2024-06-05: Power of Memory

From Dream Chasers
Revision as of 05:27, 6 June 2024 by Bel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "*'''Log: Power of Memory''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Xantia, Character :: Azoth, Character :: Lily Keil, Character :: Citan Uzuki *'''Where:''' The Field of Power, Energy Nede *'''Date:''' June 05, 2024 (506 PC Filgaian) *'''Summary''': ''Azoth, Xantia, Lily, and Citan embark upon the Trial of Power, through the snows and into the caverns. Aware of the risks to their friends, they press forward anyway... and undergo an ordeal.'' ---- DG: A party led...")
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  • Log: Power of Memory
  • Cast: Xantia, Azoth, Lily Keil, Citan Uzuki
  • Where: The Field of Power, Energy Nede
  • Date: June 05, 2024 (506 PC Filgaian)
  • Summary: Azoth, Xantia, Lily, and Citan embark upon the Trial of Power, through the snows and into the caverns. Aware of the risks to their friends, they press forward anyway... and undergo an ordeal.

DG: A party led by Xantia is now entering Field of Power.
DG: Party formation is now over. An Entry Challenge will now be drawn and displayed to the party.
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
======================<* CHALLENGE - Ice-Encrusted Door *>======================
| Type: Entry        | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  The path to the Field of Power wasn't an easy one, already. It entailed a     
  half-day hike through the snowy foothills north of Pewter City -- a remote    
  area that few travel to -- and almost a stone's throw away from the barrier   
  containing Energy Nede's atmosphere. From here, the huge Symbols across it    
  flicker in the sky like an aurora.                                            
  But now, you've arrived. There is a stone plinth outside, marking this as     
  the legendary Field of Power. And, beyond that, you see a door leading into   
  the initial cavern. It is a metal door, ancient but untarnished. Symbols      
  glow over it; someone well-versed in Symbology can see that these are         
  Symbols specializing in ice magic. This door continuously generates a         
  massive sheet of ice, encrusting it into place. Your first challenge will be  
  to force this door open.                                                      
  Every step of the way, more ice will form. It will even crust over hands and  
  weapons, with how fast it grows. It will take considerable might -- and some  
  cunning -- to push open.                                                      
  But if you seek the Blessing of Power, you will need such might and cunning   
  to continue.                                                                  
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|          Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure! and Weaken:_Brute_Down!          |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

As alarming as Xantia's most recent activities in Filgaia have been, since being taken back to Nede she's been... fine, for the most part. It follows the pattern after an escalation, a period of calm and subdued temperance during which Xantia mostly lets others decide her actions for her. As sad as it may be that such a pattern exists, it at least helps in ensuring that she takes the time to properly rest after such an ordeal. Even if such things somehow don't leave a mark on her physically, it very much affects her mentally.

However, she has the support of friends to help her work through these tough times. Friends that now include those of the Pokemon variety as well. Even if Xantia hasn't yet felt up to anything too active, a bit of low-stress Pokemon Training seemed to be just what the doctor(s) ordered, if not literally than certainly figuratively.

She had not forgotten Lily and Citan's pledge to help her challenge the Fields however, nor their idea to invite Azoth to come along as well. If there's an element of keeping an eye on her involved with this, she won't take offense - she welcomes it in fact, still in a state of elevated concern about what might happen if left to her own devices.

Not that one would know it from the way she's been acting on the way to the Field of Power. She's been chipper as can be, and why wouldn't she be, when among her good friends going on a fun venture? Because that's what this is for her. Natural cold and standard physical exertion has never bothered her any. It was her own suggestion to challenge this Field first, saying, quote, 'I think I can handle the easy one'.

It is all about Power, after all. And who among them doesn't have that in spades?

The entrance is obvious enough, once they arrive. Huge, old-looking door with magical symbols, it couldn't have announced 'this is the place' more clearly. Xantia cracks her knuckles.

"Okay... so, I promised my Pokemon I'd involve them with this, but I'd say this one's best handled the old-fashioned way, wouldn't you agree?"

Regardless of the answer, Xantia is doing this the old-fashioned way. Surrounding herself with an aura of fire to combat the ice, the rest of the matter will be addressed with bare hands and brute force. What better way to get back in the groove of things?

DG: Xantia has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Ice-Encrusted Door. 
<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

It was a relief that Xantia agreed to resting as long as she did, but Azoth isn't about to push the issue further, worried or not. Xantia isn't the type to stay down long, and there's nothing to be gained by trying to discourage enthusiasm for getting back out there and doing. Especially with the patterns in play. The threat is, after all, to Xantia's happiness as much as anything else.

But Citan and Lily suggesting his presence would surprise him. Maybe it's to keep him where they can see him, given Solaris' interest in Nede. But Azoth's hardly one to reject the invitation regardless of the reasoning.

He smiles to see Xantia back in good spirits, despite everything. Cold isn't something Azoth has to worry about either, and thankfully, neither do his Pokemon. Ceru the Ceruledge occasionally pops out of 'haunting' Azoth's steel (is Azoth not a suit of armor himself, when you think about it?) while Rygo the Porygon-Z uploads himself into reality only to sometimes download back into Azoth's core to hide.

The twitching, erratic bird-like artificial Pokemon may not come as a surprise to anyone given the solid guesses for why a 'defective' Pokemon might've gone missing during a Solaris attack.

"Hey, until we're inside, we've technically not started yet, right?" he says to Xantia with a grin. "So I don't see why n--" He's about to snap his fingers to form an energy blade when Ceru gently smacks the back of his head with the flat of a fiery blade. Rygo zips out of Azoth and rattles in scolding chirps and beeps. Azoth sulks, but gives questioning gestures to his Pokemon.

Rygo spins around rapidly and suddenly has a prickly, fiery pine cone looking seed balanced on its beak. Both Ceru and Azoth flinch back as there's an audible crunch and the seed is gone and half bitten. Somehow?? In the very next inexplicable instant, Rygo belches an explosion of fire at the icy door.

"Uh. Okay."

DG: Azoth has used his Tool Blast Seed toward his party's challenge, Ice-Encrusted Door. Resilient! Party shielded from
some exhaustion next round!
<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

Lily Keil is fine with returning to Energy Nede for a while. It's calming, in some ways, and in others it's simply the main location of their primary enemy right now. Until she finds a lead on her father, that's what she should focus on. That, and Xantia.

But her Pokemon have their own end of the deal that Lily needs to fulfill, and she has been doing that much. She's been training them to grow stronger, to achieve their own goals, as she intends to achieve hers. And so, now that it's time to challenge the Fields...

It's true. 'Power' is the thing Lily is most confident in. But all the same, she knows there's always more. Will her 'power' be enough, here? She doesn't know. But she won't shirk it.

The snowy mountain isn't a problm for her; her circuit-like markings glow faintly now and then, as her magic sustains her against the cold. She walks, in Nedian-style clothes, a black suit with a golden tie, and her hair down, with boots. She eyes the symbols.

"They're symbols of ice," Lily comments.

That would make sens. "...Hm. I think I'll let my Pokemon take the lead instead," Lily says. "Clefairy." She pulls her Pokeball and a small and pink creature appears, round and fluffy.

"...Clefairy," she instructs. "Use your Metronome ability."

"Clef!" she says, and looks determined!! Then--She stops, and waggles her forefinger back and forth, as if scolding the door. There is a terrific burst of magical energy, unshaped Power suddenly conjured--and forced into form! A gigantic steel-colored beam of energy slams out of nowhere to brilliantly slam against the door!!

"Hmmm," Lily says. "Good control." Then she regards Rygo. "I like this one," she tells Azoth.

DG: Lily Keil has used her Tool Metronome toward her party's challenge, Ice-Encrusted Door. 
<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    It had seemed the wisest approach Citan could conceive of, under the circumstances. Not only would it be counterproductive to attempt to lock Xantia up or the like, but it probably wouldn't stick. The better approach would be to continue as they were and try -- emphasis on try -- to glean what information they could find. There's only so much they can try to do going at the situation blind, though it isn't as if there's very much information to work with in the first place. As he had more or less said to Xantia, it's rare to find someone who seemed to have simply appeared, ex novo, on the world's stage.

    It's been quite frustrating, for someone like Citan. Even Solaris does not appear to have encountered her (and survived to speak of the matter) prior to her landing in Ignas.

    But more than that, even, it seemed a good idea to him that they attempt the Trials. If what the Nedians said was true, the Trials would give them the strength to stand against the seemingly-invincible Wise Men. How or why this might be remains a mystery to Citan, but Energy Nede contains a great many mysteries -- this itself is not a surprise.
    And it had also seemed to him wise to bring along the one person who appeared to be able to force Xantia out of that strange fugue state into which she had descended during the battle with Gryndille.

    The fact that Azoth is also a singularly interesting individual is a small secondary bonus.

    But Xantia had proposed they try Power first and that had seemed all well and good to Citan (he would have voted for Wisdom, admittedly, but everyone has their own core strengths).

    "So this is the way in... hm," he muses aloud as he studies the Symbological markings. "Lily, what do you make of these?" he asks, to which she readily gives an answer.

    "Well, as he says, we are not inside just y--"

    He turns his head to glance at Azoth's Pokemon as they manifest in turn, only to lift an eyebrow at Rygo's display. "Well, perhaps I ought to leave all of you to this? --Ah."

    Something tiny and yellow has just scampered out of his shadow. "Kyu," says Ise the Mimikyu resolutely as he stares (?? the head bobbles backwards disconcertingly at least) up at the door that more than dwarfs him. "...Mi!"

    And then, just as resolutely, the eight-inch-high Pokemon starts to beat on the door with his stick, which until a moment ago had been doing duty as a fake tail.

DG: Citan Uzuki has used his Tool Ise is Trying! toward his party's challenge, Ice-Encrusted Door. Resilient! Party
shielded from some exhaustion next round!
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
======================<* CHALLENGE - Ice-Encrusted Door *>======================
| Type: Entry        | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  The path to the Field of Power wasn't an easy one, already. It entailed a     
  half-day hike through the snowy foothills north of Pewter City -- a remote    
  area that few travel to -- and almost a stone's throw away from the barrier   
  containing Energy Nede's atmosphere. From here, the huge Symbols across it    
  flicker in the sky like an aurora.                                            
  But now, you've arrived. There is a stone plinth outside, marking this as     
  the legendary Field of Power. And, beyond that, you see a door leading into   
  the initial cavern. It is a metal door, ancient but untarnished. Symbols      
  glow over it; someone well-versed in Symbology can see that these are         
  Symbols specializing in ice magic. This door continuously generates a         
  massive sheet of ice, encrusting it into place. Your first challenge will be  
  to force this door open.                                                      
  Every step of the way, more ice will form. It will even crust over hands and  
  weapons, with how fast it grows. It will take considerable might -- and some  
  cunning -- to push open.                                                      
  But if you seek the Blessing of Power, you will need such might and cunning   
  to continue.                                                                  
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|     Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!, Resilient:_Exhaustion_Down!, and     |
|                             Weaken:_Brute_Down!                              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================< Results - Field of Power - Round 1 >=====================
=======================< CHALLENGE - Ice-Encrusted Door >=======================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Citan Uzuki                         0 --(5)--> 5                     Good      
Ise is Trying!                      Min Brute         Effects: Resilient       
Xantia                              0 --(25)--> 25                   Bad       
Force                               Bsc Brute         Effects: BASIC           
Azoth                               0 --(5)--> 5                     Good      
Blast Seed                          Min Brute         Effects: Resilient       
Lily Keil                           0 --(5)--> 5                     Good      
Metronome                           Maj Brute         Effects: Improved        
Leader: Xantia                      0 --(20)--> 20                   Pass     
Conditions: Exhaust(1) and Weaken(2)                                          
Effects: Resilient(1)                                                         
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Xantia has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

As it turns out, the old-fashioned way was not the best way, in this instance. It takes Xantia longer than it usually does her to force a problem aside, having to expend quite a bit of Ether just to keep herself from freezing. The regular cold doesn't bother her - magical cold is a problem. And one not easily overcome, when specifically engineered to deter the direct approach.

Thankfully, it isn't all up to her. A more direct counter to the means by which the ice is created, a Pokemon's fire attack does wonders to force the ice into retreat. And who is to say which made the most difference in moving the door between a massive blast of energy and a stick? Nobody knows. Only one thing's for sure: the door opens, following that sequence of events, punctuated by a tired sigh from Xantia.

"Guess I'm a little rusty," she mutters, unhappy with her performance. But she smiles seeing the Pokemon that were summoned to help out. "Alright, alright, I get the message. I'll stop trying to do everything by myself." Perhaps not a lesson the others were trying to teach her, but she learned it all the same.

Proceeding inside, she asides to Azoth, "Are you gonna be okay, carrying that one around?" Rygo, and carrying it within his body, she means. It just somehow doesn't seem like that would be a pleasant thing to a machine. No surprise at Azoth having that Pokemon, though. She already worked out where that one came from.

DG: Azoth has drawn a new Challenge.
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
========================<* CHALLENGE - Snorunt Swarm *>=========================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Combat          | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You enter another cavern tunnel, and like all of the others, it is quite      
  dark. You have to squint to see. But when you do, you see them: a half-dozen  
  pair of white eyes, all across the ground before you. Then, they come         
  rushing forth into full view: six Snorunts, which are charging straight at    
  you with a determined (if high pitched) war cry.                              
  Also, many, many shards of ice. They are flying at you very fast. The good    
  news is, if the battle is won, you may be able to catch one!                  
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|        Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!,        |
|      Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!, Resilient:_Exhaustion_Down!, and      |
|                             Weaken:_Brute_Down!                              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

Azoth watches Ise zip past and give the door his all alongside a cute, pink fluffball causing devastation. "...Pokemon are amazing creatures," he muses.

With Lily's praise, Rygo spins around in a dance. It looks like it's convulsing as it twirls. "Chrrrrrwoop beeweeweeeeeep!"

Azoth beams at her. "That means it likes you, too. I call it Rygo." He feigns a wince. "Well, I usually call it--" Azoth makes a few beep whrrs of his own, "--when it's inside my circuits. But you get the idea." He squints at Rygo. "I didn't know it could eat, though."

Rygo beeps happily and leads the way in sputtering zigzags. Azoth grins nervously at Xantia. "I admit it was definitely... disorienting when it first downloaded itself into my database. But the bugs aren't contagious. I think." Reassuring. His expression softens. "...If anything I'd be more worried about the other way around."

But Rygo is, well, something of a glitchy disaster, and it fumbles right into the next cavern tunnel, bumping into the darkness with a sputtering beep. It rises up higher, twitching and head separating further from its body before it screams a beep and zips back behind Azoth.

A pair of eyes shines in the darkness. Two. Five. Six. Everyone is attacked by hats with teeth.

...Snorunts, specifically, calling each other to war and rushing on the offensive.

Azoth looks to Ceru, who is fiddling with a strange box-looking device, and gives a gesture like, 'after you'. Did you know, actually, that After You is a move, and Ceruledge does not ordinarily have the highest speed stat? Ceru dashes in with a trail of ghostly fire, activating two moves in rapid succession by giving the Snorunts a sharp Leer before delivering a Shadow Claw of ghostly energy. Mysterious.

DG: Azoth has used his Tool Link Box toward his party's challenge, Snorunt Swarm. 
<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

Lily understands Citan's frustration, but she believes they're on the same page for this. Further, she is concerned about Azoth too--but also for Azoth. But Ise is never concerning, just adorable!

Lily almost smiles. Almost.

But Xantia says she's rusty, and mentions a lesson. "We'll be contributing ourselves soon enough, I'm sure. For now, I think we should let the creatures take the fore. This field was designed for them."

Rygo... Lily nods. "I'm glad to hear that," she says. Dog barks, too, happily, and trots over to look at Rygo. "I can't make the sound for it, but I likee it."

Disorienting. Hmmm... Worry...

But suddenly--

Lily stands back. "Clefairy," she says. "I'm switching you out."


Charmander appears a moment later, and roars. "Use Ember."

Charmander roars cutely, spewing flames from his little mouth, while Lily hangs back and the red aura of her healing wafts over each Pokemon in turn.

"I'll be support."

DG: Lily Keil has used her Tool Red Aura toward her party's challenge, Snorunt Swarm. Embolden! Party Combat boosted! 
<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    "Mi!" Ise cheers as the door finally opens, apparently assured that his mighty blow was the one that opened the way. Wriggling about, he turns to face the others until they join him on the threshold, his plush face an unreadable mask of hand-drawn congeniality. His head tilts in a way that might be winsome in a real Pikachu. With a Mimikyu, though...?

    "I would not worry about it," Citan remarks to Xantia. "Doubtless, there are tricks woven into the fabric of this place. If that were a normal door, I do not doubt you would have been able to knock it down."

    He pauses, looking Azoth's way. "Is that so? I had heard that there were such things as 'digital Pokemon', yet... though I should not say it is 'surprising'. After all, have we not seen spectral Pokemon? For instance, Xantia's very own Shoo is, and..." Citan pauses, taking Ceru into account once more. He fidgets with his glasses only to then shake his head as to defer to the reality of Azoth's double-haunted situation, "...Yes, I would say you are very well acquainted with the concept, indeed!"

    But they do not get very far before a disturbance presences itself. Assuming a defensive stance, Citan readies himself to--

    "Kyu," Ise states, confidently. A tendril snakes out from under his pelt and raises into the air a distance, almost as if to suggest he were telling Citan to 'stop right here, I got this'.

    Toddling ahead, Ise approaches the swarm of Snorunts with his stick (tail) in hand (inky night-black tendril). If they mean business, so does he! Staring at the nearest of the lot with blank plush eyes, the unaware might be surprised to see that there are points of light coming from Ise's midsection (in other words, where his real eyes are, under the cloth).

    They might also be surprised by the shadowy, spectral light that surges at them at ASTONISHing speed.

DG: Citan Uzuki has contributed a risky Combat Action toward his party's challenge, Snorunt Swarm. 
<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

Xantia nods, agreeing with the sentiment of letting Pokemon take the lead here. They can probably handle the special tricks here better, it makes sense. But yes, in her defense, how could you not look at a heavy door and just want to smash it open? It's a natural reflex.

Xantia can't help but look a bit dubious at Azoth's explanation, since it sounded an awful lot like an 'I'm not sure'. She's hardly in a position to complain about risk-taking though. "Well, if you say so. I'm sure you can deal with it if there's any problems, right?" She might be wrong, but it feels as if it would be similar to the sorts of things that Azoth would already have to navigate through on a regular basis. Would it be that much more complicated by the glitches having a mind of their own?

Trudging through the dark cave, Xantia casually conjures a ball of light in her palm for the sake of a convenient light source. She would've used her Pokemon if any of them knew Flash, honest. It's fine, the true obstacle is yet to follow.

"Snorunts!" Xantia identifies the opponents on sight. She has read so many books. Not that anyone would need to in order to work out that there would be Ice Pokemon in these frosty environs. And here Xantia is with no Pokemon who'd be particularly effective against against that type! On the other hand, any of her choices would be as valid as any other. So she decides...

Suddenly, Ise's shadow grows gigantic, two alarming red eyes of its own glaring threateningly at the approaching horde. Looks like someone decided to help the Mimikyu with its intimidation tactics.

Xantia can only blink in confusion, and check one of her Pokeballs... finding it empty. "When did...?"

Shoo is just full of surprises. It's a delight. ...Indeed, something about this whole situation just feels delightful. Could that be because of something else it did to everyone when nobody noticed? Surely not.

DG: Xantia has used her Tool Shoo's Absurdity toward her party's challenge, Snorunt Swarm. Cleanse! All negative effects
will be cleared at the end of the round! Liability! Failure will result in extra Exhaustion!
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
========================<* CHALLENGE - Snorunt Swarm *>=========================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Combat          | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You enter another cavern tunnel, and like all of the others, it is quite      
  dark. You have to squint to see. But when you do, you see them: a half-dozen  
  pair of white eyes, all across the ground before you. Then, they come         
  rushing forth into full view: six Snorunts, which are charging straight at    
  you with a determined (if high pitched) war cry.                              
  Also, many, many shards of ice. They are flying at you very fast. The good    
  news is, if the battle is won, you may be able to catch one!                  
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|           Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Cleanse:_All_Effects_Removed!,          |
|          Embolden:_Combat_Up!, Exhaust:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!,           |
|          Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!, and Weaken:_Brute_Down!           |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================< Results - Field of Power - Round 2 >=====================
=========================< CHALLENGE - Snorunt Swarm >==========================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Citan Uzuki                         5 --(0)--> 5                     Good      
Fight                               Bsc Combat        Effects: Risky           
Xantia                              25 --(0)--> 25                   Best      
Shoo's Absurdity                    Min Combat        Effects: Cleanse and     
Azoth                               5 --(0)--> 5                     Best      
Link Box                            Maj Combat        Effects: Efficient       
Lily Keil                           5 --(0)--> 5                     Best      
Red Aura                            Min Combat        Effects: Embolden        
Leader: Xantia                      20 --(20)--> 40                  Pass     
Conditions: Bad Luck(2), Exhaust(1), Fright(2), and Weaken(1)                 
Effects: Cleanse and Embolden(1)                                              
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Xantia has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

"Oh, I doubt Rygo's picky about pronunciation." Azoth leans toward Lily. "Between you and me, it never beeps the same way twice when talking about anything." To say that Rygo has a digital accent is a misrepresentation of the learning curve involving in understanding the poor creature. Well -- 'poor' creature. Rygo is not in any pain, and isn't that all that can be asked for?

Citan notes Azoth's familiarity with certain strange breeds of Pokemon and Azoth gives a sheepish grin. "I seem to attract a type. Er. Not a capital T Type type, just a type. Honestly, I'm still working on all the whole 'type' thing..."

No kidding. Azoth barely seems to be training or commanding his Pokemon as it is.

Under Xantia's dubious look, Azoth doubles down on an innocent look of his own. But it cracks as he smiles. "...Right. It's nothing I couldn't deal with. And if that were to happen, I wouldn't want Rygo struggling with it alone." But she's right. Rygo is a living glitch. Just... look at it.

Or don't, because Rygo isn't fighting. Ceru is, slashing past Snorunts while Charmander's adorable roar of fire sends them further scattering. Ise has his own tricks that comes from the truth that lies beneath the disguise, Snorunts flinching in shock. This might also be because of Ise's suddenly huge, terrifying shadow to go with its terrifying secrets.

The Snorunts nope right out, scurrying away. One trips, hops up and shakes snow from itself, then dashes off after the others.

Azoth brightens and thrusts a fist up with a, "Ba da da daaaa~!" of victory. Then he stops, frozen mid animation with a single blink of confusion. "Huh. I usually only do that for puzzles." What suspicious delight.

DG: Lily Keil has drawn a new Challenge.
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
====================<* CHALLENGE - Ice Spikes From Above *>=====================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Agility         | Challenge Rating: 2  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You enter another of the caves winding through the Field of Power. This one   
  has a broader hallway than some, with a taller roof. The lighting in here is  
  quite poor, though, and you can't quite /see/ that roof. You can hear it,     
  though: a cracking, rumbling noise above. Then, large spikes of ice come      
  crashing down -- apparently giving way because of a rumble through the        
  mountain. They're falling right towards your head!                            
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|               Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Embolden:_Combat_Up!,               |
|   Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!, Injure:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!, and   |
|                             Slow:_Agility_Down!                              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

It is a very natural reflex, door-smashing.

Lily continues to find Ise very charming. She nods to it. "Very adorable," she says quite seriously, as if she can understand its feelings. Maybe she can.

Digital Pokemon. "Why not?" Lily asks. "Having a corporeal body is only a requirement for some life-forms. As Dr. Wyatt, I..."

She trails off, an shakes her head. Azoth will be fine. And Rygo, "Heh. I see. Well, that's all right then." She seems to have a fondness for the creature. Is it any wonder?

When they finish the battle, Charmander puffs up, raising his shoulders, and roars in victory--before beginning to glow. "...?" Lily starts, glancing at the others. In short moments, his shape begins to change, annd then with a flash of brilliant light--

> CHARMANDER has evolved into CHARMELEON!

Slightly less cutely, he roars again. "...Good work," Lily says. "You've become stronger. Now, let's go forward."

She leads ahead--and perhaps one of th fleeing Snorunts set a trap, because--

The lightning is poor, and there is a cracking, rumbling noise above. Charmeleon reacts before Lily can even catch her bearings, slashing through some of the icicles with his powerful claws and protecting his master. "CHAAAAR!" ...The others are on their own, of course.

DG: Lily Keil has used her Tool Quick Claw toward her party's challenge, Ice Spikes From Above. Stalwart! Party shielded
from some Exhaustion this round!
===== Pokemon Box For: Lily Keil (1/1) =========================================
| 1: Charmander         (Charmander, Fire)         Brave. A troublemaker       |
|                                                  awaiting discipline.        |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 2: Glaceon            (Glaceon, Ice)             Bold. Seeker of strength.   |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 3: Clefairy           (Clefairy, Fairy)          Serious. Wants retribution  |
|                                                  against a demon.            |
<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    "Yes, I do not think it is very strange, given what we have seen," he agrees with Lily.

    Ise receives unexpected backup!

    "Mikyu!" he chirps, turning about as the Snorunts flee. He's apparently designating Shoo as his... sidekick? Clearly Ise is the main character in this chronicle of adventure and heroism. Or at least, he seems to be well-invested in believing this is the case.

    "Hmm, I see," Citan muses as Azoth suggests he might have a 'type' (lowercase T). "I would hazard that is not 'unusual'. There are a great many Pokemon, after all. Naturally, a person would gravitate towards the ones that appeal to them most... or suit them, perhaps," he says, before he glances down at Ise. Raising a hand to his chin, he seems thoughtful in this particular moment.

    To be fair, training his Pokemon is...

    ...also something that Citan does not appear to be terribly engaged in, in general. But perhaps he just prefers a 'hands-off' method, as it were. As it stands, Ise appears to be doing his own training, and if current results can be judged accordingly, perhaps not doing that bad a job at it.

    Speaking of Pokemon and training, though--

    "Oh my! Congratulations, Lily. It would be a Charmeleon now, would it not? Given the ice present in this Field, it may be just the thing we need to turn the tables in our favor." Glancing ahead along the path, he gestures in that direction. "Well, shall we? We may have a distance yet to travel."

    And it is a distance they travel before there is a cracking, rumbling sound. "An avalaunche--?! We must run!"

    And to that end, he produces a Spiran Sphere, using its power to draw out ice to make the path ahead slippery enough to speed their way forward. Tendrils spiraling after him like some tiny comet, Ise springs for Citan in time to hop aboard. It seems like this is well-practiced; perhaps this is where Citan has been involved in training Ise?

DG: Citan Uzuki has used his Tool Macalania Sphere toward his party's challenge, Ice Spikes From Above. Rally! 
<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

Shoo doesn't seem to mind how Ise interprets this. A prank was super-effective and Shoo gets a good laugh out of it, that's all that really matters here.

And so, through the combined efforts of the various Pokemon, the Snorunts are handily taken care of. Even though Xantia never issued any command. She really should be scolding Shoo for once again just doing his own thing like that, after she specifically asked her Pokemon to stop acting before she calls on them. But she can't get mad at the little scamp. Look at it, all smiling, with the adorable big blue eyes. Delightful, simply delightful. She only tells the ghost when it rejoins her, "That's not what we agreed upon... but that was pretty good."

"Shuppet!", Shoo agrees cheerfully. No lessons were learned today. Not even after Shoo gets summarily recalled back into its Pokeball by Xantia. "Seriously though, wait until I call for you next time, alright?"

She has to agree, on the matter of having types. "I know what you mean. Mine all came to me because there was something they wanted to accomplish, and they believed I could help them do so. That's just a thing they do, apparently." ...Well, she can only assume there's something in particular that Shoo wants to accomplish too, that one's hard to figure out.

Speaking of things Pokemon so, an unexpected development takes place directly after. Xantia's delight continues on its own accord, witnessing Charmander evolve into Charmeleon. "It's so amazing that they can grow and change like that. When Ralts - er, when Kira did, he sure did get a big power boost!"

As the group moves ahead, Xantia takes quick note of the cracking sound coming from above. Her normal instinct would be to rush ahead and hope for the best, but when she considers how her Pokemon can help, she arrives at...

"Mii!" Out pops Xantia's Pawmi from her Pokeball, quickly noticing the situation with all due distress. "Go!" Xantia instructs. "I'll follow you!"

One thing Xantia has learned that she can count on Mii for is her heightened senses. The Pokemon can hear that cracking well enough to determine where and when the icicles will fall. That, combined with the natural instinct to avoid trouble, helps the electric marmot to chart a safe path through the rain of falling icicles. All Xantia has to do is try to keep up, and hope that Mii doesn't cut it too close.

DG: Xantia has used her Tool Mii's Alacrity toward her party's challenge, Ice Spikes From Above. Stalwart! Party
shielded from some Exhaustion this round!
<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

"Not required, but sometimes advantageous! I like tactile feedback, personally." Is Azoth implying his own material steel is a noncritical part of his existence? By making it sound like a joke, and not specifying further, it's one of the few ways he could say such a thing.

Rygo continues to dance whenever it moves, oblivious to every conversation about its physical and glitchy nature. Wheeeee! Inadvertent existence! The best kind of existence!

Citan mentions how Pokemon and trainers (or 'trainers', in their case) gravitate, and Azoth gives Citan a long look, Ise a long look, and back again. Hmm. He glances to Xantia. "At least they're in good hands." Shoo, though... Azoth gives him a squint.

He may be exaggerating it, because he may be assuming Shoo would like the satisfaction of having pressed someone's buttons a little bit extra.

And then something amazing happens. Charmander... evolves! Azoth gives an admiring beep, pointing and looking back at Ceru and Rygo. "Are you guys going to do that, too?" The two fully evolved Pokemon both give each other a long look, then look back to Azoth. "...What?" Rygo rummages in the snow for a rock and scrawls a strange, colorful symbol (again, h o w) on it... a curvy, pointed oval. Mega Evolution.

It lobs the rock at Azoth. BONK. Azoth catches the stone as it bounces off his head. "What do you mean you're waiting for me to catch up? Hey!"

But then icicles are falling, and all three of them give their own alarmed beep, glitch chirp, and ghostly flame crackle.

Ceru and Rygo return to double-haunting Azoth as he dashes ahead with nothing but his own two legs to weave through the falling hazards. The downsides of being corporeal is sometimes you get stuck with a body like this one...!

DG: Azoth has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Ice Spikes From Above. 
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
====================<* CHALLENGE - Ice Spikes From Above *>=====================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Agility         | Challenge Rating: 2  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You enter another of the caves winding through the Field of Power. This one   
  has a broader hallway than some, with a taller roof. The lighting in here is  
  quite poor, though, and you can't quite /see/ that roof. You can hear it,     
  though: a cracking, rumbling noise above. Then, large spikes of ice come      
  crashing down -- apparently giving way because of a rumble through the        
  mountain. They're falling right towards your head!                            
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|         Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!,         |
|          Injure:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!, and Slow:_Agility_Down!          |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================< Results - Field of Power - Round 3 >=====================
=====================< CHALLENGE - Ice Spikes From Above >======================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Citan Uzuki                         5 --(0)--> 5                     Best      
Macalania Sphere                    Maj Agility       Effects: Rally           
Xantia                              25 --(0)--> 25                   Good      
Mii's Alacrity                      Min Agility       Effects: Stalwart        
Azoth                               5 --(0)--> 5                     Good      
Rush                                Bsc Agility       Effects: BASIC           
Lily Keil                           5 --(12)--> 17                   Bad       
Quick Claw                          Min Agility       Effects: Stalwart        
Leader: Xantia                      40 --(20)--> 60                  Pass     
Conditions: Bad Luck(1), Fright(1), Injure(2), and Slow(2)                    
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Xantia has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

Not strange at all. Perhaps even less strange than she imagined. Lily glances to Azoth. "I remember creating a few AI that were distributed consciousnesses, rather than localized to a single body. ...Though having a body is important to many, I've found. Maybe feedback is why."

Rygo is very cute. So is Ise, and so is... Shoo. Lily watches Shoo for a moment, too. "Discipline can be difficult," she admits. "But if you encourage him, he'll keep doing as he likes." ...It's not really chiding, though; it seems to work for Xantia.

Pokemon that suit them... Lily nods. "I don't have a particular 'Type' I use, but my Pokemon do share certain personality traits with me. They're all serious abot their goals."

She nods to Xantia. "Like that."

But Evolution!!! Lily nods. "Thank you," she says. Charmeleon," she switches smoothly, "Has been working hard. When he first started, he'd barely listen to me... but because he's learned discipline, he's much stronger. I'm hopeful that this makes him stronger, too, for both our sakes." Mega Evolution!!

...Lily doesn't recognie the signifigance of that rock. It' fine.

With the avalanche, though--

Citan's Spiran sphere speeds their way forward, and Ise and Citan together start down the path. Pawni and Xantia, too, work smoothly togeether, the electric marmot charting a safe path for both of them. And Azoth manages to weave entirely through!

Lily takes an icicle to the shoulder as she runs, and frowns when she reaches the other side. "I guess I was too slow..."

She uses up a bit more of her energy on healing herself. The blood is fine.

Charmeleon and Dog watch her. "I'm fine," Lily says. "I'd do the same for either of you."

DG: Citan Uzuki has drawn a new Challenge.
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
======================<* CHALLENGE - Spearcter's Trial *>=======================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  Spearcter is a Ghost-type Pokemon, said to keep Nedians from harm as its own  
  self-imposed duty. It appears as a disembodied helmet -- with two, spindly    
  and ghostly black arms clutching a spear. In this case, the Spearcter is      
  doing its duty /not/ by fighting you.                                         
  Instead, it has woven together a powerful wall of spectral force. Its spear   
  is slammed, blade-first, into the ground. The red feather on its helmet       
  wavers in an unseen wind. And despite much of its body not being visible, it  
  has a pose that suggests terrific focus.                                      
  For it has made a massive wall of shimmering red light before you. This wall  
  stretches out across the narrow, snowy valley that you've entered, and is     
  much too high to jump. You will need to bash your way through it -- your      
  power against the Spearcter's will -- to reach the other side. This will      
  exhaust the Spearcter... and give you a chance to catch it, if so inclined.   
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|         Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Injure:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!,        |
|         Overzealous:_Brute_Down!_Combat_Up!, and Slow:_Agility_Down!         |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    So it is not necessary to have a 'body' as an being like Azoth. It certainly aligns with some of the other things that Citan knows. "I believe I recall something of that nature, Lily," he says instead, glancing back at her. "But, yes. It appears that 'feedback' with one's environment is important for the development of the mind. That is one of the conclusions some scholars have come to. After all, if you think about ourselves, are we not also influenced by the actions of others? Would we become the same person in a vacuum, or have we come to be as we are only from our interactions with other people? Perhaps in that sense we can consider our 'selves' and 'minds' chemical reactions-- ah, but pardon me," he says, grimacing good-naturedly. "I am rambling again, and this is neither the time nor the place!"

    Citan, though, has never let his own self-awareness of his tendency to go on and on stop him from... doing just that, though. The topic may shift but he is provoked to speak up yet again: "Hmm. I can certainly see that being the case." So he says to Xantia on her Pokemon, though if he regards Shoo for a moment long there -- and if he wrinkles his forehead during that moment -- surely it's understandable why. "I have heard this said of owners and their pets, so it should follow that the same is true with trainers and Pokemon. Perhaps we see something there of ourselves in another being and we are drawn to it..."

    ...Just what does Ise imply about Citan? Perhaps it is best not to think about it too hard.

    He says not a word when Rygo flips that stone right at Azoth. He just watches, as distantly thoughtful as always.

    When Lily catches up to them once they have variously made their way to safety, though, he can see that she's been wounded. "Lily, you-- ah," he is forced to settle for, as she mends herself readily with her own power. But for the stain, one would never know there was a wound at all.

    He moves ahead in silence thereafter for a time, until a presence appears before them.

    It bears a spear.

    "What is-- a Spearcter!" Citan remarks, clearly taken aback by its presence. "Now, this is unexpected! I understand that these Pokemon were said to keep ancient Nedians from harm. Though none of us are Nedians, I wonder whether it would..."

    He trails off as the Spearcter produces a heavy, massive wall of red light before them, blocking the way forward through the valley. There is no other path, and a touch will reveal that the light is as firmly present as any similarly-sized barrier of steel.

    "...Apparently so," Citan finishes, at length. He fidgets, pensive, with his spectacles. "Well, now... I believe there is no way forward save to break our way through. Xantia, Lily, might--"

    "Kyu," says Ise, hopping down from his perch. Waddling over to the wall, he begins to ram at it with his stick, clutched firmly with two tendrils. "Mi..."



    ...Is this Ise's form of 'kiai'?

DG: Citan Uzuki has used his Tool Ise is Trying! toward his party's challenge, Spearcter's Trial. Resilient! Party
shielded from some exhaustion next round!
<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

Xantia doesn't have quite that much to say on the matter. Instead, she jabs Azoth in the side with a finger. That's her input on tactile feedback. "Well, I happen to like this corporeal body, so you'd better take good care of it." Don't think she doesn't notice making light of things that should be treated as more important. No jokes about out-of-body experiences, no matter what form that happens to take.

Shoo also loves feedback! Not the tactile kind (sooner the opposite of tactile), but any reaction is a good reaction. By all means, give it all the looks you want! But never mind the ghost, it's gone now - presumably. Could anybody really tell if it went invisible, dodged the recall at the last second, and is currently right behind you?

Made you look.

But, "I know," admits Xantia. "It's hard because I want them all to be happy, and well... they all have different things that make them happy." She's not even thinking about how scary Shoo can get when angered, though she probably should.

The icicle-lanche past, Xantia breathes a sigh of relief, then smiles at her Pokemon. "Great job, Mii!" The praise is all the prompting the Pawmi needs to leap in Xantia's arms for a brief cuddle. "You're getting so brave!" Bravely running away... it can be done, in Xantia's estimation.

Nevertheless, the next obstacle is not exactly one that she can see Mii dealing very well with. Possibly not up for a fight, but intent to keep them out. She looks to Citan when her name is called, and... watches Ise toddle off towards the barrier. Xantia can't help but grin, and shrugs.

"This is probably not what you were going to ask me, but... let's see how this goes, before trying it the old-fashioned way again." A hand goes to her belt. It's time for her third Pokemon to come into play. "Ok, come back, Mii... and go, Kira!"

Xantia's Kirlia manifests, quick to size up the opponent and narrowing his eyes. "I know you're always looking to beat ghosts, so... here's your chance. Do your best to help us get past this!"

This is a mismatch, as Xantia well knows. But it's also important to Kira to challenge himself. Naturally, the psychic Pokemon cannot win in a physical match. Instead, a translucent projection of force is employed, a Light Screen to push back against the opposing wall with pure mental force. And naturally, as Ise well knows, a show of spirit must come with kiai.


DG: Xantia has contributed a risky Brute Action toward her party's challenge, Spearcter's Trial. 
<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

Azoth points toward Citan with a casual finger gun. "That's it exactly. Feedback is valuable data, and when you lack the ability to gather certain forms of it... it can be difficult to relate to the world around you." He beams happily. "Listen, it's always the right time and place to ramble existentially."

No it's not, Azoth!

"Hm. So Pokemon are all about the feedback they receive, too..." Don't tie it to Pokemon training, that doesn't make it better.

But Xantia jabs him, and he smiles back at her. "Yeah? I'll try to be careful, then."

Was he not planning on it before?! (Of course he wasn't.) There's a more wistful look in his eye as he focuses ahead. It's not the 'right' body, but... it is the one he has for now.

"They're all happy being with you, though. So they have that in common."

Azoth does not Mega Evolve, for he was not hit with a real Mega Evolution stone. (He's also not a Pokemon.) But he does survive falling icicles by calculating where not to be. He looks up in alarm as they make it through and he identifies blood. "Miss Sharon?" She heals herself, and Azoth elects not to draw more unnecessary attention to the once-wound.

Onward, there is Spearcter. Azoth points to his Pokemon. "Technically, they're Nedians, right?" He looks to his Pokemon. "All right, time to prove we can protect ourselves. Or something like that!"

Rygo produces another Blast Seed. Azoth and Ceru look at each other and do a round of RPS, with Ceru only realizing at the last moment that all he knows how to do is paper. He looks down at his flat blade, and up at innocent eyed Azoth's finger scissors, rolls his fiery eyes and takes the seed and steps up to the wall of red light.

Somehow, the seed is chomped. And then somehow, from Ceruledge's mouth and into the red light: kaboom.

Azoth folds his arms behind his head. "I have no idea how that works."

DG: Azoth has used his Tool Blast Seed toward his party's challenge, Spearcter's Trial. Resilient! Party shielded from
some exhaustion next round!
<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

"We ran into at least one," Lily recalls, in Shae Ving, was it? ...But that one hadn't weathered the ages so well. "A 'reaction' in and of themselves..." Lily is thoughtful at that. "I don't mind," she says, "Though you're right. We should save the in-depth discussion for a safer place."

Owners and pets... Hm. That is something said. When Citan says it though, Dog barks cheerfully. She probably understands.

But Citan's concern gets a nod. "If it were more than a minor wound, I'd let you look at it," she says. "...But it was easy enough to heal. We can check ourselves over when we're out of immediate danger."

Xantia... wants them to be happy. Liily watches her for a moment. "That's a good wish," she encourages quietly.

Awww. Bravely running away... However. Then she looks to Azoth, who didn't draw attention to her wound, and nodss in silent appreciation. "Feedback..."

The barrier.

"Spearcter," Lily repeats Citan. "A worthy foe. ...But she doesn't want a battle of arms. No, we're not Nedian. ...I think she realizes that." Azoth is right though; the Pokemon are of Nede. Still, Lily just has a feeling that 'she' is appropriate.

"If we can defeat her," Lily says, "I'll ask her to come with me." She has a few spare Pokeballs, after all. "So that we can protect people together, at least for now."

"For that reason..." Lily steps forward. "Charmeleon," she instructs. "Stand down."

She recalls him, and he dutifully returns to his Pokeball. Dog trots up along at Lily's side, bt she lowers a hand to forestall her, too.

Ceruledge takes the Seed. Lily considers that. But then she approaches, and puts her hand to the barrier.

"It's fine," she says of how it works. "But for me..."

Her circuit markings suddenly flare violet, and she pushes her hand directly against the barrier. Black lightning crackles from her palm and fingertips, Lily putting her will directly against the Spearcter's.

"Hear me! I am Lily Keil, of Filgaia! I challenge this Field for myself, and with my Pokemon!"

"And I submit that my 'Power' will grow until it is enough!"

DG: Lily Keil has contributed a risky Brute Action toward her party's challenge, Spearcter's Trial. 
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
======================<* CHALLENGE - Spearcter's Trial *>=======================
| Type: Exploration  | Dungeon Ability: Brute           | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  Spearcter is a Ghost-type Pokemon, said to keep Nedians from harm as its own  
  self-imposed duty. It appears as a disembodied helmet -- with two, spindly    
  and ghostly black arms clutching a spear. In this case, the Spearcter is      
  doing its duty /not/ by fighting you.                                         
  Instead, it has woven together a powerful wall of spectral force. Its spear   
  is slammed, blade-first, into the ground. The red feather on its helmet       
  wavers in an unseen wind. And despite much of its body not being visible, it  
  has a pose that suggests terrific focus.                                      
  For it has made a massive wall of shimmering red light before you. This wall  
  stretches out across the narrow, snowy valley that you've entered, and is     
  much too high to jump. You will need to bash your way through it -- your      
  power against the Spearcter's will -- to reach the other side. This will      
  exhaust the Spearcter... and give you a chance to catch it, if so inclined.   
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|         Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Injure:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!,        |
|    Overzealous:_Brute_Down!_Combat_Up!, Resilient:_Exhaustion_Down!, and     |
|                             Slow:_Agility_Down!                              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================< Results - Field of Power - Round 4 >=====================
=======================< CHALLENGE - Spearcter's Trial >========================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Citan Uzuki                         5 --(34)--> 39                   Bad       
Ise is Trying!                      Min Brute         Effects: Resilient       
Xantia                              25 --(17)--> 42                  Good      
Force                               Bsc Brute         Effects: Risky           
Azoth                               5 --(34)--> 39                   Bad       
Blast Seed                          Min Brute         Effects: Resilient       
Lily Keil                           17 --(42)--> 59                  Bad       
Force                               Bsc Brute         Effects: Risky           
Leader: Xantia                      60 --(15)--> 75                  Fail     
Conditions: Bad Luck(2), Injure(2), Overzealous(2), and Slow(1)               
Effects: Resilient(1)                                                         
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Xantia has failed this challenge! The party gained 15 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Xantia has drawn a new Challenge.
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
====================<* CHALLENGE - The Guardian of Power *>=====================
| Type: Climax       | Dungeon Ability: Combat          | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You ascend the last snowy path, and come to a wooden bridge built across a    
  chasm. On the other side is a summit, with a stone platform built on it. A    
  coppery altar is atop the stone platform. As you begin to cross the wooden    
  bridge, though, there is a crackle of light; then, a large grey automaton     
  appears, with huge arms and a rounded body. Symbols glow across its form.     
  "Welcome!" it bellows. "I have borne witness to your every struggling step    
  up the mountain! Now, I will test you further!"                               
  The robot surges forward. Both hands come back together -- and it /slams/     
  them down in a hammerblow that rattles the stones, and sends a shockwave out  
  towards you! Now, it is time to show you have the power to overcome this      
  final foe.                                                                    
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|         Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!,         |
|   Injure:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!, Overzealous:_Brute_Down!_Combat_Up!,    |
|             Resilient:_Exhaustion_Down!, and Wound:_Combat_Down!             |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    "Indeed," Citan remarks, his mouth twisting in a chagrined smile at Azoth and Lily's responses. "I would not mind the discussion myself! Yet, we had best keep our wits about ourselves presently. I presume there are reasons for them sealing away the Fields." It would not do to treat these any less than seriously, after all, whether they have made good progress up to this point or not. This trial is meant to test something within them, after all.

    But what aspect of 'power' is it attempting to tease out from within?

    Azoth points out that their Pokemon, however, are Nedians. "Hmm... quite right," Citan says, folding his arms across his chest. "Yes, to them, a 'Pokemon' would be a 'Nedian'. And to us as well."

    "I think you may be right, Lily. Her intent is not to simply bar our path... she intends to see whether we are worthy to walk it."

    Perhaps this is a test of sorts from the Field itself? Perhaps, if they have enough 'power' to break through the shield, then they might earn her favor.

    Lily, at least, seems intent on proving herself against it -- of gaining a new companion.

    They all try themselves against that barrier.

    What exactly did Ise accomplish? In truth, though he might ram the barrier with all his might, nothing happens. He does not appear to notice.

    Joining their powers, Rygo and Ceru work to try break through. Flames burst as red light from Ceru's mouth, scorching the similarly-hued barrier with that light of their own.

    Asking her Pokemon stand aside, Lily issues her own challenge to the Spearcter and steps forward, planting a hand against the barrier. Black lightning crawls its surface (Ise scampers away!) and the whole of it flickers but, alas, remains resolutely present.

    And there, at the terminus of their efforts, Kira presses against the quavering barrier with a wall of his own.
    The Spearcter's wall does not break. They do not pass through it of their own power.

    But she watches them try. She watches the way her wall cracks and sparks and burns. With a swish of her spear, the wall vanishes in an eyeblink. And she stands there still, regarding them as if in deep contemplation.

    It is a simple matter for Lily to make a new friend.

<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

Kira stands against that barrier with all he can muster. There may not be any physical effort involved, but the exertion is clearly visible in the Pokemon's bearing. Until the barrier just... falls away. Kira, too, falls, much in the way one would fall if physically pushing against an object that suddenly disappeared. The Kirlia immediately looks up, complaining with a loud "Kirlia!" He could have gone longer, he won't accept pity!

Xantia kneels down beside the Pokemon, assuring, "It's alright. This wasn't about winning. It's about proving your resolve. And you did very well."

Though Kira still looks unsatisfied, he nods, calms, and is subsequently recalled to rest. Xantia rises back to her feet, regarding the standoff between Lily and Spearcter. "Proving your resolve..." she repeats more softly to herself. Perhaps she regarded this trial of Power with a bit too narrow a definition.

Then again, in the end, there awaits a challenge demanding a more straightforward approach. A large machine fortified with symbology, clearly emphasizing something more approaching the standard definition of Power.

Bellowing a challenge, and promising a test, Xantia... Xantia stares, at this new opponent. As established, Xantia has read many books. And yet, this encounter forces her to utter a question she never would have thought she'd need to.

"What kind of Pokemon are you?!"

There is no answer, except in the form of a charge and an overhead hammerblow. Leaping out of its path, Xantia feels that strong impulse to strike back... but instead, she reaches for a Pokeball. If it's a straight up fight against a Steel type, then...!

"Shoo, you're up! Night Shade!"

Capricious or not, Shoo has no issue following that order. With a cheerful 'Shuppet', its eyes turn an alarming red, blanketing the machine in a dark, damaging haze.

Hmmm. Are its eyes really so alarming, though? It's so hard to consider the Shuppet frightening in any way. Bad vibes just seem to kind of melt away in its presence. That can't be a bad thing, especially now - feeling good and strong is what you need to overcome a trial of Power, isn't it?

DG: Xantia has used her Tool Shoo's Absurdity toward her party's challenge, The Guardian of Power. Cleanse! All negative
effects will be cleared at the end of the round! Liability! Failure will result in extra Exhaustion!
<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

"But then if we die here, we'll have so many questions gone without discussion!" Azoth complains to Citan. The flash of a smile in his eyes suggests he is kidding. "Okay, okay, I'll behave." They're not going to die here. They'll make certain of it.

Citan's right, of course. They've yet to understand the true meaning of the Field and the Power it intends to stir within them. Perhaps, Azoth thinks as Lily gains a new friend in their struggle against their barrier, it's a simpler answer than they might be making it out to be.

Xantia echoes the sentiment, too. Azoth looks to his own Pokemon. Pokemon are resolute creatures... Determined, with their own goals, and finding those who can help them without any sense of wounded pride...

But there is going to be a fight.

Rygo looks up at the guardian of power with a, "Rrrrveeee wooowoooop?" and tilts its head. Whatever it asked, it is getting met now with the hammerblow slam and its yellow eyes grow huge.

"Ally Switch!"

No, wait, it's... Ceru that's there, blades against fists as he's pushed back. He twirls back and away in a spinning dance of blades, followed up with a blade of bitter flames cleaving into the automaton. No, not Azoth -- the other one!

Ceru throws a look at Shoo that, between ghosts, might mean to communicate, bro I need those bad vibes. (Does he really, though? Eat them, Shoo.)

DG: Azoth has used his Tool Link Box toward his party's challenge, The Guardian of Power. 
<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

"Heh," Lily answers Azoth.

At the barrier, Lily keeps her footing. She breathees out sharply, though. She used a lot of her energy on that attempt. "...So," she says, "You can stand up even against that... I see I have some growing to do yet."

It doesn't bother her. Lily knows her powr isn't sufficient, yet: that is part of why she's here in the first plce. She nods to Kirlia. "...Yes," she says. "So long as you live, you can get stronger. One day, you'll be able to overcome what you couldn't before."

She turns, towards the Spearcter more fully. "...I cannot defeat you as I am," Lily says. "But I intend to become more powerful. And I intend to defeat the enemy that threatens your world. We are both soldiers. Do you believe that staying here amidst the old is your best path? Or will you go with me, out into the world?"

The Spearcter at length floats towards Lily, and Lily extends a Pokeball. It is enough, this time.

"...I won't fail," Lily says.

Annd then there is the next bttle. Swiftly, Lily throws out another pokeball, and Charmeleon returns. "If you wish a test," Lily says, "Then we are ready."

"Charmeleon!" she calls, "Take this." She kneels down to hand a small object to the Pokemon. "I've stored Fire energy in this. It will empower you. ...Use it to defeat the enemy!"

"Chaaaarmeleon!" Charmeleon answers, as Lily rises from the shockwave.

He charges, his tail burning fiercely. When he gets there, he'll chomp down with terrifying, flaming jaws!

Lily is OK without the bad vibes. It's fine.

DG: Lily Keil has used her Tool Charcoal toward her party's challenge, The Guardian of Power. 

<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    "Then," Citan says with a rather sly smile to Azoth, "we had best not die here!"

    Perhaps the Spearcter had truly been a sort of 'last guardian' on the path (likely not the only one, as it is now joining their cause... after a fashion). They find themselves before a bridge soon after, and in crossing that bridge, find the summit.

    Here there is an altar. Here there appears an automaton, ready to test their mettle.

    "I do not think that is a Pokemon, Xantia!" Citan calls out, taking in the full scale of the construct that stands before them. Indeed, while some Pokemon look identical to constructs like these, Citan does not think that it is--

    "So it is by this means that you seek to examine our 'power'. Very well."

    And here is the moment at last when Citan acts like a proper Pokemon trainer. Drawing out his Pokeball, he shouts:

    "Ise! Return!"

    And then, producing a separate ball:

    "Muroto! It is time!"

    The Pokemon that appears before him in a flash of light is small and grey, with folded ears. At a glance, Muroto looks positively feline. "...purr..." speaks Muroto, staring ahead into the middle distance, as if not properly sighting his opponent in the construct. "Muroto, use Confusion."

    Muroto takes one step forward, then another. His ears start to barely -- just barely -- lift.

    Can one confuse a construct?

    Perhaps the world is about to find out.

DG: Citan Uzuki has contributed a risky Combat Action toward his party's challenge, The Guardian of Power. 
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
====================<* CHALLENGE - The Guardian of Power *>=====================
| Type: Climax       | Dungeon Ability: Combat          | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  You ascend the last snowy path, and come to a wooden bridge built across a    
  chasm. On the other side is a summit, with a stone platform built on it. A    
  coppery altar is atop the stone platform. As you begin to cross the wooden    
  bridge, though, there is a crackle of light; then, a large grey automaton     
  appears, with huge arms and a rounded body. Symbols glow across its form.     
  "Welcome!" it bellows. "I have borne witness to your every struggling step    
  up the mountain! Now, I will test you further!"                               
  The robot surges forward. Both hands come back together -- and it /slams/     
  them down in a hammerblow that rattles the stones, and sends a shockwave out  
  towards you! Now, it is time to show you have the power to overcome this      
  final foe.                                                                    
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|           Bad_Luck:_All_Stats_Down!, Cleanse:_All_Effects_Removed!,          |
|     Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!, Injure:_Exhaustion_Up_On_Failure!,     |
|         Overzealous:_Brute_Down!_Combat_Up!, and Wound:_Combat_Down!         |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================< Results - Field of Power - Round 5 >=====================
=====================< CHALLENGE - The Guardian of Power >======================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Citan Uzuki                         39 --(25)--> 64                  Worst     
Fight                               Bsc Combat        Effects: Risky           
Xantia                              42 --(17)--> 59                  Bad       
Shoo's Absurdity                    Min Combat        Effects: Cleanse and     
Azoth                               39 --(0)--> 39                   Best      
Link Box                            Maj Combat        Effects: Efficient       
Lily Keil                           59 --(0)--> 59                   Best      
Charcoal                            Maj Combat        Effects: Improved        
Leader: Xantia                      75 --(0)--> 75                   Pass     
Conditions: Bad Luck(1), Fright(2), Injure(1), Overzealous(1), and Wound(2)   
Effects: Cleanse                                                              
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: The party led by Xantia has passed this challenge! The party gained 0 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

Good thing Azoth decided to behave in time and Citan spoke her thoughts already, Xantia was this close to having to go 'noooo dying' like she were some kind of Nanako.

Lily manages to make a new friend in the very guardian that blocked their path. This seems to definitively confirm that 'power', in the sense of this trial, really doesn't mean having to crush your opposition. It's all about showing willpower. Which, very soon, is to be tested again.

The bridge is too narrow to force one's way past the automaton. The best one can do is stand against it with all one's might. Its movements are sluggish in comparison to the more nimble Pokemon. Taking advantage of Shoo's blanket of darkness, Ceru and Charmeleon charge in, their respective attacks fire-enhanced. Of course, whatever Pokemon it might be, anyone would assume it to be a Steel type going by the way it looks, and fire would be a good response.

Whether it is super-effective is difficult to gauge. But by all appearances, Citan is correct - this is not a Pokemon, it doesn't play by their rules. No matter how many strikes land, the automaton isn't slowing down. Perhaps Confusion will be the answer...?

Confusion has no visible effect at all. "Citan!" Xantia cries, "That won't work, Steel types resist Psychic attacks!" ...She hasn't gotten the memo yet, but at least one thing does work the way it should.

Shoo, meanwhile, just gives Ceru a look back. Look at that winning smile! Shoo is absolutely winning right now, especially when few others are aware of what is happening here. ...This is a taunt, of course. Shoo is wordlessly communicating 'whatcha gonna do about it?'

Alas, the dark truth about Shoo is revealed: Shoo is... a glutton. All the bad vibes hanging in the air are going straight into its mouth. So to speak. They're actually absorbed through the spike on its head, but that's not important. What's important is that Shoo gets what Shoo wants, without worrying about boring unimportant stuff like 'asking'.

Shoo's act of smugness is interrupted by it getting summarily knocked flat by a giant fist. At least some justice exists in the world.

Even though the battle appears to be getting nowhere past a stalemate, in the end, the automaton... stops, and lowers its arms, seeming satisfied. Could this be the end of the trial...?

DG: Azoth has drawn a new Challenge.
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================<* CHALLENGE - The Trial of Memory *>======================
| Type: Final        | Dungeon Ability: Wits            | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  At the end of the Field of Power, you find a coppery altar. It rests between  
  four pillars, and when you approach, you are greeted by a brilliant golden    
  light that flashes out from it. It shines bright into your mind, as the       
  Guardian speaks: "Wonderful! You have overcome every part of the trial!       
  Proceed, now, and behold the power within yourself."                          
  And so you do.                                                                
  You find yourself taken to a memory from your past. The time that you faced   
  something terrible -- something where you had to find strength within         
  yourself to overcome something that seemed unconquerable. What was this       
  terrible thing? And how did you find that strength -- then or later?          
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|           Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up! and Stupify:_Wits_Down!           |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

They do not die here, and Xantia doesn't even have to scold Azoth about it.

Pokemon show their resolve with the trainers they've chosen. Trainers show their resolve with the Pokemon they let help them. When the Pokemon guardian is defeated, their prize is... light. Brilliant, gold light that engulfs the chamber.

"Wonderful! You have overcome every part of the trial! Proceed, now, and behold the power within yourself."

A strange force sweeps the mind up in memory. Nede's technology and understanding of Pokemon includes a variety of lifeforms, and whatever means this uses does not leave Azoth out of its influence. His eyes fill with blue light as he falls back into his own database, guided the same way as everyone else toward terrible memories...


    BOOTING SYSTEM AZ-0012 . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    BOOTING SYSTEM AZ-0012 . . .
It's not a particularly unique memory. It's like this every time.

Sometimes, the Azoth can come off as lackadaisical in dire situations. There's a playfulness about it. He was designed for danger, after all. But it's always dire, isn't it? And he can't make the declarations the others can while meaning it. Not with the overrides in the way. The overrides, and the errors.

Terrible. Unconquerable. But he boots. And he functions, held together by fragments of his own memory, data-based conclusions, what small promises he can make, and...

Hope. A curious word. What does it take to determine hope?

Trick question. The Azoth has not observed hope to be something you determine. Hope is a variable. He does not know enough about it to calculate its value and impact, however. He gambles on the undefined hope that's shared with him, betting that it will be enough to change the inevitable outcomes he's calculated.

There's only one way to find out: keep going.

So he does.

DG: Azoth has used his Tool Wonder Orb toward his party's challenge, The Trial of Memory. 
<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

Lily huffs at the end of the battle, kneeling down to heal Charmeleon's wounds. "You did well," she assures him. "You've grown much stronger."

But the light engulfs the chamber. Behold, the power within oneself...

Lily's eyes flash.


How many scans had it been? Lily remembers little of what's happening. She realizes how easily she's slipped in and out of consciousness. She is aware of little but this tiny room... and the pain. None of their medicines help her. Her eye is bad; therre are burns on her rmms and sides, and her muscles are sore. She is still feverish...

But she is wakeful. She remembers, now. She has been in Solaris's hands for some time, captured after an encounter gone wrong. There re guards ouside the door; monitors been along, and Loren Voss is there, monitoring his patient. She remembers...

So she examines him. She watches, until he turns away. And it is time.

Lily's single good eye opens. There is soft clink of her chains, as she works against her Ether dampener. And her breathing stops.

Snap. Pop. Her wrist breaks, an she screams, a scream of pain and rage as she hurls th Ether Dampener from her head, annd surges towards Loren. A rush of Ether floods the room.

She remembers what comes next. She--

"Nn," Lily starts, in the real world, as her vision twists, and the scene changes entirely. She hits one knee, and SEES.


The pain is different, now. Sharon Wyatt's wheelchair is comfortable enough, but nothing can really do away with the aches. Nothing that lets her keep her faculties. Her lungs ache. Her muscles scream at her. She's been awake too long, been out of bed too long, been straining herself too long, but she is almost done. Almost. She taps away at her console, furiously moving. There is something here. She knows it.


"No," she says. "I'm not giving up. It's time..."

She lifts a small disk, and smiles. The AI she designed for this very purpose is ready, after all this time. She inserts it into the terminal's port.


It stretches on, on, and on, until--


"Hahhahhaha," Sharon exclaims, though the laughter hurts her chest. "Yes!"

The terminal suddenly flickers. "What? No, I've worked too long for--"

It resolves, suddenly, and a message flashes across her screen, over and over.

                               ye shall be as gods


Lily is, for the duration of the trial, entirely unresponsive.

DG: Lily Keil has contributed a risky Wits Action toward her party's challenge, The Trial of Memory. 
<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    Somewhat taken aback by Xantia's protests, all Citan can do is utter, "...Steel type?" even though he's perfectly aware of how type matches tend to go (and of course how this would have gone if this had been a real Pokemon battle and not a trial by combat). But Xantia might have a point, for Confusion doesn't seem to affect a thing at all. Muroto's ears begin to lift dangerously high, higher still and then--

    "Muroto, return," Citan commands, returning Muroto to his Pokeball before he does something everyone here might regret.

    Strange, this is a familiar sort of situation for him...

    But the others prevail where the Espurr could (fortunately, probably) not and soon the place they stand swells with golden light as the construct is bested. Congratulations, yes, and the trial is complete, yes, but... one final step remains.

    It is a backwards, inner step, one that skips past years.

    Eleven years ago, and nearly to the day, if he's not mistaken. Yes, he remembers that day very well.

    He had been fortunate to arrive, for the presence of a doctor had been a much-needed one. The villagers had done what they could, but as the days after that night dragged on they had all begun to realize the truth: the boy was dying.

    It had been pouring rain that night, the villagers told Citan, when the man had come. He had been sorely wounded himself, but he had handed over into their care the boy. Barely fifteen years old, and on death's door, the elder had told him. All they knew was the boy's name: the man had told them that much after requesting they save the child before he had vanished out into the storm, refusing the care they had tried to offer. And though the child had clung to life, there were limits to what they could do without a doctor.

    Like many of the villages of Ignas, Lahan had no doctor.

    So he had listened to what it was they had to say and then went in to see the boy. They had not been overstating the circumstances: the boy hung onto life by the barest of threads and it was now his duty to pull him back from the brink with all the power he had.
        --No, not just as a doctor.

    The very fate of the world might well rest on this single night.

    Is it hope that guides his knife? Or is it duty to that destiny that guides everyone's fates? As the right hand of Emperor Cain of the Holy Empire of Solaris, he had been given a single task ere he'd been sent to the world below.

    Find the Contact.
    Observe and take his measure.
    And should it become necessary...

    But first, he must save the life of Fei Fong Wong.

DG: Citan Uzuki has used his Tool Just The Right Tool toward his party's challenge, The Trial of Memory. Stalwart! Party
shielded from some Exhaustion this round!
<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

Xantia is still confused by how exactly these guardians determine when their resolve is enough to pass the trials they've set. Recalling the fainted Shoo, she can see the altar beyond. That must be their goal, the thing that's supposed to make them stronger, or so she assumes from what they were told.

She mistakenly assumes that the trial is already over. Before she well and truly realizes, she is standing somewhere else. A place she has not seen - has not been able to see - for a very long time. Old Petra.

It might as well have been a lifetime ago. Back then, Xantia was a very different person, much more of a blank slate than she is now. A far more aimless existence, drifting from incident to incident, fighting against dangerous threats because it was the one thing she knew how to do. She wasn't really close to anyone yet. Just this strangely powerful girl who kept turning up. But she did know certain people already. One of them being...

Lily Keil is on the ground, her hand shaking in pain, something on her arm glowing blue. "Haha... That's... that's not great..."

She faces Siegfried, leader of the Quarter Knight, advancing on her as Lily casts one last, desperate ice spell. The icy mist gathers around Siegfried - and he throws a hand out, then rushes through as the star of ice explodes. He ends up bursting through them, ice crystals clinging to his armor and shooting away in his wake. He fixes Lily with a fierce, angry glare.

Xantia does the obvious thing, what's always been the obvious thing, jumping directly in between. "Leave her alone!" is her simple demand of the Quarter Knights' leader. But then... there is a rumbling. The tallest tower in Old Petra twists and spasms heavily. And then with a horrible screech it is raised up into the air, higher and higher, before coming up into a stop.

It's not flying. It's being held by a blood red gear. And standing on the cockpit is a man in a red and black flightsuit with wild red hair.

"Hahaha....HAHAHA! Siegfried! Long time no see!"

Before Xantia realizes what's going on, the entire building has been flung at Siegfried. The red-haired man has leapt down from his Gear. He approaches her, throws his hand back, and slams it for her skull.


Xantia takes that punch, and, though wobbly stays on her feet. "OWWWWWW!! That really hurt, you jerk!"

"Interesting," Id says, as Xantia's skull doesn't cave in. "That was pretty good. I wonder what you are, exactly."

It feels as a lifetime flashes by in the blink of an eye. The man in front of her remains in view, but everything else disappears, the surroundings reforming to a now familiar environment, one of the lower cargo bays of the Karlsefni. They yet face eachother, but now in a heated argument.

"There are SOME THINGS YOU CAN'T WIN BY FIGHTING! Don't you get that already?!" Id yells. "Power and strength aren't ENOUGH, don't you see that yet? If they were enough, do you think we'd be in this situation right now?"

Xantia looks up at Id with defiance. "Then what do you expect me to do?! Am I just supposed to live my life never knowing? Don't you know how agonizing it is for me? I can never stop wondering about my past, it's tearing me apart inside! I can't just ignore that!"

"That's what the people of this world excel most at! Not knowing things! Nobody wants the truth, they want the mystery because the mystery can be anything! But the truth is painful and dark and cruel and empty. You know what the people of this world did when We tried to tell them the truth? They murdered us and the woman we--" Id appears to be flagging a bit. Xantia takes the opportunity to speak again.

"...You're not wrong. Part of me is scared of the truth. That's only natural. There's undoubtedly such a thing as knowing more about the truth than a human should. But there will always be people who chase after the truth anyway. You don't understand that anymore, do you?"

The look she gives Id is one of sympathy. A look he probably doesn't see much of, but always seems to come naturally to Xantia. It's not been an easy conversation to have. And yet, at this point of it, Xantia finds herself smiling. "But, thank you. I remember what you told me before, that this sort of thing is hard for you. So, let me just promise you this." She steps even closer to Id, until she's directly in front of him.

"If you try to cast aside the things that you need most, I'll be there to pick them up for you. If you run off to do something stupid, I'll be there to pull you back to the point where you can see reason. And if you do something really bone-headed like forget all about me, I'll be there to remind you of who I am."

She leans forward, smile even brighter than before. "That's all me, doing what I want. And you can keep doing whatever you want. Don't even worry about it."

DG: Xantia has used her Tool Kira's Acuity toward her party's challenge, The Trial of Memory. Enlighten! Party Wits
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================<* CHALLENGE - The Trial of Memory *>======================
| Type: Final        | Dungeon Ability: Wits            | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  At the end of the Field of Power, you find a coppery altar. It rests between  
  four pillars, and when you approach, you are greeted by a brilliant golden    
  light that flashes out from it. It shines bright into your mind, as the       
  Guardian speaks: "Wonderful! You have overcome every part of the trial!       
  Proceed, now, and behold the power within yourself."                          
  And so you do.                                                                
  You find yourself taken to a memory from your past. The time that you faced   
  something terrible -- something where you had to find strength within         
  yourself to overcome something that seemed unconquerable. What was this       
  terrible thing? And how did you find that strength -- then or later?          
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|          Enlighten:_Wits_Up!, Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!, and          |
|                             Stupify:_Wits_Down!                              |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
=====================< Results - Field of Power - Round 6 >=====================
======================< CHALLENGE - The Trial of Memory >=======================
Player                               Exhaustion                    Pass/Fail
Citan Uzuki                         64 --(0)--> 64                   Best      
Just The Right Tool                 Min Wits          Effects: Stalwart        
Xantia                              59 --(0)--> 59                   Best      
Kira's Acuity                       Min Wits          Effects: Enlighten       
Azoth                               39 --(0)--> 39                   Best      
Wonder Orb                          Maj Wits          Effects: Improved        
Lily Keil                           59 --(0)--> 59                   Best      
Investigate                         Bsc Wits          Effects: Risky           
Leader: Xantia                      75 --(35)--> 110                 Pass     
Conditions: Fright(1) and Stupify(2)                                          
Effects: Enlighten(1)                                                         
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================
DG: You have overcome the dungeon's trials! This run is a success!
DG: The party led by Xantia has successfully explored Field of Power!
==============================<* Field of Power *>==============================
======================<* CHALLENGE - Blessing of Power *>=======================
| Type: Discovery    | Dungeon Ability: Conclusion      | Challenge Rating: 3  |
---------------------------< Challenge Information >----------------------------
  As you memories dissipate, you find yourself back on the stone platform --    
  and with the altar ahead of you. The light before you shimmers and shifts,    
  condensing down to form a bright, golden sphere. This is the Orb of Power,    
  which shines before you. Touching it doesn't make you feel stronger           
  immediately -- but perhaps that's because you had to draw on the power        
  within already.                                                               
  There is a warmth to it, though. Something that comes from deeper in the      
  mountain below. There is a sense, fleeting, of a connection to something      
  That, though, is a mystery for another time. It is time to leave this place,  
  because the cold winds still blow, and a gentle dusting of snow is starting   
  to fall.                                                                      
============================= Dungeon Conditions:  =============================
|            Enlighten:_Wits_Up!, Fright:_Combat_Down!_Agility_Up!,            |
|               Secret:_Exploration_Up!, and Stupify:_Wits_Down!               |
= Digger 2.0 ===================================================================