2018-03-10: Look to the Sky: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Look to the Sky''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Tethelle Cirdian, Character :: Sephilia Lampbright, Character :: Talise Gianfair, Character :: Layna Manyda...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 18:35, 11 March 2018

<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.

After the party escaped Meribia without getting captured, and after they got to a place where they could actually camp, Tethelle passed out, using her 'borrowed' robe as a pillow.

She'd had a busy day, okay?

It took her almost twenty-four hours before she was doing much of anything except being thoroughly unconscious, and while they may have been travelling since, it was probably a little slow at first while she (and the others, honestly) recovered from their wounds.

But it's a couple days later now. They're no longer so close to Meribia that they have to worry about being swept up by a patrol. Tethelle doesn't know where anything is so she let someone else plan a route, but she is back to attacking the rigours of travelling with her customary vigor. She's not perfectly recovered, but she's a hell of a lot better than she was when she crash-landed on this planet.

Right now, the camp is set up off the road to avoid Althena's Guard, in what is considered undesireable wild lands locally but would be the kind of terrain battles are fought over on Filgaia; it's green and overgrown, set up against a shelter of trees that serve as a windbreak.

Tethelle doesn't have a tent (she didn't bring one into Lost July and she certainly didn't have time to buy one in Meribia) so she's kind of set up a spot to sleep under a tree, using the robe she... acquired in Meribia and her cloak as padding and blanket. But she's done that, and so now she's setting up a fire so they can have something to eat.

She seems distracted. She keeps looking up at the sky, for one.

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia Lampbright is drowsy, but it's a happy drowsy. She's lying on her side against a big soft Chauncey, having worked her healing magics on her friends, had someone apply a healberry salve to her back, and chattered excitedly for as long as anyone was willing to listen about how happy her parents will be and how much she's looking forward to Mom's meat pies and showing Dad her journal and so on.

At this point, she's half-dozing, smiling despite the pain of her burned back.

Possibly she got fed a bit of alcohol for the pain, too. It wouldn't be surprising given everyone around her, after all.

<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

Once they were safely outside the city, off in the wild, Talise had drunk herself to sleep with enough Old Man Ettlesbury's to deal with the hole the Lord of Calamity had put in her midsection - which happened to be enough Old Man Ettlesbury's to level a Clydesdale. When she woke up in the morning, she grumbled a lot, then threw herself in the nearest ice-cold stream, then swore a lot, then threw herself in the stream again.

Fast forward to now, where Talise has shucked her Jessica-ish outfit and gone with something a bit more suited to wandering. She's in a tunic and a pair of trousers that tuck into tall boots, and she's sitting on a rock not far from Tethelle, grumbling a bit as she adjusts the straps on a large slab of metal that looks like it used to be one of the breastplates the group borrowed from the Krosian Royal Guard last month. "Bastard'll never fit," she mutters, holding the plate up and measuring its upper half with her eyes.

She sighs, making a mental note to check with her armourer.

Lifting her head and looking away from her work, Talise watches the way Tethelle moves, those glances up at the sky leaving her raising her eyebrows a bit. "Hey," she asks, her voice softening and her smile growing lopsided. "Sky looks a lot different when you're seeing it from here, right? Moon's a lot bigger, anyway. And blue."

<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

Layna definitely appreciated the opportunity to just rest and sleep off the injuries she'd acquired from the events at Pleasing Gardens. That was enough fighting for one week, she'd decided, and Layna was someone who liked fighting. It was nice to just...laze around, for once.

Though, it would be incorrect to say that there was nothing weighing on her mind. Tethelle wasn't the only one who was distracted. Layna tried to keep up morale when possible, sure - laughing and joking and listening to Sephilia gush about her parents along with the others - but occasionally, when she thinks no one is looking, she can be found looking a bit more subdued than usual.

She's also discarded her usual outfit. Her coat was unsalvagable, and had been tossed. Her hat, while still in good shape, was far too recognizable, as they'd found out. She kept it stored safely away, along with the eyepatch she wore whenever she went out.

At that moment she can be found leaning against a tree as Tethelle's preparing a fire, with a bottle resting on the ground beside her and her arms folded in front of her.

"Aye, I bet. 'Course...even to me, it looks a whole lot different now." Layna comments with a chuckle, as Talise notes Tethelle looking at the sky. The Blue Star...it wasn't like anything Layna had ever expected, in most ways.

<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.

"Get shorter," is Tethelle's suggestion to Talise, as she works with her flint against the back of her work knife. "I looked at those straps. You'd have to be halfway between me and you to wear that and have it stand up to very much, if you want it to actually go over your shoulders and fit properly."

She does not sound serious.

Tethelle gets a spark, then actually gets it to light, sheltering the wisp of flame with her hands until it really catches the kindling. Then she removes her hands before she scorches her fingers, because she's had enough of that, thank you. She doesn't talk about anything serious until she's got it lit and burning, feeding it small bits of wood to get the fire going properly.

Then: "It's different. I don't know what to think. I knew you said you were from Lunar, but I didn't realize what that meant, I suppose. Nor did I expect to get here myself. It's... something else, to look at from here. And I feel lost. I suppose you're used to that, or felt that way when you first got to Filgaia, all three of you."

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephy yawns. "I actually kinda didn't notice. It was dark out, and cloudy. But...I actually used to find the sky comforting. Once you get used to the difference with the Blue Star and everything, the stars are the same and in the same places. I used to look up and pretend like Mom and Dad were looking up at the same sky as I was. Helped me feel closer to home."

<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

"The interesting thing is the stars themselves aren't that different," Talise admits with a blink at Layna. "I could still see all the constellations while I was on Filgaia. Just... in different places. Like, whoever heard of the Gorgon in the western sky in autumn?"

The tall swordswoman cants her head towards the short one and smirks, hoisting the breastplate, tossing it up a few inches and then catching it easily. "Yeah, you're right... it's not gonna be in my size. It's always hard finding them that way. I end up wearing guys' armor a lot."

Talise finally sets the breastplate down, seemingly resigned to the fact that it's not going to fit her. She makes a mental note to visit an armourer as soon as they hit a town.

As Tethelle lights the fire, Talise reaches into her pack and comes up with a few strips of rabbit meat, which she sets to work prepping for cooking. A few little pouches of seasoning follow. Talise demonstrated awhile back that she can make pretty damned good travelers' meals, and she seems like she's about to do it again. As she opens a little bag of delicate-smelling spices, she smiles at Sephilia. "Yeah... me too. Especially aboard ship. The stars were our guiding light."

Pausing with her bag open, Talise purses her lips, gaze falling to Tethelle. She listens, nodding slowly and gravely. "I felt the same when I first got to Filgaia," she admits.

She smiles. "Ida and another friend of mine really helped me learn a lot about Filgaia, when I first got there. And I'd be a shitty friend if I didn't help you the same way. Anything you have a question about, ask. I've been through a lot of the places we're going, so I can probably answer."

<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

"Aye, aye. It sure made navigation difficult, at first." Layna comments with a chuckle, taking a sip from her bottle before setting it back down. She sends Sephilia a smile.

"Did you now? Aye, that's a good way to look at it..." She comments, glancing up at the sky. Her gaze lingers there for a moment.

She finds that she can't really agree about feeling lost. Sure, it was a strange new world, but...

She cuts that feeling off quickly. It wouldn't do any good to dwell on it now. She smirks and nods as Talise offers to help Tethelle out.

"Aye. I'll pitch in what I can, too. Maybe some o' the best places to get drinks 'round here..." She comments, and then shrugs dismissively. "...'Course, we've been gone so long the damn Guard's probably raided most of 'em, but..."

<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.

Tethelle can cook, but has no supplies to do it with for the same reason she has no tent. She'll have to pitch in when they get to a town. If she can convince someone to take her gella, anyway.

Maybe if she hands it over really fast they won't look at it too closely? They are silver coins, after all. It's not like she's cheating them, really...

"It's not just the sky," Tethelle says. "It's just that it doesn't let you forget it, to have it hanging there like that. It feels like it's going to fall on me." Tethelle has never seen anything that big just hang there before. "Though I know what you mean, Sephilia. Earlier, I thought I could see where my home was. Obviously I can't actually see my village, but I've seen maps of Aquvy, so I know what that coast is supposed to look like."

She sweeps her hand and takes in... "It's everything. It's green, greener than anywhere in Filgaia I have ever been, but from Filgaia the moon looks silver. There aren't Guardians here that I know of, but there are spirits, and it feels very... alive. And I feel like I know nothing. Where are we, even? Where are we going? A drink might help," she admits, "but it isn't all I need."

<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

"Yeah, I bet they've shut down a bunch of the good taprooms," Talise sighs with a mournful look back at Layna. "Brutal."

Laying out the meat, Talise sets to work seasoning each strip with the mixture. From the smell of it, there's likely rosemary, sage and lemongrass in there. She adds a bit of salt, rubbing the seasoning into each piece and letting it soak in the flavours.

As she works, she's listening. Her eyes lift towards Tethelle as she massages one of those little meaty morsels. A faint smile tugs at her lips as Tethelle speaks of the Blue Star overhead, but it vanishes altogether. "I can at least get you started on that. We're on a continent called Meribus - well, it's a two-part continent. It's the westernmost of two on Lunar. There's a big one in the south called Glenwood, too." Introducing the mythical Spira to the conversation would complicate it, she decides.

She starts to spice the last of the four pieces of meat. "The city we got run out of is called Meribia," she explains. "It's probably the biggest city on Lunar - one of the oldest, too. It's a huge port where ships come and go from all the time. There's always a ton of Guard there--"

Talise frowns. "...Right, there's gonna be ton of Guard just about everywhere we go, to be honest...."

<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

"Well, it ain't fallen on us yet, I can tell you that much." Layna comments with a chuckle, then glances away. "...Sorry, that's a little rude, isn't it?"

She quiets down a bit, listening as Tethelle and Talise speak. Talise raises a valid point - there's probably going to be members of the Guard everywhere.

"That's gonna be a problem...we're gonna have to make sure our disguises are pretty flawless..." She mutters, taking another sip of the drink.

They didn't give her much trouble before when she had a ship that could outrun them, but now...well, that was less possible.

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephy looks surprised and thoughtful. "You think it COULD fall?" she asks. Then yawns again.

<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.

Tethelle uses a stick to draw in the dirt. It's just a doodle, nothing fancy and no real design. "I don't think it could fall, but my brain and my gut disagree sometimes," she says, a little wry. "All right, Meribus, with Meribia, and Glenwood." She thinks she's heard of Glenwood, in passing.

She stops doodling and tosses the stick into the fire. It can char along with the rest. "I'm not convinced that I need a disguise, since they won't know me very well, though I don't think you have any Baskar here besides me. And Cyre," she adds, "if he came too, given he wasn't very far away."

Tethelle falls quiet for a few moments, before asking: "Is it this green everywhere on Lunar? I thought you were exaggerating."

<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

"Well, the Guard knows me as a brunette. There's a reason I've been bleaching my hair," Talise says with a crooked smile. "Good news is, I didn't see my face on any bounty posters, so they probably just assumed I died."

Giving all four strips of rabbit meat a good salting, Talise produces a simple skillet from her pack, greasing it quickly and laying the pieces of rabbit in it. The long-handled skillet is soon extended out over the cooking fire. Before long, the enticing scent of meat and herbs begins to waft through the little clearing as the fire proceeds to cook the rabbit out.

"Glenwood's where Princess Alisha and Sorey come from, by the way," she explains with a wave of a hand. "Sephy's from here in Meribus."

As the meat cooks, Talise smiles back at Tethelle as she questions. "Yeah, a lot of it is like this. Even the plains are mostly green grass in the spring and summer, and part of the fall. We get snow in winter when you go north - or most of the year in somewhere like Zulan, up in the mountains. There are some deserts, like way south from here, but this part of Meribus is very green."

She clears her throat. "With respect to Baskar things," she warns, "we don't have them. We also have no other gods. Just Althena. And the Guard's really antsy about heresy. If anyone asks about your religion, just say you love Althena." She lowers her eyelids. "The Guard also outlaws drinking, singing and dancing, but they're assholes and I never listen to them."

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

"Just wait'll you see my home! It's in a big forest!" Sephy declares.

<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

"Aye, you could maybe do without. But me?" Layna chuckles to herself. "Well...let's just say I'm a little infamous."

Talise explains where everyone comes from, and Layna nods.

"As for me? Well...my home is the /sea/. The seas of Lunar are lovely, if you've got a ship capable of passin' through 'em/ Which we, ah...I guess don't, right now." She explains.

She can't really provide much info on the lay of the land. She knew some things, but her area of expertise was primarily near the coast. Besides, Talise is doing well enough.

"Aye, but I wouldn't say that to their faces, unless you fancy a fight...and maybe a good laugh." Layna comments with a chuckle and a nod to Sephy.

"Aye, I bet. We'll definitely have to visit, aye?"

<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.

That's where she's heard of Glenwood. Tethelle feels slightly more comfortable. Not much, granted. But slightly. "I'd like to see it sometime," Tethelle says to Sephilia, and means it.

But then Tethelle's expression darkens. "I am not going to give up following Equites and the other Guardians for them any more than I would give it up to the Granas Cathedral Knights, and I won't lie to them to make them happy," she says. "All I can say is that I won't make an issue of it unless I must." Such as, for instance, if someone tries to take her Medium away from her.

"Anyhow, for a world without Guardians, there's a certain amount of... energy here. Like a ley line, the channels of the world's energy - the Statues were built over nodes - except it's everywhere I look. I wonder if they know. I expected that Lunar would - well, that it wouldn't have spirits, or the same kind of energy. It does. But no Guardians, unless they are well hidden and don't make themselves known." Tethelle looks at the meat, before adding, "That smells good."

<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

Talise smiles at Sephilia as the girl chimes in. "I can't wait to see it. I'm sure your parents will be relieved to know you're alright."

Layna chimes in with her explanation; Talise, who spent more of her life as essentially a geohound roaming eastern Meribus, nods slowly. "Yeah. I was born on a ship not unlike Layna's - the Lunabelle, she was called, under Captain Goldhand."

Layna might recognize the name: A well-known ship of pirates and mercenaries, which sunk nine years ago on some mysterious mission.

As Tethelle plants her proverbial heel down, Talise presses her lips together, then nods slowly. "Yeah, that's fair. You don't have to give up anything you don't want to give up. Just... bear in mind that people are touchy about it here. Moreso than Granas people are." She smiles ruefully. "They'll probably give us all a hard time anyway, to be honest with you."

With a pair of tongs, Talise flips the meat in the skillet, revealing a delightfully-browned side of the rabbit strips. As Tethelle goes on further, the taller wordswoman blinks - Tethelle's perceived something about Lunar even Talise doesn't know. "No... there are no Guardians. I'd never heard of them before I arrived on Filgaia. But it's said that Lunar is alive with Althena's Blessing. It's where magic comes from. All people from Lunar have it." She smiles crookedly. "Well. Except me, but."

Giving the skillet a little waggle, she smiles more brightly. "Almost ready."

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephy picks herself up off of Chauncey drowsily, goes over, and hugs Talise. "I think you have Althena's Blessing cos you have us." Then she smiles, and staggers back over to slump on Chauncey again.

She may be a bit tipsy.

<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.

"I wonder if you have it, and merely don't know how to use it?" Tethelle looks a little thoughtfully at Talise. "It would be unusual for only one person to not have it at all. Perhaps it's just waiting for the right moment." Sephy gets a slight smile. "Well, that's not what I told her, but it's good enough. Are you feeling all right?"

Tethelle only noticed the energy because she is a shaman, and thus trained to look for it. She's not sure anyone native to Lunar would have similar training, unless they teach it in the inner depths of the Magic Guild (either one) or Pentagulia (which Tethelle does not know the name of).

"I tried to commune with Equites," Tethelle says, after a longer pause. "She didn't speak back. That isn't unusual - Guardians often only speak directly, even to their chosen priests, in places of power, or in emergencies. Shrines, temples. The Garden - she spoke then. When the Lord of Calamity tried to shut her out, she refused to allow it in their Garden. But her power does reach here." She can use her Medium. She checked.

Tethelle picks up another fallen stick and absently trims the side branches off it with her knife. (All the parts will get used for firewood, she's not trashing it for no purpose.) "I have to be serious for a moment. The last problem," she says, "is Filgaia. I need to go back. I would be happy to explore Lunar - if it wasn't for the Metal Demons. I serve the Guardians, and they have asked me - us - to fight. So if any of you think you can get me back... I must ask. You are some of the only people who have gone both ways."

<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

Talise talks about the Lunabelle, and Layna nods. She'd definitely heard of the ship before.

"Aye, I don't blame you for that. If anyone does give you trouble, let us know. We'll deal with it...if there's anything left, that is. If not, we'll clean up the mess!" Layna comments, cracking a grin.

The conversation turns to the world itself, and the energy that suffused the land.

"We don't have Guardians, aye, but we do have the Seraphim. ...'Course, used to think they were just spooky bedtime stories brats got told so they'd behave, but then the Shepherd's squires introduced me to one..." Layna comments with a shrug, then glances toward the fire where Talise is cooking their meal. She glances toward Tethelle, then, as she issues her earnest request. She's quiet for a moment...and then nods.

"...Aye. I couldn't tell you how, but...I need to get back, too." She says, her gaze drifting to the ground somewhat. "Dahlia, Victoria, Lysander...I left 'em all behind. This...isn't where I need to be right now, nice as it is to be back."

With a sigh, Layna picks up her bottle and takes a deep swig.

"Unfortunately, for me, it was just a fluke - one moment we were on the sea, then flash, my ship was stuck in the Filgaia dirt. So I can't help you there, but...I'll sure as hell help you figure somethin' out."

<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

Blushing, Talise slips her free arm out to wrap around Sephilia, squeezing the girl about the shoulders. "That's a totally different kind of blessing," she says, voice quieting. "But you're right - I am blessed to have such good people who've stuck with me through all of this."

Then it's Tethelle trying to cheer her up. Talise smiles ruefully and shakes her head. "I've tried before and I don't seem to have the ability. I think it's becaue Althena doesn't have much use anymore for a bard, now that she seems to think music is evil. Maybe it's my punishment for being how I am. But whatever." She shrugs, flipping the rabbit over in the pan once more, then beginning to take the delicious-smelling parcels of meat off the pan with her tongs, setting them on a cloth to cool a bit as she pulls out her plates.

"Yeah... it was a fluke for me, too," Talise confesses as Tethelle speaks her piece. "I was at the bottom of an abyss and wound up at the bottom of another one, where a couple of women found me and pulled me out. But...." She trails off, then presses her lips together.

She reaches for Tethelle and claps her firmly on the shoulder. "...There's got to be a way to get you back. Look... the Elw knew how to get from Filgaia to Lunar, right? Maybe there's another of those Elw teleporters on Lunar somewhere. If there is, we'll find it. I owe you that much - you stuck with me when I was alone on Filgaia, too. Besides."

Talise smiles roughly, eyes tightening at the corners. "I don't want to let the Metal Demons do whatever they want, either. I want to get back to Filgaia and smash Siegfried in the face."

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephy squeezes tight as Talise hugs, but on the subject of returning to Filgaia, she remains quiet for the moment, a little subdued. She's...she's still making up her mind!

<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.

"Any ability may be hidden until a time of need," Tethelle shoots back, "and it does require training and practice to use the Blessing, or why have a Magic Guild? Two Magic Guilds? But I wouldn't worry about it. You're fine as you are."

Tethelle is somewhat disappointed that it was all flukes, but not so much that she shows it. And Talise does have a pretty good idea; if the Elw have clearly been and gone, they would have had a way to get back. It's just a question if it still works.

She grins, giving Talise a matching thump on the shoulder. "Thank you," she says. "I do appreciate it. And I would be quite happy to fight alongside any of you. Or not, if your path does not take you back to Filgaia." She noticed that hesitation, Sephilia - Tethelle is pretty astute sometimes.

<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

"You're damn good with a sword, at least. Don't matter how much magic you've got if there's a sword in your gut before you finish incanting, aye?" Layna comments with a smirk, trying to reassure Talise.

Talise raises a valid point, too. There had to be another Elw teleporter somewhere on Lunar, right? From what she saw of their ruin they were weirdly impractical, but at the very least they wouldn't force themselves into a one-way trip, right?

"Aye, I've got your back in this too. Don't worry about a thing, lass. Besides, the Metal Demons are down a Quarter Knight. That's gotta hamper their war machine even a little, right? We've got some time." She comments with a smirk.

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

"There must be whatever we got sent by in the first place, yeah. I...I gotta at least *talk* to my parents, I...I wanna help, and don't wanna just...not be helpful...abandon everyone...it's just..." Sephilia seems to be flailing a little, verbally.

<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

"Yeah," Talise concedes with a crooked smile. "Yeah, me and Rastaban get by. And if it were some other sword, I'd still get by."

She moves her hand to briefly rest over the back of Tethelle's, smiling broadly at the other swordswoman before letting the touch fall away. "We're glad to have you. Althena knows I am, too. We'll get you back there, and anyone else who wants to go."

Talise's eyes dart to Sephilia, and she smiles a softer smile. "And if some of us want to stay here, then that's fine too. But I want to see this thing through to the end."

Lady Chloe wouldn't back out on the people of the Blue Star, Talise rationalizes. Neither can I.

Talise's tongue passes over her lips, before she offers up a piece of rabbit to Sephilia. She smiles quietly. "Well. We're heading home. Talk about it with your mom and dad when we get there, and then you can decide. Whatever you choose to do, that'll be fine."

<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.

"One hopes," Tethelle agrees with Layna. That's one quarter of them dead, right? That's how this works...?

Tethelle is smiling. "Thanks. I'm glad you'll help me - and, Sephilia, even if you decide not to go back to Filgaia, I'd like to travel with you until I find a way to return. Which, I suppose, isn't so different from what we were doing on Filgaia, except the other way around... but she's right. There's no reason not to go towards... Takkar...?"

She remembered!

"...given none of us know what way would be the best option. But we should explore ruins on the way, to see if we can find any hints. If we're all agreed on that?"

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

"What kind of famous explorer would I be if I didn't agree?" Sephilia asks. Then, accepting Talise's offered rabbit and taking a big ol' bite, she looks thoughtful while chewing. "Mmf! I'm not famous here yet!" she realizes, gulping the meat down. "I need to find Lemina too, and visit Vane, cause I'm in the Magic Guild, and...but that's after I visit home..." The girl's mind is racing.

<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

"Aye, lass. Besides, think of it this way - we found a way here, aye? Maybe we'll be able to go back and forth someday." Layna comments with a shrug. Hey, it was an idea, right?

"But aye. Go with what your heart tells you, lass. I'll stand by whatever decision you make." She says, offering her a smile. And then, Tethelle has an idea. Layna smirks.

"...Aye, that's a fine idea. Besides, I don't know about you two, but I don't have any o' my Silver on me. Left all o' mine back on the Empress, thinking I didn't need it. We'll probably need some money, aye?" She says, nodding in agreement.

<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

"I've heard there are some really old ruins in the mountains out east. Maybe it's worth scoping them out, seeing what's there to be found," Talise suggests with a shrug. "It's not like we're not going east anyway."

Talise hands out the plates of delicious meat. The rabbit turns out to be seasoned just right. Talise may not have any appreciable magic, but one thing she can do is cook damned fine travel food, even if it's something simple like this.

The tall swordswoman smiles back at Sephilia. "We'll definitely have to visit Vane. I've never been there, either."

She looks up to Tethelle once more. The grin Talise shares with her is broad and warm, showing off the points of her incisors. "It'll work out. It did for us on Filgaia and it will for you here. We'll get back there and we'll take care of the rest of the Quarter Knights, then show Mother what's what - and then, who knows?"

<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.

"I have some gella," Tethelle volunteers. "It's silver coins, so it ought to be worth something..."

She is not going to like the exchange rate.

"...but I am definitely willing to go to the ruins on our way east. Is Vane that way also?" Tethelle is happier with at least an idea - she's not the sort to overplan, but she was a little worried that her friends would split up again, when back at home. She's glad that they're going to stick together a little longer. "Who knows indeed," she agrees.

<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

Layna readily accepts a plate before fishing through one of her bags and passing out drinks to everyone who wants one. She wasn't going to keep it all to herself, of course!

She takes a bite and nods appreciatively toward Talise. It sure paid off, knowing how to cook on the road!

"Well, I know what I've got in mind. Once this is all over...I'm gonna go sailing again." Layna says with a nod. "Been far too long since I've been on the sea, I say. Lunar or Filgaia...I think I'd be good either way."

<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

"We actually will be going by way of Vane," Talise says with a blink of realization. "We'll pass in that area, then go southeast to Nota, then cross the big bridge in Nota and go east from there, past the inland lake and then southeast until we hit Takkar. Then we'll try to find those ruins."

Taking the drink from Layna, Talise smiles broadly at the pirate. "I might join you in that one, if you'll have me. I haven't been on a good ship in way too long."%