2019-09-23: Is It Okay to Go On Dates Whenever You Want?

From Dream Chasers
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<Pose Tracker> Yue Rohay has posed.

Well. That happened.

Yue found herself in the midpoint of a four... four? way battle between the Al Bhed and their Drifters, Yevon and their Drifters, Odessa and their... their Thrifters, and the Veruni and the Guard. Kaguya was present at some point but she lost track of her. She's lost track of any Guardsmen she should be with too and has spent the last however *long* fighting, fighting, fighting--

And she doesn't think it's going to stop anytime soon either.

Oh, there's also pissing Acacia off and getting her to pull a gun at her and provoking her about her egg as well. There is that.

She's managed to somehow climb onto the side of Macalania Temple and has quietly slipped into the wedding... reception? No, this doesn't look amazing enough to be a reception. Maybe just a declaration party. She takes a flute of champagne and sips it as she nonchalantly hangs to one side to try to look normal which is patently impossible when you:

  • are in enormous shackles that bind your elbow and arms
  • have a ratty-ass black ulster coat and look like crap
  • have 7.5 ft of brown hair despite being like 5.5 ft seriously how did it grow so long

Yup, just another day in being a disappointing adult.

<Pose Tracker> Acacia Saitani has posed.

"... you could at least have dressed nice," offers a voice full of dry sarcasm from near to Yue's ear, as Acacia makes the impulsive choice of grabbing a glass of champagne for herself as well. It's been that sort of day so far, and she doesn't even know the half of it just yet. "Also, you look like crap. Look-- if anyone asks, just-- just say you're here under ARMS custody, or something."

What started as a grouse has turned into a mild but genuine concern by the time the reporter frowns and takes a sip; she glances the Veruni over with a furowed brow as she does so, then shakes her head lightly to herself. "I should probably ask how you got in, but just take it easy."

Acacia could do with following her own advice. She looks pretty blitzed and a little unsure of herself, dragging her other hand back through her hair as she sneaks a glance around the Temple. The extra question of what to do about Yue's presence nags at her a little, but... well, no matter how much Yue might warn against it, the simple fact is that she trusts the disappointing Veruni. Having her around is some kind of comfort.

And if she's not /exactly/ a member of ARMS so much as its embedded reporter, that means she can stretch the rules a little, right?

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

"I love your hair," Elly says.


  • A fellow wearer of long hair; while she has had to trim some edges and often wears it up, and in fact is wearing it up right now in order to seem more like some random Spiran, Elly's hair goes down past her butt
  • Two strong glasses of wine to the wind, because that's where we're at
  • Reaching out to touch Yue's long flowing locks

"Fei... isn't it beautiful? Oh, I'm sorry," she says, halting her motion of hand, "I shouldn't touch it. I'm just a little tipsy, please forgive me." The alcohol may yet be critical, but not in this way, not right now.

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei also has long hair though maybe not exactly as long as Elly's and he usually has tied up in a ponytail but it only reaches his butt so, you know... and weirdly it gets shorter when he just lets it hang? Let's not think too much about that.

"Oh hey, it's Acacia." Fei waves a hand towards her before looking to Elly. "That's the journalist I mentioned. She does the Meria Bouletin? Guess it's based in Aquvy."

He laughs faintly and then his cheeks redden as Elly asks him if another woman's hair is beautiful.

It's like she took Billy's gun and shot him!

"Not as beautiful as yours," Fei manages, trying to crit guard out of that situation. He looks Yue over thoughtfully before adding, "Oh um."

He tilts his head. "Are you also an escaped convict? Me too!" He jerks a thumb at himself like saying he did jet skiing or something. "Though I didn't keep the shackles on." Pause. "Don't they get heavy?"

<Pose Tracker> Yue Rohay has posed.

"How-- How do you imagine me changing with these shackles on??" Yue complains as Acacia swans by her ear and takes a glass of champagne herself, before pausing as she rallies at approximately lightspeed inside and manages to smooth out: "Or do you want to imagine me changing?"

She takes a BIG swig of champagne because Acacia just said she looks like crap which is /true/ but doesn't make it hurt any less ok.

Then she realises someone is touching her hair.

"Heavens--" she kind of jolts a little, before looking towards Elly. Some part of her inside is exploding into a radioactive mess, but she pauses and stammers, "Oh--. That is-- thank you for the compliment."

She takes the chance to visually jeer at Acacia as if to go, 'see? /someone/ thinks I look nice'. But the 'Fei' Elly is talking to shows up and he knows Acacia?

It's not as beautiful as Elly's, he says. "Oh..."

Yue will remember that.

"... not an-- escaped one, no," Yue admits. "I am--" she rallies at Acacia's cover. "Her prisoner." don't say prisoner of love prisoner of love prisoner of love HUWAAAA

She takes another mega swig of champagne.

"It is rather cumbersome, but I have managed somehow," she lamely finishes.

<Pose Tracker> Acacia Saitani has posed.

The flat look that Acacia levels at Yue is the look of someone who has /absolutely sure/ the Veruni can take her shackles off whenever she likes, though she dips her head down and chuckles to herself the next moment. The back and forth with her is a comfort, after everything that's happened, even after their fight. Acacia's smart enough to know why the other woman was attacking her in hindsight, but-- it's just a relief, okay, she tells herself.

"More like I'd be curious how you'd look," she admits with a light huff, then allowing herself a lopsided grin. "I kinda get the feeling you'd love to swan in and do something to catch everyone's attention and then bask in it."

As far as Acacia's concerned, her warning and potential plan for Yue have come just in time, because the next thing she knows there's a tipsy redhead flirting(??) with the Veruni convict. She stares for a moment in outright surprise and maybe some other emotions, then glances down at her glass; the idea of getting drunk off of her feet is not one she entertains often, but it's starting to become more tempting.

(It costs too much for a start, especially when you hate the scratchy cheap stuff.)

"Oh, Mr. Fei, right?" she greets the next moment, her eyebrows shooting upwards at the compliment the martial artist pays the woman next to him. It still feels a little weird to go from their grand melee to this; she wonders if she's still floating on adrenaline a little. Or maybe she's just a lightweight. "Haha, the two of you look good together."

"She's-- with me," she adds, already amending her own wording after she levels a bit of a pout back at Yue's jeer. "'Prisoner's probably kinda stretching it a bit, honestly, but I trust Yue."

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

"Oh! Oh my goodness, I love the Meria Bouletin! I was so surprised it was still published up here!" Elly says.

Fortunately for Fei, it seems that Elly is not jealous about random traits on other women. Maybe this is one of the places where Solaris's BS cuts in favor of society. Statistically, some things have to go right. Shakahn is correct that you should eat wheat bread and not smoke too much. The ancient leaders of the country called J***** were right that you should cut loose and enjoy yourself sometimes.

It's the other stuff that was the problem.

"Thank you, though," Elly says to Fei with a smile - and then she blinks a couple of times, as if trying to remember when this is. Back to Yue, she says, "Those shackles... my goodness. It must be very hard for you..."

To Acacia, she asks, guilelessly, "Do you have to help her to eat?"

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei grimaces. "I didn't mean it like that." He however IS from a culture where you don't compliment the looks of random women or really date anybody at all because you're not from the village so you can't actually start a family there by tradition which, come to think of it, doesn't make any sense at all. He frowns as he considers this obscure village rule. The town was super small. They were going to run out of people! What about poor Lucca??

He tilts his head though, squinting at Yue for a moment. It isn't quite his usual mental throb sfx, though, and after a shake of his head he seems over it.

"You are... a journalist's... prisoner?" He doesn't know Acacia is in ARMS. "Um. Oh, you mean, like an interview?"

He gives Elly a brief confused look but then back to Acacia.

"Thanks," He manages a smile. "Well, it seems like you don't want us butting in on that busines, but we're happy to help if you need some."

He pauses. "Or wait. Is this one of those... weird....dating trends?"

<Pose Tracker> Yue Rohay has posed.

"I do not own that much clothing, is another matter," Yue grouses rather good-naturedly towards Acacia, because of course she doesn't. Though being able to keep that outfit of hers is probably better than some orange prison jumpsuit, isn't it? Acacia points out that she'd probably love to swan in and do something to catch everyone's attention.

Yue lifts her head and tries to imagine some other ... extremely grumpy-pouty lich-wizard Yue in a fur-trimmed silken mermaid dress absolutely loving every moment of it then melting into a ball and complaining about a lack of eclairs--

boundaries! boundaries!!

"Maybe," she admits to Acacia. She can't help the quiet flush of emotion as she tugs a little closer and Acacia tells her she's with her. "With you, hmm? Well, I cannot deny... that."

Elly says she loves the newspaper, though, and some part of her is happy to hear Acacia making a difference-- then she points out the shackles.

"Ah... somewhat. But I have rather-- become accustomed to it," she remarks, taking another sip of champagne. Going through kind of fast there.

A pause and a look of surprise--

--and then she deflects to Acacia as she asks, of dating trends: "Well? Is it?"

<Pose Tracker> Acacia Saitani has posed.

Praise for her paper is just as rare as a battle immediately leading into a party; the reporter rubs at her hair with a foolish grin for a moment. "... ahaha... well, um, thanks. The Spiran ones are kind of special editions. Given everything going on, it's probably gonna get pretty hard to publish anything for a while, but we'll keep trying." For a moment her thoughts stray towards Kamui; her exprsesion falls in an instant, only for her to redouble herself just as quickly in the face of Fei's question.

"Oh, uh-- no, I'm kind of working with ARMS as well as my own stuff," she admits. "They wanted some kind of oversight and accountability thing, so they invited me along. Which means I got sucked into Spira and chased by Odessa instead, so there's that," she notes with rather black humour, but an honest chuckle.

Glancing at Yue, her frown is actually meant well this time. "Minder lets you have that many books and won't give you a bit of wardrobe space?" she complains, a distinct and kind of protective glint in her eye suggesting that she's going to have some words with the diminuitive Veruni guard. "Remind me to have a bit of a chat with her about prisoner's rights. I'm pretty sure you could--"

"--what?" she blurts as her mind cuts in to point out something Elly just said; she stares in deer-in-headlights style for a moment, blinking as she imagines that. "No, I-- what?" she repeats again when Fei follows up the question, and the reporter feels the heat on her cheeks when Yue deflects in her direction as well. "E-even if it is, it's not what's going on here! I'd rather her /not/ be chained, thanks!" Oh, that's the part she has issues with?

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

Maybe they were just prejudiced against Feis. Well tough luck for them. Wouldn't they have egg on their Feis if - hrm -

Anyway, Elly seems to be considering how best to assess this. A journalist with a prisoner. Isn't that unusual? She tilts her head, before she says, "Oh! ARMS... ah, good. Marivel's got so many friends... and she has connections in the media, too. That will help her..."

"Minder?" Elly asks, before blinking at Acacia, looking back to Yue, looking back AGAIN, and then asking Fei, after a deep breath, "If I were restrained like that, would you...?"

Then her face turns red and she giggles into her curled-up fist. "I'm sorry, that's - yes, these are strange questions, I know... I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She sucks in a deep, deep, deeeeee-e-e-ep breath... and then she listens, maybe, for news on if this IS a dating trend.

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei says, "Hey, it's a tough job, but it's one worth doing Acacia. One day I bet everybody will be reading your 'Bouletin'...just so they can keep informed! Imagine all the problems we've had because we didn't know what was going on halfway the next city over, nevermind over in Aquvy or Elru."

Acacia mentions she works with ARMS too. Even so, it seems strange that Acacia would be the one keeping a prisoner. Perhaps she takes STOCKS photos instead of stock photos do ho ho ho.

"Accountability, huh?" Fei chuckles briefly at that. "Well give 'em a hard time for me." He doesn't have anything against ARMS except the name really.

He looks to Yue after and then back to Acacia. "I'm not sure I get it." He admits. "But you make a cute couple."

Actually it looks kind of strange all told but he is trying to salvage from his earlier comment.

"Marivel?" Fei asks, uncertain if that's a real name but then Elly almost asks a question and Fei also turns bright red. He stammers rather than naswering.

But he gives a quick side glance to Acacia and Yue as if...there IS something about this whole chain dating thing.

<Pose Tracker> Yue Rohay has posed.

"... unfortunately, the truth is more complicated than that. I am Yue," introduces the convict as she feels she needs to kind of redouble and answer, "A lifelong convict and a Veruni. Which I will also remind are with the Guard." She's not particularly feeling like she has to keep mum about that despite some of the reactions she's got from the Drifters, it seems.

"Also, I should point out that the Minder is not who gets to decide," she reminds Acacia, and there's enough between-the-lines there regarding their, frankly, incredibly convoluted relationship.

Elly pipes up about who minder is and--


There she is.

An incredibly tiny... child in thick blue robes and a straw hat -- whose face is nothing more than a matte black helmet with, currently, a >_< emoji.

Her voice is tinny as if speaking through speakers as she waddles (yes she waddles, like Vivi) and then pumps her arms up in tiny anger.

"How could you leave me behind! That's so mean of you!"

Yue actually looks a bit flabbergasted here, as she reaches and pats her on the shoulder gently and shhs her. "I'm sorry," she answers, though there's a creeping noise of possible panic. It could get dangerous here, if Odessa comes back... and if the Guard and Veruni contingent want a second go.

She glances around and immediately takes a plate and gives her a piece of cake which does a LOT to mollify her, though as she holds it--

"... 'cute couple'? What's this about, CR-S01??" she asks, and pauses. "What's that lady saying about being restrained?"


<Pose Tracker> Acacia Saitani has posed.

"Well, I dunno how much help we'll be, but--" is as far as the reporter gets before she cuts out with a stunned expression as Elly asks a significantly forward question of Fei. Wide-eyed and red-faced, Acacia has the horrible feeling she can sense one of those 'Oh You Kids' moments creeping up on her, and she tamps it down as quickly as she can before she gets stuck lamenting some of her life choices.

She's speechless through Fei's praise for much the same reasons, and it's only afterwards - when Yue broaches the subject herself and the reporter's had a chance to take a little wine and steady herself - that she risks answering the question with a bit of a drawl. "We're not-- exactly a couple. Even if Yue likes kidnapping me out of my bedroom and tossing me into the occasional ruin for fun," she huffs, not really sure if she should be blushing at that admission or not. "Right now, I think we're both happy to settle for 'extremely fed up with fighting'."

She glances towards the Veruni at her comment about the Minder, and the rules of her imprisonment - and Acacia's face tightens a little with suspicious concern, brow furrowed. Bit by bit, she's nudging together the picture of Yue's incarceration. "... well... yeah, I know. Still..." she trails off. It's not like she can campaign for anything on Yue's behalf, given the sides they're on.

She physically jolts a little when she hears the tinny synthesized voice of the Minder, and for a scattered moment wonders if she should hide her wine. When reality catches up to her, she shoots a look back at Yue, watching the Veruni reaches down to fuss over the tiny guard. Her hand itches to pat Yue on the shoulder in turn, but maybe that's not a great idea under Elly's watchful eye.

"Ah. Uh. They just wanted to know what was up, y'know? Yue kinda draws a crowd," she tries lamely.

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

"Oh.. you haven't met her? She's with ARMS," Elly tells Fei. "Don't worry; she's a good person. I think you'd like her, but... well... she does have a little bit of an attitude around her."


Yue introduces herself again. Elly nods. She opens her mouth - and then closes it again as Yue makes it clear that she is, first, a Veruni, and second, affiliated with the Guard. Elly coughs a little, awkwardly, which will hopefully not transmit the planetdoom disease to Yue. She is about to ask something else when

  • LALA!*

"CR S0 1?" Elly half-repeats, blinking several times and looking over at the blue-robed, behatted entity. She crouches down for a moment. She gazes into Minder's emoji of a face...

And her hands clasp together. "Oh! Fei, come meet her - this is really just, it's too hard to say but this is so so terribly, terribly -" Elly reaches forward as if to pinch Minder's cheek. "So terribly cute--!! Ahh, you have to meet--"

Elly falters for a moment in contemplation of how Minder is eating that cake.

[OOC] Yue Rohay says, "omg!" [OOC] Yue Rohay says, "lala!" [OOC] Fei Fong Wong says, "*LAHEE*"

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.


"CR...S0...Waaaan?" Fei asks with a blank sort of expression. He looks to Acacia, then, and adds, "Oh." He frowns. "Are you sure?"

Acacia does speak to something that DOES appeal to Fei. "Oh you and me both, though I guess I've been on vacation so long maybe it'd be irresponsible for me to keep avoiding it. Sometimes you gotta throw a punch! That's just how life is. Least in the Filgaia'n'Lunar we've got now. Maybe one day we won't have to but, well, I fiure that day is some time off myself." He frowns. "...Hopefully, cause I doubt that time is going to come easy."

He gives Minder another look but he seems to be having trouble of understanding 'adorable jail warden'.

He looks to Elly as if expecting that she will understand this. She doesn't seem to.

"So like Bart?" He asks, approaching Minder.

He studies the child's blackk helmet and her >_<. He glances at Elly to see if she understands how the kid's eating cake through the helmet before looking back to Minder.

"Um." Pause. "We'll...tell you when you're older?"


<Pose Tracker> Yue Rohay has posed.

"W-w-w-who is this extremely overbearing woman, CR-S01?!" the Minder stammers as she guardedly backsteps, but

AS A CHILD that has to wear an enviro suit which includes an opaque matte black helmet, the Minder does not have the imminently pinchable cheeks which are a divinely mandated gift granted upon all children for the-- well, for the benefit of adults around them and not at all themselves --and that's kind of incredibly messed up when you think about it.

Also, you know, child dying of planetdoom disease. But mostly the cheek pinchi. (You could say it's a dai-pinchi, a child not being pinchi-able.)

There's a grump as the question of how she eats cake is answered though because there's a

  • bwee*

as a tiny panel pops open that she holds the cake up to and it kind of beaver-like devours the cake as if passing it through a filter, nom nom nom nom.

"I suppose not," Yue answers somewhat disappointedly to Acacia when she denies it. She smirks and says, "I try to practice my windowsill poses, though. Do I capture the light of Filgaia behind me well? Should I cross my legs up some more? I notice you look--"

A pause, as she tilts her head to Elly and chuckles. "... Mari is a good person, though headstrong, I agree." A pause, as she kneels down again and starts wiping Minder's helmet-mouthpiece as she eats.

... she kinda looks more like her mom than her-- er, prisoner? Weird. [OOC] Fei Fong Wong says, "<fei> I guess fatherhood is like being a prisoner. You don't have a choice and it lasts forever. <Elly> Fei not every parent finds their kid in a ruin." [OOC] Elhaym van Houten says, "and much like prison, you may have fun getting there, fei! i mean"

<Pose Tracker> Acacia Saitani has posed.

There's a quiet snort from the reporter's direction as Elly - even if she seems to be tipsy - has nothing but praise for the Minder. From what little Acacia has seen of Fei and his girlfriend, she's fairly sure they're not going to be a problem for the girl to handle, and even if they are, that means the reporter can enjoy the sight of the Minder grumping back at them.

If she stops to think for a moment, she's remarkably comfortable around both Yue and her Minder. Maybe she's been a little primed for the unusual by being around Kamui and Marivel. Maybe that's just her way of justifying why she awkwardly pauses at Fei's overly simple question, tugging at her hair in a frown. "I--" she starts, then clamps her mouth shut, furrowing her brow a little as her cheeks flare.

It comes along with a stab of guilt as Yue sounds disappointed - and that makes Acacia frown to herself. For all that Yue flirts, she tends to put herself down in the same or next breath. Would she be looking for a connection like that? The reporter's not quite sure; relationships have never exactly been her forte, even if she's smart enough to tell how much Yue is putting on airs at even the best of times.

"Come on. That's not fair. You know I didn't mean it-- badly," she grumbles back to Yue, unexpectedly bashful as she folds her arms. Part of her mind is thinking: she's either tired, or much more of a lightweight than she thought. Or Spiran wine is some kind of super wine. "Besides, you know full well how much of a dramatic flair you've got."

... she says that even as Yue is doting over Minder, having gone from flirt to mothering in an instant. Acacia just opts for an awkward pause and a soft grumble under her breath.

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

"She does remind me some of Bart, actually," Elly says.

CURSE OF MARIVEL ARMITAGE -- Enemy missile fire will be attracted to one eye for the next nine days. This is the curse of Elehayym!!

Elly then gasps as the emergency cake ingress port is revealed. She rocks back on her heels and she says with a clap of her hands, "Oh! Oh that is so precious - I want to feed you more things... cake, cookies, iced desserts..." Her fingers lace together, and she looks up for a moment, to see Yue come down and - clean the face of her jailer?

Elly seems baffled. She slowly rises. "Should I ask why it is that... er... I don't know how to put this... what would Hammer say... 'what did you get in for'? Are you... You said you were a lifelong convict. Are people... born, into that? In, um."

Elly trails off.

She looks to Fei here, for reassurance, possible literal physical support, and also to ask: What would the point be of locking someone up from birth???

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.


Marivel winces as a bug flies into one of her eyes. "Ow! grr... what is this...cold wind??"


"Oh wow," Fei says of someone who isn't Bart being Bartlike. He might also be saying 'oh wow' because he's getting to see how Minder eats and it's frankly a little horrifying. "Why, um..." He begins to ask the pertinent question but kind of chickens out because he

is a coward

And also it feels kind of rude to just ask about

He looks over to Yue, then back to Acacia. "Um, sorry, haha, but you know...you only live once."

He looks kind of haunted for a moment instead of adding 'unless you're me I guess.'

And then he adds, "Haha, well, lets not spoil her all at once. It's best to do it gradually, so she has /many/ happy memories, right?"

He winks briefly.

"Oh uh." He looks back to Yue. "...It's honestly hard to imagine you as a lifelong convict. You seem so nice... though I guess the law isn't always, uh, caring about how nice someone is."

He frowns, looking back to Elly for a moment and resting a hand on her shoulder.

<Pose Tracker> Yue Rohay has posed.

Don't worry, the awkward transition between flirting and mothering isn't lost and it makes her feel like she's some kind of washed-up desperate single mother! "I'll simply settle for that," Yue chuckles as she finishes her champagne too. "I really could use an eclair or five."

Maybe there's some eclairs around if Marivel Armitage hasn't identified them as a Yue-Factor and removed them to put on a platter to goad her with like last time.

But Elly asks the dramatic question. She hangs her head for a moment. "Well. I am in for the crime of regicide, for I attempted to assassinate our Ice Queen a long long time ago," she chuckles very... resignedly? It certainly has a resigned kind of tone to it. There is the question of why this Dangerous Criminal is schmoozing at a party and has a child for a Minder, though??

"As for whether I was borne into it... well, once you live long enough, one supposes..."

There's something of a wistfully sad quality to her, as the Minder looks self-consciously to Fei and says, "W-what? I need a filter for eating, OK!" and lights up at the idea of cake, cookies, iced desserts.

"CR-S01, I really like this woman who's feeding me treats!" A pause. "Um, what's your name, miss? I'm-- Minder Number Seven." A pause. "My mother tells me I shouldn't share my name outside of Laila Belle."

Yue's head droops for a moment as her expression darkens, just a tad.

<Pose Tracker> Acacia Saitani has posed.

"... careful," Acacia notes with an amused sigh as Elly starts to get carried away. "She might imprint on you a little," she teases - but she catches the way that Yue's expression falls, her brow furrowing all over again as she's faced with the odd tangle between Yue and the Minder. Fei's comment doesn't go unnoticed, the reporter planting a hand in her hair to tug through the red strands, twiddling a couple between her fingers.

You only live once, sure, but some people live a whole lot longer. And have a whole lot more in the way of memories that it's easy enough for her to feel kind of overwhelmed.

She lets out a little tiny breath of uncertainty, then as Yue droops her head even further, finds herself stepping forward to slip her arm around Yue's. She's not sure if it's the teasing, or the honest question of why she hasn't done it earlier, or if it's the wine giving her a little courage. "They've got to have some around somewhere. We'll find you some, then you can give me a dance. Or something," she still ends up grumbling at the end anyway.

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

The cold wind blows...

... a bug into your eye!!


Elly is charmed by this turn of events, even if Fei is somewhat horrified. She takes a deep breath and lets it out, before she looks at Yue and - frowns in thought, because this is not a word that she uses often. She has to remember it. It's derived from something, isn't it? she thinks. Her brow knits as she tries to remember the Solarian synonym, which is...

... some kind of... assassination? No, that's not right. Some kind of... wait, she thinks. Mutiny? No. Close though. She looks at Yue, and asks, "Did you really? I suppose it's kind of them, if... you're still alive. You seem very well off, if that was really true..." She folds her arms loosely, as if skeptical of the affair.

Then she looks at Minder No. 7. "My name is Elly," she says. Then she gestures with a flourish of her right hand. "And this is Fei! He's a sensitive artist... and really strong, too. You're lucky to meet him, especially if he draws you a picture, since I'm sure in twenty years... ah..." She laughs again.

The laugh and smile falls away as she looks at Acacia. "what do you mean by imprint"

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei says, "Wha?" to that. "Really?" Frown. "You don't really feel very much like an assassin to me, but I guess uh... if it was /that/ long ago... I think that's pretty cruel and unusual a punishment though. A lifetime sentence shouldn't be 'infinite years'."

He tilts his head at... 'Minder Number Seven'. "Who are, uh, Minder Number One Through Six?"

He frowns faintly and adds, "Um but... why shouldn't you...share your name? Is it dangerous?"

He really hopes this isn't more child abuse. On the other hand, all this child abuse makes him a little more relaxed about taking care of Emeralda since, at the very least, he probably won't intentionally do horrible things to her.

His cheeks pinken at the compliments from Elly. "ahh--shucks, really? Lucky?" He blinks a few times, tilting his head at the 'twenty years' comment. He isn't sure what that means but he adds, "Well--sure I'd be happy to paint a picture of you, Minder! If that's okay. Ahh, it'll take some time before I do it, though, so I hope that's okay."

He lowers his voice and adds, "Elly's really a sweetheart huh?" to Minder.

<Pose Tracker> Yue Rohay has posed.

"I wasn't an assassin," Yue admits. "I was a... revolutionary, I guess, K--"

Her head starts stirring, and as she looks towards Fei, she blinks as she rubs at her head and kind of does this double-take for a moment. "... ... ... no, sorry. You kind of reminded me of someone. ... both of you-- where was I--" A pause, as she looks kind of honestly blank and lost at Acacia. She glances aside afterwards, looking a little ghosted. It's a good thing Acacia's put her arm around her.


"A-- a dance sounds nice," Yue remarks, but her heart isn't really in it right now.

Elly distracts her by saying it was kind that she's still alive. "... I suppose so," she quietly says, though the tone says she doesn't seem to really agree.

The Minder looks up again and says, "Nice to meet you, Elly, and, um, Fei, right?" She looks towards Fei when he sounds puzzled, but points out:

"My mother says I'll be cursed if I share it with a non-Veruni. ... I think that's true. Right?"

She says this with such conviction even Yue can't really bring it in her to object. She looks... momentarily a bit sad as Elly brings up twenty years. ): ... even she knows there's a chance she won't live another twenty years.

But that sadness gets exchanged with :O! when Fei offers to draw her. "Y-yeah! I wanna! And... and CR-S01 too, maybe?"

Yue chuckles kind of awkwardly and looks to Fei again, saying, "That might be lovely. We... we will commission you, of course."

Fei also whispers to her, and the Minder gets a big >:) grin as she says, "She sure is. You really like her, huh?? Are you gonna go out on a daaate?"

<Pose Tracker> Acacia Saitani has posed.

Acacia's response to Elly is a rather raised eyebrow and a bit of a snicker, especially when the Minder bobbles in their direction and fixes Fei with the closest thing she has to a mischievous grin.

"I don't know if that part's true. I mean, I knew Yue's name and I don't /think/ I'm cursed," the reporter chips in to point out playfully to the Minder, because when it comes down to it, she does rather like the kid. "But I guess I wouldn't put it past myself, given the last few months. A-ah--"

That's when Yue almost pitches, getting lost in her own head. Acacia's already in position to support her, but jolts her head upwards to catch the convict's expression. For a moment, there's a faint apology on her lips, as she wonders if she's taking the teasing a little too far - but she ends up staring, open-mouthed, at the look on the other woman's face.

"... we can do it later, if you need a second," she amends, softening a little as she nudges Yue towards a chair. Despite the difference in their height, she's apparently gotten pretty good at manhandling ancient beings around, and offers a wry smile up as she pushes Yue down to sitting. "But you look like you could /really/ use the chocolate part."

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

Fei is lining up a COMMISSION. That means they can afford FOOD. Food that SEYMOUR DIDN'T PAY FOR.

Elly turns red as she folds her hands behind her back, as Minder asks - are they going to go on a d-a-t-e? WELL ARE THEY?

Elly doesn't know. The thought is cute, but, aren't we past that, Elly thinks. But does that mean we can't? "I don't know," Elly says, largely to herself, "what the rules or... anything are. Ah. Fei -" She really is blushing as she looks upright, towards Acacia for a moment, then towards Fei.

"As a newspaperwoman," Elly asks Acacia, "can I ask you a question, now, that might have gone into one of those advice threads? Columns, I mean."

"... is it okay to go on dates whenever you want??"

<Pose Tracker> Yue Rohay has posed.

"YES," Yue answers, in the midst of nursing an incoming headache herself.