2018-10-27: Amongst Enemies: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Amongst Enemies''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Josephine Lovelace, Character :: Pearl, Character :: Jean, Character :: Lemina Ausa *'''Where:''' Stone F...")
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Revision as of 07:39, 27 October 2018

=======================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season *>========================
=======================<* CHALLENGE - A Storm's Coming *>=======================
|Type: Entry       |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 The stone spires of the Stone Forest lift their heads towards the skies as    
 ever, though the heavens that greet them are not so clear and blue. Dark      
 clouds have gathered, dulling the sparkle of the crystalline pillars within   
 the landscape. The long-awaited wastelands rainy period has finally arrived.  
 Though, just for the moment, the rains have yet to fall. Ahead of you are a   
 multitude of possible natural openings into the canyons and twisting paths    
 between the pillars of the Stone Forest -- it's just a matter of working out  
 which one might be the safest, quickest, most fruitful route for an explorer  
 crew to take.                                                                 
 Thunder rolls overhead. Raindrops start to patter down.                       
 Hope you brought an umbrella.                                                 
=Dungeon Conditions: Reckless, Secret=========================================
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

    There are rumors that circulate about the section of landscape out west known as the Stone Forest. According to some stories, this used to be a holy site for the Baskar, perhaps a hundred or more years ago. According to others, it's possible that relics and remnants of the Baskar worship may still lie within.
    And according to others yet, getting a few good-sized good-quality chunks of the crystals would probably see a Drifter hard on their luck set for at least a few weeks if not longer.

    Of course, according to the rumors, the site's also due for a drenching as the rainy season approaches. Maybe the rains might loosen something up.

    Josie's game for trying.

    For now leaving her current project behind, she'd gathered a few likely-looking sorts -- some familiar, some less so -- and set off for the Stone Forest. Maybe a particularly clear crystal would be just what the doctor ordered for her under-construction ARM?

    "Looks like rain," she comments, glancing up at the sky. The patter of the initial drops mere minutes later only gives truth to that observation.

    "So, hmm... I haven't been here before," the archaeologist comments, tilting her head to one side as she regards the multitude of path options before them.

    She glances over at the bird on her shoulder.

    "Well, Penelope?"

    Penelope preens, as if she hadn't heard that.

    With a sigh, Josie plucks the bird from her perch and casts her up into the air with a gentle toss; the pigeon takes flight immediately, winging off towards one entryway in particular.

    Josie watches her go.

    "...So, probably not that one. I think I made her grumpy," she comments, hand on her hip.
    Somewhere, Penelope stares beadily from a new, high perch.

<Pose Tracker> Pearl has posed.

    This had been an unlikely situation for Pearl. She had been given the task of recruiting drifters for the war to come with the Metal Demons. While a few suitable options had turned up in response to the guard's posters, there were still too little. As such, the martial artist had decided that the best approach would be to pose as a drifter herself to find some suitable combatants.

    That's how she ended up here, absolutely not dressed for rain, scars on display and wearing her claws. There's also an extremely tense atmosphere between herself and at least one other drifter. She had already given her name to Josephine when she was recruiting, and it would have drawn too much suspicion to leave when they'd arrived at the entrance. As it is, Pearl has one eye over her shoulder, if not obviously, when the group fully arrives. Still, perhaps enough time has passed she won't be recognised. It's a vain point.

    "So we're not to trust the bird, then?" Pearl asks, a little bit put off by the technique. But it's not like she can contribute much else herself, looking at the paths ahead, and cautiously testing one before pulling back.

DG: Pearl has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward her party's challenge, A Storm's Coming.
<Pose Tracker> Jean has posed.

Life on Filgaia... is both cheap and very expensive. Cheap because it seems half of everyone in the wastelands is ready to kill each other at the drop of a hat. Expensive because... Well, anything's expensive when you're used to not having to deal with money directly. The life of the dancer...

But that's not the only reason Jean has some interest in this place; the rumors about it might dig up something helpful. ...And besides, an outing with Josie couldn't be all that bad. ...And then, as it turns out, someone else coming...

It's not exactly likely for her, either. But she hasn't said a thing to imply she recognizes Pearl to anyone else; really, Pearl may be the only one to realize she does, if even she believes it over the questions she might have. But now, gathered here...

Jean looks up thoughtfully at the sky. She's dressed unusually for Filgaia; a draping top with wide sleeves, belted at the waist and hanging down to mid-thigh, long loose pants, simple shoes. But the cut is nice, and she has gold hoop earrings, her hair up in a side tail. ...And of course, she has a bag of her things.

After a moment, Jean lifts a hand, running it about her hairpin thoughtfully.

...The rain doesn't seem to be getting to her very much at the moment.

"You must've made her pretty mad," Jean comments to Josie. "But looking..." She considers.

"That way seems to be higher ground--we'll want that in the rain.

DG: Jean has used her Tool Bejeweled Hairpin toward her party's challenge, A Storm's Coming.
<Pose Tracker> Lemina Ausa has posed.

Jean isn't the only one from their merry little band of heretics making her way to the Stone Forest! Lemina's not far behind, bringing her characteristically sunny disposition to Jean's upcoming adventure. She's followed Jean's lead on Pearl, at least, though she has a much weaker poker face than Jean does; she's been a little noticeably uncomfortable the whole trip.

On the other hand, the promise of potential money has her excited enough that she can put it mostly out of her head and focus on moving forward. "... I think the high ground is a good idea... if anyone starts falling, I'll have plenty of time to make them a slide!" Lemina feels extremely smart about this.

So smart, in fact, that she pops her glasses on with a big grin.

(For the record, Lemina is dressed as she usually is. As much as she likes clothes, she *also* likes to be loudly Herself at everything and hasn't yet found a Filgaian outfit that meets her exacting standards.)

DG: Lemina Ausa has used her Tool Reading Glasses toward her party's challenge, A Storm's Coming.
=======================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season *>========================
=======================<* CHALLENGE - A Storm's Coming *>=======================
|Type: Entry       |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 The stone spires of the Stone Forest lift their heads towards the skies as    
 ever, though the heavens that greet them are not so clear and blue. Dark      
 clouds have gathered, dulling the sparkle of the crystalline pillars within   
 the landscape. The long-awaited wastelands rainy period has finally arrived.  
 Though, just for the moment, the rains have yet to fall. Ahead of you are a   
 multitude of possible natural openings into the canyons and twisting paths    
 between the pillars of the Stone Forest -- it's just a matter of working out  
 which one might be the safest, quickest, most fruitful route for an explorer  
 crew to take.                                                                 
 Thunder rolls overhead. Raindrops start to patter down.                       
 Hope you brought an umbrella.                                                 
=Dungeon Conditions: Reckless, Secret=========================================
==================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season - Round 1 *>===================
=========================< Results - A Storm's Coming >=========================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Josephine Lovelace                  0 --(15)--> 15                 Pass
Penelope                            3   Wits    Effects: Resilient and Liabili
Lemina Ausa                         0 --(20)--> 20                 Fail
Reading Glasses                     2   Wits    Effects: Resilient            
Pearl                               0 --(20)--> 20                 Fail
Investigate                         0   Wits    Effects: BASIC                
Jean                                0 --(20)--> 20                 Fail
Bejeweled Hairpin                   2   Wits    Effects: Cleanse and Efficient
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Josephine Lovelace          0 --(5)--> 5                   Fail
Conditions: Reckless(2)|Secret(2)
Effects: Cleanse|Resilient(1)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Josephine Lovelace has failed this challenge! The party gained 5 exploration! If anyone needs to
use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Pearl has drawn a new Challenge.
=======================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season *>========================
=====================<* CHALLENGE - Struck By Lightning *>======================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 This is no mere downpour. This is a thunderstorm! Which, as it does,          
 involves crackling spears of lightning come raining down from on high.        
 Largely they strike stone -- the pillars being a more tempting target -- but  
 here, in a more open gap than most between the pillars...                     
 The hair on the back of your neck is standing on end. You may wish to move    
 away from here, effective immediately.                                        
=Dungeon Conditions: Hesitate, Slow===========================================
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

    Rest assured, Pearl's unease hasn't gone unnoticed... though Josie has yet to have commented upon it.

    She's more curious about what could be behind it, opting for now to watch Pearl on the sly.
    And the others, at that.

    "She's in a mood again," Josie says, with a wave of her hand. "When she gets like that, she's likely to pick the worst path just to spite me. Honestly, I shouldn't have even bothered asking her her thoughts." She sighs, shrugging.


    Josie herself glances among the girls.

    "Higher ground? So you think that one?" She glances between Lemina and Jean.

    Nothing appears to be lying in wait as far as Pearl can tell.

    "Well, seems like a plan! Let's get going before we get soaked just waiting out here."

    And... they're off?!

    Penelope remains waiting in her perch, a small crevice of rock that shelters her from the storm.

    Through the opening below her chosen spot traces out an easy path, off into the pillar canyon of the Stone Forest...
    Sheltered from the storm a distance by a choice tilted pillar.

<Pose Tracker> Pearl has posed.

    The path ahead is rainsoaked and slow, but the group progress nonetheless as they head into an opening. The storm, for it's part, continues to worsen, adding flashes of sheet lightning to the mix, then full on lightning strikes crashing into the pillars. Thunder echoes through the canyons, an ominous sign of what's to come. "I don't think it will be needed." Pearl replies to Lemina's comment about slides. She doesn't really risk speaking to Jean at all yet.

    Pearl, against her better judgement, is on point as they enter the clearing, the lightning getting worse as they get closer. It's only a half second of warning before Pearl reacts, jumping back from lightning hitting the ground just ahead of her, and potentially bumping those behind her.

    "We can't afford to stand still." Pearl says, surprisingly calmly, before leaping forward, aiming to rush through the canyon hoping the taller pillars act as lightning rods.

    At least they don't have to stick around dodging 200 of the things.

DG: Pearl has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Struck By Lightning.
<Pose Tracker> Jean has posed.

Jean's poker face is great! ...And, to be honest, has actually been used in poker, unlike many. Pity Ronfar's not around to play cards with. But she's at least tried to be quietly reassuring to Lemina, anyway, and now? "Ooh, a slide," she answers. "Maybe I should arrange to fall after all..."

But a glance to Josie again, with a 'hmm.' "...That's..." Pause. "That's some relationship with a bird," she ventures, instead shrugging. "Sure, it can't hurt to get moving." Unaware of what just happened, she walks along after, taking up the rear--but--


...She can't be surprised that Pearl is quick, obviously. She frowns towards the sky. "...She's right. Better to stay moving than to worry about being too careful," she answers, and pulls a small stone from her things, focusing on it thoughtfully. The brilliant crest on its carved surface catches some of the rain--

And Jean is even faster than she was before, leaping from cover to cover with unreasonable grace. ...She may end up dodging a lot. "Just go with it!"

...On the other hand, she's offering a pretty good path to follow?

DG: Jean has used her Tool Gale Crest toward her party's challenge, Struck By Lightning.
<Pose Tracker> Lemina Ausa has posed.

"... I wouldn't keep hanging out witn an animal that kept trying to send me into dangerous situations as a..." Lemina pauses thoughtfully after that one, then settles for, "... okay, actually, no, that one's fine! Moving right along!" Another pause, then: "Really slowly!"

As lightning strikes, Lemina finds herself getting *keenly* nervous. Despite her short stature, she's often carrying an umbrella or a staff, and as a result often a high, conductive point for electricity to strike. She carefully rotates the staff at her back to be much less of a lightning rod...

... and after a moment, changes shoes. It's a little gross to change shoes during a thunderstorm, but that's life! At the very least, it *does* make her quite fast.

DG: Lemina Ausa has used her Tool Chiro Sandals toward her party's challenge, Struck By Lightning.
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

    "I raised her from a hatchling," Josie says, as if this is just a natural relationship to have. "Trust me, she just gets on like that sometimes. She'll come out of it, sooner or later." She cracks a grin. "I suppose you could think of her as my troublesome teenage daughter?"

    It's onwards into the canyon from there, as the rainstorm begins to grow fierce.

    "Really coming down now!" she shouts, against the storm. "Maybe if we wait a second for it to--"

    The hair on the back of her neck is standing on end.

    Thunder roars in the wake of the hit.

    Josie's expression grows blank.

    "Good idea. Let's run," she suggests, before booking it herself, hopefully out of whatever Guardians-forsaken section of the canyon they've wandered on into.

DG: Josephine Lovelace has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Struck By Lightning.
=======================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season *>========================
=====================<* CHALLENGE - Struck By Lightning *>======================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 This is no mere downpour. This is a thunderstorm! Which, as it does,          
 involves crackling spears of lightning come raining down from on high.        
 Largely they strike stone -- the pillars being a more tempting target -- but  
 here, in a more open gap than most between the pillars...                     
 The hair on the back of your neck is standing on end. You may wish to move    
 away from here, effective immediately.                                        
=Dungeon Conditions: Hesitate, Slow===========================================
==================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season - Round 2 *>===================
=======================< Results - Struck By Lightning >========================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Josephine Lovelace                  15 --(0)--> 15                 Pass
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Lemina Ausa                         20 --(0)--> 20                 Fail
Chiro Sandals                       1   Agility Effects: Cleanse              
Pearl                               20 --(0)--> 20                 Fail
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Jean                                20 --(0)--> 20                 Pass
Gale Crest                          1   Agility Effects: Quicken and Fanfare  
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Josephine Lovelace          5 --(30)--> 35                 Pass
Conditions: Hesitate(2)|Reckless(1)|Secret(1)|Slow(2)
Effects: Cleanse|Quicken(1)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Josephine Lovelace has passed this challenge! The party gained 30 exploration! If anyone needs to
use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Lemina Ausa has drawn a new Challenge.
=======================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season *>========================
=========================<* CHALLENGE - Crystal Rain *>=========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 Even in the storm, the crystalline pillars shine steadily; perhaps in time    
 they might lose their light, dimmed until the clouds part to let in the sun   
 once more, but for now they are as beacons in a darkened land.                
 They're also beacons for something else. An arc of lightning slams down       
 towards earth, and in doing so, strikes one of the shining pillars, which     
 explodes. It would be fairly beautiful to watch, if it weren't for the fact   
 that it now means there's a whole rain of sharp crystal shards falling down   
 upon you now.                                                                 
=Dungeon Conditions: Injure, Treasure=========================================
<Pose Tracker> Pearl has posed.

    The charge forward is... slippery to say the least. Jean, augmented by the gale crest, makes it easily across the canyon, gracefully and without issue. Josie similarly faces little difficulty, a full blown sprint keeping her clear of lightning crashing into the ground behind her.

    Things are rougher on Lemina, as while her new footwear gives her a boost in speed, it provides a little less in terms of stability. That makes it harder to avoid when lightning hits the ground in front of you, sending sparks flying.

    Meanwhile, Pearl is learning the hard way about appropriate adventuring gear. A lightning bolt forks ahead of her, and even as she tries to shift out of the way, the bolt arcs to her metal claws, and up her arm, burning it significantly and the jolt sending her to the ground. Surprisingly, there is no more than a small grunt of pain as she pulls herself up, but that's going to leave a mark and impede the use of her left arm, as she makes for cover, likely ending up at the back of the group despite charging off first.

<Pose Tracker> Lemina Ausa has posed.

The storm kicks up a little as the group finds a place of relative safety among the pillars. "Okay," Lemina says, visibly panting for breath as she takes a moment to recuperate. "That's -- that should... we're... safe. I think. Any lightning that strikes us is going to strike the pillars, not... our... us."

This bright, shiny feeling of joy in the future is even technically accurate! It's just that it's punctuated by a bolt of lightning doing just that, causing one of the crystalline pillars to explode into shards everywhere. Lemina, for her part, hits the dirt immediately, though by the time she knows it's happening it may be a little late...

... but on the other hand...

"We're collecting all this!!" she shouts, enthusiastically, despite the explosion.

DG: Lemina Ausa has used her Tool Chiro Sandals toward her party's challenge, Crystal Rain.
<Pose Tracker> Jean has posed.

The good news, of course, is that Jean gets across; careful, quick steps get her along. ...However... when Pearl is struck, Jean stops, turns towards her, and watches her make her way through last. The fact that she actually made any noise at all suggests just how much that must have hurt. "Hey," Jean says, a slight guardedness to her tone. "Here, I've got some bandages and a few berries," she starts--

Lemina says they're safe. This is a nice... concept, but the shards start hitting, and Jean--still operating under the effects of the Gale Crest--suddenly whips a bolt of fabric from her bag and swirls into motion, using speed and flat force to try to deflect as much of the shards as she's able.

"You're welcome to start grabbing crystals!" Jean announces to Lemina in the process.

DG: Jean has used her Tool Gale Crest toward her party's challenge, Crystal Rain.
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

    Running, as it happens, proves to be the most correct plan of action.

    Particularly when one bolt strikes a crystal pillar, swiftly turning their retreat into a bit of a weave-and-dodge as the shards come flying down. "Well, that's one way--"

    Josie swerves left.

    "--One way to collect crystals! Here I thought I was going to have to-- shit--"

    Talking and running proves a little hazardous as the rain proceeds in earnest. Flinging up an arm to try and cover her face/neck region, she plunges onwards.

    Though not without ducking to scoop up a few likely-looking samples as they scatter across the ground. Like Lemina, perhaps she can't resist the opportunity.

    "--Thought I was gonna have to use a hammer on one!"

    She beelines for the lee of a nearby standing stone; it may just provide some shelter from the 'storm of stones'.

DG: Josephine Lovelace has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Crystal Rain.
<Pose Tracker> Pearl has posed.

    Pearl just sort of stares at Jean's offer of help. Her cold grey eyes lock briefly with the dancer's. She can't quite make sense of WHY Jean would help her, even if no obvious connection has been made. "I'll be fi-" She starts, aiming to cut Jean off, but then the collapsing crystals thankfully take care of that problem.

    Wordlessly, Pearl starts running again, this time hoping not to add 'speared by crystals' to her wound collection. Again, raw speed is the plan here. At least crystals are probably not conductive.

    No she isn't gathering them up, once again failing 'Drifter 101'.

DG: Pearl has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Crystal Rain.
=======================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season *>========================
=========================<* CHALLENGE - Crystal Rain *>=========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 Even in the storm, the crystalline pillars shine steadily; perhaps in time    
 they might lose their light, dimmed until the clouds part to let in the sun   
 once more, but for now they are as beacons in a darkened land.                
 They're also beacons for something else. An arc of lightning slams down       
 towards earth, and in doing so, strikes one of the shining pillars, which     
 explodes. It would be fairly beautiful to watch, if it weren't for the fact   
 that it now means there's a whole rain of sharp crystal shards falling down   
 upon you now.                                                                 
=Dungeon Conditions: Injure, Treasure=========================================
==================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season - Round 3 *>===================
===========================< Results - Crystal Rain >===========================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Josephine Lovelace                  15 --(0)--> 15                 Pass
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Lemina Ausa                         20 --(0)--> 20                 Pass
Chiro Sandals                       1   Agility Effects: Cleanse              
Pearl                               20 --(5)--> 25                 Fail
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Jean                                20 --(0)--> 20                 Pass
Gale Crest                          1   Agility Effects: Quicken and Fanfare  
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Josephine Lovelace          35 --(25)--> 60                Pass
Conditions: Hesitate(1)|Injure(2)|Treasure(1)
Effects: Cleanse|Quicken(1)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Josephine Lovelace has passed this challenge! The party gained 25 exploration! If anyone needs to
use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Lemina Ausa has posed.

Unfortunately for Pearl, speed is... not the *worst* plan but not *imperfect* either; she gets speared by a fair number of crystals across her back. Lemina, meanwhile, has remained hunched like a cartoon character with an umbrella, and the *umbrella* has taken most of the shards. Josie finds good cover, and Jean manages swift deflection -- and, incidentally, gathering -- with her cloth.

When all is told, Lemina, Josie, and Jean have gathered up a *lot* of crystalline shards. Lemina has begun humming excitedly and turning one of the crystals over in her palm.

"La-la-la, gonna' sell a lot of crystals, gonna' make a bunch of money~"

DG: Jean has drawn a new Challenge.
=======================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season *>========================
======================<* CHALLENGE - Dragonfruit Grove *>=======================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Brute     |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 The rainfall may make the going treacherous, but one thing is for certain:    
 the plants in the Stone Forest love it. Possible exhibit #12 in a series:     
 the grove of treelike cactuses that rise in the gap between pillars here.     
 They're a rich, vibrant green. They boast a great many brilliantly pink       
 fruits... from their long tendril-like paddle 'leaves' that drape and sprawl  
 every which way, forming an effective barrier to your passage ahead.          
 According to the natives, these are called 'dragonfruit trees'. The fruit is  
 supposed to be delicious.                                                     
 The trees meanwhile menace with spikes.                                       
=Dungeon Conditions: Weaken, Treasure=========================================
<Pose Tracker> Jean has posed.

Jean should've known Pearl wouldn't accept her help, of course. Their eyes lock only briefly--but the crystals end any idea of that happening. ...She dumps the crystals into her bag when she finishes deflecting, shaking her head after a moment. She doesn't try again immediately, at least.

"We're going to need the money," Jean points out to Lemina, not that she has to. "Apparently supplies for a ship are expensive. Who knew?" Siiigh.

She glances once more to pearl--but then steps forward, leading the way through rainy terrain. Nothing else explodes for a while; they're given a chance to just... walk in the rain, and though Jean's hair is stuck to her face soaked, she doesn't complain much about it. Eventually, though, they come to a set of pillars... filled with tree-like cacti.

"...Hrm," Jean says. "This fruit..."

"...I bet it tastes great," she announces. "Hey, let's grab some on the way through--we could use something after all that running around, right?"

She moves up forward, at that--and, picking up a rock, gets to work on the 'leaves'.

DG: Jean has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Dragonfruit Grove.
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

    "Trade you for any clear ones."

    She doesn't need the money per se as much as she needs a high-quality crystal.
    Or two, or three.
    You know, on the off-chance this ends up working out the way she'd like it to.

    To Pearl, though, she once again eyes the younger woman as if evaluating her in some way. And then asks:

    "Hangin' in there, kiddo? Though I'd guess you'd have to, with that collection of marks."
    Meaning Pearl's decided scarring.

    "Looks like there's a path ahead. Let's see where it goes, okay~?"

    In spite of being darn near soaked to the bone, in spite of the white hair plastered against her cheeks where it's slipped from her braided bun, Josie is all smiles, as if she's having the time of her life.


    Was this a wrong turn? There's a bunch of plants here.

    "Oh, dragonfruit. I've had this before," she says, handily plucking one from the tree and tossing it in the air absently with her left.

    "They'll be a good snack later. Might as well stock up, right?"

    Which is the point where Josie selects a few likely-looking fruits and fills her pockets, before staring down at the grove that's... blocking the way.

    "Bit of a shame."

    She still pulls the pick-mattock from her pack and, with a shrug, takes a swing. "Not usually how you use this, but we should be able to dig on through."

DG: Josephine Lovelace has used her Tool Well-Used Mattock toward her party's challenge, Dragonfruit Grove.
<Pose Tracker> Pearl has posed.

    The closest thing Pearl comes to actually collecting any crystals are the few that pierce the skin and stay stuck in from her run through, now with several more scratches and puncture wounds to show for her efforts. As she pulls free one crystal that had speared more deeply, she resists the urge to crush it in her hand- as tempting as it is.

    The word 'kiddo' grates, but probably isn't unfair. The only person here younger than her is Lemina. "I've had worse." Pearl responds, almost pointedly not looking at Jean. "I just have to deal with it." That's how it always worked before, after all.

    The grove, however, offers a problem Pearl can deal with. It requires destruction, and she can destroy. She dives in with a reckless abandon, aiming to tear apart the grove in their path with the claws on the end of her fingers. She has some frustrations to work out here. And no real cares about the beauty of the place if it means getting through quicker.

DG: Pearl has used her Tool Wolf Claws toward her party's challenge, Dragonfruit Grove.
<Pose Tracker> Lemina Ausa has posed.

"Deal, as long as the less clear ones are bigger. We'll go over them later." There's a pause, before Lemina adds, "I have a loupe." She is very serious about this, mostly because...

... of ship provisioning. "Uuuugh, don't remind me! I don't want to spend any more than we have to... buuuuut..." Lemina puffs out her cheeks, then scrunches up her whole face. "We need so much! Repair equipment... provisions..."

Lemina's gaze tracks to the strange cacti before them. (Lemina has never seen even a mostly normal cactus. Lemina's hometown is cold five months out of the year, all of which were conveniently dodged in their last trip home.) Her lips purse for a few seconds, while Josie addresses Pearl.

"Soooo... what's the best way to cook these? Just eat 'em? Grilled? Do we have some kind of dish planned?" Lemina decides to take her time retrieving the fruit... and cover her hands in a modestly thick layer of ice. It makes for *slow* picking, but much less potentially painful!

DG: Lemina Ausa has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Dragonfruit Grove.
=======================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season *>========================
======================<* CHALLENGE - Dragonfruit Grove *>=======================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Brute     |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 The rainfall may make the going treacherous, but one thing is for certain:    
 the plants in the Stone Forest love it. Possible exhibit #12 in a series:     
 the grove of treelike cactuses that rise in the gap between pillars here.     
 They're a rich, vibrant green. They boast a great many brilliantly pink       
 fruits... from their long tendril-like paddle 'leaves' that drape and sprawl  
 every which way, forming an effective barrier to your passage ahead.          
 According to the natives, these are called 'dragonfruit trees'. The fruit is  
 supposed to be delicious.                                                     
 The trees meanwhile menace with spikes.                                       
=Dungeon Conditions: Weaken, Treasure=========================================
==================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season - Round 4 *>===================
========================< Results - Dragonfruit Grove >=========================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Josephine Lovelace                  15 --(20)--> 35                Fail
Well-Used Mattock                   2   Brute   Effects: Strengthen           
Lemina Ausa                         20 --(20)--> 40                Fail
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC                
Pearl                               25 --(15)--> 40                Pass
Wolf Claws                          2   Brute   Effects: Strengthen           
Jean                                20 --(20)--> 40                Fail
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC                
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Josephine Lovelace          60 --(10)--> 70                Fail
Conditions: Treasure(1)|Weaken(2)
Effects: Strengthen(1)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Josephine Lovelace has failed this challenge! The party gained 10 exploration! If anyone needs to
use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Josephine Lovelace has drawn a new Challenge.
=======================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season *>========================
=============<* CHALLENGE - A Wet Basilisk Is An Angry Basilisk *>==============
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 It might be some small consolation that some of the denizens of the Stone     
 Forest are also not particularly enjoying the current weather. Case in        
 point: the sad, quite damp basilisk that comes lurching out from between a    
 pair of less-than-tightly-packed stone pillars. It drips with rainwater.      
 And when it sees you, it hisses and goes on the offensive. It's not very      
 happy about its lot in life at the present, and you've just had the ill       
 fortune of crossing paths with it at just the wrong time.                     
=Dungeon Conditions: Exhaust==================================================
<Pose Tracker> Jean has posed.

"She's not messing around," Jean offers Josie. "She's serious about this kind of thing. But sure, I can trade whatever."

"Sorry sorry," Jean laughs to Lemina, as if nothing were wrong at all. She certainly doesn't comment on 'just dealing with it', or that Pearl has had worse; indeed, she happens not to be looking at Pearl just at the moment, either. ...Or at anyone, for that matter. "...Best way to serve these is to wait a few weeks until you have dragonfruit wine," Jean adds. However...

However, there are some problems with the approach, as it happens. It turns out that the ground isn't particularly stable after all this rain, and things take a turn for the fallen and spiky--in point of fact, it all goes pretty pear-shaped, except--

Pearl indeed has a talent for destruction; her forward momentum means that her claws carve a path that the others can scramble towards, if they hurry.

<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

    "I sure get the idea," Josie drawls, moments after Lemina's agreement to the terms prompts a raised eyebrow. "Afterwards, if you're going to play jeweler? Rain's gonna make a mess of that turn."

    But for now: dragonfruit! "I've always cut it in half and scooped out the flesh, myself, though I suppose that'd be a little messy? Maybe if we did in wedges... hmm, roasted..."

    The possibilities are endless.

    "Probably not in the rain, though."

    The possibilities are almost endless.

    Josie gets a few good swings in.
    Before unsteady footing means she slips in the mud and tumbles into one of the spiky trees.

    Cue swearing.

    By the time she's extracted herself, Pearl's cut a path. A path that might not last amidst the green. Not one to miss an opportunity, Josie follows, squeezing out into the other side of the pillars.

    They're not alone, as she quickly realizes. There's a basilisk.
    A decidedly damp-looking basilisk.
    But a basilisk nontheless, and one that immediately lunges at the lot of them. Josie, for her part, takes a step back and roots in a pocket for a flask. "One moment -- I'm soaked to the bone," she explains, before downing a shot.

    And once that's settled... she simply draws a sidearm and opens fire on their bedraggled would-be assailant.

DG: Josephine Lovelace has used her Tool Liquid Courage toward her party's challenge, A Wet Basilisk Is An Angry
<Pose Tracker> Pearl has posed.

    "I did not realise that comparing recipes was part of the job." Pearl mutters, as she stands at the end of the path she has carved. Still, she's content to let the others do the talking. The less she has to reveal about herself, the better. And similarly, the more that Jean and Lemina talk, the better for her own information.

    It's then that they are alerted to the presence of the beast, and Pearl grins, her fang glinting as lightning flashes. This is much more her style. Wordlessly, she hurls a small round ball at the eye of the basilisk, which explodes into smokes, aiming to blind the creature before anyone can turn it to stone.

    And then Pearl descends with tooth and claw, aiming to kill the creature before it can do the same to her. Her fighting style is unorthodox, and animalistic, and definitely designed for something non-human. It also has some surprising openings, some exploitable opportunities. Everything about it denotes a fighting style meant for someone attacking as a group, not for someone fighting solo.

    A night and day change to how some may know her to fight.

DG: Pearl has used her Tool Striking Shadow toward her party's challenge, A Wet Basilisk Is An Angry Basilisk.
<Pose Tracker> Lemina Ausa has posed.

"Oh, yeah, definitely not now," Lemina says, waving the topic off a little as they start to head forward. She's not particularly on-guard, and most importantly... her hands are *extremely* cold and she's sad about it!!

She doesn't have time to get too frustrated about that, though; she doesn't even have time to snark at *Pearl* before the basilisk arrives, putting a damper on things like 'fun' and 'joy.' She finally pulls her staff out again, taking a deep breath and pointing it before she starts to chant.

It's a quick little chant, nothing that impressive -- just a big ol' ice spike aimed for center of mass. Sometimes, it's best to stick to basics in a dire situation, as overcomplicating things introduces yet more chances to fail.

DG: Lemina Ausa has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, A Wet Basilisk Is An Angry Basilisk.
<Pose Tracker> Jean has posed.

It's night and day, all right. Jean could say something about recipes, or nearly anything else, but by the time she's standing again Jean is looking up towards Pearl starting to fight. ...The creature's blinded quickly, but Jean isn't--she can see the difference in the style.

Jean doesn't go for a drink herself, not this time. Maybe she needs to be more alert. Regardless, she drags herself up to her feet. She stares for an instant--

And then she rushes in to flank the beast, bare hands and feet against tough hide. ...But she doesn't really move into traditional Shadow Dragon stance much herself--a few recognizeable strikes, certainly, but she defends like a dancer, and makes more use of her magic than not.

DG: Jean has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, A Wet Basilisk Is An Angry Basilisk.
=======================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season *>========================
=============<* CHALLENGE - A Wet Basilisk Is An Angry Basilisk *>==============
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 It might be some small consolation that some of the denizens of the Stone     
 Forest are also not particularly enjoying the current weather. Case in        
 point: the sad, quite damp basilisk that comes lurching out from between a    
 pair of less-than-tightly-packed stone pillars. It drips with rainwater.      
 And when it sees you, it hisses and goes on the offensive. It's not very      
 happy about its lot in life at the present, and you've just had the ill       
 fortune of crossing paths with it at just the wrong time.                     
=Dungeon Conditions: Exhaust==================================================
==================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season - Round 5 *>===================
===============< Results - A Wet Basilisk Is An Angry Basilisk >================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Josephine Lovelace                  35 --(0)--> 35                 Pass
Liquid Courage                      3   Combat  Effects: Rally                
Lemina Ausa                         40 --(0)--> 40                 Pass
Fight                               0   Combat  Effects: BASIC                
Pearl                               40 --(0)--> 40                 Pass
Striking Shadow                     4   Combat  Effects: None                 
Jean                                40 --(0)--> 40                 Pass
Fight                               0   Combat  Effects: BASIC                
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Josephine Lovelace          70 --(20)--> 90                Pass
Conditions: Exhaust(1)|Weaken(1)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Josephine Lovelace has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to
use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Pearl has drawn a new Challenge.
=======================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season *>========================
===========================<* CHALLENGE - Damburst *>===========================
|Type: Climax      |Dungeon Ability: Brute     |Challenge Rating: 3          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 A shuddering roar of a sound is the noise that portends the worst: back a     
 ways, a pile of debris had gathered and plugged one of the through-ways for   
 the rushing rainwater. The pile must have given way; the dam has broken.      
 Now hurtling down upon you is a wave of assorted debris intermingled in the   
 water. There's no escape from it, and no way to stop it. Wherever it decides  
 to lead you, it's a certain thing you must follow -- but perhaps you can at   
 least stave off the worst of what you've been caught up in.                   
 Only one thing remains now: SURVIVE.                                          
=Dungeon Conditions: Injure, Bad Luck=========================================
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

    "Why not? Might as well have fun while you work," Josie insists.

    "...Actually, let's try roasting them. I'd love to have something warm after all this is done."

    But first: a basilisk.

    Things that are possible to happen to a single basilisk having the worst possible day:

    *Stabbed with an ice spike
    *Beaten by a bare-handed dancer
    *Cut to ribbons

    There's... not a lot left of the basilisk when all is said and done.

    "Well. Now I almost feel a little bad," Josie comments, arching an eyebrow as she looks on the mess.

    (She doesn't seem particularly bothered)

<Pose Tracker> Pearl has posed.

    "I don't." Pearl responds, helpfully.

    There is not long to lord over the basilisk, or even steal it's eye as an expensive spell reagent, as the sound of rushing water suddenly fills the canyon. The first hit is the water, easily waist high, rushing in to try and knock people off their feet, and then comes the debris. Chunks of rock, dead trees and other detritus comes for the group.

    Pearl's response is to dig her foot claws into the ground, and brace against the water. And then as the wreckage comes forward, she starts slashing out to split it in half before it meets her. Those thing she can't? She tries to move it's path, or failing that, just withstand the impact.

DG: Pearl has used her Tool Wolf Claws toward her party's challenge, Damburst.
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

    Josie shrugs. "Fair enough."

    Such commentary is punctuated by an absolutely horrible roar of noise.


    Words, for once, manage to fail Josie. The water is coming in at speed and there's not much time to be had for climbing or running (where even to?). Instead, as the wash of water pours in, she goes for her pack and -- taking a cue from Pearl, perhaps -- lets swing at an incoming pile of debris. It might at least stop her from getting crushed.
    Maybe it'll buy them some time.

DG: Josephine Lovelace has used her Tool Well-Used Mattock toward her party's challenge, Damburst.
<Pose Tracker> Lemina Ausa has posed.

Lemina has an extremely simple solution to her own section of the debris. At first, she thinks of making a wall -- but then she realizes that all that's actually going to do is create a wall that then starts flowing toward *her*. "Okay here's a new plan! Everyone scrunch up with me!" she calls, though it might be inaudible over the rush of water. She chants fast -- she's going much more for 'now' than 'technique,' to say the least.

What she creates instead is that greatest of physics simple machines -- the humble wedge. Her hope is to divert the flow *around* herself and as many of her friends as she can; she has some reservations about the feasibility of the plan, but...

DG: Lemina Ausa has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Damburst.
<Pose Tracker> Jean has posed.

"There's something to be said for keeping relaxed," Jean offers as an accompaniment to Josie's idea. ...But... Well. The basilisk, that's easy enough to handle, apparently. Jean glances down at it. "We didn't have a lot of other options," she points out. "Not once it started." But is that true? Jean wonders, for a moment--

She does feel a little bad. But the water comes, too quickly, and her eyes snap up. "Lemina--"

But Lemina already has a plan. Jean sees the idea pretty quickly, though, and she makes an effort to reach out and pull Pearl and Josie in for the plan. But will it work???

DG: Jean has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Damburst.
=======================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season *>========================
===========================<* CHALLENGE - Damburst *>===========================
|Type: Climax      |Dungeon Ability: Brute     |Challenge Rating: 3          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 A shuddering roar of a sound is the noise that portends the worst: back a     
 ways, a pile of debris had gathered and plugged one of the through-ways for   
 the rushing rainwater. The pile must have given way; the dam has broken.      
 Now hurtling down upon you is a wave of assorted debris intermingled in the   
 water. There's no escape from it, and no way to stop it. Wherever it decides  
 to lead you, it's a certain thing you must follow -- but perhaps you can at   
 least stave off the worst of what you've been caught up in.                   
 Only one thing remains now: SURVIVE.                                          
=Dungeon Conditions: Injure, Bad Luck=========================================
==================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season - Round 6 *>===================
=============================< Results - Damburst >=============================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Josephine Lovelace                  35 --(25)--> 60                Fail
Well-Used Mattock                   2   Brute   Effects: Strengthen           
Lemina Ausa                         40 --(25)--> 65                Fail
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC                
Pearl                               40 --(15)--> 55                Pass
Wolf Claws                          2   Brute   Effects: Strengthen           
Jean                                40 --(25)--> 65                Fail
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC                
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Josephine Lovelace          90 --(0)--> 90                 Fail
Conditions: Bad Luck(2)|Injure(2)
Effects: Strengthen(1)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Josephine Lovelace has failed this challenge! The party gained 0 exploration! If anyone needs to
use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Pearl has posed.

    Lemina's plan has merit, and she has the magic power to back it up. What she doesn't have is the time, as a chunk of debris heads straight for her and impacts before the spell can go off, taking her off her feet. Jean's attempt to pull Josephine and Pearl to safety means she's in the wrong position when the spell DOESN'T go off, she too lacks stable footing as the water comes. And unfortunately for Josie, following Pearl's lead doesn't pay off, her mattock sticking into a tree she tries to knock away, and the time it takes her to pull it out means she's vulnerable to the next batch of debris.

    Pearl is the only one still standing at the end of the deluge, but it takes it out of her. She's panting heavily as the water finishes sweeping past, and shredded debris lies around her. Claw marks are obvious in the bedrock from how far back it pushed her. But she stands. She looks back at the others, surprisingly intense. "Respond if you are still alive."

DG: Lemina Ausa has drawn a new Challenge.
=======================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season *>========================
==============<* CHALLENGE - A Big Stupid Scorpion And Friends *>===============
|Type: Final       |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 Washed away by the waters, you are eventually mercifully deposited on some    
 far shore within the twisting confines of the pillars of the Stone Forest.    
 The reason why this area has failed to be completely drowned by the deluge    
 quickly becomes clear: a steep drop-off of the cliff side here means that     
 the waters have turned into a monstrous waterfall. It's a lucky thing you     
 did not also go over the edge. Perhaps all there is left to do now is to      
 pick yourself up and find a way back out.                                     
 But speaking about lucky.                                                     
 A chitinous creaking combined with the sound of many delicate feet on stone   
 is your first and only warning that big trouble looms.                        
 One of them crawls up from over the cliff side. The others come crawling      
 over and down the jutting rocks here. Not one, not two, but three giant       
 scorpions, all of them with their terrible tails and claws at the ready to    
 deal with you.                                                                
=Dungeon Conditions: Fright, Bad Luck=========================================
<Pose Tracker> Lemina Ausa has posed.

By the time the water finishes sweeping, everyone -- even Pearl -- is well-displaced from their original locations. It's hard to find the same landmarks they had just moments ago; the water has twisted and turned... well, everything up, really, and left them in some terrible new location.

Lemina lets out a vague groan as she starts to attempt a respond. As those delicate giant scorpion feet start clack-clacking toward them, though, the dazed groaning turns into a much more urgent, "Yes! Mega-alive!" as Lemina scrambles to her feet.

As more of the creatures come crawling over the ridge, Lemina... oh, who are we kidding. Lemina runs backward about thirty feet, starts chanting, and rains fire pretty much everywhere. Sometimes the correct course of action is an extremely clear one.

DG: Lemina Ausa has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, A Big Stupid Scorpion And Friends.
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

    It all goes...

    ...Pretty miserably.

    The good news is, after everything descends into a horrible blur for the next few minutes of her life, eventually the chaos of water (and assorted debris) comes to an end. Lying there on the sandbar with twigs forming an ersatz crown atop her head, Josie slowly pulls herself up into a seated position.

    "Oh, good. I still have my legs. I was a little worried there for a moment."

    A beat.

    She waves her left hand in the air. "Still alive~"

    At which point something chitinous starts clambering over the cliff edge.

    "...I spoke too soon, huh? Well--"

    She hauls herself on up, steps back into the stream with a slosh and...

    Well, there's another slosh as Josie, perhaps celebrating surviving not drowning, downs the rest of her flask.

    "--Right, now that that's settled--"

    Out come the guns again. A gun, at least, once she's given the sidearm a shake. Water, you know.

    Time to find out how easy it is to shoot up a trio of scorpions.

DG: Josephine Lovelace has used her Tool Liquid Courage toward her party's challenge, A Big Stupid Scorpion And Friends.
<Pose Tracker> Jean has posed.

Something unusual about Jean, but easy to miss, and that Pearl would not miss: when she's hit by the debris, when she slams into a rock, when she hits the shore and scrapes her skin against it? She doesn't make a sound. When it would be normal, reasonable to make some complaint, she remains silent. ...And that's true until she starts to gather herself, laying on her side by the water where she was thrown. "...?"

She starts to rise, looking up and around at the rushing water... and at the island they turn out to be on.


She doesn't join in the drinking or the cheering--she just looks up to the sudden presence of monsters, and narrows her eyes. So, with a breath--

It doesn't matter that her leg is hurt, or that she's sore all over; she gets up... and starts dancing. The Blessing of Althena resonates in her movements, shadow becoming reality becoming ways to confuse and misdirect and weaken the scorpions ahead.

DG: Jean has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, A Big Stupid Scorpion And Friends.
[OOC] Josephine Lovelace says, "bluray pair = trio"
<Pose Tracker> Pearl has posed.

    Jean's silence doesn't go unnoticed either. Jean had always been tough. That she is so resilient should not be a surprise. That she remains silent at Pearl's call probably shouldn't be a surprise either. But there's no real time to analyse things: Scorpions are here and drawing attention.

    "Let's hope you put up a better fight." She remarks to no one in particular. While others hang back, Pearl charges in with a wolf like growl. She moves around and between the scorpions, slashing at joints, and looking for whatever openings are possible. Sure, she's exposing herself to stabbings and stingings, but she doesn't seem to care too much. Remarkably reckless. That could explain her scars.

DG: Pearl has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, A Big Stupid Scorpion And Friends.
=======================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season *>========================
==============<* CHALLENGE - A Big Stupid Scorpion And Friends *>===============
|Type: Final       |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 Washed away by the waters, you are eventually mercifully deposited on some    
 far shore within the twisting confines of the pillars of the Stone Forest.    
 The reason why this area has failed to be completely drowned by the deluge    
 quickly becomes clear: a steep drop-off of the cliff side here means that     
 the waters have turned into a monstrous waterfall. It's a lucky thing you     
 did not also go over the edge. Perhaps all there is left to do now is to      
 pick yourself up and find a way back out.                                     
 But speaking about lucky.                                                     
 A chitinous creaking combined with the sound of many delicate feet on stone   
 is your first and only warning that big trouble looms.                        
 One of them crawls up from over the cliff side. The others come crawling      
 over and down the jutting rocks here. Not one, not two, but three giant       
 scorpions, all of them with their terrible tails and claws at the ready to    
 deal with you.                                                                
=Dungeon Conditions: Fright, Bad Luck=========================================
==================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season - Round 7 *>===================
================< Results - A Big Stupid Scorpion And Friends >=================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Josephine Lovelace                  60 --(0)--> 60                 Pass
Liquid Courage                      3   Combat  Effects: Rally                
Lemina Ausa                         65 --(0)--> 65                 Pass
Fight                               0   Combat  Effects: BASIC                
Pearl                               55 --(10)--> 65                Fail
Fight                               0   Combat  Effects: BASIC                
Jean                                65 --(0)--> 65                 Pass
Fight                               0   Combat  Effects: BASIC                
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Josephine Lovelace          90 --(25)--> 115               Pass
Conditions: Bad Luck(2)|Fright(2)|Injure(1)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: You have overcome the dungeon's trials! This run is a success!
DG: The party led by Josephine Lovelace has successfully explored Stone Forest - Storm Season!
=======================<* Stone Forest - Storm Season *>========================
===============<* CHALLENGE - A Spot Of Good Luck: Angel Quill *>===============
|Type: Discovery   |Dungeon Ability: Conclusion|Challenge Rating: 1          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 However you get there, you manage to reach a sheltered alcove, protected      
 from the fierce elements of the storm running wild within the Stone Forest.   
 At last, you might be able to breathe a sigh of relief.                       
 And also spot within a small battered, aged but still very much intact        
 Within it is a carefully carved white stone in the shape of a feather. It's   
 small enough to easily fit in the standard pocket. Maybe you've heard of      
 these before -- they're sometimes called 'angel quills' and they're supposed  
 to ward off bad omens.                                                        
 Maybe you feel a little luckier for having found it.                          
=Dungeon Conditions: Treasure=================================================
<Pose Tracker> Lemina Ausa has posed.

Roast giant scorpion is probably not as delicious as many other options they could have -- but on the other hand, it's what they get. Josie puts some bullets in them, which allows Pearl to get away with some strikes she might not have on her own; Jean misdirects them -- and then, well.

They continue to be extremely on fire.

Lemina, who starts wandering around and poking at things with the certainty of someone who knows the spell they just cast is extremely cool and good, starts kicking rocks over and shoving things, perhaps looking for a path out. Instead, she finds...

A chest! And inside...!

Lemina lifts the small, carved stone into the air. "... What... is this?" she asks, squinting at it a bit. She has never encountered such a thing.

<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

    Stepping into the little precious dry spot of a cave, Josie sets about the precious task of wringing out her coat (on the theshold, not inside; she's not a heathen).

    "What did you find?"

    Intrigued, she approaches from behind the blonde girl.

    "Oh, hey, an Angel's Quill. Those are supposed to be good luck, you know. Guess this one's real old, huh..."