2017-12-15: The Question of Peace: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: The Question of Peace''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Riesenlied, Character :: Noeline, Character :: Cecilia Adlehyde *'''Where:''' Wayside *'''Date:''' 15th...")
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Latest revision as of 18:51, 16 December 2017

  • Log: The Question of Peace
  • Cast: Riesenlied, Noeline, Cecilia Adlehyde
  • Where: Wayside
  • Date: 15th December 2017
  • Summary: Cecilia visits Wayside in the wake of Riesenlied's declaration.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Wayside is bleeding.

Not literally, thankfully - it isn't as if Berserk and Harken have abruptly shown up to mete out justice in the wake of Riesenlied's speech - but there are certainly less villagers than there were a couple of weeks prior, and the atmosphere of the village is a little more tense than it really ought to be.

Many are still figuring out their own feelings on where to stand between the Guardians and Mother, and every so often there's a determined, indignant yell as another ex-soldier declares their intent to go it alone, and leave Wayside to its 'inevitable' fate.

Noeline watches the latest leave, her face quiet and unreadable as she holds her vigil. She's done this for most of them, apparently considering it only right to see them off - it's the respectable thing to do, and it gives her a little more insight into the feelings that have propped up Wayside thus far, and a general sense of where exactly the schism falls.

Only once the figure has disappeared over the horizon does she trust herself to let out a sigh, tugging hard at one of her tails of hair as she looks back over her shoulder. Wayside might be bleeding, but bit by bit the flow is being staunched, and something like normalcy is slowly returning to the wayward village. It is a normalcy beset by problems and questions, but-- well, that's nothing new for the Tainted.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied is feeling quite weak since the wake of the battle underneath Wayside, at the Wayspring -- it isn't exactly surprising, but it's still horrifying to be exposed and put in distress such to Malevolence and find that it can stymie you completely.

There's a quiet wince as she, however, still seats herself in the middle of that yelling, bowing her head as the soldier turns to leave to say, "I won't be here when the Quarter Knights come! I'm loyal to Mother, damnit...!" with a limp.

Riesenlied looks up towards Noeline as she holds her hand to the other Hyadean's. "... it does not hurt less," she murmurs. "But... it is necessary, before it grows worse."

It would only turn more and more toxic as something avoided, after all.

<Pose Tracker> Cecilia Adlehyde has posed.

Cecilia is, probably, not actually alone. She's supposed to know better than that, at least, and her retinue has proven willing to follow the Princess even on outings they do not particularly understand or agree with.

Regardless, the girl in blue is the only one apparent when she approaches. In one hand she has her staff; on her hip, her case of crests and Mediums. She may not be fishing for a fight, but it would be folly to come to a place like this unprepared.

She sweeps her staff behind her as she approaches the gate, eyes sweeping up to Noeline with a curious tilt of her head.

"That seemed somewhat dramatic," she says, possibly unnecessarily, but with a show of greater camaraderie than she usually affords the duo. "...is the Shaman still welcome within these walls?" +vote: Ida Everstead-Rey has voted for you.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Gently, Noeline takes Riesenlied's hand in hers, and directs the other demon gently towards her. "... it is a shame, more than anything else," she sighs in return, picking a little at her hair for a moment before she shakes her head and offers a quiet hug. "But this situation isn't an easy one to grasp, even for us with all our time in the world outside. I suppose all we can do is offer them a choice, now and in the future as well," she comments gently.

If Noeline's surprised at Cecilia's approach, she doesn't look it; she huffs softly in amusement instead, tilting her head a little in something like greeting but not actually letting go of Riesenlied. "... you will not be harmed within Wayside," she confirms with a light grin. "And I dare say we still welcome all who come in peace. Rather, we should be giving you an apology, I think. If matters had not progressed so quickly and abruptly, we might have had word from the Baskar Elders in time to seal that creature for good. Instead..."

For once, she looks as tired as Riesenlied does; patches of bandages still wrap around her limbs and hands, a sign of the power she channeled through herself and the cost it extracted on her. Abruptly, she shakes her head, discarding whatever she was about to say. "... speaking of which, is the Shaman alright? Are you still able to call upon Schturdark?" she wonders, and furrows her brow. "I-- admit, I don't actually know what the Statues do, in a general sense."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied has a very sorrowful smile as she lends herself into that hug, that misshapen, draconic arm going around Noeline's waist for a moment. "... these people need time, and yet I have not given them time... we have not been given any time--"

She blinks, and has a very soft smile as she says, "... Miss Cecilia." She bows her head gently as she says, "... yes, our position has not changed at all. Wayside is still as it ever will be, a place for those that have been cast aside..."

The village itself is humble, but thriving -- a small ring of caravans around a campfire that's sprawled out around several prefab buildings, most notably the inn at 3 o' clock marked 'V4L-H4LLA' run by a boisterous woman who is a refrigerator on her torso and a pair of binoculars where her eyes used to be, Val of recent Potato Vodka fame... and the Wayside Orphanage, at the 10 o' clock, a pleasant two-storey building around which some Beastchildren are playing.

"... I must apologise in turn, that we have failed to protect the statue that dwells underneath, as Noeline says..." Riesenlied admits in turn. "But, in the wake of everything that has happened-- I have decided to make our position in regards to what happened at the Temple, and with Equites, clear to the rest of our brethren."

<Pose Tracker> Cecilia Adlehyde has posed.

Cecilia gives the duo an inscrutable look for a long few seconds. Their previous meetings have been rather more formal, if only by the presence of people who would probably gut either of them if Cecilia let them have half a chance. seeing them huddled so is...

A moment later she lowers her eyes, her thoughts unspoken, and bows just slightly in thanks. "Then I welcome your hospitality," she says, and steps across the threshold proper. Her eyes sweep across the town - land on the orphanage and again something passes silently across her face.

"I am fine," she says, distracted. "The Statues are anchors for the Guardians' power, but the destruction does not put the Guardian in danger." Her lips quirk and she turns her eyes back to the two...persons. "Any more than it does us, I suppose." She hesitates, then: "Perhaps I should explain further? I was there when Elder Halle spoke of the matter."

As for the rest: "You have no blame for what happened there. That.../thing/..." Her fingers tense against her staff, worried.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Slowly, Noeline puffs out another breath, and nods her head. "... a silver lining, I suppose, if a terribly faint one. I'd understood that the idea of 'killing' the Guardians was untenable - similar to asking if you could kill nature itself - but... well, it is easy to worry these days." She pauses at the offer, and a frown flicks across her face. "We know roughly the situation, just-- from the other end, as it were."

She helps prop Riesenlied up a little, offering her a shoulder in support as she looks towards the waterway in the distance. "As for that /thing/, we have guards posted along the waterway in case we require early warning, and some evacuation plans drawn up. Thus far, that creature hasn't moved - though whether that's because it has guests to focus on for the time being, I can't begin to say. We're going to need to go down there at some point, of course," she sighs, letting out her breath in a rush. "After all, we have someone there we need to retrieve."

A pause, and the Crimson Not-ble watches the way in which Cecilia focuses on the orphanage for a moment. "... as far as Wayside, we have lost some of our number - but those leaving have mostly left peacefully, even if it is out of fear. ... we let them make their own decision on the matter."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

There is a faintly ghostly look on Riesenlied's face as she recalls it, before she murmurs, "... it is beyond what we could have ever imagined when we first surveyed the area. And it has taken Dva, one of us. Even if she did what she did, with that spike of Malevolence..."

She lowers her head. "It is my responsibility still to ensure she is safe, as Noeline says."

She looks at Cecilia for a moment, hesitant... and then-- says, "I... I wanted to ask for your opinion, on a journey I wanted to embark on, regarding the Guardians."

She hesitates... but then says, "When I was at the Guardian Temple... Equites admitted as much that they need eyes and ears into the world. The judgement of my oath with him must be meted such. ... such, that is..."

She sucks in a breath, weakened as she is. "... I want to try to commune with more Guardians. I want to-- deliver news to them. If they have no eyes with which they can see into the world... then should it not follow that we can bring word to them instead? ... I'd rather have a healthy dialogue, and communicate with them... even if-- not everyone of them will share the decision Equites has made."

She has no illusions that there will be more ill-tempered Guardians, after all...

<Pose Tracker> Cecilia Adlehyde has posed.

Cecilia cannot hide a grimace. "In days like these, calling something impossible seems unwise," she murmurs. "Still...it is as you say. so long as Filgaia lives, so too do the Guardians."

Her eyes drift off, trying to catch sight of the entrance to the catacombs. "It has Lily," she whispers. "I owe her so much. I won't let it have her." The notion Lily is even kind of alive at this point is a star of impossible hope, of course. Yet she clings to it still. Her eyes sweep to Riesenlied and her eyes widen. "Even after--surely you don't--!" Her hand shoots up - it's half-conscious but immediately recognizable as her fist balls in her shirt where the Teardrop should hang. She falls quiet and her eyes slice away, her expression troubled. But again, she gives no voice to her thoughts.

At least not until Riesenlied speaks again with her...proposal? Of a sort. "You're speaking to them," she says. Quiet and poised; upright, and though her emotions may be on display, centered. Even the way she assembles her centences is centered. All very royal, in its way. "They certainly seem to be keeping an eye on me, anyway." She tips her head, eyes fixed on Riesenlied, the strange, frail almost-human.

"They are afraid," she says. Direct. "Angry. Understand that. Filgaia is dying. Mother will deal the final blow."

She squares her stance even more, though her stature is short. Her lips come together in concern. "These are facts, in their eyes."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline's smile is tinged with sympathy, at least; she seems too tired to summon up one of her usual grins, especially when Riesenlied talks of wanting to commune with more of the Guardians. Her own worries on the matter are, in a way, opposite to those of Cecilia's - her worry is for Riesenlied herself, and the way in which the first instances of Guardian contact affected and weakened the Hyadean, bringing forth the mutations she's now experiencing...

... and whether they would accelerate them.

On the other hand, her mild smile is the look of someone who is both resigned and proud in equal measure, her eyes closing as she looks down and draws in a slow breath. "All the more reason to let them know that some of us are on their side, perhaps. Our drive might be to learn the truth of the war and the way in which it started, but-- at the same time, we can hardly stand by in the face of Mother's anger, not anymore.

She opens her eyes again, and sucks in a breath. Wayside is a topic she's more comfortable with, at least - the familiar motions of logistics and planning. "We will find her. And Dva, as well, and all the others. If you wish to go down there, you are more than welcome - we have some supplies we can provide for any attempt. Just-- be sure you are ready first, hm?"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

It does not occur to Riesenlied how crass the right people could find the Dragon's Tear when she makes it; but at the same time, the way in which she moves her hand to the gem at her necklet, shimmering ever so softly with the light of emotion, seems so ingrained to her as a tic.

"I know. They approached us out of fear and anger as well. But..." she sucks her breath in. "I want them to know that there /are/ others out there who are willing to listen to them. Support them. Learn the truth of what happened, a thousand years ago. We... owe them at least that much."

She lowers her head, her eyes nearly shutting. "... and... my neglect has not helped prevent any of the things that have transpired. I wished so hard to cling to the image of the Mother that saved our race from destruction... how kind and gentle she must be, nurturing to all. ... even Noeline cautioned me against it."

Riesenlied plants a hand against her face, ever so wearily. "... my faith has caused so much grief ... my apology can only be cold comfort at best."

<Pose Tracker> Cecilia Adlehyde has posed.

People often don't give Cecilia full context, because she hangs out in a bar eating hamburgers all day. For instance, she has essentially no idea anything's wrong.

She listens to them both speak, quietly considering how to reply. Ultimately, when Riesenlied speaks her last, Cecilia expels a clipped, "It is."

...A breath, as something fiery burns her chest. "But you have done what is in your power," she finally appends. "I do not...This..."

She fumbles her words, and finally ejects the bluntest possible reply: "I must kill Mother." Her eyes set. "This planet will not be safe while she lives. That means what we have, your people and mine, is not peace." Her eyes swivel down. "I would not insult us both by calling it such a thing. My party.../I/, will...have no choice, but to kill your kind to save ours. That is no peace."

Her fingers dig into her shirt again, the missing weight of the Teardrop all the heavier for its lack. "But you have tried to create something here. And still you try to build more. I don't..."

She struggles with the words, unable to find completion.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

For a moment, Noeline just watches Cecilia struggle in silence. It's not that she's unsympathetic to the girl's uncertainty and confusion - it's more than she's prepared to be patient, to allow the shaman a chance to work through her thoughts on her own time. Besides, it gives her time to place a hand on Riesenlied's arm, her brow furrowing gently as she tilts her head in recognition of the other woman's worry.

"... we understand," she offers eventually, letting out the words in a quick breath. "And... we have accepted that fact. Mother's anger will drown our kind if it is allowed to continue. Many are willing to revel in that anger, and will probably not be willing to turn from it," she adds solemnly as she looks to Riesenlied for a long moment, before fishing at her hair in a tic of motion. "We would not ask you to stop. All we can do is offer a path for those that are willing to learn - and do our best to prove to the Guardians that path is well-meant."

She pauses.

"--to be honest, I have no rightful idea what 'my kind' is anymore," Noeline finally admits with a huff, turning away to one side. "If it includes - embraces - the likes of Berserk and Alhazred, then I certainly want nothing to do with it. I am an Ebony Wing, and a member of Wayside. That is quite enough for me."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied does take the time to hold Noeline's hand again, as she works through her own fatigue. To say she's drastically changed since their first meeting after the assault on Adlehyde is an understatement, perhaps; the growths on her arm and leg, along with her neck and cheeks are significant, like an encroaching menace that threatens to consume her.

"You already saw some of the discontent just as you came in... you are right. It is not peace that we have, between my brethren and yours... and I do not think Lord Siegfried would stop," Riesenlied murmurs.

"But... yes, I shall not stop. We will help you, in your endeavours. I will journey to commune with the Guardians, with the power that has manifested..."

... the shimmer of photons gently starts to ebb around her, softly, with a faint, soothing feeling carried within them.

"And hopefully... there will be peace in the end. Thank you, Miss Cecilia..."

<Pose Tracker> Cecilia Adlehyde has posed.

"I only wish we could speak," Cecilia says, quietly; almost to herself. Her hand only slowly unballs from her shirt, falling back to her side. "But the Quarter Knights have spoken all they need to." Her voice is sad and small.

She finally shakes her head, nodding at the two Demons' acceptance, even as her eyes find themselves stuck on the duo's joined hands. ...also Riesen is glowing with soul power or something? Her head slowly tips. demons man. In the end, she says, "...I do not know how you can look on those who hate you with such calm in your eyes," again almost to herself. "But perhaps that is what hope looks like."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

With a laugh, Noeline shakes her head. "I wonder about that. Really, if it comes to hateful words - we've heard a great deal worse as of late. From people you promptly spoke up against in our defence, no less," she adds with a rather wry smile. "Uneasy alliances are still alliances - and besides, you came in peace, and we offered it. 'Trust has to start somewhere', as a certain person right next to me might suggest," she adds impishly, nudging Riesenlied gently.

She does at least hesitate afterwards - and clear her throat softly. "... speaking of which ... you should perhaps know that Jack came to see us. Peacefully," she adds quickly, with her eyebrows raised. "To be honest, I am not sure if what he told us was to be held in confidence, and Hanpan did tell us to be careful in how we talked of it, but--... it might be best to let you know."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied has a very quiet, gentle flush, at that teasing. "... it..." she hesitates, as she glances towards Cecilia's soemwhat quietened expression. "It is not as if I am calm inside, but... after so many centuries of being mired in nothing but hate and oppression, we are ready for something different. Something better. Hope, as you say."

She looks to Noeline and... nods gently, as she says, "... we-- managed to have something of a less... heated conversation. ... I am appreciative of it." She thinks back to how she didn't have the courage to say 'thank you'...

There's a tired noise as Riesenlied slumps to one side, and says, "I'd better-- do my physical therapy routine, Noeline, before it gets too late." She quietly rises to her feet as she places her hand on Noeline's, and says, "Please feel free to look around. If you have need of inn services, Val would be able to help you. Be well, Miss Cecilia..."

<Pose Tracker> Cecilia Adlehyde has posed.

"Ida," Cecilia mutters, with a sudden sting in her voice. "She had been traveling with us, off and on. I know she had been tense, but..." Her nose wrinkles. "I'll have no associate of mine speak such hateful things. Only by working together can Filgaia be saved. The Guardians teach us this. ...and I don't even see how this travesty lies at your feet to begin with..."

She looks down. "...other than literally, I suppose," she murmurs, joyless.

Changing topics, she tips her head a bit. "Oh, Jack's been by? And you didn't have to dump him in a watering trough? You're already managing him better than we do, half the time." The tease of a grin suggests that that is in fact a joke. Ah, but...Her eyes find their way from Riesenlied to Noeline. "Did he say something?" she wonders.

The tavern is later. ...not much later, but later.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline seems content to let the topic veer away from the war in specific, or at least dances rather lightly around the topic as she turns towards Wayside, supporting Riesenlied on her shoulder as she leads Cecilia further into the village. "... it's appreciated," she chuckles quietly. "To be absolutely honest, I do not know what happened to her. She held the respect of Wayside for her help at Old Petra, and yet... well. Such is life, perhaps."

With a shake of her head, she huffs softly to herself. "To be fair, we probably owe his peace to Hanpan more than anything else. Still, he asked us about one of the Quarter Knights - Lady Harken. It seems they might have... a lot of unfinished business. And-- it seems like Alhazred may have even more disgrace to answer for than I ever suspected," she adds.

The tone is carefully light, but there's an edge to it; it's all she says for the moment, at least, preferring to keep the air clear.