2020-12-29: A Wonderful Day: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: A Wonderful Day''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Eleanor Klein, Character :: Zhang Xiumei, Character :: Marivel Armitage, Character :: Seraph Boudicca, ...")
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She turns to Boudicca. "I would like to hear more about the chocobos, please."
She turns to Boudicca. "I would like to hear more about the chocobos, please."

[[Category:(Plot) A Farewell to ARMS]]
[[Category:Chapter 2]]
[[Category:Chapter 2]]
[[Category:Chapter 2, Act 3]]
[[Category:Chapter 2, Act 3]]

Latest revision as of 02:52, 3 September 2021

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

This lovely green space is a nice bit of land by the quiet part of the lake, lined by beautiful trees and artfully-maintained shrubbery that would dumbfound parts of Filgaia these days. The sunlight filters through treetops at the edges, and a day with only a few clouds illuminates the environs. It's a little chilly at this time of year, even in the day, but not so cold as to preclude being outside. It's a good distance away from the heart of the markets and the boats, but they can still be heard--and smelled--in the distance, just far enough away that it's a pleasant murmur from afar instead of a noisy trouble.

A table holds refreshments, the centerpiece of which is a set of various baked goods. But there's also small sandwiches done up in neat little pyramids, light drinks (Coffee from the cafe this yard belongs to), and the attendance of some kitchen staff who make sure everything stays nice between people. The pastries are pretty popular, though. It might be wise to grab a few while they're still there.

There are also a few people around, and the ones in the nicer clothes are largely congregated with one another, though there are some of more casual dress. It's quite the selection of attendees though--not a whole lot keeps them in common other than apparent good cheer, which is largely the work of...

One particular woman. She looks remarkably like Eleanor, to the point that one might briefly mistake her for the sorceress--except that she has more golden-blonde hair, brown eyes, and rounded human ears. She's also a little taller. She is also the one who invited most of these people to this little gathering, either directly or through someone helping her out. Her name (as some may know it) is Danielle Klein, and she made sure to seek out people who were members of ARMS or just friends of her sister, Eleanor. And speaking of Eleanor...

In matching red and gold dresses they're talking animatedly with one another, though if people happen to look their way, Eleanor beckons them over. For those who don't know Danielle, the effect might be surprising...

<Pose Tracker> Clarissa Arwin has posed. The setting is fondly familiar to Eleanor's blonde housemate, and yet it never stops being wonderful in Clarissa's eyes. It's a place of quiet bliss and peace that tugs at a part of her heart that always wondered what it must be like to live the life of a princess.

She wore one of the dresses she picked up while she's been staying with Eleanor. It's poofy but elegant, cut in her usual colours of blue and white, with a few bows in warm orange accenting a high-necked cut with airy sleeves and a short half-cape with a trim of faux fur. Her hair's been let down save for a couple of braids that drape loosely around in a kind of coronet. The look has gotten her mistaken for someone from a highborn family more than once, but she's let it slide with polite corrections.

For now, Clarissa politely skirts around the refreshments. It would be impolite to graze when there are friends about.

When Eleanor beckons, Clarissa gravitates towards the pair, clasping her hands at her waist.

"Ah, hello, Eleanor, Danielle!" Her smile is wide and bright. "It's good to see you both. It sounds like you've got something on your minds, though...?"

<Pose Tracker> Zhang Xiumei has posed.

Xiumei has been to Sylvaland a few times on trips with her family. The Zhang Great Seas Trading Company does business in Sylvaland; nobles there have a penchant for buying ARMs and relics, sometimes, as show pieces for their personal collections. This is one of the first times she has come for ARMS purposes, and on her own instead of with her family.

She is dressed as she often is: glasses, hair in a ponytail, button-up shirt with vest, and a skirt. She has a book for reading, rather than a ledger, tucked underneath her arm as she walks towards the party table. She blinks at some of the people here -- and then her eyes settle on Eleanor, then on her sister.

"Ah..." She trails off. "Nora! Danielle!" she says, with a smile. She lifts a pastry and has a quick bite. Then, her head tilts to the side, with a glance at Clarissa. Then, back at Danielle. "I didn't know you were in Sylvaland. It's good to see you again."

<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

Marie Valeria who is--yeah okay you already know she's Marivel Armitage--but she was invited as Marie Valeria by Danielle and is wearing her full sun prevention outfit regardless. She has a glass of BLOOD RED wine (but it is actually wine this time) in one hand as she reads the local paper. Did she just...bring the wine with her? Regardless, she snags one of the little sandwiches and holds it up with one hand.

"Ah the bright blue sky. The beautiful sun, shining down upon me... what a wonderful feeling." She looks over her shoulder to Danielle, "Thank you for inviting me, dear."

Notably, Marie Valeria is saying this while kind of seated in a nice shadowed area that keeps the direct sun off of her.

"I love feeling it on my bare skin." WHAT BARE SKIN?

But she does look to Xiumei, busy with a ledger as usual. "Ahh, Xiumei, isn't it? It's wonderful to meet you too, I'm Marie Valeria. I've heard so much about you and Eleanor."

She smiles just enough that it peeks out from behind her scarf.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Boudicca has posed.

The Seraph Boudicca has, as always, clanked into this party in full plate armour. Its characteristic silk frills at least offer some class, and in honour of the occasion...

... she has placed upon her helm a large and gracious SUNHAT. Holes have been poked through the brim to allow her steel horns to stretch out towards the mostly-clear sky. It's straw-blonde, with a jaunty orange ribbon to counterpoint the much larger green ribbon woven through her hair.

See? She has dressed up. Like a proper lady. Boudicca has been taking notes from Ida's household, evidently.

Of course, Boudicca came here with Ida today; she /is/ an associate of both Eleanor and ARMS, but keeping track of the wind of a dicey proposition, so Ida reminding her to come along was really the most sensible way to get her here.

And here she appears by the shade, to say: "Ah, Marie Valeria! I have not spoken with /thee/ for some time." That, for the keen eagle-eyes out there, is a joke. Boudicca is having a joke with Marivel, who first introduced herself to Boudicca just that way. "How wonderful to see you again."

She turns to Eleanor, starts to say, "and it is wonderful to--" but this is the /precise moment/ she looks at Danielle, and looks at Eleanor, and looks back to Danielle, and the pall of confusion falling over her face is palpable. "-- see -- you -- both...?"

Boudicca proceeds to look around for Ida in desperate search of answers because /suddenly there are two Eleanors what is going on./

(Boudicca has not yet noticed the ears.)

<Pose Tracker> Venetia Vuong has posed.

Venetia Vuong has taken TWO SEPARATE SHOWERS, a long bath, a second subsidiary oil treatment, and has gotten a new phoenix-style mask with dangling decorative feathers from colorful birds along with a new made dress in the latest local style. Local to her.

Venetia has chosen this moment to eat TWO sandwiches, although not at once - she just has one clearly at the ready. She feels obscurely underdressed without her various pouches and accoutrements, but then, that's normal(?) life for you.

"Xiumei?" Venetia says, having been standing near enough to Marivel to be in a dark corner while she ate her sandwiches without actually being in a literal corner, which is difficult in yards. "Charmed, I'm sure!" She almost offers a hand, realizes it contains a sandwich, and smoothly passes to free that hand before reaching out. "I'm Venetia Vuong. I think we've met in passing but usually in times of horrible peril. It's lovely to meet you outside of the risk of passage collapse."

Her eyes turn towards the mother and daughter at the epicenter of the situation, then back to Xiumei. "Are you a friend of the family's?"

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Ida has been to Sylvaland maybe four times over the course of her life, counting the reappearance in the city's Teleporter. This is the fifth time. To someone who grew up in the highly-mechanized wasteland of Guild Galad--where green space is a carefully-tended luxury--Sylvaland feels a world away. Not even exposure to the Goddess-forged paradise that is Lunar has taken its shine away completely.

Ida stands beside one of the snack tables, daintily retrieving cream-filled puff pastries from a tray. She's wearing the same outfit she wore when she first set off on this journey--the blue jacket, the cream slacks, the gold vest and bandana. Her scars are hidden. There's no sign of her augmentations. If not for the tan, and the fact that she's gained considerable muscle tone, she looks like the woman who left South Aquvy years ago.

And yet, the dissonance remains. There's a reason why she went off to this ARMS function while her family is preparing for the Feast of Lights--an event they will /surely/ invite her comrades to.

Boudicca looks at Ida, in distress. Ida glances back at thin air, and speaks to it. "That is Eleanor's younger sister, Danielle." Ida bows to the hostess, demure and graceful. "It's a pleasure to be here, Lady Klein. Sylvaland is always lovely, and its people are always hospitable." She's hoping name-recognition will get her the rest of the way.

And maybe gloss over the talking-to-thin-air thing just now, if Danielle can't see Boudicca.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

ARMS had been invited out by Eleanor's sister! She doesn't know if Danielle - or any other members of Eleanor's family, in fact - can actually see Seraphim, but she's at least interested in seeing her, and so she accompanies everyone to the designated meeting place.

The tables are stocked with delicious foods and drinks... but, Clarine doesn't make a motion to grab any. She doesn't often eat human food, after all... but, the fact that this little meeting is being held outside, with the light of the sun flitering through the trees, is more than enough refreshment for her. She's pleased by the surroundings, too.

Eleanor beckons them over, and so Clarine glides in along with the others. She doesn't say anything just yet, though she does offer a polite wave to Danielle as an experiment to see if she's capable of perceiving her.

She does not express Boudicca's direct confusion... but it /is/ somewhat surreal to her that Eleanor and Danielle look so much alike. Seraphim don't have families in the traditional mortal sense, after all... and the mortal families she does know look nothing alike. It's fascinating to learn new things about people!

<Pose Tracker> Ashley Winchester has posed.

There is bread on that table. Is it any surprise who's responsible for baking it? Is it a mystery whose fault it is that the air is filled with the delightful scent of freshy baked pastries filled with fruits and nuts and preserves all locally sourced to various Sylvaland orchards? Is it ANY great shock that the entire breakfast bread ensemble is highlighted by a ring of delicious looking donuts because the baker knew that a certain vampire was probably going to be present!?


By now, this should be expected.

Ashley Winchester is dressed in a suit, but that doesn't help the fact that he still has a faint dusting of flour on his palms that has, in the course of the past few minutes, transfered to the trim of his sleeves. Or that he's followed around by the faint scent of sourdough and baker's yeast. Or that he looks vaguely uncomfortable in a place that is so full of wealthy nobility who are tasting his bread and JUDGING IT because honestly there's actually quite a fair bit of potential money on the line here, especially since there's a little label out in front of the breadplate that not only lists the treats available but also has a small, stately watermark that reads 'IRINGTON BAKERY' in winding cursive.

In other words...

This is as much a favor to the Kleins as it is a possible windfall. And Ashley has been careful to NOT MESS IT UP.

(How did he even get to be in this precarious position? Simple! A certain Klein Sister located the ARMS member 'that looked like the baker' and acquired his assistance in the kitchens!)

"Miss Nora, Miss Danielle," Ashley says, sounding more than a little bit like he's trying to suppress his inner-Merian accent, because no amount of time around Irving Vold Valeria has prepared him for actually talking to /real/ nobility, "I hope everything turned out, uh, satisfactorily?"

There are others! Ashley recognizes many of them. Thank Granas the Seraphim are here. It means he's not anywhere near the most out of his element today...!

Though he kind of wonders how many of the attendees can actually see and hear them. Hm.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Nimue has posed.

Nimue may still feel kinda bad about... ... everything. Just, most things. But she can be bribed very easily with food, of course; refreshments mean Nimue will show up, generally. It's not a guarantee, but it does remarkably increase the passive chance of a Nimue.

Accordingly, when Nimue makes her way over to the Kleins, she's got an enormous fistful of baked goods which she is slowly worrying at.

Surprisingly, Nimue does not seem *as* weirded out by the effect as Boudicca; she takes a few moments to squint at the two of them... and then her gaze tracks to the ears. "Oh neat!" is all she offers. "Hiiiiii!" She does not bother with any kind of pleasantries. Just hiiii. It's like that sometmes.

<Pose Tracker> Ashley Winchester has posed.

For a long, terrible moment, Ashley is just staring horrified at the balled up wad of pastries shoved halfway into Nimue's mouth.

The Seraphim might be the actual spooky ghosts, but Ashley Winchester sure looks about as pale as one right about now.

<Pose Tracker> Tio has posed.

For those who have not beeen invited by Danielle directly, there is a small blue woman who may have ferried invitations on her behalf. Now that the event is happening, Tio is present in a yellow dress that falls a bit past her knees, and a sunhat of her own. Like Boudicca, she has made holes in the hat for her antennae to stick out, moving with the breeze. he is holding a small glass of water, with a straw in it. It's a party, after all.

She has been standing a short distance from Eleanor- not wanting to stray too far, but also not wanting to interrupt her conversation. As some of her fellows in ARMS make their entrance, though, she lets out a faint smile in their direction. "Welcome. Thank you for coming." Tio does tilt her head at Marivel's use of a different name, but does not comment. Yet, She then turns to look at Danielle and Eleanor now that it seems everyone is here.

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

"Clarissa!" Danielle says warmly as she moves towards her. "It's so lovely to see you." Then she glances left, glances right, "I /do/ have something on my mind~! But I'm going to wait a few more minutes to share it. Just to let people settle in a little."

"And Xiumei!" "Hi, Xiu," Eleanor chimes in, and waves to Clarissa while she's at it. Danielle adds, "I'm here on some visits! It was so lovely to see Her Majesty again. Though with the situation regarding the sea routes, I expect I'll be in the area for a while longer than I might have otherwise. But there's no need to go into unpleasant things."

Danielle beams over at Marie Valeria. "You're very welcome! I'm so happy you could make it!"

Eleanor has exactly enough social training not to openly sweatdrop at this point.

"That's the new friend I was telling you about," she says first to Eleanor. Then to the others, "Though really, there are a lot of new friends here! Some of the guests just seemed like fun people to have around." She smiles.

Then, "Oh, you know her?" Danielle says to Boudicca, looking straight at the Seraph with a warm expression like there's nothing unusual at all. "What a lovely hat! Welcome." She waves right back to Clarine, too! And to Nimue gives a pleasant, "Hiii!"

Though.. most of the non-ARMS guests don't any either of them, so they might wonder at the noblewoman waving to the air.

Eleanor can't help but laugh a little at Boudicca's confusion. "Oh, dear," she says, and then looks curiously at Danielle for a moment before regarding Boudicca again. "What's wrong, Boudicca?"

Danielle meanwhile marvels a little openly at how pretty Venetia's mask is. "My!" She hears the introduction, and for the benefit of those who hadn't met her yet, "My name is Danielle Klein."

"Miss Vuong is a distant colleague of mine as well," Eleanor explains for her sister's benefit. ...She does admittedly feel a little underdressed herself without her Crests, but there's nothing for that at the moment. They are at least nearby.

But Danielle responds first to Ida before Eleanor does, "Yes, that's just so. Eleanor is the oldest, with all the responsibilities." She winks at Eleanor. "Miss Everstead-Rey, isn't it?" Danielle asks, looking over Ida's outfit. "That jacket looks very dashing on you."

Eleanor smiles at Ashley, but Danielle turns directly towards him and enthuses, "They're delicious! Everyone seems happy so far. Thank you so much for agreeing to help--I could arrange the venue, but not a baker on such short notice." So far, so good.

With a little surprise, Eleanor introduces, "This is Clarine and Nimue, Danielle."

"It's wonderful to meet all of you," Danielle says for the benefit of... well, a lot of people now. "I've heard a lot about many of you from my sister!"

Eleanor smiles over at Tio as she welcomes them. She gestures her closer, to join the group as a whole, as Danielle says, "But it's true that there's some interesting news from back home, Eleanor."

<Pose Tracker> Clarissa Arwin has posed. With a glance at Xiumei, Clarissa flashes the other woman a warm smile. Dressed as she is - it's actually the same outfit she wore to the Filgaia Summit - she practically radiates a sense of regality she normally couldn't possibly manage.

To Danielle and Eleanor, she nods cheerily. "I'm glad you'll be around! There are a lot of nice places to explore here, if you're up for it and can find the time."

It wouldn't be the first time Clarissa has made this offer, to be fair. She's been pretty friendly to the extended Klein family in general. It wouldn't do to be a butt to one's hosts.

Marivel in particular is greeted with a gentle smile before Clarissa returns her attention to Eleanor and Danielle, pausing only in passing to retrieve a small fluted glass of something wholesomely non-alcoholic. "It's alright. The venue is very beautiful. I understand how hard it can be when something comes up quickly."

A flash of curiosity flickers in her warm blue eyes. "News from back home?"

<Pose Tracker> Zhang Xiumei has posed.

"Hello, Miss... Marie," Xiumei says, politely. She smiles -- and it's mostly not strained, through long practice -- and then gives a small nod. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

She glances sideways at Boudicca -- then fights a smile. She has to bite her lip, even; she decides to let Ida explain. Instead, she turns to look at Venetia and smiles, before she nods. She extends a hand. "Oh, yes. I'm Zhang Xiumei. Eleanor and I are old school friends! My very best friend, in fact." She smiles. "It's nice to meet you outside of everything going topsy-turvy, Miss Venetia."

She does wave at Ashley. She gives him a glance that can be described best as 'supportive.' The fist pump, subtle as it is, probably gives it away. Then, she looks at Nimue -- blinks once -- and bites her lip to fight a smile.

"Hello, Nimue!" she says, politely. But maybe a little energetically, all told.

"Well, I'm glad you're nearby," Xiumei says. "It's good to see you again." She adjusts her collar -- then smooths out her tie, instinctively. Her eyes glance sideways at Danielle, and she tilts her head. "What sort of news? Good news, I hope?"

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

Clarine is pleased to see Nimue here as well! She beams in her direction. As Clarine doesn't partake in foods herself, that's all the more for Nimue.

Clarine sends the others a polite smile, too, but it isn't long before her attention shifts. She looks back toward Danielle as she returns the wave. Interesting... she hadn't expected her to be able to perceive her, but perhaps she should have expected differently.

"It is nice to meet you..." Clarine says, bowing politely as Eleanor introduces her. "Eleanor has been a good friend to us. It is a pleasure to meet one of her family..."

She straightens up, then, her head tilted to the side curiously as Danielle says she's heard a lot about them.

"Ah...? Good things, I trust..." She replies. She's curious about the news from home, too.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

"Thank you," Ida says, with a warm smile. She plucks a puff pastry off her plate, and takes a delicate little bite--/very/ delicate, compared to how Ida usually eats. It's still worth it, though, for Ashley's pastries. She gets to savor the thin, flaky crust, hand-folded with layers upon layers of butter. The chocolate filling is the perfect consistency--neither too bitter nor too sweet, and just cool enough to be refreshing.

It helps her mask her surprise as Danielle not only sees the Seraphim, but /interacts/ with them. Ida relaxes a little. That's one awkward element sorted. She's already written off trying to rein Nimue in, because Nimues gonna Nimue.

"My compliments to the pastry chef," Ida says, turning and nodding to Ashley. It feels awkward talking about a comrade like they're The Help. She shouldn't have to do it. But the old reflexes are coming back, and part of her says she /needs them/ if she's going to survive returning home. Maybe it won't end in total disaster.

"...News?" she asks, almost in time with Xiumei.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Boudicca has posed.

"There are two of you," Boudicca, who has had ZERO social training, just plain blurts out, when Eleanor asks. Luckily, Ida explains! And Boudicca looks from Danielle to Eleanor, again. She marvels, to herself: "... is this the power of mortal families..?"

Here Boudicca wonders how many mortals she's known over the centuries have actually been two or more mortals who just /look alike./ Is this the deep knowledge of mortality?!

Finally she shakes her head, and clears her throat. "Ahem! It is good to meet you, Danielle! Eleanor is wonderful, so I am sure her family is just the same." She can even see her! What a pleasant surprise. With a bow of her head, that takes her gaze to Nimue and her fistful of goods. Boudicca looks to Clarine, as if to ask, 'is that... how food works?', but this time she at least doesn't /voice/ the opinion.

Straightening up, she smiles, to Tio. She has to add - contractually, this is a /national requirement/ when two fine hats come together - "Why, we have the same hat!" Boudicca sounds /thrilled about it./

And of course, she looks over at the mention of /news./

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

At Boudicca's questioning look, Clarine offers a brief confused look of her own, that can only be described as 'apparently??'. She's the last person who would know how food works!

<Pose Tracker> Venetia Vuong has posed.

"You'll get the flavors better if you eat them like they're laid out," Venetia tells Nimue en passant. This may be the place where historians said the War began. Who can say?

To Xiumei Venetia beams and then says, "Ahh! Do you follow the path of the Crest as well, or is it more a cross-major thing." To Danielle, as she enters the Greeting Zone, Venetia also beams and proffers a hand for shaking. "Charmed, charmed. Yes, we've been able to compare notes."

But then there is NEWS in the offing, and so Venetia takes this opportunity to finish her sandwiches.

<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

Marie Valeria says, "How wonderful to meet you for the first--second time, Boudicca," with a bob of her head. "Yes, that's right. Correct."

She cracks a grin, eyes slanting over towards Nimue. There's a flash of concern in her eyes before she adds, "And Ashley is bringing the baked goods. Truly, this is an occassion to rememberr."

She waves a hand over towards Nimue. She isn't gesturing for her to get closer or anything but is, at least, intending for Nimue to /see/ the gesture.

"Of course... How could I refuse the invitation from someone so friendly and charming? I am but a mortal woman, more or less."

She gets a smile from Clarissa to which she nods at, giving a thoughtful frown. It feels like ages ago but she remembers Luceid's strange reaction to her. She hasn't had an opportunity to really comment on it even if that's mostly only because she's not sure what she'd say. She has her suspicions but does Clarissa even know what they'd mean if she voiced them?

"Oh Venetia, is it? What is it you do?" Marivel asks of Venetia. "Colleagues in which field?"

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Nimue has posed.

"I hope everything you've heard about me has been completely horrible and incomprehensible!" Nimue says, brightly, before giving a glance and a wave toward Xiumei. She's never sure how to greet people once the Giant Conversation Blob starts going so she just kinda does it like that and then moves on.

Then she takes a giant bite of her pastry ball before looking to Venetia. "I am aware of the normal way to eat human food. Knowing this, I have chosen to eat them in terrible configurations anyway." She takes another bite. "Works for me!" Chew. Chew.

<Pose Tracker> Ashley Winchester has posed.

Nimue is a monster. She is a gremlin. She may be ARMS' gremlin, but she is still a gremlin. It takes Ashley a minute to compose himself, something that is helped considerably by Danielle's reassurances, Xiumei's helpful little fistpump and Ida's praise. Even though he is VISIBLY CONCERNED by the looks being exchanged between the Seraphim. 'No,' his face seems to say as it recoils in horror (again), 'that is not how food is supposed to work!!!!'

This will probably not save him.

"I'm glad I was able to help," he says at last, his shoulders sagging in a mixture of relief and utter resignation at the nightmare unfolding amidst the Seraphim. "I admit I was a little worried at first that it would come off as a rush job, but it looks like sticking to local ingredients helped out a lot." Plus, some of these rich folks are probably wealthy land owners whose farms produced some of said ingredients, so like... Brownie points??

There are in fact literal brownies present. They're fudgy and nutty, because Sylvaland hazelnuts are tasty AF.

"News?" Ashley asks, hopefully.

<Pose Tracker> Tio has posed.

So beckoned, Tio joins the rest of the group. That Danielle could see the Seraphim warrants a couple of blinks, but not much else from the automaton. While she had the nature of the Seraphim explained to her, she was also able to see them the moment she woke up. It's not that strange, is it?

Honestly it's probably more than a little strange, but Tio's not really calibrated properly.

When Boudicca fulfills her duty to all of Sylvaland by annoucing the hat status, Tio nods. "That seems to be correct." She responds, her antennae briefly cycling through their lights. The reasoning is obvious to Tio, even if horns are not antennae, but she gets the act of mutilating a hat for outfit purposes. "I do not think there are hats we would not have to modify for our use." She seems slightly saddened by this revelation, but she's not sure why. "At least we know this model is suitable for alteration."

She stares a bit at Nimue's food approach, then tries to parse what she is saying. "Does this mean you find this method superior to standard human food consumption?" She asks, strangley intrigued. Would it be better for humans to feed that way? The possibilities are endless.

Thankfully, Tio is distracted by the concept of news. She looks to Danielle, head tilted in curiousity.

<Pose Tracker> Dash Caskett has posed.

Being a bit aloof to figre oneself out is nice and all, but frankly, Dash isn't a fan of remaining out-of-contact. How do the edgy lone-wolf Drifters do it?! Just being away from people for a week alone drove him nearly crazy. Thoughts of who he was keep bleeding into hoping everyone else was doing okay. Perhaps it would be better i nthe end to remain in the company of friends. He can think about the future with them.

This is the thought process of on Dash Caskett of course, whose thoughts can be distilled into on simple plan:

This is bunk, go to a party.

Dash eventually finds his way to Sylvaland. He interestingly does not seem to arrive by the Flutter, rather some other method of transport. He is still in his armor as well, whereas most shindigs like this it would have been taken off. It is however remarkably polished and cleaned now.

Finding the place isn't hard, and seeing familiar faces in the mingling members of the soiree ease the stress buildup everyone feels when locating a meeting spot.

"Uh, hi!" he says as the boy reaches earshot, and pairs it with a friendly wave.

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

"Yes, Xiumei and I have been friends since we were children," Eleanor answers fondly. Danielle meanwhile responds to Clarissa, "Perhaps I'll ask you to accompany me somewhere if you don't mind, then. It would be nice to spend a bit more time together." She does apparently perceive Clarine, though, noting her curiousity. "Oh, yes, all good things. I know of a few of your names, and some of the highlights of your adventures, but I'm sure there's details she's leaving out. Maybe now I can hear the rest..." She looks a little mischevious for a moment.

Eleanor looks mildly concerned.

Danielle laughs--it's almost more a giggle--at Boudicca's blurted out statement, and then at the question of mortal families. "Why whatever else would it be?" she wonders, and then smiles again at her compliment. "Thank you," she says. "You're very charming yourself."

She notices Nimue's.. ball of pastries. "Oh, ah," she says, when Nimue expresses her hopes. She is not entirely sure what to say except, "Well..." Nimue mentions the terrible configuration, "Well, it's a very memorable approach!"

She is relieved to focus on Marie for a moment. "Ah, but you've seen so much!" Danielle answers brightly. "And you're already making the party brighter. I hadn't realized how many of Eleanor's friends you knew!"

Eleanor opens her mouth and closes it, looking at Marivel and then when Danielle turns to look at her she's suddenly all smiles again. Eleanor, who mentions for Marivel's benefit, "In Crest Sorcery," of Venetia.

"Excellent," Danielle answers, warmly shaking Venetia's hand--her grip is pretty gentle. "I find magic so terribly impressive, but Eleanor got the talent in that arena. I can only watch." "But you have other things you're good at," Eleanor says encouragingly to her sister, who bobs her head a litle. "I do try. And Milly might be able to compete in a few years, here...."

"I'd like to try my hand more at baking," she admits. "Though I'm certainly nowhere near as good as the professional here," she says. "But not at all, Mister Winchester--I'll have to mention your bakery to my friends, if this is what 'rushing' gets." Definitely brownie points--in fact, there's a particularly rich-looking man perusing the brownies right now. Danielle spoke with him a little earlier.

"Likewise," Danielle answers Xiumei brightly. "I have missed you. But I know Eleanor will be safe as long as you're with her."

Xiumei, and many others, ask about news. "There is! And it's very good news," Danielle answers warmly. She, with her hands now free of pastries, reaches out to take both of Eleanor's hands and hold them as she smiles at her sister. "Well. I think there's enough people to make the impact, now."

Danielle speaks up a little more loudly for the guests as a whole, "I would like to make an announcement."

She pauses, and then cheerfully, "My older sister's wedding finally has a date! You'll be getting married this summer, Eleanor!"

And then more sidelong to the others, "And he's pretty cute, too."

Eleanor opens her mouth for a moment, immediately glances to Xiumei, and then back to Danielle, where she puts on a big smile. "Oh, yes!" she says. "Really?"


<Pose Tracker> Venetia Vuong has posed.

"Just a moment," Venetia says to Marivel, before she regards Nimue and her statement, mid-snacc.

"That's a pretty complete and comprehensive statement of your outlook, right there," Venetia says, after what seems to be about three seconds of blank-eyed consideration of her situation. Venetia reaches up to wrap her hand round her lower face in thought, one finger over the bridge of her nose and the others rubbing at the side of her mouth and chin. "Ye-es... hm..."

"Well, bless your heart," Venetia concludes, before pivoting her conversational searchlight to 'Maria.' "For the most part I engage in advanced mineralogical research. This has a lot of diverting side angles. We bought a Gear the other semester, you know, back in my original institution."

Venetia raises up a sandwich as the actual declaration is made. It does not reach her mouth. That same glass-eyed freeze up seen just a moment ago comes back to her.


Little Venetias eagerly shovel coal and fire benzine into a superignited burner which is boiling an enormous pot of water with a single tube clearly labelled TOWARDS SUCKERS AND NO-TALENT MOTHERF -- the label extends out of view. There is a somewhat larger (in size) but smaller (in numbers) contingent of Venetias who are managing a large valve that feeds into something best described as a cannon. The Venetias of Control, already working hard, are now all leaning in to hold the valve closed as the pipe begins to bulge and glow comically.


Total glassy silence.

<Pose Tracker> Clarissa Arwin has posed.

"I would like that," Clarissa assures Danielle with a genuine smile, points of light agleam behind her eyes as quiet joy shows through. It's hard for her not to be happy around Eleanor and her family, really. She's come to like them all.

Swirling her drink lightly in her glass, she takes a sip as she listens to some of the other turns of the conversation. The drink within is sweet and orange, but despite the glass resembling a champagne glass, it's not an intoxicant. Clarissa's simply not into that sort of thing. Quiet eyes lift to Eleanor again, her smile softer. "Eleanor is very talented in magic, yes. I envy that, as someone who could never get the hand of casting spells. I'm always amazed at her skills!"

Baking's in the talking, and Clarissa has to hide a smile behind another sip of her drink. Far be it from her to pass up a muffin.

And then comes the news, and Clarissa's eyebrows come up, her hand rising to her cheek. "Really?" she breathes. "It's coming up, then?"

She doesn't smile - the overall look is one of surprise, really. Her eyes dart briefly to one side, but not quite long enough to betray to the uninitiated that she's checking on how Xiumei reacts.

More stoic about it is Felius Arwin, who was here all along but keeping to the back of the gathering. "Congratulations," he says, his tone unreadable.

Unlike Clarissa, Felius did not put on a formal outfit. It's debatable if he even OWNS more than one outfit.

<Pose Tracker> Zhang Xiumei has posed.

"Ah, no, we were friends in primary school. I'm afraid I had no talent for sorcery," Xiumei says with a smile -- and then a shake of her head. She glances at Nimue for a second, then she looks back at Venetia. She considers for a second.

When you're the fourth of six children, you learn to be a gremlin when you want. But she says it with that pleasant, happy smile and a straight face, because when you work as a clerk, you get used to telling people things they aren't ready for with a smile on. "You should try it, Miss Venetia. The flavor profile is incredible."

She looks sideways at Dash as he approaches. Xiumei waves her hand once. "Hello, Dash," she says. "I hope you're well!"

Then, she glances back at Danielle. The expected announcement comes.

If there is one thing that Zhang Xiumei has gotten good at, it's keeping a calm and friendly smile on her face. She doesn't even flinch; doesn't even blink. She learned it when she was little: from a father who expected the best from her family, from older siblings who wanted their younger sister to make the family look good to teachers who never forgot that her family immigrated from Guild Galad. A smile that never faltered could get a person through a lot.

And, inside, she feels terribly empty and -- despite being surrounded by people she knows -- very alone. Her fingers tense, ever so slightly, around the cover of her book.

She takes a second longer than she should to speak, and somehow, she keeps the pain out of her voice.

"Congratulations, Nora," she says. "I know you'll be very happy."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Nimue has posed.

Nimue has successfully ignored Marivel's gesture and is now in the process of continuing to make everything worse. "That's exactly it!" she says to Danielle, indirectly answering Tio in the process. "It's not about it being *good*, it's about it being *new*, because, like, if I wanted to just do the thing the normal way every day, like, I've had a thousand years to do it and am now completely and totally bored."

Nimue is not mentioning the amount of time she's spent quite literally hiding in books in this analysis because it would probably undercut her point.

The announcement of a wedding date completely distracts Nimue from talking about food, so much so that she in fact actually also does not eat immediately. "Is this with that... guy, who showed up that one time?" she asks, making sure she's not getting the wrong idea.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Boudicca has posed.

"It is still a very nice hat," Boudicca assures Tio. /Same hat./ And Dash gets a wave as he arrives! But before she can give him a good greeting --


Boudicca knows tragically little about human customs, even after almost three years living amongst them properly; she knows humans engage in romance, certainly, but the meaning of marriage is lost on her. Still, Danielle is excited, so... it must be a good thing, she decides. But --

Her hand goes to her mouth in what might /seem/ like a delighted gasp, instead of a blatant attempt to get herself to not blurt out the obvious question again. Lowering down, it reveals a smile. "Congratulations!" Boudicca says, instead, because that's what Xiumei is saying, and if Xiumei has known Eleanor for that long than Xiumei /must/ know the right thing to say.

Just, in her mind, she's wondering...

... why was Eleanor surprised by details of someone she's supposed to be involved with?

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Nimues gonna Nimue, indeed.

"Perhaps," Ida says, but the smile she musters up is faded around the edges. She's overall proud of her service with ARMS, but there are moments that have embedded themselves in her memory like razor blades inside a bar of soap. Once enough is exposed, they'll start to slice.

The desperate battle at Macalania. The violence that engulfed the Conference. Brad's death.

For a moment, Ida's friendly demeanor flickers, like a flame in high wind. She finishes the chocolate puff pastry, and takes a less-decorous bite of a strawberry creme one.

Then: The news.

Ida's eyes widen a little, but a happy smile dawns soon enough. "Congratulations!" she says, earnest joy for her friend's sake tangling with a sudden thread of bitterness that rips from her heart.

Do you still think they'll accept him? They'll find out, just like they'll find out about /you/.

"I would like to meet him," Ida adds.


<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

"Ah, I see..." Clarine replies, as Danielle explains the extent of what she's heard. "Well, I am certain there are stories we could share... is there anything in particular you are curious about...?"

She doesn't notice Eleanor's look of concern, and is too polite to realise the mischief at hand.

She spots Dash approaching at about the same time, and offers him a polite smile.

"Ah, Dash... it is good to see you again." She greets... and it is about this time that Danielle says the good news. Clarine goes quiet. Her head tilts to the side in confusion.

Much like Boudicca, she doesn't know much about human customs. ...Is it normal, for the date to be a surprise to one of the parties involved...? Still, everyone's congratulating Eleanor, so this must be meant to be a cause for celebration, so it would be rude not to do so, as well.

"...Ah, congratulations..." Clarine adds in, as well.

<Pose Tracker> Ashley Winchester has posed.

"Baking is great! Even if it's just something to do as a hobby, there's something about working the dough that helps soothe the nerves. And being able to make something with your hands that friends and family can enjoy is like nothing else in the world...!" Ashley beams, because talking about baking is really one of those few and increasingly rare things in the world that bring him nothing but pure and undiluted joy.

Deep within Ashley's soul, Lord Blazer writhes in aaaagony.

But then! There is news. News, indeed. Ashley listens attentively as Danielle shares the matrimonious tidings...!

"Wow!" The Baker says, clapping his hands cheerfully. "Congratulations, Eleanor! I had no idea you were engaged!" He sounds actually sincere.

Because, as established, Ashley Winchester is to romantic notions what a lotus leaf is to water.

<Pose Tracker> Kamui has posed.

Someone's got to be incredibly late to the party, and this time, as is often the case like that one time Kamui stood up Xiumei because she got distracted getting kicked around like a soccerball... it's Kamui again.

Kamui appears not dressed in her Sunday best because when she comes in she's in the two pieces of the Fourth Armour she's uncovered and the rest of her usual white gown, which is blackened and pitted and in one case completely pierced where her greaves are still leaking coolant of some sort. Even Acacia's new nice red scarf can't really undo the look, given how soot-soaked and ragged it is.

"... I'm late, mui," Kamui murmurs. "Sorry. I died again."

She unceremoniously dumps a large blue can with 'E' marked on it, which kind of smells of oil and coolant and not things that belong in a party venue.

"Gift from mui..."

<Pose Tracker> Zhang Xiumei has posed.


Marina Irrington hits the dough with her rolling pin harder than she has to. For no particular reason.

<Pose Tracker> Dash Caskett has posed.

Dash arrives just as someone announces a wedding date. There is a mixture of emotions and stunned silence. He pauses at the edge of the party as everyone takes in the, uh... news. "...Did I come at a bad time?" he asks sheepishly, trying to smile, but can feel existential dread radiating from somewhere in the vaguely Eleanor-based direction.

Xiumei is the first to offer a greeting as this plays out. "Oh, hey Xiumei! Yeah, better as of late! Glad to be home-ish. How about yourself? Been a while." With the greeting, Dash shows himself in to the event.

This robot child knows little of Weddings, though understands the concept. But in every iteration, when telling people theres going to be a wedding, everyone goes nuts. Even announcing a formal date should elicit some kind of positive vibe.

Normally, anyway.

"Hello, Clarine! Likewise," he responds with in return. "Cool! A wedding. Sounds fun*!"

  • It probably wasn't going to be fun.

Eyes dart over toward Kamui on her arrival. He hasn't quite gotten to talk to her fully yet, often zoning out or dodging inquiries on their meetings. It was getting awkward, and is entirely his fault. He will need to make it up to her soon. For now, he gives her a small way from his position.

"Uh, so what date is set exactly?"

<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

Marie Valeria looks towards Xiumei. It's not subtle at all, but in a crowd like this maybe it doesn't have to be. She has been told some things, in confidence, and she doesn't think it's something she ought to betray in confidence. She's been around nobles long enough to know how noble life goes. Sometimes, you really don't get to pick who you are married to--even if you can choose whom you shack up with.

She finishes off her entire glass of wine and sets it down to side.

"That sounds very interesting." Marivel says. "You know, I heard ARMS uses empathite for its radios but I wonder if there arre more advanced uses for the substance."

Marie stands herself up and makes her way toward Kamui, punching Ashley in the ribs subtly with an elbow as she makes her way to Kamui.

...and kisses her on the forehead. "Welcomee back the land of the living." She says.

But she does add, "So this summer. Scarcely half a year away. You must be terribly excited Eleanor."

She looks at Nimue.

Nimue feels a tap on her shoulder.

Marivel is still nowhere near her, looking innocent.

<Pose Tracker> Tio has posed.

"Welcome, Dash!" Tio says, as the blue armoued man arrives. Sometimes it's nice to see robot friends. She then turns back to Boudicca. "Thank you. Yours is very nice as well. Tio has picked up enough points in social to know what to do when complimented, now."

Weddings are not a subject Tio has any expertise with. There's nothing in the remnants of her databanks to tell her what this means. So, she just asks. "Is a wedding a good thing, Master?" Her eyes are purely on Eleanor, unaware of how awkward she's certainly making this moment.

And then her attention shifts completely, and she looks worried. "Sister!" She yells, running over to Kamui. "Are you alright?" Tio's voice has changed lately, it seems. Slightly less mechanical, and in this case, one can easily hear the concern in her voice. It's enough to make her drop that glass of water she was holding. Sure, Kamui is not often in the best of shape but this is... worrying.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Ida's eyes widen in shock. "Kamui," she says, at once relieved and /so terribly worried/. "Are you... well?" She doesn't /look it/, but Ida doesn't know her well enough to know what her usual resting state is.

Ida takes executive action. She picks up a secondary plate, and discreetly loads it up with an assortment of pastries. She approaches Kamui, handing it over. "Here," she says. "I'm... glad you're all right. That is, I /suspected/ you'd merely retreated, judging by... Marivel's non-reaction." Ida glances sidelong at the Crimson Noble, apologetically.

"But we should talk about what happened. Not here, though." Pause. "...If it isn't too painful."

<Pose Tracker> Acacia Saitani has posed.

As with Kamui, Acacia is around... sort of.

She looks a bit ragged, but it's hard to say if that's due to anything in particular or just Acacia's normal state of existence when not home at Meria Boule. Only a bit ragged, though - she's mostly here to rekindle some connections with ARMS after spending so long separate from them on Spira. She feels a little guilty about that, and she's made a bit of an effort to try to tidy up and make herself look a bit nicer.

But she can't help the way her gaze keeps straying off into the middle distance as her thoughts overtake her, and she can't really help the way she cautiously watches the shadows, or lets her mind spin into some rather unpleasant thoughts, or feels an absence of touch on her arm that she doesn't want to get used to. It leaves her pressing her lips together in something like loneliness and something like annoyance, even if both of those feelings don't normally apply to her.

Still, she's alert enough to prick up her ears at the conversation going on around Eleanor, and lifts her head to swivel it in their direction, hiding the rest of her face behind the glass of something sugary she'd managed to filch along the way. Slowly, her gaze travels from Eleanor to Xiumei and back.

"Well," she tries after a moment, her voice carefully held even. She's kind of reached the point where she's accepted she can be a rather hotheaded, but she knows when to stay calm. "If you need a photographer, you know who to call. Kamui, I mean," she adds after a moment with an amused snort. "I mean, I wouldn't invite a reporter along."

One of the other things she can't help but do is fuss over Kamui, picking at the Reploid's hair to try to make her a little more presentable and giving Tio a grin of quiet satisfaction. At least that part, she's okay with.

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

Danielle's expression on Nimue turns from polite bafflement to curiousity and intrigue. "I /do/ enjoy new things," she muses, waving Dash's way as she sees him walk up.

"That sounds so nice," Danielle answers Ashley. She can see the joy in his demeanor, and she's glad she brought it up as a result. It's such a good day.

"You..." Danielle pauses, when Kamui says she died again. Then she looks down to the can. "Thank you so much!" she says brightly, letting go Eleanor's hands with a squeeze and clapping her hands. "I'm sure Eleanor will be able to make great use of it!"

Passing the buck: an important sibling skill. Eleanor looks a little concerned for Kamui, which means she's very concerned, but others are bringing it up.

But Danielle beams to Clarine. "Lovely! You see, I should ask in detail sometime--she won't tell me hardly /anything/ about a place called 'Djose.'" Danger. Danger.

Eleanor is distracted and misses this in the moment. Because there is a lot happening. A whole lot happening.

"The date for Eleanor's wedding!" Danielle explains for Dash's benefit. "She's been engaged for years," for Ashley too. "But I'm not surprised if she didn't mention it--she keeps a lot to herself. Sorceresses have to be mysterious, I think." And then to Acacia a small laugh. "You'd think," she says, but has a feeling this is a friend of Eleanor's, from her easy familiarity.

Meanwhile, Eleanor's smile remains exactly the same as it was as Xiumei congratulates her, except that Eleanor turns to face her again with it. She is able to mostly conceal that that /particular/ congratulations is knife in her heart by looking around to everyone, and lifting her left hand at Ashley's questioning. There is indeed a diamond engagement ring on her third finger. "Ah, yes," Eleanor says to Nimue, almost distractedly, "You met him once! Montgomery Curie."

Eleanor receives congratultions from many sources. And a question from one. "...Yes," Eleanor says to Tio, "A wedding is a very good thing. It's one of my responsibilities to my family, too. But as a matter of fact..."

Marivel calls it very interesting. Danielle's eyes settle on Marie kissing Kamui on the forehead and she draws a conclusion with a smile. But Eleanor...

"...As a matter of fact," she says, to what Marivel says, "I /am/ excited! It's been a long engagement already. I'll have to introduce him to those of you who haven't met him," she says, noting Ida in particular, "We can certainly arrange that!" She looks over Venetia and gives her a 'ha ha well' look and then smiles to her friends.

"Thank you so much," Eleanor says, and indeed, she... seems to at least mostly mean it. "Do you know where he is at the moment, Danielle?"

"Oh, yes! He should be arriving from Guild Galad any day now, to see you now that you've come back. I /bet/ you're eager to see him after a few months apart," she offers.

Eleanor thinks of trying to explain all the details. She immediately discards that idea and instead says, "Thank you, Kamui," nodding to the energy canister (if that's actually what it is).

"I hope I can count on all of you to come for the wedding. I'll have to work on invitations!"

<Pose Tracker> Clarissa Arwin has posed.

Clarissa doesn't need a special insight to feel how much Xiumei must hurt right now. More than anything, she wants to give her friend the biggest hug of her life.

She can't right now. She just sends a quiet smile her way, and though her smile is polite, her eyes are a little pinched at the corners, the light behind them more subdued as she tries her level best to send sympathy and care through a glance. If she could hug Xiumei with her eyes alone, she'd be doing it.

When Kamui appears, Clarissa widens her eyes and cups a hand to her mouth. "Kamui, please don't die! Living Kamui is best Kamui!" she exclaims.

But there are matters of marriage to consider, and Danielle seems like she's about to drop the date. The blonde girl folds her arms loosely, biting down to her lower lip and letting out a soft breath. The look between Eleanor and Xiumei is enough to nearly break Clarissa's heart. She glances away for just a moment.

A part of her wants to cry. She can't do it in front of Danielle, though.

"Of course Felius and I will be there," she says with a bow of her head.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Nimue has posed.

"Yeah, see? You get it," Nimue says, concluding immediately that she likes Danielle but not lingering on it overmuch.

Nimue gets tapped on the shoulder. She looks around and sees nothing... and shrugs, concluding that this might just be a new, exciting, weird brain problem she has which she will interrogate later, when she doesn't have a hypercompressed pastry ball to eat.

She goes back to eating her giant, hypercompressed pastry ball to eat -- at least until she smells that lage blue can Kamui brings, at which point she gravitates inexorably to *that*, because at her heart Nimue is a person who just kinda likes stuff.

She looks at the can, then at Kamui. She asks... tentatively...

"... is that a gift, or are you gonna eat that?"

<Pose Tracker> Zhang Xiumei has posed.

Xiumei glances at Marivel. It is the briefest of looks, a glance that is green-eyed and -- for just a second -- terribly hurt. She swallows it down. Her eyes glance away, then, before she looks sideways at Tio. She hesitates a second -- opens her mouth -- then she nods.

"Ah, yes, Tio! It's a wonderful occasion," she says.

Then she spots Kamui. Her eyes widen as she looks at the Reploid -- down at the blue tank with the 'E' on it -- and then back at the Reploid, properly. "Kamui!" she says. She sounds worried. "I--ah--I was very concerned. Are you okay? You look like you could use a bath..."

She looks up at Acacia, then. She smiles -- with a hint of strain to it, but just a hint -- and then she hesitates, a second.

She looks at Eleanor, too, for a moment longer. She opens her mouth -- then she closes it, instead. She meets Clarissa's eyes, and there is a smile. Then, she looks ahead.

At nothing. And she falls quiet, for a second.

"You don't have to ask," she says, finally, with a smile, before--she makes a face and looks at Nimue. "Th--that... might... not be safe...?"

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

"Ah, Kamui...!" Clarine gasps in surprise, as Kamui appears! She immediately hurries over to her side.

"A-are you alright...? Do you need anything?" Clarine asks, immediately beginning to fuss over her. She looks toward Acacia, as well.

"It is good to see you, too, Acacia..." She greets, before her attention returns to Danielle as she asks her a question.

"Djose...?" Clarine repeats. ...And then it clicks. She wasn't at Operation Mi'ihen, herself - she only saw the aftermath. She looks away apologetically. "...Ah. I am afraid... talk of Djose may only ruin the current mood..."

After all, this is supposed to be a happy occasion.


"Ah... of course I shall be there for my friends." Clarine says with a nod of her head.

<Pose Tracker> Ashley Winchester has posed.

"I'll definitely be there, too!" Ashley cheers, complete with DOUBLE FIST PUMP. "I'll have to bring in some back-up, but it'd mean the world if you let me handle the wedding cake! I've been meaning to try my hand at something extravagant for a while now and this seems like the best time to give it my all!"

Of course.

Of all the things to get him hyped up, it's a wedding that was never actually meant to happen. And yet...

Here it is.

If Ashley had any chance of recognizing the subtleties playing out underneath everyone's superficial jubilation, they're summarily dashed by the reappearance of a certain Reploid. "Kamui--" he wasn't there when she took a buillet for Asgard, but he definitely heard about what happened. "...I'm glad you're okay. We were worried...!"

But now it's okay!

It's all absolutely, positively, okay. Someone's getting married! It's a wonderful day!


Absolutely wonderful.

<Pose Tracker> Kamui has posed.

Dash gives her a glance, and Kamui gives him a nod in turn; it's Marivel who comes next and gives her a kiss on the forehead, which is comforting as she quietly nods to her mother. "Mom..."

In many ways, she behaves like a Crimson Noble, does she not?

Tio, though, calls out to her-- she hasn't seen her in a while. She regrets not trying harder, though the emotion in her voice...

"Tio..." Kamui whispers, averting her eyes slowly. Guilt doesn't begin to describe the feeling that wells into her Suffering Circuit with the context that she now remembers. "I'm... you're looking well."

Ida and Clarine also rush to fuss and look after her, and Ashley expresses his own concern. The former also offers her pastries and mentions she suspected she retreated -- "I'm... okay, Clarine... it's nice to see you. And sort of, Ida... it took a while to get back to Sylvaland from Tishrei."

... she got warped all the way to north Aquvy?

She honestly doesn't really understand how the system that turns her into little more than blue motes only to recombobulate elsewhere works. Teleportation? Maybe because of her life with Marivel, she's started contexualising it as life, death, and rebirth in the way Crimson Nobles do.

Danielle seems a bit taken aback, but then thanks you for the can -- Kamui nods towards her, not understanding but... perhaps able to contextualise that she's family, or at least someone important on the familial scale.

Her one good eye scans back towards Eleanor. She can read the unspoken emotion in it. She doesn't /need/ a Suffering Circuit for that, per se. "Yes... I understand duty," she chooses her words deliberately.

Master is here too... of course, a photographer should be present for a wedding, shouldn't they? Acacia says. She gets a ruffle of her hair for her troubles.

Then Nimue asks if she's gonna eat it. "... maybe... a little sip later... if they don't need it..." Kamui says with the EXACT tone of someone who just bought VSOP cognac out of their budget and is perhaps hoping to score a little chaser from it in the middle of the party.


Kamui sucks in a big breath and literally inhales all five pastries Ida gave her in one go, then steps over to Xiumei to hold her hand firmly. As Clarissa mentions, Living Kamui is the best Kamui, and...

Well, Living Kamui is one for gestures.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Boudicca has posed.

"Please take care," Boudicca says, to Kamui, with all the strain of worry despite what she knows. Her boundless concern can't take someone who casually dies all the time!

Her alarm over someone walking in after having /died/ is something she manages to push aside for the sake of what must be relevatory news, though. A good thing, a responsibility...

"I will be there," Boudicca promises, with a deep bow of her head. (The sunhat flops, merrily, and she reaches up to make sure it doesn't slide down her horns. Oh no. Is this a fashion disaster?)

She straightens, and looks to Ida, not quite able to keep the concern from her face. Maybe it's concern for Kamui. It could plausibly be concern for Kamui.

It's not just concern for Kamui.

Luckily, Nimue is here, being Nimue, and Boudicca says: "Please, Nimue, the last time we ate something not intended for consumption, Lanval made quite a mess with that, what did they say... Gear fuel? You will regret such a snack."

A light pause,

"That is not an invitation to immediately eat the regrettable snack."

<Pose Tracker> Acacia Saitani has posed.

The redheaded reporter flashes Danielle a bright smile in return, reminding herself that perhaps she's been brooding a little too much. Talking like this came more naturally before she got flung over to Spira and back a few times and embroiled in more danger than she knows what to do with, but she's still the same person known for ingratiating herself to most of Meria Boule's businesses.

"Ah, sorry. Friend of Eleanor's - my name's Acacia Saitani, I run the Meria Bouletin. A pleasure to meet you, and don't worry. I'm off the clock, so it's not like I'm going to go beat the official announcement to the punch. Still, congratulations," she adds as she picks up into an easy grin.

She's not quite sure who she's saying congratulations /to/, exactly, so it kind of ends up directed to the empty space between Eleanor and Danielle in both their directions. The name gets gently filed away for later... or at least that's what she tells herself in a moment of edgy contrariness, knowing she'd never go through with actually trying to dig up dirt on the man. After all, she takes a bit too much pride in her own brand of ethics to break it just like that, and she's fairly eure Eleanor wouldn't forgive her.

As irritated as she is with people vanishing on her, though, she's not above mouthing a quick, silent 'kidnappinggggg' to Marivel at an angle where Danielle and Eleanor can't see it. Xiumei almost gets the same treatment, but it's probably for the better that she thinks better of it, catches herself, and just smiles in quiet sympathy instead as she leaves that side of things up to Kamui.

"That's... quite soon, though. And the world's kind of a dangerous place right now," she chooses her words carefully, not least because there's definite concern held there as she looks over. "Are you sure it'll be alright? I can understand why you'd want to do it if you're looking to give people something to look forward to, but..." She trails off, not sure how to voice her worries, before something else occurs to her - and this time she's definitely kind of addressing Danielle rather than Eleanor. "Ah, speaking of which, her posting at ARMS...?"

<Pose Tracker> Dash Caskett has posed.

"Hey Tio! Good to see ya," Dash replies to her with. She seems more expressive than last time they talked. Perhaps someone has been a good influence on them? "Been getting along well with everything? Not getting overstimulated or anything?" She doesn't seem to be. One would hope not! Her motions toward Kamui also alert the boy to her condition. Perhaps she got in a fight on the way? "Ah, hope you get better..." he says quietly her direction. The boy looks like he wants to say more toward Kamui, but refrains in the current company of the entire party.

It will have to wait.

"Half a year, huh? Good amount of time to prepare. What all kinds of stuff do you need for a wedding?" he asks both Danielle and Eleanor, trying to find a way to be helpful. And make up for his absence in some small way.

"...Did Kamui just-" Best not to think about it. Cool power though! Like some kind of vacuum.

<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

Marivel apparently doesn't see it as the kind of death other folks seem to BUT TO BE FAIR, when Marivel's body is destroyed the result is only really disimilar in aesthetics. Marivel is far more concerned with how Kamui feels and her connectioon to her memories. This isn't to say she doesn't care AT ALL when Kamui gets energy ringed, but she isn't going to flip a lid in public. But that's why she kissed Kkamui on the forehead.

"I'm just happy you made it." Marivel says. "My thoughts are always with you."

She steps back a bit though to not crowd Kamui. She doesn't punch Ashley again. Some things are beyond her power.

She does exhale a bit when Nimue continues too not recognize her signals--but then she reasons that maybe Nimue is purposefully missing the signals and doesn't want to talk right now and she just decides this must be the case and turns her attention back to Danielle.

"I'm glad Eleanor has a sister like you looking out for her." Marivel says. "Sometimes even a noble's life can be tumultous and surprising. Being there for our families is important in good times as well as the tough times. Knowing the future is impossible, but when we love each other, the boat of life can surely push steadily through the rapids the universe throws our way."

She considers Xiumei for a moment longer. Can everyone see it? Is the only issue that nobody is saying it out loud?

"Xiumei, I have to say, I'm glad to see you worrying over Kamui. Heh heh heh... She's made such a good friend."

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Ida glances in Danielle's direction at the mention of Guild Galad, but at the moment, her attention is preoccupied with the bedraggled Reploid before her. "I'm glad you're here," she says. In more ways than one. The spike of fear and grief she felt when Kamui disappeared is still fresh in her mind--an echo, of sorts, of what she felt when Brad died.

Ida glances over at Dash, then--she noticed him earlier, but consciously or not, she hasn't interacted with him. She swallows.

She then realizes that Danielle and Eleanor were still speaking, and turns back to them--

Just in time to see that look between Xiumei and Eleanor. She blinks, once. Could it--

Something dawns behind Ida's eyes--the distinct sensation of a straight woman realizing that two women she thought were dear friends might, in fact, be quite a bit more than that.

Her guts start to twist. The 'congratulations' she said rings hollow in her ears. "I'll be there," Ida says, anyway.

No, Boudicca, she does not look well.

Not even Kamui hoovering up the plate of pastries seems to lift her mood, and that's pretty telling.

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

Danielle thinks she likes Nimue. She certainly wants to know more about her. Especially now that she apparently wants to eat oil or whatever is in that can. Danielle is smarter than many people give her credit for. So she considers the can again. But Eleanor has been given charge over it... though Boudicca brings a very valid point.

"Well, Kamui," she says, "I wouldn't dream of failing to share such a gift. Do you think the Three of Hearts would like some?"

"I'm glad," Eleanor says to Clarissa about her and Felius, and to each person who mentions they'll attend she has another small smile. These are not so expansive as the first, smaller expressions as she goes.

"Ah?" Danielle asks Clarine about Djose. "Well, that's all right. I'm sure I can come up with other things to ask about."

Ashley mentions the wedding cake, and Eleanor and Danielle both look over with interest, though Eleanor looks a little distracted. She's probably thinking about her fiance. Eleanor says, "Let's talk about that later--it could be an excellent idea."

Danielle in the meantime smiles at Acacia. Whether Eleanor would forgive her or not Danielle is pleasant to her. "It's nice to meet you! The Meria Bouletin--I've seen it now and then, when I'm in the capital. You do good work!" A beat, "But I appreciate letting us do it officially that way," with a little laugh.

Kamui... understands duty. Eleanor looks to her for a moment, and nods.

Dash's question though gets a response, "We'll need..." Eleanor and Danielle start by talking at the same time, and then Danielle laughs and prompts Eleanor to continue. "We'll need food, drink, a venue, flowers, other decorations, accomodations for guests... I've already been preparing a few things like choosing colors, but I wasn't sure when I would need them."

But Acacia has some pointed questions, and Eleanor doesn't notice the kidnapping crack. "That's true," Eleanor says, "But..."

Danielle smiles. "Mother thought a lot about that--she can do most of her duties planning between missions, so it won't interfere with her duties. Quite the opposite, she'd like to offer ARMS more assistance!"

"Oh, is that so?" Eleanor looks a little surprised. Xiumei says she doesn't have to ask. "...I don't, do I?" she answers her. Danielle says, "Monty has more of the details, I think, since he's been working on the business side of things."

Eleanor smiles at Ida, despite the darkened mood she has. "Thank you," she says.

Danielle meanwhile looks to Marivel, though so does Eleanor at the matter of knowing the future--just a glance by habit. But still, "I try. She really looks out more for me, so it's nice to have the chance to help a little."

"But!" She says. "That's all I had to say! Please, by all means, enjoy the party!"

There's polite clapping from the other people around.

Eleanor says, "Yes, that's--a lovely idea."

<Pose Tracker> Zhang Xiumei has posed.

Xiumei doesn't really let herself falter. She is good at keeping her emotions in check unless things get bad. She keeps smiling, keeps her chin up, and manages to mostly not make herself look too miserable. But she isn't made of ice. Quite the opposite, really.

So she squeezes Kamui's hand back, grateful for the gesture, and grateful it's not so obvious to be painful.

She looks at Marivel and hesitates, for a moment. "Ah... thank you, Miss Marie."

She doesn't quite catch Ida's glance. She looks back at Eleanor -- and it's so much effort to keep her smile on her face. "O-Of course not," she says. "You know I'd never miss it, Nora."

<Pose Tracker> Clarissa Arwin has posed.

Clarissa couldn't possibly stand her friend up at her wedding. The downside is that she's pretty sure it's going to be a fairly tense affair, all things considered.

Clasping her hands at her waist once more, the girl in blue and white looks between Xiumei and Eleanor again. She catches that Xiumei smile and dips her chin a little. There's a silent invitation in the look she sends to the other woman. /Let's talk later./

As the applause starts up, Clarissa joins in, though hers is restrained compared to that of the less ARMS-y attendees. She's far too aware of how much this is hurting someone for her to feel anything other than intensely complex feelings about it. Felius, for his part, just nods along like the unemotive lump he can occasionally be.

Above the applause, Clarissa's smiling faintly at Eleanor again. She, too, gets what she gave Xiumei: A wordless hug with her eyes alone.

<Pose Tracker> Kamui has posed.

Kamui quietly nods to Boudicca, perhaps not fully acquainted with her but... clearly able to sense her on the same level that she does Nimue and Clarine. It's nice of Nimue to have other friends.

Acacia asks a good question. Does this mean Eleanor's going to quit ARMS? She's saved them from certain death before. They wouldn't be here without her. But if it's duty... but Danielle quells that fear, saying she'll be offering them more assistance.

... it's strange, to hear it from her words, not Eleanor's.

And yet... Kamui's very familiar with people who would put words in her mouth. People seeking the legendary Reploid in the past often tend to do that.

"I'll... get better," Kamui speaks softly to Dash. She also lifts her head back up to Eleanor and says, "The Three of Hearts... it would fit it quite well."

There's a longer moment of silence, then Kamui declares, "Let's play all the board games tonight, Xiumei. Anything you want. Even the super complicated one with fuel evaporation from sunlight."

It's her extremely awkward code for 'let's blow off some steam'.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Boudicca has posed.

Boudicca steps over to put a hand on Ida's shoulder. She knows /something/ isn't right, looking over the guests. She is unused to having a face; her smile does falter. But it picks up, again, a moment later.

"I am sure it will be wonderful," she says, and turns to Danielle. "Surely you have heard the tales of the Calm Lands' chocobos? Those races were astounding! /This/ is a good tale, I think." And, Goddess willing, Boudicca will proceed to distract Danielle with tales of chocobo races and balloons for as long as she can, to allow the other patrons of the party to...

... she's not /quite/ sure. But somehow, she feels like Eleanor could use the distraction.

<Pose Tracker> Marivel Armitage has posed.

"Well, I'm not scoring anyone." Marivel quips back to Danielle. "We all carry that which we can."

She gives Xiumei another thoughtful look before deciding something. "There is something I'd like to talk with you about later, Xiumei." She adds. "Perhaps over a--" Kamui already suggests board games. Foiled by her own clever daughter. "--Nothing serious, but I haven't finished gathering my thoughts just yet."

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Ida rests her hand atop Boudicca's, and manages a weak little smile. "Thank you," she says. "I was... thinking of home. And /my/ dearest." Which is just part of the problem, but Ida is not about to break down what's /really/ got her broken up, because that would be the absolute last thing anyone needs right now and she /already/ feels like an idiot for not realizing sooner.

"We can talk later."

And then Ida puts her chin up and gives Xiumei her best smile, and she can't help but think back to how she /felt/ when she saw Azoth's mask slip. Even /now/ she can't completely rid herself of it.

"That's a lovely idea, Kamui," Ida says. "And perhaps, once we've visited Guild Galad, I can teach you some of the games /I/ made."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

Kamui so she's fine so Clarine nods... though still looks a little worried. But, considering her current condition, that's probably to be expected.

"...I'm glad to hear, but... if you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask..." She says.

She looks back to Danielle, then, and nods.

"I would be glad to help..." She says.

She nods, though, and listens. ...It occurs to her that she doesn't really know much about what human marriages entail. And she can see the subtly dour moods of her friends.

...She feels like she may have missed a very important piece of context. It's a little awkward... So instead, she just nods at Kamui's suggestion.

"Yes, of course... I would be glad to learn more about them..." Clarine says.

<Pose Tracker> Dash Caskett has posed.

Unfortunately the things listed for a Wedding aren't something Dash is skilled in acquiring, Well-- shopping is easy, but he expected something out of the ordinary when it came to Eleanor, like fancy ancient weapons or found artifacts of magical power traded amongst guests-- a duel between the wed couple of skill and...

What DID he think a wedding was, anyway?

"Well, I am glad to hear that," he replies to Kamui with. He won't press her about what happened for now.

The boy catches to look from Ida, and gives her a small wave. "Heya Ida! Everything good with you lately?" he asks nicely.

The last time they spoke was on odd terms. Something that would need to be fixed as well.

A lot of things certainly unraveled that day.

"I can try to get stuff far away if you need it I guess?" he adds back to the lady of the event. "I'm not the best at shopping for that kinda stuff. What is in fashion, is chic, et cetera." He says as he makes a circling gesture with one of his hands.

<Pose Tracker> Acacia Saitani has posed.

Acacia looks, for a moment, as surprised as Eleanor does. Her Guild Galad family were far from being nobles, but they were certainly mired enough in tradition and 'upbringing' that she'd chafed at the expectations set on her. Part of her had been entirely expecting her friend to get shuffled to the back lines as soon as possible, and it's kind of a relief to know that whatever else happens, Eleanor can at least continue as she has been.

She hopes, anyway. It would be one piece of good news.

"Ahaha, sorry," she smiles after a sip of wine. "Questions like that kind of come with the job, and sometimes I can't help myself. Didn't mean to give you the once over," she adds towards Danielle - before nodding her head in recognition of her consideration, and using the moment to sneak a quick glance at Eleanor. "I mean, ARMS stuff aside, it'd be pretty crappy if I stole the thunder."

Maybe it's because she's estranged from her own family that she can pick up on it better. Eleanor's talking brightly, but a lot of the actual planning is coming from everyone but her. From Acacia's point of view, it says a lot about Eleanor's political prospects that she can't really tell how much of it is keeping up appearances and how much of it is genuine excitement - though she can't help but wince behind her glass at the request Eleanor makes of Xiumei.

All she can do for the meantime is set it aside on the other pile of things she has to think about. She's yet to figure out how she really feels about this, or whether she even has any right to butt in to the whole situation, but either way - with Danielle stood directly in front of her - this is definitely not the time.

"Still, I promise, we've got an ace photographer if you want her. She'd probably be thrilled to be there," she offers instead, then watches as Kamui inhales her meal in one go. "You can kinda just pay her in food, even. And maybe a /bit/ of exclusive coverage?" she tries a winning smile.

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

Danielle's eyes light up as she hears from the woman in armor and a nice hat, Boudicca. She does not actually know what a Seraph is. "Chocobos!" she says. "The name alone sounds adorable! By all means, please tell me more!" This is going to work pretty well; in theory Danielle should wander around and see more guests, but in practice...


Eleanor gives Clarissa a 'we can talk' sort of look and a smile. And to Clarine she focuses, "I'll tell you all about how it works before the day. In fact I can tell you more later on if we get the chance. There's a lot of interesting facts about the etiquette associated with marriage and engagement rituals in our society!"

Eleanor actually does seem happy to be able to nerd about etiquette a little. But she doesn't stay on that subject terribly long. /Does/ it mean she's going to quit ARMS? ...That's a question.

But she looks to Xiumei, then. "I can always rely on you," she says softly, a little more softly than she meant to.

"Oh, don't worry," Danielle says to Dash. "She'll have help." Eleanor chimes in, "Quite a bit! All you need to do is attend--and if you /do/ bake my cake, Ashley, I'll be insisting that you come as a guest as well, not only as our baker."

Danielle shakes her head a little to Acacia. "I don't mind a few questions," she says, but she sounds a little more serious than she did before. Her smile is genuine-seeming when she agrees about thunder-stealing though.

Eleanor, meanwhile, looks back and smiles at Acacia. "I'll think about that. But I'm going to want both of you present, official status or not." But...

Kamui suggests the board games. Eleanor smiles distantly at that idea, but it fades into a regretful look. "I'm afraid I should probably decline," she says, looking away. "If he's going to be here tonight, then I'd... like to spend some time with him. It's been a long time since I've seen him."

"I'll get in another time, okay?"

<Pose Tracker> Zhang Xiumei has posed.

Xiumei glances at Clarissa. She nods once at her, but doesn't mouth anything back. There isn't a mouthed statement or a whisper; Xiumei knows better when someone might be looking at her. Then, she glances sideways at Kamui. Her head tilts to the side. "Ah... board games?" she says. "That--ah, yes! That sounds like a lot of fun. We should all do that!"

She glances at Boudicca. Is she trying to distract Danielle? Xiumei has to wonder for a second. She glances at Marivel -- blinks -- and then she nods. "Oh--ah. Yes, certainly! Whenever you're ready."

She looks at Eleanor. She smiles at her, and there is something else in the smile; something strained and hurt, like she is trying very hard. She is -- like she might start crying. But she doesn't, and her voice only shakes a little. "Y-yes, you always can. Always."

Then, she blinks.

Xiumei nods, though, at what Eleanor says. "Ah... ah, that's okay. Next time," she agrees. "And... we've got some more pastries, and everything else, so..."

They don't have to leave now.

<Pose Tracker> Kamui has posed.

"Maybe... some sunbathing together, later," is what Kamui replies with to Clarine, because she does long for that. Acacia seems much better suited with chatting, given her own experience with Guild Galad; but she mentions again, if she needs an ace reporter...


Can she do it? She's understood well the power that photos have. She could hurt Eleanor, Xiumei and others. But make others still happy, who don't understand the complications.

But a professional photographer doesn't bring emotions to the table.

"Yeah... I could," Kamui answers back.

Eleanor declines the offer of board games, though, looking away and saying that if her fiancee is going to be here... she should spend some time with him.

"Eleanor. Don't forget... what I told you back in Kilika."

The story she shared, about the time she became the Knight of Valmar -- when she shut off her entire heart and refused to listen to her emotions. When she let the duty that those that awakened her be the thing that strung her along, day to day.

And then, because she decides she's upset enough:


She takes her head off, stations it in front of a cake centrepiece, and inhales powerfully.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Dash speaks up, addressing Ida. The mask slips. Unlike her memory of Azoth, there's no chilling emptiness there--no /void/ where emotion should be. Instead, he gets a glimpse of a very tired, very worried woman, desperately conflicted over whether suppressing these emotions is even /wise/.

But nothing terrible happens. Fafnir does not burst out of the back of her head and demand the blood of Enkidu's murderer. Exoskeleton does not boil from her flesh, scaring the hell out of the partygoers. Instead, there is a perfectly normal sense of dread.

"I'm... recovering," she says. "We should speak soon, too, but not here."

<Pose Tracker> Eleanor Klein has posed.

Danielle cheerfully listens to the stories of the chocobo. She misses much of what else happens at this point because she's so interested, and is thoroughly distracted. ...Almost distracted enough. She misses, after all, one important thing.

"Kamui..." Eleanor looks at her robot friend. She remembers what she said. It brings it to mind, makes her think of it. And so she answers, "...I'll think about it," she says. "I promise."

Meanwhile, Danielle smiles widely and looks to her sister. "I know that..." She pauses. She looks at Kamui. She sees Kamui's head pop off. In surprised dismay, she lets out a little scream. She looks to Marivel immediately, "Oh no--"

Then she sees Kamui is eating cake that way, and she opens her mouth again, and closes it. She looks to Eleanor.

"I'm... very glad you're... enjoying the..."

"Eleanor," she says. She smiles Kamui's direction, and Eleanor reaches out to take her arm. "She does that," Eleanor explains, and Danielle just looks at her for a moment.

"Yes," Danielle answers. "That's fine."

She turns to Boudicca. "I would like to hear more about the chocobos, please."