2017-06-29: Perfecting the Art of Love and Peace: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Perfecting the Art of Love and Peace''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Gwen Whitlock, Character :: Riesenlied, Character :: Vash the Stampede *'''Where:''' For...")
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Latest revision as of 03:10, 21 July 2017

  • Log: Perfecting the Art of Love and Peace
  • Cast: Gwen Whitlock, Riesenlied, Vash the Stampede
  • Where: Forest Nearby Lacour
  • Date: 6/29/2017
  • Summary: Like before, Gwen goes to meet up with the mysterious 'Olivia' in order to pick up and deliver some much-needed supplies to Adlehyde refugees. Unlike before, Gwen unknowingly brought along a helper. Nothing a little bit of blunt force trauma can't handle!

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

Another day, another mess of deliveries from vendors dotted all around the eastern continent of Ignas for the ongoing tournament.

But Gwen's not one of the couriers doing that. At least, not today. There's a request to take care of, and this time, she's the one taking care of supplying the actual transportation.

Guiding Gulliver and her new wagon, complete with a new cover, Gwen quietly maneuvers through a forest that was indicated to be the meet-up point. She's oddly cautious, taking her time at the slightest suggestion of being followed, but once she's within the cool stillness of the forest proper, she settles into a more relaxed rhythm, enjoying the rare sort of noisiness that could only come from surroundings like this: wafting bird song, the cracking of underbrush from browsing deer, a squirrel or two leaping from branch to branch.

Stopping by the spot that was indicated, Gwen slips off her perch on the cart, taking a moment to stroke Gulliver's long nose. Hopefully, Riesenlied will be here soon.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Once more, the delivery comes from an 'Olivia', whose identity Gwen has taken well to knowing at this point.

Unlike prior deliveries, however, she's a bit late -- it isn't until about quarter past that she arrives, a singular horse towing one of the refugee carts -- which appear to have taken some damage from fire and smoke; judging from the blast, it might be a thrown molotov or some other kind of gunsmoke ARM, and there are bullet holes through the tarp. The hooded woman herself looks just a bit haggard in breath as she comes on by towards where Gwen and her wagon, as well as Gulliver, are awaiting.

She coughs just a little bit harder, slumping against the side of her wagon. "It's safe now..." she whispers to... someone in particular, and slips her robe a little -- a small boy emerges out of it, whimpering. "R-really? Really really?"

"Yes," answers the hooded woman. "Go, before anyone else sees you. And be careful to not stray too far from your farm, okay...?"

"T-thank you, miss...!" the boy stammers, before dashing off past Gwen, giving her a wave as well. One of the ranchowners' boys, it seems, Gwen recognises. The hooded woman turns to Gwen to say, "I'm sorry for the wait... there was-- an altercation along the way. Bandits."

<Pose Tracker> Vash the Stampede has posed.

Just an ordinary day out in the forest. One to be savored, really -- forests aren't exactly commonplace these days, after all, and they'll doubtlessly be even less so out in the west. Which is why it's nice, to get some time to just enjoy the nature, in a place completely normal aside from the tragic possibility of bandits and aggressive wildlife. Yep.

Just an ordinary, regular, average ho-hum day--

--wait is that a hand??

It might be visible whenever 'Olivia' and Gwen start to approach the cart, whenever they're done conversing and get ready to unload the refugee supplies. There, seen from the left corner of the rear of the cart, something hangs, covered in dark brown leather. Four fingers, a thumb. A hand. A human hand.

Just sort of dangling there, lifelessly.

... Why is there a human hand in Gwen Whitlock's cart?

What sort of supplies is she delivering??

Is she part of some nefarious human trafficking ring now???

Terrible, dangerous questions, with only one amongst them -really- being immediately relevant:

What is a hand doing dangling just underneath the cover of Gwen's cart...??

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

Time passes. The forest, at first a pleasant remnant of a greener bygone Filgaia, slowly begins to feel threatening as Gwen's mind begins to run through the possibilities.

Or, her mind would've, if she didn't desperately try to distract herself by continuing to pet Gulliver like some sort of horsey worry stone.

When Gwen hears the sound of an approaching cart, Gwen looks up, her expression brightening-

-then promptly wrinkling into horror and concern. "Whoah, whoah, hey, you okay? Are you being chased, or-"

Oh. The courier regards the small boy, kneeling down to give him a once over assessment and regarding him with a warm, soft sisterly tone of voice as he rushes by. "My, my, aren't you a little ways from home! You know the way back, tho, don't cha? Get to the creek and follow to the tree that looks like a slingshot. Be careful, will ya?" She cheerily waves the boy off, then, instantly, turns her attention to Riesenlied. "Bandits? They must be smellin' the supplies that keep comin' here. We may have to change our meetin' place, just to be safe."

Her gaze drifts back to her cart sadly, as well as... oh. Is that....

is that a hand

"... Well, that wasn't there before," Gwen states, with a sort of oblivious sort of understatement. She looks back to Olivia, giving her a grim nod, then locates a long stick on the ground. "Stay back."

It's not as if she doesn't think Riesenlied couldn't just overpower whatever sort of bandit hiding there, but the less attention drawn to them, the better. Creeping forward to where the hand is dangling out of, Gwen extends her stick out, trying to snag an end of the cover, but not before uttering a countdown. "1..... 2...." Each number is mumbled beneath her breath as Gwen prepares to lift the branch, exposing whoever is underneath. ".... 3-"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

'Olivia' lets out a tired little sigh, and a cough-- she seems like someone who's quite under the weather right now. "Indeed, I believe that to be the case--" her eyes widen as she follows Gwen's gaze, and then there's a surprised little pip at--

"M-my goodness..."

She pauses, before nodding and looking on intently. Just... what was this... mysterious hand?

<Pose Tracker> Vash the Stampede has posed.

1..... 2....

There is the suspicious sound of rustling beneath the fresh new cover of Gwen's cart. The fingers of that hand twitch.


.... 3-

The cover lifts--!!


And the exact moment it lifts something tall and red and blonde and screaming just about explodes out of the cart!! Blue eyes glowing with threatening might, lips a-twisted with terribly vengeful fury, arms... flailing as loose as only the deadliest pasta can be...??, tongue flapping with warning fervor.


that was probably meant to be martial arts but it doesn't make it any less intimidating really, honest


And so it is that the red-coated figure of the very extremely tall Vash the Stampede (??) comes to a halt just as his hands seize upon Gwen's shoulders in all their terrible vicelike (actually pretty loose) grip. He blinks. His lips purse. He squints slowly.

"... hm," he utters, as he stares at the courier. Looks around; he doesn't quite seem to notice 'Olivia' yet from his vantage point.

"... Yes. Good! My surprise bodyguard attack was a success! The area is clear, ma'am!" And so does Vash's nostrils flare as he nods. Sternly. As if this was all part of some plan and he absolutely belonged here and didn't just spring out of that cart as if from the ether (seriously how does he fit in there so sneakily look at him).

--And is it a surprise bodyguard attack because the attack is a surprise or is it because of the fact that he's declaring himself a bodyguard out of nowhere--

"No need to thank me, all in a day's work!"

The world may never know.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

"WAUGH!" Gwen utters that unlady-like cry and falls backwards at Vash surging forward, much akin to a stampede.

Behavior patterns primed by four years of solitary courier traveling come to the forefront of Gwen's brain as her ability to think slows down. There is a scary extremely tall man hovering over her. He's saying something, but her heart's beating so loudly that she can't even begin to comprehend what he's saying.

So, like the many, many times before where such situations were easily solved this way, she punches. With her right hand. Upwards. "AAGHHGG-"

.... wait, is that Vash?

Well, no wonder Gulliver wasn't the least bit anxious.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied, commander of the Ebony Wings, who led the theft of the Golems and crafted the careful logistics an entire handful of battalions' operations.

Riesenlied, of the Metal Demons, a traveler who's walked through many lands over the last four centuries, and seen and fought all manners of devastating creatures...

Riesenlied, currently squealing at the top of her lungs in surprise as she just kind of unceremoniously lands on her rear in surprise. "M--Mister Spanishradish?!" Wow, she's got an amazing memory.

<Pose Tracker> Vash the Stampede has posed.

"Ha ha ha! Yes, it is I, the dread yojimbo--" wait what "--VAAAGHHGG?!"


This is the sound of the DREAD YOJIMBO (what?) VAAAGHHGG wailing in pain and abject misery as he finds himself punched straight in the jaw by one mighty uppercut. He soars, blood trailing behind him (which somehow manages to avoid getting on the cart or the supplies inside, weird).

There is a brief, beautiful moment, in which he seems to be suspended in midair amongst nature's greenery, eyes sparkling in pained resignation as he stares upon the steady beat of the sun sharing its shards of light through the cracks of the natural canopy above him.

. o O (Betrayed...!! I've failed... as a yojimbo--!)




And so Vash introduces himself to a nearby tree, hangs out there for a few perilous seconds before gravity remembers his existence, and then flops, lifelessly, into the dirt and grass beneath him.

A second passes in long-suffering silence. Is he dead? He has to be dead--!!

"i said... it's mister... bashandsmash...!!"

No he didn't.

But at least he's alive (??)?

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

That's an oddly nostalgic feeling. The fear, the blood, the abrupt violence, the screaming, and... the noodley arms.

Oh yeah. She's managed to do blunt trauma to this man before.

"OhguardiansI'msosorry!" Gwen staggers to her feet and runs to the lifeless corpse(?) of the fallen Vash the Stampede, the terrifying Human Typhoon, killed off by a lowly courier just minding her own business while meeting secretly with a Metal Demon for Possibly Illegal Thingoh nooo

"Hey! Hey! Bashsmash! C'mon!" She shakes Vash by the shoulders in what is probably the worst thing to do with a possibly unconscious body, but, well, it's Vash, so it'll be okay.


"You met him before?!' Gwen calls over her shoulder at 'Olivia'. "Uh, could you, um... gosh, even this new wagon seems too small for him to be on, but maybe if we just kinda- well, I guess, after the fight you've had you're still pretty tired, so I'll take care of it!"

'I'll take care of it', says the courier of nearly 5'8", attempting to drag the body of her self-appointed 'yojimbo???' onto the cart. She makes it to, perhaps, a few feet, before she just falls back down, panting. "H-hey, R... er Olivia, how about you, uh, sit down here too. For a spell. There's grass here, he'll be fine. He survived against your b..." Gh. "Against those Metal Demons that attacked the castle. Very hardy guy. Hard to kill."

She hesitates, as if doubting her own statement, before Vash offers his correction.

"Like I said, hard to kill. Probably might be good to cart around for a bit while I get this shipment done." She looks down at the fallen Vash. "Uh, how do you feel about helpin' me make sure these supplies get to some refugees? Olivia's donatin' some stuff. I'm tryin' to get them there, but on the down low. Could you, uh, handle that? I'll pay you in cooking, or, well, donuts, if there's a vendor sellin' em."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

'Olivia' has a silent, quiet wince as she watches Gwen sock Vash a new one and send him flying through mid-air... into a serene position ...and then into the tree. "Y-yes," responds as she picks herself up rather unstably, letting out another pained little cough. She reaches over towards the two to try to support him underneath her shoulder, before they... all kind of collapse onto the grass. "... oh, were you? I had not seen you since... Descartes, and the kidnapping of King Ardryn."

She tilts her head with a soft smile. "... it's been a while. Mister Bashsmash." She seems infinitely patient to just go through his nicknames. She looks rather awful today, though.

<Pose Tracker> Vash the Stampede has posed.

"... I feel... like I've done this once before...!" groans Vash, lamenting his ill fortune as he is ill-advisably shaken in a rattle of limbs and skull; but really, that's a lie.

He's probably had this happen hundreds of times before.

That doesn't make him seem any less in a state of clinging to death's edge, though, as he flops backwards onto the grassy earth the very second he's released. He's otherwise just whining on the ground as his limbs feebly lurch this way and that. It probably doesn't help that he has all the dead weight of an especially large cat going limp when poor Gwen tries her ultimately futile endeavor of dragging him back off to the cart, moaning out something about 'pearly gates' this and 'what do you mean, I'm going to the other place??' that. It's not looking good for the lovable Stampede--!

But then, as 'Olivia' approaches, Mister Bashsmash (?) suddenly stills. Suddenly quiets. Gwen stumbles through explanations on his survivability. Olivia, such as she is, attempts to help, offering a smile and a hand and a simple, patient greeting. And then--

Vash the Stampede is back on his feet in an INSTANT in a way that defies all logical sense, eyes -flaring- with suspicion. "Rolivia, eh......?! I don't know any Rolivia...!" he wonders aloud, his voice the very concept of incredulity as he squints. "Hold on, ma'am, let me give this one a once over to make sure she's in the all clear--!"

He takes his bodyguard job very seriously.

Despite the fact that no one hired him.

And he has no reason to be here, really.

And that is why he looks to grab Riesenlied by the shoulders and -lean in-. Lean in until his forehead is practically grinding into hers. It will not be a comfortable experience. Especially with how his eyes are practically GLOWING with critical judgment, as if he were looking into Riesenlied -- no, past her, to the very truth of his Sidekick of Love and Peace--!! -- no, past that, to the--

"--wait, cooking, AND donuts??" no vash that's not what she said-- "Oh right, of course! This is my good friend Rolivia, fancy meeting you again Rolivia! My how time flies! Ha ha ha! Lemme just help you with those supplies right away, miss!" Does he really just not recognize her from Descartes or--

--or maybe that over-exaggerated way he taps his nose means he's being what counts as discrete for Vash that's probably it, wow that's really just... way too obvious there.

"Everything looks perfectly safe to me! You have the all-clear, ma'am!!"

He would make an absolutely terrible yojimbo (???).

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

"Hey, uh, Ro- uh, Olivia." Gwen winces as Vash's new name begins to spread to her as well. "How about you just take a sit while Mr. Brash and I get my wagon filled up? Is your shoulder still hurtin'?"

That reminds her. She looks to Vash, as if trying to decide whether she should, in fact, trust him.

He may or may not be, after all, Vash the Stampede.

And even then, he still could probably be trusted, seeing as how he sort of saved her life. Several times. Many of those probably times she wasn't entirely sure if what the heck he was doing in the first place. It's comforting, in its own way.

"Listen, uh." Gwen's hand self-consciously goes to her own shoulder, feeling its firmness underneath her left hand. "Kalve, er-" She looks backwards towards Vash, testing his reaction, then back, lowering her volume depending on his expression. "He wanted to do a few experiments on my ARM, to figure out why it's able to do the things it can. I, er. I considered it, but only if he could use it to figure out problems like yours." The hushed, sober tone implies Gwen seems at least halfway conscious of the gravity of what she's doing, as well as the danger. "I know things like this won't encourage peace, but I like ta think that if some of your friends find out, down the road, that someone was willing to reach out to them, maybe..." She flashses Riesenlied an unsteady smile. "I guess it's pretty stupid of me to do this, and I can't really control whether whatever he learns might, er." Her shoulders slump. "I guess I wanna know too, to some degree. Maybe that knowledge could help people here, too."

'People here'. Humans, Beastmen. "He thinks he can replace it with a human replica, but I kindaaa told him that was off the table, even if he *could* do that, by some miracle. This ARM's as much a part of me as the one I lost. I don't know how much I can give before I have to put a break on things, but I wanted to let you know that I at least was considerin' it. If I have to quit early, it'd be just because I got nervous. I mean, he *did* cut my ARM off during the sei-"

Gwen looks over her shoulder at Vash, then waves it off with a nervous laugh. "But he apologized, and that makes it all better!"

She still has nightmares, but there's less of them now. That's improvement!

"Do you want me to bandage anything, by the way? My new wagon has a setup where I can put hoops up, so there'll be some privacy. Though I'm sure Mr. Brashmatash would be enough of a gentleman to look away. We know each other well!" ... But just how well?

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

There's that moment of silence between them.

Riesenlied can tell, and Vash doesn't make his silence that much more quiet either. There's an exchange, on a different level, beyond facade, beyond laughter and obfuscating foolishness meant to lighten the mood and parlay away from anything serious. She-- holds her hands back with wide eyes as Vash thrusts his face to stare at hers. She's beleaguered at present; presenting cold-like symptoms, perhaps. Her forehead feels warm, in a way no Metal Demon's ought to. What kind of lame terminator demon contracts the flu, anyway?

But their eyes catch onto each other's.

And Riesenlied does not flinch away, in that moment -- inside are eyes whose resolve can be felt, with a fervent hope that a machine should seldom hope to have. This Sidekick of Love and Peace... believes in--

Then donuts?!

Riesenlied looks just a little bit surprised as Gwen relates her tale with Kalve's. "No, my shoulder is fine... in fact, Kalve was the one who healed me," she relates with a soft smile on her face. "And it is the reason I would say that if you feel confident about it, go for it. I trust Kalve, and I believe that he is a good man..." she glances towards Vash for a moment, lips pursed.

"And it would encourage peace, in its own way," Riesenlied insists. "Every little step to learning and understanding counts. You're very brave to want to learn. One day, it may yet replace the superstition and fear that you hear over these lands."

It's not much of a disguise, is it? Riesenlied knows Vash knows -- the look on his eyes can tell her that. But she has to stay true to herself, and stay true to what Gwen knows of her. "It's-- fine. I'm actually just feeling under the weather... well, because." She coughs again. "There are just days where I feel worse, like a cold. It's just the way I am."

<Pose Tracker> Vash the Stampede has posed.

Kalve, er-

What is Vash's reaction?

"Donuts donuts do-nuts! Donuts donuts do-nuts! o/`"

That. It's that.

Apparently not even paying attention at the prospect of donuts (AND a free meal, lest we forget), Vash seems to just busy himself making his way back to the carts, his hips shimmying about as he moves like he as in a conga line. At the very least, he seems disinterested in what they're saying -- or maybe it's not that. Maybe he's just giving them the courtesy of talking in peace without someone eavesdropping on their conversation.

With Mister Bashandsmash, who can say, really?

Regardless, inspired as he is to help out of the genuine generosity of his heart (?), Vash starts to make his way to Riesenlied's cart to sift through the supplies; whatever looks heavy, he's probably going to end up taking, even if it looks like things that rightly ought to be carried by more than one person. The red-coated man will heft them off as if inspired by his future, donut-filled life, aqua-blue eyes sparkling with beautiful Hope for the future as he hauls them off towards Gwen's cart.

It doesn't stop the slight furrow of his brow when Gwen talks about her arm, though.

Nor does it stop that soft, gentle smile that touches on his lips when they talk about peace.

Still, as they talk, Vash becomes a perfect background element, moving back and forth in the background and humming along to various songs reinterpretted to be mostly about donuts (they're not very good songs) as they discuss that very sensitive information. He only pauses when Gwen shoots a look his way, blinking and tilting his head. "Your arm...?" His brows furrow inward at her nervous, dismissive laughter.

"... Very well then! It is decided! I, the faithful yojimbo, shall accompany you to whatever it is you're doing, wherever it is you're going, and whoever it is you are doing it with! Don't worry -- though I don't know anything about this Kalve person both you and Rie--Rolivia know wanting to study your arm or ARM even despite having had altercations with him in the past, I shall remain a stalwart guard!"

Truly, he is discrete. Truly.

But it's back to work for him, humming as he goes. So a part of the background he becomes, that one might not notice when he just seems to... disappear from it entirely. Wait. Where did he go?

Maybe the shadow looming behind Riesenlied will explain it.


Or the voice booming directly behind Riesenlied.

Or the hand clasping at her shoulder.

"Rolivia, my steadfast sidekick!!" His sidekick?? His expression is grave. His eyes closed. His everything full of hefty weight. "I shall impart this technique upon you, as my protege of peace. Should you ever feel 'under the weather,' or unsure of what's to come, or worried that your disguise might need a little work--" wait what "--just repeat this technique, and you'll feel instantly better!! After me...!!"

The red-coated man sucks in a deep breath. The whole world seems to pause with him...!!

"This world is made of...!!"

And then he thrusts out his free hand, index finger crossed underneath the middle, nostrils flared and eyes like pinpricks of determination.


And, frozen just like that, he stares at Riesenlied. And Gwen. Expectantly.

As if waiting for them to follow his lead.

Right. -Now-.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

Then donuts.

Thankfully, donuts are cheap, as baked goods go. "Though if i get a cravin' we may have to go for the donuts first, and you'll have to share, because this ARM doesn't run on dreams and wishes." She pauses, a cough escaping her throat. "... Sugar and fat helps a lot. Though I guess that's more just me? But anyway."

"I knew I'd have to face superstition when I got this ARM," Gwen states, with a small smile, "but my auntie didn't explain much beyond that. But meeting people who accepted me, well, that makes it all a lot easier. Didn't think I'd ever get to meet so many. And it's a lot easier to stay warm when you have friends, right?" The analogy sort of works.

And maybe a 'Yoh Gym Bow' is some sort of other analogy. The courier turns to look at Vash, then exchanges glances with Riesenlied, scratching her head. "Well, I guess, if anyone'd be a good guy to bring, it'd be Mr. Bashsmash." Who may or may not be Vash. "Though I wonder if Kalve'll think he's Vash too? I mean. There's the coat and the blonde hair and the eyes, but." She smugly grins, crossing her arms. "He can't be Vash, because he's not old enough. I mean-" She stands up, walking over to Vash and, if she's able to, lightly stretches his cheeks in demonstration for Riesenlied. "He's waaaay too young." The fingers let go, if they managed to get a grip, with Gwen squinting at Vash's face critically. The freckles along her nose and cheeks bunch up, then smooth out. "I guess, it'd be kinda okay if you were, since... that'd mean he'd be a nice person." The redhead turns. "I mean, the world's got a lot of monsters already. But yeah, the real Vash may be out there someplace, probably just found a peaceful little corner to spend his days in."

Her smug expression stalls, her gaze growing melancholy. It was one of those tales she never did like to hear, growing up- the tale of the city that vanished, leaving no sign but the glittering shards of glass that once was sand.

Gwen straightens, pulling herself away from the mental image, her mouth set firm, especially now that Vash is now looking at them both, expectantly.

That sort of world is the kind she'd prefer. Might as well be loud and clear about it, right? "Love and, uh, peace! .... Right?"

She'll need to work on the delivery. Also, did Vash just admit he knew who Riesenlied was this entire time? Ah well, makes it all easier!

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

At the very least, Vash can tell that there's nothing untoward in Riesenlied's wagon of supplies. There's no off odours like she might be sneaking poison or explosives in -- genuinely, she's acquired crates of dried and non-perishable food supplies from merchants around the region -- blankets, medical supplies... it's a comprehensive what's-what list of emergency and humanitarian aid supplies.

There's also a rustling little thing under the cover of Riesenlied's cart, an adorable little thing with its tail sticking out like it's trying to not be noticed.

There's a gasp and a wince as Vash suddenly clamps onto her shoulder, however, her eyes widening. "L-Love and..."

She pulls her hand up to slowly cross her fingers like she's making a promise.

"Love... and... P-Peace...?"

She doesn't look certain, but appears very cute and embarrassed as she glances to Gwen like she's asking what exactly she's gotten roped into.

"W-wait... Vash?" Riesenlied looks like she didn't quite cotton onto the idea, unlike so many people who do and then get the wrong idea. Her eyes widen. "As in-- Vash the St--"

"Nonononono!" exclaims a high-pitched voice out of nowhere.

Odjn, tiniest dragon, flooooooooats up from the bottom of the frame with a huff on her face. "Gotta do it more proper and spirited, Riese!" Well, there goes her disguise, even if it weren't terribly good in the first place. She clears her throat.


She struts one way.


She struts the other.


The XD face she makes while she flails ever which way is undeniably endearing.

<Pose Tracker> Vash the Stampede has posed.

He can't be Vash, he's not old enough.

"Wha--? I'm plenty old! I'm like-- uhh... ... what comes after twentyaugh?!"

This is the sound Vash the Stampede (who is definitely not Vash the Stampede) makes when he's interrupted in the middle of painstakingly counting his age with one hand by way of cheek pinching. The blonde's cheeks stretch waaaay out to demonstrate he is waaaay too young as he whines, "My beautiful faaaaaaaaaaaaaaace," in a waaaay to traumatized voice. Tears are even streaming down his cheeks. It's pathetic. And also a marvel. Does he just cry on demand--??

He must, considering how quickly the tears stop streaming when those cheeks snap into place. He's busy rubbing them one moment, and the next it's as if they'd never even been so mercilessly mauled (despite how they look as red as cherry apples) when he is suddenly upon Riesenlied and making that mighty declaration. And just. Staring. Staring and staring as his lips press into a slow, critical line. His eyes like -daggers-.

Love and, uh, peace! .... Right?

His lips thin all the more, tugging dangerously downward.

L-Love and... Love... and... P-Peace...?

And now he's just plain frowning.

His shoulders are about to slump in defeat, but then-- the clouds part--! (There are no clouds)

And a lone ray of sunshine lights up a spotlight for a strange, tiny reptile creature--! (There are many rays of sunlight)

Who, so illuminated like an angel from the divine realms in strange, alien reptile form, belts out a far flailingly and energetically superior cry, comparatively speaking--! (This is true)

Vash's hand (thankfully) leaves Riesenlied's shoulder. It falls to his breast, touched, as he sucks in a sharp gasp. His eyes are glistening with moisture. Is he going to cry again yep he's crying again.


The moment passes in an instant before Vash turns a much more grave, stoic stare upon Riesenlied and Gwen, somehow just bizarrely enhanced by the fact that he's still -- is he still -- yep he's still crying.

"You two -- learn from the flying gecko" what "until you're buying what she's selling!! This is the most important lesson you'll ever learn in your lives and no I'm not exaggerating even slightly so don't ask! We'll leave once you've got it down pat!! You--" He jabs a finger at Odjn. A second passes.

"--you're doin' great!!"

Until that accusational point becomes an inspirational thumbs up.

And with that, Vash the Stampede will march back off to the carts, adamantly denying anyone the right to help him move supplies until they can give him a properly rousing battlecry of LOVE AND PEACE.

One can wonder how or why he suddenly decided he was in charge or maybe guess he's just using it as an excuse to take up the bulk of the workload on his own shoulders but--

--that won't get them perfecting the art of LOVE AND PEACE any faster!!