2017-07-04: To Kill Mother God: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: To Kill Mother God''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Riesenlied, Character :: Noeline, Character :: Fei Fong Wong *'''Where:''' Lacour *'''Date:''' 4th June 20...")
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Latest revision as of 19:56, 6 July 2017

  • Log: To Kill Mother God
  • Cast: Riesenlied, Noeline, Fei Fong Wong
  • Where: Lacour
  • Date: 4th June 2017
  • Summary: Fei runs into Riesenlied, insistent on asking her a few questions, but the metal demon seems rattled...

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

It has been a devastating and trying week for both Noeline and Riesenlied, and that might be an understatement still.

In the wake of their loss at the battle of Old Petra, the Ebony Wings have been scattered even in the wake of their evacuation. Thanks to prior contingencies and the willingness of both humans and demons to work together to escape the menace, the casualties aren't as total as one might fear... but there are still plenty of friends and enemies and butchers that have been wiped out. Stories that have abruptly ended without conclusion. Smiles that will never return.

Gounon was their first stop, with the Veruni control of the town and quietness a believable asset -- but events at the Temple of Rejection have added more burden to Riesenlied's trauma, and drawn attention to them... so here they are at Lacour, supposedly neutral ground for all parties.

Riesenlied has been recuperating at the Lacour Grande over the last few days -- to say she's something of a shell of her former self would be quite accurate, with the skittish and anxious way she carries herself, lapsing into episode-like moments of unawareness and hallucinations that seem to consistently plague her mid-conversation. But even still, she needs her fresh air, and Noeline likely knows that as well...

She's got her hood up as she quietly moves through the city, her head down. Her presence seems terribly diminished, her shoulders huddled up and her arms braced together as she tries to not look towards the crowd, tries to ignore the chatter that's trying to prick through her head, try to not be overwhelmed.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

At the very least, Noeline has tried to pick her moment. When she guides Riesenlied out of their room, helping her down to the street level with a careful arm around her, it's during one of the larger and more red-letter matches - in hopes that the arena will draw some of the crowd away from the streets of Lacout.

Sadly, it doesn't quite work. Adlehyde is not exactly a tourist hotspot at present, and given the increased scrutiny of the region as of late - almost as if a lens were pointed right at the east side of the continent, funny that - the city is still positively thrumming with people.

Normally, this would be fantastic by Noeline's standards - but the last couple of weeks have left her feeling a little strung out and less fond of crowds than she normally would be, and of course worry and concern over Riesenlied's state is only compounding that feeling. So, as soon as she can, she's turned the pair of them off the main streets and down side alleys, looking for something like a quiet little spot of greenery if possible.

"--this way," she mumbles as if trying to be subtle. Despite everything, she looks as flamboyant as ever, a very obvious sight as she moves through the crowds. Part of it is simply that, as she told Riesenlied recently, the 'role' of a Crimson Noble has become second nature to her over the centuries. But part of it is also the fact that if people are looking at her, they're not looking at Riese.

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei Fong Wong is selling his sketches as he often does on the street side in a likely not too legal stand as he almost certainly doesn't have a portrait. As Noeline was hoping for, even though Fei was quite frankly looking FOR Riesenlied, he sees Noeline first because she's wearing her rather ridiculous flamboyant outfits. Crimson Noble-alikes tend to draw the eye whether or not they're actually Crimson Nobles. This is especially the case for Fei who is an artist and as such wants to draw wild outfits so that he can show it off to other people as Art and then get money that way. It's not really his actual living, but he does still have a passion for the activity unlike ho-hum brain surgery hum.

"Hey--" Fei begins upon seeing her but he realizes then that won't be enough. Oh no. He braces a foot on his stand and flips into the air, performing a summersault in midair, and landing nearby in a perfect landing near Noeline and Reisenlied.

"--Would you like a painting of yourself!?" Fei asks, loudly. "You're a perfect example!" That's probably about how much he gets out before he can get a closer look or anything.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied hears the 'Hey!', and she starts--

--and her eyes widen as she instinctively draws closer with a little pip of a gasp, clinging onto Noeline's elbow in a clingy and co-dependent manner. It's a moment later that recognition settles in, though, her eyes widening as chance would have it... her hood falls off and her head of ashen-blonde hair and horns are revealed for who she is.

The rational side of Riesenlied thinks: It's Fei, that artist that she met one time, who kindly drew Odjn's picture. The microdragon is head over heels about that picture and has gotten it laminated the wrong way around and is framing it in some corner of Old Petra that she can't get to anymore. Aww, shucks.

The subconscious side of Riesenlied is hitting the panic button until it breaks.


Her eyes widen, pupils dilating--

That jeweled cross swings. The bloodied red ruby on its centre flashes.

"No- nooo--"

She's choked for breath all of a sudden as she stumbles a few more paces back, and turns and immediately crashes into someone stout and burly shouting "Hey, watch it, girlie!"

"Nooo! Please, no!"

She flails and stumbles, not really finding her way and effectively blinded to her surroundings. She's probably not going to get very far before Noeline stops her.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

"Ah, it's you," Noeline starts to greet the somersaulting (martial) artist, probably unaware that Fei is the pilot of the Weltall and knowing him more as the rather glum man that was seeking to escape Adlehyde at some speed; she snorts softly, flicking out her hair once as she kind of preens at the compliment. "You're certainly looking rather more upbeat--"

--and then everything suddenly gets extremely hectic very quickly.

"--Ri--! --ngh--" Her first instinct is to cry the other woman's name as she feels a sudden gut wrench of panic, but abruptly bites it short when a couple of centuries-worth of experience and honed senses blare loudly enough to remind her that yelling out the name of one of the largest bounties around would be a terrifically bad idea. Even moreso, when she's in absolutely no state to defend herself.

So instead she simply cuts off everything she was saying to fling herself bodily after the stumbling, panicking demon, hoping to catch her before too many people can identify the other woman. Her expression isn't exactly one of panic - she's got a better poker face than that - but tension certainly runs through her frame.

Riesenlied stumbles again, and that gives Noeline the time the bodyguard needs to reach her. When she grabs Riese, it's with a rather fluid motion that turns the Ebony Wings commander and flicks her hood back up at the same time, and yet at the same time a haphazard kind of drag sideways that brings them both down towards a nearby bench. "It's me," she immediately blurts, drawing the other woman's gaze up enough to meet hers, speaking quietly but tightly. "Riese, I'm here. It's alright."

This would be so much easier with actual vampire eyes, damn it.

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

"Eh?" Fei says. "Oh you're Noeline. I didn't recognize you with a hood on! You helped us escape the city...Though I had to run back IN because they--"

At first he assumed he just startled the other woman by being too loud. He certainly understands that. He has suffered from sudden loud noises causing him some panic attakcks here and there since escaping Adelhyde.

The jeweled cross swings both ways. A young blood-splattered boy watches Fei as he's on the stage. He smiles faintly. He does not take over. Something holds him back, but that doesn't mean he can't see you from behind Fei's exceptionally confused eyes.

Riesen turns to flee, Noeline stops her, Fei follows because if he was a master of taking hints he'd be making much better life decisions.

"Hey wait a minute, I'm not here to---"

Noeline mentions the name 'Riese'. Fei's eyes narrow briefly, he sets his body, and finishes his approach. For a moment he looks like he's about to give the other lady a talking to.

But despite being something of an idiot who can't take hints who is sometimes possessed by an alternate identity he is only somewhat aware exists, Fei is ultimately not an asshole. He stops suddenly upon recognizing the terror as genuine and Noeline's obvious care for her. Naturally, he's well aware Riesen has held many non metal demon friends so Fei....doesn't actually recognize Noeline's secret identity as that one metal demon who also seems to really care for Riesen. Not yet, but it's definitely some progress on that IDEA meter.

Instead, though, he says, "Hey." more quietly. "Hey, I'm not---" He was going to complete that with 'going to hurt you' but truth be told, Fei can't really honestly say that to anyone even if he adores them. Instead he shifts to, "I don't want to hurt you. I just need to understand something." He pauses. "Please?"

He notices the care that Noeline shows Riesenlied and feels...

...a strange kind of relief.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied gazes into Fei's eyes, and sees that smile. That indolent, satisfied smile of someone who is utterly unfettered in their instinct.

Her breath is rapid and haggard, and she struggles to get herself under control. Noeline's voice cutting in through the darkness appears to help, however, as she subconsciously slips fingers to hold onto her tightly as she stammers out an instinctual "I'm sorry, I'm sorry--"

There's a whimper, as she casts her eyes away. Her knees are shaking. She doesn't look anywhere close to the commander of the Ebony Wings, full of verve and confidence in her approach.

She doesn't actually understand why she's afraid. Her conscience doesn't quite reach deep enough to intuitively tell her, as she holds onto the Crimson Noble and tries to work through her anxiety attack, taking deep breaths... one, two... she sits down onto that nearby bench.

"Y-you're... from Timney... that one time..." she scatteredly says. "Mister Fei... right?"

Fei. For some reason, the name echoes a ring that seems to evoke more memories than just the one time, but... she isn't sure why.

".... what... what do you want to ask...?"

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

As the spy and intelligence agent that she really is, Noeline's every instinct is to simply lead the other woman away entirely - to break off from the encounter, escape and find another place to lie low. On the other hand, Riesenlied isn't in any shape to travel, and her 'Crimson Noble' companion isn't even sure where else there is to go that would be good for her recuperation, not with so many friends here in town already.

So she just finds herself glowering slightly instead, unable to stop herself from taking a rather protective position at Riesenlied's side, one arm around her as she lets out a ragged sigh. At the very least, luck would have it that they've been left in a reasonably quiet corner - and that allows Noeline enough space to catch her breath, ensure that Riesenlied's hood in still in place, and do her best to soothe the woman with a hand in her hair.

She herself is unhooded - unless over-the-top headbands count - and she glances up at Fei with her red eyes alight with a mixture of concern and worry. "--our-- apologies," she manages, even if it takes her a moment to recover her politeness. She huffs after a second, then shakes her head. "... if you know her, then you have probably heard that it has been an extremely trying week."

It is one hell of an understatement.

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

"Well, maybe this is a bad time--" Fei admits. Wait a minute how did he end up in this position?? She set fire to the fairgrounds! She works with people who burned the city to the ground! He should be angry! Arghh! But he doesn't take that route for a few reasons, chief amongst them being it's hard to be angry at a frightened person. It doesn't feel right.

"--I'm guessing you're worried because you saw me piloting Weltall, but you don't gotta worry about it at the moment at least. Siegfried totally wrecked its left leg. There's no way it could cause you problems right now." He looks around a bit before adding, "But uh... do you eat? I mean, if I treat you to burgers somewhere maybe you could get the cloak back up and we can avoid too much attention."

And now he's basically committing treason? Because she looks a little frightened? Good decisions continue when he looks to Noeline. "Though I guess this place is pretty uh... quiet too."

He looks back to Riesenlied. "I was there too. I heard--well, I mean, I was knocked out early so I'm not sure what happened, but I gotta know at least one thing. Lily Keil. Did you evacuate her? I heard you were evacuating people but nobody knows where she is. She's a really good friend of mine, I don't really have many of those, so if you know anything I'll uh. I'll try to punch softer with Weltall next time?"

Maybe Fei needs to think of something better to offer.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied's hood is placed back up -- it's remarkable it fell in the first place, given that she appears to have cat ear-shaped pockets to help fit her horns which would've snagged it in place. The robe and hood are both rather decorative, evoking tribal patterns harkening from the far east from Elru. It's a curious choice for a Metal Demon, especially, given that the tribes there would have been closer to nature and the Guardians. It does not appear to be new either, having signs of wear and tear from various lengths of travel and mending over the years.

The cross swings once more. At its nadir, it flashes.


"Miss Lily..." Riesenlied murmurs, lowering her head. "... I heard her..."

She heard her warn her, as she was about to engage Id with Laevateinn.

"... but... no, I--" she hesitates, then looks to Noeline. She thinks to the reports that Cetiri, Jedan and the others have provided the two of them. "No, I do not believe she was amongst the refugees that the Ebony Wings retrieved... is she... is she missing?"

She blinks once. "Weltall... is that the ... black Gear, 'Orca'...?" She hadn't known its name before. "There was a red Gear... the one that devastated our village... the one that killed many of my brethren..."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline lets out a soft sigh - and then does her best to calm herself down. It certainly helps when Riesenlied turns a little more lucid at her side, visibly relieving the odd vampire who a couple of months ago would have been smirking her way through life's dance without much of a care. "... it's alright," she decides as she waves Fei down to the bench, shaking her head. "And-- I am quite sure that Riesenlied's fear is not directed at you," she adds.

Ha ha. Ha.

The wry smile on her face suggests she knows how odd this must look - even if she was there helping people escape Adlehyde, she's clearly also a close friend of Riesenlied's, and perhaps it's rather strange for her to be reassuring someone who attacked a Metal Demon base mere days ago - but then, she seems largely at ease with her position between both sides.

"After Gylfi's ridiculous proclamation towards Tindus Town - and believe me, there is no love lost there - it was quite obvious that there would be retaliation. Riesenlied is not the sort to begrudge someone a little righteous anger. But-- if you do not remember what happened--..." she trails off, frowning as she shakes her head.

It takes her a moment of thought on how to put it, but she continues, glancing at Riesenlied as if to check the mere mention isn't about to panic her further. "A red figure appeared, along with a Gear. The Demon of Elru," she intones, flicking out her hair as if trying to soften the dramatic blow of the name to Riese's psyche. "Its hatred was pointed at the Metal Demons, but its attacks - well, it did not care if you were human or demon or something in between."

"In light of that, many of the Drifters present joined in the assault on the figure, to provide cover for the evacuation of the young and wounded. In turn, the Hyadeans included the human forces in the evacuation," she sums up, letting out a quiet sigh as she rubs at her forehead.

"Can you describe her? I can only say at the moment that all of the humans that were picked up were also dropped off safely. As shellshocked as they were, no-one was about to try anything untoward."

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei considers this information from Riesenlied. "Mm. Wasn't in the mines, not evacced by you, and I don't think she died." That's more gut reasoning and hope than anything based on fact. "Maybe she IS with Jude." He doesn't seem to recognize Riesenlied as someone from Elru but, to be fair, odds are this guy's never been there. Fei doesn't look like he has the gella to travel to another continent. He barely looks like he has the gella to eat a sandwich. "Ruby says hi. To Odjn I mean, by the way. Are you metal demons from the moon too? Well, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself." He does wonder if they could just live on the moon instead. Maybe that planet is not shit. That's another thought that gets set aside because now he's getting questioned.

"Oh--yeah." Fei seems conflicted about 'Orca' as is. He looks away for a moment, biting at his lip. "It's uh. It's my Gear. Yeah I know Treaty of Iscariot. I didn't even know that existed. Not that I think they'll ever stop using gears to fight one another." He pauses. "Uh--It's not really my gear, ok? It just was thrown into my village and I guess someone made it for me even though I didn't really ... want it ... so I could uh..."

Kill Mother God? Come on, Fei, that's just going to make Riesenlied MORE nervous of you and you said you had no intention of killing God already. Which makes sense because that is an INSANE thing to do.

Instead he says, "We think a drifter took her out but we don't know if they have her best interests at heart. I'm hoping Leon had better luck finding something than I did."

He frowns faintly as he hears more details. "I can't believe I missed something like that. I thought it was my gear going out of control again, but you say it was a different gear entirely?" He frowns. "I know it probably comes off as gauche, but I'm kind of glad it wasn't me this time."

I hate you so much

Fei doesn't hear Id at present time. Could she be talking about Bart he wonders? That doesn't sound like Bart. No Bart is definitely not the Demon of Elru. They don't seem to know this guy's name either. Maybe Metal Demons are from Elru?

He seems relieved. "That's a relief...I guess Weltall going out of control was a one time thing after all..." But he thought, know he KNEW it was him. But it was someone else? He needs to see a qualified shrink sometime. Instead he says, "Lily's pretty brilliant. I think she'd have stood out if you ran into her. She's a brilliant sorceror and is kind of stern, but kind? She takes a lot upon herself she doesn't need to." He beams idiotically. "Actually, I met her because you were burning down the fairgrounds so..." He frowns. "...Well I don't think I can thank you for that, but..." He stalls. "...I guess that brings me to the second thing. I don't understand why you're working with them." He lets his hand drop. "...You're not like the Quarter Knights or, frankly, most of the others I've seen."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"Miss Lily is... ... Miss Lily is my friend," Riesenlied explains to both Noeline and Fei. A friend, a kindred spirit that impaled her in her heart and forced her to teleport at great cost to herself, but a friend nonetheless! Hey, who said Riesenlied's friendships were any healthier than Fei's?

"If she is missing, then I will... I will assist..." she pauses, looking to Noeline, rather aware she's in -no- state to assist in any way, shape or form. "I will speak to some of my contacts..." Well, that's slightly better, at least.

"... the Demon of Elru... 'Id', he said his name was..." Riesenlied murmurs, holding a hand to her chest, trembling for a moment. "... I communed with him, empathically... it was the only way to stop him from killing everyone. There were... many wounded, non-combatants... our children. He taunted me, pressured me... shared his pain..."

The effort of speaking about the experience starts to fray and make her tremble, as she shakes again. But some measure of willpower within her keeps her going, perhaps out of the goading that her own subconscious is doing. Do Metal Demons have a subconscious?

She pauses.

"We... didn't burn the fairgrounds." A pause. "Well, not our wing... I made efforts to ensure people evacuated... it doesn't forgive it, I know, but..." She feels it needs to be said. She hesitates. "... we are both survivors in a world that resists us, rejects our very presence. But where Lord Siegfried and so many of my brethren believe in kindling a hatred from the war a thousand years ago... I..."

She lowers her head.

Coward. You're a coward!

"... I don't have that capacity, for hatred. Hatred wounds me, tires me out. ... I want peace, between demons and humans. So many of my brethren have been indoctrinated for war ever since their birth... a hatred borne of the Guardians rejecting us. ... I would... love it if I had a means to separate ourselves, but... so many of my kin -- the Tainted -- still linger in the wastes of our home. And in Old Petra. We are the disabled... the injured, the rejected. We do not have a home... people fear us, wherever we go... and the very world rejects us as well."

Another tear starts to roll from her eye. She hurts for her people.

"... so the only way I have... is to try to compromise, wherever I can. ... it does not absolve my guilt in participating. I know..."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

First and foremost, the Crimson Noble lets out a soft chuckle as she shakes her head. "Ruby was yelling at us just yesterday, in fact, but seemed to wish us well at the same time. I'm not sure if you're aware, but Hiro has been through town recently - he is another friend, he and his group. I would like to see the moon sometime, certainly, even if the stories about it are rather many and varied - it leaves me wondering which of them are actually true, if you see what I mean."

Noeline is pausing already, though, meeting Riesenlied's glance with hers as her brow furrows. "Now that I think about it more clearly, that name-- I've seen it before," she mumbles. It takes her a moment, but then her eyebrows hitch upwards, her fingers coming to her lips as she thinks.

"... I see. You're worried that bounty hunters may have taken the opportunity to take her, perhaps? --at the very least, that suggests another avenue that we can check, to ensure that the worst hasn't happened. I will do what I can - I have feelers of my own that I can put out, as well." Her expression has firmed slightly as she nods, letting out a breath - perhaps thankful for something that Riese can focus upon.

"I am not terribly an expert on Gears themselves, so much as their components - but I can at least say that it looked very different to yours. A bright red, and significantly more--" she frowns, trying to find the word. "--spiky."

Noeline falls silent when Riese delivers her speech, of course, only picking at her hair - but her expression is full of respect and support, the events of the last week still too raw for her to even bother hiding or suppressing it.

"... for my part," she adds afterwards, her voice much softer than its usual joking lilt, "Riesenlied is someone terribly important to me. I could not leave her to walk this path alone - and I believe in her desire for peace, as well. I knew, for a fact, that she would allow innocents to leave the fairground - that the Ebony Wings would not cause any undue damage if they could at all help it. If that were not true, I would have stopped her myself, if only because she would regret it utterly later."

"It is hard," she admits, squinting one eye as she lets out a heavy sigh. "Most demons have not even begun to learn about the world as a whole. They have not faced adversity - they do not know anything beyond what they are taught. But--" the thought of the dual evacuation still lingers, and she chuckles quietly. "--well, some of them are learning."

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Well nobody said that, don't worry.


The elipses is so you know he is thinking about it but not ignoring it even though he's not saying anything. But Fei does say, "'Id', huh. Kind of a weird name." Like you're one to talk Fei. "I'm surprised you could talk down someone like that just by communing with them. Ugh--but that's really dangerous, you shouldn't--I mean, you shouldn't have to sacrifice yourself, just to help other people survive. There's only so much you can give of yourself you know? If you give too much, you'll break, or die."

He scratches at his head. He will remember this

"...I guess it'd be hypocritical of me to get mad at you for fighting us. I was really angry because you were spying around, but I guess, you know, Elly had to do what she had to do too." He looks over to Noeline. "Actually I only ran into Hiro for the first time here. Apparently religion is pretty bullshit on the moon." But at least it's not a dying planet. "Oh uh. He's from the moon." He pauses. "If you didn't know. I hope I can go up there and see it sometime. It'd be tricky to escape the atmosphere." He looks thoughtful.

Then he says, "If it makes you feel any better, Filgaia's rejecting us humans too. The planet's slowly dying." He shakes his head. "I guess that's what frustrates me. I just don't really see any difference between demons and humans." Id did give a similar statement there, though Fei's consideration is basically from the opposite angle and really, objectively speaking...

He cups his chin, thinking. FHe's lost in thought for a while. He wants to help Riesenlied because, quite frankly, to him that's preferable to fighting him. Could he even negotiate with Siegfried? Probably not, he thinks, besides he isn't in any position to negotiate with that guy. He is a mighty warlord, he could barely maybe even punch him before getting taken out....though he thinks he'd do a little better next time.

"Oh uh--yeah, maybe you didn't know this, but we excavate gears all the time. For a moment I thought you were talking about BART." He laughs it off. He doesn't need to be told he's not like Id. He rejects it so hard it doesn't even show up in the metapose really.

He sees Riesenlied shedding tears and feels tremendously guilty. He was gonna slug her like ten minutes ago. You're the worst, Fei. "We need to heal this planet somehow." Fie says. "Or the Guardians will undoubtedly always reject us. It'll be hard, since I'm guessing we did the damage to begin with." He frowns. He wanted to warn them about 'Mother' but maybe it's for the best he moves the subject to something a little lighter.

"Uh." He says. "This is a bit off topic, but--you two are a couple right? I thought about asking Leon but it's too embarrassing. We're usually trying to hit each other so... uh..." He trails off. "...Let's say there's this girl I like. But I'm not really sure how to uh...It's complicated, but like--should I get flowers or something? I don't know, Riese kind of reminds me a bit of her, so I was thinking--maybe you'd have advice?" He looks towards Noeline.

It's a pretty awkward transition but he's made Riesenlied suffer enough. They'll look out for Lily, which puts him at ease. ... whic his also really weird, but they seem pretty honest or the best liars he'll ever know.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Slowly, the spy seems to relaxing; she has her arm around Riesenlied, still, doting over the other woman quietly and letting Riesenlied lean against her form. "... if Riesenlied does anything well, it is giving too much of herself," she notes with a wryly amused sort of smile. "I have never known her be any other way, and I have long since given up trying to stop her. After all, if she were not the way she is, she would simply not be the commander of the Ebony Wings, nor someone I am proud to support."

"At the same time, well-- as you say. The Guardians reject the Metal Demons - at the same time, Filgaia is dwindling for the sake of the humans. Perhaps 'sacrifice' is the wrong word to use - but compromise has to start from somewhere, and we are starting rather on the back foot after that disastrous first introduction, hm?" she jokes - rather without humour, shaking her head as she lets out a sigh.

"The difference, I suppose, would be that demons have been in a closed environment for a very long time. Humans have grown and spread - they know of emotions, and loss, and make their way through the world in a chaotic but very personal fashion," she explains, perhaps a little too deeply. "Demons, on the other hand, have known little beyond what they have been told, and have had little reason to question that - until now. At the very least, I am quite proud of the way our number stood with the humans against Id."

She glances aside again, towards the blonde, and if they're not a couple then she's really good at the mooning glances. "Riesenlied's hope is that we might find the answers in the ruins and history of the planet. Answers around the Guardians - around why our races began to hate each other - around how we might restore the planet. We simply have to dig it up, and do what we can in the meantime to prevent conflict and foster some kind of understanding."

She pauses, and decides to let the serious talk drain out of her with a distinct moment of released breath, a cleansing sort of sigh. "Perhaps the answer might even be on Lunar, hm? Perhaps they learnt something we did not, or something of that sort. Regardless, I'd be curious in it no matter what, just because it's /there/. I'm a historian, after all, and a ridiculously curious sort."

A pause-- and she breaks into an amused, pleased cackle. "Oh-- do we look that way?" she adds, entirely too innocently to be serious, her smile prideful as she hides it behind her fingers. "Goodness. ... I suppose it depends on how exactly she acts, and what she likes. At the very least, I would caution you not to leave yourself with too many regrets - a human's time is terribly short, and in these sorts of times having someone to support you can mean a very great deal."

She started off with a teasing tone, but that drops away rather quickly as she says it.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"It is dangerous, but... if it will save lives, then I would do it," Riesenlied expresses, and for just a moment, that conviction that's normally in her voice surfaces once more. "But... I take what both you and Noeline have said... there is such a thing as too much. Too much... and I will break."

She tilts her head as she places her hands to her chest. "... many people think that we came from a different world. And our ancestors did, once upon a time, when Mother brought them from our dying planet. But I am born of Filgaia, no matter what it thinks of me... and I love Filgaia, despite all of that."

And there's the mention of Mother, as if inevitable.

The lucidity appears to have returned, the shine in her eyes brimming once more. "It's easy for us to say, 'humans are at fault; humans are loved by Filgaia'. But you are right in that humans are being punished as well. This is no kind of world to live a life, to raise a family. The arid wastelands, the endless deserts... the drying wells, the decaying forests... it's so easy for any one of us to say 'they're at fault', but..."

She places her hand closer to her heart. "This isn't any one person or even race's problem. It's all our problems. It's a social and cultural one, and it won't be fixed by any one person. I just... want to be in a place to help guide us to a place where we can enable that thinking. That solidarity. And Noeline is right. If we never learn from our past, buried as it is, we're at high risk to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors."

She lowers her head. "That's what I want to convey with the Treaty, with the Ebony Wings' mission. I want to uphold its spirit. It isn't that using a Gear is taboo. It isn't that digging up a Fossil is wrong. But I was born basically right after the Day of Collapse, and I know the suffering and shortage a catastrophe can create. When I see something like the Golem -- Diablo -- that you took from the Fairground... I think about the horrible carnage even one of those machines can wreak upon a continent -- how many lives it can instantly end. And this is a world that's suffered enough damage. And there are people out there that would willingly take advantage of this fact. And I know I work with some of them..."

A pause, though, as she blinks and -- bashfully smiles at that topic.

"Um-- yes... we're a couple..." Riesenlied confirms, because -- well, at the end of the day, that's what they are. She holds onto Noeline's hand softly, her cheeks blushing. "If you want something nice..." A pause. "Why not artwork of her? I saw the picture you drew of Odjn, you're very talented... a gift that shows how much you care in its little details always wins me over..."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline does her best to look too cool for school, not meeting Riesenlied's gaze as she huffs.

  • * *

Little details, goes her mind, and scribbles that into a checklist quickly.

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Shit, Fei thinks, they're being super cute at one another. He feels this is kind of unfair. He hasn't actually seen the flashback yet where he totally did so he actually considers the suggestion. Art, huh. He could do that. But at the same time, he doesn't really think he's that good. He's lost in thought. Would it be too much too? He doesn't know her too well just yet does he? But at the same time, he feels like he does. It's hard finding her but she's criminally beautiful. And uh. He neglected to mention she was on the opposite side of a war. But does that matter?

He looks towards Noeline. Riesenlied has her devotion to her people but he gets the feeling that between one or the other, Noeline would make a different choice. Maybe it's because he's seen the way she chases after her, steadies her, in her time of weakness and pain.

"Well at least some good came of it." Fei says, though he sounds doubtful. Maybe because imagining someone as tough and frankly professional as Riesenlied be laid low by what he did...ugh he hates thinking about that guy! The way he keeps coming up in this conversation... it kind of makes him want to...tune out. So he kind of wants it wash over. No more Id talk from him! No sure.

  • mad frothing rage*

Fei continues to be oblivious to it. But he does murmur, at least, "...But uniting to fight a common enemy...it isn't enough..."

He jolts out and adds, "Uh--Lunar? Oh! You mean the moon. Haha! I was really surprised." He grins stupidly. "There are people living on the moon! Hahaha, I guess I already said that, but I can't get over it." He looks to Noeline. "A historian?" He pauses. "huh. I guess I pegged you more into drama or literature." Riesenlied makes him think of Grahf, which is easier to think about than the 'red gear'. Still uncomfortable, but easier. He admits, "There's people out there that would like to use me to hurt others too." He says. "For their own purposes. I guess--" He chuckles. "We're not really all that different. This puts me at ease, really, knowing there's folks like you two on the other side. If that's the case, they can't be all that bad, and if they're not all that bad, then I think common sense will win out eventually. I just hope not too many people get hurt before it happens."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"... Noeline has the right idea, on being honest with your emotions," Riesenlied smiles very faintly, resting her head against Noeline's shoulder as she scoots just a little closer on the bench. She isn't outlandish or passionate in her show of affection, but the small, confident motions of closeness are perhaps just as significant in how she shows it.

"It isn't enough... but, such sentiments aren't built in a day. I can already see... small seeds of hope building up in both our people, and in others'," Riesenlied shares. "One day, it'll grow to be something truly remarkable."

That she can say really sappy stuff like that with a straight face, perhaps, is one of her strengths. She smiles with a gentle nod in turn. "And the same goes for you as well, Mister Fei. You pilot that black Gear, but it isn't out of a desire to stoke the flames of war... I can tell-- perhaps just by your tone, or the way you express yourself."

On the other hand, that reflection that she saw within... that little smile...

But they all have their different sides.

"I'll ... let you know if our search turns anything, on Miss Lily," she expresses. "And in the meantime... please stay safe, yes?"

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

"... and, thank you," allows Noeline with a gracious tilt of her head, even if it isn't at all clear what she's really thanking Fei for until she speaks again. "It has been, as I said, a very long week. Offering understanding and an ear is much better than any alternative, right at this moment."

She pauses when Fei delivers his estimation of her, and lets out a softly amused breath as she raises a hand to touch at her forehead in thought. "You are not wrong, I suppose. A bit of everything, perhaps, but I tend to find that history has as much drama in it as any book. --I-- enjoy watching humans, in the end. They are chaotic and confusing, and yet life would be a lot more grim without that touch of humanity. Too many of our number eschew emotions - or else simply cannot realize that they are there, and can make you stronger for their presence."

"We will certainly do what we can to spread some understanding in kind, amongst demons as much as humans. In the meantime, if anyone chooses to point an enormous cannon unprovoked at a town, you certainly do have /my/ permission to tear it to shreds." A beat, and she lets out a slight cough, knowing that Riesenlied is probably looking disapproving. "--the cannon itself, at the very least."

A longer beat.

"--also, I would probably suggest not looking around /this/ town for romantic ideas," she sags afterwards, almost comical as she lets out a long sigh. "The city is currently rather full of one-track minds, to say the least, so unless your dear friend is fond of-- of whatever on earth that company plastering its name around the place is..."

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

"No I..." Fei says. "It was more frustrating not understanding. My home was destroyed for reasons I don't understand--even now. Someone told me why, but it didn't make any sense." He doesn't recount why. "I was uh. I was mad, a little mad, because I knew you weren't a bad person, you know? But you were still attacking innocent people. I guess your position is pretty complicated. I thought maybe you just wanted to--ugh, well it doesn't matter what I thought." He shakes his head. "My village was destroyed, but I guess you know a bit what that's like. It was really hard for me. They're the kindest people I ever knew. They took me in even though they didn't know who I was or where I came from--and I didn't know either. I don't really have a past but--I thought I had a future, and that was fine." He looks up. "But the past does matter, unfortunately. Not much I can do about that. But I don't think it matters so much that we can't make a better tommorow either. I hope when your people are ready, we can work together." He smiles and offers a hand.

"It's nice meeting you for real. Say hey to Odjn for me too, ok? And Zed. I uh. I may have forged a letter from him to the 'grim reaper' in order to escape the city once?" He laughs it off. "So uh...if that got him...in trouble...Sorry!!" He pauses. "But uh. I'm not actually really that sorry. I'm just saying I am because it's not like I was hoping to cause him trouble. I didn't have a choice." He smiles. "Well, until that day, I'll tear apart any giant cannons you've got!" He smiles. "Thanks for the help with Lily. I'm sure she's ok! She's not gonna be done in by something like that!" She even beat Harken that one time!

He's feeling confident now. Before he was kind of feeling doomed about it. But he's recovered. It's getting easier.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"... I'm sorry to hear about Lahan," Riesenlied answers in return, sounding more genuine than ever. It isn't the platitude someone expresses when they'd rather just shrug and say 'what can I do about it?' "It is just one reason I want to ensure we keep vigil over such frightening weapons... I hope you can understand that much. It does not make us innocent... and I certainly would not say what we do is 'just' or 'heroic'... it just is what I feel we must do."

She nods as she -- nervously holds her hand out, for Fei to shake.

"It is nice to meet you for real as well, Mister Fei. I'd love for our people to work with yours... and I'll work hard to make sure that new world happens, some day."

She doesn't say anything about Zed, because she's kind of used to Zed getting into trouble.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

From next to Riesenlied, Noeline watches on. For all her joking and teasing, she's radiating a quiet sort of pride at the moment, clearly a soft touch for whenever Riesenlied begins to properly get a speech going - though at the same time she lets out a chuckle as Fei's confidence returns, clearly buoyed up by the conversation herself despite some of the topics involved. "At the very least-- do not feel like your anger was misplaced. On the contrary, it was rather understandable, given everything that happened. As you say, the past does matter, but that just means there's something to make up for, hm?"

"... we will be in the city for a while yet, if nothing else because Riese is in serious need of rest. I suppose, if you need the practice, I could see to helping out on that score," she adds - and even if it's not clear whether she actually is a Crimson Noble or not, that vain streak appears to be completely genuine.

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Even Fei can't be unhappy all the time.


Fei says, "For we are!" POSE. "MEN!" POSE. "OF THE SEA!"


But this doesn't mean he can't feel a little sad, even in this happy moment. He just doesn't have Riesenlied's belief. He thinks it's inevitable, especially on a planet like Filgaia, that there will be war, forever war, and no justice or joy for any.

But he keeps that to himself for the moment. It's not helpful nor useful. He dips his head once in pure RPG style before saying, "I'll be around here too. Probably not heading back to the Yggdrassil until the tournament is over."

He waves a bit hesitantly, and then heads on his way.

They say people fight, Fei thinks, because they are human, because of their differences--but that's a paradox, really. There are differences between individual humans and humans ARE humans, but the metal demons prove it. Humans don't just fight because of what makes them the same or because of what makes them different. There's the dwindling resources to consider, the desire to find a place, miscommunication, desperation, all these things can make people fight one another. And one more thing.

'Mother' can also make them fight.