2017-04-20: Hellions and Demons: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Hellions and Demons''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Agatha Pyrelight, Character :: Riesenlied, Character :: Noeline *'''Where:''' Adelyn Ranchlands *'''Date:...")
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Revision as of 04:52, 21 April 2017

  • Log: Hellions and Demons
  • Cast: Agatha Pyrelight, Riesenlied, Noeline
  • Where: Adelyn Ranchlands
  • Date: 4/20/2017
  • Summary: Agatha calls upon Riesenlied and Noeline for... tea?

============================<* Adelyn Ranchlands *>=============================

The area around Adlehyde Castle is occupied by rolling fields of grass that are the envy of nations more seriously affected by the desertification that plagues Ignas. Most of the continent's cattle and horses are bred and raised in these ranchlands, which are owned by a scattered assortment of families, each with lands and borders carefully marked out by poles and fences.

While Adlehyde's soldiers patrol the main trade routes throughout the country, the ranchers are for the most part left to their own devices except during tax season; this has tended to produce an independent and stubborn streak in the people who call this territory home. Folks around these parts are used to looking after themselves, and do so with a brutal effectiveness.

The four-footed wealth that covers the ranchlands attracts its fair share of rustlers, bandits, and other ne'er-do-wells; when local posses prove insufficient to the task, a single rider sent to the Adventurer's Guild will generally bring help quick enough.

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfRBmqBlzzQ
<Pose Tracker> Agatha Pyrelight has posed.

Once again, a message came to Riesenlied from her wonderful good friend Agatha - a message requesting a meeting that would lead to vital exchanges of information. After all, they were allies, and certainly Agatha had been working hard at gathering information regarding the surrounding area and preparing for the coming... whatever it was that the Metal Demons had in mind.

She actually describes it in the note as the 'coming kerfluffle', whatever that happens to be.

Also attached to the note is the usual provision that Riesenlied can bring whomever she wishes along for the ride, in order to ensure that she felt safe at the meeting. Certainly Agatha would not want the winged Metal Demon to feel that she was in any sort of danger.

But when Riesenlied arrives at the appointed location, it actually looks... a little to idyllic? Apparently Agatha's minions have been hard at work here, because the clearing has been covered in a number of rugs with elaborate patterns upon them, many of them laid over each other to make the ground seem like the interior of a building. Large poles have been set up, threaded with large cloth panels that give the appearance of walls, despite the fact that they billow and move slightly in the wind.

And the Pyre Witch awaits in the center, standing at a tall table with several equally tall seats. There is a tea service set atop the table, with several cups and a large pot of hot water brewing.

The black eyed witch awaits, one leg pulled up against her chest as she perches on the chair and watches the arrival of her guest. She smiles politely, and inclines her head as she gestures with one taloned finger towards the other chairs. "Please, do join me if you would," she states politely. "Good company is so difficult to come by these days."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied has decided to, after Noeline's complaint of last time, bring the intelligence agent along for the ride. After all, it's Noeline's job to know, and to be informed and work with their allies, no matter how peculiar, is vital to ensuring her line of work is as effective as it can be. ... that there might be something uncanny that might stifle this meeting a bit is just a risk that she knows they have to take.

She wasn't, however, expecting the rather elaborate open-air tent with the rugs and elaborate setup; the winged woman looks more than a bit perplexed, but then quietly smiles as she says, "My, but you know how to host a luxurious meeting, don't you?"

She takes a gentle seat, gesturing. "This is Noeline, a longtime compatriot of mine," she introduces the other metal demon. "She specialises in having her ear on the ground, and her finger on the pulse of current events."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline has come dressed for the occasion - though it's not as if she dresses differently the rest of the time. Looking more suited to a high-end cafe or salon than a trek through the wilderness, the Metal Demon is wearing a vividly red and black dress, fancied up with lace accessories and the occasional ribbon. It's a far cry from the utilitarian nature of most demons, but then that seems to be the case for everything about her - she slides into her chair with an elegant motion, an amused half-grin on her face as she flicks out her hair with an unnecessary motion.

"Zed's told me a great deal about you, as has dear Riese," she hums, practically emitting a musical note into the air. The smile doesn't quite reach her eyes, where an eager sort of-- excitement?-- is displayed instead. Someone's definitely enjoying the unusual company, whether for good or ill. "Zed in particular, though. Often, at the top of his lungs."

<Pose Tracker> Agatha Pyrelight has posed.

Agatha believes in taking people by surprise - and opulence in the middle of an area where one would not expect it is indeed a way to catch them off guard. The fact that she doesn't actually need to do the work just makes it all the better. The knowing smile on the witch's face shows that Riesenlied's response is quite expected, and that her little place setting has achieved the desired result.

But Agatha turns her attention to Noeline and her rather unusual attire, and raises an eyebrow slightly. "Lady Noaline, it is a pleasure to meet you. I hope that you are willing to partake of my hospitality... and discover something interesting in the process."

For Noeline, there is the sense of something... unsettling. A Metal Demon can't feel malevolence - their lack of a spiritual presence makes it flow around them like a river around a rock. Perhaps that rock might be worn away by the ceaseless passing of years, but hardly enough time has passed to be sure. But Noeline is not an ordinary Metal Demon.

And that part that makes her extraordinary quavers at the sight of the witch. The Guardians reject the presence of Metal Demons upon this world - it recognizes them as invaders.

Apparently a Metal Demon is not as bad as whatever Agatha is, because Noeline can hear it in the back of her head. The most tenuous, quavering feeling that says 'wrong wrong wrong', like that part of her that was different from the other Metal Demons wanted to pull itself from her chest and crawl away across the ground as fast as possible.

Agatha however simply smiles even more broadly at the mention of their... mutual 'friend'. "Oh, I take it that he enjoyed our little exchange more than he was letting on?" Black eyes narrow in amusement, and Agatha waves a hand for one of her minions to approach with a pot of hot water. She selects several ingredients from the side board and places them inside a pouch, then adds both tea and water to the pot and allows it to begin steeping.

"Or perhaps he simply had never been touched in such a way before? Your people seem to live an existence that one might call... focused. With little regard or experience outside of the martial." Agatha tilts her head, and chuckles. "As for myself, I exist to broaden horizons. What good is fire if it does not push back the night and bring revelation?"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied herself is no such spiritual and cannot feel it, but she knows that there's something... unusual about Noeline, even if she doesn't know exactly what it is. As such, she's keeping a closer eye on her companion than she would normally, having a rueful, almost... unfortunate chuckle as she looks towards the Pyre Witch.

"The majority of our brethren live lives in pursuit of martial excellence, it is true," Riesenlied is more than willing to admit. "Many are born into a culture of very narrow needs and outcomes, where one's prowess makes for the primary measure of one's standing... as such, a reaction as Zed's is not unusual amongst us."

She sighs a little. "I have, myself, been studying the children of Filgaia for much longer than most. Noeline as well. I admit my understanding of them is not what you'd call... complete, however." She sounds regretful. "Humans do rather... perplexing things, even in the light of their own histories. I must assume that, from what you've shared, that the humans from your own land are possessed of similar... capriciousness."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

There's a brief moment that gives away that something is up with Noeline - her attention wavers for just a second, whatever she was about to say paused in her throat as a dim voice in the back of her head decides to make a rare appearance. Whatever feeling the warning was supposed to invoke, though, it probably wasn't a widening of her grin to practically predatory levels. Metal Demons are not generally possessed of fangs - especially not vanity Crimson Noble ones - but there you go.

"Just because they're perplexing doesn't mean you don't understand them," she shoots back to her companion with an amused hum. "That's just their nature, after all, to be as confusing and contradictory as possible." Her shrug is easy and not at all forced, though perhaps she's just an excellent actor - at the very least, she's got 'amused and smug' down pat. "But, yes. By and large, I seek to study humans as a matter of course. Call it a hobby, perhaps," she hums richly as she turns back to the witch, cautious as she studies the other woman at some length to pick out her details.

"... well, dear Zed is a little-- sheltered from certain things," she ends up sighing luxuriously as she leans back in her seat and folds her arms. "I believe he was talking about retribution against you, last I checked, though I shudder to imagine what form that might take. Or what forms it did already take."

<Pose Tracker> Agatha Pyrelight has posed.

"Hmmmm..." Agatha raises one finger to her chin, and taps it for a moment. "IT is interesting that you would put it that way - capriciousness is such a heavy word. It implies the willingness to do things without a real reason - indeed, to do so against reason, when it would be unexpected." She shakes her head, her overly large hat swaying back and forth for a moment as she checks the pot. Just another minute.

One of her minions, his dust colored chest bear, his head wrapped in a scarf except for a pair of glowing red eyes, and with heavy pants and boots making up the rest of his outfit, walks up and places a tray of finger food on the table before he departs. Agatha selects a small sandwich and nibbles on it, setting it down on her place as she continues.

"Part of why I asked you here today was to share some information regarding the state of my land - you had asked me for information regarding the Lord of Calamity previously, and I felt it was a topic best discussed in the absence of your enthusiastic friend." Another smile, and the witch leans across the table slightly, looking at Riesenlied intently. "I find that you study children to be quite interesting - in wars, children are often no more than victims to be swept aside or dealt with as the winner sees fit."

Strangely, it doesn't seem that Agatha has taken any note of Noeline's odd reaction - instead, the witch considers her for a brief moment, much as she does Riesenlied. But the commentary about Zed taking retribution does elicit a laugh, and Agatha sits back in her chair as her shoulders shake in amusement. "Trust me, any words of vengeance he has uttered are ones that are only now reaching my own ears. It will be interesting to see what form they take - if he feels his pride was wounded by my affection, or something deeper?"

She checks the tea pot once more, deciding it can use a few moments longer. "It is very interesting to hear that the both of you share the study of humans as an area of interest." Black eyes regard the two women together, and Agatha asks: "A shared activity, I presume?"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riese has a pause that maybe lasts a bit too long, but recovers as she replies, "Not as much as you'd think. Noeline does have a habit of wandering off to faraway lands, for quite a long stretch of time." She considers what Agatha's said, nodding as she admits, "It is rather prudent. Zed is... ..." A pause. "In truth, you could say that there are many similarities between human children and Zed." Yes, perhaps, that's the most polite way to put it.

"Children are an important part of understanding the human race, though," she segues to the other comment Agatha's made. "Many of our brethren are quick to dismiss non-combatants as odd and inferior. And indeed, from the perspective of our culture, there is an unusual segregation of duties that we do not have. But understanding why that segregation exists, and what it means to the continued existence of humans as a species..."

A longer pause, as she picks a little cucumber sandwich and politely nibbles from it. Mmm. Delicious!

"I suppose you could say I have a more holistic desire to study our opponent, moreso than most."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

"Whereas I simply find them interesting. No more, no less," hums Noeline, the explanation so quickly and smoothly delivered that it's impossible to tell how serious she's being about it. The wag of her hand at her hair again, flicking out one twintail, doesn't help the flippant air about her.

"I've covered the distance from east to west a few times over, back and forth, and there's always something new to learn! For instance - the fact that they're still going even when the planet's in such a state. It does make you wonder how long it might take us to achieve our goal, doesn't it~?" she finishes her sing-song with an amused hum and a glance towards Reisenlied - even though she, of all people, is probably most used to Noeline's nature.

"Still... the Lord of Calamity, you say? I've certainly heard an interesting thing or two about them, though actual fact is rather thin on the ground. Admittedly," she adds with a fakely despairing sigh, "That does seem to be the case for a lot of news as of late. Really, what's an information agent to do when she can't open a newspaper?"

<Pose Tracker> Agatha Pyrelight has posed.

Well, Agatha can't exactly disagree with the assessment of Zed. He didn't strike her as the most mature of people. "Ah, but what are children but those who do not possess the wealth of experiences that their elders can lay claim to? Certainly there is something to be said for growing to maturity, but I have seen children whose wisdom would put even a sage's to shame, thanks to their experiences."

But the witch takes in all of Riesenlied's statement, and she can see a bit more behind it than one might expect. She says nothing, but such fascination was an interesting revelation in and of itself. She covers for that pause by nodding one, and then pouring out three cups of tea. Unlike some of the bitter leaves preferred around this area, these seem to be a more soothing herbal bland, with hints of fruit and cinnamon having been mixed into the tea to provide a rather interesting experience.

"When information is scarce, then having reliable eyes and ears is the solution," Agatha comments as Noeline despairs at her inability to gather information. She airily waves her hand about, taking in the two minions who stand about the small camp ground. "Those who watch and listen, and then bring word, are quite helpful in that regard. As we are allies, perhaps you would be interested to hear what they whisper as well?"

But Agatha has promised some information, and so she takes an appreciative sip of her tea and begins. "What you should understand is there is something of a juxtaposition between the image of some legendary destroyer and the young woman here on Filgaia. But the Lord of Calamity is not always a demon or fiend - it is a title given to those who possess the power to upend the order of our world."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"Perhaps traditional work would do you good at some point, for newspapers only go so far," Riesenlied muses, though it's not meant terribly seriously. She knows Noeline does more than just read the papers, after all. "And yes, you are absolutely correct. Different viewpoints offer differing ideas... it is not wise to restrict oneself to too narrow a perspective."

She thinks about the Lord of Calamity for a moment, then professes, "I have... met the Lord of Calamity's companions, but I have not met this Lucia in person. It seems all too common a story, unfortunately. A small group of disparate youths, disenfranchised by the establishment that they view to be unjust..."

She pauses, because she takes a cup and sips from that wonderful herbal tea, mmm. She rather seems to enjoy it quite a lot. "This is lovely."

Riese gathers herself, then says, "Perhaps that is the root of it. 'Justice'. It is a word that is relatively unknown to us, for we have not needed to codify it. But humans do, and the long and bloody history of what justice means to different individuals... is perhaps one of the greatest sources of conflict I have witnessed even in recent history."

"In any case, the Lord of Calamity's companions, of course, believe the Althenan Chosen to be unjust in their branding of her as Lord of Calamity. But it is not as simple as they make it out to be, is it? As you said... 'the power to upend the world'." A pause. "One can have the best of intentions... and bring forth the greatest of ruin."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

"Oh, of course," Noeline sniffs as she sits up straight, recovering in an instant and waving a hand as if she weren't just putting on an artful wail. "I'm not one to simply rely on what I'm told. That would make for a terribly bad spy, after all, and I do have my pride to consider above all else." The demon pauses, and reaches for a cup to lift it towards her lips - but not to them, the girl preferring to level a toothy grin at Agatha over the top of the rim. "I wouldn't say no to such an agreement, I suppose. Frankly, no-one worth their salt would. Much like money, information isn't useful unless it moves."

"--but, really," she huffs towards Riese as the blonde talks about meeting celebrities. "You could have told me that you'd met them, you know." The grumble is not serious - nothing about Noeline really seems to be - and she's recovered in an instant to split into a grin. "Please don't tell me it's another prophetic proverb. Really, Filgaia does seem to like its sense of foreboding, doesn't it? What a wooly term to use, as well," she decides imperiously, finally taking a quick sip. "The way I see it, anyone can upend the world if you give them enough time and power. Warmongers, saints, diplomats - there's already been plenty of examples in the short time we've been around."

<Pose Tracker> Agatha Pyrelight has posed.

Ah but these were two very interesting points of view from the two Metal Demons. Agatha takes note of this, wondering just how closely they mirrored humans. Despite their looks at spiritual insensitively, there was something about the Demons that struck her as all too familiar to what she had seen in the humanity they so despised...

"Justice is such a trite concept, and it is often used as an excuse for the most terrible of crimes," Agatha observes to Riesenlied. "Indeed, I have seen many a horror prefaced by a human explaining how their actions are justified - how they perform them in the name of justice."

Another long sip of her tea, and Agatha looks directly into the winged young woman's eyes. "Many humans are bound by social compacts, ethics, and mores created by their society. But they chafe against these restrains - looking for an impetus to escape and become something more. It takes only a single spark to set them ablaze... and those sparks can spread, lighting other fires, bringing other possibilities to light. Your friend Zed for instance - a single action on my part, one that carried so little weight, and yet now he acts in unexpected ways. And his actions affect others... and the change can spread.

"It is little different for humans, although given the self-control you Metal Demons possess I assure you that for humans it can be far more dramatic."

Noeline does make some interesting observations, and Agatha mulls them over for a moment - and over a small sandwich that she devours in several quick bites. But at last she comments, "I think you misunderstand when I speak of upending the order of the world. Certainly anyone can make changes, yet what I speak of is not merely politics, war, or heroics, but a more fundamental change.

"The Goddess Althena rules Lunar, holding the lives of all there within her grip. That grip has become more of an iron fist of late - and our dear waif Lucia travels to meet with her. All the while, her view of the world is shaped by the noble nature of her companions."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"This is a term that is reserved for extraordinary circumstances," Riesenlied muses, regarding the Lord of Calamity. "Whatever shape it takes... it likely can change the course of society and history in the blink of an eye, is the impression I gain for who deserves the term 'Lord of Calamity'. It evokes images of our own history -- of the Day of Collapse, for instance. But as to what this young lady's actual power is... I can only guess."

That the Demons hold so many similarities to humans is not something that has escaped Riesenlied's notice. But to question why that is -- why they've come to Filgaia, when there are so many places elsewhere they could've just as easily landed -- to find a species that they find so much in common with is... unsettling, to say the least.

"If there is a strength I can identify us having," Riesenlied murmurs, just a bit darker as she consoles herself with some tea. "It is that we do not commonly share the human desire to dissociate. You've seen how much fear and superstition there are about ARMs, amidst the masses. This desire to insulate oneself from harm, even to the point of willfully blindfolding them to the truth... it is a weakness I do not wish to see us make. Strength through solidarity is an advantage, after all."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

The hum that Noeline emits is quite a complicated one - curious, of course, but also strongly disapproving, as if the idea of a 'Lord of Calamity' seemed somehow too bizarre for the grinning Metal Demon pretending to be a Crimson Noble with a slice of Guardian stuck inside of her. "My," she finally hums, settling in to lean on one arm and stare across the table at Agatha like a cat, all amusement and challenge. "A secluded civilization, their beliefs led by their mother. ... how familiar," she comments almost to herself, rolling the dull thought around in her head for a moment.

"But, really," Noeline breathes out the next, the distant and far-off statement dispelled in an instant when she flicks her hair and redoubles her grin. "In my experience, the idea of a 'society' isn't one so easily rocked by a single event. Not that I'm saying you're wrong - more that it would be best to give it a bit of time and see what happens. If there's one thing I can say about humans, it's that they bounce back better than cockroaches."

Her eyes flick to Riesenlied's voice, the vampiress responding to it with a tilt of her head and a thoughtfully amused hum, but no words.

<Pose Tracker> Agatha Pyrelight has posed.

"Ah, but is that desire something that exists as a natural part of humanity, or is it only an artifact of their prosperity?" Agatha muses in response to Riesenlied's own darker thoughts. "Right now humanity on both worlds has spread out and become masters of their own fate, but they also have much to lose. Without a threat from the outside, humans will turn upon themselves, but once they have that threat, they do tend to unify in quite an impressive manner."

That tendency was why Agatha did what she did. After all, humans were often so eager to turn against each other at the slightest provocation, so long as their enemy remained safely out of sight...

Still, Noeline's faith in humanity's ability to recover is also surprising. After all, would that very resilience not speak of a very difficult time ahead for the Metal Demons? "Certainly humans can bounce back from a great many things - I wonder if your leaders share your appreciation for that staying power? If so..." Agatha laughs, and sounds both amused and very interested.

She sees the challenge in Noeline's eyes, and decides to respond to it - taking her response and bringing it to a higher level than she might have expressed otherwise. "I expect that your eventual strike against them will be terrifying even beyond what I have seen in my time. It will be quite an experience. I am looking forward to it all the more now."

Agatha takes another sip of her tea, considering what she should add. "Still, the Goddess has become a tyrant of late. In her quest to 'protect' her people from harmful influence, she has taken to banning both alcohol and carefree social activities. Singing and dancing are now forbidden, and one wonders if the creation of art that does not glorify the Goddess will soon follow."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied does glance to the shared looks between Noeline and Agatha, letting out a little noise as she finishes her cup and deciding to cut a little more lightness into the conversation. "That was truly some wonderful tea. Too much of the dried and bitter variety here... the spice and herbs were both lovely."

She does wave Noeline's statement away to say, "I believe that Noeline means that we should not underestimate them, and indeed, I have no illusions about what they can do. If they were so pitiless and powerless, after all, you would not have found them so interesting, would you, Miss Agatha? That tenacity of humans to elicit great change under provocation... ...most recently, I still think about what happened to Lahan."

There is a hum of thought at Althena again. "The Goddess' change of heart, I assume, is something that has happened quite recently. I have seen the enactment of martial law, restricting entertainment and leisure before... it is typically part of an effort to create a police state, the kind done to demoralise the impressionable. Remove the distractions, and you can let fear slip your message in that much more effectively..."

She waves her hand to admit her ignorance, though. "But I do not have a pulse into the Goddess' society. I do not know whether this was internal politics, or whether there is something more... supernatural at its core?" She's hazarding guesses, really. The Chosen are still an anonymous bunch to her.

And that's dangerous, in her mind. Not knowing is the worst state to be in.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Sitting next to Reisenlied, the other metal demon quietly snickers to herself. "It isn't as if 'humans will live on somehow or other' makes for terribly good copy, you realize. And, well, demons are hardly immune to having their pride dented, as I'm sure you can guess. No-one likes to be told they're going to have a hard time of things. Not that they don't believe me - but I do wonder if they realize the extent of things."

Noeline pauses, and then shrugs in an expressive manner, tilting her head. It's odd to see one of the demons so... flippant about her own race, not to mention her superiors - but Noeline continues the next moment as if there were nothing to worry about. "Besides, we've already proved ourselves at Arctica, I should have thought. A clear statement of intent, if perhaps a little unclear who actually made it to the world at large. Rather inelegant, though, if you ask me."

"--in any case," she adds with a rich and growing smile. "The idea of a Goddess turning foul is an interesting one, don't you think? Last I heard, divine beings are supposed to be immutable sorts. I suppose you could look at that as being supernatural all in its own right, given it involves a 'Goddess' - but then, if her people have to be told to revere her that much, I wonder if she isn't perhaps a little more mundane than expected."

<Pose Tracker> Agatha Pyrelight has posed.

Hmmm. Agatha inclines her head as the tea is complimented, and takes another sip from her cup, finishing off the last of what she had poured. "Indeed, this is similar to a tea from our lands, although some ingredients had to be substituted. Such is the price we pay for working away from home."

But tea isn't the only item of interest in this conversation, and Agatha's respect for the winged woman rises. She clearly has put a good amount of time into her own research, to gain that much insight into humans. "But there we come to an interesting juncture, as there are a few things that are different on Lunar than here on Filgaia. The pulse of magic that flows through the world, for instance. Humans on Lunar are taught that all magic comes from the Goddess and her Blessing. Of course, the truth is... more complicated.

"The Goddess' Blessing keeps Lunar lush and green, unlike this sandy, desert blown world. But in exchange she seals the true powers of humanity, limiting them to only a trickle of the strength they could manifest were they free of her influence. Long has the Goddess attempted to manage her flock with gentle means - now she simply seeks dominance and absolute control of her people, so she can maintain her power."

Agatha smiles again, tilting her head forward so her eyes are hidden by the brim of her hat. "I expect that as soon as she understands that there is life here on the Blue Star, she will order her Guard to bring it under her control as well. Another irritating batch of humans that you must deal with, I am sure."

Zed has arrived.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"How fascinating that the Lunarians know of our planet as the Blue Star... it truly speaks to a time before the Collapse," Riesenlied muses. "I cannot say I approve of grand schemes of control, myself. The price of what many perceive to be peace of mind is much higher than it turns out to be, too often... like the situation with Althena."

She pulls one leg up to cross at the knee, gently. She glances towards Agatha. "I do not wish to presume too much, but I do not think you share her love for authoritarian control yourself, Miss Agatha. Freedom and individuality, even if it may court peril and scorn, seems much more your style."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline's cheery whistle - impressed, perhaps, at tales of the Goddess' ability? - seems rather at odds with the conversation at large. Fortunately, it's swallowed the next instant along with a sip of tea. "I wonder. Seems like this place could do with a bit of her touch, don't you think? Perhaps reintroduce a little in the way of green back to the place. I almost feel old when I stop to consider how much there used to be," she hums richly to herself, hand on her cheek as she props herself up on her elbow again.

She again chooses to remain silent as Riesenlied speaks, apparently choosing to offer some deference to her companion-slash-superior - at the same time, it's difficult to imagine Noeline approving of rank control as opposed to individuality, and her surety in her own choice rolls off her like a palpable wave.

"I suppose I should try to bend her ear a little, don't you think? At the very least, if she's a rather naive soul wandering the world, a little direction wouldn't hurt. ... perhaps it's a bit optimistic of me," she shrugs as she chews on the thought. "But, nothing ventured, yes?"

<Pose Tracker> Agatha Pyrelight has posed.

"Ah, but the Lord of Calamity has such good friends to help guide her. Of course, if you wish to contribute to her education, I would not be opposed, although I would be careful in what you would discuss with her." Agatha is fairly certain that the strong moral base of her companions has been rubbing off on Lucia, and there's (probably) nothing (these rather weird Metal Demons, at least) could do to warp her in any odd and strange ways.

"While this world does seem to be in trouble, I personally do not approve of enslaving people to the will of anyone," Agatha comments, both in response to Riesenlied and in rebuke to Noeline's more cavalier commentary. "It is my belief that those who can think for themselves should not find their will bound by another - only in embracing our true nature can we be what we are truly meant to be."

The witch smiles, adding with a sweet tone of voice, "There are those who would call me evil, cruel, or wrong... but when people will reject the bonds that hold them with only the slightest permission, why should they be left to languish under the control of another? There are a great many things that we want... but what any creature desires above all else is freedom, once they are aware of the bonds that hold them."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"... that is a topic that I know of very intimately and personally, to be sure," Riesenlied admits again, perhaps finding the Pyre Witch more sympathetic than she'd expected. It isn't to say she would willfully listen to her, and as with any arrangement like this, they have their own measures and guards to consider... but that's just part of what thinking for oneself is about, isn't it? "But perhaps that is a conversation for another time."

She rises slowly to her feet, stretching her wings gently. "'Seek the new world...' That has always been the phrase that has kept me going, all of these decades. To believe that reform is possible, and that one needs to be aware it will not come without much struggle, hardship and even failure."

She smiles a bit more gently to Agatha, and then says, "I've enjoyed this conversation quite a lot. It is no surprise to you, but there are few I can speak of humans and emotions in this way, amongst our brethren."

There's a little bobbling dragon off on the side calling, "Heeey, Riese? You there? We're ready to roll now!"

The winged woman nods, then looks to Noeline and Agatha. "I've some business to attend to. Our plans for the Old Petra base are advancing, and it is critical that we are not prematurely discovered." Old Petra would be... the name of one of the many small villages along the Ignasian frontier. So that must be where they're intending to create their forward operating base. She looks to the Pyre Witch proper. "I will let you and K.K. know proper when our efforts have borne fruit."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

"Asking me on a date and then running away?" comments Noeline offhandedly, with an almost comical frown on her face as she wags a hand. Metal Demons may not be up on the arts, but Noeline's got the acting gig down pat. "I suppose I shall stick around for a while, then traipse off into the mist like the trickster I am. Though, I suppose I will have to stop by and see how it's going before you're done," she comments to Riese with an amused hum. "Frankly, I imagine you'll need the help sorting things out."

Turning back to the Witch, Noeline inclines her head ever so slightly. Not quite respectful, but not respectless either. "It's been... an experience," she hums with a brighter-still grin playing at her lips. "I suppose we'll just have to see how things go from here, hm~?"