2018-02-13: Holding Steady: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Holding Steady''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Riesenlied, Character :: Noeline, Character :: Elhaym van Houten, Character :: Maya Schrodinger *'''Where:...")
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Latest revision as of 21:54, 14 February 2018

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

It is a wonderful morning in Wayside, the first rays of the Filgaian seen beyond the horizon of the valley that the village nestles itself around. Riesenlied is frequently seen in these genteel and less busy mornings, in particular to come out and feed her beloved cuccos morning feed as they come out of their roost to roam around their comfortable pen...

Though maybe, just this time, something's gone a little wrong, since the cuccos are squawking and flapping their wings to indicate that trouble is afoot!

Riese's basket of seeds and grains is tipped over, the blonde Hyadean coughing profusely beside where she dropped it...

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

These days, Noeline has dropped much of her 'Crimson Noble' disguise. Hiding in plain sight isn't really a thing now that she's tied herself fully to Wayside and taken up some responsibility for the village and its inhabitants.

She's not willing to totally let it go, however, and the greatest parts of it that remain are the sense of style that it imparts-- and the occasional dislike of the sun. It's not that she isn't a morning person, more that sometimes she's rather willing to let herself laze around.

Which is all to explain how askew she looks when she rushes outside, her hair in a single unbound mass, wearing what appears to be one of Riesenlied's cloaks over a borrowed Fereshte dress. ... presumably it was the easiest thing to throw on in a hurry. "--Riese!" she calls with urgently as she hurries forwards.

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

Elly van Houten had arrived the previous evening and had immediately gone to bed. She is travelling alone and when she does that she feels strange, almost distant from the world itself, and it makes it easy for her to sleep and pass the time away...

... But also means she wakes up easily.

So it is that she has emerged from that inn with the strange-coded name for a walk, only to hear a familiar cough and the flurrious noise of


as she comes round a building. "Oh! - Oh!" she says, seeing the vectoring in of Noeline as well. "Are you alright?" she calls ahead - the sight of Riesenlied makes her stomach tighten for a moment, but, she tells herself, it's a maybe, not a - a -

She takes a pause to detour around a cucco that is otherwise just hanging out.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied is coughing rather profusely, looking like her stomach or something in her torso has seized up and is causing her considerable pain; she's got her misshapen arm covering her mouth as she looks up towards Noeline, gasping for air to murmur, "I--I am all right... I'm all right..."

A cucco flutters nearby, as if it's beckoning for Elly to go nearer. Please help!, it seems to say.

"M-Miss Elly...?" she asks, as she clutches a little closer to her side where there's a bit of bleeding, perhaps from a reopened wound...?

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

The spy clearly doesn't ... really... believe Riesenlied; at the very least, her mouth is kept in a thin and worried line as she cradles Riesenlied against her, her teeth set on edge as she watches and does her best to be a source of support. "... rest easy," she mutters for a moment. "Don't try to get up."

She pauses at Elly's approach, then looks up with a huff of air. "... our apologies, for greeting you in this sort of state," she notes rather wryly.

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

The fluttering cucco is crouched near as she comes closer. "Oh - oh goodness," she says, squatting low and, if neccessary, scooping the cucco up to tuck under her arm and calm it with petting. "I - I'm trying not to apologize so much, but please, don't think anything of it. Are you alright? I see you had a fall..."

The blood, she thinks.

"Just try to relax, I'll help you," she continues. "Did you have a cut there...?"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied blinks just a little as she realises her vision is blurring, the images she's seeing stirring just a little. Riese's blood is just... red, like any human's would be -- not a milky-white like the quicksilver blood of other Hyadeans. The Redblood, some call her as a pejorative. She scoots just a little bit further into Noeline.

"I was... shot there... in El Pazzo..." Riesenlied finally cottons on, wincing. "I must have aggravated it, but I was only out to feed the cuccos...?" as if to try to convince Noeline she's not doing anything to strain herself.

The cucco does calm down under Elly's auspice, enjoying pets quite a lot...

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

"Shh--... rest a little," Noeline stresses again, keeping her voice gentle as she carefully draws a hand through the blonde's hair - though she does at least let out an amused kind of huff. "People who are shot normally need a few weeks to recover, not a few days - let alone a few days spent running around doing everything they can." At least her tone is light, even if she's holding it there on purpose.

It takes her a moment, but then she looks back up to the human next to them, her eyebrows raised. "Forgive me, Miss van Houten, but-- if you are reasonably versed in first aid, we could use your help. I am not terribly good at winding a decent bandage, I'm afraid," she adds with just a touch in the way of sheepishness.

Somehow, her tone of voice seems almost odd coming from someone who looks so much smaller without her usual clothes.

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

Elly pets the cucco again. She moves forwards. "Oh, god," she breathes.

She briefly considers stanching the wound with the cucco. No, she thinks, that would be bad. "I have something - um - Ma'am," this to Noeline, "can you pull it up, actually? I do, hold on, let me fish it out of my purse. I do have a kind of stick on pad."

The cucco is gently placed on the ground. To Riesenlied, Elly says, "Do you have trouble, with... clotting? And yes, it's true, even with magical aid you still don't want to aggravate the wound...!"

"This was, um," Elly continues as the pad comes out. "This was the... the statue, right? Not another...?"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"... I do..." Riesenlied answers hesitantly, as if she doesn't want to admit it and is a bit ashamed of it. "My wounds tend to not heal well." She does at the very least try to help out as she shifts to one side and parts her capelet aside, to reveal the sleeveless gown that she has underneath. It's not too hard to pull the fabric aside to reveal the bandaged wound, which is soaked and probably not terribly useful at present and should be removed in favour of superior options!

"Yes... I had to face a..." A pause. "A friend, there." She hesitates further. "I'm sorry I wasn't of more help."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Carefully, Noeline shifts her position behind Riesenlied; she leans back a little and then slides away, creating enough space to bring the other woman back with her in a slow movement that watches out for any signs of pain or spasming. By the end of it, Riese's head is squarely in Noeline's lap, the spy brushing through her hair as she helps keep the fabric out of the way.

"I dare say there wasn't a great deal to be done there," she huffs softly, and leans down to place a kiss on Riese's forehead as if to shush her. "Besides, I doubt Miss Elly would be here today if she were terribly upset," she chuckles as she looks up. "As I understand it, you're quite the regular customer at Val's."

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

"... You - I -"

Elly stumbles as Noeline gets things in position. Elly unwraps whatever-it-is; it looks like a rectangular gauze pad with rounded edges. She reaches over to start unwinding the bandaging, tsking to herself softly. "I should wash this... I don't have anything... Is there a well pump for the cuccos, nearby?" Is it a good thing to rinse off blood where the cuccos can feed upon it? Well, Elly isn't thinking about that yet.

"Riesenlied... I -" Then she's interrupted again! "W-well," she tells Noeline, "It is more comfortable than the usual inns, and you have a nice place here... it's not filthy, the food isn't funny-tasting..."

It's possible, of course, t hat it's just a little bit more like her -Home- than the average. But perhaps it's also good company.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied looks towards a little running stream moving not that far away, as a source of irrigation down from where the water purifier is uphill; as if on prompt, the cucco that's been receiving pets from Elly hurries away--

--and reappears a moment later, fluttering with effort as it returns with a little bucket of water. Cucco is working really hard!

"Val is really passionate about hospitality... she has an odd sense of humour, but she really has a golden heart," she speaks of the odd Hyadean lady with a refrigerator for a torso and binoculars for eyes. She winces quietly as they rinse the blood off and apply the pad in turn, exhaling softly. "Thank you... I'm sorry to trouble you."

Elly and Noeline spot an adorable two peeking from around the corner, with Mikaia whispering, "Is mommy going to be okay...?" "Shush!"

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline might be the first to admit she's not much of a doctor, nor even a nurse when you compare her to one of Maya's forms, but she can at least be something in the way of support - or at least a lap pillow. She cradles Riesenlied's head, soothing her with a hand in her hair as she chuckles. "... and tough, of course. I'm reasonably certain she could throw me out of her bar if she ever really wanted to," she comments with a wryly amused smile--

--before glancing a little to one side, ever so slightly. "We have company, by the way," she adds, chuckling. "I fear that if we let them watch, they might confine you for another day of rest."

Noeline being Noeline, she only lets an instant pass before deciding that might be for the best anyway. "--you two? It's alright. I think Riese could use a hug," she adds, the magic Mikaia words.

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

"One of these days, really, you'll have to take up those doctor's orders to rest.", says someone from out of earshot. Their portrait on the bottom of the screen is tellingly shadowed and their name reads ? ? ?.

To Elly:

An unfamiliar lady with long blonde hair worn in a high ponytail is carrying a metal briefcase as she strides into the room like she belongs there. A sizable scabbard is at her waist, and below the shoulder she is wearing cadmium-red armor plate. Unfeasible and unrealistic, compared to real-ass medieval knights, but anime is real and it's on display here.

To Noeline and Riesenlied:

Maya is still wearing her prototype knight form, whatever that experiment might be, and is carrying some much-needed medical tools from Goodness-knows where. They look pristine, and modern, which raises the question of whomst've the heck she boosted them from.

Regardless of your take on the sitch, she has one hand on her hips as she flomps the briefcase on an empty chair and pauses only now to survey the contents of the meeting. She's just barged in on Riesenlied and Noeline's guest, and the dawning realization this is rude has hit her.

"Oh. Sorry, I should've knocked. My apologies."

This very courteous storybook knight dusts her surcoat off and bows in greeting to the ginger lady she's unfamiliar with.

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

Elly is momentarily taken aback at the cucco and its water-fetching. She gives Riesenlied a wondering look afterwards. Either way, she has little time to talk. The wound of Riesenlied's is gently laved with palmfuls of water, and then -


Elly looks up at them, startled. Then she smiles. "Yes," she says. "She was just working too hard and banged her wound, that's all. It's a little scary, isn't it? But I bet you've had things like that happen to you."

She nods once, at Noeline's hugstachio prescription. To Riesenlied she says quietly, "I can leave you with another of these pads but I don't have many. Please take care, alright?" And then the absorbant ovoid shape of some white material with faint tackiness around the edges is pressed to her injury.


Elly looks up, blinking several times. Her eyebrows lift slightly, and she says to Maya with a cheer in her tone that's only a little pushed, "Are you the new doctor, then...? Perhaps she'll listen to you." (After this Elly's gaze rests on the cucco with the water bucket on its resume now.)

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"... yeah..." Mikaia nods a few times, moving a little closer to Elly with a bashful little smile. She's holding the little flute that she bought with the redhead with her. "We wanted mom to take it easy and rest..."

Janey is a bit more spunky, rubbing her nose to go, "Don't make us put you under house arrest again!" as Riese bashfully moves towards Noeline's lap to murmur, "I... I don't mean to worry you all--" she winces a little, looking at Elly. "It's okay. I'll make extra sure to pay attention to it, and get some more supplies from Jacqueline next time the CaraKin comes into the village..."

She can't help but smile just a little as she gestures to say, "This is Maya, who's working with us. Though, how did you come across that book, Miss Maya...?" She seems terribly curious about the outfit.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline's response to Maya's swanning in is an amused and rather thankful snort; she glances at the rather upmarket medical supplies for a moment, but evidently knows when to keep her mouth shut and just let the class-changing girl get to work. At least she chuckles, shaking her head to Elly after a moment.

"This would be Maya Schrodinger - we have the priviledge of counting her amongst our allies. Frankly, she's been invaluable as a jack of all trades," she hums to herself. "Miss Schrodinger, this is Elly van Houten, a member of--" she pauses, and frowns when she realizes: "... to be honest, I am not sure if you're on Bart's crew or just Fei's partner."

She leans forward ever so slightly, as if to shield Riesenlied from the kids leaping straight onto her. "Haaah... well, I did force her to get a long rest a couple of nights ago," she relays to the more outgoing of the pair, her grin rather bright. "I suppose it wasn't enough?"

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

Unfamiliar Elhaym is hopeful that Maya is a medical professional capable of making Riesenlied actually listen to orders that she rest. If only that were the case, we would have the most powerful force on our side.

"I know a thing or two about medicine from my studies, and these two have taught me how to at least help them out when they're wounded." the lady knight explains politely, wearing a smile best described as 'quirky' given the gravity of the situation. "I suppose out here, that's as good as a yes."

The briefcase opens, revealing the contents of a fairly modern-day first-aid kit. Not all of that applies to Hyadean physiology, but it's better than handkerchiefs and prayers.

Holding steady... not bad.

"How long've I been working with you two, now? Nevermind the little gap I took to help Ms. Maxwell." Maya dextrously plucks out some additional forceps and much sturdier rolls of gauze. Maybe Hyadean disenfectant is like, paint stripper.

Regardless, Noeline finishes the introduction both ways. Maya pauses to bow her head again, Elly's way. "Ms. Van Houten, my pleasure. If only we could meet under more pleasant circumstances. I am charmed to call Fei a colleague, at the least, and any company of his is as welcome as he is."

Scissors snip open a length of gauze. Maya must pause to answer Riesenlied, or risk being rude. "In truth, it isn't one book, but many. That's why it's been difficult to coherently store and project this one." the woman answers truthfuly, as abstract as it would sound to the unlearned. "It's useful as a disguise, but doesn't have the firepower of my guns or sorcery. Still--give it time."

==== <Entertainment> Jacqueline Barber says, "I think I just broke the time-space continuum in Berseria. I found an attachment based on a character who doesn't exist yet..." Noeline has connected. [WATCH] Noeline has connected.

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

"You should arrest her, definitely," Elly tells Janey and Mikaia with a nod. "She's breaking the rules... aren't you?" she says to Riesenlied, but gently. She doesn't get any further away, even as she wonders: Book? What's a book have to do with anything?

Noeline introduces Maya. "I'm pleased to meet you," she says to Maya, before faltering at what Noeline said, her face coloring. "Ah - ah, well," she says, "I suppose I work for a clipping service? That's probably the best way to put it." She smiles then, before Maya speaks.

Thank God! "I suppose it is," she tells Maya. "Country doctors have it rough, don't they?

She scootches over a little - to herself she wonders, so just how many colleagues does Fei have? - even as Maya moves to bind the wound. "What do you mean, project? Books aren't film... is it some kind of a technique?" she asks, since Elly /does/ have pattern recognition.

She seems to be paying very close attention to Maya as she asks. Why?

SIX YEARS AGO: "Happy birthday, Elly. I know your school friends didn't want to come by - but we got you this. All ten books, fully projectable... It's the interactive mode, too. Have fun!"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied just looks a little bit shy as she lowers her head at Elly's gentle admonishment. She nods in turn, even as Mikaia smiles and goes, "Don't worry about a thing -- I'll feed the cuccos, you know I've been getting good at that!" Janey cackles and says, hands to her waist, "And with my power of Lord of Calamity, I'll take care of -all- of Wayside's enemies! Fue-he-heee!"

Riesenlied can't help but bob her head and smile delicately, before looking at Maya to say, "Yes, her many skills have truly come in quite useful... and-- Miss Elly has helped us on many an occasion too, and I am happy to lend her my aid in turn."

She doesn't quite know where Elly comes from... but she doesn't really see a need to question her, either.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

"Ever since we came out here, I suppose, and perhaps even a little earlier still," Noeline shoots back to Maya with a lopsided smile; it's equal parts thankful as well, at least, and she huffs out a relieved breath as the blonde gets to work on the other one, taking care to keep Riesenlied's gown out of the way of the proceedings. One hitch from the demon prompts the spy to lean down a little closer, hunkering over the Tainted leader in concern.

Rather than give away Maya's secrets for her, Noeline grins brightly instead, showing her fangs for a moment as she snickers. "I see! ... well, you certainly seem to be doing him a world of good. He seems a little less worried about the world these days, perhaps," she vouches brightly, her eyes lit up in amusement.

The tension is flowing out of her a little, it seems - she glances over at Janey with a raise of her eyebrows. "Is that so. You'd have to defeat me first, you know, even sat here looking after Riesemama."

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

Maya returns Riesenlied's glance as the frail woman sings her praises, and Elly's in turn. "No doubt." she seems pleased at the fact the flame-haired lady has been a boon to Wayside as well. It puts her at ease. "That's about how it goes. Oddballs, cast-offs, and strangers all find their way here..." there's some additional wrapping of Riesenlied's other wounds, since we have fresh supplies now. Very helpful stuff. "And we all fit in, one way or another."

Noeline graciously doesn't speak of the blonde's abilities for her, which is handy. They speak of how they met, of sorts. "It was rocky for a time, after Adlehyde, but you worked hard to set things right. Your actions spoke loudly of your sincerity." on that, they seem to agree.

But Elly, ah, she's got the challenge. Trying to decipher what in the Sam Hell the Maya lady is on about. "Hmm." is the ominous rumble of a reply, though a spark of amusement plays in one of those sapphire eyes. "How do I explain it, when I myself don't quite know. Books are information--correct, that they aren't films--and that information can be projected onto a surface if you know how."

Someone's bravely giving up the game, because holding onto secrets forever is actually kind of lame and boring. "It's curious, and I couldn't tell you how it works, but it does. Kindly don't repeat it in too many places, mind you." Maya adds with a smile, waggling a gauntleted finger Elly's way. "Lest my mystique fall by the wayside as just another freak with an oddball gift."

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

"What do they enjoy eating? I didn't grow up this close to the land," Elly asks Mikaia even as Janey declares her power of calamity.

Elly recoils, politely.

Her eyes drift to the ground and her expression grows more solemn as Noeline speaks about 'Riese-mama.' Something about this - all of this - she knows it's anguished other people. But something... What is it? It's not that it's the same, but it's familiar, a sort of melancholy.

Back to Maya. "... I promise I won't," she says, which should be easy, Elly thinks, because I don't understand it. "Can you do it with any book, or only certain kinds...?"

"And please don't fall by the Wayside," she adds. Riesenlied gets a pat. Elly doesn't finish the gag, perhaps confident that one of the children will get it. (Elly is always obscurely proud when she gets wordplay off in -Lamb-, though, of course, sometimes only she gets it.)

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"The cuccos? All kinds of things, really, but I think mom's mix of cereal grains and seeds have been a hit!" Mikaia giggles, tilting her head. "Which is great, because we can't really get corn out here..." Janey puts her hands behind her back, and grins to say to Noeline, "Oh, but isn't the trick that Riese-mama is just going to defeat you with her ~power of love~? The Lord of Calamity doesn't need to do a thing!"

Riesenlied does-- nod gently as she says, "You would never, Miss Maya. We do not leave anyone behind here... everyone should feel respected and welcome here." S-so serious, always! Even as Elly pats her, which prompts a very light blush from her. "Thank you..."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

With an amused snort, Noeline reaches over to-- flick Janey in the forehead. It's not strong - she's not about to do that to the kid, after all - but it's enough for her to grin toothily. "Uh-huh. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure I can still bench press you if required." It's remarkably blunt for Noeline, and simply-said, but perhaps that's just how she is around the children.

Maya's compliment sends her nodding quietly, a respectful motion; she lets out a long breath despite that, ending in a rather humourless chuckle. "If only everyone else felt the same-- but there's no point in worrying about what-ifs at this point, I dare say. We have friends and allies, and I am happy enough with that."

"--we shall certainly do our best," she adds to Elly's final statement, with rather a lot of relish. "Believe me, we are all survivors here in some way or another. ... but, thank you."

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

Success. If you, yourself, don't know how it works, nobody else can tell your secrets!

"The better I know the source material, the better it works." Maya admits, because that's the damn truth. She cranes her head to one side so Elly can give Riesenlied a pat on the head, the universal sign of acceptance, and finishes her bandaging work. Someday, she'll write a book about a potion berry that works on Metal Demons and then become the ultimate healer for the Tainted. "Doesn't even need to be non-fiction, you know. Isn't that weird?"

Her initial work done, and not having yet decided on what else from the medical supplies she can make use of, Maya snorts bemusedly at Riese's propensity for being too darn serious. "It's a figure of speech! I know you're not about to ditch me for being some kind of blasphemous book-wizard."

The knight cosplayer returns both hands to her hips as she stands. It should be like 105 in that damn armour, but maybe it comes with magical air-conditioning. They never worry about it in the stories, so she doesn't have to, either. "Wish I'd known we had a guest, I could've brought a slushie or something fitting this weather. Yeech."

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

"Why is that?" Elly asks Mikaia, with curiosity. She also asks Riese gently, "Do you want a hand up? If you want, we can carry you somewhere, like a real, um, lord of calamity."

Would the cuccos do it? Elly wonders.

She smiles at Noeline as she mentions the bench press. Back to Maya, though. "No, no - Don't worry about it. I was going to say hello to Riesenlied before I left, but I was just passing through, since I like your inn better than most."


We can't even show it. It'd give your computer roaches.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied looks particularly bashful as she says, "N-no, I think I can..." a pause as she shifts up-- and then Mikaia balks very gently, "No no! Noemama should carry you back to bed...!" and that's /final/! Mikaia seems to have influence over Riese, because she shyly bows her head and nods gently.

Janey sticks her tongue out to say, "Who says being Lord of Calamity is all about muscle?! I can be the kind of-- getting in your head type, like Riesemomma is!"

Riese does shyly smile towards Maya to say, "I know, but it... it feels like I should say it still." She pats at the side of Maya's armor for a moment. "We do have something cool in the Crest box inside, if you'd like?" She does tilt at her head to ask, "Oh, where are you off to next, miss Elly?"

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

This cool swordlady schtick, God. What would Virginia say? (Nothing, her eyes replaced with hearts as she swoons.)

"Well, so long as you're comfortable. Hate to see one of our guests be anything but." Maya cranes her head to one side and bats at one of her sidelocks, all casually pleasant. Elly's VIP status: secured.

More to the point, Riese bats at that red platemail, and its wearer chuckles ruefully. "I'll help myself. Something for the kids, too?" she gives a lighthearted salute and stalks off in the direction of the Magitek Fridge.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

With a bright laugh, Noeline carefully extracts herself from underneath Riesenlied, hooking both arms underneath the demon to carefully hoist her up into her arms. The motion is easy enough, given her strength, so the only problem is making sure she doesn't aggravate any of Riesenlied's wounds.

"... of course," she bows to Mikaia for good measure, making something of a show of it - but she huffs at Janey the next moment. "Well. I'll leave things in the village here to you and Maya for the time being, hm?"

"Miss Elly - should you see Fei, please let him know we're still alive and well, relatively speaking. I'm not honestly sure if it will set him at ease or worry him further, but it probably doesn't hurt to get the word out."

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

"I'd love it, whatever it is," Elly says with a smile.

Back to Mikaia, she says, "You're really managing things around here... Are you still playing the flute, lately?" She nods along with Janey's plan to use her head to be a Lord of Calamity,

After this she looks to Noeline. Then she blinks.

"... I certainly will, but... er, if you don't have somewhere to be... Can I ask what prompted that request?"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied tilts her head and speaks, honestly, "We had to go to Krosse a few days ago to save some of the former villagers who'd been detained at the border... Mister Fei was there to help us too, but we-- ah, had to separate to remain scarce after our escape..." She bobs her head to speak, "But I always appreciate his assistance, it probably could've gotten much worse..."

Mikaia looks really happy to be complimented of running things around Wayside! Maybe the orphanage, but... "Uh huh! I've been studying hard -- did you know mom got a flute too? It can summon cuccos..."

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

With no respect for pose orders (witness MY POWER) the woman with the big scabbard and big armor returns, inexplicably, with a slushie in each hand. She passes one to Mikaia and Janey, and bites the straw on the other one for herself.

"Oh, if you want to head out and snoop around, I'll hold the fort here." Maya seems fine with Noeline's idea. She glances at Riesenlied for confirmation of her role as patient. Again. A nurse's cap threateningly materializes on top of her head, and then disappears again like a mirage retreating into the distance.

More to the point, people are talking about Krosse. The city where things are fucked up really bad. "Fei got us inside, and kept up with the running scrap we got into." Maya explains for Elly's benefit, because to be frank, she probably deserves to know what kind of mischief the ponytailed champion of RPS is up to as of late.

"He's a good sort. I know he's probably fine, so yes--give him our thanks the next time you see him."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline pauses, and lets out a laugh as she shakes her head. Her smile is quiet and amused. "No, no-- feel free to do whatever you'd wish, and I'm certainly not about to take Riese anywhere except back up to her bed to try to rest a while. I suppose I just-- hm," she wonders for a moment, tilting her head slightly.

"--it seemed the sort of news he might appreciate a little, I suppose, and nothing more than that," she decides after a moment. "He does have rather a tendency to worry, after all, and we have certainly all gone through rather a lot as of late," she adds, tilting her head lightly towards Maya's explanation of Krosse.

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

"I promise I will," Elly tells Noeline with a faint smile. "I just hope that he'll take some time to rest, but... he's very driven, I suppose."

Back to Maya, even as the slushies are returned. "It sounds like quite an adventure. I'm sorry that it came to such an end that you'd be worried he would think you were dead."

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

Elly also looks at Mikaia suddenly, as if she'd parsed what the girl said fully. "-- You mean she trained the cuccos to come when she plays?"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"Yeah! The cuccos were so happy that they made a ring and a big cucco came down from the sun and gifted her with a magical cucco flute!" Mikaia beams and expresses a story of such ridiculous nature it couldn't... be... true, could it? Riesenlied has a quietly bashful look, though she's starting to slump a little against Noeline's side, a bit heady and unaware.

Janey slurps from her slushie with an 'mm!' to go, "Thanks Ma-ya! Also yeah, cuccos love Riesemomma! I don't know how she does it, they just wanna peck my eyes out when I try!"

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

Maya scratches her neck, glancing towards the ceiling as she thinks on her words. Maybe they overstated how drastic their fate must have looked to Fei. Hmm.

"Oh, that's how those things tend to go." Maya waves away Elly's worry with a suavely cheeky smile. "You could come with us sometime, if you want. It's dangerous, but," she glances out the window to the unfriendly Filgaian sun, and thinks of the time Id and Lady Harken tore up their /last/ makeshift town trying to beat each other to death. "I guess most things of worth are."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Coincidentally, as Riesenlied slowly slumps against her, Noeline holds her all the tighter, humming softly to herself. "As Maya said-- that's how these things go. We've come a long way since Adlehyde, but we're getting there," she chuckles in response, and then slightly bows. "I should take this one up to rest a little, I suspect. Thank you for your assistance - if you're still around when she wakes, I'll be the first to find you and let you know, of course," she adds with a lighter laugh than some of her others.