2017-05-30: New Hopes: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: New Hopes''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Riesenlied, Character :: Noeline, Character :: Jacqueline Barber *'''Where:''' Adelyn Ranches *'''Date:''' 30th May...")
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Revision as of 01:47, 31 May 2017

  • Log: New Hopes
  • Cast: Riesenlied, Noeline, Jacqueline Barber
  • Where: Adelyn Ranches
  • Date: 30th May 2017
  • Summary: Jacqueline seeks Riesenlied out, to speak and allay hear fears following the attack.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied has had a very busy couple of days; she's essentially worked around the clock as post-action caretaker and manager for the Old Petra base, submitting After-Action Reports and her suggestions for the future; she's spent time speaking with her troops as a counselor and therapist for those who're suffering some ill effects from their first battle; and, of course, she's tying up further loose ends abroad.

But Noeline's suggestion comes as a complete surprise to her.

The winged woman -- draped in her cloak -- is leaning behind a tree some distance from the city of Adlehyde. Now with a bounty on her head, she very well can't just show herself out in the open... but the alchemist's desire to speak to her still whelms her with a feeling she, in the end, couldn't discard.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

... Noeline is sat in the tree. Like, right up in the branches, a blob of crimson and black dangling her legs and kicking them slightly to and fro.

There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason behind it, out of a generic desire to find an amusing place to sit on as they wait - perhaps it's meant as something of a signal, a call of 'over here' to the alchemist who she's directed a fair distance out of town. Or, maybe it's just a latent desire to find a perch for when the vampire totally and genuinely turns into a fat bat.

She had certainly toyed briefly with the idea of turning up as the Chevalier - but her trust in Jacqueline is such that it hardly seems necessary.

"I see her," she calls all of a sudden, her eyes having been trained on the road nearby. "On her own-- really, that girl," Noeline huffs immediately afterwards as she leans her chin on her hand, grinning faintly to herself. "Isn't that a little reckless, regardless of how much trust you two have?" she wonders aloud - though her tone is softer than the words.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

For a time, Jacqueline was afraid. She wasn't sure what to expect. She had been confident - well, somewhat - when she discussed meeting with Noeline, but now that it was actually upon her...

It felt like there was a cold pit in her stomach.

...But...that didn't mean she wasn't going to go. The only way to deal with this fear and these emotions was to go through with it as planned. Riesenlied herself would be the one to prove to her whether or not these feelings had merit.

She had indeed come on her own, as Noeline had observed. She had even neglected to bring her cart with her, though it meant that she had to go on foot the whole way.

She scans the horizon as she walks down the road, and...there she is. Noeline. If she was there, then that meant Riesenlied was likely not far behind.

She doesn't call out to them. Instead, she veers off the road, heading towards the tree that the Crimson Noble was perched in.

It was a meeting like any other they had in the past, and yet...everything had changed since those days.

Her breath is caught in her throat at the sight of Riesenlied. Complex feelings arose within her - fear, of what might come of this meeting, relief, to see that she was still standing.

It takes a good few moments before she is able to manage a greeting.

"...Riesenlied, Noeline." She acknowledges with a nod. "I'm here."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied quietly turns from the tree -- she's injured, but is she ever really not? The expression on her face has not changed; even in the wake of large revelations -- revelations of who they are, what their mission is, what allegiances they walk along... there's that gentleness and softness to her countenance which refuses to be utterly dispelled.

"Miss Jacqueline..." Riesenlied whispers softly. "I'm glad to see that you are safe."

She closes her eyes, gesturing with her cloak -- there's no sword at her side. Her left arm is more thoroughly bandaged than before, and doesn't seem to be moving. "... I am sorry, again. Even if it may be cold comfort, even if it may just be a mere platitude."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline has been /trying/ to ensure that Riese does not injure herself further, of course, though the soft huff and the folding of her arms makes it very clear just how much luck she's been having on that front. Just like Riesenlied, she appears to have no weapons on her, kicking her legs without concern - though Jacqueline has seen her pull a scythe out of thin air before, when it comes down to it.

She says nothing - because at the very least, she has a sense of dramatic timing, and the respect to not interrupt a meeting like this unless she has to.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline nods. Safe is perhaps going a bit far - she's alive, certainly, and she seems to be uninjured... but she didn't feel safe, with everything that had happened.

Her eyes are drawn to Riesenlied's side as the cloak is moved slightly. It's not the lack of a sword that surprises her most, it's the injury. Concern flashes in Jacqueline's eyes, but she forces herself to look away.

"I...appreciate the sentiment, but...please, don't apologize." She replies, shaking her head.

"I...didn't come for an apology, anyway. I just...want to understand. To know why this was necessary. Noeline...told me more about your people. But I don't understand why Adlehyde had to..." Her voice quiets a bit, unable to finish the sentence.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied lets out a soft sigh and says, "... I would not call it necessary. But then again, I am not most of my brethren."

She shakes her head. "I think you might have heard from the other Drifters at the Castle -- that our leaders are seeking an artifact called the Teardrop." She bites at her lip, shaking her head with a faint sigh. "But it goes deeper than that. I spoke of context... and a lot of the pent-up aggression that led to the attack is rooted in the history of our ancestors, and yours."

She drapes her right arm around her left shoulder, shrinking a little bit. "We deal with a hatred that predates both you and I, Jacqueline. A hatred that originated in the Metal Demon Wars, a thousand years ago..." There's a pained sound. "...it is not an easy thing to defeat, the sentiment a thousand years old, such that it poisons those that don't have anything to do with the original event."

She looks up. "It does not make it right. And when you asked what gives me the right..."

There's a pause.

"It isn't about being 'right', to me," she affirms. "I do it because I must do everything I can to stem the inexorable tide, to try to break the cycle of hatred and violence that has haunted Filgaia since the days before we walked it.." She trembles. "I did everything I could, Miss Jacqueline. ... it just wasn't enough..."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline hadn't actually heard that part yet. She'd heard about the confrontation at the Castle, but not about why they had been there. It was tempting to ask why they wanted the Teardrop, and while it might be useful if she could figure that out, that wasn't why she was here.

She listens quietly as Riesenlied explains. About the past, that still plagued them all to this very day, and Riesenlied's effort to overcome it.

She's quiet for a while after Riesenlied finishes.

"I'd like to think it's possible, that we could get along someday, but..." Jacqueline shakes her head sadly.

...But it was something greater than both of them. A hatred firmly entrenched in the mindset of demons and humans alike.

"...This recent attack, I'm afraid it only served to push that day further away." She says.

"I heard afterward, how you had been allowing civilians to leave peacefully...but even that has been twisted into something else..."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"I know," Riesenlied answers faintly, her voice a little hitched. "Right now, it's so very far away, that faint and far possibility... but I myself won't let it be quelled entirely." She places a hand to her chest. "And in the meantime, I must do all that I can to ensure that no further pushes happen. However I can..."

She shakes her head. She takes another deep breath, then reaches towards her pouch and takes -- a booklet out of it. "Here."

If Jacqueline takes it, she'll find that it's... a ledger? It's got cheques on it, business dealings and ties to various companies in and around the eastern Ignasian region. There are written I.O.Us from local dealings, all written out to a person named 'Olivia'.

That was... the psuedonym Riese used when she first came to Adlehyde, all this time ago.

"In that ledger are the majority of my assets from the time I posed myself as a Beastwoman, as a Drifter," Riesenlied murmurs. "There is enough there, both in terms of Gella in local banks and in terms of connections, for you to rebuild what you lost in the attack."

She frowns very gently. "It does not make amends. But I would not have you be unable to continue following your path of healing and discovery due to this outcome neither of us wanted." She looks up to Jay, looking at her straight in the eye. "Use this... and keep walking the path of the Drifter, because this attack has not changed that answers to the wounds of our planet lie deep within the Ruins."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

For just a moment, there is a little sigh from above - a noise of very faint disapproval, not at Jacqueline, but at Riesenlied as she divests more of what connected her to the human world. Only very briefly, though; after all, she can't begin to argue with her friend's logic, and the wish behind it.

"... my role in this is to seek to quell that tide of hatred, if even just a little. If I make myself visible in Adlehyde, I can help the people there - but also draw those that know Riesenlied to me, and allow talks like this to happen. It isn't as if there's going to be any understanding either way otherwise," she adds to the blonde's comments as she folds her arms, kicking her legs once more.

She pauses, and tilts her head slowly to one side. "... well... those are fancy words, I suppose. When it comes down to it, I'm just helping Riese out however I can, I suppose."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

A book? Jacqueline watches it cautiously for a moment. She reaches out for a moment...hesitates...then takes it. She flips through it with a shocked gasp and surprise on her face at all the numbers within.

"Riesenlied, this is..." She says, looking up at Riesenlied. She's grateful, but at the same time, quite conflicted.

"This is a lot, but...I don't know if I'm comfortable..." She murmurs, looking down the the ledger again.

With all of this, rebuilding the store, among other things, wouldn't stay the dream she had been afraid it would remain.

She holds the ledger close to herself, looks up once more, and nods resolutely.

"If...If you're sure about this, then I'll accept it. I'll put it to good to use, I promise you that." She says.

"I will. That was never in doubt."

She looks to Noeline then, offering her a smile.

"Thank you, Noeline. For putting this together, for looking after Adlehyde, and...for looking after her, too." The last bit is said with a nod towards Riesenlied.

This conversation had done a lot to clear up some of the doubts that had been plaguing her. There were still things she didn't know, but she did feel a bit...lighter, at least.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

There's a sorrowful chuckle as she looks up at Noeline. "Don't make that face. I know what you are thinking. But these assets are not useful now that I am a wanted criminal, now are they? On the other hand, Miss Jacqueline is a skilled merchant, and with these funds and connections..."

She nods slowly. "I know that you will. Don't give up on that dream... because you've taught me a lot, too, ever since I came to Ignas, to Adlehyde. To your store. All those times we went on Digs together..."

She ruefully chuckles. "It might still be possible... but... perhaps under a lot more secrecy. No doubt there will be plenty who are after my bounty."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

"Of course," replies Noeline to Jacqueline's words of thanks, tilting her head ever so slightly in a bow as she manages somehow to show a moment's graciousness. "After all, I am a human sympathizer and a demon sympathizer both - arranging a meeting like this is only the natural conclusion. I have no doubt there will be more to come yet," she adds in an almost thoughtful manner, meeting the other demon's glance upwards with a rueful grin.

And then it's gone again as she smirks, a little more like her usual self. "... really, you should have seen how worried Riese was before and after it all happened. If you want, I'm sure I could think up a suitable disguise for you," she adds to Riese as she lightly pushes off the branch, dropping nimbly down in front of her. "I suppose the wings might be a little tricky to manage, mind you."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline sends Riesenlied a smile, too.

"I never will. I have people that rely on me too, after all. I'd be letting them down if I let all of this stop me." She affirms with a nod.

Going on a dig again...that would be wonderful, but would that even be possible? Well...

"It would be nice, sometime. We do still need to go to Linga again, after all. But...I'd rather not put you in any unnecessary danger." She says, her smile becoming a bit more wry. She knew that, realistically, the logistics of the trip like that now would be difficult at best.

It was just a little concerning, that there were so many people close to her with a bounty on their head...but she put that thought aside for now.

"Seems like you're going to be busy, then, Noeline...but I guess we all will." Jacqueline comments. "A disguise, though...I wonder what would work best..."

She glances towards Riesenlied, looking her over. Disguises...weren't really a specialty of hers, though. Her 'Mysterious Garb' was just a cloak and a hat, after all.

...Though, that was apparently enough, so maybe she was better than she thought?

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"... I'm still scared of owlbears," Riesenlied admits. Riesenlied, spearhead of the Operation: Gungnir, the commander of so many of her troops, the Demon Deceiver, as Leo calls her... and she's mortified of owlbears.

"A-and I do not need a... I believe I... is this cloak not disguise enough?" Riesenlied suddenly starts pouting gently towards Noeline. "... I don't want to wear a mask. It would not do anything, what with my horns being in the way."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

The Crimson Noble pauses for a moment, and then slowly tilts her head as she fidgets with a twintail. Jacqueline can't see it, turned towards Riesenlied as the vampire is, but you don't need to see her face to work out that her expression is a rather exasperated one, mixed with a good amount of 'oh Riesenlied'. "... it's a cloak, Riese dear," she points out with infinite care and patience. "It certainly suits you, I would never dare suggest otherwise, but the wings and the horns /do/ rather give you away."

"--some feathers, perhaps," she adds instantly, and perhaps her plan to inject a little revelry is revealed. When she straightens up it's with a deeply pleased grin. "You know, I never did get around to following up that rumour, but by all accounts it did suit you perfectly--"

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"Owlbears...I know how you feel." Jacqueline responds with a slight shudder.

If there is evil in this world, it lurks in the hearts of owlbears.

The conversation soon turns back to the topic of a disguise, though.

"I think the right kind of mask would nice, though, but you have a point..." Jacqueline murmurs, then glances towards Noeline.

"Hmm..." It sounded like Noeline had a plan. Jacqueline was quite curious and interested to see where this would go.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied raises her eyebrows. "Rumors...?" She tilts her head with a quiet pout. "I don't -- eh -- um--"

Her eyebrows raise as she suddenly scores herself red. "No, I'm not going to disguise myself as a cucco! N-no matter how perfect, and fluffy, and round, and endearing they all are..."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline has gotten into something of a swing already, buoyed up by a welcome chance to-- to-- well, bully Riesenlied, if we're being honest, but the Crimson Noble probably means well. Probably "--it might be a little strange to see a giant cucco roll into town - literally roll - but it's not like there isn't already precedent for it. All you really have to worry about are teams of Drifters attempting to resolve the incident--"

A pause, and then she sighs. "--which, I suppose, would leave us right back at square one. Ah well. It would still be amusing to see, at least once," Noeline smirks as she rests a hand on Riese's good arm, more as a peace offering than anything else.

"--about Ethius," she adds as she looks back to Jacqueline. The topic change and the motion are so fast you could be forgiven for missing it entirely; that seems to have been Noeline's plan, if her rueful smirk is any indication. "I do not blame him for his actions or his suspicions - but I would suggest you take a little caution around him. I don't begin to pretend to know what his goals are - I'm not entirely convinced he's worried about any kind of human and demon altercation - but at the same time, I have the distinct suspicion he isn't one to listen to his heart over his head."

"... I am saying this purely on my own," she adds a moment later as her posture relaxes again, "As someone who is a /terribly/ suspicious sort. I am /quite/ sure that Riese would welcome talking with him, as well."

... Noeline doesn't specify whether that means 'I feel suspicion' or 'I am suspicious', and perhaps that's for the best.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline chuckles. She could see that very thing happening, and it only served to make the thought all the better.

"That would be quite the sight to see, but you may be right." She replies. The topic soon changes, and rather quickly, to Ethius.

Jacqueline frowns slightly.

"Ethius is an...interesting individual. I...still don't quite understand him, myself. And..." She hesitates a bit. She...wasn't quite sure he understood himself, either, but it sounded a bit mean to put it that way, and he likely would prefer she didn't spread that around.

"I can't call him harmless..."

The bandits at the Sacred Grounds could attest to that.

"But...I do trust that he has good reasons behind his actions, even if his methods are sometimes questionable." She explains.

"I don't know how he'd react...but it might indeed be good to talk with him too, at some point." She says, glancing towards Riesenlied.

"Thank you, though. I'll be careful." She adds with a nod towards Noeline.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

.. I would counsel you to be cautious as well, Miss Jay, but I believe that he does have your best interests in mind, the one time he approached me," Riesenlied adds. "I told him that you were strong enough to look after yourself, though, and that he did not have to come behind your back to speak to me."

She shakes her head, murmuring, "But... he is pragmatic. I recall the way he executed those thieves in the Sacred Grounds. I saw what he did to that Golem. The Technology Hunter..." She shakes her head again. "I wonder if we are also mere pieces of technology in his eyes?" She shrugs-- wincing just a little, after remembering her wound.

"If you do see him, tell him that I would be interested in speaking. I think we all could. I think that our objectives could align... even if it may be more dangerous for me than it is for him."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline tilts her head again. "... please do. I don't mean anything against him - if anything, I am /rather/ impressed at some rather daring and brazen plans of his - but it still bore mentioning on the whole," she mentions towards Jacqueline, with a brief glance at Riesenlied's suggestion. Despite her words, her posture does tense again, ever so slightly, as the Crimson Noble can't really hide her protectiveness right at this moment.

"But... well. That is for later, I suppose. I am satisfied for today - and pleased to be able to show Riese that the world has not given up on her just yet," she adds with a smirk and another sidelong glance.