2020-12-11: The Non-Sequitur For The Ages

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  • Log: The Non-Sequitur For The Ages
  • Cast: Loren Voss, Azoth, Seraph Lanval, Marivel Armitage, Eleanor Klein
  • Where: East Calm Lands
  • Date: December 12, 2020
  • Summary: Out while exploring Remiem (and evaluating Azoth in the field) Loren is happened upon by members of ARMS (and Lanval). He is summarily harrassed by most involved. Soup is involved.

DG: A party led by Loren Voss is now entering Remiem Temple - Catacombs.
DG: Party formation is now over. An Entry Challenge will now be drawn and displayed to the party.
========================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs *>=========================
==============<* CHALLENGE - A Sphere-Locked Door and No Sphere *>==============
|Type: Entry       |Dungeon Ability: Brute     |Challenge Rating: 2          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 You follow the stairwell leading down into the domain below Remiem Temple.
 You find yourself in a hallway of dark green stone; it is made confusing by
 the way that parts of it are overgrown by moss. Here and there, light shines
 from fixtures on the wall, where some ancient machina provide dim lighting.
 But, that light flickers.

 At the end of the hallway, you find a massive stone door. In the center of
 it is a spherical depression -- where, to be certain, one of Spira's many
 attuned spheres should be placed to unlock it. Unfortunately, you have no
 sphere to act as a key. This means that you must enter through more forceful
=Dungeon Conditions: Overzealous, Injure======================================
<Pose Tracker> Loren Voss has posed.

    For the most part, Solaris' responsibility in Spira doesn't extend far beyond keeping tabs on what's happening and attempting to break into the chamber of the Fayth in Macalania.
    Only one of these things has been reasonably successful.

    But, they have one more task in this region: the exploration of particular ruins, in the aims of further understanding this land--

    And retaining whatever secrets they might hold. Already, Spira has held one pathway between worlds. What else might it hold?

    The mission parameters had been particularly clear in this case: they were sending a smaller-scale team of Loren and Azoth to the Remiem Temple complex, in the hopes of both better-mapping the catacombs and as a form of further field-evaluation for Azoth under direct supervision. The use of what field forces they had available was not deemed necessary at this time.

    It should be a simple matter. Which means that Loren is...
    ...pretty sure it won't be simple. His memory might be full of holes, but he has checked his notes this morning and still knows a trend when he can see it.

    So far he's still hanging in there. He's just been waiting for the other shoe to drop, for the Commander to serve him the order he knows is coming. But for now, there's still his duties, and for now, he can still manage.

    "...Great," the young captain sighs, running his gloved fingertips down the engravings on the door. "It looks like this one called for a key. A Sphere," he clarifies, for Azoth's benefit. "Of course, we don't have it," he says, scowling at the door. "So that means we'll need to break it down. So much for subtlety," he says, taking a few steps back. He then draws a breath. He otherwise doesn't so much as blink, the floor trembling as he draws up through Ether a stone pillar to slam into the sealed door.

DG: Loren Voss has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, A Sphere-Locked Door and No Sphere.
<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

The additions to Azoth's programming demand a certain level of obedience with Solaris 'users', along with prioritizing their safety. Azoth has also observed concerning traits in Loren's demeanor, or, more accurately, has observed others stating such observations. So while this mission is largely to assess Azoth's performance, a portion of his attention is kept on Loren at all times, trying to discern the state of his health and any potential fluctuations.

Not that this is made obvious. Azoth maintains full robotic presentation with Loren. He does not attempt to be extra unsettling about it beyond the inherent uncanny weirdness of a too-human looking android without an ounce of emotional display keeping one company. Loren may feel, often, that he speaks only to himself.

At least this time he gets a reply. "Acknowledged." Azoth's eyes glow brighter, heat radiating off of his body. Blue turns to red, and intense energy begins to gather in front of him in preparation to forcibly blast a door down.

... Until he senses the approach of others approaching, whether by their voices or their footsteps, or perhaps even unusual energy signatures depending on their chosen behavior today.

Azoth's eyes abruptly blue again as he jerks seemingly to life. Cheerful conduct overtakes him as he flicks the hilt of a photon blade into his hand and twirls it through his fingers as he assesses the door. He gives a fidgety hop on his feet, nodding.

"Well, if that's what you think is best. Let's try this, then...!"

A hop, skip, and a jump, and he brings a large, charged blade of energy down onto the door to overload and detonate it in what hopefully turns out to be a stone shattering impact.

DG: Azoth has used his Tool Falk's Photon Blade toward his party's challenge, A Sphere-Locked Door and No Sphere.
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

    "Ha ha ha!" There's that laughter. It's mirthful, and carries with it the character of water of all its forms, great and... not. It is also in the form of a long-bearded, bare-foot, heavy-set middle-aged male-looking Seraph who is at least five sheets to the wind at this juncture, having shown up about Remiem Temple through a contrived series of coincidences deemed irrelevant to resolve compared to the beginnings of a spectacle. A spectacle involving a drunken water spirit.
     "I wash thinkiiiiiiin'," no one asked, "Spira hash thish thing 'bout... Spheres," Lanval careens about the mossy hallways, tumbles at least twice in a forward roll, and comes towards that massive stone door with a spherical depression in it. "They're round and fulla water... 'n I thought... I'm kinda round 'n fulla water..."
     "...'n then I decided, nah, I don't wanna put myshelf in that. I don't know where it'll take me... shooooooo," no one asked, "I got a better idea!"
     He has a bowl of not-great soup. Where did he get a bowl of not-great soup? Why did he carry a bowl of not-great soup? "It'sh half a Sphere, shooooo... I shay 50-50 it'll work~"
     He puts a bowl of not-great soup in the depression.
     Because Loren's life needs more non-sequiturs in it.

DG: Seraph Lanval has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, A Sphere-Locked Door and No Sphere.
<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

"My my o/~, seems like a lovely Solarian beat us to the punch."

Marivel appears in a flash of light like she read the book on jrpg antagonists. And though she says 'Solarian', Azoth gets a bit of a long look and a twisted boogiepop smile as well that might suggest a thing. Or two. She does not vocally comment.

"Well, unfortunately it seems you haven't come along with any of your parental units today so I guess I'll have to supervise. Do not worry, I'll be a gentle babysitter who knows how to treat kids like yourselves right. If you're on your best behavior, each of you will get two cookies but every time you misbehave... I'll take one cookie away! So be sure to be on your best behavior! Lanval--!"

She looks to Lanval. "I think I shall put you in charge of all water activities for these two. Have you ever heard of a 'water park' before? I'll cue you on the details for next time we have to look after these two sweeties."

She claps her hands once. "Eleanor! It will be your job to make sure neither Loren or Azoth skin their knee! It is terribly important that they end the day in peak condition! Otherwise the Emperor of Mankind won't tip, okay?"

She winks once. and then waves a flag that has Loren's face on it.

"You can do it! You've got what it takes! Yeah!! You win!!"

Marivel doesn't help with heavy lifting or noticeable physical labor as a general rule. Also periodically she acts like everybody who is younger than her is technically a child. Though isn't Azoth--well nevermind that.

DG: Marivel Armitage has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, A Sphere-Locked Door and No
<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

"Oh! Mister Azoth!" Eleanor smiles as she spots the android. "It's so nice to see you! And who's your friend?" She doesn't recognize Loren immediately.

"Hmmm, breaking through the door? That is a bit difficult," Eleanor admits, looking down at herself and her lack of tools for such raw destruction. "...Hmm, but you may have it covered. That's some deft earthwork," she compliments Loren, before looking ovr Lanval and... thinking about it. "...Honestly that's fair," she admits. "I wouldn't want to either. but I wonder..." She walks up to the soup, and tries to Mystic its power to make it into a full sphere.

She grins at Marivel after a moment, though. "I'll be sure to keep an eye out for both of them," she answers, and doesn't ask where the flag came from. It's entirely possible Marivel had it made.

"We're also here to investigate," Eleanor explains. She did hear 'Solarian'. But she was already being nice.

DG: Eleanor Klein has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, A Sphere-Locked Door and No Sphere.
========================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs *>=========================
==============<* CHALLENGE - A Sphere-Locked Door and No Sphere *>==============
|Type: Entry       |Dungeon Ability: Brute     |Challenge Rating: 2          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 You follow the stairwell leading down into the domain below Remiem Temple.
 You find yourself in a hallway of dark green stone; it is made confusing by
 the way that parts of it are overgrown by moss. Here and there, light shines
 from fixtures on the wall, where some ancient machina provide dim lighting.
 But, that light flickers.

 At the end of the hallway, you find a massive stone door. In the center of
 it is a spherical depression -- where, to be certain, one of Spira's many
 attuned spheres should be placed to unlock it. Unfortunately, you have no
 sphere to act as a key. This means that you must enter through more forceful
=Dungeon Conditions: Overzealous, Injure======================================
===================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs - Round 1 *>====================
================< Results - A Sphere-Locked Door and No Sphere >================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Loren Voss                          0 --(20)--> 20                 Fail
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC
Eleanor Klein                       0 --(20)--> 20                 Fail
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC
Marivel Armitage                    0 --(20)--> 20                 Fail
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC
Azoth                               0 --(20)--> 20                 Fail
Falk's Photon Blade                 2   Brute   Effects: Stalwart
Seraph Lanval                       0 --(20)--> 20                 Fail
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Loren Voss                  0 --(15)--> 15                 Fail
Conditions: Injure(2)|Overzealous(2)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Loren Voss has failed this challenge! The party gained 15 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Azoth has drawn a new Challenge.
========================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs *>=========================
=======================<* CHALLENGE - Mechanical Lock *>========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 1          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 As you walk down the next hallway, you find a T-branch that is locked behind
 a door. A few gaps in the door show that it leads to a niche, which would be
 ideal as a place to rest; a Memory Sphere glows in there, as well. This one
 has three wheels sunken into the door. The stone wheels have Yevonite
 characters on their faces. Together, they form a combination lock -- moving
 them into the right position will open the door.
=Dungeon Conditions: Stupify, Save Point======================================
<Pose Tracker> Loren Voss has posed.

    Is he aware that Azoth has been cataloguing his own mental status? Not as such, no. Would he be surprised? Not really. At this point, he figures someone (the Major? The Commander? Hawwa? All of them?) has been keeping tabs on him. He's just less sure of the 'how'.

    The stone spike slams into the door. This has the effect of... denting it somewhat. Apparently the ancients made these doors tough. Loren frowns. Into this moment a --

    ...voice that would have been familiar if Loren hadn't been suffering from severe memory loss...

    ...let's just say a jovial voice then--

    --intrudes onto the scene.

    Loren turns. He stares at the figure.
    Even as he is, he can't quash the vague, terrible sense that he's seen this man before somehow. SOMEWHERE. "What are you doing? Why are you here--"

    he says, in vain, as Lanval ambles on over, muses on the nature of Spheres as compared to himself, considers the better option, and then places a half-sphere in full of...
    ...of soup.

    There is, shockingly, a green light from the mechanism near the door. Loren gapes as it starts to grind open. "Wait, that's not--"
    And then it suddenly flashes red and stops. The door is open... assuming someone can pass through an inch of space.

    "..." The young captain takes a long-suffering breath. Exhales.
    And in comes Marivel. "What are you..." There is a long, long moment of silence that follows her introduction in which Loren stares at her as if she has sprounted three separate heads. "...What?" he says finally. "Excuse me? What are you talking about?" He looks over at Azoth, then back at Marivel, then over at Eleanor, and then at Lanval as if there were some answer to be found there. What would happen, Loren considers, if he just left now.
    His shoulders slouch. He knows perfectly well what would happen if he left right now.


    "Azoth, can you just... do something about the door," he says, trying to ignore them all. Eleanor however does the worst thing ever:

    She's actually nice at him. She compliments him. "..." He looks away. He doesn't know what to do with this! "Listen, just... either stop standing around and do something, or..."

    This may be the moment in which Azoth happens to strike at the door with the saber. It's super effective! So is, as it happens, Eleanor repairing the Sphere with Mystic, which causes the door's mechanism to illuminate in a bright green and...

    ...and something inside it just detonates violently as a result.

    The upshot is that the door is super, duper open! The downside is that everyone might be sees spots for a little bit. It was pretty bright.

    (the soup-Sphere is, alas, no more for this world)

<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

It was, in fact, probably Lanval that set Azoth's disguise to on by APPEARING OUT OF NOWHERE. Wait, there's something familiar about this guy... But his face isn't registered in any of Azoth's memories.

Azoth notes Marivel's look. He doesn't know how to read it, but he knows better than to react to it. Instead, he gives his own childish cheek puff before nodding, fists clenched with cookie motivated determination (Azoth you can't even eat cookies!). "I'll be good, I promise...!" Wait, isn't Azoth...? Yes, well, the overrides unfairly deny him the amusement that could come of pointing that out.

He smiles at Eleanor. "Hey! Fancy running into you like this again. This is... ah, Mister Loren, wasn't it?" He glances to Loren for confirmation, because yes, sorry, he is faking having recently met and denying familiarity. It's nothing personal, Loren.

When he strikes the door, he's blasted back with a shout kind of like "Wharrgarbl!" Azoth gets up as the light fades and the spots clear their vision, pumping his fist up. "Teamwork!" He gets himself up, dusts himself off, and offers a friendly smile to everyone before marching onward like suddenly having this group together is Normal and Fine. He hums along the way.

Another door blocks their path, but this one isn't missing a key so much as requiring one of a different stripe: three wheels are sunken into the stone door, bearing Yevonite symbols. "I've seen this before!" Azoth exclaims, hurrying up to it. He squints, leaning in. "But this one's different. I don't know the combination." He experimentally moves it a few times, confirming the combination isn't the same as anything he's encountered in the past.

His eyes brighten, just a touch. "...There's a little more erosion on these edges..."

In the middle of seeming otherwise lost in his focus, Azoth abruptly claps his hands together and turns toward Lanval with excited realization. "Mister Bottle!" It was the voice! The voice was familiar!

DG: Azoth has used his Tool Oculus ex Machina toward his party's challenge, Mechanical Lock.
<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

"What am I? I am a great and beautiful Crimson Noble, brilliant mechanist, true ruler of Filgaia, and secret behind-the-scenes master of all...!" Marivel bows dramatically despite Loren already knowing her (unless he forgot, but Marivel would not believe Loren if he said he forgot so that reality is moot).

The flag vanishes into a puff of darkness after Eleanor agrees to look after Loren and Azoth. "Oh excellent." She says before Loren finishes what he actually meant to ask.

"Oh, I mean, you're so young. You don't look a day over thirty." SECRET LORE: Loren is not anywhere near thirty. Actually sorry--

SECRET LOREN: Loren is not anywhere near thirty.

Marivel approaches Azoth and nudges him in the side. "Still singing I hope. A joyful melody fills the spirit, my mentor used to say. Words you can trust. You might not believe me, but she really moved up in the world after saying stuff like that. Leads her own little known religion right now, but oh everyonne loves her so much. I'm really proud of her. Who wouldn't be? Some people are just born to be cult leaders."

Another door blocks the path. Marivel squints thoughtfully, tapping her cheek with an index finger. She draws out her book: Wisdom of the Crimson Nobles. The author, someone named M. Armitage (whoever could it be?) has advice for this sort of thing.

"The Crimson noble will not engage in manual labor, for they are true creatures of politique, but oft you have to rely ono the wheels of fortune to guide you and therein a noble will gladly lend a helpful little hand."

She reaches up and just psins one of the wheels, apparently by random.

"Mister Bottle," Marivel says. "Truly your greatest title yet, Seraph Lanval."

She focuses thoughtfully on Azoth again and adds, "Now now..." She leans in and murmurs. "Being especially perfect won't get you extra cookies, you know. Two is the max...! All I can give you is extra appreciation. Though we don't want Loren to get jealous now do we?"

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

Eleanor recognizes that look-away. She concludes immediately that Loren is shy. A little smile spreads on her face, and remains as she works on the Sphere. it remains right up until the point at which everything explodes, and that sends her flying backwards into the entry room again to land with a thud.

"Ow," the elf pronounces, "That was... less smooth than I would have hoped." She pushes herself up, "But it did open."

She smiles back at Azoth, then. "Loren! Thank you," she tells him. She meant to sooner, but, it happens. "My name is Eleanor," she offers for Loren.

Then as they move forward, she follows along with Azoth and... tilts her head. "Oh, yes," she says, "I see what you mean--the ones that have more wear might be the right ones, yes?"

Mister Bottle! How nice.

Eleanor makes a point of smiling at Loren again while she works.

DG: Eleanor Klein has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Mechanical Lock.
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

    "Yer gettin' cookiesh?" Lanval looks kind of aghast at this, because sometimes he is like a hundredth of his actual age. Still, he's in charge of all water activities! He has been empowered with being IN CHARGE... of a very narrow thing...
     There is an explosion of sorts. Lanval's eyes flitter open without the powerful emanation of that one color as he lies on his back in awe of his amazing hypothesis that may or may not have found ground in being something that works when in contact with a beam saber. He's all out of not-great soup, though, so he can't test if it's 50-50 or 100-0 or 3852325972752379562896-NaN or anything.
     "Ha ha ha... I washn't gonna keep goin' in," Lanval remarks, "...but if were gonna keep one another company..."
     He waves to Azoth in a friendly, familiar manner, as Azoth recognizes who it is. "Yyeeeep, that'sh me! Thanksh fer... keepin' quiet 'round the Guard," there's a bit of a pause there as he sits down and Marivel praises his title. "...I kinda had ta keep my preshence on the down low in Kilika... doin'... intel? I think that'sh what they call it." He doesn't even remember what exactly he was supposed to share about the intel, and this may be why he wasn't asked to go do it again.
     He ambles up to a proper Memory Sphere and leans his face up against it, one eye opening to have a better look. "....mmmmph. Okay. Okay. I shee what I wash misshin'." Pyreflies. He can't really do anything about those. Sometimes if he squirts at them with water they might go in it, but that's the closest he's ever come to moving them around. Soup Spheres, aside from the wonderful test run, may remain a footnote on the tireless march of progress.
     He moves towards leaning up lazily against one of the stone wheels. "'m Lanval!" As though he needs to reintroduce himself. Loren may or may not recognize him as the bottle that drank another bottle.
     He will recognize that he's not a great help at moving things around, at least, but that's standard Lanval.

DG: Seraph Lanval has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Mechanical Lock.
<Pose Tracker> Loren Voss has posed.

    It's going to take him a while to blink away those after-images, there. What are the odds of soup, Sphere, Mystic, beam saber resulting in that sort of effect?
    Maybe it's because the soup wasn't that good.

    Loren's memories might be worsening by the day but that doesn't mean he's stupid -- he catches that look that Azoth gives him, and he's well aware (thanks to his notes) that Azoth's been working among some of the Lambs (Filgaian and otherwise; 'Rabbits' never did catch on, did it) and it's wise not to jeopardize that. He dissembles quickly enough: "Yeah," is his (succinct) response to Azoth.

    "A Crimson Noble...? Isn't that just a," and he pauses here, looking over Marivel as if seeing her for the first time. Wait. No. He's pretty sure he's seen her before, even dredging up the specifics is giving him a massive headache. He pauses, then grimaces. "...Sure, I guess."

    A pause follows.

    "I'm... twenty-two," Loren corrects.

    'Mister Bottle', Azoth says of Lanval. There is no memory attached to such a name as such, now. But there is still a sense of deep, primal horror. He thinks he's met the man before, and it was... awful.
    Loren thus regards the jovial, innocent Seraph with a look of immense suspicion.

    It's Eleanor who is more of the wildcard in the room. Has he met her before? He doesn't feel anything around her. And she's being nice! Which is highly worrying.

    "Uh. Hi," he says to her, vacilating between trying to figure out what is going on and continuing to keep his guard up. At least the puzzle they encounter not long after is a change of pace of sort--

    "More wear. Wait, let me take a look at that," he says, digging for a moment in his bag and pulling out a wrapped bar of some sort. He breaks the seal and tears a bit of it off, wadding it up with his left hand.

    And then uses pieces of the malleable putty-like nutrient bar wad to take an impression off the wheel edge, one section at a time. "Hmm... if we compare these two parts... aha! See? It's more worn here," he says, butting in past Azoth to turn the one wheel to the part he thinks looks different from the others on the impression he's taken.

    But even if he's right... there's still two more to solve. Will they all be so worn?

DG: Marivel Armitage has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Mechanical Lock.
DG: Loren Voss has used his Tool Soylent Nutribar toward his party's challenge, Mechanical Lock.
========================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs *>=========================
=======================<* CHALLENGE - Mechanical Lock *>========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 1          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 As you walk down the next hallway, you find a T-branch that is locked behind
 a door. A few gaps in the door show that it leads to a niche, which would be
 ideal as a place to rest; a Memory Sphere glows in there, as well. This one
 has three wheels sunken into the door. The stone wheels have Yevonite
 characters on their faces. Together, they form a combination lock -- moving
 them into the right position will open the door.
=Dungeon Conditions: Stupify, Save Point======================================
===================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs - Round 2 *>====================
=========================< Results - Mechanical Lock >==========================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Loren Voss                          20 --(13)--> 33                Fail
Soylent Nutribar                    2   Wits    Effects: Resilient
Eleanor Klein                       20 --(5)--> 25                 Pass
Investigate                         0   Wits    Effects: BASIC
Marivel Armitage                    20 --(5)--> 25                 Pass
Investigate                         0   Wits    Effects: BASIC
Azoth                               20 --(5)--> 25                 Pass
Oculus ex Machina                   1   Wits    Effects: Cleanse
Seraph Lanval                       20 --(13)--> 33                Fail
Investigate                         0   Wits    Effects: BASIC
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Loren Voss                  15 --(20)--> 35                Pass
Conditions: Injure(1)|Overzealous(1)|Save Point(1)|Stupify(2)
Effects: Cleanse|Resilient(1)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Loren Voss has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Marivel Armitage has drawn a new Challenge.
=======================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs *>========================
=============<* CHALLENGE - Two Remiem Spheres and Three Slots *>=============
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 2          |
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 Some doors inside of Remiem Temple's catacombs require the well-named
 'Remiem Spheres,' which are attuned to open many of the doors. In this room,
 you come to a door which has one such slot. Additionally, on the walls,
 there are two more slots. Each is unfilled; there are lines from the
 wall-slots, which are dim, but should light up if a sphere is placed inside
 of them. All three need to have a sphere to activate them.

 In the center of the room is a stone pillar. It has two slots, which have
 glowing Remiem Spheres inside of them. The little pillar comes half-way up
 to a person's waist, and may be able to be moved.

 Unfortunately, only having two Remiem Spheres gets you only two-thirds of
 the way to opening the door. Where can you find the third?
=Dungeon Conditions: Stupify, Tire============================================
<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

Azoth smiles more warmly at Marivel. "I do still sing. Your advice helped... thank you. I'd like to believe those words of hers, too." And then that smile turns nervous. "I'd, uh, like to pass on cults, though." A strange little story. Does he think anything of who she might mean? Maybe not yet.

"Mister Lanval, then," Azoth repeats in a correction as they work around him to solve the puzzle. He's, at least, unbothered by that. "It's nice to meet you in full. I'll keep any future bottling on the down-low!"

Azoth and Eleanor work together to identify the eroded edges and puzzle out what the correct combination might have been. Loren's assistance with edible(?) putty, unfortunately, only takes the first of these. It takes other clues like faded characters to get the others.

But they do get it, and Lanval and Marivel supply important moral support and motivation! Even if perfection won't get them any more cookies.

As the door clicks open and reveals the way to the comfort of a memory sphere, Azoth pumps a fist up with one of his customary victory jingles: "Ba da da bee!"

Before continuing through, he hangs back, pausing with Loren and setting a hand gently on his shoulder. It's with considerable more warmth than the robot would ever give without the facade in play, but is now the only appropriate way to provide a mission check-in. "Hey, you holding up okay? I know it's a lot of stimulation, but we'll get this finished, all right?"

<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

"Me too, but just because someone is choosing a very different life than what you would lead doesn't mean they don't have something they can teach you. Even if you don't particularly care for their life choices." Marivel agrees.

She nudges Azoth, "If you've ever got time, drop by my Castle sometime. I'll show you around." She murmurs in a lower voice, but she seems content to leave her meaning to that without further explanation.

More loudly she adds, "Twenty two, huh! Wow...! That's...way younger than thirty. Honestly I'd say for most humans, most people are barely responsible for their own actions by twenty two. Their brains haven't even finished growing by then. I mean there's always exceptions of course. Eleanor here is a very responsible elf, but most people? There's less difference between a twelve year old and a twenty two year old than there is a twenty two year old and a thirty year old...!"

She glances to Loren, "A myth? Non non non! The Emperor of Mankind's forces chased us into the outskirts of society, plundered our ruins and desecrated our tombs...! But we survived!..."

"For a little while," Marivel adds, more quietly. "For a a little while. And now it is just me, Marivel Armitage...!"

"You remember me, non non? I helped you find your sword on Kaguya's little treasure hunt?"

If that could be called help. Regardless, the next area leads into a room full off 'Remiem Spheres' and there are slots on the walls (two each) and one on each door. Each one is unfilled but there are lines leading up to the spheres, all dim.

"Hm... Seems like we need an extra sphere here. This seems familiar. ah! Hob! Nob! Attend to me!"

The two spherical robots spin out of nowhere and in front of Marivel. They are marvelous pieces of technology so Marivel...

..naturally just shoves Hob into the slot.

"That oughta do it!"

DG: Marivel Armitage has used her Tool Wisdom of the Crimson Nobles by M. Armitage toward her party's challenge, Two
Remiem Spheres and Three Slots.
<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

Eleanor does not explain what's going on. Instead she says, "Thank you, Marivel." Because she was called responsible, and it's polite to acknowledge that. She listens about singing, about the rest, but--"Ah, lovely!" Eleanor declares of the victory jingle. She seems to appreciate it--just like she definitely notices, but doesn't comment on the moment between Azoth and Loren there.

"Oh that's convenient," she says of the putty Loren uses. "Good thinking!" Pleasant.

"...A treasure hunt, is it?" she asks, and then considers Marivel, Hob, and Nob and the challenge at hand. "Let's see..." She pulls a notebook herself, and flips through it, finding a particular page and--"Ah. Here's where to do that... Not back there. So..."

Eleanor reaches to one of the spheres, touches it and Hob, and does a little magic. "Yes, did you learn much in Kilika?" Eleanor wonders of Lanval.

DG: Eleanor Klein has used her Tool Seer's Journal toward her party's challenge, Two Remiem Spheres and Three Slots.
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

    Case in point, Lanval is in his five-hundred-and-sixties, thereabouts, and he's... Lanval.
     One eye opens half-way to see Loren's look of suspicion and discomfort. His own look softens from he oblivious-seeming mirth, moving one hand from holding the drinking gourd he's got with him to stroking his chin. His beard hairs part like it might look if someone were to stick a finger underneath running water. "...Mmmmmph."
     Through the heavy talk about grievances inflicted upon a people, Lanval has a look at Hob being stuck into a slot. "...That ain't made of shoup, doeshn't have Pyreflies in 'em," Lanval remarks, and he's suddenly wearing amber-tinted novelty beer bottle glasses, because the Attachment system is a sin against character design and art direction. Then he casts some water on Hob because maybe if Hob gets drenched it'll count for a third Sphere. Sphere + water = two out of three, that's good enough, right?
     Eleanor asks what he's learned. "...Kilika got a lot of help from the Guard, back then. Ain't no one all that happy in Spira, but... shomehow, way I've had a look at it... they don't sheem any more unhappy 'bout it than anyone elshe." Lanval gives helpful intel! "...I think I shaw a Guard or two passh a Blitzball 'bout with a kid or two there. Only on the shurface of the water, though."
     He remembers how Luca had at least a whole lot of little joys attached to it. Luca's loss was tragic.
     The loss of that stretch of street he wanted to lay down in at all costs, even more so. He will miss his time lying down there, for as short bursts of time as he could.
     ...It's a water thing. Some patches of ground are awesome.

DG: Seraph Lanval has used his Tool Amber Tinted Glasses toward his party's challenge, Two Remiem Spheres and Three
<Pose Tracker> Loren Voss has posed.

    Is... is Eleanor making fun of him...!?

    Actually, Loren honestly can't tell, which is the worst part of it all. She seems very earnest about what she's saying.
    Still, it takes him long enough to work things out with one of the discs: it's probably best that he doesn't get to work on the others at all or they'd be here for hours. Fortuantely, it's not needed!

    He's in the business of tossing the bit of bar aside when Azoth reaches over and puts a hand on his shoulder.
    It's eerie, frankly. If he had to give his assessment of the matter, Azoth's clearly... ...well to be honest, he's not sure what part of Azoth's the real one. The one that seems to be more 'warm', he assumes, since machines don't typically have things like 'a sense of humor'. But maybe he's just projecting and he has it backwards--

    "...I'm fine," he says, after a moment. His gaze turns skeptical as he regards Azoth.

    "You're... pretty weird."

    Considering his track record with people he's called weird, though, this may (historically speaking) not be the remark Loren thinks it is.

    "...Yeah," he adds, though. "We'll get this sorted out." Which is to say, they'll finish the job even if they've had some intruders.

    Which may be when Marivel loudly remarks on his age. "I'm still an adult," he gripes, glancing away from her. "Spare me your... whatever, about brains." He already knows his is leaking out his ears, metaphorically speaking. "So you're, what, saying that the..." he trails off, though, before he lets spill a little too much potentially about the Emperor.

    Instead, Marivel remarks about his sword. A sword hunt. He regards her blankly a moment too long. "...So?" he attempts to fill in the gaps with. His hand touches the hilt of his sword--
    It's certainly not the one that Marivel helped him retrieve.

    A sword... was that the one Lan took from me? I don't remember. It was before I...

    Still, he shakes his head and continues on into the next room along with the others. There are two spheres here, with one sphere missing. "...Why are you talking about soup," he laments, long-sufferingly. Fishing in his pockets again, he pulls out another hunk of the bar and begins to rip it into pieces, then heads off to explore the room. He'll use it to mark where he's already checked so he doesn't double-up.

DG: Loren Voss has used his Tool Soylent Nutribar toward his party's challenge, Two Remiem Spheres and Three Slots.
<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

"You're... pretty weird."

Azoth pats Loren's shoulder with a knowing nod. "That is correct."

Eleanor's praise wins a grin that looks like it should come with blushing. But this android, alas, cannot blush. But his eyes can sparkle, which they do at the mention of a Castle. Who could pass up an opportunity to explore a bit of history and the implication of story time? Most certainly not Azoth. With Marivel's lowered voice, he responds with his own discreet nod instead of something more enthusiastic.

On the subject of ages, Azoth visually hits a vague young adult category, though perhaps looking strangely older when refusing to present emotions and then on the younger end of that scale when he goes all in with his joyful manner. In reality... well, what good is being thousands of years old if your memory's been dismantled and corrupted?

Hob and Nob immediately get an excited, whole armed wave (there's that youth again). "Hello!" he greets of his fellow robots before scurrying around the chamber in search of spheres. It's Azoth's nature that while looking like his attention is elsewhere, he's always listening. To Lanval's intel, to talks of Emperors and other tidbits of history. There's a lot of stories here, if only he could piece them together.

Even if Azoth manages to find the third sphere or help anyone else do so, he'll return to find Hob in its spot. This would make Azoth blink once and tilt his head.

DG: Azoth has used his Tool Oculus ex Machina toward his party's challenge, Two Remiem Spheres and Three Slots.
=======================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs *>========================
=============<* CHALLENGE - Two Remiem Spheres and Three Slots *>=============
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 2          |
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 Some doors inside of Remiem Temple's catacombs require the well-named
 'Remiem Spheres,' which are attuned to open many of the doors. In this room,
 you come to a door which has one such slot. Additionally, on the walls,
 there are two more slots. Each is unfilled; there are lines from the
 wall-slots, which are dim, but should light up if a sphere is placed inside
 of them. All three need to have a sphere to activate them.

 In the center of the room is a stone pillar. It has two slots, which have
 glowing Remiem Spheres inside of them. The little pillar comes half-way up
 to a person's waist, and may be able to be moved.

 Unfortunately, only having two Remiem Spheres gets you only two-thirds of
 the way to opening the door. Where can you find the third?
=Dungeon Conditions: Stupify, Tire============================================
==================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs - Round 3 *>===================
===============< Results - Two Remiem Spheres and Three Slots >===============
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Loren Voss                          33 --(5)--> 38                 Pass
Soylent Nutribar                    2   Wits    Effects: Resilient
Eleanor Klein                       25 --(5)--> 30                 Pass
Seer's Journal                      3   Wits    Effects: Rally
Marivel Armitage                    25 --(5)--> 30                 Pass
Wisdom of the Crimson Nobles by M.  3   Wits    Effects: Fanfare
Azoth                               25 --(5)--> 30                 Pass
Oculus ex Machina                   1   Wits    Effects: Cleanse
Seraph Lanval                       33 --(13)--> 46                Fail
Amber Tinted Glasses                3   Wits    Effects: Fanfare
----------------------------------< Party >-----------------------------------
Leader: Loren Voss                  35 --(20)--> 55                Pass
Conditions: Stupify(2)|Tire(2)
Effects: Cleanse|Resilient(1)
==============================< Dream Chasers >===============================
DG: The party led by Loren Voss has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

"It seems you lost it again," Marivel tells Loren. "I suppose it is none of my business. And conflicts from before my birth mean little to me so long as there is no intent to harm Filgaia." She smirks ever so faintly. "I too play the role of shepherd from time to time, after all! But you should keep better traack of your things. But beware... The harder you try to keep hold of something, the more likely t'will slip your grasp."

Hob itself doesn't seem to activate the Hob Sphere but Eleanor MYSTICing it with some of the power from another Sphere does cause the lights to, uh, light up. Nob rushes over to Azoth after Azoth greets the two of them and immediately tries to lick the other robot's cheek. LIKE A DOG. It has very sharp teeth for a rounded object. It always looks like it's smiling. It sits on Azoth's shoulder, after, and as Azoth returns with a third sphere--it mimics Azoth's little head tilt. It's adorable.

Marivel does listen to what Lanval has to say about Kilika but in truth she's been there plenty of times herself, but she does quickly add to Loren. "Do not be in a hurry to be responsible for your choices. T'will be all the harder to forgive yourself."

But she makes her way back to Lanval after as he sprays water on Hob. It squeals and tries to wiggle free--but not fast enough for the door to not open!

"Hey...Hey! That's my pet! If anybody is going to spray them with water it'll be me!"

DG: Eleanor Klein has drawn a new Challenge.
========================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs *>=========================
==================<* CHALLENGE - The Unmoving Prayer Wheel *>===================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Brute     |Challenge Rating: 3          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 The next chamber you enter is a large, square chamber with a huge stone
 wheel that is halfway through the floor and perpendicular to the floor.
 Sections on the wheel's rim are inscribed with Yevonite characters, though
 they are a more ancient type. This colossal prayer wheel once was spun to
 send the prayers of the faithful, to seek forgiveness, but has fallen still.

 You may think little of it until you cross to the other side, where the door
 is. The door won't budge, though. If you move the wheel, though, then maybe
 it will open? The stone wheel, however, looks quite huge... and quite hard
 to move.
=Dungeon Conditions: Injure, Exhaust==========================================
<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

"Hmm," Eleanor remarks thoughtfully at Lanval's report. "...That matches what I've seen there. A sign from back before the war broke out..." It's a sad thought. What could've happened, had that alliance remained? Had they not gone to war?

Well, no sense in focusing on what-ifs. Eleanor shakes her head, and thenspots... 'You're... pretty weird.'

Eleanor does seem very earnest in what she's said to Loren, though. But she tilts her head a little as he looks blank. Then she looks to Azoth again, and hopes that he's taking care of the other one.

"Oh, they're very friendly, aren't they?" Eleanor says of Hob and Nob. She... doesn't comment on an Emperor of Mankind. There's nothing really to say there.

"Oh, don't spray Hob with water," Eleanor says in a 'oh nooo' kind of tone.

But they move onward, and Eleanor spots... the wheel. Hm. "Well, that's intersting..."

The door won't budge. Eleanor opens her mouth and then closes it, looking over to the wheel. "...I think that's our issue," she says with some trepidation. "Last time I tried this it exploded, so... How about some more of that earth magic of yours, Loren?"

She doesn't even pretend to ask Marivel to actually help in brute force.

DG: Eleanor Klein has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, The Unmoving Prayer Wheel.
<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

Not to be dramatic, but Azoth would now die for Nob. He flashes the little robot a smile and will let it stay on his shoulder as long as it likes.

Azoth enters the room with the prayer wheel and immediately turns around to leave.

When no one follows him he returns, resigned to his fate. After slumping his shoulders and hanging his head, he approaches the wheel. "Okay, okay, let's give it our best...!"

First, he squints at it, hand to chin. Then he closes his eyes, brow furrowed. He wants so bad for this to be a puzzle and not a horrible mass of stubborn stone. Azoth gets out the photon blade hilt and inspects it, then flicks it into his grasp. He punches it against the wheel, and his entire fist seems to explode in dazzling golden light as the ARM overloads.

"Please move...!" he pleads.

DG: Azoth has used his Tool Falk's Photon Blade toward his party's challenge, The Unmoving Prayer Wheel.
<Pose Tracker> Loren Voss has posed.

    So he lost his sword. He's not sure how it matters: one blade is as good as another. His memories, on the other hand... He needs to reclaim Lan, before it's too late. She said she'd hold onto his memories, and she may be the only one who can abate what's happening. Maybe he should have gone through with it sooner. Maybe--

    "Noted," he says to Marivel, with all the implication by his tone alone that he hasn't noted it, not really.

    That response from Azoth actually does provoke something rare from Loren:

    He smiles, as if amused, if only briefly. "Heh. No beating about the bush..."

    He comes up a bit empty on a search, but it at least rules that idea, which means it's all good when they figure out another way through. Marivel has one last word for him, though--

    "...What are you talking about," he asks, nakedly confused. What else has he forgotten?

    At least the latest obstacle before them provides a distraction as such. Eleanor asks for his assistance with his earth magic here and the medical officer frowns. Then nods, taking a single short breath.

    He puts a little more 'oomph' into this one, or at least tries to. He's already feeling like he's lost the plot enough for one day to also come up short here.
    Even if this sort of application of Ether isn't really his strong point at all.

    The stone shard he crafts rises for the wheel at speed.

DG: Loren Voss has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, The Unmoving Prayer Wheel.
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

    "...Ohhh. Shorry..." Lanval dips and slumps in apology. Now if he would only do that after drinking All Of The Stuff sometimes!! He thinks about apologizing to Hob by helping them bat-- no.
     Apologizing to Hob by giving them clean bathwa-- no.
     Apologizing to Hob by sharing a drink with the-- maybe not.
     Apologizing to Hob by... kind of not doing much of anything and giving them their space because everything about him is water? That's going to have to do.
     Lanval, in the newer space, once again sits down somewhere near the big ol' prayer wheel. He helps by taking his drinking gourd in both hands as if the small thing were carrying the weight of something grander (it is), drinking deeper of it than seems possible for its physical appearance... and wipes a sleeve from his mouth.
     Droplets of water of so many different characters dot the ground. Strange scents, some of them distinctly chemical, at least one droplet of something the more scientifically advanced know shouldn't be inhaled (but is of such minute quality that it can't hurt anything).
     "...Mmmm... hey." Lanval looks to Loren. Loren, directly! "...I think... that'sh... that'sh the firsht time I ever sheen ya shmile. Almosht had a li'l laugh there."
     "...Ya should do that more often. Find a li'l shomethin' ta have a good laugh about..."
     He's in the peripheral range of some of that earthen Earth magic and gets flopped over on his side, but he doesn't seem to mind over-much. He doesn't look hurt, anyway.
     It's fun to watch all these other powers go at the wheel, though.

DG: Seraph Lanval has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, The Unmoving Prayer Wheel.
<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

"Hmm...." Marivel says. "I think with that tone... You've lost one cookie. I'm sorry, Loren. I knew how much you were looking forward to it... But you've got to learn your manners or you'll never get anywhere on Filgaia." She pauses. "You've got a little something on your lip though--" Loren doesn't, Marivel's just fucking with him.

Eleanor anticipates that Marivel isn't going to help with the big giant prayer wheel...

...And she's right! Marivel just kind of leans against Eleanor, offering moral support by hugging her with one arm. This isn't going to be that much moral support most likely, however, because MArivel is obviously only doing this to get out of manual labor.

Look she's gifted in other ways.

Nob is far more innocent. As is Hob, for that matter, but it's Nob that's going to flop against Azoth's cheek and make a sleepy face while sitting on Azoth's shoulder. It seems happy. The secret Loren for Hob and Nob is that they are actually what are essentially support mechanimals made for Marivel by Anastasia and they tend to show affection where they mathematically determine it is needed most.

Hob meanwhile chirps merrily at Lanval but hides behind Marivel anyway.

DG: Marivel Armitage has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, The Unmoving Prayer Wheel.
========================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs *>=========================
==================<* CHALLENGE - The Unmoving Prayer Wheel *>===================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Brute     |Challenge Rating: 3          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 The next chamber you enter is a large, square chamber with a huge stone
 wheel that is halfway through the floor and perpendicular to the floor.
 Sections on the wheel's rim are inscribed with Yevonite characters, though
 they are a more ancient type. This colossal prayer wheel once was spun to
 send the prayers of the faithful, to seek forgiveness, but has fallen still.

 You may think little of it until you cross to the other side, where the door
 is. The door won't budge, though. If you move the wheel, though, then maybe
 it will open? The stone wheel, however, looks quite huge... and quite hard
 to move.
=Dungeon Conditions: Injure, Exhaust==========================================
===================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs - Round 4 *>====================
====================< Results - The Unmoving Prayer Wheel >=====================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Loren Voss                          38 --(20)--> 58                Fail
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC
Eleanor Klein                       30 --(20)--> 50                Fail
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC
Marivel Armitage                    30 --(20)--> 50                Fail
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC
Azoth                               30 --(20)--> 50                Fail
Falk's Photon Blade                 2   Brute   Effects: Stalwart
Seraph Lanval                       46 --(20)--> 66                Fail
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Loren Voss                  55 --(15)--> 70                Fail
Conditions: Exhaust(1)|Injure(2)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Loren Voss has failed this challenge! The party gained 15 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Seraph Lanval has drawn a new Challenge.
========================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs *>=========================
==========================<* CHALLENGE - Grey Ogre *>===========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 2          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 The next hallway that you enter is patrolled by a pair of Grey Ogres. These
 huge, humanoid fiends stand at nearly three meters high and have muscled
 builds. Their fur, however, is a dark grey rather than the red fur of the
 Ogres that live on the Calm Lands. They are stronger than those, and not
 weak to flame as their lesser brethren. When they see you, they scream, and
 come rushing forward to do battle.
=Dungeon Conditions: Weaken, Injure, Tire=====================================
<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

They indeed give it their best. Eleanor watches Azoth try brute force and also naked pleading. Loren actually smiles. And then does more lightning, despite Eleanor having asked him to. Lanval...lays around. And Marivel?

Marivel finds once again that Eleanor is good for hugs. Not for the first time.

So this means primarily it's Azoth and Loren doing the actual work, and as it turns out, it was a puzzle... once.

The door slams open and the entire room shakes, debris from the ceiling crashing down and showering the group not with death, but with severe discomfort.


Eleanor brushes some dirt from her face, "Was a... very good effort."

She stays ruthlessly upbeat. But the smile this time is a little brittle.

<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

"Whew, after watching all that, I'm beat!" Marivel adds.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

    Rocks fall, everyone lives more or less... but then there's some angry Fiend-like noises. Two Grey Ogres are coming in hot, or maybe cold? It's sort of clammy here. They're coming in at a temperature distinct from the rest of their environment, and in a way that is not good. It could stand to be a bit warmer. Maybe it's all right if they come in a few degrees warm-- wait. Where is this even going.


     There's some angry Fiend-like noises in the wake of the collapse. Two Grey Ogres come marching down the hallway, huge scowling muscle-bound brutes who are just as happy to destroy the rocks ahead of them as much as they are picking them up and putting them back down on top of people, preferrably to work out their usual Fiend modus operandi of 'we have a letter of the alphabet for the living, and it's the sixth one.'
     "No." Lanval barely peeks out of where rocks fell atop him, shaking out sanctified, shining white water from a Holy Bottle. "No." It sounds almost nonchalant.
     The Grey Ogres seem to hesitate briefly at whether or not they want to cross this thin white line. It may be what allows everyone that moment of time to recover and fight back, or play dead, or adjust the ambient temperature of this clammy place (DO NOT HUG GREY OGRES FOR WARMTH)

DG: Seraph Lanval has used his Tool Holy Bottle toward his party's challenge, Grey Ogre.
<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

When the ceiling threatens to crash down, Azoth bolts to Loren's side, with a shield of light blossoming from Azoth's palm to protect Loren from falling debris. Programming demands safeguarding Loren as the highest priority -- but as dramatically promised, he also scoops Hob up into his hand clutched to his chest for Azoth's body to serve as an extra layer of protection should the shield fail them.

It turns out it's not that deadly. Oops!

Azoth's shield light fades as he gives Loren an awkward smile and sets Hob back on his shoulder. Azoth then tilts his head to nuzzle the tiny robot.

Their affection needs math might be on point.

But now, OGRES. Azoth grins nervously and takes a piece of amber into his grasp. "Can't you give us five more minutes?" Lanval is trying to buy them just that, giving Azoth a moment to produce another shield, this one through the amber to project the ancient bug inside across the surface.

Azoth mimics horrible spider roars (do spiders roar??) at the ogres, making what now looks like a very large archanic wiggle by manipulating his shield. Maybe they'll just leave.

If they don't, Azoth will charge forward and just ram them with the bespidered shield once the holy water fades.

DG: Azoth has used his Tool Bug in Amber toward his party's challenge, Grey Ogre.
<Pose Tracker> Loren Voss has posed.

    It certainly was An Effort. Hexagonal white light -- Ether, doing a fine impression of a shield -- flares into being about Loren as the ceiling seems like it's about to come down (in conjunction with Azoth's own deployment). Perhaps collectively they would have still been standing if it had in fact been about to attempt to crush the both of them. But there instead is...

    Well, some debris. It bounces off the shielding.

    "..." Loren makes a face that just about sums up his feelings on the matter. "I hate these places," he says at length, because he's pretty sure he hated them in the past too judging from some of his reports.

    And then there are ogres.

    "Are you kidding me," he starts to say, his hand going first to his sword. But he hesitates, particularly when Azoth deploys the

    not actually real giant spider. "...Do they roar?" he remarks, baffled for the moment. Listen, he's a city boy when you get right down to it!

    But there are still ogres and so he goes for his kit, hesitating a moment when it comes to Azoth. It might be a good idea to hand out a few items just in case, and then if it really gets hairy, draw steel?

DG: Loren Voss has used his Tool Solarian Medical Kit toward his party's challenge, Grey Ogre.
<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

Angry Fiends approach! Eleanor blinks in alarm, reaching immediately for her Crests and trying to steady herself--but she appreciates the extra time Lanval buys them that lets her breathe, lets her think again instead of being caught off-guard. Azoth has a fair question.

But this appears to be the extra time they get. "I'm not exactly thrilled with this one myself," Eleanor admits of 'these places'. But--does a spider roar?

"I've seen stranger things than roaring spiders," she answers, and pulls her flute instead of her Crests, taking a breath and then beginning to play a strange, floating tune, all in minors and weaving sounds. It supports and bolsters the party.

She'll keep it up a while as she's able, but if necessary she can pull a few Crests and show off a bit of magic herself. Or--

More likely, seeing these things, use the gigantic rifle she's carrying.

DG: Eleanor Klein has used her Tool Eerie Flute toward her party's challenge, Grey Ogre.
<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.


LOREN VOSS: One cookie
AZOTH: Two cookies
HOB AND NOB: *still weirdly cute for floating orbs with teeth*

Marivel Armitage does not hug ogres for warmth either. Instead she draws out her MICROPHONE and spins it around in her hand briefly before she starts singing into it! What song? It sounds suspiciously like March of the Black Queen. It seems that Marivel wanted a proper song for this Ogre Battle.

Nevertheless, the music seems to empower her own eldricht magicks judging as instead of summoning merely ONE pail, she summons a whole slew of empty pails and sends them tumbling for the heads of those ogres!

"Ultimate Magic!! APORT!!" Marivel shouts.

Is the ultimate magic pails? Well, they might be a comfortable space for Lanval?

"Ga ha ha ha ha! Face my vampiric might!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"


Nob gets nuzzled. Nob now sees Azoth as a fellow support animal. It smiles brightly and has a nap.

DG: Marivel Armitage has used her Tool My Mike toward her party's challenge, Grey Ogre.
========================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs *>=========================
==========================<* CHALLENGE - Grey Ogre *>===========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 2          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 The next hallway that you enter is patrolled by a pair of Grey Ogres. These
 huge, humanoid fiends stand at nearly three meters high and have muscled
 builds. Their fur, however, is a dark grey rather than the red fur of the
 Ogres that live on the Calm Lands. They are stronger than those, and not
 weak to flame as their lesser brethren. When they see you, they scream, and
 come rushing forward to do battle.
=Dungeon Conditions: Weaken, Injure, Tire=====================================
===================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs - Round 5 *>====================
============================< Results - Grey Ogre >=============================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Loren Voss                          58 --(13)--> 71                Fail
Solarian Medical Kit                1   Combat  Effects: Cleanse
Eleanor Klein                       50 --(5)--> 55                 Pass
Eerie Flute                         2   Combat  Effects: Embolden
Marivel Armitage                    50 --(5)--> 55                 Pass
My Mike                             4   Combat  Effects: Efficient and Fanfare
Azoth                               50 --(5)--> 55                 Pass
Bug in Amber                        2   Combat  Effects: Embolden
Seraph Lanval                       66 --(5)--> 71                 Pass
Holy Bottle                         2   Combat  Effects: Resilient
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Loren Voss                  70 --(20)--> 90                Pass
Conditions: Injure(2)|Tire(2)|Weaken(2)
Effects: Cleanse|Embolden(1)|Resilient(1)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Loren Voss has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Loren Voss has drawn a new Challenge.
========================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs *>=========================
=================<* CHALLENGE - The Shadow of What Once Was *>==================
|Type: Final       |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 3          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 You enter a massive circular room, which is lit by spheres mounted high in
 the walls. It shows a map of Spira, but not the Spira you know. This is a
 map of Spira done in the time of High Summoner Gandof. Parts of the
 coastline and geography are different; for one thing, there is no great
 chasm in the Calm Lands.

 A door leading deeper into the catacombs is sealed shut. There are
 depressions in the floor, and pedestals that can be slid over the floor. The
 pedestals end in stylized sculptures of Spiran towns and cities -- but only
 Luca and Bevelle are particularly recognizable. The pedestals need to be
 slid into place, to reflect Spira as it was during the time of Remiem
 Temple's construction.
=Dungeon Conditions: Stupify, Reckless========================================
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

    due to time issues let's just say it's ogre for grey ogres, nothing to be blue about, the ogres might be blue about it but they're grey

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.




<Pose Tracker> Loren Voss has posed.

    The ogres fall before their combined onslaught (as it happens, there's little need for the contents of Loren's kit or the opportunity for his sword skills), leaving the path leading onwards to the chamber beyond clear.

    The chamber is a circular one, one that appears to be Spira--

    But not the Spira that anyone present would know. The current Spira has a chasm in the area that can be identified as the Calm Lands even on this map... and on the map, it isn't present.

    There are pedestals. It doesn't take too much thought to realize that what the map is asking for is the placement of the cities and towns of note in the era this map was created. The thing is, only a couple of them are readily discernable.

    "What did they say about that chasm," Loren muses aloud, pacing the map as he tries to work out where the pedestals might rest. He's using bits of that bar again (seriously?) to mark out a few potential locations.

    "...How old are Luca and Bevelle?" he wonders, regarding the two he can definitely identify. He thinks he might have been in Luca once, maybe.

    "...and did Kilika exist? Djose?"

    The names mean something to him, if vaguely.

DG: Loren Voss has used his Tool Soylent Nutribar toward his party's challenge, The Shadow of What Once Was.
<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

Two cookies! Azoth can't even eat them. But he might be able to give them away. Also, just owning cookies is a novel experience. Earned cookies, at that...!

So he remains behaved. And friends with Nob, making sure to keep his balance steady to not interrupt the nap.

This continues even into the next room, where Azoth hums the tune of March of the Black Queen as he rearranges a model city, employing robotic insight and sensors to try and put it into proper place, as is his way. To Loren: "I don't know, but this one clicks if you put it here."

DG: Azoth has used his Tool Oculus ex Machina toward his party's challenge, The Shadow of What Once Was.
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

    Lanval shows up not far off, and plops himself on the ground next to the board. He's seen this before. Does he remember where everything goes? It would be convenient if he did! He's got those un-fitting glasses again, but one of the lens fell out. (It happens a lot. The real question is where he's getting more from. Maybe he's also been moonlighting to do album covers, which would explain a lot of things. By which it would explain exactly nothing, because why would Spira have an industry for album covers? They don't even have pop stars in these parts.)
     "Mmmm... I can help ya there," Lanval says by not actually pushing anything, "Obsession... or Sin... roamsh 'bout the ocean. Mortals... they pack up 'n roam ash a group fer a new home if the old one don't shuit 'em any more." Speaking as if he might be something of an authority on that front. "If ya think 'bout where people might've been before... if ya know of any place that looked like it would've been great fer a home... a village, a monashtery... a brewery... a bar." Lanval's voice trails off as he exhales and has another drink from the gourd.

DG: Seraph Lanval has used his Tool Amber Tinted Glasses toward his party's challenge, The Shadow of What Once Was.
<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

Eleanor is fine on warmth. She's used to much colder environments.

She lets out a breath as the ogres are handled though, and puts away her flute. "That's that, at least." And then... into the chamber. And there is an ancient Spira...

"Fascinating," Eleanor remarks as she looks it over, "So this is when..." She trails off, rather than finishing that statement, and starts to pull her notebook. "I have... Some notes," she hedges, "About Spiran history." Which isn't precisely true but is good enough. ...Especially as...

"Bevelle is extremely old," Eleanor answers, "As Spiran cities go. But..."

Kilika? Djose? Those exist. Those are recent. She hasn't seen him at either, but...

"It's all right," she says. "Not all of us have been on Spira that long. I can help."

She speaks gently his way--which might be bothersome, especially because it's sincere.

But she goes around and starts to adjust the map as well. "...That's... good thinking!" she says to Lanval, and looks at him thoughtfully for a moment. "As cheerful as you are it's easy to forget how much you've seen, I think, for some people."

She gets back to work.

DG: Eleanor Klein has used her Tool Seer's Journal toward her party's challenge, The Shadow of What Once Was.
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

    "...When I think 'bout it," Lanval says, which is kind of a big ask since he doesn't have a brain, "I might've had a lotta time passh... but it doeshn't mean I got ta shee all that much, compared to when I firsht met a mortal who could shee me again." A handful of them, at the same time!

<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

It's all ogre!!

"Not likely to be too old." Marivel, ancient vampire, says unhelpfully on just how old Luca,, Bevelle, and Kilika are.

She does draw out her book one more time: Wisdom of the Crimson Nobles by M. Armitage. She looks around at all the depressions and such, and then...pedastals. "Well," Marivel says. "There's not too many permutations considering how few towns there are so we might as well just take a mathematical approach here."

She gets to work pushing. By which we mean she sends Hob out to push for her and drinks from a 'juice' box while watching Hob do all the work for her.

DG: Marivel Armitage has used her Tool Wisdom of the Crimson Nobles by M. Armitage toward her party's challenge, The
Shadow of What Once Was.
========================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs *>=========================
=================<* CHALLENGE - The Shadow of What Once Was *>==================
|Type: Final       |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 3          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 You enter a massive circular room, which is lit by spheres mounted high in
 the walls. It shows a map of Spira, but not the Spira you know. This is a
 map of Spira done in the time of High Summoner Gandof. Parts of the
 coastline and geography are different; for one thing, there is no great
 chasm in the Calm Lands.

 A door leading deeper into the catacombs is sealed shut. There are
 depressions in the floor, and pedestals that can be slid over the floor. The
 pedestals end in stylized sculptures of Spiran towns and cities -- but only
 Luca and Bevelle are particularly recognizable. The pedestals need to be
 slid into place, to reflect Spira as it was during the time of Remiem
 Temple's construction.
=Dungeon Conditions: Stupify, Reckless========================================
===================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs - Round 6 *>====================
===================< Results - The Shadow of What Once Was >====================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Loren Voss                          71 --(5)--> 76                 Pass
Soylent Nutribar                    2   Wits    Effects: Resilient
Eleanor Klein                       55 --(5)--> 60                 Pass
Seer's Journal                      3   Wits    Effects: Rally
Marivel Armitage                    55 --(5)--> 60                 Pass
Wisdom of the Crimson Nobles by M.  3   Wits    Effects: Fanfare
Azoth                               55 --(13)--> 68                Fail
Oculus ex Machina                   1   Wits    Effects: Cleanse
Seraph Lanval                       71 --(13)--> 84                Fail
Amber Tinted Glasses                3   Wits    Effects: Fanfare
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Loren Voss                  90 --(30)--> 120               Pass
Conditions: Reckless(2)|Stupify(2)
Effects: Cleanse|Resilient(1)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: You have overcome the dungeon's trials! This run is a success!
DG: The party led by Loren Voss has successfully explored Remiem Temple - Catacombs!
========================<* Remiem Temple - Catacombs *>=========================
====================<* CHALLENGE - Clocks... and Elixirs? *>====================
|Type: Discovery   |Dungeon Ability: Conclusion|Challenge Rating: 1          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 You find your way inside of a treasure room. The treasure room has a number
 of ancient clocks, with Spiran characters and clockwork construction (rather
 than machina). These may sell for a great deal of money, but the real
 treasure is what is inside: the blue-green potions in glass vials, known as
 Elixirs, which are said to be able to cure any wound and comfort any
=Dungeon Conditions: Treasure=================================================
<Pose Tracker> Loren Voss has posed.

    If you think about where people have been before...

    If you take into consideration where pedestals click into place...

    A little trial and error. A little logic. A little marking out what is and isn't possible.

    A little math.
    Whatever the case may be with Loren's memories, he's still good at math.

    In the end they assemble what appears to be an acceptible map of the Spira that was. "Huh... people really lived in those places," Loren considers, perhaps wondering if he were to go to one of the marked out spots on the map, whether there might be ruins. Or perhaps, nothing at all anymore.

    But the real reason they know the map is complete is because a door opens. The chamber beyond isn't a large one, but it does have a few interesting items:

    There are an assortment of old, clockwork timepieces. They aren't running, but it would be a minor effort for a tinkerer to do the necessary repairs.

    And there is an assortment of potions--
    Not potions. No potion glows with healing promise like these do, their contents shimmering a soft and beautiful blue-green.

    "What are these?" Loren wonders, regarding one of them in the light. He'll put it into his bag for safe-keeping.

<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

"Heling potions of some kind" Marivel is willing to tell Loren. "...Or poisons? To be honest, I'd have to take them a lab and test it to be sure but blue-green is USUALLY healing in my experience." She pauses though and says, "Hold up."

She approaches Loren, fishing into her pouch, and then offering him one wrapped chocolate chip cookie.

And then she turns to Azoth and offers him two.

"Good work everybody...!" Marivel adds, taking one for herself.

<Pose Tracker> Loren Voss has posed.

    "Guess we'll see," he says, apparently about to walk out. BUT WAIT--

    He's given a cookie. He stares at it. Gives it a cursory sniff.
    And when he thinks no one's watching, eats the entire thing, because Loren hasn't yet said no to baked goods yet.

    (that could have been poisoned, Loren...)