2017-03-15: An Alliance of Convenience: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: An Alliance of Circumstance''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Kahm Yugh, Character :: Elhaym van Houten, Character :: Virginia Maxwell, Character :: Gwen Whi...")
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Revision as of 06:01, 2 April 2017

  • Log: An Alliance of Circumstance
  • Cast: Kahm Yugh, Elhaym van Houten, Virginia Maxwell, Gwen Whitlock
  • Where: Ruins of Memory
  • Date: March 15, 2017
  • Summary: Kahm and Elhaym search for traces of Fei after hearing he was sighted at the Ruins of Memory, and are shortly joined by Gwen and Virginia in a conveniently timed opportunity

<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

The search for Fei Fong Wong, wanted criminal and top bad dude on Gebler's list of Totally Bad Dudes, had continued with meaningful if frustrating progress from Captain Kahm Yugh's perspective. The target had become more cautious ever since they lost sight of him at the Adlehyde fair, and every rumor or sighting Kahm followed up on managed to be a dud or half a second too late. The latest tidbit of info happened to place the village vandal at one Ruins of Memory, a towering structure some ways outside of Adlehyde proper.

Kahm hardly expected to find him there, but it wasn't impossible investigating the ruins could turn up a clue or two about where the man may turn up next, or something he could've dropped. Much as he hated the thought of relying on the Black Ties for anything, it wasn't unthinkable that the doglike one of them could...pick up his scent or something.

In any case, Kahm knelt at the entrance of the ruins, investigating the memory cube at it's base with and trying to ignore the irritating hum it emitted as turned about perpetually. He remained dressed in his undercover outfit of black hat, vest, and boots, tucking his hat down in the sun and making a mildly irritated 'tch.

"Find anything, Lieutenant?" He asked Elhaym quietly, after first verifying they were (for the moment) alone.

<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

Elhaym van Houten has continued to rock that sky blue tunic dress. She likes that thing. She has put on some actual boots for walking around in the ruins, however, and Kahm may be pleased, or dismayed, to see that she has somehow obtained a pair of Bledavik-grade mirrored sunglasses. While these are among the acceptable and standard-issued gear for officers...

Well, she has them on now. "I think there's been some traffic here, but from what I can spot, it seems to be small groups. That means, if it is... Him... He would have had to join up with others, despite what we've posted as a reward..."

Elly pushes the sunglasses up the bridge of her nose with the tip of one finger. For the sixth time.

<Pose Tracker> Virginia Maxwell has posed.


"Look, I just need a-- start, you know?"

The burly man sitting on the porch outside the local Adventurer's Guild kind of looked on bemusedly at the young lady in the purple dress.

"I get that, but I dun get what you mean by 'Beginner'. Lady, y'know what a Drifter is, right?"

"Oh I get very well what a Drifter is, but we all have to start somewhere! That's why I'm asking if you have like a-- you know, like a baby's first Ruin? A level one kinda thing? You know, with the training ropes and padded mattresses instead of deadly spikes...?"

The man continued staring at her like she's insane. "This ain't no rodeo show, girlie. Now git!"


Virginia sagged as she marched through the Ranchlands on her way back to Adlehyde with a dejected sigh on her lips. She knew it wasn't going to be easy, but she was really confused about where to start. Some locals had pointed her out of town, saying that there was some ruin somewhere. Well, she can't wait forever, or Maya will find some other pretty and awesome and confident Drifter that'll leave Virginia Maxwell catching his vapor trails.

She blinked, glancing towards the Ruins of Memory in the distance, then down at her book.

"Is there... something you wanted to check out here, Diary? We're supposed to go back and see Maya at the hospital, but, if you wanna act on a hunch, I'm with you..."

A pause, and then she started down the steps and slopes to head closer to where there seemed to be two people off in the distance discussing something near the memory cube. Could they be fellow Drifters? "Heey, are you two trying to explore this Ruin?" she asks, as casual as asking if they're waiting for the bus.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

Ida's words to Gwen last night at the tavern have made last night's attempts at sleep rather rough. A quiet night under the stars isn't always a terrible prospect, but the distant possibility that the body parts of Metal Demon last well into modern day has left a pretty poisonous little idea in her head. A theory, perhaps. Staring at her ungloved right hand as it grasped towards the distant pinpricks of light, then feeling the beat of her heart against the tactile skin of that hand's fingertips, the courier wondered, for once, if her idea of 'luck' was something far more sinister.

The morning brought new energy and a new sense of determination. Why, there's a ruin from the Metal Demons War nearby, isn't there? Just get on your horse, deliver some mail towards that way, and see where Lady Luck takes you!

Annnnd Lady Luck fails her. Finally gaining on the ruins, Gwen is happy to see a party, but slouches her shoulders at the familiar sight of Kahm's distinctive black uniform, combined with Elly's long red hair. And... another person.

Well, why not make the best of things? "Mr. Rider." Gwen trots up on Gulliver, leading the silver toned horse up to the gathered group of associates. "I take it you all aren't just sight-seeing. Need a hand?"

<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

"Yes, it doesn't seem like we can count on the local drifter population for assistance." Kahm remarked, hands stuffed in his pockets, face scrunched up and scrutiny as he toed a small rock as if it held back some hidden secret from him. He had not commented on the Lieutenant's choice of accessory, other than to take an occasional sidelong glance in her direction and squint at the light glaring off the sunglasses.

He supposed it looked the part. A typical lamb adventurer could find themselves adorned with all sorts of random items.

Whatever the Captain was about to say next was stifled as two new guests happened upon them: One a familiar face, the other less. "Miss Whitlock." Kahm greeted the mounted woman, tipping his hat deferentially, "Your arrival is rather fortuitous...both your arrivals." He looked to Virginia and quickly introduced himself, "Marcus Rider, of Smith & Luio Agency." It was the sort of introduction that would breed the expectation of a flashy sheriff's star next, though he produced no such thing.

"I and this young lady here..." He gestured to Elly, "Just so happen to be interested in these ruins. If it's worth your while as drifter, we wouldn't mind your assistance in exploring what we can."

DG: You have created a party! Your Digger status has been reset! As party leader your presence is very important! If you need to leave, please first promote another player using +party/promote <target>. Remember to set your tools before setting out with +tools/load.
DG: Kahm Yugh has created a party! To join, type +party/reset and then type +party/join Kahm Yugh.
DG: Virginia Maxwell has joined your party!
DG: Gwen Whitlock has joined your party!
DG: Elhaym van Houten has joined your party!
<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

Elly thinks they make her look good, confident, adult. They do conceal her big wet violet eyes which have the threat potential of a gently warmed cup of tea. And as she looks at the others, this is revealed when she takes them off to say--

"Virginia!" She steps forwards hastily, due to what looks like a fatigued expression on Virginia's face. Kahm is already speaking, though. Her lips purse as she gets nearer, but she tells her, "... That's right. I suppose you've found out why I wasn't being so forthcoming. This is my nephew Marcus, and - Excuse me, my partner."

The words are almost identical in Solarian, leave her alone. Elly bulls on ahead to cover things up. "We're prepared to compensate you, if you were already planning to examine the situation."

Elly takes the sunglasses out of her neckline but she doesn't put them back on right away. She toys with them as she looks at Gwen, silently wondering, maybe, if she's going to ride that horse into the ruins.

(The horse, she resolves, doesn't get a share.)

<Pose Tracker> Virginia Maxwell has posed.

Virginia's eyes shot wide open as she went, "Oh, Elly!" She was so tired she didn't even realise one of them was the lady she met yesterday when she was drunk on bitters at the bar. "Wow, you're a Drifter too! Um, if you'll have me, then of course I'll accompany you!"

A pause. "Uh-- well, that's what I'd say, but--"

She dithers. "I haven't actually been in a Ruin before. So if you're looking for someone experienced..." she glanced at Gwen. Look at her, she's got a horse! So cool! "I think she'd be better? Hey, I'm Virginia," she waves a bit nervously.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

Yes, Gwen thinks quickly, she can make this work. Fei said the Gebler were the ones after him. If she tags along on this dig, maybe she can gain some vital information on how these associates (and family members?) work. "I wouldn't mind at all, really. I got my share of deliveries done, and I was thinking about checking out this place at some point."

The horse is not going. Gulliver has gotten content with the idea of earning his keep by sitting outside of entrances and eating, while his person does something, then going to another entrance to eat. These entrances may be next to once another, or very far apart. It is a very difficult job. Gulliver does, however, give a doe-eyed stare at Virginia and Elly as he ambles past, ushering Gwen to a shady spot next to some grass. Dismounting her horse, Gwen ties his reigns to a handy hook, and undoes a compartment of his saddle to gather her tools. "Just give me a few."

Hearing Virginia's nervous words, Gwen cranes her head to look at the young Drifter. No, Virginia. You're not getting out of this. "Not *that* experienced! But I've been on a few digs, sure. But c'mon! Join in! Experience is the key to getting better. Just stick by me and we'll figure things out. Sound good?" She looks towards Kahm and Elly, to see if they're still up to having them both. "Ready when you two are."

DG: The party hasn't entered the dungeon yet. Please use +dungeon/enter for your first draw.
DG: A party led by Kahm Yugh is now entering Ruins of Memory.
DG: Party formation is now over. An Entry Challenge will now be drawn and displayed to the party.
=====================<* CHALLENGE - Entering the Depths *>======================
|Type: Entry       |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 1          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 The exterior of the Ruins of Memory has been well-combed. Drifters have
 cleaned out the huge ground level, which is easily moved through. However,
 as you approach the deeper parts, you can find a great hole leading into the
 depths of the ruins. It will require caution to enter the depths in one
 piece, but the rewards may be worth it.
=Dungeon Conditions: Slow=====================================================
<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

Kahm quietly made a note to sign Elhaym up for remedial common speech once they got back to base.

Otherwise, he was perfectly cordial to the remainder of the group, nodding affirmingly to Gwen's encouragement of the newer digger, "Indeed, there's no better way to learn than in the company of some more experienced peers. Far better than trying your luck by your lonesome."

It wouldn't due to let her run off without verifying what she knew anyways, the Captain thought, ever mindful of the need for Gebler to control the narrative.

Once they were equipped and ready to descend, Kahm took the liberty of passing a few light rations around. "We'll need our energy up." He explained-and no, these particular ones were not pumped full of drugs.

When they came to the large hole, the disguised officer chose his steps carefully, back flush against the wall as he creeped along the perimeter of the drop off. "Watch your step." He said with caution, "Wouldn't due to have your career end here."

DG: Kahm Yugh has used his Tool Field Rations toward his party's challenge, Entering the Depths.
<Pose Tracker> Virginia Maxwell has posed.

There's a nervous breath from Virginia, but then she slowly nods at Gwen and said, "Okay, I'll-- I'll do my best, then."

Once the group wandered in, she glanced around with a somewhat ... disappointed look on her face. "Oh, I suppose it makes sense that there's nothing here... a lot of people have gone through this Ruin, haven't they?" She perks up and tries to not look too distracted. She perks up a little as she glanced down at the rations being passed around. "Huh... I hadn't even thought about bringing food."

She looks to the hole, nodding as she rummaged through her pack and brought out a crest. "I think the wind thingamadoodad will help here!"

She raised it to the air, and -- faint swirls of wind started to wrap around the group, making their steps lighter and... if they were to fall, they'd fall lighter, resisting the pull of gravity. "Just-- don't ask me how it works, I don't know."

Virginia: Ace Magician (tm).

DG: Virginia Maxwell has used her Tool Galecrest toward her party's challenge, Entering the Depths.
<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

Elly accepts the offered snack and eats it with brisk efficiency. "Something like that," she explains to Virginia, before they approach the hole of descent. She steps with caution but also ease, all that wind tugging at her hair.

"Oh-- Symbology, right?" she asks Virginia. While she does not then IMMEDIATELY VAULT INTO THE HOLE, she takes several experimental hops as she proceeds ahead. She seems to accept going ahead of Kahm, perhaps as befits a subordinate. Or an aunt, one or the other.

DG: Elhaym van Houten has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Entering the Depths.
<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

As they head in, Gwen tips her hat off her head, allowing it to sit behind her head like a black felt circle, running a hand through her hair. "Ahh, it's cooler in here. Mm?" She looks to Virginia. "Yeah, but being the first to find anything isn't exactly the best. Sometimes it takes new eyes to appreciate something's value. Somethin' like that, anyway." Ahh, it feels *good* to not be the lone newbie here. This 'experienced Drifter' hat is very nice, indeed! "Oh, by the way, the name's Gwen Whitlock. Super courier. Eheh..." She coughs into her gloved fist.

Gwen'll just hope she doesn't lose it too soon. Accepting the rations from Kahm, the courier dips her head in thanks, placing the rations into a pocket inside her vest. "Mighty kind of you."

The large hole reminds her of the lightless shaft ruins- that was a bit of a disaster. "Whatever helps us!" Symbols or crests- if it keeps her from falling down hard, she'll accept it. "Lucky us~" Carefully, she begins her descent, eyeing her grip on whatever holes she can grab onto for support. "Just take it easy and..."

DG: Gwen Whitlock has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Entering the Depths.
DG: You fail the challenge, and take 3 Exhaustion! You have 3 total Exhaustion.
DG: The party led by Kahm Yugh has passed this challenge! The party gained 12 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Elhaym van Houten has drawn a new Challenge.
========================<* CHALLENGE - Goblin Raiders *>========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 1          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 Goblins are prone to plunder anywhere they can find. The short,
 green-skinned creatures are as surprised to see you as you are them when one
 of their bombs blows a hole through a wall. They rush out, some with long
 knives and others carrying shortbows.
=Dungeon Conditions: Wound====================================================
<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

And so, the incredibly plausible pair of private investigators, who may have a bizarre family connection - along with two people they found on the street - descend. Some scuffs and bumps occur but nobody falls down and dies, which is a plus. Elly lands, sweeping her hair back with one hand and seeming slightly pleased with herself.

"From here, Marcus, which way do you think--"

FWAM! A tunnel opens up thanks to the work of some goblin bombardiers. A squad of the gobbos emerges in the smoke and haze, and as Elly coughs and it dissipates, they are revealed.

"Glorp," says one of them. Another goblin smacks that first goblin. Then they screech, readying their arms--

At which point Elly does three things in short succession:

1. Scream

2. pull out her gun, though she empties the clip to no apparent effect

3. make one of the goblins erupt in a sudden surge of greasy flame

Dynamic! But there's a lot more where that came from.

DG: Elhaym van Houten has used her Tool Sidearm toward her party's challenge, Goblin Raiders.
<Pose Tracker> Virginia Maxwell has posed.

Virginia looks really relieved as the team descends down safely to the bottom floor, with a wipe of her brow as the magic fizzles out just as the last of them do. "I was hoping it'd run out midway down, and--" and then Gobu!

She whipped her head around, and stared.

One of the Gobs stared back, gobu.

"Ahhhhh--!" the two of them shouted at each other. "I remember you from Boot Hill, gobu!"

The two spring back into action and roll underneath conveniently placed chest-high pieces of Ruins debris. "Wait, why did I adopt your speech tic, gobu?!" Twin silvered ARMs are whipped out in rapid succession, and fired across the room. Is Virginia going to hit, or is she just blindfiring at empty air?? Tune in and find out... gobu!

DG: Virginia Maxwell has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Goblin Raiders.
<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

Like before, Gwen just doesn't know her own strength. Upon landing her boot against one crack in the wall while landing her right hand on a handy rock to grip, Gwen continues climbing downwards, carefully. The alarmed squeak is all the warning she gives to anyone else when her boot slides past a surface, leaving her to dangle fromthe rock she's gripping in her right hand, which promptly collapses. "Gggghhhhaaa!"

Landing with a sound, Gwen stumbles to her feet and wavers. ".... That was... ah... close... Everyone okay?" Yes, it seems, thanks to Virginia's magic.

Which makes the appearance of the goblins somewhat untimely, if not impossible to deal with. Instead of whipping out her gun like a good drifter (if she even has a gun at all), Gwen lands a punch against a charging goblin's face, knocking it across the room. "H-hey, Miss Elly, you okay?" Oh, she's okay. The goblins Elly shot? Not so much. "Okay, that's good!" Another goblin is punched. "Augh, Gobs from Boot Hill are the *worst*!" Wait. Did they just refer to Virgina? "Oh, you're from Boot Hill? My Auntie's from there!" Punch.

DG: Gwen Whitlock has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Goblin Raiders.
<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

"Crest magic, I think." Kahm commented to Elly as their feet gingerly touched the ground. The young woman was quite skillfull in its use, it would seem.

The Captain is about suggest a direction when the sound of a small explosion interrupts them, followed by the chitter chatter of common goblins. Not unusual.

"Hm." Kahm thinks, instinctively pulling his firearm and cracking off a few shots in tandem with Elly, but also playing a sneakier game. Using the cover afforded by the dust thrown up by the explosion, he manages to arm one of the sonic grenades he'd been carrying in a side pack, tossing it underhand to roll discretely into the group of gabbing gobbers, where it will emit one of those lovely 'EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!' sounds right into their presumably oversized ears.

Hopefully that scatters them Kahm thought as he upped and kicked one of beastly things right in the face. "Hold steady, and they'll break." He suggested, firing a few more gunshots for good measure.

DG: Kahm Yugh has used his Tool Sonic Grenade toward his party's challenge, Goblin Raiders.
DG: You pass the challenge, and take 5 Exhaustion! You have 8 total Exhaustion.
DG: The party led by Kahm Yugh has passed this challenge! The party gained 22 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

The gobs go down like it's an episode of the OC and they were all, collectively, named Trey. In the din and chaos of magic and gunfire, accented by Kahm's brutal kick and the screaming of his sonic grenade, they are routed. When the smoke clears, any survivors have vamoosed back the way they came.

  • 42G!

Who gave them money?

DG: Gwen Whitlock has drawn a new Challenge.
==========================<* CHALLENGE - Arrow Trap *>==========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 1          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 As you enter this room, a few slits on the wall open up. Arrows fire out -
 and though they may be ancient, they are still sharp and fast as ever!
=Dungeon Conditions: Wound====================================================
<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

Virginia was disappointed earlier about the ruins possibly being well-traveled and well-explored. Well, they might be, but this area hasn't had enough 'tourists' (read: scavengers) to run out of arrows. So, as our brave party travels forward, ancient arrows unblemished and unchipped by age fly from the walls in a synchronized procession, suggesting a very remarkable feat of machinery behind this hallway. Perhaps something valuable will lie ahead, if people manage to pass by this danger unharmed...

Gwen, for example, is eyeing the timing of those arrows. "H'okay, I think there's a pattern here. Maybe if we just run ahead at some signal and keep running, it'll be fine, right?" Right. Except these arrows are patterned akin to three stoplights in a row, ensuring a driver shall always be stuck at at least one. "Okay, I'm going for it!" She runs ahead at full speed, yelling all the way there.

DG: Gwen Whitlock has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Arrow Trap.
<Pose Tracker> Virginia Maxwell has posed.

Virginia coughs inbetween the din of Kahm's sonic grenade, wondering what kind of device that was; Elly also seemed to have sorcerous powers too, wow! "And don't come back, gobu!"

Aww crap, that tic was gonna stick around for a while, wasn't it?

She tapped her chin for a moment, and her eyes widened-- "Ah, that's--" Virginia rummaged around for the crest again. "I'll see how this works... wind-thingy, make the arrows blow... the other way!"

She extended her hand, and gale forces appear to form a corridor of relative safety in the centre for the group to hopefully traverse through... and then she's off after Gwen!

DG: Virginia Maxwell has used her Tool Galecrest toward her party's challenge, Arrow Trap.
<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.


"I'm alright," Elly tells Gwen, sweeping her hair back and taking a deep breath. "It just surprised me..." She doesn't get in the lead this time, though. When Virginia gets out the wind crest and Gwen makes a break for it, Elly runs too, confident that one way or another it's going to work out. Hopefully not at Gwen's expense, though.

"If you see any signs of someone else having passed through this area, please let us know!" Elly adds, over the 'thwips' and 'twangs' of outrageous fortune.

DG: Elhaym van Houten has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Arrow Trap.
<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

Did you know that, upon combination with H2O and exposure to natural atmosphere, the standard gebler ration can also double as sealant compound effective in stopping anything from fuel leaks to loss of air pressure? Kam does!

That's why, when the arrows start flying, he quickly rips open a ration or two and dabs it with water, balling them up and tossing them into a few arrow slits to seal and gum up the works, hopefully giving the group a slightly easier time of passing through the deadly hallway.

"Yes.." He said to Elly's comment, leaping over a conspicuous pile of bones, "It's easy for would-be explorers to get lossed, any finding any remains can often help provide closure to kin and family."

DG: Kahm Yugh has used his Tool Field Rations toward his party's challenge, Arrow Trap.
DG: You pass the challenge, and take 4 Exhaustion! You have 12 total Exhaustion.
DG: The party led by Kahm Yugh has passed this challenge! The party gained 12 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Virginia Maxwell has drawn a new Challenge.
=========================<* CHALLENGE - Blue Books *>=========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 1          |
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 The Ruins of Memory used to be an ancient library. Bookshelves line the
 walls in parts of the ruins, such as this long hallway. However, when you
 enter, some of the books rise. They open, pages aflutter - and ancient
 Symbols on them flare to life. Then, ice, fire, and lightning come crashing
 down as the animated books attack.
=Dungeon Conditions: Stupify==================================================
<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

Well, Gwen *did* tell them that a certain Fei Fong Wong would be possibly looking into some digs for some needed gella. It seems they're acting on that.

And they're good at it, with a little help from Virginia. Wind manages to knock many arrows off course, while Kahm's careful applying of food rations not only block some of the slits the arrows come from, the chewy goodness gets into the gears, chasing the machinery hidden behind the stone walls to begin to screech in protest. They'll resume eventually, but for now, Kahm's sacrifice is not in vain.

<Pose Tracker> Virginia Maxwell has posed.

The group's combined efforts -- both Gwen and Elly's quick feet and the fact that the arrows aren't quite making their way to where they're designed to go, both thanks to Virginia's magic and Kahm's probably unintended use of a Gebler ration -- take them rather safely through the corridor. From there, it wasn't too much further before they descend into what seems like a rather large, ancient library... filled with floating books.

Virginia stared at the closest one to her, which was already charging up a spell. "Diary? Are these friends of yours?"

A pause. "No, nevermind, Diary. I'll handle the meet and greet. You know what they say -- life's most interesting when--" she thrusts another crest out and blasts them with a gout of flame. "--you don't know what's coming up!"

DG: Virginia Maxwell has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Blue Books.
<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

Elly narrows her eyes.

Her greatest foe... literacy.

She draws her gun and slots in a new magazine, which in Solaris is sometimes known as a 'clip.' Her eyes turn towards Kahm as she takes aim, the limpid pools of blue-violet emotions in this case signalling 'should we make it clearer we're looking for Fei?' followed by a slight glance towards Gwen and a single shake of her head. After this a blast of ice nearly rips through her calf.

Elly gets to shooting books, which she has zero problems doing.

DG: Elhaym van Houten has used her Tool Sidearm toward her party's challenge, Blue Books.
<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

Whatever was in these books should probably not be left around to be read by surface dwellers, Kahm reasons.

A few books burst into dusty puffs of pages and leather with several crisp shots from the Captain's gun, and he'll nod to Elly's unspoken question: No point in playing coy at this point. "Miss Whitlock here would know." He said, brushing the frost from an errant ice blast off his side, "But we're looking for a wanted criminal by the name of Fei. You might've seen his poster up around town, Miss Maxwell."

Another tome flutters up, and Kahm actually unsheathes his sword to take care of this one, cleaving it in two while keeping his gun at the ready. "Heard he ran through here not long ago. Any traces of his presence could go a long way towards bringing him in."

DG: Kahm Yugh has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Blue Books.
<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

Diary. Does VIrginia have a pet named Diary? That is *adorable*. As she overhears Virginia, Gwen can't help but grin at the thought of a little puppy or kitten named something like that. Gwen wonders, was she this adorable when she started? How did she not know~

Wait. Friends. Does Diary have friends? More importantly, how does one punch a flying book? As Virginia and Elly let loose with flame and bullets, Gwen keeps well out of their range, instead attempting to cover their backs. How does one punch a flying book? You grab a book from the shelf nearby and _fling it at them_. "Sorry, Auntie Frea," she mutters under her breath, "looks like I'm destroying yet another library..."

At least here, it's justified. And if she's good enough with her aim, she won't have to use very many books to get the job done. "Nice shot, Miss Elly! Miss Maxwell, you really shouldn't be so hard on yourself, you're a natural! Aha, good swordsmanship there too, Mr. Rider."

AT the mention of Fei, Gwen has to rub at her face with her sleeve to avoid betraying any possible clues. She did work up a sweat, after all.

DG: Gwen Whitlock has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Blue Books.
DG: You fail the challenge, and take 7 Exhaustion! You have 19 total Exhaustion.
DG: The party led by Kahm Yugh has passed this challenge! The party gained 22 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Kahm Yugh has drawn a new Challenge.
===========================<* CHALLENGE - Spartoi *>============================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 1          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 Undeath is a terrifying state. None know what creates it, but ancient
 soldiers within these halls have not found peaceful rest. As you approach,
 skeletons stir. They rise, clad in long-tarnished armor and holding curved
 blades that are chipped but still sharp.
=Dungeon Conditions: Injure===================================================
Fei Fong Wong has arrived.
<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

One particularly aggressive book on symbological theory refuses to join it's fallen brethren and, with a furious fluttering of its binding, manages to smack Kahm right in the face. The man stars for a few moments-also his hat flew off-but he recovered enough to send this one to hell's bargain bin too before the finally moved deeper in. "Good work, all of you." Kahm said, his voice a but muffled as he rubbed his nose, recovering his hat, "Be on your guard, there's no telling what else we might find as press on."

Which includes, apparently, the honored dead.

None of these skeletons seems to be Fei, so the Captain dispensed with restraint and began cleaving left and right with his blade as Commander Ramses himself might, dispensing with the gun he'd been using with a more up-close, personal style of attack. Effective or no, his heavy swings and increasing stamina only seem to grow with increasing level of enemies. For all the curious things the surface held, the nature of the undead remain one of it's greater mysteries.

Kahm hated mysteries.

DG: Kahm Yugh has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Spartoi.
<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

Elly is unable to bring herself to butt into this conversation on Fei or to press on Gwen, despite some vague feeling that she ought to do SOMETHING there... and then of course there is the revelation of the unquiet yet honored dead, which is, frankly, kind of a relief.

Elly holds her gun out at a peculiar, stiff angle, letting the spartoi get surprisingly nearby before she goes for a head pop. One of them shades just a LITTLE close and she shrinks back, even as a living stalagmite seems to snap up out of the ground and hit the spartoi (spartas? spart?) right in the pelvic girdle.

<Pose Tracker> Virginia Maxwell has posed.

Virginia let out a deep pant of breath as the books burned away, and she shook her head and rubbed her stomach. Combat was starting to really take a toll on her, and it's rather evident she's not used to it, the way she kind of blinks her attention away and drops her guard.

It doesn't help that the next batch of enemies, deeper in still, were--

"A-aaah! What are those?! W-why're they moving?!" Virginia, your voice is hitching. Kahm rushing in to strike at the skeletons with his sword reminded her that she's still on the clock, though. "U-ugh, okay, okay... aim..."

She peered down the sights of her revolvers and started shooting. It's a bit basic, but she's kind of mortified right now, her knees shaking a little.

DG: Virginia Maxwell has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Spartoi.
<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

"-- Out of rounds!" Elly declares crisply.

So it's mostly the stalagmite thing.

DG: Elhaym van Houten has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Spartoi.
<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

Gwen is rubbing her face particularly well, but not for very long. "Miss Elly, stay close by me," she calls out as the redhead calls out that she's out of bullets. "If things get bad I still have a few ace cards up my sleeve."

Ironic. In this journey, Gwen was pondering thinking about how the ARM that acts as a replacement for her real arm very well just may also carry with it the threat of it being of Metal Demon origin, or worse, that the very flesh she feels as her own hand and arm belonged to that of an actual Metal Demon. It's a sobering thought. As sobering as fighting the honored dead, really.

So yes, irony. Where is it? Possibly the fact that she is using that very arm to an excessive degree. Even if she's not about to quickly unwrap her ARM to shoot in all its electric glory, she can still use it as a blunt object. Against symbols of death, even, though their brittle bones may not provide much in the way of defense against a few punches from her right hand. "Bash em' in! They got armor, but if you aim right, you can- Kahm's heavy swing seems to punctuate whatever point Gwen was going to make. "L-like that." Impressive. And a little bit scary.

DG: Gwen Whitlock has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Spartoi.
DG: You pass the challenge, and take 12 Exhaustion! You have 31 total Exhaustion.
DG: The party led by Kahm Yugh has failed this challenge! The party gained 2 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Virginia Maxwell has drawn a new Challenge.
=========================<* CHALLENGE - Annaberge *>==========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 2          |
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 Of the creatures that prowl the Ruins of Memory, these may be the strongest.
 Four-legged creatures the size of a horse, but with a fang-filled head, and
 a body rimmed with terrible spikes of bone, an Annaberge is a powerful foe
 indeed. They can gallop down the many straight hallways and have a powerful
 roar that might shock any who hear it unaware.
=Dungeon Conditions: Bad Luck=================================================
<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

One particularly aggressive book on symbological theory refuses to join it's fallen brethren and, with a furious fluttering of its binding, manages to smack Kahm right in the face. The man stars for a few moments-also his hat flew off-but he recovered enough to send this one to hell's bargain bin too before the finally moved deeper in. "Good work, all of you." Kahm said, his voice a but muffled as he rubbed his nose, recovering his hat, "Be on your guard, there's no telling what else we might find as press on."

Which includes, apparently, the honored dead.

None of these skeletons seems to be Fei, so the Captain dispensed with restraint and began cleaving left and right with his blade as Commander Ramses himself might, dispensing with the gun he'd been using with a more up-close, personal style of attack. Effective or no, his heavy swings and increasing stamina only seem to grow with increasing level of enemies. For all the curious things the surface held, the nature of the undead remain one of it's greater mysteries.

Kahm hated mysteries.

<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

Kahm loses himself a bit in the frenzy of melee battle. One skeleton goes down, then another, and more besides and oh one was trying to clumsily swing a sword at him and so he casually disarmed him and now has 'two' swords and bone fragments and femures were flying everywhere until he finally noticing the press of skeletons was growing and the rest of his group seemed to be having a hard time with it.

Somewhere, Elhaym's distressed call of "Out of bullets!" Finally registered, and the Captain booted one more skeleton before breaking free of the press. "This way!" He shouted, leading a charge down a corridor in hopes of leading everyone away from the undead goons.

<Pose Tracker> Virginia Maxwell has posed.

Virginia was certainly not having a good time of it, and seeing Kahm get piled on more and more, even with Gwen and Elly's powerful arm and spell, they weren't exactly...making headway. "O-okay!" she hurried after Kahm, still kind of thinking she was losing her mind.

"No, Diary, I can't explain it either, and I'd really like it if you could stop making puns about how boned I am!!"

Still, it wasn't long until they appeared to have outrun the threat... and Virginia stopped to catch her breath, putting her hand against something firm and hard.

A pause.

That wasn't... a wall.

Another pause. Virginia looks up.


The centaur-shaped monster raised its forelegs and let out an ear-shattering roar that rumbled all throughout the chamber the group were in.

"WAAAAAAAAH! Ohmigosh ohmigosh fire fire fire!" Virginia is just flailing her crest to try to nail it with random fire blasts that are more often than not going wide.

DG: Virginia Maxwell has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Annaberge.
<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

Kahm has generally ignored Virginia's curious musings to whatever 'Diary' was, the amount of combat stress he was accruing was just enough that he no longer able to resist questioning it. "Miss Maxwell.." He said, his tenor gradually growing as the 'wall' behind the young woman turned out to be anything but, "Are you...alll...right?"

Well now, you don't see that every day.

Even Kahm wasn't so foolish as to insist maintaining a reasonable cover to the point that it 'killed them', so he immediately leapt back from the impeding centaur and readied another one of his grenades. "Elly, hit him with everything you have!" He shouted with just a touch of commanding air, lobbing the grenade and-just to be sure-zinging it with a round from his sidearm so that it went off right in the horrific thing's face.

DG: Kahm Yugh has used his Tool Sonic Grenade toward his party's challenge, Annaberge.
<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

Elly keeps moving forwards, panting a little as the heat of battle is wearing even on her battle trained, veteran of a thousand VR simulation self. As she raises one sleeve to brush over her own forehead, she looks towards Virginia as she touches a firm, hard, equine thing.

Elly's eyes tilt upwards.

It roars! Doubt and hesitation seem to shatter away. Kahm gives her a clear thing to focus on.

Where did Elly get some kind of baton? None of your damn business, Sam. Nonetheless she is running RIGHT AT the monster, in all of its centaur-shaped glory, such as it is. The baton swipes three sharp arcs in front of her, right at the meaty joint zone of knees and shoulders.

The Annaberge, of course, snaps down to try and bite off Elly's head. And yet, potentially to the surprise of Kahm, she's squatted in perfect timing to avoid this fanglike tour to the surface's primitive recycling systems. Instead she bicycle-kicks up, concluding her walking tour of the front of the monster with a heel to the underside of its jaw and a perfectly completed backflip.

Elly half-turns to salute Kahm, which is kind of weird to do to your nephew, and will hopefully not lead to her getting kicked.

DG: Elhaym van Houten has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Annaberge.
<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

So that ace card. Right. It may not be much of one, as unused as it's been. "Hold onto your horses!" Gwen grips the tip of the leather glove on her right hand between her teeth, freeing the metal fingers underneath with a tug of her head. "And shon't gah 'bout hes!" Gwen really needs to not talk with her glove in her mouth, but she's also sort of busy. Tucking her glove between her left arm and body, she winds up the sleeve of her shirt, binding it with the sleeve garter near the top.

So yes, it's not just her hand. It's her entire arm. Taking a couple of large bullets from a compartment on her left sleeve garter, Gwen grunts, activating a current along the length of her arm. "Okay, going to fire a few rounds," she warns, pointing her hand, the palm of which begins to open, towards the beast. Waiting for Elly's attack to clear, the courier loads the rounds into her ARM, directing electricity wraps around the arm and drive those bullets home. "Ngh!!" The recoil kicks through her body, though her lowered posture's helping hold up against it.

It's probably why she's timing her shots as well.

DG: Gwen Whitlock has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Annaberge.
DG: You fail the challenge, and take 10 Exhaustion! You have 41 total Exhaustion.
DG: The party led by Kahm Yugh has passed this challenge! The party gained 11 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Elhaym van Houten has drawn a new Challenge.
========================<* CHALLENGE - Sealed Doorway *>========================
|Type: Climax      |Dungeon Ability: Brute     |Challenge Rating: 2          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 The door at the end of this hall has a great lock on it. Unfortunately, no
 key was ever to be found inside of the ruins to this point. Perhaps it was
 stolen or perhaps it was lost. It is no matter - the door must be broken
 down through other means.
=Dungeon Conditions: Tire=====================================================
<Pose Tracker> Virginia Maxwell has posed.

The approximate order of events:

It charges.

Elly lands a perfectly timed somersault and bounces its silly ass into the air.

Virginia bombards it with random and haphazard projectiles of flame that cushion it well in the air.

Kahm nails a perfect OTG grenade just as it falls down, sending it up in explosive force once more for Gwen's super attack to pierce a straight hole through it.


<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

Bits of bone land everywhere. Elly pants for breath.

Down the hall is a door.

There is an air of broken dreams around the damn thing.

Elly approaches, holding that baton of hers. "... C... Marcus. I think someone's been at this door before... There might be somebody hiding out on the other side," Elly theorizes, sounding slightly deranged.

DG: Elhaym van Houten has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Sealed Doorway.
<Pose Tracker> Virginia Maxwell has posed.

Virginia is panting heavily at this point, her eyes spinning a little. She's seriously out of her element at this point, and the sound of repeated ringing grenades and Gwen's cannon seems a little faraway from how hard her head is pounding at this point. "I know, Diary, you don't have to keep telling me..."

She trembles a little and covers her face from the explosion, as the monster falls apart. These monsters were so powerful... she felt confident when she left home, but now she's not so sure. She-- stared at the doorway, and then mumbled, "Step-- step away, please. Just for a moment."

She extended the Tindercrest, her eyes a little hollow and loopy. "Tindercrest. Show me your true power."

The explosive noise roars straight through with a destructive force that could be described as 'excessive'. Virginia Maxwell has had it.

DG: Virginia Maxwell has used her Tool Tindercrest toward her party's challenge, Sealed Doorway.
<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

Kahm did wonder, just for a moment, if he was going to have to pen a Very Apologetic letter to Erich van Houten to explain how his only daughter had died horribly under his command. Fortunately that does not happen; Instead he watched the Lieutenant's expert takedown of the monster silently apart from the scree of his grenade until the beast was felled, with ticked eyebrow at Gwen's literal hand (or ARM) in the feat. "You seem to full of surprises, Miss Whitlock." He remarked, stepping forward to briefly clasp Elly on the shoulder.

"Good work." He said, again taking up the lead position to pull the group forward.

They came to a foreboding door at a bad time, because the Captain was just about done with obstructions to their path. "There might be, yes." He said to his redhead partner-in-supposed-law and, with one foot forward and jaw grimly set, seemed ready to take matters into his own hands until Virginia beat him to the punch. "Hm.." He murmured, taking a half-step back and bracing himself against the unexpected power behind the young drifter's magic.

"This is...a crest's true power..?" Kahm grunted in mild alarm, lifting a hand to, in his own way, aid his aligned element, albeit born of another craft. The relation (or lack thereof) between crests and ether was not for anyone in this group to know, but something does happen, silently and unseen. Virginia's spell seemed to rage with even further power, winds shredding and bellowing against the door as electricity flickered from ionized currents and built and rushing crescendo that demanded either entry or destruction.

DG: Kahm Yugh has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Sealed Doorway.
<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

Lowering the very hand she used to open doors, pinch sugar into coffee, and pat people on the back, Gwen awkwardly coughs into her left hand. Placing her glove back on, she doesn't readjust her sleeves, but does, for Kahm's benefit, take off her left hand's glove, flashing a peach-toned very human hand. He and his aunt Elly are investigators, after all. Or something like that. She'd like to make it clear she's not, well.

.... Yeah.

Alongside Elly, Gwen uses her right fist against the door, though eventually, she's forced to pull back. No, that isn't a grimace on her face- a fake arm has no nerve endings, after all. That's just a trick of the light, just like how she holds it as if she, a human being, tried to punch a hard door with her gloved very human fist.

And somehow, do so without just smashing her bones a few punches in.

"Alright, Miss Maxwell," Gwen says with a nod, backing away for Virginia to use her crest magic. "And here you were, nervous... I think you got it. Regardless of whether this trip's a bust or not, I think you've found out a few things that are pretty valuable." She'd point upwards with her finger in a friendly gesture, but, as it shakes, she just moves her left hand to mime the same action. "The future's bright."

DG: Gwen Whitlock has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Sealed Doorway.
DG: You fail the challenge, and take 6 Exhaustion! You have 47 total Exhaustion.
DG: The party led by Kahm Yugh has passed this challenge! The party gained 0 exploration! If anyone needs to use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Elhaym van Houten has drawn a new Challenge.
=======================<* CHALLENGE - Rolling Boulder *>========================
|Type: Final       |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 2          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 One massive, final hallway awaits. It may seem deceptively simple, as it
 leads to an open doorway. Through there is a suggestive glitter of something
 -- perhaps treasure, perhaps somehting else - and it might seem that you
 only have to walk to your prize. Until, of course, you hear a click and then
 a thundering crash. A massive round boulder drops down from above you - and
 starts rolling, ready to crush you under it!
=Dungeon Conditions: Injure===================================================
<Pose Tracker> Virginia Maxwell has posed.

Virginia was just now starting to catch up again when she realised her power was being amplified by-- something, gripping her hand tighter as she let out a wavering roar in the face of the fireblast. She sighed and quietly picked up the singed crest, looking towards it, and realising just how terrifying a power this thing could hold.

Was this the real power of the Crest...? She didn't even know how it worked.

"Y-yeah..." Virginia nodded at Gwen, with a faint and tired sigh. "I think you're right." She smiles and turns towards the last hallway and-- stares as the click happens, and the rumbling... boulder... comes... after them...

"Oh gosh oh gosh wiiiiiinds please please please!"

She threw the Galecrest up into the air, and it shimmers as the party once more found their feet light and empowered to just run like hell before they get squished or fall into some unfortunate but cleverly placed trap in the boulder corridor.

DG: Virginia Maxwell has used her Tool Galecrest toward her party's challenge, Rolling Boulder.
<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.

Taking a break from her prying open, Elly finds her hand resting atop a small depression in the door, looking at it. Something about it, that small divot...

Oh, Virginia's preparing a spell. Elly scoots out of the way toot suite.

The door smokes in its ruin. Elly's head turns slowly towards Virginia, her expression speaking of a newfound respect tinged, perhaps, with a note of fear.

Stepping forwards, Elly coughs again. "... I wonder how long that door had been standing there. Guarding whatever we're about to discover," she muses aloud, "until today..."

Elly blinks.

"Is something rumbl..."


Elly is running hard enough to make her hair stream gloriously out behind her, away from the onrushing stone of scorn!!

DG: Elhaym van Houten has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Rolling Boulder.
<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

H-hey, that speech wasn't needed after all! "Woohoo! This is amazing~!" She's about to land a hand on Virginia's shoulder in a celebratory pat, but she refrains upon seeing Virginia's expression. She returns an equally sober nod. "... Let's get going."

They just need to go forward. Forward down this... long... massive.... hallway....

Didn't something similar to this happen in the last dig she was in? Gwen remembers well what happened. A click, a thundering crash, and a massive boulder, rolling towards her.

Just like what happened just now, in fact. "W-what?! This again?!" Gwen panicks as the boulder drops down and begins rolling. "Aughh!"

One things for sure- having a heavier arm does make you not as fast as most would assume you are. That's what happens in Gwen's case, anyway, as she lags behind her team, struggling to keep up. "Keep going! We're gonna make it!"

<Pose Tracker> Kahm Yugh has posed.

The shattered doorway stood before them like a broken giant, its meager remains crumbling pathetically. The lingering resonance of sorcerous power still tinged the ambient air, which Kahm sniffed disdainfully.

Lambs must never be allowed to wield such power, he thought quietly as his boots traipsed over rubble with the rest.

The long walk down the unremitting hall itself was enough to put Kahm on guard, and his reaction the sprung trap is a quick one:

First, he scarfs down a ration. Energy restored!

Then, he bursts into action, burning the fortified carbohydrates into strange particles that enhanced his otherwise optimal human performance with punctuated gusts of air pressure as he darted back down the hallway in a blinding blitz to outpace the rolling doom, grabbing any stragglers and hurling them along as necessary.

DG: Kahm Yugh has used his Tool Field Rations toward his party's challenge, Rolling Boulder.
DG: Gwen Whitlock has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Rolling Boulder.
DG: You pass the challenge, and take 6 Exhaustion! You have 53 total Exhaustion.
DG: You have overcome the dungeon's trials! This run is a success!
DG: The party led by Kahm Yugh has successfully explored Ruins of Memory!
========================<* CHALLENGE - Ancient Tomes *>=========================
|Type: Discovery   |Dungeon Ability: Discovery |Challenge Rating: 1          |
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 Some of the rooms on the deepest levels of the Ruins of Memory are
 libraries. This room is stacked to the ceiling with shelves. While many of
 the books have crumbled to dust, several are yet salvageable. The contents,
 at a glance, are novels and comedies from the Metal Demon Wars era - on
 social issues, rather than history, but they may well find a home with a
 serious scholar.
=Dungeon Conditions: Treasure=================================================
<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

"Ghh!" Gwen's lagging behind doesn't spell her doom, thanks to the quick intervention of Kahm. Specifically, hurling.

Somehow, in the end, it all works, as they stumble across a library. "... This is...." Maybe this place has some answers?

Either way, she's too exhausted to even begin to think beyond 'grab a few books and leave before you collapse.'