2017-08-27: Drifters in the Desert: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Drifters in the Desert''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Sephilia Lampbright, Character :: Fei Fong Wong, Character :: Animal, Character :: Layna Manydays...")
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Latest revision as of 21:41, 27 August 2017

  • Log: Drifters in the Desert
  • Cast: Sephilia Lampbright, Fei Fong Wong, Animal, Layna Manydays
  • Where: Great Aveh Desert
  • Date: 08-27-2017
  • Summary: Sephilia reunites with some of her friends in the Great Aveh Desert...but the desert is not keen to let things go so easily...

===========================<* Great Aveh Desert *>============================

The heart of the Republic of Aveh is its great desert. The rolling dones and blistering heat here are infamous, and all but the most foolhardy would ever dare to cross it on foot. Most do so via the great rail lines running north to south, east to west, leading as far as Krosse and Adlehyde. The ones who do cross it on foot will find the heat isn't the only danger. Mirages can lead men astray, oases are few, and great and terrible beasts sink beneath the sands until they find their prey.

==========================================<* Great Aveh Desert *>==========================================
=====================================<* CHALLENGE - Shifting Sands *>======================================
|Type: Entry       |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
----------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >-----------------------------------------
 Upon entering the Great Aveh Desert, you find... sand. A lot of sand. Like,   
 a LOT of it. And it slips out from under your feet as you walk.               
 This is maybe not such a great idea.                                          
=Dungeon Conditions: Overwhelm================================================
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia has had a rough time of things lately. Separated from her friends during a mighty battle, she found herself here in the Great Aveh Desert...where she has quickly encountered several friendly faces, quickly restoring the girl's mood from subdued to her more usual chipper attitude.

Sephy is nothing if not resilient.

"Okay, this is prime exploring opportunity, everyone!" she says, cheerfully. It seems Sephilia doesn't know the meaning of the word 'lost'.

She does, actually. Lost isn't a book-word. It's just one that never applies to her.

Unfortunately for Sephy, her little legs aren't letting her progress too well through the shifting sands of the desert. The misfortunes of being small never end...

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Shifting Sands.
DG: Fei Fong Wong has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Shifting Sands.
<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei is wandering the desert because some guy in a bar said he should look for his friends. And weirdly enough, he actually found one!

"Yeah maybe we'll find more people!" Fei agrees because uh. Well. You know. Maybe its better to be lost together?

He sees Sephilia is having trouble so he says, "Need a hand? I don't mind carrying you part of the way." Though uh couldn't Chauncey do it?

Probably but if Sephilia doesn't say no, Fei will start carrying Sephilia along his back. Being smol has its benefits, you know!

<Pose Tracker> Animal has posed.
Wandering across the others as they'd been meandering through the desert, Animal is happy to offer, "I can show you guys where to go, we're not far from my house," and starts to lead them in no particular direction. Sometimes changing direction randomly, sometimes pausing for long moments to put his ear to the sand as if listening for something moving, and then off again. He seems to have an easy time of walking on the sand, whether because he has lived in the Badlands, which are sorta sandy, most of his life, or because he's just naturally spry.
Seeing the trouble that Sephilia is having, he points at his back. "Yeah, I can carry you, piggy-back," his head nodding swiftly several times to get her to agree, because that tends to work rather well on most folks he has met so far. He thinks Fei has the right idea.
Regardless of whether she agrees or not, he is soon moving again, and says to the others, "Did you guys go through that temple to get away from the battle too? I missed you. I ended up in there with a nice lady named June, and a metal person who was really crazy at first, but I think she was talking to the invisible spirit animals, so maybe she wans't crazy," he says sociably, wiggling his toes in the sand as he walks. "Annnnd theeennn.. the giant tiger guy was like, 'you shouldn't exist!' and I said, 'nuh-uh!' and he was like, 'here' and then, I got this rock."
Whatever the case, he seems not to mind the hot sand on his feet too much. The blackened skin of his feet and ankles reaching nearly to his calves.
DG: Animal has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Shifting Sands.
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

Layna had been busy, after reuniting with her friends and her crew. She'd sent out her scouts to find a good place to start building a hideout...and they'd been successful! She'd sent Dahlia off to oversee those efforts, leaving her with...

Well, it was pretty much just Victoria with her, at this point. The Lead Artillerist was useful for many things, but construction?

Not so much.

Of course, even though things were going well, there were still some matters that weighed on her mind.

Most of her friends had escaped the battlefield just fine, but there was one of them still unaccounted for. That was why she was out in the desert now, with Victoria trailing along behind her.

"You know, I'm surprised you decided to come with. Thought you didn't like her, aye?" Layna asks, glancing in her direction. Victoria looks away.

"It's...not that I hate the kid. She's got guts. I just...think she needs to set her standards for herself a bit higher, y'know?" Victoria replies, spear rested against her shoulder.

It is in this manner that they eventually run into Sephilia, Fei, and Animal.

"Ahoy there!" Layna calls out with a grin and a wave.

Of course, even though they'd found them, the hard part now was...actually getting back to some manner of civilization from this shifting sand land. Seriously, you almost expect to find some power stars just lying around somewhere.

"I swear, I am this close to just torching this whole place into glass..." Victoria mutters through clenched teeth. Layna grins, and glances over to Animal.

"Sounds a lot like my experience. Those Guardians are real pieces of work, aye?" She replies.

DG: Layna Manydays has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Shifting Sands.
==========================================<* Great Aveh Desert *>==========================================
=====================================<* CHALLENGE - Shifting Sands *>======================================
|Type: Entry       |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
----------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >-----------------------------------------
 Upon entering the Great Aveh Desert, you find... sand. A lot of sand. Like,   
 a LOT of it. And it slips out from under your feet as you walk.               
 This is maybe not such a great idea.                                          
=Dungeon Conditions: Overwhelm================================================
=====================================<* Great Aveh Desert - Round 1 *>=====================================
=======================================< Results - Shifting Sands >========================================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Fei Fong Wong                       0 --(8)--> 8                   Pass
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Sephilia Lampbright                 0 --(10)--> 10                 Fail
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Layna Manydays                      0 --(8)--> 8                   Pass
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Animal                              0 --(8)--> 8                   Fail
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
-------------------------------------------------< Party >-------------------------------------------------
Leader: Sephilia Lampbright         0 --(20)--> 20                 Pass
Conditions: Overwhelm
=============================================< Dream Chasers >=============================================
DG: The party led by Sephilia Lampbright has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia agrees to let Fei carry her. "Sorry, Fei. Normally I'd ride on Chauncey but he's just not doing so well in all this heat."

Whatever THAT means. Maybe she means she's trying to conserve her energy in case she needs to make him big? Who knows.

"Thanks for helping me. I'm so embarrassed."

DG: Animal has drawn a new Challenge.
============================<* Great Aveh Desert *>=============================
=========================<* CHALLENGE - Sand People *>==========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 Suddenly, the sand around your party bursts upward as a half-dozen bandits    
 swatched in flowing robes and face masks emerge from the dunes. They heft     
 small ARMs and heavy sticks, and rush to engage you.                          
=Dungeon Conditions: Fright===================================================
<Pose Tracker> Animal has posed.
Being really super agile doesn't seem to do much for Animal, as over time he ends up walking in circles around the group several times in attempts to steer them in random directions, always with a purpose, but luckily cooler heads prevail and a general direction is settled on. Hot footing at the front of the group again, he keeps asking if he is going in the right direction, and pauses occasionally to listen to the sand.
Such is his state when the bandits appear out of the dusty dunes around the group. Emerging from seemingly beneath the sand as they throw away partially covered tarps and open fire, unleashing a hellish salvo on the group from all sides.
"GET THEM!" the bandits yell.
Animal responds by attacking savagely the first one to get within arm's reach by biting him on the face and then pummeling him over the nearest dune with savage force. He ends up dodging several ARMs blasts as they come back at him, takes another, and has to duck behind a dune for a second to regenerate!
"These guys must be new around here, they've never been here before."
DG: Animal has used his Tool Vest of the Turtle toward his party's challenge, Sand People.
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephy slips down fom Fei's back, pulling out Chauncey with a determined expression. The girl makes the doll big, and from within his backpack, pulls out a folding chair and passes it to him. "Let's teach these guys who they're messing with, Chauncey!" she calls.

Chauncey does indeed seem to struggle a bit more than normal on the sand, but with the folding chair, tutelary bruisin's are coming the bandits' way.

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has used her Tool Folding Chair toward her party's challenge, Sand People.
<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei laughs weakly as Layna mentions the Guardians. "Well, if they are extensions of the planet, then it makes sense for them to be kinda...you know?" That really isn't much of an answer, Fei. He looks back to Seph. "It's fine. Everybody needs help sometimes."

Then of course bandits attack...!!!

Fei startles but lets Seph hop down before he reaches for his RPS Badge and holds it out. "Wait! We can settle this like gentlemen...!"

Of course he probably ends up settling it like a kung fu artist instead, only briefly distracted by the mind blowing commentary from Animal.

"Uh...its a desert, its...big...or are you saying uh, you spend a lot of time here?"

DG: Fei Fong Wong has used his Tool RPS Badge toward his party's challenge, Sand People.
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

"Bah. Opportunistic blaggards..." Layna mutters, as a group of unpleasant-looking individuals burst up all around them. She doesn't draw her gauntlets just yet, believing she can handle this without them. Instead she begins reciting an incantation, stirring up a whirlwind of sand around them to obscure their vision.

Victoria, however, is frustrated enough to take the fight straight to them. With an incantation the tip of her spear catches fire and she lunges into the fray, thrusting and swinging it at the bandits. Each movement of her spear leaves a trail of flame, perhaps potentially discouraging the bandits from getting any closer.

"They're probably just here to take advantage of the battle that just happened. Vultures, aye?" Layna replies, inbetween castings."

DG: Layna Manydays has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Sand People.
============================<* Great Aveh Desert *>=============================
=========================<* CHALLENGE - Sand People *>==========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 Suddenly, the sand around your party bursts upward as a half-dozen bandits    
 swatched in flowing robes and face masks emerge from the dunes. They heft     
 small ARMs and heavy sticks, and rush to engage you.                          
=Dungeon Conditions: Fright===================================================
=======================<* Great Aveh Desert - Round 2 *>========================
===========================< Results - Sand People >============================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Fei Fong Wong                       8 --(6)--> 14                  Pass
RPS Badge                           3   Combat  Effects: Rally                
Sephilia Lampbright                 10 --(6)--> 16                 Fail
Folding Chair                       2   Combat  Effects: Stalwart             
Layna Manydays                      8 --(6)--> 14                  Fail
Fight                               0   Combat  Effects: BASIC                
Animal                              8 --(6)--> 14                  Fail
Vest of the Turtle                  2   Combat  Effects: Stalwart             
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Sephilia Lampbright         20 --(20)--> 40                Pass
Conditions: Fright(2)|Overwhelm
Effects: Stalwart(1)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Sephilia Lampbright has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Animal has posed.
The mighty Fei carries the group through the battle, but everyone contributes in their own way. Lord Chauncey contributes a folding chair in some manner, Layna hits some bandits with whirlwinds, Victoria hits some of them with a spear, and Animal throws one of them like a ball over the nearest dune.
But mostly it's the work of Fei Fong Wong and his mighty kung fu.
In response to the question, Animal is wiping blood from his face, and healing from several wounds by eating handfuls of meat he pulls from his pockets and accents with bread he folds on either side, and a slice of cheese. Though that cheese can't still be good, he eats it anyway.
"Well, I live over there," he begins and points out past the deserts. "And sometimes I go this way," and he points across the desert, "And sometimes I go that way," and he points in another random direction. "But mostly that way."
A pause.
"Then I spent a while out by where you guys were, out that way," he explains, "And that lasted a while, because I was getting good food, but everyone seems to be coming this way now, and that means food will be this way."
Sound logic.
DG: Layna Manydays has drawn a new Challenge.
===========================<* Great Aveh Desert *>============================
=========================<* CHALLENGE - Quick Sand *>=========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 1          | 
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 The sand beneath one of your party members suddenly gives way; apparently     
 there was an air pocket underneath them. You've got a few seconds to pull     
 them out and get away before the collapse widens!                             
=Dungeon Conditions: Injure, Hesitate=========================================
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

The bandits have mostly been dealt with...but the problems they had caused are just beginning. Apparently, the sand pockets they had created weren't just for hiding - they made an effective trap, as well.

Sephilia would feel this shortly, as the sand gives way beneath her feet.

This, understandably, causes Layna to panic slightly.

"Lass! Are you alright!?" She asks, concerned. Meanwhile, Victoria rotates her spear in her hands and holds out the handle to Sephilia as a life-line.

"Here, grab on." She says. Layna gets behind Victoria as a brace, and will be ready to pull.

The others can join in, or try to find their own way of helping.

DG: Layna Manydays has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Quick Sand.
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia just about made it three steps after shrinking Chauncey back down, smiling in relief that her friends weren't hurt...and then she lets out a cry of surprise and fear as the ground gives way beneath her feet.

Panic is in her face as she reaches desperately for the offered help, and she's clearly too scared even to call for help.

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Quick Sand.
<Pose Tracker> Animal has posed.
Jumping over Sephilia when she falls in to the pit of quicksand, Animal watches as they extend the spear and after a bit of mulling things over, jumps back over the pool rather anxiously and seems to be trying to decide how best to help. He could easily lift her, if he could reach her, but his arms aren't long enough.
"I need to make my arms grow longer!" he declares and then decides to try to help with his feet by bracing his hands on the sand near the pit with his hands and tries to use his feet to stick them into the sandy pit, and to help lift the girl up to grab on to the spear.
A totally stupid idea.
DG: Animal has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Quick Sand.
<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei is kind of shocked by Animal's admission that he is from the desert and seems to literally live in it. "uh..." He says. He doesn't want to complain about it because having an expert is just plain useful right now.

But then Sephy goes under! The panic on Fei's face is quick and gone just as quickly. He hisses between his teeth as he moves towards the base of the pull-crew and tries planting his feet firmly so that they don't all tumble in after Sephilia.

"Come on, come on...." He mutters. Sephilia can't die like this, not after they just found her again!

DG: Fei Fong Wong has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Quick Sand.
===========================<* Great Aveh Desert *>============================
=========================<* CHALLENGE - Quick Sand *>=========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 1          | 
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 The sand beneath one of your party members suddenly gives way; apparently     
 there was an air pocket underneath them. You've got a few seconds to pull     
 them out and get away before the collapse widens!                             
=Dungeon Conditions: Injure, Hesitate=========================================
======================<* Great Aveh Desert - Round 3 *>=======================
===========================< Results - Quick Sand >===========================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Fei Fong Wong                       14 --(12)--> 26                Fail
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Sephilia Lampbright                 16 --(10)--> 26                Fail
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Layna Manydays                      14 --(6)--> 20                 Pass
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Animal                              14 --(6)--> 20                 Pass
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
----------------------------------< Party >-----------------------------------
Leader: Sephilia Lampbright         40 --(20)--> 60                Pass
Conditions: Fright(1)|Hesitate(2)|Injure(2)|Overwhelm
==============================< Dream Chasers >===============================
DG: The party led by Sephilia Lampbright has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

Though Animal had put himself in a precarious situation, it works to his benefit - he's able to stabilize himself well enough to reach out and lift Sephilia, making it possible for Layna, Victoria, and Fei to begin pulling her out.

Perhaps Animal's experience with the desert was helping here?

It isn't an easy going - a sinkhole actually starts opening near Fei's feet as they pull - but eventually Sephilia is freed and they're all back on solid ground.

They all might need to take a moment to breathe in after that...though perhaps after they've moved to somewhere a little safer.

"Are you alright, lass?" Layna asks, resting a gentle hand on Sephilia's shoulder. Victoria will shoulder her spear and turn around to start moving on without another word.

DG: Fei Fong Wong has drawn a new Challenge.
===========================<* Great Aveh Desert *>============================
=========================<* CHALLENGE - Sandslide *>==========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 1          | 
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 Your party is on the downslope of a dune when suddenly the sand underneath    
 your feet begins to slide and give way. You've got a few seconds to figure    
 something out before you're carried down in a rush of rolling sand.           
=Dungeon Conditions: Slow, Bad Luck===========================================
<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

"Yes!" Fei says triumphantly. "We made it!"

Then of course the sand he's standing on turns from a sink hole into a sandvalanche. Fei yelps and he sways back and then falls downward, sliding down the dunes..and dragging the rest of you with him!

What follows is a minigame where you're sliding down a sand dune and have to dodge cacti, vultures, bandits, and quick sand pools.


DG: Fei Fong Wong has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Sandslide.
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia gasps and sobs, terrified. "Th-thank you for saving me," she manages eventually. "I...wouldn't be able to make it through this desert alone...this is nothing like what I used to explore back home." She stands up eventually, shakily, and makes her way a few more steps...and THIS happens.

"I HATE THE DESERT!" Sephilia yells as she tumbles downwards.

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Sandslide.
<Pose Tracker> Animal has posed.
As soon as they start to slide, Animal proclaims, "This is the way to go!" as if this were his plan in leading them this way from the beginning. He jumps on to Fei Fong Wong then, and sits on his chest as they slide down the sand dune. He occasionally reaches out and paddles to help steer the other boy in one direction or another, and then reaches back and uses one hand like a rudder.
Looking down underneath him as they slide down the dune, he says to Fei, "You're doing great!" in a cheerful manner, trying to be encouraging and then glances over at Sephlia as she starts to tumble and tries to stabilize her by making her slide on her back rather than just all tumbly like that. It's unhelpful.
DG: Animal has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Sandslide.
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

Layna offers her a smile.

"It'll be alright, lass. Don't you worry. We'll get out of here soon enough, aye?" She says. Unfortunately, the desert seems to take these words as a challenge and soon enough she's sliding down along with the rest of them, trying not to run into anything on the way down.

"Oh, that is it! When we're done with this, I'm burning this entire Althena-forsaken sandpit!" Victoria shouts from up ahead, infuriated.

...It looks like she'd been sent tumbling down the hill, too, when she tried to walk away like she didn't care.

DG: Layna Manydays has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Sandslide.
===========================<* Great Aveh Desert *>============================
=========================<* CHALLENGE - Sandslide *>==========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 1          | 
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 Your party is on the downslope of a dune when suddenly the sand underneath    
 your feet begins to slide and give way. You've got a few seconds to figure    
 something out before you're carried down in a rush of rolling sand.           
=Dungeon Conditions: Slow, Bad Luck===========================================
======================<* Great Aveh Desert - Round 4 *>=======================
===========================< Results - Sandslide >============================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Fei Fong Wong                       26 --(14)--> 40                Fail
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Sephilia Lampbright                 26 --(16)--> 42                Fail
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Layna Manydays                      20 --(11)--> 31                Pass
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Animal                              20 --(10)--> 30                Pass
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
----------------------------------< Party >-----------------------------------
Leader: Sephilia Lampbright         60 --(15)--> 75                Pass
Conditions: Bad Luck(2)|Hesitate(1)|Injure(1)|Overwhelm|Slow(2)
==============================< Dream Chasers >===============================
DG: The party led by Sephilia Lampbright has passed this challenge! The party gained 15 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei is promptly used as a sandsled.

"Wauuughh!" Fei cries out. "Whwhwhwhwhat's wrong with you???" His eyes are wide with anger.


And of course even as he's sliding down he ends up crashing into a few cacti, the spines sticking to his face. Animal tells him he's doing great!


Eventually the group slides to a stop at the bottom of the dune. Fei takes in a deep stabilizing breath and says, "I think it's hot enough. Please get off me?"

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has drawn a new Challenge.
==========================================<* Great Aveh Desert *>==========================================
=====================================<* CHALLENGE - Buried Treasure *>=====================================
|Type: Climax      |Dungeon Ability: Brute     |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
----------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >-----------------------------------------
 A crashed vehicle of some kind lies abandoned in the sands, with a trail of   
 footprints heading off in a different direction. Near the vehicle, the        
 corner of a large footlocker can be seen just barely peeking out of the sand  
 dune. It's almost totally buried, and getting this thing out of there will    
 be a trial...                                                                 
=Dungeon Conditions: Weaken===================================================
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia groans at the base of the sandslide, sitting up and quickly checking her satchel to make sure nothing important - like Chauncey, or her Dad's journal, or her journal - fell out. Then she looks around to make sure her friends are okay. "Fei, Captain, Animal, Victoria...is everyone all right? No offense, Animal, but if you live here you should move."

The group staggers on, and soon enough comes to an abandoned vehicle...and some buried treasure. "Chauncey-time!" Sephy cries, suddenly excited again. "I damaged the digging claws on a barricade before, I need time to fix them up but..." The doll is pulled out, made large, and sets to tugging at the footlocker while Sephy starts trying to move sand away from it.

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Buried Treasure.
<Pose Tracker> Animal has posed.
"Sure, thanks!" Animal says to Fei Fong Wong with a big smile and a thumbs up. He goes running off then, in a random direction, drawing everyone in that direction as best he can, he says, "This is the way, there's a thing this way, I think!" he declares. Totally unsure, but it's best to pretend he knows where he is going, rather than just stumbling in that way.
Running on up to the edge of the crashed vehicle, Animal grabs hold of the edge of the foot locker, and tries to haul it out using strength and very little else in terms of digging around it or preparing an easier path to get it out of the sand.
"I don't live here," he says to Sephilia while he pulls on the footlocker. "I live over there," he goes on, and then points off into the great distance, towards the Badlands and out of the desert proper. Not that such things can be seen, only maybe inferred by previous conversations and his constant pointing in that direction when asked.
"I'll show you sometime. I have lots of stuff from all over the place, all of my treasures," he tells Sephilia.
DG: Animal has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Buried Treasure.
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

"Aye, I'm alright." Layna says, hauling herself to her feet. She removes her hat and waves it through the air to remove the rather large amount of sand that had gotten stuck inside it, then glances toward Victoria.

Her Lead Artillerist was looking...a little dazed, and her spear was stuck in the ground a ways a way. Layna walks over to her and pulls her to her feet, as well.

"Not hot enough...gonna reduce this place to glass, I swear..." Victoria mutters, pulling her spear out of the sand. The sight of potential treasure does make her feel a little better, though. She walks up to it and joins in, using her spear as a lever in an attempt to help extricate it from its sandy prison.

Layna, meanwhile sits down on the ruined vehicle and reaches into her coat. She imagined that whoever had been driving this thing hadn't seen the hill, either.

"I imagine you're all getting pretty thirsty, aye? Don't work yourselves too hard, got some drinks here if you need 'em." She offers, pulling out a bottle. While she waits to see what comes of their digging, she undoes the cork and takes a swig.

DG: Layna Manydays has used her Tool Quartermaster's Stash toward her party's challenge, Buried Treasure.
<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei stands up, eventually, groaning and walks towards the crashed vehicles. He blinks at the footprints but jogs over to finish the trek towards the footlocker. "I wonder if those footprints lead anywhere important..."

He laughs a little bit and adds, awkwardly, "I don't think glassing the place will be too, uh, much of an improvement." He glances at Layna. "Say...are you friends with Bart?"

He crouches down to help pull out the foot locker, if leisurely. Maybe it's some water in there.

DG: Fei Fong Wong has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Buried Treasure.
==========================================<* Great Aveh Desert *>==========================================
=====================================<* CHALLENGE - Buried Treasure *>=====================================
|Type: Climax      |Dungeon Ability: Brute     |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
----------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >-----------------------------------------
 A crashed vehicle of some kind lies abandoned in the sands, with a trail of   
 footprints heading off in a different direction. Near the vehicle, the        
 corner of a large footlocker can be seen just barely peeking out of the sand  
 dune. It's almost totally buried, and getting this thing out of there will    
 be a trial...                                                                 
=Dungeon Conditions: Weaken===================================================
=====================================<* Great Aveh Desert - Round 5 *>=====================================
=======================================< Results - Buried Treasure >=======================================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Fei Fong Wong                       40 --(12)--> 52                Fail
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC                
Sephilia Lampbright                 42 --(8)--> 50                 Pass
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC                
Layna Manydays                      31 --(10)--> 41                Pass
Quartermaster's Stash               2   Brute   Effects: Strengthen           
Animal                              30 --(12)--> 42                Fail
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC                
-------------------------------------------------< Party >-------------------------------------------------
Leader: Sephilia Lampbright         75 --(5)--> 80                 Pass
Conditions: Bad Luck(1)|Overwhelm|Slow(1)|Weaken(2)
Effects: Strengthen(1)
=============================================< Dream Chasers >=============================================
DG: The party led by Sephilia Lampbright has passed this challenge! The party gained 5 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

The group teams up and levers and pulls and digs away and...the footlocker is dislodged!

DG: Fei Fong Wong has drawn a new Challenge.
===========================<* Great Aveh Desert *>============================
===================<* CHALLENGE - Fight Without Pattern *>====================
|Type: Final       |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 As you haul the footlocker out from the sand dune, the ground begins to       
 heave and a giant sandworm emerges from the dunes, screaming its rage at      
 having been awoken from its slumber. Fighting this thing will be a major      
 challenge... but there's no way you'll be able to haul the footlocker back    
 to town while being chased by this monster. If you run away, you'll have to   
 leave it behind.                                                              
=Dungeon Conditions: Wound, Suffer============================================
<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Suddenly, the sand begins to rumble and bursting from the ground a giant sandworm reveals itself. It screams angrily and spits out some bones before turning its attention to Animal.

It swoops close towards him and screeches directly at him again before diving in to try and swallow him!

Fei says, "Shiiiiiiiit! Weltall, Weltall...! No Weltall...shiiit!"

Heclutches his RPS Badge and takes in a deep breath before leaping into the air and trying to land on the sandworm's back and wrangle it while the others think of more permanent solutions.

"Come on, you guys..! nhh...Nyaaahhhh!"

He swings one arm into the air, waving it wildly about! Yeehaw!

DG: Fei Fong Wong has used his Tool RPS Badge toward his party's challenge, Fight Without Pattern.
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia knows just what to do about a sandworm. First, Chauncey gets made big, and passed his folding chair. Then, carefully making sure the sand hasn't gummed up the works, Sephy begins to open fire from Chauncey's back with the Foxington Flintlock, as Chauncey circle-strafes the giant worm monster, occasionally batting it away with the chair.

Sephilia just invented the Foxington Turret Maneuver.

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has used her Tool Folding Chair toward her party's challenge, Fight Without Pattern.
<Pose Tracker> Animal has posed.
"We meet again!" Animal yells at the sand worm, like it's an old enemy he has fought many times before.
Animal is SWALLOWED!
Within the sandworm, he starts punching and clawing and biting at its interior, but well, that's all completely unknown to everyone else, because he's inside of a giant sandworm. Incredible super strength doesn't amount to a whole lot, but his vest at least helps him manage his way inside of the thing as he tries to rip his way out through the side of the thing. Or maybe force it to throw him up!
As always, he fights completely without style, but his strength sort of makes up for it by letting him hit really hard.
DG: Animal has used his Tool Vest of the Turtle toward his party's challenge, Fight Without Pattern.
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

"Bart? Nah, can't say I've heard of a 'Bart' before." Layna replies with a shrug, downing the rest of her drink. It's at this point that the footlocker is finally wrenched out of the sand.

"Finally. Let's crack this thing open and get out of here." Victoria says. Unfortunately, before they can do that, a giant angry thing bursts forth from the sand, clearly unhappy about being awoken.

Victoria pales slightly.

"Kill it." She demands, pointing her spear at the giant sandworm. She begins reciting incantations, sending bolts of flame hurtling toward to. Layna follows suit, joining in with blades of wind.

They'd work together to form something big, but they didn't want to risk hurting Animal or Fei.

DG: Layna Manydays has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Fight Without Pattern.
===========================<* Great Aveh Desert *>============================
===================<* CHALLENGE - Fight Without Pattern *>====================
|Type: Final       |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 As you haul the footlocker out from the sand dune, the ground begins to       
 heave and a giant sandworm emerges from the dunes, screaming its rage at      
 having been awoken from its slumber. Fighting this thing will be a major      
 challenge... but there's no way you'll be able to haul the footlocker back    
 to town while being chased by this monster. If you run away, you'll have to   
 leave it behind.                                                              
=Dungeon Conditions: Wound, Suffer============================================
======================<* Great Aveh Desert - Round 6 *>=======================
=====================< Results - Fight Without Pattern >======================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Fei Fong Wong                       52 --(6)--> 58                 Pass
RPS Badge                           3   Combat  Effects: Rally                
Sephilia Lampbright                 50 --(6)--> 56                 Pass
Folding Chair                       2   Combat  Effects: Stalwart             
Layna Manydays                      41 --(9)--> 50                 Fail
Fight                               0   Combat  Effects: BASIC                
Animal                              42 --(6)--> 48                 Fail
Vest of the Turtle                  2   Combat  Effects: Stalwart             
----------------------------------< Party >-----------------------------------
Leader: Sephilia Lampbright         80 --(35)--> 115               Pass
Conditions: Overwhelm|Suffer|Weaken(1)|Wound(2)
Effects: Stalwart(1)
==============================< Dream Chasers >===============================
DG: You have overcome the dungeon's trials! This run is a success!
DG: The party led by Sephilia Lampbright has successfully explored Great Aveh Desert!
===========================<* Great Aveh Desert *>============================
===================<* CHALLENGE - Footlocker - Pay Chest *>===================
|Type: Discovery   |Dungeon Ability: Conclusion|Challenge Rating: 1          | 
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 The footlocker you humped out of the desert is full of... money! Looks like   
 you accidentally robbed a pay convoy.                                         
=Dungeon Conditions: Treasure=================================================
<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei says, "You meet again??" As he sways on the sandworm. Animal starts clobbering the sandworm as Layna attempts to ignore likely elemental resistances, the wind blades slice deeply into the sandworm's body. It howls in pain moments before...


As per wrestling rules, chairs HURT. The sand worm spits out Animal and dives back beneath the sand.

Shortly after they open the footlocker and uncover...

"Money!" Fei says. "Finally, something useful!"