2018-04-24: Happy Boost!: Difference between revisions

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"You have such a wide selection, too..." She says, looking the place over. It was...a little overwhelming, actually! She had a tendency to stick to things she liked, but there was a lot of possibilities here...
"You have such a wide selection, too..." She says, looking the place over. It was...a little overwhelming, actually! She had a tendency to stick to things she liked, but there was a lot of possibilities here...
Jean pages Lydia Seren, Seraph Amaranth, Matilda Whitehead, Jacqueline Barber, and Ida Everstead-Rey: May I watch? <.<

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         While Matilda stammers and stumbles over a personal matter, he discreetly has himself a sip of whatever he's got in that gourd of his, an oddly contemplative look on his face. Is it something some of them just said, or...?
         While Matilda stammers and stumbles over a personal matter, he discreetly has himself a sip of whatever he's got in that gourd of his, an oddly contemplative look on his face. Is it something some of them just said, or...?
Seraph Amaranth (Ammy) pages Jean, Lydia Seren, Matilda Whitehead, Jacqueline Barber, and Ida Everstead-Rey: suuure!

Latest revision as of 03:03, 16 June 2024

========================<* Meribia - Merchant's Row *>========================

Meribia was once both the largest city and port on the continent from which it draws its name; both honours have since been ceded to the Holy City of Pentagulia. It is nevertheless a major commercial centre for the entire Meribus continent, and all manner of goods are found here.

Merchant's Row is the name given to the merchant district of Meribia, which runs from the landside entrance through to the centre of the city. Everything from weapons and armour to more mundane household goods can be found here, and the atmosphere is highly competitive, with barkers screaming from both sides of the Row.

The largest shop in the city belong to the legendary Ramus family, an ancient line of merchants that has been operating since the time of the Dragonmasters. While Blue Master Lunn speaks formally for the city, Ramus is an influential figure.
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Amaranth has posed.

        Today, Meribia's marketplace bustles with a familiar roar that well captivates its audience -- the open stalls are in full swing with much trade of spices, food and sundries in exchange for one another. Silver clinks against the surfaces of tabletops, and much laughter and joy is had.

        But for the Resonant, a curious storefront that sits between a flower shop and a bakery looms high today. Printed with cursive lettering, the shopwindow attracts with mannequins graced with bridal and formal elegance; the style is refreshing, simple, yet bold, with subdued pastel colors brought to pop out with accents such as roses, ruffles and lace. Those who don't have the Resonance see... the same empty lot that's been there all these years.

        Welcome to the Festina Lente, where you can discover a happiness all of your own.

        Won't you step in?

<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

There's no booze. Therefore, there's less joy. That's simple Talise math.

She substituted a bottle of some sickeningly non-alcoholic but surprisingly tasty juice, which she sips from with much less sullenness than she thought, simply because it's hard to maintain a good pout when it's this nice out and she's on her home star. Meandering through the market stall with her sword peacebonded securely and her armour stowed in favour of her tunic and trousers, she picks out a few necessities. A loaf of bread, a block of cheese, some dried meat --

Until something else catches her eye. Something that seems a little hazy at first.

"Well, that's interesting," Talise murmurs, scratching at her cheek. She shifts her weapon, pausing outside the storefront to take stock of the place's exterior. Leaning forward, she squints at the wedding dress-clad mannequin.

For just a moment, a tiny, irrational part of her wishes she had one of those, or that she could look femme and cute in it.

It passes. Smiling and letting her curiosity lead her, she shrugs and reaches for the door, pushing her way inside the strange, Resonant storefront - because let's be honest, she's got to see what a ghost bridal store looks like.


<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

Matilda's here to replenish some of the ingredients she hasn't yet found an actual on-the-ground source to just pick for herself... but she's also had a lingering request from Kaguya for a while, one she hasn't had the chance to get around to yet.

She's just finished negotiating for a large amount of wolfsbane when she spots the storefront. She doesn't seem to fully realize that the store is... nonexistent, or at least, not existing for everyone; when she heads in, it's with the guileless assumption that it's -- well, just another store.

"Ah -- excuse me," Matilda says, a little quietly, still clad in the armor and cloak she's favored for the last couple months. She sounds a little... nervous, to say the least. Her gaze tracks briefly toward Talise, then back into and around the storefront itself.

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

Lydia Seren walks past the Festina Lente only to stop, walk backwards, and stare at the storefront. Bridal and formal mannequins stare at her through the window. Lydia stares at her vague reflection and strikes a pose, turning partway to the side and raising an arm above her head.

Then she frowns and draws out her baseball bat into her hands,. She swings the bat backwards, swings it forward as if lining up for a pitch... but even as she goes for the final swing, she stops partway through.

She frowns more deeply. She looks away to the side, then opens her mouth and starts chewing into her bat, leaving thin indentations into the metal.

She sees Talise heading in first and she steps in after her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Beastfolk represent." She says.


"But some people like it anyway," She asides to Talise.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

To a merchant like Jacqueline, rumors of a mysterious shop that seems to appear only when it wishes to is like candy. It was the kind of thing that she'd read stories about - of course, the stores in those stories usually selled cursed goods or were otherwise an omen of misfortune, but...

Well, to make a long story short, of course she's intrigued when she hears rumors of the mysterious Festina Lente. And so, she decides to seek it out.

Partially out of curiosity, and partially because, well...

...It really would be nice to get something made for herself...

Not that there was anything wrong with the current Wynne-brand outfits she usually wore, but variety was nice, you know?

It's as she pacing through Meribia's marketplace that she notices something that she's certain wasn't there before.

It looks like she's found it...but she isn't the first one, as several others have made it there before her.

"Oh, hello, everyone..." She greets, stepping into the store as well.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

        If Talise is out having a day in Meribia, there's an annoying tag-along that's not too far off from her. Flushed, eyes closed, and staggering about like he's got no real care in the world (he might not, for how much fun he seems to have been having), he rounds a corner as he catches up with Talise.
        "Hey, Taliiiiishe, where ya..."
        His voice trails off. He opens his aquamarine eyes, half-lidded.
        "Hrrrrrm..." Intrigued? Worried? Amused? Who knows. What's less ambiguous is that he just helps himself along a ways after another exuberant, free-spirited Beastwoman and another familiar face he can't put much of a finger to because who knows how much he's had to drink lately!!
        He happens in behind the visiting alchemist, Jay, making surprisingly little of a scene of himself. Usually he's kind of noisy and silly and seems more than happy to call attention to himself.
        ...Not so much today, as the barefoot, ragged, portly, long-bearded wastrel of a water Seraphim comes into a place he is most definitely not part of the target demographic.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Amaranth has posed.

        The decor inside is like looking into a sunlit garden, filled with skylights up top that let the light of the sun filter in rays; there's an extravagant selection of clothing from the front to the back, and more than just opulent wedding dresses and fashionable evening dresses. Whether it's a three-piece suit, or a practically cut frock-and-smock combination for a hard day's blacksmithing, to more rigorous quilted jerkins! This shop appears to be quite the variety.


        The bell chimes as the door opens, and the mirthful, exuberant "Happy afternoon~!" can be heard as the seamstress inside eyes the crowd she's managed to draw.

        A human-looking woman at about 5'5", the seamstress is seated on a barstool next to what seems to be an easel with a quill pen upon which she's sketching designs for her next inspirations. She's draped herself in a cream-white backless dress with considerable decolette, patterned with rose ruffles and lace with splashes of black.

        Seated cross-leg, she's got legs to show as she casts her golden eyes on the group. Her midnight-purple hair is tied into a very loose ponytail to one side, which is worn otherwise long with plenty of wavy flyaways. Her skin is alabaster white, almost blending in with the colour of her gown.

        "My~! So many customers today, I must be a very lucky woman. Come in, come in!"

<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

"I'm in here, Lanval," Talise calls after her drunken ghost bud.

Someone else arrives, too! "Oh hey, it's you. Hello," Talise says with a blink of recognition as Matilda comes strolling in. The armour throws her off a little. It's not what she would've expected someone like her to put on.

It suits her, she decides.

Until her train is interrupted by the former Asteroid the Kid draping an arm around her shoulder. Again she's slightly thrown off; she assumed Lydia hated her. But she rolls with it, blinking, then smiling crookedly as she reaches up to give Lydia's hair a little fluff. "They might be, beastfriend, but hey, why not let people have their fun, right?" And speaking of fun, she waves broadly to Jacqueline, smile widening.

Now there's someone I haven't had much chance to chat with lately, she realizes. Maybe I should fix that.

But there are other things to consider! The brilliant decor - the skylights that illuminate everything so naturally! The place is probably a little fancier than Talise would visit most of the time, but she smiles nevertheless, her expression brightening as she strolls forward.

The call of the seamstress is enough to draw Talise towards that stool and easel. "You must be," she laughs, smile broadening to a grin. "I was just thinking I'd never seen this store here before. I don't suppose you tailor for tall women?"

Talise Gianfair, taller and more muscular than most men, let alone most women.

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

Lydia isn't as tall as Talise so she likes Talise. The whole mess with differing opinions on malevolence is basically forgotten. Lydia says a lot of bullshit she just throws over her shoulder later. "I do like beastfriend..." Lydia murmurs. "Beastfriend is cool."

She cups her chin thoughtfully before commenting, "...Tall people clothes huh...?" She nods slowly. "Alright, alright..."

Her gaze shifts to the GHOST GOTH SEAMTRESS and she waves. "Do you do tall? We've got tall here."

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

Lydia's shouting gets Matilda to flinch a bit. "... Weddings -- are nice, though," she says, quietly. "I actually -- sort of... do, want, to get married..." She's feeling... more consistently flinchy, after that. Ducking her head low, she glances to Jay before looking around a little more.

The seamstress has her attention most of all, though. "I -- ah, hello! Are you the proprietress?" she asks, her voice still sounding a little... small. "I -- um -- my girlfr -- my lady," she starts, trying to find the whole set of words she wants.

She starts over. "My... ah, she wants me to dress -- have a nicer... dress. Something... umm..." She thinks about how it was put to her, and turns a little red. ... She needs a second.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline steps to the side so that she can let the man with the long beard through, but as she does so she spots Talise, who is smiling and waving in her direction.

"Oh, hello, Talise...it's been a while, hasn't it?" She greets with a smile and a wave of her own, but it isn't long before she hears the cheery 'good afternoon' of the seamstress.

"Good afternoon! Are you the proprietor here? Your boutique is quite lovely..." She greets...at about the same time Matilda does. The seamstress herself was lovely, too...but it would be embarrassing to say that out loud!

"You have such a wide selection, too..." She says, looking the place over. It was...a little overwhelming, actually! She had a tendency to stick to things she liked, but there was a lot of possibilities here...

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

        "Yyyyep. Yer in here, Talishe," Lanval comments, a little bit more subdued than usual as those half-lidded eyes remain open as he peers from behind a number of the gathered. That's... that's not a small number of mortals gathered here today, huh!
        He sinks back behind Talise as the seamstress turns to address them, trying to hide his rotund self behind her chiseled frame... almost kind of like he's...
        'Dressed' as he is, as physicality and appearance are kind of a weird thing for elemental spirits in general, he's like as an unsightly blight to this scenic store. The sort of fellow who looks like his very touch could - metaphorically, if not literally - leave unsightly grime wherever he goes. A foreign element within a tiny slice of a world and culture of aesthetic glamour and visual opulence.
        While Matilda stammers and stumbles over a personal matter, he discreetly has himself a sip of whatever he's got in that gourd of his, an oddly contemplative look on his face. Is it something some of them just said, or...?

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Amaranth has posed.

        Come now! Seraphs are not Ghosts. That's rude to... to... ghosts and Seraphs! Both, now!

        There's a delectable smile as the seamstress places her finger to her lip and replies, "In the pursuit of happiness, Festina Lente caters to all kinds of body-types, ma'am!"

        There's a charming wink as she swans out in a swirl, the tails of her gown fluttering coquettishly behind her as she bows and expresses, "My name is Katherine Weaver. Welcome to the Festina Lente."

        She looks charmed at Lydia's exuberance for a moment, then to Matilda as she stammers out. "Honey~" she's suddenly swanned behind her as she places a hand to her shoulder.

        Poomf! A striking double-breasted surcoat has appeared in her hand. "Tell me what your girlfriend desires. A striking side of you, bold and full of vivacious oomph? A mysterious, delicate shade of night?"

        She winks at Jacqueline as well to express, "Yes, that I am! Please, do feel free to have a look around. The garments that I store are just a sample of what I can produce--"

        A pause as she makes a little wrinkle, to go, "Lanval. -Please- don't spill your liquor against my garments!" But that little sense of annoyance seems to be all but forgotten as she happily says, "But it -has- been a while, my friend under the influence."

        Everything's spoken with a kind of floaty, fae-like extravagance and joy, with the slightest bit of an affected accent for extra poshness.

<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

Talise has a fairly good memory but seems happy enough to just friend the shit out of it. She nods gravely back to Lydia before adjusting the hem of her tunic with a short tug. "Yeah. Tall's gonna be... tall's gonna be a thing." For Lydia too, it seems.

Fortunately Talise is tall enough for Lanval to hide behind - though probably not broad enough for him to hide behind, given that he's got a certain amount of radius on her. The tall swordswoman glances back curiously to give Lanval a questioning look.

Jay, at least, seems game to be social, and Talise meets smile with smile. "It has! Remind me to drop by your caravan soon. I haven't caught up with your bunch in... ever, maybe?"

But there's a seamstress to consider, and one who can fairly describe her smiles as 'delectable.' Talise tilts her head to one side, pushing a hand through her hair with a smile and an arched brow. "Hi, Katherine Weaver. I'm Tal. And I'm not sure how my girlfriend feels about delicate, really, but something classy and bold would be pretty nice. Something a little less utilitarian than I'm used to...."

The seamstress starts talking to Lanval, and Talise arches her other eyebrow along with the first. "...I see you're acquainted with my traveling companion," she says, stepping back to pat Lanval on the shoulder.

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

Lydia smiles at Matilda since she's being super adorable (to Lydia). "Aw, really? I was just trying to ruckus." Ruckus is a verb for her. She sniggers a bit before adding, "Don't get shy now." Yeah she may be a touch hypocritical. Or more than a touch. On this topic at least. "Kaguya wants to dress y'up pretty so y'already won." Pause. "Basically."

She looks at Matilda's prototype dress here and isn't so sure she can see herself in it. How can she wrench in something like that?? But it looks pretty!! Ugh!!!

"You uh, can you do something that uh won't be ruined by elbow grease and aggressive arm and leg movements?"

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

"Ah -- it's nice to meet you, Miss Weaver," Matilda says, shortly before she gets a hand placed on her shoulder, and then -- a surcoat appears! Matilda looks at it with a blink. "I -- um, striking, but sort of, delicate at the same time? She said -- erm. Eveningwear... something we could wear to a party -- erm. Figure-accentuating. She's... her own aesthetic choices trend, um, vaguely masculine, so she was thinking something, um."

She gestures a little vaguely, almost helplessly. She's... about to be stuck with this. Conveniently, Lydia provides a momentary distraction. "I -- is love about winning or losing...? I mean -- ah, thank you, but, um." She gestures a little vaguely.

Then she whispers something to Miss Weaver, very quietly, while keeping a bit of an eye on Jay. ... hopefully only the proprietress heard that.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"I don't believe so, no...but it would be nice to catch up. You're always welcome to visit." Jacqueline says with a smile, and then glances toward Lanval for a moment. "And your friend is welcome too, of course..."

"Lydia, Matilda, it's good to see you two, as well." She adds, noting hte two of them. She offers them both a wave and a smile. It looks like Matilda is here for something personal, so she tries not to eavesdrop too much.

...If she notices Matilda keeping an eye on her, she doesn't comment on it, instead choosing to return her attention toward the seamstress. It's...pretty impressive how she seems capable of drawing garments right out of thin air.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Weaver! I'm Jacqueline Barber..." Jacqueline greets with a smile and a bow of her own. "I-I'll admit, I um...as a merchant myself, I was mostly curious about the shop itself. I heard rumors, so I didn't have any particular...ideas in mind, but...um..."

She has to take a moment to think. While she was here, she might as well...

"I mostly wear earth tones, but...I really like brighter colors. I'm...not sure I look very good in them, though..." She comments. ...Some would call her taste in colors a bit on the gaudy side, but she didn't think there was anything wrong with it! "You wouldn't happen to have anything...?"

She's not really sure how to finish the sentence.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

        Lanval visibly tenses as his name is called out. As though somehow his very flab could just firm up and temporarily defy whatever Lunarly physical forces define how one's body, er, moves when his name is called with that little sharp edge.
        "Ha ha ha! Of courshe. Of courshe..." Lanval nervously laughs, eyes returning to the default closed eyes as Talise pats at his shoulder as he softens and slacks. "Yep. That'sh... ahhh... welllll, it'sh been a while! Old friend!" He laughs again, notably less convincingly as he steps away from the accumulated goods. It will do next to nothing to give any satisfying answer to the questioning glance. "Ahhh. Old friend. I don't... get called that much... ha ha ha."
        He sighs, relaxes, and slumps to plant his bum on the ground as Jay extends her invitation to him to come along to visit the caravan. "D-Don't mind me... er, Missh Katherine Weaver. I'll behave! Jusht here shoppin' with a new friend, 'n... well, yep, they look great...! Very nishe...! The prettiesht I've sheen..."
        He mumbles out more hyperbolic praises like this while ladies are busy talkin' 'bout lookin' SOOOOO GOOD for the other ladies in their lives.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Amaranth has posed.

        Looks like some of these people know each other! Good, good, it'll be easier for her to keep in touch when it comes time for the garments to ship. She's that confident she'll make sales today!

        Katherine swans over and expresses, "Oh, yes. Lanval is something of a jester for the century, fufu..." Yes, she hits the ojou chuckle rather impeccably, as if very practiced in it. "But then!" She inspects Talise with an appraising eye to say, "I can tell you're very much used to practical garments, and you'd like something that pops out a bit more?"

        There's an extravagant hum as she draws out a shrug, as if for example. "Something with clean and crisp patterning around the shoulder, to emphasize your bold musculature, my dear lady. A touch of the gallant... combined with a stiff-collared shirt?"

        Really, she's almost never in one place, because she's looking to Lydia to express, "My, but those horns of yours are gorgeous! Have you thought about fascinators?" She asks for something that won't be ruined by elbow grease and movement, and gets a stretchy fabric in turn. "This is an elastic fabric I've been playing with in my spare time. Form-fitting, with a matte finish, but with room to play, it takes a sharp blade to rend asunder!"

        Ah, but Matilda is the one that has the commission, isn't she? "I understand, hon," she whispers in turn. "You want a dress with decolletage..."

        She traces the line of her own dress' decollete, with her long, silk-wrapped fingers. A locket is sat on her bare neckline.

        "Classically femme, but with a risque, adventurous motion that rebels against standard--" she sweeps forward and holds Matilda's hand, leaning forward almost nose to nose. "'Take me!', speaks the dress, 'if you so dare, for I am -danger-.'"

        She lets Matilda recover after all that, giggling again with her flightiness as she looks to Jacqueline. "Earth tones are lovely and everything, but-- yes! I do agree with you, Miss Barber. Primary colours are the template in which all other colours can be created! For you, I prescribe..."

        She suddenly kicks a leg forward, and spins in pirouette, prompting a mannequin to suddenly slide into place. A sequined dress shines with glamourous colour, with touches of blue and yellow adorned in artful, almost royal pattern. "Colour is as a refraction upon the light... this will be as a kaleidoscope to those who are drawn by your beauty!"

        A pause.

        "Isn't that right, Lanval?" Wink.

<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

Talise - who can barely even visualize herself in a dress - just watches Matilda for a moment, blinking a couple of times.

Then she shrugs, smiling faintly and looking back to Lanval in the hopes of not making Matilda feel even more awkward about the whole situation. Or, well, at least back at Jay. "I'm up for it. I'd love to see what you guys have come across in your travels."

The nervousness Lanval radiates comes through loud and clear. Again Talise reaches for him, resting her hand on his shoulder and squeezing firmly. She finds his eyes with hers, as if she could somehow assure him visually that it'll be alright. "Hey. You've got friends, bud. Yours truly included."

Katherine hits that little chuckle and Talise can't help but shake her head slightly, her smile smaller, but wry. "Yeah, I'm more of a coats-and-trousers sort of person..." She lets Katherine sort of sweep her alone with her descriptions, and she crosses her arms, curling a finger beneath her chin and scratching thoughtfully. "...Yeah, I think that would work. Something a little... is dashing the word? I think dashing might be a good word."

Her expression blanks slightly at the word 'decolletage' because she's a fashion ignoramus and she has absolutely no clue what some of those words mean. But it passes as she just watches the seamstress put things in perhaps the most extravagant manner she's heard out of a clothier - at the very least since the time she asked Riese and Noeline for wardrobe advice.

"I think you'd look good with a splash of colour, Jay," she puts in. "And that dress is pretty classy."

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

Matilda glances over to Talise, and her expression looks slightly helpless -- but there's a split second of, '... thanks for not embarrassing me,' in her look.

Then Miss Weaver traces her neckline and Matilda just kind of stands there gobsmacked for a few moments. She can't even muster the usual 'umm's and 'ah's that she usually manages -- she's just flat out standing there, mouth open, totally unsure what to say.

Her hand gets taken, and at that last comment, she at last manages to speak again. "... Mm -- yes," she eventually says. "Sort of -- mm -- the sort of illustration you'd see in a two-gella-store novella..."

Here she stops herself, covering her mouth. She let the 'Yes, how do you do, fellow Lunarians' mask slip! She looks like she's going to evaporate. "I -- erm -- let's talk about Jacqueline's color choices!" she insists, suddenly.

"I think you should -- erm -- you should help her... fly, freely. I've always thought -- erm, that is -- it's important to. Dress the way you. Like?" It's getting away from her again...

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

Lydia waves towards Jay. "Yo there." She is about to comment further when she glances back to Amaranth and now its her turn to be embarrassed and adorable.

"Wh..what..?" She manages. "Are you uh...what is a fascinator?" She looks over the stretchy fabric though and frowns thoughtfully. "Wait, how the heck is something like that gonna turn a blade? Looks just like..sproingy cloth."

Desperately she says, "Oh! Yeah! Jay's color choices. The ones she...made. Those colors. The unusual ones, maybe...!"

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"Certainly! Just come by whenever." Jacqueline replies with a smile and a nod toward Talise, and then looks toward the seamstress with an emphatic nod.

"Yes, definitely! Some people say I go a little overboard with them, but when they catch the eye, it's hard to look away...n-not that I necessarily want that for myself...!" Jacqueline adds the last part quickly, with clear hints of embarrassment, especially as Matilda suddenly shifts attention over to her.

"I do like earth tones, but...well, how do I put it...? I don't know if I have the..." Jacqueline begins, glancing in her direction. Whatever she was about to say is cut off, though, as with an elegant pirouette Katherine prompts a mannequin to slide in.

"Oh...!" Jacqueline gasps in awe, moving in close to the mannequin. She extends a hand toward it, though pauses and glances toward Katherine. "May I...?"

If allowed, she'll move in to feel the dress itself.

"I don't know if I...necessarily want to 'draw people to my beauty', but this is...really nice. I like it." She says, then nods toward Talise. "Yes, it is quite classy, isn't it...?"

'Classy' is definitely more Jacqueline's speed. She was always more on the modest side, after all.

"Do you have any shawls that would go with this? I usually like to wear one... Or, do you think this dress would work best on its own?" She asks. She was the expert, after all!

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

        "Jusht a jeshter! Yep, yep. As she shaaaaaaaysh~" Lanval slurs, voice trailing, nodding along vigorously as though he might be someone's half-baked ventriloquism act, or maybe a paid shill, or what have you as he seems to go along with the playful teases all too willingly, holding up his gourd in toasting to nothing in particular. Its contents, mysterious as they are in terms of (meta?)physical volume, sloshes loudly as though threatening to spill forth at any moment.
        Talise squeezes a hand on his shoulder, and gets a hiccup as her tender, friendly shoulder grasp goes just a shade past gentle. "Yer... yer right, Talishe! Uh huh. Shure do, shurrrre do," he goes along still at an exaggerated level of agreeability as he lets himself fall onto his back on the floor and... continue drinking, as talk goes along about colors.
        His head is pointed well away from anyone else, facing back towards the way out. "Colorsh? Uh... which one'sh Jaaaaaay? Wait, which one'sh the barber?" Oh dear. "Uhhhhh. I piiiick," he's trying to pick without looking at much of anything, as though desperately trying to stay in a conversation like it were keeping him afloat on some other front, "...blue?" Blue, like he wears? "I like blue. It'sh a good color," he murmurs and mumbles into incomprehensible reasons, to be stopped by a winking question.
        It's impressive because from where he lays, he can't see the clothier wink. That is how one knows that is a top tier wink.
        "...Thasssh riiiight!" He throws an arm up in the air, then lets it go limp on the ground with the rest of him. "Ha ha ha..."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Amaranth has posed.

        There's a throaty chuckle as Katherine claps and agrees with Talise, "Yes, I think of coats with twirling tails as you dramatically turn and leave... dashing, gallant, but with that -dash- of refinement!" She snaps her fingers and yet another mannequin--

        --was that one moving on its own to put clothes on just now?! slides into view, rocking a navy blue surcoat with brass buttons and handsome, wine red cuffs. "This, and white trousers with a finely trimmed line and hugging fit for the calves... and boots!"

        Poor Matilda is steaming a little, talking about 'two gella store'. If she looks curious, she doesn'ts how it, but smiles more richly as she says, "Captivate your girlfriend! Love is not about winning or losing, it's about..."

        She spreads one arm out and doves fly out of them. Where from?! "Happy! And with my garments, I guarantee you'll get... a Happy Boost!"

        ... someone might need to correct her linguistics a little, but...

        She's back on her barstool, but it seems to have no problem sliding around so that she's by Lydia's side. "This, my dear, is a fascinator," as she ties a light cherry-red corsage by Lydia's hair to contrast with her hair and horns. "Something that makes a bold statement! It draws the eye in."

        She plucks the sproingy cloth and chuckles, saying, "Oh, it's a work in progress, but it's woven with magic. The magic of happy! That's how it defects blades."

        She looks approving that Jacqueline likes it, smiling more richly as she gestures with pleasure for Jacqueline to feel it. "Classy... yes, you're quite the classy one! Think of new frames for the occasion as well, dear Miss Barber. And a shawl..."

        ... those doves from earlier return, bringing a very light, transcluent fabric that's orange on one side and purple on the other in gradient to drape lightly around the garment.

        She chuckles again at Lanval, pressing a hand to her forehead-- and casting a deeper glance for a moment. "Tell me, dear Lanval. How did you get involved in grand adventures with Miss Talise here? Do tell me of the derring-do you've been up to~"

<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

Talise nods discreetly back to Matilda, catching that glance.

The big swordswoman bites thoughtfully down to one fingertip. "Well, if there's one thing I learned from Noeline," she advises Jay, "it's that there's nothing wrong with having some outfits that draw attention to yourself a little bit, even if they're not your everyday. You're pretty special, you know? I'm sure there's someone in your life you want to feel special for." Her smile broadens a bit, showing off just a hint of pointed incisors to lend the expression a slight wolfishness.

"Besides," she says with a wave of a hand, "you're a successful merchant, right? You're allowed to fancy up sometimes. Spoil yourself! Enjoy life."

With Lanval seemingly content to flop and pretend he's comfortable, Talise keeps an eye on him, making sure he's not going to freak out or puke ectoplasm on any of the finery. "Blue is a good color," she agrees. "Though I actually like red for Jay...."

And then the mannequin starts dressing and Katherine starts talking about tails and cuffs. Talise blinks a couple of times, momentarily put off her balance. She wasn't expecting tails. (She had no idea people even wore those.)

"...It is pretty dashing," she concedes as she scratches the back of her neck, squinting at the suspiciously mobile mannequin. "Though do you really think blue and red will work with my hair and eyes, or am I too blonde and green-eyed for the combination to work?"

As Katherine starts quizzing Lanval, Talise tilts her head as if curious what Lanval's going to say about their adventures.

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

Matilda recoils a bit from the doves -- but once she realizes what's up, she lets out a slightly charmed laugh. "Oh, my -- you -- ah -- you really have quite the sense of showmanship...!" She claps a little, taking a breath. She's been moved on from, and it's a little bit of a relief that that's the case, really...

... especially because it means she can now move further on and turn the attention more earnestly toward Jay and Lydia. "I think a shawl would definitely suit you -- and as to the colors... I agree with Miss Talise -- red. No question. You're..."

She pauses, gesturing a little with one gauntleted hand, trying to find the words. "... You're the sort of person," she says, "who draws people in -- just, by... dint of who you are. Definitely more of a vibrant-colors sort of person. You'll want lipstick to match -- or maybe a shade darker..."

Lydia, meanwhile, gets a, "The fascinator definitely -- erm, works, for you. It sort of... disarms and accentuates your horns at the same time, I suppose?"

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

Lydia Seren's shoulders jolt upwards by at least an inch as Amaranth slides by her side. Her teeth are bared for a moment but she ultimately just settles down those shoulders about half the way it previously rose.

"G..geeze...they really are different about beastfolk here." Lydia mumbles. "Can I really do red? I don't know. uh..."

She looks towards Talise hopelessly and starts backing up in terror. "Ehehh..." Her eyes widen at Matilda. "Wha...really??" Is she talking about shawls or fascinators? Probably the latter since she does wear shawls sometimes.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

There was definitely something unusual about the way this shop worked, but Jacqueline way too distracted to think too much about it.

"It feels lovely, too...and rather comfortable..." Jacqueline says with awe, giving the dress an experimental touch before glancing toward Talise.

"Hm...I...suppose that's true..." She murmurs, then fidgets a little bit. "S-special? I-I...I don't really know, I haven't really thought about, well..."

Saving her from having to explain herself doves fly in at this very moment, bringing a shawl and draping it lightly around the dress. Her eyes light up a bit.

...She doesn't seem to be questioning the doves at all?

"Oh...! Yes, yes, I think I like this..." She says with a nod. "Well, um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but...what sort of price are we looking at...?"

Katherine suggests new frames, too. ...She's not sure if she means that figuratively or literally. Her glasses are pretty...plain.

The others have color suggestions for her, as well.

"Do you really think so, Matilda...?" She asks, glancing toward Matilda for a moment and thinking it over. "...Maybe something in red would be nice, too..."

Blue, though...she wasn't sure that was her color. That was more Kourin's thing.

She makes a mental note to try and get Kourin here sometime.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

        Lanval watches the doves fly overhead from where he lies. Something about this compels him to sit back up, though now he's propping himself up by the doorframe. He at least thinks to move his legs so that he's not outright blocking the way in - now, at least - as the collected get but a measured taste of the Happy Boost!
        "Sure doesh. It'sh... fashinatin'... yep! Uh. Whaddaya call it, again?" Lanval scratches at that long beard of his, making it evident that he has not quite been following the whole talk about what the cloth on Lydia's horn is.
        He flinches as one of the tips of the shawl brushes past him courtesy of the released doves, like those things could turn and peck his eyes out at any minute. Maybe that's why his eyes are almost always closed, so birds don't peck them out.
        "..Meeeee, Missh Katherine Weaver?" He says each part of these three words carefully, as though his very life - or something dear - hinged upon them. He starts laughing.
        "Ahhh, jusht... hangin' out... y-you knooooooww... nnnnnot much goin' on for the likesh of li'l ol' me..." Things like 'laying on the floor of a truly magical, classy, wondrous clothing establishment' seems to be high on the list of things that are currently going on, and/or reasonable guesses for what he probably does when he's not lying on this particular floor. "Nothin' but time on my handsh... nothin' at all... we tripped over one another! An' from theeeere... well, jusht hangin' out shince... havin' a good time... ahhh, they only get sho much..."
        He visibly struggles to stand back up, but that's not unusual unto itself. Sometimes it seems like Lanval doesn't understand how to walk so much as he does how to string a series of stumbles and falls together in a way that vaguely resembles the mortal concept of 'walking,' and that any extended instances of him putting a foot forward in front of the other without him losing his balance or composure is simply him forgetting just how much of a mess he is at a given moment in time.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Amaranth has posed.

        "Indeed, indeed! Even if it's not in your everyday purview, holding an ace up your sleeve for your special someone... just-- letting them know that you're giving them that extra inch and a half!" Katherine winks as she--

        She holds her thumb and index finger out in the shape of a heart. Yep.

        "Mmm. Your companions like red for you, and I think that would be a good start! The delicate chestnut to auburn colours of your hair would be an easy gradient, but blue could be a striking contrast!"

        She pauses, and places a hand to her chest again. "Colour conveys mood. Go with what your heart tells you day by day! There's no one answer."

        Talise asks if blue and red will work, and laughs, "Oh, I've seen many a devastatingly cute blondes in navy blue, with juuust a skosh of red to complete the package. You're perfect, dear! Don't doubt yourself."

        "More than just the garment, Matilda dear, it's important that I give my customers a memorable experience," she comments, as she blows a kiss, tucks her palm, and lets another dove emerge out of it. Between the doves and the mannequins, the Festina Lente definitely does have the feeling that it's as much a magician's workshop as it is a clothierie...

        There's a rich smile towards Lydie as she expresses, "Your beautiful, natural emerald hair is a perfect match for red! Just imagine it -- burgundy reds, flowing through your figure! Ah, I can see it already! You'll captivate any ballroom you wish."

        She winks at Jay again as she considers things and asks about price. "Oh, I ask but the price of living. It is not about the dance of pearls in my cashier, it is about the pursuit of happy!" She tilts her head. "As you are friends of dear Lanval, I may give you a discount -- or favours your services, since you seem to be capable adventurers, if I may venture a guess? I am no fighter, but oftentimes, danger stands in the way if wher I need to bring goods."

        There's a more sedate chuckle as she seats herself back on her stool. She watches Lanval stumble around for a moment. "Araa... Lanval, hang on unless you'd like my doves to bring you up to your feet! Tut-tut!" The lecturing, it seems, is light and not critical, like the kind an old friend might chide another.

<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

This woman, Talise is beginning to realize, is nuttier than a four-course dinner for squirrels.

Or maybe it's just the rest of them who are crazy. Or unused to fashion, anyway. Case in point: Lydia. Talise flashes her beastbuddy a slightly helpless smile, holding her hands out at her sides. "I don't know, I don't think I could get away with wearing something in my hair. But it is pretty cute. Maybe a more understated one? Or something less floral...."

She shrugs and scuffs one heel before attempting to divert some of the attention to someone less awkward. "Yeah, Jay and red! Definitely Jay and red." Flashing the merchant a little grin, she shrugs one broad shoulder. "Yeah, she has you pegged, I think. I mean, not that I'm the world's expert on cosmetics, but red lipstick and some delicate little glasses... maybe some eyeliner... I'm sure there's a special someone who'd just turn to mush if you did something like that."

She winks, slyly.

Katherine's assurances that she can make blue and red work leave Talise scratching at one cheekstripe. "I'll take your word for it," she decides finally. "Maybe I'm just used to whites and blacks and greys. And browns, for that matter...."

Speaking of browns, Talise holds a hand out to help Lanval back up. "And I did actually literally trip over Lanval," she confesses with a laugh. "So we kind of stumbled into friendship! But you've caught me there - I'm a fighter, so I haven't had much chance to do fancy. Or pursue much happy."

Of course Talise is a fighter. The huge sword probably gave Talise away.

<Pose Tracker> Matilda Whitehead has posed.

Lanval's antics finally get a look from Matilda now that she's not being totally, magnificently bowled over by the sheer... force, of Miss Weaver's presence. "Is -- this, sort, of thing, normal, around here...?" she asks, with an eyebrow raised. "I thought the Chosen outlawd this sort of... public... event."

Lydia, though, gets a nod. "Yes! The fascinator would -- reframe, your..." She gestures. She's still a little off-kilter, really. Jay seems to be caving to peer pressure, which means Matilda doesn't push her too much further.

The blown kiss, though -- that makes Matilda turn as bright red as the possibility of Jay's dress. "I -- if you'd like, I could trade service for clothing... I and my girlfr -- lady -- erm. We operate a small mercenary company, so if you want things shipped... especially in Glenwood..." She nods firmly. This seems agreeable. "That would seem a... fair trade. For. Happy."

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

Lydia takes in a deep breath. "Right." She says. "Fascinators are...fascinating. Look good in red. Apparently. And I am just going to...back...away." She slowly steps backwards towards the exit, holding her baseball bat in front of her defensively. She seems to be performing a nonfighting retreat here. "I am just going to..." She looks towards Talise who doesn't seem to be any help right now in spite of the sympathy.

"So...you know..." She says. "...Escape!!!"

She turns around and runs out of the door and...


<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"An ace up my sleeve..." Jacqueline considers thoughtfully. It's true, Jacqueline might know how to look professional, but she's never considered dressing up for anything...like that. "Red lipstick, little glasses, maybe some eyeliner..."

She says it as if she's trying to keep it in her memory for another time. Maybe the atmosphere of this place is just a little infectious...

And then the talk comes to price and Jacqueline is...pleasantly surprised!

"O-oh, is that all...? I-I don't know, I'd feel a little bad not giving such excellent tailoring the proper dues..." Jacquelline replies. She reaches into one of her bags, drawing out some silver and offering it to Katherine. "But...here, and a little extra for all the wonderful advice you've given me. Will this cover it?"

And then, Lydia, a little overwhelmed...bolts out the door.

"O-oh dear..." Jacqueline murmurs, concerned...

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

        Lanval laughs along as if on cue to what one Ms. Weaver says, all good-naturedly and as if trying to be in on some kind of joke he actually isn't. Going by appearances, demeanor, pretty much everything, this fellow's... never been much of one for fashion? But aside from laying about on the floor for the latter half of it, he's been a good participant. Maybe they should drag him along for girl shopping adventures more...?
        "Yyyyep, I'd shay that'sh... very memorable! Wouldn't forget it for the Shilver Shtarrr... ha ha ha," when the subject goes to price, he stops laughing for a bit... "N-nope. 'M great! 'mgreat'mgreat'mgreat! Thanksh. You're a peach~ aaah..." He takes Talise's hand to be held steady, holding up the other hand to pat her in her far stronger arm.
        Matilda addresses the obvious cultural elephant in the room, with this clearly impaired elemental in the room as he leans a bit closer against her.
        "Thaaaat! That. Doncha worry, Missh... Matilda... Barber? Are ya the barber?" ...Not even close. "I'm jusht a humble shervant of the Goddessh, you shee, uhhh... I findsh booze, I drinksh it. Get it all shafely out of the waaay, nobody elshe can drink it if I get there fiii---"
        And then Lydia pulls a shoplift. His eyes open wide as he cringes and falls right back on his bum. "Oh... ohhh deaaar. Uhh. That'sh... not goood..."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Amaranth has posed.

        Amaranth pauses with a hand to her cheek as Lydia bolts out the door. "Ara ara..." she finally lands what seems to be a catchphrase, chuckling richly as she expresses, "I forgot to say one thing -- many of the garments here are my illusions. It will take me some time to create bespoke garments that you can carry and wear out."

        Thus, as Lydia runs out and gets a ways further, she'd find that the fascinator she's wearing would... go -poof!- and...


        ... turn into a dove? That gawks at Lydie for a moment with a 'mrrp' expression, before fluttering back, leaving a simple card in pink cursive that says, 'Come again soon! <3 -Katherine'

        There's a richer smile as she looks towards the rest of the group. She delicately watches Jay pay with silver, nodding as she expresses, "More than enough, dear Jacqueline. We'll keep in touch. I bounce from place to place, but I have no doubt you all can easily find me~"

        They were able to walk in the front door all along, after all.

        She recalls the mannequins with the chosen garments with a wink, smiling to say, "Now! I shall get to business, Miss Talise, Miss Matilda." Her quill pen begins dancing on its own behind her, starting to sketch out cuts in the fabric and details.

        "Feel free to look around and call me if anything else captivates your hearts' desires."

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

Somewhere outside, Lydia yelps in surprise and then eats the card.