2018-01-10: The Short Stack: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: The Short Stack''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Riesenlied, Character :: Noeline, Character :: Seraph Ragnell *'''Where:''' Wayside *'''Date:''' 10th January...")
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As for K.K.--looks like there's no hard feelings, at least not here. Ragnell chuckles, then smirks over at Noeline. "True, but K.K. worries 'bout what others think of 'em even less than you two do," she drawls. "Doubt they much care if the Guardians don't care for 'em anymore." Much like herself, all considered. "Besides, a while back, I saw one dude callin' on the Guardians to /help him/ shatter a Statue. Not sure they really fuss 'bout that kinda thing." She half-shrugs. "Even if they probably *should*."
As for K.K.--looks like there's no hard feelings, at least not here. Ragnell chuckles, then smirks over at Noeline. "True, but K.K. worries 'bout what others think of 'em even less than you two do," she drawls. "Doubt they much care if the Guardians don't care for 'em anymore." Much like herself, all considered. "Besides, a while back, I saw one dude callin' on the Guardians to /help him/ shatter a Statue. Not sure they really fuss 'bout that kinda thing." She half-shrugs. "Even if they probably *should*."

Then she chuckles at Noeline's glance, before looking back at Riese. "Either way, good t' hear. That's that, then." She heaves her legs up, then sweeps them down and kicks herself upright. "Well, I just dropped by t' say hi. Got plenty a' places to be, people t' bother." She winks at Riese and Noeline, offering them a two-fingered salute of farewell. "See ya two 'round, then."
Then she chuckles at Noeline's glance, before looking back at Riese. "Either way, good t' hear. That's that, then." She heaves her legs up, then sweeps them down and kicks herself upright. "Well, I just dropped by t' say hi. Got plenty a' places to be, people t' bother." She winks at Riese and Noeline, offering them a two-fingered salute of farewell. "See ya two 'round, then. Whoops; I mean three." She grins and winks at Mikaia. "A certain someone was so tiny, I almost didn't see 'em there."

And without waiting for any questions of their own, she starts to saunter off.
And without waiting for any questions of their own, she starts to saunter off.

Latest revision as of 03:45, 11 January 2018

  • Log: The Short Stack
  • Cast: Riesenlied, Noeline, Seraph Ragnell
  • Where: Wayside
  • Date: 10th January 2018
  • Summary: Ragnell drops in on Riesenlied, Noeline and Mikaia's family moment. Mikaia is unamused.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied had stood her ground in Wehaca. She had been to the Sacred Grounds, and she had seen firsthand the Malevolence and what would happen in that village -- and she had risked the Ebony Wings to protect the village and its inhabitants from the rigours of the Trial Knight and the Sword Dancer.

The battle was hard-fought, and it had left them a bit ragged... time enough for them to recuperate a little, back at Wayside.

Riesenlied is seated on her favourite rocking chair at the porch of the Orphanage, with Mikaia at her lap reading a familiar book that seems to be the personal notes of one J. Barber, in her pursuit to be a future alchemist!

"That word says 'beaker'... do you know what a beaker is?" Riesenlied patiently explains.

"It's a glass jar with a small mouth, right?"

"That's right! Good girl," Riesenlied smiles warmly.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Even Noeline looks rather worn out, and she's taking the day slowly as she gathers reports on the state of their forces in the wake of the Wehaca attack; she's getting better at channeling Duras Drum's power, certainly, but her body isn't exactly used to handling the power of a Guardian running through and over it, and she's got a number of bandages wound around different patches of her limbs, with a distinct colouring peeking out her pale skin as if she managed to sunburn.

There isn't a great deal to collate, at least - the Ebony Wings are experienced and good at operating on their own, so the exercise is more just to keep Noeline's brain ticking over rather than count as an actual logistical requirement, and it isn't long before she sighs and makes herself known by leaning on the back of Riesenlied's chair. Thankfully, not hard enough to tip her or Mikaia over or anything.

"We can probably find a few for sale in November City, I imagine," she notes as she rests her chin on her partner's shoulder. "We'd have to find good quality ones, mind you, and you'd have to look after them."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Ragnell hadn't been there that day in Wehaca, but she had spied on it before, and spied on it after. Nothing lengthy. Just a brief look-see, a smirk, and she'd left. She's had other business to attend to in the meantime, but she did want to check out how the cards fell, all considered. The brief visit also let her get a small earful of what happened from the injured, and so, knowing the Ebony Wings had played a part in the town's defense, she's come to mosey on down to the little town.

The Seraph strolls up to the front porch of the orphanage as such, just in time for Noeline to lean on the back of Rieselied's chair as she reads to/with Mikaia. "Lookin' into a future in the sciences, huh? Sounds fun," she drawls. "Explosions're grand no matter how you make 'em happen." She turns and sprawls herself along the stairs, draping her arms on the top step. She smiles up at Rieselied and the others. "Am I right?"

Hi to you too, Ragnell.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Mikaia looks up for a moment and-- grumps very quietly, remarking, "... I don't want to make big booms!" She huffs and hugs the book closer to herself. "I want to make medicines that make people feel better, like Miss Jay."

Riesenlied pats Mikaia on the head and says, "Now now... say hi to Miss Ragnell too."

Mikaia does look just a little contrite as she bows her head and says, "H-hello, Miss Ragnell..." Maybe the little precocious girl still feels a little strange at how 'tingly' Ragnell feels, being a seraph.

She does lean back against Noeline for a moment, her sigh relaxed as she says, "A little kit for a promising young alchemist... that would be fun to procure."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline is well aware that Jacqueline - and other members of the Caravan Kinship - certainly do make big booms, whether via Crest or other methods. On the other hand she's kind of a natural at knowing when not to mention certain details, and thus keeps silent on the matter with nothing more than a soft and rather fond huff of air.

"I'll keep my eyes peeled," she confirms towards Riesenlied with a light nod, leaning in to touch cheek-to-cheek for a moment - and then almost starting as Ragnell speaks. This time, the grumping noise accompanies a rather downturned frown, the spy a little put out at her moment of closeness being spotted.

"... you know-- we could get you a blanket, or something. Perhaps a pillow? If you get sand in your hair, that's all on you," she grumbles, if good-naturedly.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

"Figured you'd say that, short stack," Ragnell says wryly, reaching out a finger and, if Mikaia doesn't move her head out of the way, booping her on the forehead. "An' don't worry 'bout it, Riese. She don't have to say hi to me if she don't want." She grins widely. "I didn't say hi to *her*."

She still doesn't, in point of fact.

At least she also doesn't remark on that moment of closeness, either. Were it not for a certain knowing quality to that smile, one might think maybe she hadn't spotted it. She leaves the talk of alchemical kits to the Metal Demons, since Noeline follows up with an offer of a blanket or pillow. It's a kind gesture, but one that gets a laugh of amusement from the Seraph. "Nah, I'm good," she replies. "I'll manage t' survive dealin' with the consequences of my actions, /somehow/.

"Speakin' o' which!" she adds, smile turning mischievous. "I hear tell y'all had some fun over at the Baskar village. Tell a gall all about it?" ...She says, as if it hadn't been a terrible battle nearly to the death for some of those present, where the Statue of Noua Shax hadn't come within a hair's breadth of being destroyed.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Mikaia visibly fidgets and pouts, her wings flapping up and down and lightly smacking Riesenlied on the cheek when Ragnell calls her a 'short stack'. I--is someone sensitive? Oh Mikaia, you've got so many years of growth ahead of you, don't give up!

She doesn't dodge the boop, though. "... it was like Lahan, all over again ... this was what the Trial Knight was speaking of, when they said that our paths would diverge sooner or later."

There's a faint exhale from Riesenlied, as she tilts her head to one dierction. "I brought the Ebony Wings with me, as I had prior warning. Our mission was to rescue as many villagers away from the effects of Malevolence... and to that end, I think we did a successful job."

She furrows her brow. "It is strange to sense... even with the empathic power, it was very hard to cut through the veil of Dissonance that created Malevolence. It helped -- it put off some of the Hellions for a time, and helped the lethargic villagers escape... but, I need better tools, I feel..." A squint. "Or more training. I do admit I am still learning the depths of my power."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

With an amused snort, Noeline reaches down to lightly ruffle Mikaia's hair, and gently stop her wings from batting Riesenlied too much. "There, there," she notes - but there's a certain twinkle in her eyes as well, and a certain amount of mischief in her voice that suggests she's just as amused as Ragnell. Poor Mikaia, surrounded on both sides. "You'll grow taller than Janey, even."

Her eyebrows do pick up ever so slightly at the sudden talk of Wehaca, though, and the way she pauses is obviously an attempt to pick up on how much the Seraph already knows on the subject. "... it was a very close affair, I must say. The level of injured were high - ourselves included - but I dare say the number of deaths could have been much, much worse," she confirms Riesenlied's statement - and this time settles on the other demon's shoulders more fully as she chuckles.

"For my part, I will admit I rather laughed in the Trial Knight's face about a couple of things. On the other hand, I did pay for it with a sword in my chest," she notes ever so lightly, rattling off the comment almost too easily, too airily - but then, perhaps that's the plan, so that Mikaia can't really pay close attention to it or catch the details. "In the end, we do appear to all still be standing. I'll take that as a win, I believe," she hums.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Ragnell grins at Mikaia when she fidgets and pouts and flaps her wings. "I only calls it how I sees it, short stack," she says, as if daring her to protest. Noeline's reassurance only gets her a snort and a laugh.

Fortunately, though, she's more interested in hearing what Riese and Noeline have to say than on continuing to tease Mikaia. "Hmmmm... Yup, that sounds right," she says with a nod. "If you go outta your way to aid humans, sooner or later you're gonna run afoul o' them. But you already knew that." Obviously. She glances over at Noeline when she follows up, nodding to her and then back to Riese. She laughs again at news of Noeline's sass--or maybe the sword in her chest, who knows--which settles into a chuckle at Riesenlied's musing. "You're doin' pretty good to sense it at all, all considered," she points out. "But you're right. You can do better. You're no use to anybody if your mind melts an' blows up again like it did back then." Riese knows what she's talking about, no doubt. "Well, congrats on gettin' through it, either way. I'm sure next time will be even more fun." She winks at the two. "Hell, maybe I'll even be there."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Mikaia doesn't seem to really mind the fact that they're talking 'adult stuff' around her -- Noeline and Riese have both given her and Janey the laydown on what their situation is like, and child-like as she is, she understands that living in Wayside has its dangers... ...but so does living anywhere else, when you're a kid in Filgaia.

Just comes with the territory.

"... I do know that," Riesenlied nods softly as she answers Ragnell. "There is much I must refine... that we must refine, if we are to proceed on our path. But nothing that is worth having ever comes easy. Not Wayside, not this empathic power... not contact with the Guardians."

There's a fond smile to Noeline for a moment, and she looks at Ragnell again. "We are making provisions to reach out to the Baskar Colony. With word from Equites once more, I feel it is prudent that we make contact with the Shaman community sooner rather than later, lest our intentions be misconstrued. Since I... desire to visit the other Guardians too."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

With a rather amused sigh, Noeline dips her head. "Well-- I suppose I can't argue on that front. There are certainly some humans we've 'run afoul' of as of late - or perhaps I should say they've decided to run afoul of us all on their own without any input. Still, it's not as if they're all one homogenous mass, hm? Things would be very dull otherwise," she shoots back in an amicable fashion, but the tilt of her head is a means to throw that comment in Ragnell's direction.

Noeline is pretty sure that would chafe for Ragnell as much as it would her, after all.

"'Fun' is hardly the problem," she sighs afterwards, musing over the choice of words. "If the Trial Knight ever seemed to be having fun I might understand them a little more, I suppose. Instead, all I have to offer is my own conviction against theirs, and a viewpoint I certainly don't agree with."

A pause, and she huffs softly as she nudges against Riesenlied. "Of course, I shall /try/ to keep Riese from burning herself out visiting as many Guardians as possible," she somewhat drawls.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Ragnell folds her arms behind her head and gives Riesenlied a thoughtful look. "The Baskar Colony, huh," she murmurs. She listens to the rest of it, then nods. "Yeah, seems like a good move to me. Helpin' 'em out in a pinch sure seems like a good way to introduce yourselves, too. Here's hopin' no one decides you swooped in at just the right time specifically *to* make yourselves look good."

It's not a threat, merely a comment. A prediction, or perhaps a warning. She chuckles again as Noeline remarks on humans not being a homogenous mass. "I'll give you that," she concedes. "They might be an eternal pain in the ass, but humans are at least *interestin'*."

She glances back at the two. If they ever seemed to be having fun, huh. And a view point she doesn't agree with... She smirks, but doesn't remark on that. Instead: "'Try' bein' the key word, eh?" She winks at Noeline, then looks back at Riesenlied. "*All* of 'em?" All the Guardians, she means--visiting all of them, that is. "Or what?"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"... I understand. We weren't doing it opportunistically, but... I suppose it would not be surprising any more if people decide to take the least charitable view of our actions," Riesenlied sighs, thinking of Ida for a moment. A pause. "But public opinion is ultimately not what we are about; we would not do half the things we did if it were."

She tilts her head to one side. "... we all have that habit, I feel. 'Humanity is to blame'; 'The Guardians are at fault'. No one is a homogenous mass, as Noeline says, yet we have the predilection to cast blame on a single group..."

She squints as her horns wiggle for a moment. "... as many as I can muster. Equites has made it clear such that they do not have eyes and ears into the world. Why not bring news to them instead? To let them know -- that there are those who are seeking to mend the gap. To not make the same mistakes."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

The twintailed girl chuckles lightly to herself, tilting her head for a moment as she considers that. "Well! I certainly suppose they might decide to think that, and we would not have a great deal of ways to stop them. On the other hand, we do have the advantage of a Guardian's say-so, and it would be pretty low on the totem pole of accusations," she notes of Ragnell's statement, then huffs again before her voice softens. "... just do whatever you feel is right, hm? Step by step," she reminds the Tainted leader.

"'Try' being the operative word, yes," she notes afterwards with more than a little in the way of humour in it. "Someone has to look after the one determined to look after everyone else, after all. Though I would suggest that with the Princess around, the amount of Guardians we actually have to notify is rather reduced," she points out with a hum, as if to remind Riesenlied of some of their diplomatic advances.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

"I know. But public opinion sure makes it a lot easier to act," Ragnell replies, turning her red gaze to the blue heavens, smile fading away. "Or a lot harder, if it's against you. Have enough power an' you can ignore it, but you're not in that kinda situation... an' even if you were, I doubt you'd ignore it entirely, either, even if you're not doin' what you're doin' for approval." She half-smiles at Noeline. "True. If the Shamans don't trust ya, they can just ask Equites what's what. That'll definitely make it easier on y'all. But--"

Here, she nods back at Riesenlied. "There are some who aren't so quick to let go've their hatred. Even if Equites *does* vouch for y'all, there are some who won't change their mind. I'm sure you're already dealin' with that bullshit now." As for casting aspersions on entire groups... "It's easier that way. There's too many of," she gestures in the air, "all of us to judge everyone as an individual, an' between old prejudices and bad encounters that keep happenin'... Well, I won't remind ya of somethin' you already know."

Besides, Noeline's right. All they can do is keep moving forward, step by step. Ragnell looks back over at the twin-tailed Hyadean. "Yeah, true," she says. "Cece's on good terms with quite a few Guardians by now. Sure does make it easier on y'all, huh?"

A beat. "Somethin' else I was wondering, since we're on the topic," she says, sobering. "About the Statue that *used* to be under here... What's the plans for dealin' with *that* mess?"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"... perhaps so... but I doubt that public opinion is something we will have for a long time. Given my bounty -- our bounties... and the nature of our people," Riesenlied ruminates somewhat quietly against Ragnell's expression. "And... yes. As much as I vow to not leave any of my brethren behind -- hate is not something that disappears overnight. It will take a long time to undo the damage that has already been inflicted upon our culture."

There's a faint smile to Noeline and says, "That's true... but, at the same time, I feel that they deserve to hear it for themselves. That we are here to mend the wounds of the past, to move on, and heal in collaboration."

She thinks on that nature for a moment... then says, "Jacqueline and I are looking into some aspects. The creature that lurks underneath is something the ancients call a 'Primarch'. It is tied to the Leylines that power Filgaia... and as such -- we were hoping that Jacqueline could utilise Crest Sorcery of a dominant element to attempt to unseat its connection to the Leyline itself."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline pauses, and slowly tilts her head as she hums towards Riesenlied's answer. "That said... there is public opinion, and then there is public opinion. If we can touch base with the Baskars, that would be perfect - but there are still a great many Drifters who have pledged their support, or at least indicated that their own views on our kind are changing." she adds with a nod of her head, before breaking into a rather devil-may-care grin.

"Besides, all of us here are survivors, and the Tainted are pretty good about not giving too much of a damn about what people say about them. Even if the world turns against us, we'll likely find some way to limp on, hm?" she adds lightly - but squeezes Riesenlied's shoulder as she calls back to her promise.

"Seeing the Baskars would probably also help when it comes to the Primach. At the very least, they're likely to have their own viewpoints on the Leylines that we can incorporate into-- whatever we do," she huffs softly. "Personally, I'd just as soon leave the Primach there. As far as I'm concerned, it's the other thing down there that's more important." ... she's curious how much Ragnell's learnt, so refers to the wrecked craft rather obliquely, and as if to tease, she adds to Riesenlied: "Have you considered contacting the Yggdrasil, and asking them to bring a very large tow-rope?"

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

"True that," Ragnell says of hatred, looking back up at the expansive sky. She hooks one leg over her knee and idly waggles her foot. She smiles slightly as Riesenlied and Noeline affirm they'll keep going without worrying too much about public opinion as well as what they're here to do, and chuckles another throaty chuckle--but there's a slightly wistful quality to it. "You two do that, then."

She looks back over when the topic changes to the Primarch. "Primarch? You mean that big, ugly... whatever the fuck it was?" Ragnell there are /children/ present--oh who are we kidding, she's never minded her language around children (even if she might go easy on them, for a relative value of "easy"). "I assume leavin' it alone isn't an option?" Except Noeline says she'd just as soon do that. Ragnell glances at her. "...or is that a point o' contention between the two of ya?"

As for the other thing... Well, she *was* down there. She didn't see a lot, but she did at least see a wreckage and an information terminal. Sadly for Noeline, she just hums a bit, nods, and asks, "What d'you plan on doin' with it once you haul it up?"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

It's okay, Mikaia has a special gift where, until she turns of the proper age of 18 (21 in certain countries), every time a naughty word gets said, much like now--

that big, ugly... whatever the--

Mikaia turns and gets distracted as a cucco loudly goes: "Cucco!" and waves at it.

--her innocence will be protected! See how that works?!

"From the logs that we have gathered -- ancient messages from the prior inhabitants of the ship, it would seem that the Primarch's taint has actually infected the metal of the ship itself. Ridding ourselves of the Primarch is likely the fastest and most effective way for us to have unfettered access to repairing the ship without -- constant danger hounding us at every step."

She does concede, however, as she replies, "... though I would not rule out the idea of hauling it up. But... this would have to be our ace in the hole, as it were -- everyone here knows that Wayside Village is only temporary. If we can refurbish it into a mobile home, we would see a heightened level of security in the future."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline's gaze at Ragnell's swearword is half-lidded, and both terribly amused and a little reproachful. Certainly, her hands did drop towards Mikaia's ears, ready to cover them if it weren't for aviary intervention. "To be more precise - if we stay here in Wayside, I have no doubt we will have to deal with the Primarch. If we could somehow lift the ship and simply leave it well alone, that would easily be my preferred option, but as Riese says..." she trails off with a lopsided shrug.

Her wave at Ragnell's last question is rather airy, but there's a determined little light in her eyes. "Oh, you know, this and that. Evacuate in it. Live in it. Hopefully, evade pursuit a great deal in it. We may have made a great many new allies, but we've traded them for some fairly major enemies. I realize it may only increase fears about the Ebony Wings to know they have a mobile craft, but I should hope the villages we've evacuated thus far count for something."

She pauses, though, and pats Mikaia in the hair with a chuckle. "Besides, it's our best chance for continuing onwards."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

/Cuccoblocked/. Lucky for Ragnell she's perfectly okay with Mikaia's powers of self-censorship. You do you, kiddo. You do you.

"Hmmm," she murmurs. Yeah, she did read that on the information log--Hyadeans getting corrupted by whatever was down there, resolving to spit in its eye to the last... But a lot of that file was corrupted. "Sounds like a solid idea to me." She lifts her head to gaze out at the endless expanse of nothing in many, many directions. "This area's not very defensible, after all. Havin' yourselves a ship means you can at least run away if you have to." She winks at Riese. "But why would you ever wanna do that~?"

But yeah, their ideas make sense--both of them. "What's it doin' on the Leyline, anyway?" she wonders. "Or is it more of the same corruption?" In which case, *someone* probably ought to deal with it, for the sake of Filgaia. ...and knowing Riesenlied, it'll probably be her sooner or later, even if she didn't have a personal stake in matters.

"Will you be takin' the water purifier with you? Seems a shame to leave somethin' that handy behind," she notes. "Either way, though, good luck. Sounds like you'll need it." A beat. "Oh, an' one more question for ya..." She tilts her head at Riesenlied. "You said before K.K. promised to watch over what y'all are doin' with Wayside, to see if y'all stay on the path you swore to walk. Where are ya on that now, given your recent tussle?"

Ragnell knows that no number of "tussles" would stop K.K. from carrying out an oath. But Riesenlied and Noeline may not be so... welcoming, anymore.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied lowers her head, letting out a very gentle breath. "Well... I do know when to choose my battles, with the resources that we have -- I know very well that we cannot rely on Noeline alone, and we have often adopted hit and run tactics when we require ourselves to do so."

She tilts her head and squints for a moment... saying, "I genuinely am unsure -- but it's a safe bet that its powers stem directly from within it. It cannot be anything good... and--"

She presses her lips. "... I think we may very well take the water purifier with us when we move the ship. I cannot be certain yet, but I think that water purifier -may- originally have been part of the ship -- it certainly was the first piece of evidence that led us to Wayside's valley, after all. The suggestion that it may have been part of a larger system. I just did not expect it to be... a ship."

The topic of K.K. comes up.

"... K.K. is our steel, in the matter of the Guardians and our oath. To that end, I do not feel the need to conflate what they do with what we have pacted upon," Riesenlied admits honestly. "After all, they have made their position clear to me when first we met, and I in turn."

She looks towards the Seraph, her eyes full of resolve. "I do not intend to break my oath, and I would continue welcome the Trial Knight to oversee it."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline's huff towards Ragnell's initial question actually sounds genuine, as if she's actually annoyed at something for the first time this conversation - though not towards the Seraph in front of her, at least. "Ugh, don't even joke. You know, someone actually told us to take responsibility for the people of Wayside by standing and fighting until we died? It's a romantic kind of thought, certainly, but a little bit self-defeating. In the literal sense, even," she snorts.

It's a far cry from the image of an indefatigable warrior, but then she's never exactly been a front-line Photosphere troop, built more to sneak and evade than go toe-to-toe with - for instance - a set of four angry Quarter Knights. Not that she wouldn't try, if it meant getting Wayside safe, but she's not about to admit that to Ragnell or else she'd never be allowed to forget it.

She does betray a slight note of surprise at news of the water purifier, letting out a breath. "Hmm... hopefully we'll have time to properly pick it up and take it with us. I have to admit, I was under the impression it was a rather larger system than just that large box," she notes, but lets her curiosity go for the moment - especially when talk turns to that of the Trial Knight.

Immediately, her posture firms, and her mouth thins to a line; she's clearly a lot more wary about what happened at Wehaca, and what it might mean in the future. At the same time-- "Mind you, I can't say what the Guardians will think of them," she adds to Riesenlied's comment, but at least seems accepting of her partner's direction. ... she does spare a glance at Ragnell, though, as if to ask 'what did you think Riesenlied, spirit of forgiveness who tries to talk to our anathema, was going to say?'

She can be expressive, okay.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Despite her earlier tease, Ragnell nods with thoughtful quiet when Riesenlied describes her tactics. Noeline's snort and subsequent comment gets a snort, though. "Whaaaat, really? Sounds like someone wants y'all gone but can't be assed--" CUCCO "--to do it themselves. Definition of a loser, right there."

So the water purifier was part of the ship all along, then? Or at least it probably was. Ragnell nods, expression thoughtful. Even more interesting is that Noeline doesn't look like she knew that. Still, that answers that.

As for K.K.--looks like there's no hard feelings, at least not here. Ragnell chuckles, then smirks over at Noeline. "True, but K.K. worries 'bout what others think of 'em even less than you two do," she drawls. "Doubt they much care if the Guardians don't care for 'em anymore." Much like herself, all considered. "Besides, a while back, I saw one dude callin' on the Guardians to /help him/ shatter a Statue. Not sure they really fuss 'bout that kinda thing." She half-shrugs. "Even if they probably *should*."

Then she chuckles at Noeline's glance, before looking back at Riese. "Either way, good t' hear. That's that, then." She heaves her legs up, then sweeps them down and kicks herself upright. "Well, I just dropped by t' say hi. Got plenty a' places to be, people t' bother." She winks at Riese and Noeline, offering them a two-fingered salute of farewell. "See ya two 'round, then. Whoops; I mean three." She grins and winks at Mikaia. "A certain someone was so tiny, I almost didn't see 'em there."

And without waiting for any questions of their own, she starts to saunter off.