2017-07-12: Business Meeting

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  • Log: 2017-07-12 Business Meeting
  • Cast: Jacqueline Barber, Matilda Whitehead, Rose
  • Where: Lacour - Adventurer's Guild Headquarters
  • Date: 2017-07-12
  • Summary: Jacqueline has a friend she wants Rose to meet!

==================<* Lacour - Adventurer's Guild Headquarters *>==================

The Adventurer's Guild Headquarters in Lacour is the largest outpost of its kind on the continent. In theory, it reports to the central headquarters in Guild Galad, but for all intents and purposes, it controls and coordinates all Guild activities and outposts throughout Ignas more or less independently.

Located in the western half of the castle town, the Headquarters occupies a three-story building far from the chaos of the Market District. The first floor is a receiving and processing area, much like a bank, devoted entirely to the receipt, posting, and paying out of Guild contracts. The second floor is rarely seen by anyone who does not work there - the employees of the Guild responsible for sending and receiving messges from outposts across Ignas. The third floor is occupied by the Guild's local head, a woman few can name and fewer have seen.

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ0Idh3dz3g
<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

With the Lacour Tournament of Arms in full swing, the time for business was never better. Any merchant could make some good coin as long as they had a stall and products worth selling.

This little meeting, though, was not about business. ...At least, not directly. Instead, Jacqueline had arranged to introduce one of her friends to another one.

The designated meeting place was a small pub located off the beaten path. It didn't get a lot of people coming in, even with so many people in town for the tournament, so it made for a nice, quiet place for people to meet and discuss all manner of things. It was cozy, in a way, and had significance in that this was where the Caravan Kinship, her group of companions, had received their name.

Perhaps that was why she kept coming back here.

At the moment she was sitting at one of the tables, waiting for her friends to arrive and sipping at a drink she had purchased...probably to assure the owner that she actually intended to buy something instead of just loitering the whole time.

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

Matilda has been on the low end of 'successful merchantry during the Tournament of Arms,' and not for want of hours put in -- it is, as it so often is, a question of marketing and timing. She tends to pick hours that match tournament fights she isn't interested in watching, which mostly means everyone else is busy.

Still, she's always got time for the Caravan Kinship, at least for now. As a result, she's downright eager to properly meet Rose -- they've encountered each other before, of course, but that's different from a proper introduction!

The woman in the white coat sits down with Jay, folding her hands pleasantly. "Hello!" she says, brightly. "I hope I'm not late..."

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

Rose was one of those merchants with a stall and plenty of products. Or more accurately the Sparrowfeathers are more like resellers for people who couldn't make it, among other things, but it counts! That's why they're a merchant guild, not just merchants.

But she really could use a break from time to time too.

Rose arrives with no fanfare but her own, happily poking right through the door behind Matilda and raising her voice right off the bat. "Heeeeeey Jacquie! I think I'm the one who's late, ahah, well, come now, introduce us!" No delay, Rose is in Matilda's personal space right away, grabbing her hand and vigorously shaking it up and down.

"Or I'll do it myself! Name's Rose, I lead the Sparrowfeathers!"

Then a turn towards Jay. "So what'd you want to talk about?"

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline smiles and sends Matilda a wave.

"Ah, no, you're not late at all, actually. In fact-" Jacqueline is interrupted by a sudden Rose.

This was frankly about what Jacqueline expected, and she hopes that Matilda wasn't feeling a little too overwhelmed. Still, she smiles and waves toward Rose.

When asked what she wanted to talk about, she gestures toward Matilda.

"I'm here mostly as an intermediary, admittedly...but I think you and my friend here could really help each other out." She says.

She lets Matilda do her own introduction, Jacqueline figured she could probably get everything across better.

"I'll order us some drinks real quick, shall I? Do you two have any particular preferences?" She asks.

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

Accepting Rose's hand, Matilda looks downright overwhelmed by the enthusiastic shake. Her own isn't limp, though -- her gloved grip is fairly strong, and her own shake tries to be a litle more even. "Matilda Whitehead -- Doctor, technically, though most people take exception to hearing that from something other than a physician or surgeon..." she offers, a little awkwardly. "Graduate of the Academy of Linga School of Compounding and Pharmacy."

Drink orders! Right! Matilda says, "Ah -- I'd like something sweet, but not overwhelming... I think it's a little too early in the day for alcohol but I must confess I'm a little tempted just the same."

Back to Rose. "I -- well... I'm in need of a little -- assistance, ahah. You see -- I've tried to ply my talents as a merchant, but I feel as though many of my products are best for Drifters, and I'm not -- exactly -- the strongest personality, so..."

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"Oh, something with strawberry in it!" Rose says, having perhaps developed a crippling addiction to berry drinks after that Tournament Globe finale. She can still taste that frappé, and ponders the pros and cons of braving the meal course a second time for one.

Because really it's the journey that made it great.

"An intermediary though? Oh, does your friend have things she needs to sell?" she inquires to Jay, although quickly turns to Matilda to get the story from the source instead. She listens, for a moment, and nods her head.

"Well, I'm just your girl, doctor! Yeah, selling to Drifters, you gotta be pushy, make them feel they can't survive their next trip down a dark, damp cave without your product! Of course, I don't sell fake products, so I hope your product has the punch it needs to impress adventurers! I'm guessing you created some sort of new potion or medication?"

She is a doctor, it's a fair guess!

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline stands from the table and wanders over to the owner to make their orders. Something sweet, but not overwhelming, and...hm, perhaps with just a small amount of alcohol? That should work.

And for Rose, something with strawberry in it...that should be easy enough.

She stays up there for a time before returning to the table and passing out the requested drinks.

"Oh, they're plenty punchy, I can vouch for that." Jacqueline says with a smile, resuming her seat. "Her compounds have been a big help, every time I've been on an expedition with her."

She takes up her drink once more and looks between Matilda and Rose.

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

Matilda is now equipped with: alcohol! She seems much pleased by the situation; when she takes a drink, it's... almost exactly what she was hoping for! "Oooh, thank you," she says, brightly. "You really know how to pick 'em!" She nods to Jay, affirming, "Thank you."

Turning her attention back to Rose, Matilda smiles. "Well -- created is mildly strong... I merely get consistent results with existing compounds and combinations. There are a few things I'm working on that would be new, but I think the real asset I bring to the table is consistent potency with simple ingredients." She's all smiles.

"That sounds excellent, though -- I could really use a business partner who knows how to sell, rather than simply, er... what, to sell." She gives a good-natured, yet slightly self-deprecating laugh.

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"So we have a tester! That's good, you can't sell these things without someone to vouch for them. I know you just well enough to know you wouldn't lie about this either, Jayjay!" Is she ever going to settle on a nickname? Verdict is up on that one.

Rose grabs her drinks and sips it happily.

Her attention returns to Matilda, and she nods happily again. "Mhm! Well, a demonstration would be appreciated, but once we get past that stage I'd be happy to help sell your products! Have you thought of a catchy name and catchphrase for them yet? Oh, maybe we shouldn't skip steps and you can tell me what they do first." That might be wise! Might be. "Oooh, we could get a small team of Drifters together and pass out free samples, go explore some ruins or something, then they'll be impressed and spread the word out!" She's skipping steps again. This is Rose alright.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"No problem! Hanging out at the Starfall Saloon really pays off, in that regard." Jacqueline replies with a smile toward Matilda. Unlike Lunata and Shalune she'd never actually worked there herself, but she had certainly learned a thing or two.

She glances back to Rose again, and nod. Yes, this is definitely something she wouldn't lie about. This was, after all, something she took seriously. She doesn't seem to object to the constantly-changing nicknames. She's probably used to it by now.

She listens to her go on about the various steps they should take, and chuckles nostalgically.

"I've found that putting some pamphlets together to advertise your business and your products is a great way to do things. I haven't passed any out in a while, admittedly...though I do still have plenty on me." She rummages through one of her bags, drawing out one of said pamplets and setting it on the table.

"Something like this, for instance."

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

"Yes! I -- well, I suppose the most useful product I have is this," Matilda says, pulling out an inky red-black bottle from her coat. "This is -- well, the usual term is 'succubus bottle,' and it's a relatively uncommon synthesis. It emits a smell that humans generally find vile, and in sufficient quantities even caustic to the eyes, but which attracts monsters... it tends to flush out secondary assault waves of monsters that travel in packs, and concentrates them."

Accepting the pamphlet from Jay, Matilda takes a look. "I see -- this sort of thing really works?" She laughs a little awkwardly, "And here I thought my strategy of stalking Drifters from ruin to labyrinth was the best way to find buyers... have I been going about this all wrong the entire time?"

Back to Rose, Matilda takes a drink before saying, "I also have a variety of curatives, of course -- as well as my own skills as a Drifter... which I suppose are marketable in their own way, yes?" Another awkward laugh as she admits, "Though I fear I'm too reliant on my ARM, which is quite the attention-grabber..." Smiling at Rose, she says, "Do you think we could find a team of Drifters to perform such a test? I almost feel as though it'd spoil the test if I were to go along myself..."

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"Pamphlets are an idea too, you hand them out to some people who'll agree to distribute them for you, especially at big events like the tournament! That's how you get your name out there for sure!" Rose agrees with Jacqueline, before listening to Matilda's pitch for the succubus bottle.

"So it's a monster lure that doubles as a stink bomb, that's pretty handy! I'd think most Drifters would want a bottle of these in her belt or bag for emergencies. And well, going out to market to Drifters mid-dive works, if that's your thing! You'll make friends that way and your friends will spread the word about your mixes."

At Matilda's question, she nods. "Oh yeah, easily! You being there might be helpful to answer questions and show how the products are used. But really the average Drifter doesn't need MUCH of an excuse to go diving into some ruins so if you offer them free samples of something for it you're going to be knee-deep in offers. Your services as a doctor are also pretty marketable! Sell consultations or research time, when people find things in ruins they want someone to analyze. Gotta make sure those ancient potions are safe to drink and all that!" Plus weird monster fluids. What is it with Drifters and collecting weird monster fluids to sell them to merchants?

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"It really helped me out when I first set up in Adlehyde. Make it flashy, but informative. Something that'll really stick in their heads. And then that way they'll want to come to you." Jacqueline adds with a smile, nodding toward Rose.

The Succubus Bottle was something Jacqueline had seen before - it was definitely a useful tool.

"Yeah, I find a lot of Drifters appreciate merchants who they feel get them. Being out there, showing that you know what the life is like, and what they'll need on an average dive? That'll definitely help their opinion of you and your products. It'll make you seem less like someone who's just trying to get money out of them, and more like someone who's trying to help them." She says, agreeing with Rose once more.

She pauses for a moment to take a drink.

"This would definitely be good timing for a demonstration. As long as the Tournament is going on, I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to find interested folk around here." She comments.

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

Monster fluids are a premium item! Matilda goes through more of them than she'd expect. She has some particular wants, granted -- some of which she's never been able to actually source -- but there's always a use for lizard stink in an apothecary's toolkit.

"Is there a printer in town, then? -- Oh, I suppose there'd have to be, given all the bills and postings for the tournament itself... oh, but they must be dreadfully overworked for the matches themselves until the tournament ends..." Matilda's lips turn down. "Still -- that's a good plan. I've never really thought of a skill as marketable -- though I suppose that's how most surgeons and physicians make their living..."

She downs the rest of her drink, and turns her attention to Jay. "That's a very good point -- and honestly part of the reason I've had such trouble, I think! Drifters are often a proud bunch, and I don't want to offend... maybe a demonstration and an offer of my skills..."

With a firm nod, Matilda adds, "Thank you! And, ah -- if you'd like to sell some of my goods as well, Miss Rose, I'd be happy to offer them, provided your own work as a merchant is -- in that market."

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"Oh, sure! Us Sparrowfeathers'll sell anything we can get our hands on as long as it's legit merchandise! We don't sell stolen goods, obviously, or bad quality wares, but it doesn't sound like that's going to be a concern here! We'll just have to talk price sometime after the demonstrations but we don't usually take a big cut. We'd rather take a little from a lot of sales than a lot from a couple, you know?" More business is good business and all that.

Rose finishes her drink, slamming the glass on the counter (table?) with a grin. "SETTLED, THEN! We'll get some folks together, you prepare some samples of your best-sellers or what you want your best-sellers to be, and we'll make them out to be something nobody can live without! We can probably organize a couple different dives into different ruins for effect, it's not too great an idea to take a party of ten out in a cave. Or... maybe something less practical and just a public demonstration? Booking some time might be hard with the tournament but I'm sure we could come up with something..."

Just a matter of finding a lull in the tournament's activity and to use that.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"Skills are definitely marketable! And with your experience I'm sure you wouldn't have too much trouble finding someone interested in them." Jacqueline replies with a smile toward Matilda.

She nods, then.

"Sounds like a solid plan." She agrees.

"If you have time...why not both? Practical dungeon expeditions to show off the wares that'd be useful for the average Drifter, and a demonstration for the ones that even ordinary folk would be able to appreciate?" Jacqueline suggests.

"Like curatives, for instance, or if you have something designed primarily to soothe nerves."

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

"Oh, heavens, no! I graduated at the top of my class -- I've always had a natural facility for both growing and working with plants. It's something of a rarity on Filgaia, ahahah..." She shrugs, and admits, "I don't know if I'm the best -- but the only other candidate for that title is content, for now, to sell his potions in Linga and be settled with his lovely wife."

But when Rose gives her that bright enthusiasm, Matilda -- tries her best to meet it! "Yes! Settled! I'll prepare some of my best right away -- syrups and potions... and I'll have to get ready for a demonstration -- oh, perhaps after one of those exhibition matches! Yes, that should be excellent!"

She nods to Jay, and says, "... when you put it like that, it sounds so obvious." Strangely, that particular comment -- 'finding someone interested in them' -- chills her enthusiasm back down. "And, yes -- both sounds excellent. As for nerves, well... if I had such a thing, I think I'd have other uses for it than selling, if I'm -- being, honest. Haha..."

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

Rose will, wisely, leave marketing Matilda's skills to Jacqueline, who is actually more experienced in that matter. The Sparrowfeathers can hand out pamphlets or recommend Matilda as a doctor, but it's a no-brainer between Rose and Jay it's the latter who knows best how to sell a person.

... though, Rose hasn't TRIED selling Sorey to see what that's like...

Wonder how much people'd pay for some time with the Shepherd...?

The merchant snaps out of her daydream, in which she is plunging in a pool filled with gald and gella, and gives Matilda two thumbs up. "I'll see if I can get the time of day from that Mr. Torque to hog the arena for half a hour sometime soon. We're gonna need some test subj - I mean, volunteers though! Maybe a few caged monsters or... wonder if they'd let us use all that Symbology nonsense that makes the arena able to do crazy stuff? That'd probably be safer..."

Probably. It'd be less of a show though.

"For the ruin dives, we'll just put a call out to the Adventurer's Guild, and we'll have us Drifters in no time. OH YEAH! That's an important tip! The Adventurer's Guild is your primary contact with Drifters! They can push your wares and services to them and you can take up or post jobs, so it's worth talking to them!"

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline could understand that. She nods toward Matilda. She couldn't help but feel that she had said something that had affected her...but she wasn't quite sure what it was, or why.

"That sounds like a dangerous prospect...so honestly, from what I've heard of him that sounds like the exact sort of thing he'd go for." Jacqueline comments in regards to the possibility of getting some caged monsters.

Rose brings up the Adventurer's Guild, and Jacqueline nods.

"Oh, yes. They're also very important, if you haven't been making use of them. I put jobs up there whenever I'm having difficulty getting a hold of specific ingredients I need." She agrees.

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

"I think that might be a little bit, erm -- high-spectacle for a demonstration!" Matilda protests at the mention of using the arena special effects. She shakes her head, saying, "I -- I mean, if you'd rather be the one to take point on the demonstration, I'd certainly support it, but -- erm, that is --"

She descends into a stammer, before ultimately saying, "I'll trust your judgment!"

She folds her hands in her lap and notes, "It's funny -- I occasionally stop in to check for jobs, but I hesitate to call what I've done with the Adventurers' Guild in the past 'making use of it,' just the same -- usually I just... haunt ruins and labyrinths and wait."

She buries her face in her hands. "Have I been doing this the wrong, slow, boring way this whole time...?"

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

Rose pats Matilda on the shoulder. "Maybe a bit slower than needed but I can tell you're not used to dealing with people and crowds, so really, take things at your own pace! Don't let us push you around too much, alright? We can scale down the presentation a bit, we don't need some big show if you're not comfortable doing it. We'll figure something out, it's no problem! We've got a couple days to plan, rushing a business proposal always ends poorly!" Not always. Just, most of the time.

"The job offers, though, we can put those out as soon as we figure out where we want to go. Got a preference when it comes to haunting ruins?" Matilda likely knows more about ruins than she does, so that's the safe place to start asking.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"You've managed to make it this far in your own way, and you haven't given up yet. That's the important part, and that kind of perseverance is also good to have." Jacqueline agrees, nodding and sending Matilda an encouraging smile.

She also nods toward Rose. This was all for Matilda, after all. The important thing was that whatever they did, she would be comfortable with it.

"Yes, there's plenty of time." She says.

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

"Is it really that obvious?" Matilda asks, with a laugh. "Well -- there are times, but... yes, it's a little new to me. I grew up on a farm, and then after that, well -- Linga is an academy town, but it's not a very -- active -- academy town, if you understand? Lots of open spaces with no one in them, and always a quiet place, so..."

She laughs, and then offers, slightly weakly, "It's -- lots of people in one place, all going about their own business, is something I tend to associate with... something going wrong." After that dire proclamation, she waves it off and says, "But -- yes! I've made it this far, and I have no intention of giving up on my dream. Thank you -- both of you."

Diverted to the practical question, she notes, "I think unless I were to be terrifically lucky with a rare find in the Sacred Grounds, I've about exhausted it... I think I want to try one last go at the Berry Cave -- I just know there's something there -- and then move on to Metal Demon haunting sites and old battlegrounds..."

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"Don't worry, I get it! I didn't grow up in a big city either, it took some getting used to when I was way younger. It's something you kind of develop over time, you know? But you can't get better at something if you always avoid it!" Which doesn't mean you should dive head firat into the ocean to learn how to swim, Rose! Well, to each their own methods.

The matter of the Berry Cave makes the merchant perk a brow up. "Oh, yeah, I've been in there with a lot of folks, Jay can confirm! There was a... panel, computer thing at the bottom. It took a few trips but we got some people to fix it, and it printed some massive document about... floral research or something? I don't know, I need to ask Ida and Emma how that research is going along, if they've found anything yet. I don't know if there's anything else in there though. We didn't run into it the several times we looked. I could go for another try though! ... just, something you can breathe through. Trust me." Damn Wels.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline nods. She could understand that. In a way, she had a bit of an advantage there - she had been born in Adlehyde, to a family of merchants. That was something she was used to, and was taught how to deal with from an early age.

She briefly wondered what kind of place she had lived, what sort of things had happened, to make Matilda feel that way. It seemed there was still much about her Jacqueline didn't know. When Matilda affirms her desires to continue on, though, Jacqueline smiles.

"You're welcome! Me and Rose, we're here to help...and I'm sure the other members of the Caravan Kinship would be glad to do so, as well." She says, resting a hand on her shoulder.

Rose brings up the device they found in the Berry Caves, and Jacqueline nods.

"Oh, yes, actually...it was quite interesting. I took some notes on it, if you'd like to look at them?" She offers.

"Besides that, though...I think that's a great idea. Even if we don't find anything remarkable, berries are always useful to have, both on their own or as ingredients!"

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

"There was a what --" That comment about the Berry Cave's computer at the bottom gets Matilda's attention. "Oh heavens! Please, if you can put me in contact with -- wait, Ida -- never mind! I'll simply ask her myself!" Matilda's smile remains sunny, but there's a hunger in her eyes, too. "To think, such a discovery -- here I was hoping for a rumored Holy Berry and nothing else, but..."

Jay has her attention too, and she practically begs, "Yes, please! Notes, a copy of the printout itself -- anything would do, really! To think that I was pleased at finding a pistol and some half-rotted berries in that cave...! There's so much to the place!"

Though that gets her to be a little more pensive, after a moment. "... But yes, I think if it's already been so thoroughly explored, one more attempt would be all that's necessary. And after that -- well, we'll be traveling after the tournament, yes? So... we'll see what new mysteries we can unearth."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline reaches into her bags once more, pulling out the notebook that Matilda might recognize. It was the same one that had held Jacqueline's design notes on the vehicle she was working. It's flipped to a different page this time, and contains detailed notes on the panel they found.

It had apparently had the words 'SEED CORPORATION' and 'Botanical Laboratory BN-1303' stenciled onto it. It was fixed rather sturdily into the wall, and when they tried to turn it on first it gave them some garbled text and suddenly died. When they returned to it next they brought with them some individuals skilled with machines who were then able to repair it and, with the help of Ragnell, give it power. This process was documented to the best of Jacqueline's ability. They then had the option to print some things out...which they did.

There's also a sketch of some kind of...weird...cartoonish apple-creature, which is marked as having been depicted on the screen.

"I don't have a copy of the print-out with me, unfortunately. I entrusted it to Ida and the Professor to handle, since...honestly, there was a lot to go through." Jacqueline admits.

"Anyway...I'm looking forward to working with both of you on this!" She says with a smile. She then raises her (mostly-empty) glass.

"Here's to hoping to successful ventures, business or otherwise."