2017-06-25: That Find Certainly Wasn't Leck-luster: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: That Find Certainly Wasn't Leck-luster''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Layna Manydays, Character :: Animal, Character :: Sephilia Lampbright *'''Where:''' Le...")
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Revision as of 22:50, 25 June 2017

  • Log: That Find Certainly Wasn't Leck-luster
  • Cast: Layna Manydays, Animal, Sephilia Lampbright
  • Where: Leck Mines
  • Date: 6-25-2017
  • Summary: Three Lunarians, a wild child, and a Chauncey walk into the Leck Mines. And inside they find...!?

===============================<* Leck Mines *>===============================

The Leck Mines are an abandoned mine shaft, but they still see use. The Parm Express, a railroad service between Linga and Lacour, speeds through these mines for part of its trip. Entering the mines is forbidden by Lacour's government, but has scarcely stopped those determined to do so. There is good reason for it, too: inside the abandoned mineshafts, one can find Dragon Fossils that were never excavated. Unfortunately, a band of surly beastmen have taken over the mines, and now use them. Some parts are especially dangerous, too, as the Parm Express can roll over adventurers who don't mind where they are going.

DG: You have created a party! Your Digger status has been reset! As party leader your presence is very important! If you need to leave, please first promote another player using +party/promote <target>. Remember to set your tools before setting out with +tools/load.
DG: Layna Manydays has created a party! To join, type +party/reset and then type +party/join Layna Manydays.
DG: Animal has joined your party!
DG: Sephilia Lampbright has joined your party!
DG: A party led by Layna Manydays is now entering Leck Mines.
DG: Party formation is now over. An Entry Challenge will now be drawn and displayed to the party.
======================<* CHALLENGE - Old Mining Cart *>=======================
|Type: Entry       |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 1          | 
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 When you enter the Leck Mines, you can see the start of the mining cart       
 pathway. A switch lay ahead, though it looks thoroughly rusted. To get to     
 the deep parts of the mines, where treasure may lay, you have a long walk     
 ahead... unless you can somehow get this mine cart working!                   
=Dungeon Conditions: Tire=====================================================
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

The Leck Mines weren't located far from the Ruby Empress. It was easy enough travel for Layna and her crew, so they'd been staking out the place for a time. They'd gathered as much information as they could, so now it was time to see just what lay in wait inside.

Layna's original intention was to go alone, but after urging from her Quartermaster she decided to bring along the Lead Artilleryman and put out a call for some help from some reliable allies.

Layna stood outside the entrance to the mine in that typical overly-dramatic pose of hers - arms folded in front of her, with her coat and hair fluttering in the breeze.

In contrast, the woman next to her...almost seemed lazy. She was a tall woman dressed in white. A spear was stabbed into the ground(blade facing upward) next to her, and she was leaning against it with a bored look on her face.

"Alright, looks like everyone's here!" Layna eventually says, once her friends arrive.

"I don't think either of you've met Victoria yet, aye? She's going to be tagging along with us." Layna says. The woman, Victoria, offers a lazy wave towards them.

"Hey there. You two don't look like much...but if the captain's got your vote, I guess I can trust you." She says with a lazy wave. Once everyone's introduced themselves, the group turns to head into the mines.

Awaiting them there was an interesting contraption, as far as Layna was concerned. It was a minecart of some kind...but, she'd never actually used this type of machinery.

"Either of you seen this before?" She asks, glancing toward the others. She didn't have to ask Victoria, with the way she was prodding it cautiously with the spear.

DG: Layna Manydays has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Old Mining Cart.
<Pose Tracker> Animal has posed.

Animal arrives like he usually does, walking, dragging something behind him with a look of absolute boredom on his face. His face twisted up in tired disregard. He nods to the woman when she is introduced, and leaves it to the captain to make any other introductions as necessary. Hefting the anchor he'd dragged from somewhere else across the Silver Coast, he tosses it aside and looks in to the mine ahead.

"So, whose 'mine' is it?" he asks as he walks in, looking around.

He spots the minecart then, and after briefly rubbing at his headband, gives one of the controlling levers a poking touch, setting it in to motion for good or ill.

"I mean, it's not mine," he goes on. As he walks along with the captain then, he crouches down to look at the tracks and then back towards the minecart. Trying to figure out how it all fits together.

"I think these," he indicates the tracks, "Are what that thing rolls on, with the wheels," he puts it together. Checkmate!

DG: Animal has used his Tool Lucky Headband toward his party's challenge, Old Mining Cart.
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia Lampbright is a sucker for adventure. She's therefore super excited to be on a REAL PIRATE ADVENTURE with a REAL PIRATE CAPTAIN. She salutes as she spies Layna.


She is, however, nonplussed to say the least at Victoria's reaction to her. "Don't make the mistake of thinking that just 'cause I'm small I'm not useful!" Sephilia's tone is a little resentful. "My Dad is George Lampbright--he's a famous explorer, just so you know. He taught me all he knows! I even have one of his journals here!" She rummages in her satchel for a moment and produces a slightly weathered book, which she opens up and begins paging through. "He wrote down all kinds of useful stuff in there. Like, the best kind of lubricant to get a rusted switch to work again! I don't suppose anyone brought any slime jelly?" She looks at Animal, then sighs, turning instead to Victoria--sighs again, then looks to Layna. "Or some good whiskey will do in a pinch," she adds.

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has used her Tool Dad's Journal toward her party's challenge, Old Mining Cart.
DG: The party led by Layna Manydays has passed this challenge! The party gained 22 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

Layna grins as Sephilia gives her introduction.

"That's the spirit, lass!" She says, proudly. Victoria, however, is less enthusiastic. She smirks, somewhat unpleasantly.

"Wow, your father's famous? Hah, don't let it go to your head. Just because he's special, doesn't mean you are. I'll judge you on your merits, not his." She replies. The spear is pulled from the ground and hefted over her shoulder as they walk in.

Layna glances toward Animal as he speaks. 'Whose mine'?

"Well, s'far as I can tell...no one owns it anymore. So it might as well be mine, aye?" Layna comments with a grin. She wasn't going to enforce ownership over or anything...but hey, she was here, it was here, who'd stop her from claiming it?

The three of them get to work. The lever Animal flips sends one of the minecarts rolling along...it turns out to be beneficial, as it crashes into some obstructions in the path ahead.

"No slime jelly, but aye, you can always count on me to have some whiskey!" Layna removes a bottle from her coat and applies it to the lever. Victoria keeps the minecart in place as Layna tests the lever experimentally.

"Looks like it's working. All aboard!" Layna says with a grin, and herds everyone to the minecart before flipping the switch and sending them on their way.

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has drawn a new Challenge.
====================================<* CHALLENGE - Crudely Drawn Map *>=====================================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 1          | 
-----------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >-----------------------------------------
 Whoever drew this map is lacking in artistic skill. You find it along the     
 pathway, and it depicts - you think - the nearby rooms. It shows a few small  
 shafts cut as shortcuts, though, maybe? And, maybe, it could lead to a few    
 caches of supplies. But, how can you figure out what it says? And more        
 importantly, could a human draw like this?                                    
=Dungeon Conditions: Treasure=================================================
  <Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

"Pretty good to figure out about the rails," Sephy tells Animal as they climb into the minecart. "That's what they do, you're right!" She glowers at Victoria, showing the other woman how to be friendly and encouraging instead of a mucky muck downer.

"All right," Sephilia says, as the cart draws to a halt next to an old writing table--battered and decrepit, covered in dust and cobwebs. "This looks like a mining officer's station, which means..." She blows some of the dust off and lets out a triumphant whoop.

"A map! It's...uh...huh. Well." She turns it this way and that, looking at it from different angles.

"I think...this might be where we are here? Whoever drew this map should be ashamed! I could draw better maps when I was eight years old!"

Seven and a half years ago...

George Lampbright laughs heartily, ruffling the hair of little Sephilia, who beams up at him in open hero worship. "Yep, we would have been good and lost if little Sephy here hadn't drawn us a map! Ha ha ha ha!"


"Anyway I think this is us, so that means...

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has used her Tool Dad's Journal toward her party's challenge, Crudely Drawn Map.
<Pose Tracker> Animal has posed.

Riding along in the mining cart, whether for a purpose or just because he found the idea intriguing, the young teenager has one leg hanging out of the cart, and occasionally sticks it out a bit further to toe at the surroundings as they roll. Poking the map a little, he hops out of the cart as it gets to the end of the tracks.

Rattling his fingers on the map, he looks over at the similarly aged girl, Sephillia, and listens to her thoughts on the whole map thing.

A glance back to the map then. "I don't get it," he decides, not having looked at a map before, the idea of the elevated perspective is taking a moment to wrap his mind around. So he keeps trying to turn his head, and moves his face closer and to the side of the map so that he can try to put it together.

"Wait, if this is the entrance.." he begins, pointing at where the entrance was, "Then why doesn't it say 'you're here' under our feet?" he asks and looks at the ground, and starts pushing dirt out of the way, and off the tracks.

DG: Animal has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Crudely Drawn Map.
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

The glower doesn't go unnoticed by Victoria...but the only response it gets from her is a smirk. If Layna's noticing this at all, she doesn't acknowledge it. Instead, she emerges from the minecart to take a look at the map they'd discovered.

Layna, as an experienced pirate captain, is of course familiar with maps. She removes the telescope from her waist, and uses it to get a closer look at the map itself, then at the surrounding areas.

"Nah, it's symbolic, lad." She explains with a glance at him.

"But, aye, this is a bit of a mess, isn't it? It's accurate, though, from what I can tell." She had a conclusion for where they could go, but...she glances toward Sephilia, and decides to let her draw the conclusion instead.

Victoria, for her part, isn't really interested in the map, so she stays behind for a bit and keeps an eye out for monsters.

DG: Layna Manydays has used her Tool Captain's Telescope toward her party's challenge, Crudely Drawn Map.
DG: The party led by Layna Manydays has passed this challenge! The party gained 17 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia can't help but giggle at Animal's antics. "It's just a drawing of what is where, it doesn't ACTUALLY have to say that. Uh. You're going to make a big mess." She shakes her head, then finally seems to get the map oriented.

"This way!" she points. "This way leads us to where we wanna go!" She pauses, then, noticing something else--a box kicked up by Animal's scuffing. "Hey, what's that--let's see!" She kneels and opens it, revealing a small cache of coin--maybe it was someone's hidden stash, maybe the miner's final pay, lost in some disaster. Who knows?

"Yay! Treasure--and old coins, too! We can sell these to a collector, I bet! I might keep one to show my Dad! But...let's get moving again, shall we?"

DG: Animal has drawn a new Challenge.
==========================<* CHALLENGE - Cave Bats *>===========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 1          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 Cave bats aren't uncommon in these mines. These, unfortunately, are fierce    
 and biting creatures, and some carry toxins - sure to leave an unfortunate    
 adventurer delirious when they need to be alert.                              
=Dungeon Conditions: Stupify==================================================
<Pose Tracker> Animal has posed.

All of the conversation has awakened a squeaking nightmare. A horde of bats come boiling up the tunnel out of the branching arms of the mines. Driven by their intense dislike for the disturbance of their resting place, or perhaps they're just headed out in to the greater skies of the world beyond. In either case, no one is spared getting a bat in their hair, on their face, in their clothing, and tangled up with their belongings.

This isn't a challenge because of the bat's skill at combat, but because of their swarming numbers, and the small seeping touch of their venomous claws and little needle like teeth.

Baring his teeth at the oncoming swarm, Animal lets out a roar and starts trying to kill them one at a time. Biting them before they can bite him!

"Bats, butterflies! Never anything bigger than me, it's always so small!" he yells at the others through the constant racket of the swarming bats as they fly past. "I do not like small things!"

DG: Animal has used his Tool Vest of the Turtle toward his party's challenge, Cave Bats.
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia gets a big grin on her face, pulling Chauncey out and holding him in front of her. "This is why you shouldn't judge me by how I look," she says to Victoria, then Chauncey bulges and bursts forth into his hulking size, with Sephy perched happily in his backpack. The top-hat that Fei made for Chauncey perches jauntily on his head.

"All right, Chauncey!" the girl cries, "Let's teach these bat-heads how we do things, Foxington Style! Let's POUND 'em!" At the girl's command, Chauncey lumbers forward, massive arms raised to smash some bats out of the air.

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Cave Bats.
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

"Bah, damned bitey blaggards!" Layna shouts, as she is attacked by bats. They didn't really hurt, exactly, but they were frustrating and there were so many of them. It would take too long to punch down all of them at once.

Victoria grins toward Sephilia as she brings out Chauncey.

"Ah, so that's that monster I heard the crew yelling about before." She comments lazily as she thrusts her spear forward, skewering a few bats on the end. She seems to be referring to the time Sephilia and her friends visited the Ruby Empress, and the girl rode up on Chauncey instead of a horse.

"What, is he made of cloth? You better be careful, if you don't want him to end up burned." As she says this she leaps back, swinging her spear to discard the bats on the end. She then frees up one hand, and raises the other in front of her.

"Captain. Are you ready?" She asks, glancing towards Layna who nods.

"Aye. Watch out, me hearties! Stand clear!" She shouts a warning. They then both begin incanting at once.

A whirlwind is whipped up in front of the two of them, the strong winds drawing in some of the bats. At the same time, a ball of flame is formed in Victoria's hand. She hurls the ball into the whirlwind, causing it to erupt into flame to do massive damage to the bats trapped within.

It was impressive, certainly...but how much would it actually help?

DG: Layna Manydays has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Cave Bats.
DG: The party led by Layna Manydays has passed this challenge! The party gained 22 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Animal has posed.

In great swaths, the bats are killed, and while the party does manage to prevail and pass through the breadth of the oncoming storm of bat-wings, they do so at a cost. Small tears to clothing, bites that don't quite manage to take hold, and no small amount..

..of bat guano in their hair.

Rising from beneath his mound of bat corpses, Animal shakes a few of them off of his untouched green vest, and leaps out, landing outside the small mound, he sniffles a little and smells the burnt hair of the flame-scorched bats. "That's gross," he decides. This being a guy with bat blood around his mouth from biting them amidst the fury.

Striding forward then, he goes on toward the next challenge.

DG: Layna Manydays has drawn a new Challenge.
=========================<* CHALLENGE - Sour Smell *>=========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 1          | 
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 Experienced miners know that poisonous gasses lay deep in the earth. When     
 you enter this room, a thick sour smell fills the air, and your eyes start    
 to burn. You need to figure out a way to stop it before it spreads            
 throughout the nearby rooms - or to get away quickly!                         
=Dungeon Conditions: Injure===================================================
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

Their little trick worked, but it still wasn't a pleasant experience. There's a slight scowl on Victoria's face as she hefts her spear over one shoulder.

"The Blue Star is such a disgusting planet..." She mutters, shaking her head. Layna, however, simply chuckles and the group moves on. And before them...

"Agh, that smell...that's poison, it is." Layna mutters, covering her nose and mouth with one sleeve.

"Reminds me of the mix the Serpentbloods used on us once...so I should probably hold off on the fire if I don't want to blow this room - and us - apart." Victoria mutters, matching Layna's action.

Layna draws the telescope with her free hand, and uses it to look around the room for signs of where the gas might be coming from.

"How're you two holding up? Doing alright? I'm going to try to draw all of it in to one area. How does that sound?" She asks, glancing to the others. "'Course, if you've got any other ideas, give 'em to me now."

DG: Layna Manydays has used her Tool Captain's Telescope toward her party's challenge, Sour Smell.
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia nods, eagerly. "I have an idea! Dad wrote in his journal that in case of poison gases you can breathe safely for a little longer by soaking a cloth in water and tying it around your face like a bandanna!" Suiting action to words, the girl pulls out a canteen and soaks a length of cloth, wrapping it around her mouth.

"Chauncey's okay without one, cos he doesn't breathe," she adds, shrinking the doll back to small size and depositing him back in her satchel, head and arms dangling out. So he can see.

"Now if we just move quick we can get through!"

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has used her Tool Dad's Journal toward her party's challenge, Sour Smell.
<Pose Tracker> Animal has posed.

Pulling down his headband and using it like Sephilia is using that cloth, Animal takes her lead and holds his hand over the cloth. Unsure how he'll feel, but his face scrunches up all the same against the smell as he continues along with the others, following the captain's lead, he looks around for the sources of the smell.

And throws rocks at them.

Through his muffling hand, he replies, "Mfnrn ran sn fsn fan."

DG: Animal has used his Tool Lucky Headband toward his party's challenge, Sour Smell.
DG: The party led by Layna Manydays has passed this challenge! The party gained 22 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

Layna and Victoria glance at each other. Victoria is a bit iffy about Sephilia's suggestion, but with a shrug from Layna she concedes to go along with it and soon they've got bandanas, as well.

The rocks Animal throws lodge themselves into the cracks, limiting how much gas is able to come through, and then Layna incants another spell, creating a whirlwind that sucks all the gas still present in the room to one corner, giving the party a chance to run past.

They might be a little light-headed by the time they make it through, but overall they manage to make it through without inhaling too much of the poisonous gas.

"Good work, everyone. Quick thinking." Layna praises with a grin.

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has drawn a new Challenge.
=====================================<* CHALLENGE - Massive Cave-In *>======================================
|Type: Final       |Dungeon Ability: Brute     |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
-----------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >-----------------------------------------
 A massive cave-in has fallen across the path ahead here. Boulders, rocks,     
 and even twisted bits of frame from the shafts have mixed together in a       
 melange of impassability. You need to find some way to blast through, to      
 reach the very deepest parts of the mines.                                    
=Dungeon Conditions: Tire=====================================================
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia beams at the Captain's praise. "See? Still think I don't look like much, huh? Huh?" Then she sees the cave-in ahead...and her grin widens, somehow. "And there's more to come!" Reaching into her satchel, she withdraws a small pair of metal trowels, which she affixes to the end of Chauncey's arms. "Just...give me...a second here," she says, then, finishing the attachment process, holds Chauncey out in front of her again, growing him back to his hulking size. The trowels likewise grow, forming a not inconsiderable tool for moving large amounts of stone and dirt.

"Ha! See? Chauncey an' me are SUPER useful!" Sephilia crows. "Now, Chauncey, let's move some rocks out of the way!"

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has used her Tool Digging Claws toward her party's challenge, Massive Cave-In.
<Pose Tracker> Animal has posed.

Walking over to the cave-in, Animal just starts grabbing boulders and heavy things and lobs them backwards over his shoulder with careless ease. He nods aside at Chauncey as the bear-thing joins in the digging. "What are you?" he asks of the bear thing.

Pausing with a huge supporting beam over his shoulder, he looks around as they begin the tunneling process. As if trying to make sense of how this all caved in.

"I think something hit the beams," he points out. "That hold up the rest of this place. See, there is a claw mark on this one," he points out, and turns sideways to show it to the others, before he throws it back down the way they came like a javelin.

Inhumanly strong, indeed.

DG: Animal has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Massive Cave-In.
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

"Chauncey's my bodyguard," Sephilia explains. "His full name is Lord Chauncey of Foxington! He's my buddy!"

<Pose Tracker> Animal has posed.

"Can Lord Chauncy of Foxington not speak for himself? Where is Foxington?" Animal asks in total seriousness.

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

"He doesn't talk much, 'cxept sometimes to me." Sephilia's reply is also totally serious. "Foxington's...it's, um...it's on the moon." That's...not entirely true, either, but it's not QUITE a lie. When she named him that, she was on Lunar, after all.

<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

"I don't think it counts if you're just reading off notes your dad took. Or making your 'friend' do all the hard work for you." Victoria replies with a roll of her eyes. Layna chuckles.

"Now now, Victoria. Chauncey's an important part of the team too, and he wouldn't be here if Sephilia weren't here to direct him." She says. Victoria rolls her eyes again and walks up to the rock pile. She shifts her spear around, and attempts to use the shaft of her spear as a lever to dislodge some of the boulders for easier pick-up.

"Now him," She starts, pointing at Animal as he moves and tosses large boulders like they were mere pebbles. "That's impressive. If you could do that, maybe I'd reconsider my opinion."

Layna simply shakes her head, sighs, and reaches into her coat for some drinks.

"Got some drinks here for ya, if any of you get thirsty." She says. Remembering what Sephilia had while they were on the ship, she had remembered to stock some apple juice for her.

The comment about Foxington being on the moon gets a grin out of Layna, but she doesn't say anything about it.

DG: Layna Manydays has used her Tool Quartermaster's Stash toward her party's challenge, Massive Cave-In.
DG: You have overcome the dungeon's trials! This run is a success!
DG: The party led by Layna Manydays has successfully explored Leck Mines!
=======================================<* CHALLENGE - Ancient Gear *>=======================================
|Type: Discovery   |Dungeon Ability: Discovery |Challenge Rating: 1          | 
-----------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >-----------------------------------------
 It takes digging through layer of rock and descending some paths that may     
 not have been wise, but this lowest lair of the Leck Mines has a true prize   
 waiting - a long-rusted Gear. A quick inspection confirms it to not be        
 operable, as it has several key parts missing. What to do - and whether to    
 salvage it for parts or try to repair it - is a question.                     
 Clearly, it will take some work to do this, and expertise that you might      
 have. There is also the question of who built it and how it ended up in a     
 place like this. But, you can be sure that it will be difficult to reach      
 this place and find this Gear. Perhaps some consideration is in order.        
 You should send a +request regarding this discovery!                          
=Dungeon Conditions: Treasure=================================================
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephy and Chauncey redouble their efforts, not to be outdone, while Sephilia starts muttering about Victoria. The occasionally audible words sound mostly like "meanie" and "poo-head." Soon enough the group has cleared their way through to the bottom of the mine.

Sephilia, hopping down from Chauncey's back, immediately pulls out her own journal and a pencil and starts sketching the Gear.

"I have my own journals too, actually," she points out to Victoria acidly as she draws. Rapidly the sketch takes form--unlike her father, Sephilia's got a good hand for drawing and sketching, and the likeness of the disabled Gear is soon discernable on her page. "I can't wait to show Ida, she'll be so excited at a discovery like this!"

<Pose Tracker> Animal has posed.

"What is it?" Animal asks, not having seen a gear before, and not being the least bit familiar with what the scrapped remains of one would look like, either. He sidles over then, to look at Sephilia's notebook, and stares at the page, and then at the actual thing, several times, as if trying to understand what she has done.

Not certain of the sorcery, he pouts his lower lip a little.

"Does it make food?" he asks.

<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

Eventually, after some work, they manage to get through. Sephilia's mutterings only seem to amuse Victoria, and the three(or four, rather) of them work steadily while Layna supervises.

And awaiting them at the end...was a Gear.

Layna stares up at it, impressed. And Victoria...

Victoria seems a little overwhelmed. Sephilia's comment washes right over her, her entire attention focused on the Gear. Her lazy attitude from before seems to have completely disappeared.

"Wow...this is...amazing! Look at it! They're as impressive as you said, Captain!" She says, returning her spear to its holster and running up to the machine. One hand goes up to it, caressing the metal.

"Ah...I suppose there are some good things about the Blue Star after all. Their technology...it's wondrous!" She says.

While Victoria gushes about it, Layna draws her telescope from her waist and uses it to get a better look at the machine from afar.

"That, lad...is a Gear. I've seen one in action before. Thought it was one of those 'Metal Demons' at first, but a friend of mine was piloting it. But this one...I think it's missing some things that one had." Layna mutters, then glances towards Sephilia.

"That journal of yours is going to be a big help. We can't bring it with us, but we can certainly bring your pictures. Should make it easier for an expert - and I know someone who might be able to help - to tell what's wrong, aye?" She says, then returns her attention to the Gear.

"Something like this...it might be able to help the Empress..." She murmurs.

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia happily smiles at the compliment Layna gives her drawing. "I'll be happy to help, Captain!" She continues to glower meaningfully at Victoria, despite the other woman not caring.

<Pose Tracker> Animal has posed.

Staring at the thing, Animal sagenods slightly as if he understands what they are talking about. But he has no idea. Instead, he just looks and pouts his lower lip in thought, and hunches slightly, cupping his knees with his palms and watching the others as they examine the thing. "I want to find something that makes food," he tells them, when they explain what it is. "A machine that makes me food. So I don't have to keep bringing things to traders in town, to give me money, to get food," he explains, in case that wasn't clear.

Wiggling his toes against the rocky floor of the cavern, he gets up and occasionally moves a big piece of rock or debris out of the way when the digging isn't going perfectly.

<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

"I think we can all sympathise with that dream, lad. Such a thing might just exist. Somewhere on the Blue Star, hidden within the depths..." Layna comments with a grin and a glance toward Animal. Who wouldn't want a machine like that, really?

Maybe, just maybe, someday...they'd find one. The Blue Star was full of wonders like this, after all.

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia sighs. "That was my Mom. Well, she wasn't a machine. Isn't. I mean she's still--she's fine, I hope, back home on Lunar. But she makes the bestest meat pies ever, and always had one ready for me when I got home from exploring.

A tear rolls down the girl's cheek.

<Pose Tracker> Animal has posed.

"Why did you leave the moon then?" Animal asks from his spot atop a boulder he has pulled up so that he can watch the others as they work on the Gear. His face scrunching up a little as he stares at the big machine and tries to figure out how it works. "So, what does it make, then?" he asks, finally realizing that it must make something other than food.

<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

Layna gives Sephilia a sympathetic glance.

"Buck up, lass. We'll figure out a way back. You'll see 'em again, on my name as Captain of the Ruby Empress." Layna says with a grin. "Nothing can stop a pirate when she sets her eyes on something she wants. So if that's a way back to Lunar, we'll find it."

She then glances toward Animal.

"Well, lad, it don't really make anything, see? Do you see that part there?" She says, pointing toward the cockpit.

"A person gets in there, and from there they can command the Gear to do whatever they want. Whether it's punching, lifting, or shooting. Don't really know how it works, myself...but that's it!" She explains, then chuckles. "Though I reckon you don't need the help, aye?"

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia sniffles, then blows her nose onto a handkerchief embroidered with a laughing fox. "I...I didn't mean to come here," she explains. "I was exploring a ruin back home and then there was a big flash of light and I was here on the Blue Star--on Filgaia," she corrects herself.

"I know we'll find a way home," she says, cheering. "I just missed Mom's meat pies there."