2017-07-15: A Wish and a Plea: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: A Wish and a Plea''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Riesenlied, Character :: Noeline, Character :: Lady Harken *'''Where:''' Lacour *'''Date:''' 15th June 2017...")
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Latest revision as of 21:22, 17 July 2017

  • Log: A Wish and a Plea
  • Cast: Riesenlied, Noeline, Lady Harken
  • Where: Lacour
  • Date: 15th June 2017
  • Summary: Lady Harken comes to visit Riesenlied and Noeline again, under disguise.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied and Noeline have returned to Lacour once more, following their visit to the Photosphere. With the winged woman in slightly higher spirits and a better sense of her werewithal, Noeline's taken her for a stroll around some of the less crowded parts of the Lacour market, a hand placed to her chest as she inspects some of the offerings. "There are rather a lot of weapon merchants here, are there not...?" she muses to her companion as they move along, unexpecting, perhaps, more regal company...!

Riesenlied's Ellurian cloak is still a staple of her dress outside, an olden pattern with a capelet layer with an embroidered, tasseled hem. "... that was mean of you, by the way," she pouts to Noeline. "What if Lord Siegfried had taken it poorly?" A-awww, is someone still a little antsy about that little exchange?

<Pose Tracker> Lady Harken has posed.

Are Riesenlied and Noeline appraised of their superior's disguise, currently? No? Because it would probably explain a lot about why the two are approached mid-conversation by a stern-looking woman with dark blonde hair and a particularly rose-coloured set of plate armour as if she recognized the two of them.

"News from Lord Siegfried, then?" she asks of them without a greeting, having strolled on up to the two Metal Demons and looking expectantly at them. Uh--that voice was familiar...

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline cuts an extremely obvious figure, as she always does; she moves through the crowded city in a contrasting shock of crimson and black skirts, standing out fiercely against the townspeople and Drifters assembled to spectate the Tournament. She seems-- in extremely high spirits, flicking out her hair with a Tales Musical Note bobbing above her head - though it's an even toss-up as to whether her good cheer is from Riesenlied being well enough to join her in a walk around town, or just from her parting shots in the Photosphere.

She has certainly got her hand in Riesenlied's, however, still not totally convinced of the other woman's health just yet. It's her job to be paranoid, after all.

"Well, really," she shoots a grin back at the other woman, her eyebrows going upwards at the same time in a half-hearted attempt to look innocent - a little spoilt when she leans into Riesenlied's side. "It needed saying, did it not? And it all worked out well in the end. So what part of it is mean, exactly?"

She blinks, however, only zooming in on Harken's form when it's too late and straightening up a little. Really, Noeline, you surely should have spotted that earlier... "A-ah-- Lady," she notes with a slight bow of her head, at least remembering to omit the name. "Yes - he is recovering still, but certainly out of danger."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied has enough courage to pull her hood down, at least; a ribboned choker is tied at her collar, along with an old brooch that seems to have weathered the test of time. It's a familiar one. "You-- you could not have known that it would have--" she huffs just a little bit, as she clings just a bit closer to her... still a little bit needy, even now.

The question cuts a look of awareness from her, however, and turning around with a little gasp. Her eyes widen, then ... nods in turn. "... I--I am sorry, but have we-- met?" It's her way of saying: What should we call you?

<Pose Tracker> Lady Harken has posed.

To be fair to Noeline, she has never seen the person approaching before, so it could just be another shopper in the arms market around here. Quality disguise, what with the whole complex holographic tangible ... layer, going on. The very pink armoured lady knight folds her arms and frowns, not looking anywhere near as menacing as the person behind the disguise.

"You know who I--or am I mistaken? Is the name Tachi not familiar to you?" good save, Harkster. She's trying not to look even more frustrated, which spoils things a little. You're bad at this.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

For all that she tries to be suave, Noeline has to hold in place for a long moment, perhaps willing herself urgently not to say anything really, /really/ stupid; she catches her tongue while the unusual and new knight speaks, and only then does she sound actually certain as she lets out a long breath and tilts her head in greeting a second time. "Of course, Lady Tachi. Your deeds are known far and wide," she adds afterwards, allowing herself just a little in the way of a playful moment as she hums.

The spy has to pause after a moment, then raise her eyebrows in a rather appraising fashion. "... you look quite impressive," she has to admit, letting out an impressed breath; she hasn't seen this technology in motion before, after all. "Kalve really does very good work."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied, for all her other flaws, doesn't have to worry about saying something stupid, at least. If only because she's too honest and nowhere near glib enough. "T-Tachi...?" A pause, as she blinks just a moment, putting a finger to her cheek. "Like the--" A pause. "Oh. Oh! Y-yes, I understand." This woman is the commander of so many of their operations...?

She looks on with a rather warm smile, saying, "Um -- your armor is quite lovely. What brings you here, Lady Tachi?" she asks just for a moment.

<Pose Tracker> Lady Harken has posed.

It's just--really, really swell that no would-be heroes with half a brain are nearby and listening in, because this is probably the most amateur hour attempt to go incognito that has been done in quite some time. If it weren't for Kalve, Harken would probably best be just put back on the leash in the photosphere. "He does." not-Harken agrees with Noeline with a curt nod. "It's very easy to move in, and performs more than adequately. With this, I can work alongside you two without attracting information, if need be."

The blonde knight turns her head to regard Riesenlied, with a curious frown. "I mean--who wouldn't come to Lacour at such a festive time?" this is like, cue-card reading levels of bad. "Besides, there are a lot of /interesting/ warriors here to learn more about..."

She'll... she'll get there, someday.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline blinks for a moment-- and then huffs in amusement, shaking her head. It isn't entirely obvious who exactly is amusing her more in this situation, between Lady Tachi's rather haphazard attempts at stealth and Riesenlied's earnest and wide-eyed response. It's almost kind of heartening, in a way - a reminder that even their fiercest warriors can have a side that Noeline would perhaps call 'human'.

Berserk's still a dick, mind you.

"... that is why we came, as well," she admits with a light and quick nod. "It seemed a better place to recuperate - especially after Gounon became a little more busy than we'd liked - and it seemed as good a place as any to catch up with recent news. I have to admit that I haven't gotten to see many matches yet, mind you."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied cups her mouth for a moment, before tilting her head down with a slightly withering sigh. "Ah, yes, it is rather a festive time, isn't it?" She perks up just a little, lacing her hands together. "Lady Tachi, have you signed up for the Tournament of Arms? We-- I suppose it is already underway, but there are rather a lot of fascinating matches..." She glances. "And I hear the weaponsmiths here are some of the best in Ignas."

She looks towards the sword at her side. "I can personally attest to that, myself. Do you have interest in a weapon for your own use...?"

<Pose Tracker> Lady Harken has posed.

Oh, there's no doubting that Harken has a 'human' side, not that Noeline and Riese have had a chance to tease it out. Definitely more of one than Berserk, for sure. To be fair, Siggy seems pretty angrily human, too. Quarter Knights: just a bunch of losers pretending to be hardcore?

"Oh, you haven't had a chance to observe any of the arms tournament? You should. There are some curious martial schools on display here..." 'Tachi' muses with a hand to her chin. Confirmed: Harken's disguise is cuter than she is. "We might learn something useful."

The blonde knight adjusts the sword at her hip. Is that real, or just a hologram, too? "As for myself, no. I didn't get here in time to sign up, and I didn't think there'd be any competition worth facing in here. I was mistaken." she sounds almost disappointed, frowning again. "But I hadn't interrogated the smiths. I doubt they can compare to what--is back home."

Oh, that was good. She managed not to say 'The Photosphere'. C+.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Deciding she's feeling amused about this, Noeline chuckles to herself. After all, she did just manage to sneak a genuine smile out of Siegfried, if only a tiny little one. "Sadly not. Riese's healing process took some time - we thought it would be more prudent to practice a little caution. That said, I /would/ like see some of the final rounds, if at all possible, hm?" she glances at the horned woman next to her--

--and then picks up her eyebrows as something else occurs to her, grinning brightly at the knight instead. "In fact, there are also a couple of pick-up tournaments, for that matter. I cannot vouch as to how difficult they are, but they have been making something of a stir, certainly. One of them is named after the Sorcery Globe, in fact," she adds with infinite innocence.

"If nothing else, I do understand that... 'Dark Hero Z' is in the tournament," she adds, her mouth turned down just a little; she leaves a theatrical pause before continuing. "In the loser's bracket."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

The saddest part, perhaps, is how much Riesenlied seems to just be drawn to the disguise, finding Lady Harken so much easier and nicer to talk to. She laces her fingers together with a soft smile. "There indeed are a lot of very interesting skills on display..." she lowers her head for a moment, with a delicate little sigh. "It has been a bit intense, at times, but I look forward to the finals indeed."

A pause, as she cups her hand to her cheek again. "Yes, a group tournament is available, if you are interested in trying your skill out here, Lady Tachi... I would accompany you."

There is a wan smile. "Perhaps they do not compare, but for someone like me, it is the best that I can find."

<Pose Tracker> Lady Harken has posed.

Harken missed Siegfried's moe smile back at home? For shame. For ultimate and utter shame. "Oh--yes, I know the entrant you refer to." she answers after a few moments of careful consideration. A too-wry smile is on her lips, as she lingers near a barrel full of extremely shoddy pikes out on for sale. "I encouraged him to." that he's in the loser's bracket either isn't understood, or of no importance. Ow.

Riesenlied's self-depreciating behaviour draws a smirk and a huff of a chuckle from 'Tachi', flicking her hair arrogantly. "We could enter together, couldn't we? It would be a good way of finding something worthy of your hand--there must be something out there, after all."

Certainly, it isn't to be found at this store.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline has spared the weapons a glance herself; she lets out a quiet huff of air at the sight of them, reaching out to draw one slightly from the barrel before letting it go to fall back inside. Deep down, she's a metal demon, after all, and she does have some standards /somewhere/ when it comes to her martial tools.

"I certainly have no doubt he's enjoying himself, at the very least. Some of the stories coming out of that place certainly make it seem outlandish enough, and the one match we did watch-- well, it was quite the show of Symbology."

"... it might be a little dangerous to show Riesenlied to the arena as simply as that," she considers after a moment, her eyebrows raised. "With a disguise, however-- that would be suitable enough, I'm quite sure." She's even looking a little tempted, a curious light in her eyes.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

As far as global standards go, they may be limited, but... "It is not their fault, at least. There is... a limit to how far they can go," Riesenlied speaks, bashful at Lady Tachi's offer. "I have not yet found a sword that does not break under pressure." And Metal Demon weapons tend to disagree with her, due to her inability to synchronise with them.

She cups her hand to her cheek with a sigh, saying, "That is true... I am rather the wanted person here. I have already had harrassment leveraged my way..." she pauses, as she tilts her head. "Ah-- a disguise for... me?"

<Pose Tracker> Lady Harken has posed.

The Quarter Knight in Disguise (working title) rounds on Riesenlied and Noeline, leading them away from the storefronts and stalls. Better not to chitchat near prying ears, you never know when sharp ears are in attendance out of sight. "A disguise would be wise, especially if you're already coming under scrutiny." a pause, and then whatever measure of good cheer was on 'Tachis face melts away. Ah. There's the murder we know and love.

"Did you two come under attack? You seem fine."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Vaguely, Noeline is aware of an impending change in Lady Harken's demeanour; that's about the only thing she can think of to expect when they're lead to an out-of-the-way corner of town, and as such she's careful to meet the Quarter Knight's frown with her own - even if hers is just a little lighter.

"We are-- better," is the word she settles on, slightly bowing her head to the general. "... thank you for your consideration in Gounon," is her second comment, quiet and respectful - genuinely so, given the point at which Harken bid them rest. "Unfortunately, not long afterwards, a new ruin was discovered in the area and began to draw Drifters. Nothing major happened, but-- given Lacour's statement of neutrality, it seemed prudent to come here."

She looks to Riesenlied for the rest, knowing that the blonde is doing rather better as of late - but not really equipped to be able to state how it must feel in the Tainted's head and heart.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied jolts just a little as she cups her hand closer to her mouth, lowering her head further. "... we did receive a rather peculiar warning, from within that Ruin. It spoke of Lolithia, the Ice Queen..." she hesitates for but a moment longer, before she sighs faintly.

"Lacour has been restful, but at times it has drawn uncourteous company as well. Fortunately, Noeline has been there to tend to my recovery..." she explains, knowing it must make her sound so terribly weak. But it is what it is. "It is a fortuitious time to learn of other Drifters' plans as well..."

<Pose Tracker> Lady Harken has posed.

Maybe Harken's plan to spirit everyone away to a shadowy alley just makes the gang look more suspicious than they did before, but to her credit, there /are/ less listening ears off the main street. "Save the details of the ruin for a report, later, when you're less weary." she waves Riesenlied and Noeline's details away swiftly. "For now, what company here troubles you both? Or helps? I have noticed familiar faces from Adlehyde... some of them, no doubt, would be very distressed to see me here."

Yeah, Harken doesn't sound the least bit upset about that. "It seems where they go, trouble of a sort follows..." Fei Fong Wong has left.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline can't hide her surprise at the question, and immediately flicks her eyes to Riesenlied, not entirely certain how to answer. Pointing out that they're sharing a hotel with a number of their human friends doesn't exactly seem prudent, after all - but Noeline is willing to leave that decision up to the commander next to her, letting out an uncertain breath.

"... as a hindrance? I suppose that would be the White Knight Leo, who has entered the tournament. His forces in Adlehyde are-- likely to be dangerous. As far as assistance is concerned, we have managed to make contact with some of the Tainted nearby, not to mention new members of the Ebony Wings who managed to escape Old Petra."

"... to be fair, Lady..." she adds without mirth, "I find that true of humans in general."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"I-- it was not anyone worth casting eyes upon..." Riesenlied mutters. "Ruffians of a sort, colourful rogues as they are... they were dealt with enough. They only bothered me because of what plagued my mind..." she sucks her breath as she holds onto Noeline's hand, needing a bit more comfort and support now that they've moved to a dark alley that seems to cast darkness over her.

"Many of the Drifters in Ignas are curious sorts, to be certain. Trouble follows them, yet they have a tenacity that is scarce rivalled by many back home."

<Pose Tracker> Lady Harken has posed.

Harken continues to tap her chin, eyes coldly glistening as she processes this information. "Oh, the zealot with the mobile army. I remember now." she chimes in, after Noeline specifies exactly who is causing them trouble. It's also probably really for the better that the murder knight isn't clued in as to how lax Noeline and Riese are being with their security measures, to boot.

"Well... don't admire them too much. Mother wants them all dead." Harken shrugs off the notion of human tenacity and... well, quality.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Briefly, Noeline closes her eyes, letting the reminder wash over her; she turns it into another bow of her head instead, ever so gracious. "Of course, Lady," she replies, which is perhaps a little rich when it comes from the human sympathiziest of all human sympathizers - but she straightens up afterwards, a quietly curious light in her eyes.

"Ah-- what will you do now, then? ... I suspect we can find something to aid Riesenlied, if you're wanting to enter, but aside from that, I suppose there are the matches."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied is silent for a while longer at that point, draping her cloak a little closer, lowering her head. "... does Mother..." she pause. "Does she truly have no mercy...?" There is a quiet gasp, something a little close to disappointment. "Lord Siegfried speaks of her in such high terms... a Goddess, of unbounding light..."

Even she realises she can't just dwell upon that. "... regardless. Noeline and I can procure a disguise, certainly. It would-- be a good chance to work with you, Lady Tachi. It has come to light that I have had little opportunity to do so."

<Pose Tracker> Lady Harken has posed.

Noeline inquires as to what Harken will do now, and that's a fair question. The armoured woman doesn't hesitate to answer, either. Whether she thinks Noeline is totally compromised on the human-sympathy front or not is impossible to tell--well, unless you assume she'd just cut her down on the spot for it. If that were the case, then, well, clearly she's not worried. "Riesenlied still looks injured, let's not rush anything. Your mission is one of slow infiltration, anyway. I'll continue to learn what I can in Lacour--there are a few Humans I may deign to question."

There's a pause, and then all eyes are likely on Riesenlied after her sorrows are aired. Harken doesn't even look perturbed about these doubts. "I don't know, I've only seen Mother awake for one fitful moment. Siegfried would know better than I would. Maybe Filgaia's treatment's made her less sympathetic."

Ouch, that's pretty to the point. Faux-Harken, with that, shrugs very lightly. "Don't think too closely on it. The disguise idea is a good one, even if we choose not to show our faces."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Any other time, Noeline might make a genuine noise of concern over the worry that Riesenlied voices - not least for the way she voices it right in plain earshot of Lady Harken, of all people. At the same time, the pink-armored Quarter Knight's straightforward nature is something of a relief, less volatile than Berserk and lacking Alhazred's utterly detached manner, and Noeline can at least respect that.

It also helps that Harken's answer is a completely sensible and believable one, and a possibility that Noeline's certainly had faintly on her mind ever since she witnessed the redoubling of the Guardian's barrier. "... I will see what I can procure. ... even if it'll be a shame to hide your horns," she adds, unable to resist saying it in Riesenlied's direction as she places a hand on her cheek.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"... it is so inscrutable. The hatred that runs between them..." Riesenlied almost seems like she's talking to... someone else, perhaps history, at this point. "Lord Siegfried said I would have liked her... of course, I love Mother for what she has inspired in all of us..."

Yet, the encroaching nature that their Goddess may be naught more than a Goddess of War and Vengeance is shaking to her. It's troublesome. That there may be no salvation save for the next stage of battle.

"We-- will meet later, then," Riesenlied excuses herself with a troubled smile. "Thank you, Lady Tachi."

<Pose Tracker> Lady Harken has posed.

Ugh, all of these open displays of affection! What are these two always getting at? Well, no matter, Harken is above wrinkling her nose at such antics, and so merely waves dismissively at Noeline and Riese.

"Then, there's the matter of our lovely Demon of Elru, but that's probably another matter for another time. You two look fatigued... make sure you tend to it." Harken allows one arm to return to her side, and adjusts the visor on her helmet to sit a little more squarely ... well, squarely propped above her eyeline, at least. Who designs these getups?

... maybe Kalve lifted the design from that one skeevy Lacour arms shop with the maid outfits, and all that.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Here, at least, Noeline can allow her voice to become quite cold. "... rest assured, I will do what I can to uncover him. We should focus more on the Gear than on the Demon itself, as it may be a spirit able to itself." A pause, though, and she has to shake her head with a quiet chuckle. "... please-- enjoy yourself watching the Tournament." A beat. "And-- please be careful."

That may not be a well-wishing so much as a pleading, but who's counting?