, if you set up a meetin' between us on your end, I'll keep it on the down low from the Shepherd's group. An' if I happen to be in his company and we run into each other again in the future, well--" She winks. "We don't know each other, right?"

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

"My auntie's the same way. That's the way she would've kept it, too, but she finally just put up with people assuming her surname was the same as mine." It seems to explain why Gwen just accepts Hiro's name for what it is, even if she was very willing to assume it was a surname when they first met. Listening to Hiro briefly recount his and Ruby's relationship, Gwen nods once as she stirs, her lips curled in a warm, pensive expression. "That's so sweet, though! I remember, when I first saw 'er, I was surprised that she could fly. Then, she talked! Tho, we were kinda running away from things so I was plenty distracted."

Looking towards Gulliver, Gwen chuckles. "Yeah, he's the best partner, though. Sometimes, in the Badlands, he might be the only lick of company for miles around that ain't a lizard or a buzzard. Yet, he puts up with me and all the runnin' around we do." Gulliver looks up at the many mentions of his name, his eyes hopeful. "No, you're eating grass tonight, Gulliver. The feed I bought got you way too gassy." The silver-colored horse then looks towards Hiro, his dark horsey eyes seeming to possess a spark of what could be called 'hope'. "Don't fall for his sad face, Hiro. He's spoiled rotten, and he knows it."

Seeing Hiro look embarrassed over the talk of Althena, Gwen waves a ready hand. "Hehe, it's okay," the courier says with a laugh. "Besides, beings like Guardians and the like... what's to say their understandin' of the world mirrors ours? They probably did what was in their ability to do, same as any being. If she's immortal or at least lived a long time, she's probaaabbly not thinkin' in terms of human time spans." Even if this being isn't really a goddess, what's an ant to say when they look upon a tall tree? "You met the Holy Mother of Nisan?" .... and her name is Margie? Man, all religions just seem wacky, the more Gwen squints at them. "Sounds like she used a telescope? I know there's more fancy stuff than that."

Then Hiro catches on. Gwen's laugh betrays a snort, which she tries to hide behind a gloved hand. "Sorry! I'll try not to tease you anymore, but I can't make any promises, 'kay? Honestly, I can't really tell a lie worth a damn either, but I do like to tease." She looks up towards the rising moon that hangs in the darkening sky. "So Filgaia looks pretty, huh...?" Her eyes grow sad. "... I wonder how long it'll keep lookin' like that..." It's enough to make her forget the mention of flying carpets and the like.

Tasting some of the soup, Gwen grabs a pouch from her basket and sprinkles some dried herbs in. "If I hear of anything, I'll let you know, Hiro. I can't promise anything, but a courier's got ears in a lot of places." Grabbing an extra bowl, she spoons some of the soup into it, and offers to Hiro. "Better let it cool a bit first." Grabbing her own bowl, she scoops some of the soup into hers. "Yeah, my story ain't that exciting compared to yours," Gwen states mildly. "Got into the courier business to help support Auntie and me. I enjoy it a lot, even if the pay's not the best. But, I figure, if I can do something and do it well, the demand'll come too. And it kinda has. People just don't usually have a reliable option for delivery, though, uh." She blows on a spoonful, then eats. "... Meh, should've put more spices in. But yeah, I'm just one person? So I just do what I can."

<Pose Tracker> Hiro has posed.

"Eheh-heh... prettttyyy young?" Which is to say she doesn't actually have a number, hasn't met another Dragon from Lunar, and all memories of her duty are kind of mussed up at the moment from getting her Aura stolen, which she doesn't even know about. But Ruby claps her paws over her mouth at the hard look, "Uh sorry- didn't know it was taboo or anything, honest!"

"Uhhhh I don't know? Maybe?" The last time Ruby saw Edna and Mikleo together, the Shepherd was kind of battling Hiro, and Edna was bopping Zed. "We kinda mostly didn't get along so he didn't really introduce himself. Hemayhavecalledmeacat." Ruby runs that last part together like she's hiding a four letter word- that's actually three.

Ruby bobs her head again, "Smart. Okay you get it. Yeah I think we can work out a deal." Ragnell gets a pink pawesie extended her way for a shake.

It's extremely soft.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

"Hmmmm... I had a feeling," Ragnell says in a wry but not judgmental tone. You'd have to be, really. And if her memories are messed up on top of that, well. So when Ruby clasps her precious paws over her mouth, Ragnell waves a dismissive hand. "Nah, nothin' like that," she lies. "It was just a surprise, is all. Actually, if you've got more to say about the Shepherd and his group, I'd be interested in hearin' you and your friends's impressions--but we can leave that for later."

Makes sense. Well, this Seraph who may or may not be Meebo would be pretty right to be suspicious of someone who may or may not be the Lord of Calamity. Ragnell snorts at the mention of the 'cat' word. Ruby doesn't like that, huh... She'll have to remember that.

She smirks, then accepts that precious and wonderfully soft pawsie for a shake. "Then I'll look forward to seein' you again. For now, though..." She leans back on the trunk, pulling her hat back over her eyes. "I've got a nap to get back to."

She's not actually going to get back to that nap. Not when there's so much interesting stuff to listen in on. For now, though, she needs some time to ruminate on it.

<Pose Tracker> Hiro has posed.

"Heh. Your auntie sounds like a smart cookie." A few seconds later he blinks his eyes and says, "Filgaia has cookies right?" He's pretty sure he saw some bakers set some out, but now he's thinking on it. His lips become a grin as he rubs the nape of his neck, "Yeah we've been together ever since I was-" He puts his opposite hand up to about a meter- "-yea high? Grandpa Gwyn found us playing together like that. He's the guy who raised me. Small world huh?" He chuckles weakly. He's referring to the similarity of Gwen and Gwyn namewise, but it's also a small joke since Lunar appeared to be the smaller world.

But Hiro is already staring into those dark horsey eyes with his own soft eyes, already contemplating whether he has an apple in his pack or not when, "Oh! Yeah I sure wasn't thinking of giving him something to eat. Maya has broke me of that habit with her horse- mostly."

Even Ruby fell for that horse's act once...

"Ha, yeah I think so? She was travelling incognito at least, but I guy I know told me later that that was definitely her." He crosses his hands right back across his chest, "The idea of a Goddess like Althena kinda disturbed her a bit, like it contradicted her beliefs- but the way I figure, the very fact our mission exists proves that all those immortal beings sure do need people when it comes right down to it."

He has no idea what a telescope is, "Huh, I'll look into getting one. She said it looked like a dead world to her but maybe she's only looking at part of it or something? I mean I'm sure we came from another world- the moon just looks too different otherwise."

A hand moves up to his forehead, where he rubs it at Gwen's laugh-snort, before putting it out in a conciliatory gesture "It's okay, it's okay- I don't mind it much? It's just that I'm travelling with four girls right now so, I catch a lot of it." Except from Lucia who wouldn't know what teasing even is GO FIGURE!

But suddenly he looks a little somber at Gwen's sad look. He sits up a tad straighter, and gives her a long look too, before his eyes trail up, "It's tough you know? Back on Lunar everyone has enough drinking water- and harvests are plentiful. There's still a lot of problems, but it doesn't feel like everyone struggles just to get by. The people of Filgaia are so strong."

He considers it for a while, then says, "You know, all of Lunar is supposedly like that due to the Blessing of Althena. Once we sort everything out- I promise we'll let the Goddess know about the people that got left behind. We're not going to forget about our time here, or people like you. And hey-" He gives her this hopeful grin, "-I bet there's a ton of people who care just like you, that are working on sorting it out. Writing a story as we speak that'll be read one day by tons of bright eyed little girls and boys on the people who made life on the Blue Star better for everyone who came after."

Hiro eventually takes the bowl of soup, "Hey thanks for the grub. I really do appreciate your hospitality Gwen." He takes the first spoonful, blowing on it for some time, as she talks about her life, then slurping it down. That first bite looks like it pained him as he, puts a hand over his mouth, "...dink I burt my tong a littal..."

He rubs at his upper lip, and takes his hand away after a moment, apparently not burnt too bad, "It's good though." He says once the burning in his mouth calms down, "You know, not everyone has to have an exciting story for it to be worth telling." He smiles again, "Sometimes getting by- surviving on a world like this is heroic enough, in and of itself."

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

DAMN IT, GWEN PROMISED HIRO SHE WOULDN'T TEASE HIM. "Yep," Gwen admits. "And cakes, and bread, rolls, cupcakes, you name it!" Her stomach growls in protest, causing Gwen to slump forward, her face defeated. "So many things I'd love to eat..."

Indeed, Gwen's face reacts much like anyone's who hears their name out of context, before quickly realizing the 'Grandpa' before it. "Hee. Your grandpa must've been a smart cookie himself, if he has a great name like that. If you don't mind my askin', is he Grandpa by blood or on account of takin' you on as his own'?" Gwen leans back chuckling. "It really is a small world. My Auntie Frea's the same. She took me on when I was eleven or so." Her eyes soften, almost dolefully, at the memory. "I owe her a lot. It sounds like it's kinda that way for you and Ruby, too."

Lunar doesn't seem to escape from the reality that not everyone gets to keep their parents. But there's also the reality that there's a lot of people with big hearts.

Gulliver, if Hiro allows for it, slowly trots over, his muzzle sniffing at the top of Hiro's head. "Careful, careful," Gwen states, keeping an eye on Gulliver's mouth. "If he gets too friendly, let me know, Hiro. Though, you met Maya Schrodinger?" Gwen laughs. "Yeah, she's a character. Tough as nails, though I haven't been lucky enough to catch her in a fight." Or unlucky, depending.

"Yeah, I don't know a whole lot of about other faiths, buth some establish that there's just one. Some, like the Baskars, go for there being lots. I'm inclined to believe that way, if I'm feeling lonely." The courier scratches her head. "Though, I mean, if Filgaia looked like a pretty blue star to you, maybe we're just not seeing everything on your planet? Though, telescopes look really far, so..." She sighs, shaking her head. "Maybe we just don't have all the pieces of this puzzle yet. There's a lot of stuff in the ruins that make me wonder if we're all just working with, like, maybe five or ten pieces of a puzzle that's over a thousand pieces. Now you guys come in with your ten pieces, and we're trying to see if there's any you got that might explain ours."

When Hiro makes his promise, Gwen looks at him for a moment, momentarily surprised. "... You've got a good heart, Hiro." She glances up at the moon, glowing brighter as the sky continues to darken, blotting out the stars in the sky. "... I wonder." Magic carpets are weird, and she's not quite sure what he meant by those, but there's a sudden thought in her head that she can't quite put away just yet. "Maybe you guys got transported here for a reason? Maybe Althena was trying to help you, just in a way that ain't clear yet. I mean, you're probably gonna find a lot more people willing to listen to you here, if they can just get past the whole 'I'm from the moon' thing."

Assuming this Althena isn't just a very powerful person who lived a long time ago. But then, who is Lucia?

Gwen startles as Hiro burns his mouth, ready to twist open her canteen and hold it over. "Heh, look at you! Maybe you got a chance at being as tough as us Filgaian-" Oh right, no teasinnngg. "... Seriously, though. You guys have to be tough too. It's one thing to be lost and in a town you don't recognize. But another world...? Sometimes I don't want to believe it because I don't want to imagine how lonely that'd feel. I'd probably panic, if it was me."

<Pose Tracker> Hiro has posed.

"Heh. If I catch you back in town sometime soon I'll buy you some." He gestures to the soup, "Figure I owe you for the meal. We just struck it big on this lost ore shipment sooo-" He lets the implication hang that he could give her a CAKE BUFFET possibly. But she starts talking about Gwen and he's got this fond little smile, "Grandpa's Grandpa on account of him taking me in as his own." The fact that he's a Beastman, it really doesn't even cross his mind for him to talk about, not that he's ashamed about his Grandpa being a Beastman or anything, after all he's got the little cheek stripes right there. "He's an archaeologist on my world, taught me everything I know about fighting and dealing with old ruins and traps." He nods again at her Auntie Frea, "Sure seems like your Auntie raised you right."

Hiro definitely allows for it, letting Gulliver get close before he even reacts, as his muzzle sniffs his head, he turns his face to the side, "Wow you're a pretty friendly fellow aren't you? Alright- alright- I give!" He swings his pack off a single arm, just enough to gain access, then digs inside until he pulls out an apple and presents it right by his face. It's not perhaps the best looking apple but hopefully the horse isn't that picky.

"Yeah, that's the one. She hangs with us every now and then. Seems like she's taken a shine to us 'Moon People', and she and Ginny have been giving us the lay of the land."

She talks about other faiths though, the Baskar in particular, and he doesn't really know the distinction beyond once landing in a Baskar soup pot, still he gives her all due consideration about the Guardians, "I guess you could say our group isn't the biggest fan on organized religion. On our world the Chosen of Althena have kind of made a mess of things... banning even song and dance. I think it's good that you believe in something though Gwen. Something that gives you hope when life hits you a bit hard too. And you know- maybe? I mean we haven't even seen much of Filgaia yet- just Adelhyde, Lacour... and the edge of the Badlands. We haven't even found where Lucia supposedly came from yet."

A name for her home town might be nice but did someone like Lucia really come from a town? Was there a town full of Lucias around?

He blushes in a sort of 'aw shucks' way when she says he's got a good heart, but he tries to take the compliment as gracefully as possible. "Right back at you Gwen." But then his expression sobers again, brought here for a reason? "You know I'd like to believe there's a reason we're here. Who knows? If not for our mission being so important I kind of would have liked to explore all of Filgaia. Experience everything that it has to offer. Travelling with Lucia has already been the biggest adventure of my life- and every day it's even more of one." He sighs, having this sort of smile on his face like he's dreaming, "I'm kinda hoping even after all this is said and done we'll keep travelling together forever."

Yeah he's definitely got it bad despite protests to the contrary.

He puts the soup bowl for a moment, taking the canteen, and he's already chuckling, "Hey come on..." Even if Gwen stops short, he sure saw it coming, as he takes a sip, wipes his mouth on the back of his sleeve and hands it back. "But yeah, Jean and Lemina and Ruby are some of the toughest people I know... I really admire how the three of them have taken to travelling on a place like this." And Lucia of course, but Lucia wasn't originally from Lunar. So that's a seperate subject in which he'd be gushing like some lovestruck schoolboy, "As for me... well truth be told, I kinda lived out in the middle of nowhere before all this. Even going to what you'd call a 'small one horse town' back on Lunar was an adventure for me."

His eyes do drift up to the sky that's full of clouds as he takes his soup bowl back in hand, "I do miss Grandpa though sometimes, his little place in the middle of nowhere where I grew up. I miss his stories and just hearing him enthuse about some old scrap of lore." He shakes his head, "I'll definitely go back some day. Mark my words..." He sounds a little quieter, "I just hope he'll be okay until I get there."

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

Hiro's offer tempts Gwen, and her fight not to give into gluttony manages to show on her face as she quietly debates. Finally, she gives in. "O-okay, but don't go overboard! My appetite goes overboard when I even so much as think about food." Her stomach gurgles, as if in agreement. Gwen's aunt never did think about what exactly powers Gwen's ARM. Sure, it's fine on her usual diet, but then again, it's not like she's been flinging arcs of lightning around, if at all. "So you, me, and Ruby all got something in common, haha." Gwen chuckles. "Well, in the fact that there's good folk that helped us become who we are." One way or another.

Even with the temptation of food, Gulliver is rather gentle with Hiro, mindful of the fact that the Drifter is not, in fact, a fellow horse. That, or he's learned that gentleness=food, while horsegentle=/=no food. When the apple is presented, Gulliver happily accepts, slipping his dark mouth over Hiro's offering without nicking the young man's fingers. Gwen sighs, rubbing a hand over her face. "That sad horsey face claimed yet another victim, I see." Gulliver snorts in reply, working over the apple. "At least he'll be your friend now, Hiro. He's not that smart, but he remembers a softie when he meets one."

Drinking from her cateen, Gwen coughs when Hiro reveals the horrors of Althena's religious rule. "*cough* Wha-?!" After a fit of more coughing, she fans her throat. "S-sorry, down the wrong tube... *cough" Sealing her canteen and wiping her mouth on a leather glove, she lets out a quick huff of air. "Whew. So what, maube they're after you because she and you danced the polka in a church? Geez, those types must feel like they're in pit of demons here. Gets worse the further west you go, too- we ain't go nothing to occupy us otherwise, and you can only get so drunk." She twists her mouth. "... Though I guess getting drunk sort of encourages the singin' and drinkin' too..."

As Hiro mirrors the compliment back, Gwen takes it with an appreciative nod and smile. "Then, I guess then there's another thing we got in common. Good folk, good hearts." The courier then quiets as she listens to Hiro, holding her chin in one upturned palm. Oh yes. Hiro's got it *bad*, but it's rather refreshing to see. She can only hope that this Lucia matches the image Hiro's managed to create in her mind, even if he hasn't really explained much about her. Someone that is actually the girl he thinks she is, and not someone who'd take advantage of that.

It hurts her heart to even consider thinking like that for too long.

"I guess I kinda know what that's like, missing family n' all." The bonfire crackles as Gwen swallows another spoonful of soup contemplatively. "I can't go west because of what's goin' on in Aveh. Too risky. Even still, that's why my Auntie moved to Boot Hill. We still got the Memory Cubes to communicate and all, so, I guess it's not the same. All the same." She lets out a sigh. "The 'not knowin' part is the worst."

It's decided then, regardless of whether Gwen wasn't already sold or not on Hiro's story. The redhead's definitely going to help them, even if it's not like she has a magic carpet of her own. "I better be clear on somethin', though. Remember I told you that a courier sees a lot, right? Got a client that was askin' me to look into people that have started appearing. Like, who they are, and all that. He's a private investigator named Marcus Rider, so I think, just maybe, if I tell him what you told me, the least he can do is lift that stupid bounty off your heads. I dunno what power's he got here, but I'm certain he might be able to pull something. I also think, perhaps, he may believe what you told me as far as the moon, but I can't be certain."

<Pose Tracker> Hiro has posed.

But he nods at her saying they've got something in common, his grin becoming more subdued. "Yeah. That sounds right." He says while eyeing Gulliver, making certain he's not going to chew off his hand... but the horse is being gentle and he's ruminating, "Without your Auntie Frei, or my Grandpa Gwyn, who knows where we would have ended up?"

He eyes Gwen out of the corner of his eyes, but keeps his field of vision on Gulliver- "Is that right? Well." He allows that grin back on his face as he gives Gulliver a rub just above the snout, "I can use all the friends I can get right about now. I sure don't mind a fast one." But then he realizes what he just said and puts a hand to his face, "That- came out wrong. I'd never ever even think of stealing your horse-friend. Promise!"

Which is about when Gwen sputters on the canteen, and Hiro chuckles weakly, like the joke isn't that funny, "Makes me wonder what White Knight Leo would be like walking into a-" He suddenly gesticulates with his free hand, "-'DEN OF INIQUITY!' He'd probably start a brawl with the first sentence that came out of his mouth." He scratches his chin, "But yeah. I've heard tell of one of them already smashing someone's lute on the street... just for the 'crime' of singing." He shakes his head, "Makes me feel terrible about them following us here, if they're going to cause trouble to other people."

Hiro looks forward into the bonfire though as Gwen talks about her family and how her Auntie moved to Boot Hill, and nods weakly when she says not knowing is the hardest part. "Boot hill sounds like a safe place, the way Ginny talks about it. Hopefully your Auntie will be able to keep away from all that trouble if the war expands outwards."

But then he sits up straighter, listening even more intently, the spoon in his hand he taps on the edge of the bowl, "Marcus Rider huh? Never heard of him." He considers it for a while but then chuckles weakly, "Though I guess that's a little dumb to say... I wouldn't have heard of... almost anyone..."

He considers this while ladling up a spoonful of soup and blowing on it, before sliding it into his throat. Part of him is wondering why Mister Rider is interested, but he figures it's just the sudden giant bounty out of nowhere and rumors of conmen from THE MOON. "Well if you can talk to him and he can do that, I'd sure appreciate it Gwen. Around here about our only shield from Althena's guard is our reputation and..."

He winces, "...well let's just say they've already caught us in a few misunderstandings where it looks bad for us." Which is when the two of them might notice the pink cat like creature fluttering her way back into camp by firelight, "Which were definitely. One hundred percent not my fault." "Oh hey you're back. Did you see anything out there?"

Ruby acts like she didn't even hear the question. "I mean anyone who calls me the c-word deserves exactly what they get." Hiro gives Ruby the longest look, before clearing his throat and changes the subject then looks back towards Gwen, "Yeah I'd sure appreciate it if you and him could help us out there. Soon. Real soon. BeforeRubylightssomeoneelseonfire." He mumbles. "What was that Hiro?" "Nothing!"