2023-06-21: Unexpected Commonalities

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  • Log: Unexpected Commonalities
  • Cast: Hannah Curie, Riesenlied, Noeline
  • Where: Harmonde - Port
  • Date: June 21, 2023
  • Summary: After a successful day's work atHarmonde, Hannah wanders off to brood by herself, and Riesenlied and Noeline go to check on her. Personal histories are shared, and Hannah discovers some similarities she wasn't expecting.

=============================<* Harmonde - Port *>==============================
Located on the far east coast of Zoara, Harmonde is a large seaside town. Home to a thriving fishing community, the sea and its bounties form the basis of its economy. But seafood isn't the only thing the town offers: it's also host to an up-and-coming seaside tourism industry, in no small part thanks to the town's connection to a local railway. This has spawned a local restaurant industry in turn of which The Red Shell is the local star. The townsfolk tend to be cheerful if plain-spoken, with that crusty veneer everyone wants from a person of the sea. The architecture leans towards the practical: storms come in off the seas with some regularity so in Harmonde, the people build things to last.

BGM: Wild Arms 5 - The Street Corner at Sunset
<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

There was plenty to do, to help with Harmonde's rebuilding efforts, and Hannah had thrown herself into her work to try and distract herself from certain thoughts. But there was a certain amount of distraction to her thoughts, and while she wasn't inattentive, per se--there were plenty of hazards to be aware of, after all--she wasn't 100% focused.

It doesn't take empathic powers to see that something is bugging her. The close call with her magic and Noeline, having Riesenlied just outright name her 'unstable' powers, the way she had reacted to those words... Luckily, there'd been plenty of work to keep from having to have any further conversations on it, but at the end of the day, when all the meaningful work had been done...

Hannah had excused herself quietly, only saying that Zephyr was going to go hunting, and that she wanted to keep an eye on him. Which was true enough, but even after that had been done she lingered away from everyone else. She found a hill to sit on, sitting cross-legged with a notebook in her lap, while Zephyr was perched on a nearby tree. In the notebook are several diagrams with pairs of Muse crests, and plenty of calculations surrounding them.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    Riesenlied is settling down after the day of work at Harmonde -- she's returned to the Fereshte, had a nice bath thanks to the wonders of some of the ARMs that provide water, and a meal... then she's set out to go look for Hannah, since it seemed like the young woman was somewhat on edge after some of the things that happened today. She's changed into a differently-coloured dress, purple and blue and white, still with the Fereshte Baskar trappings, with a soft lilac capelet, but her look doesn't change that much, honestly.

    It's not a bad time to tour the town in the wake of their efforts and check up on it, and she thinks she's probably given Hannah a bit of space to breathe, not wanting to overwhelm the young woman.

    Her wheelchair isn't the quietest of devices, and she's very easy for Zephyr to spot too; she has a small basket in her lap as she works her way up the hill with some exertion. "Hannah? It is Riesenlied. I thought you might be hungry..." Something smells nice in it, like baked goods.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

    Noeline has spent dinner looking quietly satisfied with the day's work. She's still on the high of being back doing relief work along with the Fereshte on Filgaia - it feels good in a way she would never have expected a few years ago, and it takes her a moment to realize she's missed it dearly in the period where the airship has been stuck on Lunar.

    She's accompanying Riesenlied on her walk, helping the wheelchair over any obstacles in its path and sometimes just helping push her partner along for the sake of being a bit closer. She's not being quite as quiet as her partner, occasionally grousing over the way that many of the problems they faced during the day were more... external than they're used to. But there's no teeth to her grumbling, and most of the time she's just enjoying the evening's peace as things wind down.

    Rather than speak out loud at first, she lets Riesenlied call out to Hannah, only humming to herself as they catch sight of the other woman. If she looks bothered by the close call, she truly doesn't show it - and once they're close enough she offers a nod. "Good work today. It can be a bit of an adjustment if you're not used to it."

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

Zephyr may or may not be keeping watch, but Hannah is initially facing away from the other two women as they approach. Her head might hang down a just a little more when they come into Zephyr's view, but that might be a coincidence. Her writing stops, and she takes a long, slow breath, trying to calm her nerves. She waits until they get closer, and when Riese calls out to her, she calls back, "Hi, Miss Riesenlied. Hi, Miss Noeline." Then Riesenlied mentions food, and she blinks. Her head lifts up as if catching a whiff of that food... and her stomach growls.

She glances to the side to look at the sun on the horizon. "Oh. Guess I was out here longer'n I thought." At that point she shifts around to face the two women, notebook still in her lap. "Sorry to bring you out all this way..."

Noeline's compliment does earn a brief smile, though. "... Thanks. It was... nice." Then hastily she adds, "I mean, not nice that the town needed rebuildin' but that I was doin' something more meanin'ful than my usual work, that's all."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    The closeness does bring joy to Riesenlied, even however powered her wheelchair gets, and as failproof as they try to get the wheels, it does get stuck on some terrain, eventually. "You also did wonderful, Noeline."

    Riesenlied has a smile for Hannah, as she opens the basket and moves to shuffle herself to a little more space. She draws a picnic mat out of the basket, and hands it to Noeline to help spread -- and move herself down from her chair to the ground, which she needs a little assistance doing. Legs to her side, she puts the food out, several nice fruit sandwiches, and vegetable ones as well; an egg salad and cucumber and pickle one, among the mix, along with several baked pastries.

    "No, no, it is all right. I wanted to apologise if I made you uncomfortable earlier, as well," Riesenlied expresses, and smiles in turn to Noeline's compliment. "Yes, we would not have made the progress we made today if it not were for you. That foreman really listened to your advice."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

    Noeline offers a toothy grin in support of Hannah's statements. There's a look on her face that suggests she's more than aware of the need to brood a bit sometimes - and also what it can end up doing to the stomach. "It's fine. We were already intending to walk out and about, after all, and it gave us a chance to see how you were doing," she notes confidently, then sniggers at how rushed she adds the last part. "It's not our intention to call capital-d drifting meaningless. But it can feel good to do something like this once in a while."

    She hums in return to Riesenlied's compliment, tilting her head a little as she accepts it. "You as well. I couldn't have put the fear in that rather unscrupulous person without you," the tease is gentle as she automatically moves to assist with the blanket as she weights it down first with stones and second with the other Hyadean. "It was a pleasure to see you in your element again."

    Riesenlied's cue makes her look up from where she's now sitting, back towards Hannah. "And I suppose I came to reassure you that I am safe and well. I can understand worrying, but rest assured I'm a great deal hardier than I might look."

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

Hannah nods to Noeline's comments about Drifting, capital D. "It's nice bein' able to help people who need it... it's a lot different from bein' asked to deliver something or retrieve somethin' that was stolen, you know?"

Hannah sees the picnic blanket come out and realizes this is going to be more of A Thing, and quickly sets her notebook aside so she can get up to her feet. "Aw, shoot. Lemme help with that--" It might be a little easier for her to help Noeline spread it out, though she takes her cue from Noeline to help Riese out of her wheelchair. "Least I can do since you went through all this trouble on my account."

Once everything is set out she sits, looking over everything. She picks up one of the fruit sandwiches and starts to dig into it--she's at least polite about it, but now that her hunger has been noticed she's trying to satiate it. Riese apologizes for making her uncomfortable, and she shakes her head. "It's okay. You weren't... you weren't wrong, is the thing." She looks down at her sandwich. Quietly, she admits, "There is something wrong with my magic."

Noeline compliments her work with the foreman. "Oh, shucks, it wasn't suck a big deal. Really I owe my thanks to Zephyr. He let me get the lay o' the land, so if it weren't for his help..."

She nods to Noeline. "I am mighty relieved to see you weren't injured. But even so... I... I still worry about..." She lets that thought trail off, and then looks away. "If somethin' happened to either of you or your family on account of me, I'd never be able to live with myself."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    Riesenlied thinks about the nature of Drifting, and how odd jobs don't always have that same level of satisfaction of helping someone. "It is true, chances like these do not always come about, even for us. Sometimes, it is just a matter of ensuring something does not become a problem, even if no one notices... but there is satisfaction in being able to see it in the faces of other people."

    She takes a cucumber sandwich herself, and takes a few nips of it -- before gently frowning at what Hannah says when she says her magic is 'wrong'. "I will not claim 'I understand what you feel', because I feel that a little presumptuous of me -- but I sympathise heavily, since... I have been placed in a similar position myself. I, too, was frightened at hurting my loved ones... and I have come close to doing so." There's a fond look to Noeline. "Indeed, she is hardy, for what I have put her through due to circumstance..."

    She bobs her head. "A large part of how I overcame it involved working to not think that I was an anomaly, a wrong upon this world. I wanted to contribute positively to the world... I had Noeline and other close friends to help me work through that. And of course, refining that power too."

    Riesenlied stops to pour some tea from a thermos, passing it around, since she realises she's getting a little ahead of herself. "I would... like to assist you in any way I can to make yourself more comfortable with yourself, and your powers, since lonesomeness is biting and cold."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

    "It is," Noeline confirms to Hannah with a brief nod. "And a lot tougher, as well. There's more to think about when it comes to this sort of thing - where to place people, how best to help them. It might help round out your thinking when it comes to going back to your other jobs, or at least that's certainly the way it went for me." She's adaptable, and it doesn't take her long to work around and alongside the mage's help in getting everything set up.

    She does hover fairly close to Riese as she sits - there's always the potential for a chill in the air as the sun starts to set, and she wastes no time in also snagging a pastry for herself while they're still warm, mentally turning Hannah's response and Riesenlied's comments over in her head for a quiet moment. "I can understand the worry," she allows with a nod. "Because it is the little voice in the back of their head that anyone with some level of power ought to have. The people to really watch out for are the ones that don't."

    A glum frown gets turned on Riese, but it's far from serious. "I will continue to maintain that those circumstances are caused by other people, and you are as much a victim as I am. ... well, on the whole. Maybe if we could curb that habit of suddenly getting pulled into several days worth of sleep walking towards a variety of out-of-the-way ruins and psychic resonances."

    She softens - despite her joking, there's a gentle touch of support on Riesenlied's arm even as she addresses Hannah once more. "I'll say it again, but I'd like to think that you'd have to try very hard to have something happen to me," the Hyadean notes with a quiet confidence, studying the mage for a moment. A quiet instinct makes her add: "Control is something that comes through practice. It's important not to give up on it, whatever might have happened in the past."

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

There can be much said about being able to help people the way they did today. "Most of the time it's just me'n Zephyr, and even when I hire myself out for digs, it's not... not really the same as it was, today, workin' with everyone else." A brief flicker of a smile. "It was nice." She nods to Noeline. "It's more work, but... I couldn't've done this all on my own. If it weren't for me being scared to hurt other people, I'd... I'd like to do this more."

"But I don't know if I should."

Hannah's been looking glum and down at her lap as she works on her sandwich, but Riese's comment about being afraid of hurting her loved ones makes her look up, eyes blinking as she regards the other woman. Her eyes are a bit wide, even, as she looks at Riese in something approaching wonder. It might not be the exact same thing--it can't be the exact same thing, surely it can't--but if she understands, then... maybe that's enough.

Zephyr lifts off from his perch and swoops down to land on Hannah's shoulder. Hannah isn't even looking in his direction, but she still manages to turn her head to the side just so so that Zephyr's wing doesn't smack her head as he lands and folds his wings, and he seems capable of perching on the girl's shoulder without digging in too much with his claws.

"What... what happened?"

Hannah takes some of the tea once its passed around, and considers Riese's words. The comment about loneliness clearly strikes a chord from the expression on her face, and Zephyr leans his head down to touch his head to Hannah's. "I... I don't want to be 'comfortable' with it, I want to fix it, it's..." She sighs. She's getting a little ahead of herself too, she feels like. "... When I cast magic, I get these little..flare-ups. Like they're unexpectedly stronger'n I meant 'em to be, or... like the intent is twisted somehow..."

She looks to Noeline and shakes her head a little. "But I have to worry, it's..." She looks haunted, as an old fear is recalled to mind. "I went to Sielje. There was... an accident. I didn't cause it but... when I tried to help, I panicked, and my magic went out of control and made everything worse, even though I didn't mean for it, I..." She shuts her eyes. "I do practice. Constantly. It..." She pauses for a long time before opening her eyes again.

"It doesn't help. It just made it worse. It feels like somethin's corrupting my magic and I have to fight with it all the time to hold it back..." She reaches over and picks up her notebook and places it down for the other women to see. They're clearly illustrations for crest graphs, even if they're not familiar with the art in detail. "I try to filter it out, and control what I can't, but... it only gets me so far."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    Riesenlied doesn't try to rush as much, this time; this is a sensitive and touchy subject, and she needs to handle it with care. There's a quiet lean against Noeline, in part because the chill is starting to creep up on her, as she hears Noeline's own reassurances. "I am trying to not let the trances take hold of me as much... I have been doing better, have I not?"

    She listens patiently, though, as Hannah works through what has happened in the past. How much she doesn't want to be comfortable with it -- it's familiar, the way Riesenlied told herself she'd never let her guard down in case she caused another incident...

    Savants with natural talent and overwhelming power are one thing, but to hear Hannah speak 'like the intent is twisted' makes her wonder if there's something else... and then there was the incident in Sielje. ... it hurts, to only have the intention of wanting to help, but making things worse, accidentally.

    She inspects the illustrations for the crest graphs for a moment -- Riesenlied is knowledgeable enough about the basics of the Ley, given her relationship to it, even if she's not a Crest Sorceress (and cannot be, given she is Hyadean). But first she doubles back to something Hannah asked earlier, of what happened. Maybe that's another way to relate, right now...

    There's a glance to Noeline and a nod, then she slowly undoes that capelet of hers, which always covers her neck and shoulders -- and slips it off; there, where the scales that do cover her body end, is a twisted and rather grotesque mangling of flesh to metal -- it looks like metallic cables and wiring running up her clavicles, ending with a shimmering, octagonal object that's directly embedded at the base of her neck, at her center.

    "Some six years ago now, Noeline and I came into contact with the outside world when our brethren -- the Hyadeans, or Metal Demons, as the world knew them -- invaded Ignas. To put a long story short, we found ourselves on the opposing side of humans, but we eventually broke off to live peacefully away from the war, forming Wayside Village -- and the Outreach, as you know it now."

    She's summarising, since she gets to the point pertinent to the discussion: "About... four years ago, this battle reached a fever pitch when it was taken to the doorstep of our own home, a crashed spaceship known as the 'Photosphere'. In one of the skirmishes, I was..." A hesitant pause. "Kidnapped, and then a horrible person known as Alhazred..." More hesitation.

    "Well." It's no easier than it was back then to talk about. "Suffice to say, under the orders of Mother, he transformed me into a... weapon, their words were. They took advantage of my empathic powers to turn me into the Ley Dragon, a creature that could act as a conduit to leech the energies of the world -- the same ones that Crest Sorcery uses -- so Mother could feed upon it."

    She lowers her head. "I was saved thanks to Noeline, my father, and countless other Drifters, and I have been in their debt since. ... and since then, I, too, have been working hard to not feel as if I am a sin against the world, and to contribute what I can towards it..."

    There's tiredness in her eyes as she says, "You are right, though. I, too, do not wish to be 'comfortable' with it. And I do not know your circumstance in full. And to understand it is power, I feel, in being more okay with it. When you say something feels as if it is corrupting it... perhaps we can explore it further? I do not know Crest Sorcery in depth, but I do know the Ley, which Crest Sorcery powers."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

    "As I said, it is not as if there isn't a need for good old-fashioned digging. Recent events have taught all of us on Filgaia that the past may be a lot closer than we think, and the only way we are going to unravel whatever happened is by searching for as many clues as I can. And on the more utilitarian side, goods need to travel. Even something small like a letter can be terribly important to the right person."

    She watches carefully as Hannah withdraws into herself, as her avian friend comes down to either offer her support or defend her - though both amount to much the same thing as the mage hurries her way into an explanation. For a long moment, Noeline lapses into silence. She doesn't look surprised or appalled, just sat there contemplatively with her head propped on her hand, her gaze a little unfocused as she chews on the rest of her pastry. It flicks down to the crest graphs; Noeline might not be able to use sorcery but that hasn't stopped her trying, and she faintly remembers the patterns that were commonly used to compare against.

    She reanimates when Riesenlied slowly starts to work through their past and their history, taking the capelet from her partner to carefully fold it in her arms. Her hand goes to the other Hyadean's back, resting there gently in a wordless support of her own as their tale is told. "... it may be difficult to understand the gravity of everything that happened to our race. Suffice it to say that Mother was someone that every Hyadean looked up to - and that day was when it was all revealed to be a lie. Even those of us who had started to suspect it felt the shock of it all."

    There isn't a great deal to add to Riesenlied's explanation, and it's not as if she wants to crowd Hannah too much either, but she does at least continue in a much gentler tone of voice: "I am certainly not saying that you should not worry about it. And I apologize if it seemed like I was suggesting you were not practicing. But there is a limit to what one person can do alone, particularly when it comes to understanding something. Any teacher worth their salt would not begrudge their student a few mistakes."

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

The crests in her sketches are Muse and Muse--which has the potential to be the basis of an ice spell, depending on how they're arranged.

There is some surprise as Riesenlied removes her capelet and reveals what's underneath. But also a small amount of curiosity as she examines that object embedded in her neck. But her attention quickly goes back to Riesenlied as she begins to explain. Her sandwich lays in her lap, half-finished, her tea cooling as she listens, especially to Riesenlied's explanation of the experimentation done on her.

Hannah is silent for a long while as she tries to absorb all of that. It's not the same. Risenlied was experimented on in a lab, she had this problem develop naturally, and yet...

And yet... It wasn't something she wished for, there are apparently issues where something happens that she can't control, and especially that look of tiredness in Risenlied's eyes.

Her own face probably reflects that tiredness quite well, too.

Her voice is so quiet. "You... you understand, then, don't you?" She looks up to Riesenlied. "I know it's not the same, but..." There are some notes of relief buried deep down in her voice, and even some faint hope.

She looks to Noeline as she adds on a few details. About how someone named Mother turned out to be not what they thought. Hannah knows some of what happened with the war, but isn't familiar with it in detail, and certainly not the internal workings of the Hydeans. But she nods to show she was listening.

She shakes her head a litle as Noeline apologizes for her comments. "It's okay. You didn't know." But there are limits to what one can do alone... Hannah nods. "I... I recently ran into a friend of mine from Sielje. She's offered to help me figure this out... She's one of the most talented Crest Sorcersses I know, so hopefully..."

But she nods to Riesenlied next. "I'd appreciate that. I..." there is a pained expression as she admits this, like saying or even thinking it runs counter to her very being. "... I think I've hit the limits of what I can do alone. Maybe... I need a fresh perspective on things."

Zephyr chirps, and Hannah starts to eat her sandwich, finishing it off and reaching for a pastry next. She takes a bite of it before asking, "Miss Risenlied, may I ask about your empathic powers?"


<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    Riesenlied can't help but have a snicker to Noeline. "You do not even begin to know with how much bated breath I waited for the next letter in those days, wondering where you had traversed." That the Photosphere even got letters is something of a miracle, or maybe Riesenlied ventured out to another place for them? Mysteries in the past, these things are.

    "... yes, it is true. Mother was the central divine figure in our lives -- it was impossible to not be at least somewhat affected by her legacy, and to have that turned so bitterly upon us is..." Riesenlied lets that sit for a time being.

    Muse and Muse...

    The octagonal object at Riesenlied's neck shimmers with a particularly powerful flow of Life -- if the energy can even be quantified as such; even seated here, just chatting and talking tea, Ley is invariably flowing in and out of her body, and...

    Well, the Ley really is not something that's suitable to just be piped through one's body. It is likely part of the physical weakness Riesenlied shows, since she is a sickly-looking person in general.

    "It is not quite the same, and yet... well, I want to share in what you struggle with, Hannah," Riesenlied gently says, noting that faint hope in her voice. "Sometimes, differences in something similar in what we struggle with is what allows us to see things in a different light, is it not?"

    A friend of hers, from Sielje. A talented Crest Sorceress. "I am full glad you are receiving help elsewhere too. I have a friend in Sielje as well, who helped work on this wheelchair... and as far as talented Crest Sorceresses--" She thinks. "There is Jacqueline Barber, who is also a skilled alchemist. Mikaia started her training under her. Then there is Eleanor Klein, from Klein City..." Unaware she's referring to the same person Hannah is implicitly referring to.

    Hannah admits she's hit the limits of what she can do alone -- and she needs a fresh perspective on things. Riesenlied nods heartily, and says, "Yes, please feel free to ask." As she does so, she also pushes a little pottle of seeds out for Zephyr.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

    Noeline remains silent for a little longer as Riesenlied shares her story, and the ramifications of it are worked through on both sides. Only afterwards does she close her eyes and puff out a tiny little breath. "That is for the best. I know it can feel terrible to have something like that shadowing your past, but it is important to move forwards. I would hope that few people there would blame you for trying to assist in an emergency situation."

    The idea of some kind of corruptive presence to her powers is a thought that Noeline keeps to herself. There are no end of possible candidates on Filgaia and Lunar, she knows that well enough, but many of the ones she's aware of either she or Riesenlied can detect. If it is something else, there is no point in trying to worry anyone further.

    "Sadly, I am not a sorceress, so I cannot really offer any advice on crest sorcery," she continues thoughtfully, then breaks into a wry smirk. "To be honest, I am not sure what I count as. I suppose I would technically be considered a shaman, but my use of a Guardian's power is somewhat more direct. My own wrinkle is that I had a Medium rather forcibly distributed through the metal that comprises me. Neither of us were supposed to have access to these powers, but at least mine was... more kind in its introduction. After the initial explosion. And the decades of wondering if I was going to be executed as a super-heretic."

    She chuckles to herself, briefly lost in memories, and then tilts her head to Riesenlied. "Really... I will continue to wonder how on earth you managed that for the rest of my days. And I will admit that you have gotten much better as of late. Plus, we can return to having a round-the-clock watch for the next wayward ruin that calls your name," she adds with a brief kiss to Riesenlied's cheek. Goodness!

    "... I still hope we might find a way to stabilize the Ley. Or at least to calm Odoryuk a little more each day. Not that I think the Guardian is struck with terror nor anything like that, but even so."

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

Noeline mentions her hope that nobody would blamesomeone for trying to help, and Hannah glances away a bit. "Y-yeah..." And... she has all the telltale signs of a kid trying to avoid mentioning something. There were more than a few rumors floating around, and once Hannah realized what was at fault... she might have left the school for fear of hurting anyone else. At the time she viewed it as necessary, but recently she's started to second guess that decision.

Riesenlied expands more on this Mother, and Hannah offers a quiet, consoling, "I'm sorry," to both Riesenlied and Noeline.

Hannah is still contemplating that strange object some, considering what that kind of energy flowing through a person might do, especially in such an unnatural configuration... It's not exactly her specialty, but broadly speaking... there are no good answers. But she'll never ask to confirm her suspicions, at least on that matter.

There is something within Hannah that is just a little off. She is calm right now, and not agitated, so it might be hard to detect, but given enough time, enough stillness, it might just be perceptible, for those with the sensitivity or capability. (At the very least, she knows that it's not Malevolence, now, thanks to a Seraphim she has recently been acquainted with.)

Riesenlied offers to share in her struggles, and Hannah nods quietly. "Okay. I'd appreciate that. And... if I can help you in some way..."

She blinks as Noeline mentions that she was also modified. And she seems to be doing better, physically, than Riesenlied. "Oh, I see... " A small note of concern when an explosion is mentioned. "I'm... I'm glad you came through it okay, it seems like?"

Hannah perks up when that name is mentioned. "Oh, Eleanor is who I meant. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you know her... We ran into each other recently, and..." She mumbles a little bit, "... she's putting me up in Klein Manor, for the moment."

"The... the cuccos that showed up earlier. Was that your doing, with your empathic powers? What..." She frowns, considering just how she wants to phrase this. It's hard to put something into words that she hasn't quite had the vocabulary for.

She's looking at her baked good in contemplation, nowhere near the birdseed being offered when Zephyr chirps. Absently, she says, "Oh, he's not hungry."

She looks up to Riesenlied again. "What does it feel like, for you, when you use those powers?"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    Noeline has a hope that no one would blame her for it, and Riesenlied does hold that hope in turn, but... well, she does understand how nasty social circles -- especially one in a school -- can be. They've had their share of bullying in the Photosphere, both of them, that drove them out to be outcasts in their own ways, after all.

    "It seems rather a coincidence that Duras Drum is as sassy as you are, some days," Riesenlied can't help but smile at Noeline. "But... it is true that I am glad everything worked out for the better, as far as that went."

    Then she's kissed on the cheek! Goodness! She visibly flusters for a moment, forgetting what she's going to say for a moment-- then looks to Hannah, instead, and how she contemplates the Medium. Since it feels like the questions are just on the top of her tongue, she helps satisfy her curiousity:

    "It does hurt, channeling the Ley, a little like piping fire through your veins, if I had to make an analogy. I have the good fortune of Noeline and the children telling me not to overdo it in times of great duress, though!"

    And Riesenlied would sense if it was Malevolence that greatly clung to Hannah; no, this isn't a spiritual affliction of that kind...

    "Oh, you know Eleanor!" Riesenlied looks quite pleased. "I was wondering, since she is also a Sielje graduate, if I am not mistaken. Ah..." she smiles at that mumble, knowing that it must feel a bit awkward to accept large generosity from a friend. It's no wonder that Hannah expressed feeling good to help Harmonde out -- a bit like feeling one can give instead of just take, perhaps.

    "Ah, yes, I reached out to them with empathy," Riesenlied confirms, of the cuccos. And an 'oh!' as Hannah mentions Zephyr isn't hungry -- but she picks out how she's not even looking at Zephyr or not. There is something somewhat familiar between the two.

    Hannah asks what it's like, for her, when she uses her power. "Hmm. Well, there often is a passive kind of projection -- between those close enough to me, I do not even need to consciously think about it. Noeline and I have that kind of bond, after all this time. She might just sense that I am upset, even when not showing it, or that she is hungry or wants a bit of a scenery change and a walk. These rings also help, when we are further apart."

    A pause, and then, "But... I can also focus keenly upon it, and create stronger auras that other people can sense or join into."

    Riesenlied closes her eyes, focusing her thoughts upon the Dragon's Tear -- and there's an emanation that slowly ebbs out, of gentle, warm colours; she's not being aggressive or pushy, but she is offering her emotions out there. Right now, she is calm, and feels safe and amongst people she trusts; there's layers of worry and concern, and some fatigue, as well, underneath.

    "Oftentimes, local animals are easier to engage with like this... and it is easier to communicate with them through emotion... but other times, it is important to be able to understand what other people are feeling quickly, as well, or to be able to present myself where words or actions may not be enough to overcome suspicion."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

    Noeline studies Hannah's reaction with sympathy, then lets out another rather theatrical sigh as she folds her arms. "Well. I will amend: anyone with a scrap of empathy for the situation would not blame you. You cannot be held responsible for the grumblings of others," she declares, as the imperiousness of a Crimson Noble comes through for a moment.

    She smiles wanly afterwards, then breaks into a laugh. "No, no. There's truly nothing to apologize for. In the long run, our experiences have helped pave the way to fight back against Mother and our past. Now, Hyadeans are mingling ever so slowly with the other people of Filgaia. We - that is, our race - might finally be reaching the point of being accepted amongst the planet, now that we are working our way free of old hatreds. It will be a long process, but a positive one."

    With a smirk, her eyes light up again. "Oh, yes. It was like I was breathing in spikes for a month or more, but then I slowly got used to it. Then I abruptly turned into a Hyadean that could use a Medium, and that was dangerous enough that I was in fairly severe danger were anyone to find out. Then I confided in Riesenlied, found out it was part of a vague long-standing plan, and then I had a big long argument with the Guardian in question. I called him names, in fact," she hums back to Riesenlied with a look of oversize pride.

    She softens back when Riesenlied starts to expand her aura outwards. Before she can really register it, it feels like there's more of the local fauna nature around them all of a sudden - flutters of bird calls come from a nearby tree line almost in answer. For her part, she closes her eyes, focusing on the ring that adorns one of her fingers. She's not well-attuned to the Ley, but she can borrow Riesenlied's senses to help track the way it moves and shapes.

<Pose Tracker> Hannah Curie has posed.

Noeline clarifies her position, and Hannah just nods, glumly. Maybe sometime she'll say more on that, but she's said far more than she normally does already. Though there is something in her tone of voice that feels familiar in a way that she can't quite put her finger on.

The kiss on the cheek does make her smile, faintly. It's nice seeing the two being so supportive of each other.

There is a mention of Hydeans being slowly accepted by the planet. Hannah nods a little. "The other day I met a Hydean working as a waiter. He was... very enthusiastic about the job." Well, he also described it as a kind of warfare or battle, but she's trying to be charitable here.

Hannah blinks when Noeline mentions hurling insults at a Guardian. She's not quite a devout of Guardianism--except in the loosest sense of wanting to respect the planet and its natural order--but even that would be a bridge she would not cross. "Oh dear. How... how did he take that?"

She nods as Riesenlied proactively answers her questions, nodding a bit as she confirms that channeling the Ley does, in fact, hurt. "Oh, I see. I'm glad Miss Noeline and the others can look out for you..."

"Yes, she showed me around when I first arrived at Sielje. We were really good friends, but... ah... we fell out of touch. For a few years." More deflection, more glancing to the side. But she certainly much prefers being on the giving end, of things. (Even if she could stand to learn to be a little more taking, in certain situations.)

But she takes a keen interest as Riesenlied starts to demonstrate, extending that aura... There is a sharp little gasp, a hand flying to her mouth, accompanied by definite reaction of surprise and shock emanating from her when she picks up the vibe that she feels safe and among people she trusts, wholly uncertain that she's deserving of that trust quite yet. But she closes her eyes to take in the rest...

There is something of a sense of familiarity from Hannah, after that initial surprise has passed. And slowly, almost reflexively, she opens up with her own emotions. Perhaps she isn't even realizing she's doing it. There is certainly much worry and concern for her magic, but there is also some for Rieselied, Noeline, and their family's safety--mostly directed at her concerns for her magic. There is also a sense of great familiarity, and a deep longing, for her own family, with the same concerns for their safety. And the tiredness that comes from so many years spent trying to outrun her problems.

Zephyr, meanwhile, also seems to react a bit instinctively. He's regarding Riesenlied with curiosity, sensing something familiar as well, but there is also a deep concern for Hannah, and.... a sense of a deep bond or a connection between the two.

Eventually, Hannah opens her eyes. "You... It's..." She looks to Zephyr, who looks back at her. She's either trying to think of what to say, or maybe they're having their own internal conversation. Finally she looks to Riesenlied again. "I've never had the right word to describe it before. But Zephyr and I have... I mean, I just described it as 'we understand each other', because that's the only way I knew how t' explain it, but we have a bond. It's not the exact same but it feels a lot like that..."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

    Hannah mentions she met a Hyadean that was working as a waiter. Riesenlied wonders who that might be, but it sounds charming! "Once, we had no choice but to become soldiers, warriors. Now, what I wish for more than anything is the freedom for our people to pursue what they wish, as their own choice, whether it is Drifting or creative endeavours... and indeed, as Noeline says, we are making inroads there."

    She has a little snicker and winks to say, "Oh, they may trade barbs, but they work together well in combat. She even went to Lunar to unseal his statue. That was quite the sight to take in."

    There's a quiet and pleased hum as Hannah explains her time at Sielje, and how... they fell out of touch. Riesenlied understands that might be related to the incident Hannah described, which must be traumatic. Instead, she focuses on something a bit more positive about the place: "I have a friend in one of the elder lecturers there -- a Madame Cielle, as the students knew her. We started trading letters when we were young, and she aided me in improving this wheelchair."

    When they've dove into the empathic aura, however, she focuses on what Noeline senses -- the flutters of birds nearby, the echoing of trees... but she meets Hannah in that aura as well -- sensing her concern and worry in turn, and how much she feels for her own family and safety... and the exhaustion of trying to outrun her problems.

    And Zephyr too! She's terribly fond of birds, and she's heartened to feel his deep bond with them.

    She opens her eyes in turn. "Mmm. I could sense it too. That connection you have with Zephyr -- so much that you exchange thoughts and what you see and identify to each other, I believe..." She bobs her head. "And you are quite the natural at exchanging how you project yourself, empathically, as well."

    There's a pleasant smile. "I daresay you could hone that strength, too. To be able to convey how you feel when words might not work... the more you can communicate with others, the easier it will be, would it not?"

    Riesenlied sips her tea again, then picks up her capelet and puts it back on, since it's chilly. "Whether it is your magic or your empathic bond or even just a kind ear to listen to your woes, I will offer my earnest assistance, however I can. I am sure Noeline feels much the same."