2019-08-15: Clearing A Path: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Clearing A Path''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Jacqueline Barber, Character :: Chime Isa, Character :: Ethius Hesiod, Character :: Avril Vent Fleur, C...")
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Revision as of 04:01, 2 September 2019

DG: A party led by Jacqueline Barber is now entering Macalania Woods.
DG: Party formation is now over. An Entry Challenge will now be drawn and displayed to the party.
============================<* Macalania Woods *>=============================
===================<* CHALLENGE - A Disorienting Growth *>====================
|Type: Entry       |Dungeon Ability: Brute     |Challenge Rating: 2          |
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 North of the Thunder Plains lies the Macalania Woods; in order to reach
 Macalania Lake and the temple there, a traveler has no choice but to
 traverse the woods.

 But traversing the woods is no easy thing, thanks to the strength of the
 Fiends present, and that isn't even taking into account the forest itself --
 paths that twist and wind among crystalline trees, light glittering at odd
 angles to disorient, distract, and waylay the unwary.

 The path you now walk seemed at first to be in good condition. But this has
 gradually proven not to be the case -- steadily it's become move overgrown,
 to the point where passage is near impossible without removing it. It seems,
 though, that the more you cut the more there is left to cut...

 There must be some way to deal with the foliage. Turning back now would be a
=Dungeon Conditions: Madness==================================================
<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Macalania Woods was, in many ways, a maze of natural crystalline trees. It was easy to get lost, distracted, or turned around amongst its labyrinthine pathways, and it was for that reason that Jacqueline wished to investigate it further. It might be useful to find a convenient pathway through the Woods and toward the lake beyond it, and so, she set out.

"This place really is quite beautiful...but it's all the more dangerous for it." Jacqueline comments, arms folded in front of her. As if responding to her statement, she very nearly trips over a tree root, but manages to catch herself at the last second.

"What's-" She pauses, looking on ahead to see that the path forward, clear up to this point, has become positively covered in overgrowth. They'll have to turn back and find a way around, or...

"...We might be able to make our way through it. Here, take some of this - it can get pretty cold in the deeper section of the Woods." At this, Jacqueline produces some bottles of a bright red liquid - something to help everyone keep warm that also just so happens to taste pleasantly of cinnamon.

And then, she gets to thinking - there might be a more efficient way to go about this...

DG: Jacqueline Barber has used her Tool Brewte Force toward her party's challenge, A Disorienting Growth.
<Pose Tracker> Chime Isa has posed.

    Another exploration into the Macalania Woods, another day to collect materials! Or at least look. Chime's previous exploration hadn't turned anything of immediate use to her in upgrading ARMs, through the pretty crystalline branches were lovely.

    "Mmm, it is~" she says cheerfully to Jay as she follows the merchant through the Woods, watching the surroundings for anything of interest. She occansionally stops to pick up a rock here, a fallen branch there. Till Jay pauses.

    "Mmm, that does look a problem~" she comments, accepting the potion from Jay. "I'd offer to just blow it out of the way, but that would just cause more problems~ Sharpnel's not much fun." she says with a sagely nod and cheery voice.

    "But I can help move things out of the way, if anyone has a good idea to work on~" she adds, patting a pair of smithy gloves on her belt.

DG: Chime Isa has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, A Disorienting Growth.
<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

    Ethius has a vested interest in helping ensure there is a clear route to take, coming and going, in case of an emergency. The Woods, in all of their crystalline glory, have not been terribly cooperative with this will. That passage through the labyrinthian paths have scarcely given consistent passage raises all sorts of additional concerns that can be inferred without requiring further elucidation at present.
     "It would seem that this path should not be considered as though it has seen much travel prior," Ethius weighs in as he considers the nature of the foliage in question, kneeling down before it and running his gloved hands across the growth and occasionally giving it inquisitive tugs.
     At one point he straightens up and takes two steps back as though he were thinking something might go off... but he doesn't voice what it is, or why, before coming back down before the brush to give it another look.
     Chime suggests (and then backtracks) simply blowing it up, which has Ethius looking at her from over his shoulder for a few seconds before he goes back to observing the character and nature of the overgrowth.
     "...It is indeterminate as to how much of it is structurally rigid like stone," Ethius remarks as he rises, taking a hold of Jay's offered bottle. He looks away from the lot of them and sneaks in a whiff rather than drink it proper. Once that's out of the way, Ethius just quietly takes the front in terms of steadily pulling and removing growth.
     He does not seem to be of the mind to try and burn any of it, which given the environs is likely wise.

DG: Ethius Hesiod has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, A Disorienting Growth.
<Pose Tracker> Avril Vent Fleur has posed.

    For Avril, the situation is more one of 'idle hands, idle mind'. The paths her mind has been treading of late have been...
    'Of concern' does not yet begin to cover the matter appropriately, but perhaps this is a point where she would rather not approach the matter in an appropriate manner. It is true: she has to think about things. It is also true: thinking about things will lead to her circling on herself in an unproductive fashion.

    So she has roused herself and come out to explore a place further to the north than she has traveled previously, taking up Jay's offer as the well-needed distraction that it is.

    Perhaps she might find an answer. They have the habit of turning up in unexpected places.

    "Hmm," she muses in the here and now, her attention at last diverted from the foliage around them and instead the foliage before them.

    "Oh, thank you, Jay," she says, taking the offered draught and...
    Well, she has a sip. It's strong.

    Before approaching part of the growth and placing a gloved hand upon it. "..."

    Frost begins to spread at her touch and at her will.

DG: Avril Vent Fleur has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, A Disorienting Growth.
<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

Lydia deals with the foliage problem by hitting it hard with Tiebreaker (her bat) to knock it out of the way. Hey. Sometimes the simple solutions work.

Lydia is in a good mood today because yesterday she had FUN with IVAN reading an adventure book about this cool guy named LUKE FON FABRE who was kidnapped by bad dudes and doesn't get to leave his HOMETOWN and ends up on a whirlwind adventure BY ACCIDENT REALLY. Something about LUKE FON FABRE kind of getting on everybody's nerves before learning maturity and all his other lessons just speaks to Lydia. Clearly, the tale of LUKE FON FABRE is the best of many tales!

Still she knows if she stays into too close contact with Ivan for too long he will explode and so she is here so Ivan does not explode. Really, if you think about it... she is a hero.

"Oh hey Avril." Lydia smiles, looking towards her friend. "How's Rebecca doing? Haven't seen her around lately." She tilts her head a bit and adds, "Hype to have an adventure with you today."

She is kind of hype for adventure in general thanks to the book pumping her up for ADVENTURE in general but seeing someone along who she hasn't seen in a while is great too.

She glances over to Ethius briefly but thinks about HIS COAT and kind of quickly looks away. She feels so awkward for no reason about this!!

DG: Lydia Seren has used her Tool Good Luck Bat toward her party's challenge, A Disorienting Growth.
============================<* Macalania Woods *>=============================
===================<* CHALLENGE - A Disorienting Growth *>====================
|Type: Entry       |Dungeon Ability: Brute     |Challenge Rating: 2          |
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 North of the Thunder Plains lies the Macalania Woods; in order to reach
 Macalania Lake and the temple there, a traveler has no choice but to
 traverse the woods.

 But traversing the woods is no easy thing, thanks to the strength of the
 Fiends present, and that isn't even taking into account the forest itself --
 paths that twist and wind among crystalline trees, light glittering at odd
 angles to disorient, distract, and waylay the unwary.

 The path you now walk seemed at first to be in good condition. But this has
 gradually proven not to be the case -- steadily it's become move overgrown,
 to the point where passage is near impossible without removing it. It seems,
 though, that the more you cut the more there is left to cut...

 There must be some way to deal with the foliage. Turning back now would be a
=Dungeon Conditions: Madness==================================================
=======================<* Macalania Woods - Round 1 *>========================
=====================< Results - A Disorienting Growth >======================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Jacqueline Barber                   0 --(5)--> 5                   Fail
Brewte Force                        1   Brute   Effects: Fanfare and Strengthe
Ethius Hesiod                       0 --(0)--> 0                   Pass
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC
Chime Isa                           0 --(0)--> 0                   Pass
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC
Lydia Seren                         0 --(5)--> 5                   Fail
Good Luck Bat                       2   Brute   Effects: Strengthen
Avril Vent Fleur                    0 --(5)--> 5                   Fail
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC
----------------------------------< Party >-----------------------------------
Leader: Jacqueline Barber           0 --(20)--> 20                 Pass
Conditions: Madness
Effects: Strengthen(1)
==============================< Dream Chasers >===============================
DG: The party led by Jacqueline Barber has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to
use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"That's probably wise..." Jacqueline agrees with a nod toward Chime. She's sure they can probably get through this particular section without the use of explosives, and there may very well be obstructions up ahead that would need them more.

"I think you might be right. Either that, or they found another way around it...but we can't exactly jump or fly over, so we don't have a choice." She replies, glancing toward Ethius. She notes that he elects not to try burning it. This, too, is probably for the best.

And also, Avril is here! Jacqueline did want to get to know her a little better and she felt she could be useful here, so this is an advantageous arrangement.

Lydia seems to be in a good about this, too, which is another plus in Jacqueline's book.

In the end, the overgrowth seems pretty resilient, even to Avril's frost and Lydia's bat. It takes a good deal of effort to get it to budge, and in the end Ethius and Chime have the right idea - it turns out the answer is just good, old-fashioned brute force by hand is the best solution, and eventually they've got the path cleared out so they can continue on deeper into the woods.

DG: Ethius Hesiod has drawn a new Challenge.
=================================================<* Macalania Woods *>==================================================
=========================================<* CHALLENGE - Crossing The Streams *>=========================================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 1          |
-----------------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >-----------------------------------------------
 Streams criss cross sections of the Macalania Woods, perhaps ultimately
 feeding into the Moonflow to the south. Most of them have small wooden
 bridges that allow a trivial crossing.

 This one does not.

 The water is cold and flowing quickly even if it is rather shallow, and most
 of the larger stones are covered with a slippery moss. Move quickly.
=Dungeon Conditions: Reckless=================================================
<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

    The hypothesis is that this route has not seen much foot traffic, and indeed, there is more supporting evidence for this a ways further in, as they find their path leads them to a larger stream that appears shallow but the water's sound is that of rapid movement. Shining lights fill the water - pyreflies - making their eerie wailing noises for those few that are compelled by natural forces up and out of the body of water that carries them, like they're having the time of their existence. (They aren't, this is just regular inert pyrefly behavior.)
     Ethius takes his quarterstaff and gently lowers the tip into the water in order to confirm that the water's depth is as shallow as it first appears, given this forest's tendency to mislead the very eyes.
     His posture slips momentarily as the tip slides across slick rock. He catches himself before there's tragedy, slapstick, or both.
     "The stream is shallow," Ethius remarks, "but the current is strong. Footing may prove an issue." He looks out to the rest of the gathered - he takes notice of how evasive Lydia seems to be, but he doesn't yet press that point. "As it does not appear locals have gone down this path... it does seem at present that there would be no conveniences provided to travelers."
     (In Plain English: no bridges.)
     This much won't stop Ethius as he ties the harness for the Hot Air Sack around one wrist and then goes about Symbologically casting the usual heat-based spell to fill it full of air in which to try and carry himself across. The other hand uses his staff in order to gauge footing for the rest and help pinpoint a stepping stone route across.
     Some pyreflies flit by in greater number, every so often, as if a nerve-wracking reminder that they could coalesce into fiends with almost no warning whatsoever.

DG: Ethius Hesiod has used his Tool Hot Air Sack toward his party's challenge, Crossing The Streams.
<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"...A stream...? No bridge, either...maybe we picked the wrong path." Jacqueline considers with a frown, looking it over. She looks toward Ethius as he tests out the stream itself. Shallow...but with a strong current.

"And the water's probably freezing cold...try not to fall in, if you can." Jacqueline warns. She draws out another set of bottles, these one full of a pale-green liquid - something to help with agility, and give back a little more energy after the hard work just a little while ago.

With those distributed Jacqueline makes to carefully jump across the stones, trying to avoid falling in as best she can. She has some spells to catch herself, but she'd prefer not to use them if she didn't have to...

DG: Jacqueline Barber has used her Tool Rapid Remedy toward her party's challenge, Crossing The Streams.
<Pose Tracker> Chime Isa has posed.

    While clearing out the path, several larger pieces of crystalline tree wind up stashed in Chime's pouches. Never turn away a potentially useful item! Not very many through, and she's picky about shape and light refraction propeties.

    As the group moves on, coming to a stream Chime moves right up to water beside Ethius and squats down to play idly with the surface by the bank running her hand through it as she looks across it at the rocks. When Ethius stumbles, she tilts her head saying "Slippery~" with an amused chcukle.

    She stands and shakes water off her hand before stretching slightly. "This should be fun!" she says cheerfully, and then gracefully takes off from the dry, tractionable land out for the first rock, then the next, and the next as she makes to bounce her way to the far side without hopefully slipping into the water.

DG: Chime Isa has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Crossing The Streams.
<Pose Tracker> Avril Vent Fleur has posed.


    Avril turns a little sharply Lydia's way. "Oh, Lydia. ...Rebecca? She is fine. I suppose the both of you have merely not crossed paths, recently?" she says, raising a hand to her lips.

    Her attempts to destroy the foliage does not go particularly well. Perhaps it is a matter of the plants being particularly hearty here... and accustomed to the cold. "It seems that was not quite right," she says simply, before moving back to let the others make their attempt. Soon enough, the overgrowth is cleared. And then...

    She approaches the stream once they reach it, crouching at one bank and reaching out a gloved hand for one of the mossy stones. "I feel... as if I should know its name," she says of the moss, before drawing back a now dampened glove and a strange expression on her face. "..."

    She rises, gazing at the stream.

    "Yes... I believe so," she says, at Jay's warning.

    Which may be why she draws out the Medium.

    "Lucadia," she invokes, light glimmering from the Sea Medium in benediction.

    Before she suddenly takes a leap for the nearest rock and... keeps on bouncing along on the stones, as if this were suddenly a platforming section.

    (maybe it is)

DG: Avril Vent Fleur has used her Tool Sea Medium toward her party's challenge, Crossing The Streams.
<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

"Man, Ivan's going to be real glad we didn't run into this when we adventured through here." Lydia says, knowing him well enough to know that WATER isn't just a weakness for Ivan but an enemy that is chasing after him, a nemesis that he must one day defeat...or be defeated by.

But she does consider for a moment, "Though... this is probably better than the actual underwater monastery... I mean, that's way more water than this is!"

She activates skate mode. YEAH!

And then she aims to just skate back a bit, and then just literally skate forward and jump half past the challenge and then hippity hop WHILE ON SKATES across the slippery stone.

It's probably best to not think too much about how she's able to do this, and yet--her balance is pretty uncanny here at least.

"So um... are you doing okay, Avril?" She asks. "I mean I guess it's probably uh... you've probably got a lot on your mind? With everything? That's going on? What with Luca and everything--"

She nods slowly though. "Yeah I mean I guess it's been pretty busy. So long as she's okay! I guess that's what's important!!"

She glances again to Ethius and seems a little more relaxed this time. Maybe she deleted COAT.BAT from her memory. You never know.

DG: Lydia Seren has used her Tool Radical Skates toward her party's challenge, Crossing The Streams.
=================================================<* Macalania Woods *>==================================================
=========================================<* CHALLENGE - Crossing The Streams *>=========================================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 1          |
-----------------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >-----------------------------------------------
 Streams criss cross sections of the Macalania Woods, perhaps ultimately
 feeding into the Moonflow to the south. Most of them have small wooden
 bridges that allow a trivial crossing.

 This one does not.

 The water is cold and flowing quickly even if it is rather shallow, and most
 of the larger stones are covered with a slippery moss. Move quickly.
=Dungeon Conditions: Reckless=================================================
============================================<* Macalania Woods - Round 2 *>=============================================
===========================================< Results - Crossing The Streams >===========================================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Jacqueline Barber                   5 --(0)--> 5                   Pass
Rapid Remedy                        1   Agility Effects: Cleanse
Ethius Hesiod                       0 --(0)--> 0                   Pass
Hot Air Sack                        2   Agility Effects: Resilient
Chime Isa                           0 --(0)--> 0                   Pass
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC
Lydia Seren                         5 --(0)--> 5                   Pass
Radical Skates                      3   Agility Effects: Fanfare
Avril Vent Fleur                    5 --(0)--> 5                   Pass
Sea Medium                          2   Agility Effects: Quicken
-------------------------------------------------------< Party >--------------------------------------------------------
Leader: Jacqueline Barber           20 --(20)--> 40                Pass
Conditions: Madness|Reckless(2)
Effects: Cleanse|Quicken(1)|Resilient(1)
===================================================< Dream Chasers >====================================================
DG: The party led by Jacqueline Barber has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to
use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

    While Ethius might raise concerns about some of the more flippant and carefree means in which to navigate the streams, it shows among those who take more measured approaches that the level of danger inherent may have been ultimately overstated.
     Jay takes the sweetest amount of time as she goes from stone to stone to stone. Only once or twice does it even suggest she might need to consider her balance, but she never slips. She can make it to the other side without issue.
     Chime has her fun, and it really is! The water is beautiful, the passing pyreflies don't turn into fiends, and there's a refreshing (if cold) mist from the water rolling on up against the slick rocks. It isn't a thing!
     Avril aces the platforming section. With Lucadia, this is a tool-assisted speed run. (This time around she shaves at least eighteen frames off of her previous best run of this dungeon due to favorable pyrefly RNG, the judges are pleased and she will probably make the frame rule handily! ...er, never mind...)
     Lydia is just too cool for the ice-cold stream water to deal with, skatin' on by like that, and she just makes it behind Avril who is otherwise the first one across.
     Ironically, it's the overly cautious Ethius who comes in 'last,' drifting slowly but surely along to the other side, but he touches down without much incident.
     "You feel you should know its name?" Ethius asks of Avril belatedly. "The moss. I am uncertain that would be possible."
     ...he might be behind on a few key plot developments.
     The stream's behind them, though, so that's fine.

DG: Chime Isa has drawn a new Challenge.
============================<* Macalania Woods *>=============================
=========================<* CHALLENGE - A Bad Trip *>=========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 2          |
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 Light swirls through the boughs of the forest, glittering and shimmering
 where it catches on the crystalline trees. There is a strange feeling the
 air, as if something about this land's will has shifted.

 You see... things.

 According to rumor, spirits haunt the woods, beguiling and leading astray
 those who encounter them. Perhaps this is only a story. Perhaps this is just
 a further result of the power that allows the forest to be.

 In the end, it doesn't matter. You must break free of the illusion that has
 beguiled you.
=Dungeon Conditions: Bad Luck, Tire===========================================
<Pose Tracker> Chime Isa has posed.

    Chime playfully does a flip off the last jump, landing with ease on the far bank and moving forward to make space for anyone else landing in the same area. With a glance back to make sure noone fell in, she then moves a little further up the uncommonly wandered path suddenly in the lead.

    Chime hums contently as she goes, and shortly after the stream is gone from view behind the light and crystalline trees reflecting it show stops and blinks looking around as a strange weight seems to roll through the air as if something changed. As if something noticed them. The light here is brighter also, bouncing off the prism like bark of the trees again and again creating beguiling crafts of light that almost seem.

    "Pretty~" Chime says, reaching into her vest and pulling out a thin bound book and looking through it. It's written using common characters of Spira, and she finds a page reads it, murmuring softly outloud as she does "While it cannot be proven it is not in fact spirits of those lost trying to add to their company for misery enjoys company, some sections of the Macalania Woods seems more prone to refraction of light one bright days creating mangificent illusions that can easy beguile, confuse, and lead astray travelers to their doom. Reducing the level of light, or guarding against it with wards can help one find their way through these sections of the path. Note that pyreflies tend to also be attracted to these spots."

DG: Chime Isa has used her Tool Cure-Alls toward her party's challenge, A Bad Trip.
<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"You think so?" Jacqueline replies curiously, looking toward Avril as she suggest that she should know the name of the moss. "I'll admit, I'm not as caught up on the names of the flora in the Macalania region as I should be..."

She meant to, but she had a lot of other things to keep track of and people to take care of.

Fortunately, she and the others cross the stones without incident - but then, not long after, she feels it. It's hard to place what it is, but...there's a strange feeling, as if the nature of the land has changed. Jacqueline reels a little, shutting her eyes tight and shaking her head.

It's all a little overwhelming. Fortunately, Chime has apparently read something about this place that helps.

"Right...good thinking." Jacqueline replies. "Everyone, try not to lose sight of one another - try to keep talking, if you can, so we don't get split up."

She's not sure what tricks the woods might pull, but she wants them to be prepared just in case.

DG: Jacqueline Barber has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward her party's challenge, A Bad Trip.
<Pose Tracker> Avril Vent Fleur has posed.

    Avril does not answer Lydia's question at first.

    "I have had much to think on," she says at last. "With Luca, and everything... and what our next action must be. I am thinking on it still." She smiles apologetically, then dips into a very shallow bow. "I am sorry. I do not have an answer yet that I can give. However, once I have..."

    First of all, she must speak to her friends. Perhaps this is the time above all else to have faith in them...

    But there are things she still needs to put to right, first.
    And there is one person above all else who may understand what troubles her best of all.

    Once clear of the stream, she hesitates when Ethius speaks to her.

    "Yes, I do," she says, then blinks at his statement. "All plants and animals have a name," she says, gesturing smally at the forest about them. "I feel that I may have known what that moss was to be called, once."

    Which is a strange thing for a plant of another world, perhaps, but...

    ...maybe there isn't a lot of difference in mosses across the worlds.

    "Wait," she says, as they head onwards. She stops in her tracks, holding an arm out to one side. On high alert now, she has already marked the decided tilt in the land's mood. "Something is not right..."

    It certainly does not look at all right. Her lips purse in a frown; drawing out the mirror, she angles it to reflect the path ahead of them and gazes into its depths as if she were attempting to divine what were truly here.

    "Not everything is real," she murmurs, her gaze hooded.

DG: Avril Vent Fleur has used her Tool Mirror of De Soto toward her party's challenge, A Bad Trip.
<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

    Ethius quietly regards Avril's answer, her confidence that she might have once known what that moss was to be called. He, too, suffers from lost memories - as both only have so many contexts to work with, it might have been tone deaf for him to even question the statement.
     Strange sights catch his vision. Ethius, known for staring, stares at the things that are also staring back. Strange shapes and irregularities, the confusing nature of this place being brought to bear in full as though some sort of defensive measure by the woods itself... as Chime reads from a book. Ethius steps forward and looms over Chime's shoulder as though the act of her reading from the book with such confidence and authority as to what's being said were something he finds suspicious enough to be all looming over.
     "This is duly known by the locals, then," Ethius remarks, and he seems to ease, one hand to his forehead. Still, something about the whole of the picture concerns him. It seems like a convenient... excuse? Cover? For...
     ...For something that sees him getting out the eyeglass thing he carries around. He does a low-yield electrical Symbological spellcasting ritual to activate it, and starts a careful visual sweep to look for any connected mechanisms.
     He is unlikely to find anything, but the act of doing so is the closest thing to bringing ease for him in this context.

DG: Ethius Hesiod has used his Tool Spectral Lens toward his party's challenge, A Bad Trip.
<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

Lydia seems skeptical that Avril has seen all this stuff before. IT doesn't make SCIENTIFIC sense unless there is some key misunderstanding of the situation here. "I think it's just deja vu. How would Avril know about Spiran moss? Not even other people from Lunar have been to Spira before. I guess it's not like super impossible, but...mm...maybe there's a similar plant on Filgaia. That would make sense!"

But Avril sounds so CERTAIN about it that Lydia still frowns u ncertainly a moment afterwards.

"Hey it's okay. I don't know what to do either, heh! It's probably my fault anyway. I promised Kaguya I'd take her up here one day. Get a better life for herself than dying in horrible pain on Filgaia. I feel real bad for her, and I never figured she'd go this far but..."

She can't really fight her sister can she? It's one thing if she' right in front of her doing villainy but fighting in a war against her? There are more comfortable ways she can help.

She sets down Schrodinger onto the ground.

"I am going to trust the cat's instincts. They have a 50 50 percent chance of being right! And that's usually pretty good! I get to the place I need to be like 7 times out of 10 with those odds!"

DG: Lydia Seren has used her Tool Schrodinger the Cat toward her party's challenge, A Bad Trip.
============================<* Macalania Woods *>=============================
=========================<* CHALLENGE - A Bad Trip *>=========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 2          |
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 Light swirls through the boughs of the forest, glittering and shimmering
 where it catches on the crystalline trees. There is a strange feeling the
 air, as if something about this land's will has shifted.

 You see... things.

 According to rumor, spirits haunt the woods, beguiling and leading astray
 those who encounter them. Perhaps this is only a story. Perhaps this is just
 a further result of the power that allows the forest to be.

 In the end, it doesn't matter. You must break free of the illusion that has
 beguiled you.
=Dungeon Conditions: Bad Luck, Tire===========================================
=======================<* Macalania Woods - Round 3 *>========================
===========================< Results - A Bad Trip >===========================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Jacqueline Barber                   5 --(0)--> 5                   Pass
Investigate                         0   Wits    Effects: BASIC
Ethius Hesiod                       0 --(0)--> 0                   Pass
Spectral Lens                       2   Wits    Effects: Enlighten
Chime Isa                           0 --(0)--> 0                   Pass
Cure-Alls                           1   Wits    Effects: Cleanse
Lydia Seren                         5 --(0)--> 5                   Pass
Schrodinger the Cat                 2   Wits    Effects: Enlighten
Avril Vent Fleur                    5 --(0)--> 5                   Pass
Mirror of De Soto                   1   Wits    Effects: Cleanse
----------------------------------< Party >-----------------------------------
Leader: Jacqueline Barber           40 --(20)--> 60                Pass
Conditions: Bad Luck(2)|Reckless(1)|Tire(2)
Effects: Cleanse|Enlighten(1)
==============================< Dream Chasers >===============================
DG: The party led by Jacqueline Barber has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to
use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
DG: Lydia Seren has drawn a new Challenge.
============================<* Macalania Woods *>=============================
========================<* CHALLENGE - Not The Bees *>========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 1          |
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 There is a distinct buzzing in the air in this part of the woods -- and the
 reason quickly becomes clear. Wasp-like Fiends, a whole patrol of them
 perhaps, hover in an angry cloud over part of the path, as if something has
 recently disturbed them.

 The good news is, they don't seem to have noticed you yet, as agitated as
 they are. But there's no going around them. You'll have to fight.
=Dungeon Conditions: Overzealous==============================================
<Pose Tracker> Chime Isa has posed.

    As Chime finishes reading, she leans back slightly as she tilts her head back making red ringlets bounce slightly as she looks up at Ethius. It's very easy to loom over the petite ARMs Meister. It's extraordinary difficult to make her uncomfortable she beams a smile up at Ethius saying "If you want to read it, ask later~" in a carefree cheerful voice.

    The book then is slipped into her vest and she clasps her hands behind her head watching everyone else work to find the path. What a lazy ARMs Meister she is, as she stands there listening to the conversation about and with Avril on her memory and knowledge of the area. At least till Schrodinger is pulled out, she then immediately moves over to coo over the cat, and follow him alongside Lydia because why not!

    As it happens, Schrodinger chooses the same path through the area that Avril finds in her mirror, and that Ethius finds along with whatever else he's looking for. Jay helps keep everyone together so noone ends up lost and soon the light dims back to a more normal level and the air feels lighter, normal.

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

"Toldja!" Lydia says. "Right about seven times out of ten! The other three times Schrodinger usually leads me into a trap!" She merrily heads on along, picking up Schrodinger as she does so. "Like sometimes we'd get right out of the trap and it'd be fine, but the other times we'd get out of the trap and end up in an even bigger problem, like running into some sort of angry cactus, or some hellions, or like a swarm of angry fiends!"

She points towards an incoming slew of angry wasps. "Oh! Like those!"

She turns and gives the rest of the party a thumbs up! "It's okay though it usually works out in the end--!"

The wasps turn and see the group and then promptly swarm Lydia.

"Yeah this is really unpleasant!" Lydia says, holding VERY STILL.

DG: Lydia Seren has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Not The Bees.
<Pose Tracker> Chime Isa has posed.

    Chime nods cheerfully, listening to Lydia. "I see~ But he always leads you ~somewhere~." as if that's the most important thing. Chime clearly doesn't approve of boredom. Oh look! "Like those~" she echoes Lydia, discreetly taking a couple steps back.

    While the wasps swarm at Lydia, Chime pulls out small tins from a pouch and tosses them to everyone around her with a cheerful "Snack time~ These should help in a fight!". And inside those tins is a todays first course in-fight meal! Honey smoked tuna?!!? An entire tune steak, easily three times the size of the tin, has some how been fitted in without mashing it. It even comes with a serving of rice?!? It also, even if only a few bites are taken, increases the eaters strength for a short time. And despite it size, it literally only takes a handful of seconds to devour.

    Meal time finished, combat resumes! And Chime draws her crossbow waiting for a clean shot.

DG: Chime Isa has used her Tool In-Fight Meal toward her party's challenge, Not The Bees.
<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

Lydia frowns severely at Chime.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"...I-is that really how odds work...?" Jacqueline asks, folding her arms in front of her. Well, they do manage to get through just fine, at least...up until the point they run into a swarm of angry wasps. Jacqueline frowns.

"Hold on - don't make any sudden movements." She warns. Fortunately, Lydia is right on that. Very carefully, Jacqueline draws the Lifeweaver's Codex from her bags, flipping through the pages.

Fortunately, Jacqueline can read with one hand and eat with the other, as Chime has presented them with a delicious in-fight meal.

Eventually, she lands on the insect-section. Insect-like Fiends are apparently allowed in this section, as well, it seems. She frowns a little, and then begins rummaging through her bags.

"If these are the ones I think they are...I have a repellant that may be able to help." Jacqueline says. She draws out a bottle of familiar black liquid - but this time, the top has been affixed with a spray nozzle. She presses the button on the top, spraying out a small portion of the ever-reliable repellant toward the cloud of Fiends, though she makes sure to avoid spraying Lydia with it.

With any luck, some of them might disperse and leave them with less to deal with - or, if they're lucky, none at all.

DG: Jacqueline Barber has used her Tool The Lifeweaver's Codex toward her party's challenge, Not The Bees.
<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

    There are buzzing Fiends. "So this is the three out of ten chance you are speaking of," speaks Ethius, far too calmly. The wasps correct this problem post-haste as Ethius turns and makes distance like he were running away from a bomb about to explode.
     He catches Chime's food serving, which he sets on the ground. This is folly, because Fiends don't really eat. Spur-of-the-moment tactic that, in itself, does not go anywhere but at least gives Ethius a plausible reason to assume he will have more freedom of positioning as they continue to swarm the rapidly inconvenienced Lydia.
     A satchel is taken from his belt. "Smoke cover," he remarks before dialogue devolves into the usual Symbological chanting and gesticulating to activate its contents. One hard toss later... wasp Fiends will find themselves blasted with a dust cloud.

DG: Ethius Hesiod has used his Tool Powder Grenade toward his party's challenge, Not The Bees.
<Pose Tracker> Avril Vent Fleur has posed.

    "Perhaps," Avril says, at the suggestion that it might be deja vu. "Or, maybe I am being reminded of something else?"

    Without any memories past a couple of years prior to go by, it's difficult to tell.

    Especially when it seems that her real memories might be those of a place and time far removed from the current day.

    The way through the distorted space in the forest is at last found, by group effort. Then--

    "Hold on," Avril starts to say, twigging to some sense of hers that all is not entirely well ahead. "Lydia, wait--"

    Bees happen.

    Well, Fiend-like bees happen, which is an important distinction. Producing Absolute Zero's hilt, Avril shoots a glance Jacqueline's way. "Allow me," she says, and under cover from Ethius' smoke, moves in to engage more directly.

    ...Catching the serving of food as she closes, blade in hand.

DG: Avril Vent Fleur has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Not The Bees.
============================<* Macalania Woods *>=============================
========================<* CHALLENGE - Not The Bees *>========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 1          |
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 There is a distinct buzzing in the air in this part of the woods -- and the
 reason quickly becomes clear. Wasp-like Fiends, a whole patrol of them
 perhaps, hover in an angry cloud over part of the path, as if something has
 recently disturbed them.

 The good news is, they don't seem to have noticed you yet, as agitated as
 they are. But there's no going around them. You'll have to fight.
=Dungeon Conditions: Overzealous==============================================
=======================<* Macalania Woods - Round 4 *>========================
==========================< Results - Not The Bees >==========================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Jacqueline Barber                   5 --(0)--> 5                   Pass
The Lifeweaver's Codex              2   Combat  Effects: Embolden
Ethius Hesiod                       0 --(0)--> 0                   Pass
Powder Grenade                      3   Combat  Effects: Fanfare
Chime Isa                           0 --(0)--> 0                   Pass
In-Fight Meal                       2   Combat  Effects: Embolden
Lydia Seren                         5 --(0)--> 5                   Pass
Fight                               0   Combat  Effects: BASIC
Avril Vent Fleur                    5 --(5)--> 10                  Fail
Fight                               0   Combat  Effects: BASIC
----------------------------------< Party >-----------------------------------
Leader: Jacqueline Barber           60 --(20)--> 80                Pass
Conditions: Overzealous(2)
Effects: Embolden(1)
==============================< Dream Chasers >===============================
DG: The party led by Jacqueline Barber has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to
use party management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

"Oh Guardians." Lydia says, closing her eyes and mouth tightly.

Chime aims a fucking crossbow at Lydia after eating a meal and Lydia creaks an eye open, sees this, and then both eyes shoot wide open. They're...they're wasps. They're on Lydia. It's going to be pretty hard to shoot that at Lydia and not skewer--


--nevermind. Chime skewers a bunch with a crossbow bolt, nearly grazing Lydia's cheek.

Here is a sample of the noises that Lydia's making: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSLx6Nue1nc

The wasps do at least HATE SMOKE which gets the bulk of the remainder away from Lydia. "Oh thank Rigdobrite, you got 'em--" Lydia manages, coughing and wheezing--

--until the smoke clears and there's still two large ones crawling up Lydia's face. "Gahhh---!" Avril skewers two in a single strike. "GGaahhhh!!!!" And Jay helpfully sprays the rest away so they leave the rest of the group alone, chasing the creatures to somewhere else within the forest.

Lydia sinks to her knees, looking rather dizzied.

"I saw my life..." She manages. "Flash before my eyes..."

DG: Jacqueline Barber has drawn a new Challenge.
============================<* Macalania Woods *>=============================
====================<* CHALLENGE - Spherimorph Showdown *>====================
|Type: Final       |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 3          |
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 You arrive, at last, at what seems to be the heart of the forest, a gnarled
 tree standing atop a deep pool. According to the locals, the water taken
 from here is sometimes used to make spheres. Certainly it is clear enough --
 and in contact with sufficient Pyreflies -- to be of most excellent quality.

 But while the water is a treasured resource, it is also a danger.

 The same force that allows one to make spheres can sometimes result in the
 formation of a Fiend.

 The pool bubbles at your approach. Arising slowly from the water, there soon
 floats a massive sphere of Macalania water, a type of Fiend called a
 Spherimorph. With its mighty magic and amorphous weakpoint-free form, it
 promises to be fearsome foe.

 But you didn't come all this way to run now, did you?
=Dungeon Conditions: Injure, Suffer===========================================
<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline sends a nod back at at Avril and steps aside to let her move in. Thankfully, they manage to deal with the wasp swarm before anyone gets seriously hurt.

"A-are you okay? Do you need a moment...?" Jacqueline asks, giving Lydia a pat on the shoulder.

Whatever her answer, they eventually get moving on once more, finding themselves eventually at the heart of the forest.

"That was relatively quick...once we dealt with some of the obstructions, at least." Jacqueline considers. She pauses at the shore of the pool, staring into the clear, deep water. It's as beautiful as it was the last time she saw it - but as she knew well now, it was not without its dangers.

Indeed, soon, the waters begin to ripple and a spherical from rises. Jacqueline backs away from the shore quickly, bringing out the Codex and shuffling through its pages.

"I should have known we'd run into one of these again...this is a Spherimorph! These waters are rich with pyreflies and can be used to make Spheres...but sometimes, these happen instead!" She explains. "They can shift their elemental weakness at will - keep an eye on what kind of sorcery they're using! They can also unleash a counter-attack, so watch out for that..."

She warns. The Spherimorph starts out with a burst of fire toward Jacqueline. She jumps back quickly and retaliates with a gesture of her right hand, invoking an ice-based Crest Graph to cause spears of ice to form above it and crash down toward it.

DG: Jacqueline Barber has used her Tool The Lifeweaver's Codex toward her party's challenge, Spherimorph Showdown.
<Pose Tracker> Chime Isa has posed.

    Chime also pats Lydia on the back, sheathing her crossbow with a brillant smile. "Good job keeping them at bay~ That made it really easy for the rest of us." she commends her. A little cough, "Also maybe mildly not completely sorry for the honey fish, but I mean, it's not like it make it worst." with an innocent smile.

    Chime then follows along the path, finding the group at a familar locale. "Oooh, I remember finding this place before~ I hope-" she starts to say cheerfully and stopping as the large spherical form rise out of the water. "Oh, well. So much for that." she says flippantly and tosses out another tin for everyone!

    The meal this time is much more simple, if not more elegant. A can of chocolate mousse! A little wooden flat attached to the underside of the lid can be used as a spoon~ The creamy chocolate dessert provides an energize and enhanced movement effect, letting those that partake move for a little time faster.

    Chime finishes her in-fight meal, and then draws one of her crossbows again, watching for an ideal time to take a shot.

DG: Chime Isa has used her Tool In-Fight Meal toward her party's challenge, Spherimorph Showdown.
<Pose Tracker> Avril Vent Fleur has posed.

    "Are you alright, Lydia?" Avril asks, gazing into the young woman's eyes. She is not perhaps as tactile as Jay may be in such expressions, of course; once she can be certain that all is well, she follows on after Jay, following the path onwards.

    To the spring, as it happens.

    "Oh..." she exhales, gazing at the pool softly lit by Pyreflies.

    "I wonder... if Rebecca and Dean would--"

    The realization of its presence hits her like a bolt of lightning. She senses grave danger.

    Her gaze snaps at the water, which is even now rippling. "Watch out! Something is coming!" she calls, brandishing the blade before her as it begins to rise from the water's surface...

    "A Spherimorph," she says, echoing Jay's name of the creature for what it is. "So it is a Fiend. I thought that I felt a familiar intent!"

    Ice crystals glitter in the air. But their target is not the Fiend.
    It is her own sword, as she coats her blade in ice.
    Which she will deliver, at blade's point, to the Spherimorph. Surging forward, she leaps for the Fiend. The blade glitters in the light as she brings it down.

DG: Avril Vent Fleur has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Spherimorph Showdown.
<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

    Ethius keeps watch for any further Fiend wasps or whatever else for as long as Lydia needs to before they continue. (This is also to keep very close watch on where Schrodinger goes, for he is not inclined to follow them.)
     The journey recommences towards the very heart of the forest, before the pool of water. Clear, beautiful water that he does not approach. It is not because it bubbles some moments later, for he is not that prescient. The massive sphere of water forms, and Ethius holds a palm out - the sorcerous equivalent of a drawn gun - as Jay gives the recap.
     "By my reckoning, I believe I will be able to most ably address the enemy when the weakness is assumed of fire, ground, or lightning." It's not called 'ground,' but there's no time to address this point because Ethius too has to give up his positioning to avoid a burst of flame. As he tumbles across the field, he draws the other satchel and prepares the usual Symbological spell.
     The dust cover is nice and all but it might be problematic if it turns out it's not now weak to dus-- GROUND. Watch out, it is a ground cloud!

DG: Ethius Hesiod has used his Tool Powder Grenade toward his party's challenge, Spherimorph Showdown.
<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

Lydia recovers quickly. The wasps probably did less damage than everybody throwing their techniques in her general direction did. That is to say, Lydia's fine and unharmed but kind of freaked out a little bit since she's not really used to so much STUFF being thrown at her simultaneously. At least shoulder pats seem to help.

Once she gets up she assure Avril. "I'm okay!" in a cheery tone. She feels a little bad for getting on Avril's case regarding being a queen of the Veruni and all so she's being extra pleasant towards Avril to try and make up for it.

"Aw geeze another one??" Lydia says, stepping back as she draws out her Silver Medium, fully intent on clobbering it with a meteor drop though you know how her cast timers are like.

"This is why I don't follow you Schrodinger!" Lydia shouts.

"Myao." Schrodinger can't believe you, Lydia.

DG: Lydia Seren has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Spherimorph Showdown.
============================<* Macalania Woods *>=============================
====================<* CHALLENGE - Spherimorph Showdown *>====================
|Type: Final       |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 3          |
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 You arrive, at last, at what seems to be the heart of the forest, a gnarled
 tree standing atop a deep pool. According to the locals, the water taken
 from here is sometimes used to make spheres. Certainly it is clear enough --
 and in contact with sufficient Pyreflies -- to be of most excellent quality.

 But while the water is a treasured resource, it is also a danger.

 The same force that allows one to make spheres can sometimes result in the
 formation of a Fiend.

 The pool bubbles at your approach. Arising slowly from the water, there soon
 floats a massive sphere of Macalania water, a type of Fiend called a
 Spherimorph. With its mighty magic and amorphous weakpoint-free form, it
 promises to be fearsome foe.

 But you didn't come all this way to run now, did you?
=Dungeon Conditions: Injure, Suffer===========================================
=======================<* Macalania Woods - Round 5 *>========================
======================< Results - Spherimorph Showdown >======================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Jacqueline Barber                   5 --(20)--> 25                 Fail
The Lifeweaver's Codex              2   Combat  Effects: Embolden
Ethius Hesiod                       0 --(10)--> 10                 Pass
Powder Grenade                      3   Combat  Effects: Fanfare
Chime Isa                           0 --(10)--> 10                 Pass
In-Fight Meal                       2   Combat  Effects: Embolden
Lydia Seren                         5 --(20)--> 25                 Fail
Fight                               0   Combat  Effects: BASIC
Avril Vent Fleur                    10 --(20)--> 30                Fail
Fight                               0   Combat  Effects: BASIC
----------------------------------< Party >-----------------------------------
Leader: Jacqueline Barber           80 --(35)--> 115               Pass
Conditions: Injure(2)|Overzealous(1)|Suffer(1)
Effects: Embolden(1)
==============================< Dream Chasers >===============================
DG: You have overcome the dungeon's trials! This run is a success!
DG: The party led by Jacqueline Barber has successfully explored Macalania Woods!
============================<* Macalania Woods *>=============================
=======================<* CHALLENGE - Nibelungenlied *>=======================
|Type: Discovery   |Dungeon Ability: Conclusion|Challenge Rating: 1          |
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 With one final blow, the Spherimorph is downed. It dissolves into Pyreflies,
 which swarm for the light making its way through the tree leaves overhead.
 All is quiet and still.

 From the water, you can see something shimmering in the shallows. Once
 plucked free, the source reveals itself to be a ring, to all appearances and
 touch carved from unmelting ice. It shimmers like crystal, and does not harm
 the skin when worn, lending only the sensation of a chill.

 It would be most handy when venturing into a place of great heat, and might
 lend some protection against the chill touch of winter as well. Most
 peculiarly, it seems to fit any finger, regardless of one's size.

 Did someone make this, or did it somehow form naturally?
=Dungeon Conditions: Vault====================================================
<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

The Spherimorph is a dangerous foe, even to experienced adventurers familiar with its attack patterns. Jacqueline and Avril both attack with ice, formed into spears or coating the latter's blade. The Fiend recoils, and then shifts colors rapidly as its weakness changes.

Chime provides another in-fight meal, this time a delicious dessert to help others move faster! It goes a long way toward keeping spirits up.

But then, the Spherimorph attacks again, lashing out with bolts of lightning. Chime manages to avoid being struck and sends out a bolt of her own - a crossbow bolt, that is.

Ethius finishes his own spell, then, releasing a cloud of dust all around it. As it happens, it is, indeed, currently weak to the Ground type. The Fiend shudders and begins to dissipate...at which point Lydia's spell finally finishes, causing a meteor to drop right on top of it and hastening the job.

Everything goes quiet. The waters grow still. And...Jacqueline lets out a sigh.

"...I think that's it." She says. She very carefully steps toward the pool's shore again, at which point she spots something shimmering.

"Oh, is it...?" She mutters to herself, reaching out and plucking a shimmering ring from the waters. It appears to made carved from ice, unmelting and shimmering like crystal. It emanates a faintly chilly sensation.

"I've run across a ring like this before...it should prove useful against extreme temperatures." She says, holding her hand out. "Do any of you want it? I already found something useful here myself, so..."

She had found one such ring after her previous encounter with the Spherimorph.

<Pose Tracker> Chime Isa has posed.

    Chime stretches as the fight finishes, then sheathes her crossbow. "That was fun~" she chimes cheerfully, moving to the edge of the waters and pulling out a few small vials she'll fill and stash into her toolkit.

    "A ring?" Chime askes Jay as she straightens up. "Ooo, I like rings~" she says smiling cheerfully. "If noone else wants it, I wouldn't mind taking it~" with a little nod.

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

    Ethius circles the crystalline water after the Spherimorph dissipates with the utmost caution, and is just shy of running forward to coax Jay away when she pulls out a strange, gleaming icy ring. He stops when she reveals it's just a ring and not something else like a Spherimorph planning on bubbling up and causing them all sorts of trouble again, because he's out of powdered GROUND DAMAGE sources.
     "...I do not recall the teachings of Yevon, such as I am to understand them, holding such items as of import," Ethius remarks as he takes a hand to his forehead as he sizes up the clear waters ahead. He doesn't move to claim the ring for himself. "...Nonetheless, it appears the woods continue to be free of hostiles. I've yet to see signs of the Guard."

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

"Sure, if you want it, Chime!" Lydia says. "I mean what am I gonna do with it?"

Melt less often Lydia?

Still Ethius's word gives her pause. It's only a matter of time before the war gets to Macalania. Even if the Guard has had more trouble pushing through the Highroad than they might've expected, there isn't exactly a lot of fortification going on. And something tells her Guadosalam isn't going to be much of a barrier.

She gives one last glance to Avril before looking to Jay. "Um, Jay..."

She pauses a moment before adding, "Ahh, nevermind, can't think of how I want to put it right now."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"...I guess if I found a second one, they must form here in some fashion..." Jacqueline considers, as Ethius mentions the teachings of Yevon. "It must be something that just...happens."

Chime says she'll take it and Lydia is okay with that, so with a nod Jacqueline hands it over.

She looks toward Lydia, then as she addresses her and thinks better of it. Jacqueline watches her for a moment, before offering her a gentle smile.

"...Well, if you can figure out how to put it, feel free to come tell me at any time, okay? You know I'm always available if you need to talk to me about anything." She replies.

<Pose Tracker> Chime Isa has posed.

    Chime says to Ethius "That was a lot of words to state that the ring isn't one held important by the clergy around here~" teasingly as she moves to take the ring politely from Jay with a smile at Lydia. "But a fair point~" with a nod.

    "I hope the way out is easier than the way in through" Chime comments idly, examining the ring in great detail before slipping it on to one of her fingers for the time being.