2019-02-18: You're Importanttous: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: You're Importanttous''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Riesenlied, Character :: Noeline, Character :: Lydia Seren *'''Where:''' The Fereshte *'''Date:''' 18th...")
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Latest revision as of 03:51, 19 February 2019

  • Log: You're Importanttous
  • Cast: Riesenlied, Noeline, Lydia Seren
  • Where: The Fereshte
  • Date: 18th February 2019
  • Summary: Riesenlied has been hard at work preparing a sweet surprise for Noeline and Lydia and maybe not measuring the width of her lettersaheadoftime...

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied has been fairly incapacitated following her stints with Emeralda and the Giant Wels, given that such transformations and channeling of the Ley take a lot out of her. But that's okay, because she's been active with... something in the kitchen, something that's kind of a very special project that she once more wants to keep somewhat of a secret!! Noeline may be able to tell what it is though, since she's terrible at secrets. It involves treats.

But when news of Lydia being injured reached her, she's terrified and worried! She wanted to give her daughter a nice gift but now... uwaa...

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

As these things tend to go, Noeline had come out of the altercation with Solaris significantly better off than Riesenlied - but the latter's transformation into the Ley Dragon definitely left her feeling the odd spike of fear and concern for a while, and she's fussed over her partner enough in the last few days to quell her nerves.

Settling back into the New Petra life is a welcome chance to relax further, and she's been encouraging Riese's plan - even now as they try to get to grips with the news that has filtered over to them by way of gossip. "... she'll be alright," she declares, solemn but absolutely sure of herself. "It would take a very, very great deal to stop her. And you know she'll make her way back here to see you if she can."

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

Lydia Seren was ... okay well she wasn't actually friggin' dead but it does seem like it was a near thing.

She does send a message through Memory Cube that she intends to show up today but she is running a little late. Did something happen? Did she die ON THE WAY after being injured?!


But she is not fully recovered. While Lydia doesn't seem to be writhing in agony or anything, when she DOES arrive in town she is pushing along a wheelchair with her arms because she is, notably, largely missing the lower half of her legs. She isn't leaking anymore so the nanites seem to be taking slower work to it. The sad truth is she might end up recovering before Riesenlied ANYWAY due to what she's hooked up to and her larger experience with that junk.

She looks sheepish more than distraught, a faint silver tint to her cheeks.

She ends up rolling up to the porch, extends out a hand and lets it expand outward so she can give a knock on the door.

"TOOT TOOT TA TOOOT HERE COMES THE LYDIA." Lydia says with near-usual energy.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied is also in a wheelchair, which is not a surprise because we've established this before. She nods towards Noeline as she waits for their daughter to arrive after receiving the message from the Memory Cube, biting her lip. "I should have been there for her... we should-- well--"

Also the secrecy of the plan is ruined because she has a splotch of chocolate on her cheek and it's not from eating it

Lydia coming on a wheelchair sans legs is a surprise, though, stammering, "L-Lydia!" she lets her in as she reaches for the door -- or Noeline will help her since reaching for a door kinda sucks on a wheelchair, and she expresses, "A-are you all right?"

A pause. "wait cuccos don't--"

A moment later a pair of cuccos goes 'buk buk bacaww' and launches the surprise as they spill a bunch of confetti and streamers along with... a few lovely heart-shaped boxes wrapped up in ribbons? 'Lydia' and 'Noeline' are marked on the boxes.

Riesenlied looks on in horror as she flails and stammers, exclaiming, "T-that wasn't because you're injured or-- aaaaah nooo i made a mistake!" as she covers her hands to her face in terror.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

"We can't be with her forever and ever," is Noeline's remarkably gentle response, a hand resting on Riesenlied's shoulder to steady her and quell her fears. "She knows the risks, and what her body can take. She's not the sort to get herself injured unless it's something important," she adds with a quiet chuckle, tactful enough not to mention the splodge of chocolate on Riesenlied's cheek that gives the whole game away.

At the knock, she's quick to turn Riesenlied towards the door. There's a moment where she's obviously waiting for Lydia to bust open the door herself and barrel inside, and when it doesn't happen a frown flits across the Crimson Noble's face as she wheels Riesenlied forwards and opens the door for the both of them.

The frown does more than flit at the sight of Lydia in a wheelchair; there's a genuinely surprised hiss of air at the sight, stifled between her teeth, and then--

--and then there's a streamer landing on her head, snagged into half of her messy hair in no time. Looking rather nonplussed, she wheels Riese the rest of the way forwards to let her reach for Lydia's hand, trying not to let her amused grin show on her face as cuccos trail around them.

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

It's Lydia so those legs will (probably?) be coming back soon. Judging from Lydia's bemused expression she probably figures she'll recover though it will take SOME time. What injured her must have been real bad.

"Hey we match." Lydia quips at Riesenlied first. "I uh. I'm okay now. Janus shot me in the head. It caused problems but Kalve fixed me up. I--"

A bunch of confetti and streams fall on Lydia's head. A heart shaped box with Lydia's name on it lands in her lap. Lydia blinks at it a few times in dull surprise.

She lets Riesenlied be terrified for a few moments because she has a box of valentines day chocolate in her lap.

Lydia has Never received a box of Valentine's Day Chocolate in her life. Little wet splotches hit the top of the box and Lydia quickly rubs at her eyes with her wrist OH NO YOU MADE HER CRY.

"Mom...Mom." Maybe she should call Noeline Nom because N? Nah. That's a little too silly.

She slides the box over to the side of her chair before rolling forward, barely stopping in time to avoid rolling on Noeline's foot (what next THREE wheelchairs?!)

She leans forward and intends to pull the three into a hug as best she can which, to be honest, is not that good though with some help from Riese and Noeline it might actually work out.

"I love you so much!" Lydia manages, squinting up her eyes so she doesn't start ugly sobbing again. She already had that moment and would like to avoid making a habit of it.

"I'm sorry for worrying everyone!"

A cucco hops onto her lap cruelly.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied does know she can't dote over her daughter forever, and she believes in her daughter as a shaman, as a Drifter, and most importantly as her own person -- but she kinda wants to dote sometimes, you know...

Like-- well, today, as she whines as Noeline slides her forward and she reaches for Lydia's hand and looks to her crying. "Lydia I didn't mean--er--" oh no she's crying now! Nooo! Riesenlied's face is pale and terrified--


And then the three of them are in a hug as best they can, which to be honest they've probably perfected some art of Hugging in Wheelchairs given this has been Riesenlied's life for the last three months or so.

"Lydia... oh goodness, I'm so glad you're back--" she squeezes her extra-tight as she herself sniffles and looks up to Noeline, then back to Lydia as she pats her warmly on the hair and drags her in.

"I wanted to make something extra-special for you two... I hope it's not awkward with-- with, you know... bad times."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline huffs instantly at Lydia's joke, finding herself torn between laughter and a whole new kind of distinct, sharp worry at how grievous Lydia's wounds are - but it gets easier as she watches the rest of the streamers and confetti get all over their daughter, whose expression in the moment is rather priceless as she stares down at the box in her hands.

Well aware of Lydia's habits by now, Noeline is quick to carefully place her own box on the counter next to her - the better to get her feet out of the way of the slightly awkward wheelchair lunge forwards, and then nudge Riesenlied forwards the rest of the way so that they can close into a hug. "Really, now..." she sighs fondly at the pair, her own voice a little thick from emotion before she leans down to encompass the both of them in her half of the hug.

"We love you too," she admits quietly as she closes her eyes, rubbing at Lydia's arm as she lets herself go with the flow enough to place a point-blank kiss on Riesenlied's forehead. "... it's alright. We know you wouldn't worry us if you could at all help it."

She pauses there for a moment, because if nothing else it's a chance to hide her own blush in Riesenlied's hair. She can only hide /so/ long, though, and by the time Riesenlied looks back up there's still a line of pink across her face. "Don't be silly," she grumbles, kind of smitten. "These aren't bad times. It might be the best of times for it, really."

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

Hugging In Wheelchairs Skill Increase! Lydia is now experiencing it...from the other side! But you're right. Lydia does love the hugs.

"It's perfect timing!" Lydia tells Riesenlied. "Honestly if I'm awkward about anything...is that I feel bad for worrying everybody even though I feel really happy that so many people seemed to care. I mean I knew they cared but...it was still kind of a shock. I wasn't in a great mood when I got shot, um, I feel like I took things a little for granted."

"Do...Janey and Mikaia know?" It is her time to be the worrier! "I'll be okay..! Kalve did a great job!"

She nods furiously in agreement with Noeline. "The best time! Really!!"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

There's a warm smile from Riesenlied as she hears Noeline's laughter, Lydia's laughter as well; it all buoys her as she nods and then corrects herself, saying, "The best of times," as she squeezes once more before letting go more gently.

She still hasn't noticed there's chocolate all over her face from what likely is a terribly clumsy cooking period...

"I know I do a lot of it myself. I'm glad Noeline's so patient," Riesenlied has a bashful, equally-smitten smile back to her partner in life. "I'm glad... I haven't spoken to Kalve in forever, but I'm sure everyone else also did their best..."

Lydia asks if Janey and Mikaia know--


Janey is lying on the ground in a comically tubby manner going 'urp' from where she's inhaled the rest of the cooking chocolate. Her rat tail would swish if it were still there. Mikaia's lying on her belly going, "I hope Lydia's ok..."


"They know, and they worked hard to make you chocolates too," Riesenlied giggles warmly.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

With a snort, Noeline tilts her head and does her best to put on a matronly voice - even if it is a rather theatrical one. "So long as you didn't /mean/ to get shot in the head. In my experience, few people ever do," she teases, but lets her voice soften after a moment. "You're safe, and you're alive. That's what matters most."

She meets Riesenlied's smile with a warm one of her own, grinning faintly. "You say that as if I don't get anything out of this. You've offered me a great deal of patience in return-- unless you mean the 'getting shot' part. That, I could certainly do with seeing less of when it comes to you," she grumbles good-naturedly, leaning in to share her partner's space as she teases with a rather wry grin - and then using a finger to wipe some of the chocolate away, immediately tasting it. Goodness!

"... we owe Kalve a great deal, I suppose," she chuckles afterwards. "I'm glad he's still out there. Even if we're going along different paths, I dare say we'll need to work together." She pauses when Riesenlied mentions the kids, and only offers an amused sigh. "They're going to be miserable in a couple of hours, I dare say."

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.


Well Lydia cares deeply for her sisters. Due to getting SHOT IN THE HEAD she hasn't been able to gather up chocolate for folks so she's going to have to come up with some sort of sneaky alternative. President's Day Chocolate? No maybe not.

"They're sweethearts. I see you did your best, too." Lydia says, looking towards Riesenlied's Chocolate foundation. "Yeah Kalve rushed over and I think had Jay electrocute me to reboot me?" She pauses. "I had a really weird dream. It was weird." Her cheeks silver again. "Honestly don't want to think about that one too much right now."

She nods slowly towards Noeline and adds, "well I hadn't planned on it, no. I hadn't even planned on seeing Janus again but Gwen needed help. I guess they were friends. Ugh. I was kinda pissed at her for being so vague." She shakes her head. "Well I'll talk to her about it eventually."

She nods slowly and adds, "Kalve's been kinda depressed lately. or at least, he was when I last really talked to him. I uh, didn't talk too much when he fixed me up though. I owe him some time."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

President's Day Chocolate is just Dean getting mildly sick from chocolate isn't it

"I'm trying," Riesenlied answers a little too seriously to Noeline, planting a hand to her heart where the Tear's resting at present, though it's all rather wicked away with both the kiss to her forehead and the daring motion! There's redness in her cheek as she whines to go, "H-how long has that been there...?"

She smiles wider at Lydia as she bashfully says, "I'm glad people could think of something... you said he was--" She furrows her brow.

"It hasn't been easy for any of us since Mother. Even if the right thing was done... a lot of people are coming to grips with it their own way." A pause, as she frowns deeper. Part of the reason she's probably shying away from some of the remnants is because excuses go wild and rampant, everything from 'you cast a spell on Mother!!' to try to shift blame away somehow.

"It can't be easy for him either, I know it. We should come speak to him sometime, if we can..."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

"... I can't imagine Gwen having anything but your - and everyone else's - best interests in mind," Noeline points out, doing her best to be cautious and gentle about things as she makes the point. "Or at the very least, I very much doubt she expected anything like that to happen. Don't go too hard on her, perhaps, but give yourself time to rest first."

There's a thoughtful pause before she continues, frowning quietly to herself. "I can imagine it must have been a great shock. It certainly was to us, and we were /already/ far removed from her. It will take time... and it's difficult to say how much the other Hyadeans will appreciate our presence. I think we're both wary of-- muscling in, I suppose," she adds as she looks to Riesenlied for confirmation. "But I do think you're right."

At least she drops the topic quickly, preferring to draw back to happier subjects - including a snicker at her partner. "Longer than you'd think, certainly. I could barely hold myself back," she teases, then closes her eyes as she smiles towards Lydia. "I think Riese would like it if you spent some time here to rest."

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

"I don't know what she expected to happen," Lydia says. "But that's not the only reason I was upset. Janus was trying to get the power of a medium but it was pitch black. This weird wizard dude named, I kid not, 'Wizzro' was leading Janus to that power. We stopped Janus from getting it but then he shot me in the head. I dunno if this means we're going to have to deal with a Demon King soon or not or what but...

She looks down. "...Why didn't they warn us? If we knew about it we could've protected it! Ugh... I better not dwell on it too much."

She looks at the floor thinking about how the Mother revelations must have shook Kalve. She figured as much already but it's hard for her to understan the attachment. She supposes she does sometimes want--

--well, it doesn't pay to dwell on that either. She's made her life choice. She's happier now. She gets Valentines Day Chocolate now.

"That's a great idea," Lydia tells Noeline. "I don't know how long it'll take but it might be a while. Most of the mass is intact but it's just working inside me rather than hanging out and--"

Pause. "Oh uh. Sorry."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied nods quietly towards Noeline, chewing at her lip as she murmurs, "We already have had several arguments amongst remnants who... have difficult feelings. It's difficult when we want to house them, but they would hurt the vulnerable in our community."

She closes her eyes and nearly sinks at that, but blinks a few times as she notices Noeline's attempt and flushes again. "You really got me," she pouts.

She listens closer to Lydia's discussion of the black Medium, frowning. "I remember Maya talking about it in a report... we-- have been busy with--"

She bites her lip. "K.K. and the issue with Krosse..."

A quiet sigh, though she blinks a few times and smiles warmer. "Um-- please open it, I think you'll be happy..."

Inside Lydia's box is... a number of chocolates! Some of them are plain and round, others heart shaped, then a big one shaped like a Muni... cucco? It's kind of haphazardly shaped.

There is a piped piece of frosting ontop that reads:

                            YOU'RE IMPORTANTtous                              

Like someone super ran out of space and didn't plan for the diameter of the chocolate.......

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline listens to Lydia's story with a frown; she obviously doesn't know what to make of it all, but her eyebrows do at least perk up slightly at the name. "... how tacky," she sighs to herself, but it's more a chance to gather her thoughts and figure out what she's going to say in return. "They may not have known - or they may need their own time to recover after everything. I'll accept everyone being safe for the time being, I think."

She looks comically glum at Lydia's last comment, huffing out a breath. "Perhaps I should say: if you don't rest up I will simply drag you to your bed instead. Don't think that any amount of 'hanging out' will save you from being grounded, young miss," she snickers.

Noeline is quick to rest a hand on Riesenlied's arm, guiding her and offering her a source of support through the conversation - squeezing her shoulder lightly as her partner mentions the Trial Knight and their recent woes. For the time being, she keeps a quiet silence--

--but breaks into a snorting laugh at the sight of the message, her smile threatening to break into a wide grin. "... Riese," she notes, laughter already laced through her voice. "They're delightful."

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

"Oh!" Lydia smiles brightly. "K.K! How are they doin'?! I never saw them much when I was workin' for Ginny, but I'm glad they came to help you! Are they doing ok? I heard a little bit about Krosse, K.K got something to do with that?" Pause. "Are they really the King of Krosse??"

Yeah Lydia is pretty uninformed here. ARE YOU GOING TO BREAK HER HEART? "They asked me why I 'Sighed' borg I didn't quite get it but I had no idea they had a sense of humor."

She is reminded of the chocolate at her side and she lifts the box back into her lap and pops it open.

She stares down at it.

She stares at the warlord IMPORTANTtous.

"I want to hug you all forever." Lydia says seriously, managing to not start tearing up again. Instead, she gives a big great smile to Riese and Noeline.

"I love it!! Thank you so much!!!" She looks up and over towards where Janey and Mikaia are hanging. "DID YOU HEAR THAT I LOVE IT AND THANK YOU SO MUCH AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!"

She takes several deep breaths afterwards since she kind of exerted herself there and she then says, more quietly. "I love it. Ahh... I'm going to feel bad for eating the cucco..."

Her eyes widen. "G...grounded?"

Maybe she should take it back!!

"W...how long??" Honestly nothing can really keep her grounded she's self sufficient enough but--

--well she HAS been grounded before though the reasons, generally, have never felt fair to her. This strangely feels fair. Sure, she didn't ask to get shot, but she did lower her guard at a really bad time. And well, if she doesn't rest, that's another reason.

"I'll rest, I promise."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied bashfully smiles as she adds, "It's a good kind of grounded. The same kind Janey and Mikaia imposed on us back when we arrived at Elru in quite the state," as she flushes a bit longer at Noeline's compliment of the chocolates.

Their rings thrum a little as Riesenlied worries a little about whether Noeline's own chocolate box will be adequate, aa...!!

But Lydia asks her a question she's not ready to answer-- her eyes widening--

"Ah... um..."

She feels Noeline's hand squeezing at her shoulder. She bites her lip. "No, they're not the King of Krosse and..." She hesitates further. "I'm not sure, Lydia... it might be hard between the two of us. I--"

She sucks in a breath, as she finds herself starting to sniffle a bit.

She doesn't want these best times to go quite yet.

"I'll tell you later. I promise," Riesenlied says, at the very least as much for herself because she doesn't want to ever lie to her daughter. "But right now, let's get you cozy and pampered, and I'm kind of tired too after all that chocolate-making, hehe..."

Right now, at the very least, she can smile warmly because of family.

She might not be able to, in the near future... because of family.