2020-11-21: A Most Mature and Civil Battle: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 04:06, 28 November 2020

  • Log: A Most Mature and Civil Battle
  • Cast: Eleanor Klein, Kamui, Marivel Armitage, Citan Uzuki, Asgard
  • Where: Kilika - Town Center
  • Date: November 21, 2020
  • Summary: It's a day on the beach for ARMS (plus a certain doctor, invited by Eleanor), which is all well and good, except... Well, Asgard happens. Asgard happens quite a bit.

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

The greenery here in Kilika is lush and frankly a little overwhelming, considering that some of it is carnivorous and it's not always easy to tell which part is which. It is past sunset here where Eleanor leans on a tree, looking out to the water ahead, because we should let the vampire have darkness sometime.

She is not alone! She is with others. In fact, "Hm? You think so?"

She starts from something. "Well, I do like Kilika the town, but it certainly has a damper over it now..."

"Regardless, it's nice to be back out on the ocean a bit."

She is dressed in her Spiran attire, her gun leaned against the tree, her hair down. It is a warm night here!

<Pose Tracker> Kamui has posed.

    The last time we'd seen Kamui, she'd offered Marivel the thought of going back to Kilika -- to see two special kids that they'd made friends with, Dorca and Ranna.

    It's in the coastal side that Kamui is enjoying just that... following her dream.

    Her dream of--


    --being a Blitzball, as her head gets kicked by an overeager Kilika youth. Dorca and Ranna are assumedly in this mix of kids, as she sails across the sand and plops nearby a pile of rocks that's being used as a makeshift goal.

    (They're not actually in the water, which technically doesn't make this Blitzball, but do you really want to be the one to tell kids that?)

    "... this is good, mui," Kamui murmurs.

    Kamui's Body is relaxing next to Eleanor, on a recliner chair. It's trying its hardest to sip a pineapple crush juice, but...

    There are issues.

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

Eleanor is having no trouble at all sipping a pineapple crush juice. She is super relaxed, almost like it's going out of style. She could be up running around with the kids, certainly, but...

Well, they're having so much fun on their own! They need an audience, clearly. And someone has to look after Kamui's Body.

"Oh," Eleanor says, noticing her trouble with the drink, and gives a sort of 'what do you do' smile her way. "If you need a break," Eleanor calls to Kamui's Head, "Just let us know!"

There. That should do. Eleanor reclines.

<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

Dorca and Ranna are not in the best spirits as of late what with, you know,EVERYTHING going on so having an opportunity to engage in BLITZBALL SHENANIGANS is a good way to unwind. Spira is, if nothing else, very well adapted to finding joy in the midst of a tragedy hurricane.

Marivel Armitage has suffered some pretty SEVERE injuries recently, even for Marivels, but she's healed by now even if she's wearing her coat and hat so she doesn't get more sun than can be avoided.

She helpfully tries to pour some pineapple crush juice into Kamui. It's...probably perfectly fine to do this.

She has a lawnchair out as well. She's reclining in it.

<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    It isn't the case, precisely, that Citan Uzuki is incapable of relaxing but more the case that this sort of relaxing isn't entirely his... particular... style. Give him a good long afternoon in the toolshed, or a morning reading a book, ideally with a cup of hot tea -- now that's more like it.

    So, no, he hasn't arrived here because he was intending on taking the day off -- rather, he's arrived here because Eleanor had asked to speak to him, and had designated here as the place she wanted to meet him. Which, one would assume, suggests that the matter was private and had something to with Kilika's situation--

    ...and which is rather quickly a dashed conclusion as he arrives at the beach and...

    "...hmm," muses the doctor, watching as a pair of children kicking about Kamui's head. "I do not suppose her... situation is what you wished to speak to me about, Miss Klein?" he says, rubbing his chin as he stands to one side of the recliner chair. He glances, once, at the headless body.

<Pose Tracker> Asgard has posed.

The surge of energy is subtle, near the children at play. A white line in a single dimensions becomes two, becomes three in a split second. A woman in flowing clothing with violet hair stands in sight. And standing behind her is the horned golem that stands twice as tall as her, in an armored Trench Coat.

"My what a quaint locale. It's appearance does give rise to a curious thought - whether something I might find on this backwater world could potentially provide more evidence for the Filgaia hypothesis..." The woman murmurs to herself absently, a long flowing sleeve placed to her chin. Before she then flicks a gaze towards those gathered.

"Oh yes, by the way. Asgard. Subdue the Crimson Noble and the Reploid for interrogation." Her eyes flick over to the more human figures relaxing on the beach, not even paying attention to the children. That they're nearby Marivel is simply enough for her to make that connection, "Maximal force is authorized for anyone else that interferes."

"ROGER." The Golem speaks synthetically, at quite a loud volume. It seems not to understand neither modulation nor inflection in its voice... yet at least. What was true yesterday, may not be true tomorrow, if the fact that it is speaking is any evidence. To those who have heard him speak, it is his voice, but with everything that made him him removed from it.

He needs VERY little time to evaluate which target is the easiest to neutralize first. "RETRIEVING."

He steps closer. And closer. Each step causing sand to rise. And as he does, Kamui's head might note the photograph like impression in his pocket. It is still present. Perhaps it was never removed to begin with. He is currently advancing on where her head is present, making to simply pick it up.

"Poor creature - so malformed and broken that you would willingly remove your own head." Melody's voice drips with such condescension - of a battle won without having been fought at all, "Do not fear - after your interrogation is complete, perhaps I shall deign to repurpose you into a far more beautiful form."

GS: Asgard has attacked Kamui with Muibe he wants to Blitz?!
GS: Asgard has completed his action.
GS: Kamui takes a solid hit from Asgard's Muibe he wants to Blitz? for 0 hit points!
<Pose Tracker> Kamui has posed.

    "Okay!!" Kamui calls to Eleanor, as her Body gets pineapple crush juice poured straight in through... uh, the neck hole. Kubi kubi. There's a worrying *BZZT* of electricity, but... but it's fine, right?

    Look, Kamui's Body is even giving a thumbs up. Albeit in pain, mysteriously.

    (It's tough to be Kamui's Body.)

    Kamui senses that distortion in energy even as she sails through as one of the kids Passes her; her camera-eye quietly zooms in and blips once, before her human eye widens at the sight of the familiar tall Trench Coat-bearing machine.

    Fortunately, Kamui also has incredible sense with kids, so she doesn't panic them or tell them to run. As Asgard steps closer to pick her up, she instead--

    "Everyone! I just saw Star Blitzball Player Basch von B'gawkin of Balmasca in the pier!!" Kamui shouts excitedly.

    The children look at each other, apparently still having missed the slowly approaching figure of Asgard. One of them hops up. "Whoa! Basch lives!?" "I want his autograph! Maybe he'll teach us how to blitz! Let's go!!"

    The children rush off in a storm -- perhaps Dorca and Ranna are a little more clued in, but even they know when something's up thanks to their time under the Althenan Guard occupation. I'll let Marivel detail them more since they're her NPCs!

    Then she turns her eyes (since she's kind of being held right now) to Melody, and delivers the most powerful attack of them all:

    "I muight be a poor creature, but lady, for messing with Asgard, I'm officially calling you... a doody head!! Doody head, doody head!"

GS: Kamui has attacked Asgard with The Ultimate Art of Namecalling!
GS: Kamui has gained 1 Combo!
GS: Kamui has completed her action.
GS: Asgard takes a glancing hit from Kamui's The Ultimate Art of Namecalling for 16 hit points!
GS: Asgard activates Evade bonus!
<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

"Don't worry it's fine." Marivel assures Eleanor. "It's comedy lightning sparks."

Marivel is by appearances very good at relaxing but maybe it's more accurate to say that Marivel is very good at pretending to relax. Particularly when children are about, she is always ready to pounce, bite, and claw.

SUDDENLY ASGARD. And Melody. Marivel exhales out a sigh and stands herself up, pushing up to her feet.

"Asgard, if you're going after Kamui it will be difficult for me to be gentle. But I suppose--maybe you like it rough?"

She snaps her fingers and shouts, "APORT."

A pail starts falling for--

--for Melody's head. Asgard will PROBABLY deal with it, but maybe he's been tricked just enough? Regardless, the children run off.

Dorca and Ranna at least run behind Marivel for the time bein though they seem hesitant to just leave.

"K-Kamui's not malformed or broken! She's great!"

"Yes, Marivel explained it to us." Ranna adds. "Something called... 'chuuni'...?"

GS: Marivel Armitage has attacked Asgard with Augmented Aport!
GS: Marivel Armitage has completed her action.
GS: CRITICAL! Asgard guards a hit from Marivel Armitage's Augmented Aport for 87 hit points!
GS: Reaction switch bonus! Asgard gains 1 additional Combo!
GS: Poison applied to Asgard!
GS: Hyper applied to Marivel Armitage!
<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

"Dr. Uzuki!" Eleanor says brightly. "Oh, no--she does this rather a lot. There was something else..." The young elf has been a little watchful while she's relaxing. When you see the future you have to get really good at dealing with anxiety at least in a general sense, because a sense of impending doom needs to be distinguished from actual impending doom. If one wishes to be at all healthy.

Nevertheless when energy surges up, Eleanor immediately moves from reclined to seated to standing up, almost before the teleportation is even finished. Along the way she gathers up her bag. Her eyes narrow, and she focuses on Melody.

"The Filgaia hypothesis," Eleanor replies. "You refer to the idea that Filgaia is itself a living organism, yes? I'm sure if you wanted to discuss the theory 'interrogation' would be entirely unnecessary..."

"But you're going to instruct him to attack anyway, aren't you?" she sighs. "I was afraid of that." She speaks without turning, "Dr. Uzuki, I regret inviting you into trouble, but... It seems things have gone worse than I expected."

She is glad that Kamui handled the kids, at least. She didn' expect it to happen while they were still here...

"I will not be allowing you to take either of them," Eleanor announces to Melody, looking to Asgard. She smiles. "It's against ARMS policy to allow our members to leave with... doody heads."

Eleanor then pulls a Crest, with the power of Wing and Fray, and lifts it. Brilliant light radiates about Kamui, as sparkles travel between the two of them. "Marvelous Armament!"

GS: Eleanor Klein has attacked Kamui with Marvelous Armament!
GS: Eleanor Klein has gained 1 Combo!
GS: Eleanor Klein has completed her action.
GS: Kamui accepts Eleanor Klein's Marvelous Armament for 0 hit points!
GS: Amplify and Burst applied to Kamui!
<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    "Oh? Please, go on," Citan encourages her, glancing the meanwhile down the beach. It's almost as if he's distracted by something, if just for the moment--

    And then a surge of sudden energy follows, and the doctor is hardly so spiritually blind as to not feel that, even if his focus runs in a field rather different from the more specialized practitioner here. His gaze lingers the first on the larger of the two, perhaps to size them up, then takes on the woman.

    "And you are?" he asks, beginning to frown. He starts to throw out a hand towards Eleanor, as if to restrain her from acting abruptly...

    ...and then as the woman (Melody) continues, rescinds that motion. "The children," he murmurs, narrowing his eyes. Whatever else can be said about Citan Uzuki he is a father of a small child.

    But Kamui is on the case, removing the children from the equation with impressive alacrity. Maybe he'll have to remember that gambit, in case it ever becomes necessary.

    "'Worse that you expected'?" he echoes, glancing over at her and lifting a single eyebrow. "...I see. Well then, it appears we have little choice. They cannot be permitted to have their way!"

    He can say that, but there's the matter of the large one's unknown power, or indeed, unknown origin. He can make a fair educated guess of what sort of being Asgard might be, but it still leaves a number of possibilities woefully open.

    Defense is the best offense at times -- the doctor takes a breath and pushes his glasses up his nose. A good eye might pick out that the ambient light has grown that much brighter about him, as if something about the air quality has shifted, but that's it.

GS: Citan Uzuki has attacked Citan Uzuki with Kouga!
GS: Citan Uzuki assumes the Stoic stance!
GS: Citan Uzuki has completed his action.
GS: Citan Uzuki accepts Citan Uzuki's Kouga for 0 hit points!
GS: Cover and Riposte applied to Citan Uzuki!
<Pose Tracker> Asgard has posed.

"My. If such a handsome fellow is asking..." Melody traces her fingertips down a cheek, as she seems to demure, allowing her lashes to flutter as if in some flirtatious parody. "... then I suppose there's no harm. Melody Vilente. And you are?"

Though as Eleanor comments on her words, she snaps more to attention to address something she finds fascinating, "Ah a woman of learning." Melody actually seems to have a good first impression, "Do not interfere - lest you put that sharp mind of yours to waste."

"YOUR QUERY... IS IRRELEVANT." The Golem notes of Marivel's question of whether he likes it rough, but that he answered at all to someone besides the Prophets is interesting, is it not?

Melody chuckles lightly at Kamui's head calling away the children. "Time enough to worry about others? I do not think you truly understand your situation..."

Asgard kneels down and simply palms Kamui's head. "OBJECTIVE COMPLETE." It is a small mercy that he does it behind her head. That is likely just a coincidence rather than actual mercy. Which means that Melody is wholly exposed...


One would think that a mature adult like her would be entirely unaffected by this. However, she seems actually aghast, thoroughly ruffled by the remark. "What!? How dare you make me the subject of your scatological japery!" Then seeming to recompose herself, "Your queer accusations of 'messing' with the weapon only proves the necessity of your apprehension."

And that is when a pail falls on her head. Save that it doesn't fully fall. It's just passed her eyes when it's CAUGHT by an unseen force. The edge of the bucket dancing a crackling blue field of energy.

"What is the MEANING of-"

Thrusting her arm aside, the bucket disintegrates in rings of strange unlight, revealing her angry visage.

"-I will not be made a fool of by the scion of a people who crawled about like WORMS in the bowels of our world!"

Asgard responds by turning on Marivel. And instantly the sand erupts as he glides onto her position. Reappearing in a blur of motion to suddenly bend down low at the knees, and aim the Golem like equivalent of an uppercut at her abdomen...

... except that he did that with the hand holding Kamui's head.

Hang in there Kamui. Live strong!

Melody is still seething though Eleanor seems to deescalate her some strangely. "Such a shame that in your immaturity you put your youth - beauty - and shrewd mind to waste." And then she simply snaps an arm towards her, and the same strange light appears around Eleavor, as rings of anti-life flow around her in a harsh rebuke. "But is that not how it always is?"

"QUERY: WHAT IS CHUUNI?" Asgard repeats from the statement of the children. They are not hostiles, so his system processed it as an innocuous learning moment - save that they don't have enough context to work out the word on their own. Melody silences him. "Don't ask about unnecessary things!" "ACKNOWLEDGED."

His system analyzes her words and takes it as a command to be more serious about this. Which is why an aura of energy rises around him as he erects a much higher powered barrier.

Asgard has not yet registered Citan as a threat, though Melody finds herself still able to offer all smiles his way. "And why can't I? You will find that allowing me to have my way is... quite the pleasant experience."

Laying it on a bit thick isn't she?

GS: Asgard has attacked Eleanor Klein with Eliminate Scanner!
GS: Asgard has attacked Kamui with UltiMUIte Headbutt!!
GS: Asgard has attacked Marivel Armitage with UltiMUIte Headbutt!!
GS: Asgard has gained 1 Combo!
GS: Asgard has attacked Asgard with High Powered Barrier!
GS: Asgard has gained 1 Combo!
GS: Asgard takes 29 damage from Poison!
GS: Asgard has completed his action.
GS: Asgard accepts Asgard's High Powered Barrier for 0 hit points!
GS: Restore! Poison removed!
GS: Quick and Shield applied to Asgard!
GS: Mighty applied to Asgard!
GS: Marivel Armitage critically guards Asgard's UltiMUIte Headbutt! for 20 hit points!
GS: Marivel Armitage activates Guard bonus!
GS: Eleanor Klein takes a glancing hit from Asgard's Eliminate Scanner for 61 hit points!
GS: Eleanor Klein activates Countermeasures!
GS: Kamui takes a solid hit from Asgard's UltiMUIte Headbutt! for 100 hit points!
GS: Reaction switch bonus! Kamui gains 1 additional Combo!
<Pose Tracker> Kamui has posed.

    "Doc, you're here too!" Kamui finally realises that they have another guest -- it's the kind doctor who checked up on her and also chatted cameras with her! She's always so happy to see another camera-loving soul.

    Then she's lifted up and BONKED into Marivel! What a power dunk! Live, Kamui!

    The head has squirly @_@ face at the end of the motion, with little cuccos and stars erupting above her; Kamui's Body panics a little, even as Eleanor empowers it with Marvelous Armament, a brilliant light radiating and enhancing its powers.

    It stumbles on out of its chair, and there's a trio of worried sweat beads flying out of it.

    "Body! You're gonna have to fight enough for the both of us!" Kamui shouts.

    Kamui's Body is under pressure and stress!!

    "Also, s'truth, lady! You're not just a doody head, you're also...a dunder head! If you don't leave my friend Asgard alone, I've got even worse names in my repertoire to call you! You think you can stand up to all that?!"

    Meanwhile, Asgard asks what CHUUNI is. Uh...

    "... uh-- I dunno! ask the Doc! He's super smart!" Kamui accidentally puts Citan on the spot.

    Meanwhile, Kamui's Body attempts to engage in combat as best it can:

    It hucks the half-drunken pineapple crush juice in Melody and Asgard's general direction.

    It might not be a terribly accurate throw, all told.

GS: Kamui has attacked Asgard with Pineapple in my Soul!
GS: Kamui has gained 1 Combo!
GS: Kamui has completed her action.
GS: Asgard takes a glancing hit from Kamui's Pineapple in my Soul for 42 hit points!
GS: Reaction switch bonus! Asgard gains 1 additional Combo!
<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

"Yeah I'm pretty queer." Marivel says.

And then: "Do you really want me to get into all the ways that humans are far more disgusting than worms? You've farted twice since you've arrived here. You tried to hide them... but nothing escapes the ears of a Crimson Noble...! I heard each and every expulsion of methane."

She quirks her head. "You can't hide them from me, Prophet. The Crimson Nobles hear all...!"

Asgard sends an UPPERCUT into her abdomen but finds their fist colliding against a POWER SEAL that protects her form the bulk of the damage.

"Heh...! Nice try Asgard! But I anticipated you punching me!"

She snaps her fingers and tries to draw some ESSENCE OF ASGARD back into herself--and maybe one of Asgard's SKILLS along with it! Friggin blue mages.

"...But please don't hit me with my dear baby. That's just rude...!" She hops up a few times to try and grab at the head but ... SHE IS TOO SHORT!

"Chuunis are precious representatives of the netherworld!" Marivel shouts with each hop.

GS: Marivel Armitage has attacked Asgard with Skill Drain!
GS: Marivel Armitage has completed her action.
GS: Asgard critically guards Marivel Armitage's Skill Drain for 17 hit points!
GS: Reaction switch bonus! Asgard gains 1 additional Combo!
GS: Marivel Armitage drains Asgard! Marivel Armitage gains 8 temporary hit points!
<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    "Yes, it is good to see you again -- though I am afraid we may need to wait for a more opportune time? ...Will you be alright with your body in that situation?" Said body, meanwhile, stumbles to its feet. Oh dear. Fight hard, Kamui's Body!

    It's impossible to miss that particular tone of voice, even if her particular intent/aim remains more obscure. The frown doesn't so much as leave the doctor's face; he straightens, squaring his shoulders. "Miss Vilente," he repeats, furrowing his brow as if he were attempting to somehow place the name but coming up empty. Slightly, he shakes his head. "I am Citan Uzuki. I do not believe we have met before," he says, matter-of-factly, before glancing over at Eleanor, at Marivel and... Kamui's body (listen her head is over in the other direction okay). On the other hand, if he had to hazard a guess, the others here certainly /do/ know her...

    Which does not speak well for 'Miss Vilente', if that matter were even up for debate in the first place.

    Indeed, he's made her an object of study, particularly when she reacts like that to Kamui's playground-level verbal jab, a reaction which Marivel and Eleanor (who are close enough to notice) may note provokes the doctor to struggle for a moment to keep a straight face regarding.
    (Marivel's own remark doesn't help terribly in the 'Citan Uzuki keeps a straight face' category but fortunately, he has considerable experience in this matter...!)

    The fact that he's put on the spot soon after may help in that regard. "--'Chuuni'? Well, er..." Citan hazards, taken completely by surprise by this request for a definition. "How should I say..."

    Citan may be stalling.

    He may have also taken notice of that higher-powered barrier about her, not to mention Asgard's incredible speed and personal defenses. There is something about it that...

    Melody addresses him again. Slowly, he turns his head to regard her, otherwise on the sidelines of the fight that is breaking out here. "I decline," he says, a blunt statement from the usually deferential doctor. "I am afraid your intentions are far too clear to permit you to do as you please."

    And he, to outside view, exhales. Eleanor might be aware that the air about her has grown briefly cooler, bringing with it a breeze and a promise of a better day.

    Citan may be stalling, still. But for what reason?

GS: Citan Uzuki spends 1 Combo on Inspire!
GS: Citan Uzuki has attacked Eleanor Klein with Reishou!
GS: Citan Uzuki has gained 1 Combo!
GS: Citan Uzuki has completed his action.
GS: Eleanor Klein accepts Citan Uzuki's Reishou for 0 hit points!
GS: Eleanor Klein activates Reload!!
GS: Eleanor Klein gains a Combo from Inspire!
<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

"Yes. But I greatly appreciate your assistance, Doctor."

Eleanor at first thinks she would rather just talk, but it's unfortuante that it can't be the case. This will change a bit. Melody Vilente, she says her name is...

And she's almost concerned about her.

Maybe Eleanor de-escalates a bit because she speaks calmly. Maybe not. But Eleanor can't help but be amused at her reaction to Kamui's taunt, because, let's be real, she can't be mature all the time. "Yes, well--"

"Ah--" Eleanor is briefly lifted into the air by the force of Melody's assault, shaken and left to fall back to the ground with a huff, shielded only by a small barrier she is able to put up in time, a little light within the rings. From the ground she hits one knee, and then starts to rise again.

"...Not the first time I've heard that," Eleanor says as she gets her feet under her. "But it'll take more than that to bring down a sorceress of Sielje!" While she looks young for the title, her voice is clear and strong...

"If what you really want is more evidence of the Filgaia hypothesis, why capture these two instead of just talking with them? You'd get more from cooperation than force. Why throw in your lot with Odessa of all things?"

Oh she remembers where she's seen Asgard before, all right. And she does notice Citan appears to be stalling. She notices a lot more than that, though, when a cool breeze seems to run through her hair, and she feels... clearer.

"All right, Marivel--" Eleanor turns to focus on Asgard next, pulling a Crest with the power of Wing doubled. "Let me see if I can bring this down for you."

"Kamui! Hang on!" Then, she breathes in, and colorful light begins to swirl around her as she starts the casting, the gold on her Crest lighting up in arcane geometries. "O distant winds, come and guide my foe to a proper end! Mistral Judgment!"

Eleanor... tries to knock Asgard over so Marivel can get Kamui's head, or maybe blow her out of his grip, as a whirlwind comes in from the northwest and starts to batter about the Golem.

GS: Eleanor Klein spends 2 Combo on Headshot!
GS: Eleanor Klein has attacked Asgard with Mistral Judgment!
GS: Eleanor Klein has completed her action.
GS: CRITICAL! Asgard takes a solid hit from Eleanor Klein's Mistral Judgment for 222 hit points!
GS: Reaction switch bonus! Asgard gains 1 additional Combo!
GS: Jam applied to Asgard!
GS: Quick applied to Eleanor Klein!
<Pose Tracker> Asgard has posed.

"Well... perhaps we can change that. After my objectives are complete- I would not mind becoming further acquainted, Mister Uzuki - though if I don't mistake my guess... a man such as yourself might claim a far superior title."

Look Melody was a super awkward lab nerd okay?

Asgard will remember that Marivel. Melody though seems less offended than before, though that is not to say there is no outrage. "Wretched creature, how dare you-! Your accusation is a bluff I will even entertain. Such base biological functions no longer even apply to me."

Asgard keeps his fist against the Power Seal for an UNCOMFORTABLY long time. It's not just that he's trying to drive it through, but he's trying to figure out WHAT he's driving it through. His sensors glowing red as he shoves Kamui's face up against it. Eventually though, Marivel tries to draw some of his essence back. And wisps of energy flow off the high powered barrier he just erected.

Marivel might realize... he's adapting to her magic. Compensating for the power drain of what she desires to draw off by simply sending off some energy waste from his shield. "ACKNOWLEDGED." He actually intones, surprisingly at her request not to hit her with the baby as he keeps moving Kamui's head out of Marivel's hopping way. You see. It actually falls within his orders. He's to subdue Marivel and Kamui after all. And then his other hand snakes out. Attempts to grab her by her collar. Then up and over as he drives her bodily into the sand.

There's a sand geyser on the beach afterwards that reaches high into the sky.

"I'm not about to allow my intelligence questioned by an artificial being who can't even keep their head on straight!" Melody snaps at the insult of Dunderhead.

Unfortunately Asgard CANNOT ask Citan what Kamui suggests he ask about because Melody just ordered him not to. Even if he's currently registering Citan as a non-combatant who is likely to become a combatant. The splash of pineapple juice crackles against a field of blue energy in the air. Though there are SO MANY droplets that a few do splash onto his trenchcoat and Melody briefly gets a yellow droplet on her cheek.

Asgard responds like a total beach bully that just got a drink spilled on him and his girl by the local nerd, holding out the palm of his barrier knuckle, such that the barriers shift in mid-air. Then sliding towards Kamui's body he tries to slap it down so that her neck will eat sand.

Asgard's systems are intensely fixed upon the multiple representations of Chuuni - from Marivel, to Citan. Trying to suss out the context. Though as Citan continues stalling and channeling his Chi into target after target... Melody's patience seems to thin. The moment he declines, she hisses malevolently, "So be it! I do not accept your rejection."

The only reason she's not more enraged is that it was only rejection, rather than insults. With a wave of his arm, those same strange rings of anti-life that must come from a strange ARM descend over Citan's form, running up and down his form.

Eleanor's question though gets a response from Melody, "Oh you misunderstand me child. That is a separate interest of mine. The reason I seek to interrogate them is each of them recognized this weapon. It is thus not impossible that they have some knowledge that the Wisdom of Hyades cannot teach." Eleanor gathers power though, and the Golem seems to understand it gathering, as if he'd encountered Crest Sorcery before.

Unfortunately he hadn't encountered THIS MUCH before. And the Golem takes it head on. The force of the wind actually slams into him... skidding him all the way into the ocean, as it parts under the weight of his bulk... then rushes back in to claim him beneath the surface. Kamui's head rockets into the air straight up vertically... giving the others time to catch it. "Not bad." Melody allows. "I suppose this is the vaunted 'power of youth.'" Unfortunately, two glowing red lights can be seen in the ocean, moving closer. And closer.

A hand emerges. A palm that encloses into a fist. And Eleanor simply finds herself being caged in by fields that surround her on all sides that lift her off the ground, the barriers shredding through her protections, as the Golem tromps - straight... towards... her.

"Such a waste." Melody mourns.

GS: Asgard has attacked Kamui with Barrier Knuckle!
GS: Asgard has gained 1 Combo!
GS: Asgard has attacked Citan Uzuki with Eliminate Scanner!
GS: Asgard has attacked Marivel Armitage with Iron Grip!
GS: Asgard has attacked Eleanor Klein with Barrier Bind!
GS: Asgard has completed his action.
GS: Kamui takes a glancing hit from Asgard's Barrier Knuckle for 44 hit points!
GS: Reaction switch bonus! Kamui gains 1 additional Combo!
GS: Kamui activates Evade bonus!
GS: Kamui enters CONDITION GREEN!!
GS: Citan Uzuki takes a glancing hit from Asgard's Eliminate Scanner for 64 hit points!
GS: Eleanor Klein takes a solid hit from Asgard's Barrier Bind for 0 hit points!
GS: Dispel! Quick removed!
GS: Entangle and Shieldbreak applied to Eleanor Klein!
GS: Eleanor Klein activates Countermeasures!
GS: Marivel Armitage takes a glancing hit from Asgard's Iron Grip for 88 hit points!
GS: Reaction switch bonus! Marivel Armitage gains 1 additional Combo!
<Pose Tracker> Kamui has posed.

    "I mean, it's having a heck of a time aiming, but I think it's otherwise okay!!" Kamui shouts to Citan, right about the time Eleanor's crest sorcery blasts Asgard back and flings her straight up.

    "Fly ball!! Fly ball!" Kamui's Head exclaims in panic. "Someone catch meeeee! Mom! Ele! Doc!"

    At around this time, Kamui's Body is busy getting a body-full of Barrier Knuckle, and it's barely able to raise its guard as it gets flung straight through the air and slams straight against a tropical tree, cracking it in half as it tumbles to one side.

    "Body down! Body down!" Kamui exclaims, still in mid-air, then pauses. "Wait, Body--"

    Kamui's Body rises once more; a battle aura seems to surround it.

    "Body, are you saying... you're not going to give up?"

    Kamui's Body, limping, gets into a fighting stance!

    "Body! We've been through so much, you and I... I'm so sorry for all the junk food I shoved into you! I realise... I've been selfish, I get to taste the juicy deliciousness of fried chicken only to slide it straight into your belly..."

    How the heck is this entire conversation going on while Kamui's Head is in the air, one asks? Well... free actions...

    "Go get 'em, Body!"

    Kamui's Body digs one of its heels into the sand, and does that sand-scraping thing bulls do as it lowers itself into a runners' start. And then... it charges, straight at Asgard!!!

    "Body-- um--"


    Unfortunately, Kamui's Body didn't realise Asgard had been knocked back into the ocean, and trips on water and starts flailing water all over. At least... some of the salt will get on Asgard's trenchcoat, sullying the beautiful aged leather...?


    You're doing your best, Kamui's Body...

GS: Kamui has attacked Asgard with Splishity-Sploosh!
GS: Kamui has gained 1 Combo!
GS: Kamui has completed her action.
GS: Asgard critically guards Kamui's Splishity-Sploosh for 19 hit points!
GS: Reaction switch bonus! Asgard gains 1 additional Combo!
<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    "That much, I can... see. Yes," the doctor, for now still on the sidelines as he watches her... head go sailing on by. "You would not need help in reattachment, would you?"

    Unfortunately, he cannot seem to remain on the sidelines. "Indeed," Citan responds promptly, as if to brush aside the rest of her... subtext, "I am a country doctor." Perhaps this is not the 'exalted title' she may have been expecting...

    His attention, however, has moved to Asgard, and in particular, to the interplay between Marivel and Asgard on the field. While he cannot speak to Marivel's powers and the way she uses them on the level she might, he can still see what Asgard's doing versus what she's doing and make a few reasonable extrapolations. To wit: her ability to drain Asgard's energy is something he is compensating for. He hadn't done it initially.

    "...It is..."

    Learning. Just as he'd thought.

    And indeed, the reason he had stalled. Wouldn't raising a hand against Asgard lessen put him at risk should they cross paths in the future? But at the same time, it's a marvelous trick to manage to plan for a future that might not exist--

    If one doesn't act now.

    Melody does not take kindly to rejection it seems. "So that is the sort of woman you are," he remarks flatly, and further response may be cut short when she targets him. He leaps back in an attempt to evade those descending rings and is but a moment too slow to escape them entirely, a wince coloring his face as even that brush gives him a taste of its full power. "What sort of weapon is..." he starts to say.

    In this moment, Asgard strips Eleanor of her enchantments and with those barriers, boxes her in. It does not take a seer to guess at his next action. "No!"

    Citan's own is to break into a short dash across the sands for the Golem, meeting Asgard somewhere in the middle. He stops somewhere just before they collide and twisting his body, channels all the force of his momentum into one forward thrusting palm.

GS: Citan Uzuki has attacked Asgard with Ukigumo!
GS: Cover and Riposte expired!
GS: Citan Uzuki has completed his action.
GS: Asgard critically guards Citan Uzuki's Ukigumo for 23 hit points!
GS: Asgard activates Guard bonus!
<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

"But it just happened again!" Marivel shouts. "Oh I see the confusion. Your new form just means it expels from your MOUTH. My bad!"

Marivel sees that Asgard is getting used to sorcerous assaults and she clucks her tongue in annoyance. "I can't summon them yet..." She murmurs to herself. She deftly slides to the side but Asgard is abl to sieze Marivel up and send her CRUSING towards the sand like some kind of old comic involivng a skinny thing vs some beach jock--but Marivel, unlike most skinny things, transmogrifies herslf into smok bfore reforming herself into the form of


And she flutters up towards Kamui's head and catches it in her paws!

"Looks like I was thinking....ahead....!" Marive squeaks.

Flap flap.

"Neener neener pumpkin eater!" Batrivel squeaks before channeling her own power--

--and summoning a small swarm of BLITZBALLS to fling themselvs out of nowhere towards Asgard!

"Kamui did your head put on weight...?" Marivel murmurs quietly. "Is it because of all the pineapple juice?"

DORCA AND RANNA MEANWHILE... hide behind Kamui's body.

GS: Marivel Armitage has attacked Asgard with Shut up And Jam Ball!
GS: Marivel Armitage has completed her action.
GS: Asgard takes a solid hit from Marivel Armitage's Shut up And Jam Ball for 139 hit points!
GS: Reaction switch bonus! Asgard gains 1 additional Combo!
GS: Jam applied to Asgard!
<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

The power... of Chuuni. Eleanor does not invoke it.

Instead she gets an actual answer to her question. Eleanor notes it in her mind as she finishes her casting, putting force into her magic--

"Child, is it? Well, I'll rely on the power of youth, then." The spell itself is unusual Crest Sorcery, imbued with power from an ancient Crest Graph that Eleanor makes use of, wrote papers on. They are different, and require different defenses. ...Unfortunately for Eleanor, the Crests don't automatically work as defense.

"I was the top of my class," Eleanor assures Melody, with some pride. But her eyes narrow as she sees glowing red lights--and then widen. The fields that start to surround her are a surprise, and while she instinctively shoves back at them, she rises from the ground all the same. This sees her pushing against the barrier forward, then to the side. "That's--"

Such a waste, Melody says, and Eleanor is stuck. She can't move from where the Golem is approaching, and she is very vulnerable.

But Marivel gets Kamui's Head, and Citan rushes to intercept--maybe that'll buy her enough time to reach for another Crest, mid-air. Her apprehension is clear--she's all but tensed up for the blow to come.

"Doctor, I think if I'm lucky I might need you in a moment--"

Muse and Geo interplay in gold as light begins to filter around her, the crest barely visible as she can't quite do more than get her fingers on it.

"Sublime Renewal!"

Magic shoots forth from all around Eleanor, sparkling light seeking to break through the powerful barriers around her completely, just as it falls on Marivel, Kamui's Head And Body, and Citan at the same time. If she's lucky, she'll fall before Asgard strikes. Otherwise...

GS: Eleanor Klein has attacked Marivel Armitage with Sublime Renewal!
GS: Eleanor Klein has attacked Citan Uzuki with Sublime Renewal!
GS: Eleanor Klein has attacked Kamui with Sublime Renewal!
GS: Eleanor Klein has attacked Eleanor Klein with Sublime Renewal!
GS: Eleanor Klein has gained 1 Combo!
GS: Eleanor Klein has completed her action.
GS: Eleanor Klein heals Citan Uzuki! He gains 110 temporary hit points!
GS: Pray grants a random effect! Amplify applied to Citan Uzuki!
GS: Eleanor Klein heals Eleanor Klein! She gains 110 temporary hit points!
GS: Restore! Entangle and Shieldbreak removed!
GS: Pray grants a random effect! Burst applied to Eleanor Klein!
GS: Eleanor Klein heals Marivel Armitage! She gains 115 temporary hit points!
GS: Pray grants a random effect! Amplify applied to Marivel Armitage!
GS: Marivel Armitage enters CONDITION GREEN!!
GS: Eleanor Klein heals Kamui! She gains 115 temporary hit points!
GS: Pray grants a random effect! Amplify applied to Kamui!
<Pose Tracker> Asgard has posed.

Melody indeed, is not a big fan of Citan's title. You see, it's the eternal rivalry between Academics and Medical Doctors... at least if he were a big city doctor he might rate.

Kamui's body charges at Asgard. Asgard has an almost monofocus on Eleanor who has caused him to lose hold on his objective. It's not until Kamui's body starts splashing and flailing at him at point blank range that he responds. At first it's like he's simply trying to nudge something that isn't truly a threat out of the way - as if she were some harmless kitten on the lowest level of threat priority Eventually though her body keeps getting in his way so much that he swings his foot back...

... then rockets it forward to smash into Kamui, sending her up in a separate skyward arc back towards the jungle.

"You're the physician." Melody jabs Citan's way as he asks about the weapon, "Shouldn't you know? Though I suppose it would be beyond the realm of knowledge of a country bumpkin."

She smiles as he charges into the fight. Asgard sees Citan coming though. In a strange twist of fate, he doesn't simply try to shrug off the blow. As Citan's momentum is channeled into the palm. The Golem brings down its arm in a low block. The barrier on the back of his fist shimmering as it absorbs the momentum. He'd never seen Citan's martial arts before, so his systems had to compensate for that ignorance in a form of bet hedging.

But he does have extensive data banks on other martial artists by now. Suddenly reversing his momentum, he knocks him backwards with the barrier knuckle that he blocked with.

However - that was an ample distraction. Marivel's Blitzballs rain down - pummeling Asgard repeatedly, he actually steps backwards away from Citan, unable to follow up. A Blitzball lands on one of his horns, and deflates - becoming a pathetic wisp of rubber hanging there. His systems now want to know what Pumpkin Eater is. But he was told not to ask. For now he actually moves past Marivel's floating bat with Kamui's head - straight towards Eleanor.

"Top of your class hm? You are the poster child for how bad decisions waste potential then, I suppose." Melody notes of Eleanor. As Asgard makes the final stretch. She casts her magic. And Asgard suddenly picks up the pace, charging at her like a freight train - raising his fist in the air as if he were going to punch the ground - and crack it open.

And then... suddenly, there's another presence. "Halt Asgard. There's no point in continuing this battle." His momentum ceases at once. The fist lowers to his side. Blurred features of a swiftly moving - vibrating outline move to Melody's side. "What precisely are you doing other than trying to pick up one of the ARMs tagalongs... poorly? I do commend you on lowering your standards to more... realistic ones - after your failure with Commander Rhadamanthus, but really Melody..."

Melody sweeps her arm back, "You!? You were monitoring me?"

The Slickster notes with dripping condescension, "Of course. Though I didn't expect to do more than watch. I thought you were at least capable of a simple snatch and grab operation... but darling, you must stop letting your emotions get the better of you. Now that the element of surprise is gone - you might as well retreat and give it the ol' college try another day. The Crimson Noble has your objective - and unrestrained, she can simply escape at any time. You're aware of this."

Melody seems to curse beneath her breath, "We will have words when we return." Melody casts a glance at the bat and Kamui's head. "Enjoy your reprieve."

She doesn't say anything to Eleanor or Citan, other than giving them a withering look. Strangely, perhaps she took their words far more personally? Despite the two of them not being her objective.

All three shapes suddenly become fewer than three dimensions, then two dimensions... then a line. Gone.


During one of his rare moments alone - Asgard removes something from his pocket. An action which is more difficult than one might imagine with his fingers. Finding himself staring at a piece of cellulose with his picture on it - and the reploid.

'Say, fuzzy pickles!'

It is a mystery, his systems continue to optimize data but he has never gotten enough context to understand the meaning.

His systems weigh the option of asking one of his masters the answer.

'Don't ask about unnecessary things.'

The Golem starts to clumsily slide it back into the trenchcoat pocket. If he cannot ask...

... then it means it is something he must figure out the answer to on his own.

GS: Asgard has attacked Kamui with You kick MUI? You kick her body like the Blitzball?!
GS: Asgard has gained 2 Combo!
GS: Asgard has attacked Citan Uzuki with Barrier Knuckle!
GS: Asgard spends 1 Combo on Link!
GS: Asgard enters CONDITION GREEN!!
GS: Asgard has attacked Asgard with Optimize Data!
GS: Asgard has gained 1 Combo!
GS: Asgard has launched an attack Link!
GS: Asgard has completed his action.
GS: Citan Uzuki takes a solid hit from Asgard's Barrier Knuckle for 105 hit points!
GS: Kamui accepts Asgard's You kick MUI? You kick her body like the Blitzball? for 93 hit points!
<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    He can see that by saying that he's being regarded a rank more poorly by her.

    This is, by Citan's estimation, just fine.

    Melody attempts to goad him on this very matter before long.

    "Indeed, you are quite right. I am afraid this was not covered in my schooling," he replies, some of his earlier stoniness giving way to almost amusement at her attempt to needle him.

    Is it possible that... her attempts to hit on him made him really uncomfortable...?

    Even so, it's a fair argument that he might have hung back on the sidelines, until a certain series of events forces his hand. So to speak.

    He hits the charging Golem straight on with the open palm of his hand. It feels about as good as it might look to bystanders. He supposes Yui -- his instructor in the form -- might accept the intended effort for what it was, though. If you must hit something like that with your body, at least hit in in a way that will diffuse the force.
    At least hit it with something that isn't vital.

    "I hope... that is not the case...!" he utters to Eleanor, trying to hold his ground agains the Golem.

    If Asgard has not encountered practitioners of Shevat Open-Handed arts before, he has now -- given the information he's collected, it isn't hard to extrapolate the appropriate reaction. Though Citan attempts to weave out of the way of the incoming fist, the Golem's reflexes are second to none: it slams into him. While he doesn't get simply sent flying, he is flung backwards a good distance, sand spraying in his wake. Grimacing in pain, the doctor touches a hand to his torso and might have tried to make use of his own powers...

    Had not Eleanor beaten him to the punch. He breathes out, feeling the worst of his pains flee him, and shifts his stance, his gaze moving to Asgard then Melody and back again. Attack straight on? Feint? Attempt to delay, and flee?

    In the end, none of these options prove necessary. A young man -- though it is hard to get a read on much about him other than that -- has suddenly, and he and Melody are...

    "..." Citan watches the both of them, not so much as lowering his guard.

    Not until they are well and truly gone.

    Then and only then does he breathe out a sigh of relief, glancing about at the lot of them. "Well, that was quite lucky, would you not agree, Miss Klein?" He smiles. It's a tired smile. "Perhaps this is the day to try your hand at dice...?"