2018-03-08: Beergeist: Difference between revisions

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  DG: Seraph Lanval has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Out of My Way!.
  DG: Seraph Lanval has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Out of My Way!.
Seraph Lanval (Lanval) pages Talise Gianfair and Layna Manydays: fun bit for you two -
Seraph Lanval (Lanval) pages Talise Gianfair and Layna Manydays: The 'Lanval' name is attached to some really, really, really
amazing beer that used to be brewed so long ago but the people who made it are long gone. Last time anyone had it was at a
terrible shithole of a tavern near Meribia that is now also gone.
Seraph Lanval (Lanval) pages Talise Gianfair and Layna Manydays: there are rumors of even more mythical drink in relation...
Layna Manydays (Layna) pages Seraph Lanval and Talise Gianfair: Interesting!

  <Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.
  <Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

Latest revision as of 03:01, 16 June 2024

DG: A party led by Talise Gianfair is now entering Big Trouble in Little Meribia.
DG: Party formation is now over. An Entry Challenge will now be drawn and displayed to the party.
=======================<* Big Trouble in Little Meribia *>========================
=======================<* CHALLENGE - Stop Right There! *>========================
|Type: Entry       |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
----------------------------< Challenge Information: >----------------------------
 In a flash of silver light, you are whisked away from Filgaia, and appear in  
 the middle of the port city of Meribia. Specifically, you appear in its       
 marketplace: a bustling, busy place that is teeming with activity. Colorful   
 stalls and tents have been placed up, where people sell handmade goods,       
 leathers, and smithed tools and jewelry. Meribia is well patrolled, though,   
 and the sudden flashes of silver light draw attention.                        
 From men and women wearing polished steel helms and breastplates, carrying    
 spears. Low-ranking Guardsmen turn and stare in your direction, before one    
 bellows: "Stop right there!"                                                  
 The chase is on!                                                              
=Dungeon Conditions: Bad Luck=================================================
<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

A minute ago, Talise Gianfair was staring into the face of the Lord of Calamity, beaten to within an inch of her life by a force so powerful that not even a solid thirty Drifters could put a dent in it, wondering how the hell Lucia planned to fix... this.

And then they were whisked away in a heartbeat as Lucia fixed... that.

And created an entirely new problem. With a gasp, Talise blinks away light from her eyes.

The group materializes - and there's a breath of a clear sea breeze, a whiff of street food from countless vendors, the sound of cheery voices, the clatter of feet, the blur of colourful silks and cloaks. It begins to resolve itself in Talise's vision, just as the silvery light wreathing the four warriors and one Chauncey melts away completely and deposits them on turf entirely too familiar to Talise.

"Meribia," she breathes, and widens her eyes with wonder. "We're... we're in Meribia."

A big smile spreads across her face. She reaches for the nearest person she can find - it's Sephilia, to whom she gives a tight hug and a brisk twirl. "We made it!" she cries out with glee. "We're gonn get you home! I can't believe we--"

"Hey! What're you doing there?!" someone shouts - and there's a stir in the marketplace as several men and women in polished helmets and breastplates begin to fight their way through the crowd. They're carrying short spears and beelining towards the group.

Talise pauses, then puts Sephilia down with a rueful smile. "So the Guard's still a thing. Guh-reat."

She gestures to Tethelle. "Let's boot it!" she shouts as she ducks into the crowd, beginning to dash towards the most familiar place she can remember: The port.

DG: Talise Gianfair has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Stop Right There!.
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephy blinks, as the surroundings change. "Meribia--? I've never been here before--are you sure?" Sephy looks uncertain, but also hopeful and excited.

She blinks again at being ordered to stop right there. "B-but we didn't violate any law!" Today, at least. Layna *is* a pirate. Which means that even though they didn't do anything bad, these guys aren't going to listen.

"Oh, yay! Running!"

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Stop Right There!.
<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.

A few moments ago, Tethelle was fighting. Now? Not so much.


That was Tethelle, who landed flat on her back on a thankfully empty section of street, arms spread-eagled. There's a sword in one of them.

Tethelle is still very sore from fighting Berserk and the Lord of Calamity consecutively and landing heavily didn't help matters much. She kind of lies there for a few moments, staring up at the very blue sky after the wave of silver, clearly half-dazed by the sudden landing.

The very, very blue sky. And the very, very blue big thing in the sky.

Tethelle's non-sword-holding arm suddenly points straight up. (She's still lying on her back.) "What is that doing there?" she blurts out, having never seen Filgaia from anywhere but ground level before. She's been shocked fully alert, both by that and Talise calling her name, but it still takes her a moment to push herself upright because her body does not want to cooperate right now.

Eventually she does get up, though, slightly wild-eyed. "Can't we talk this out?" she asks, as much to the Guard as her friends - but she is following Talise, at least. Tethelle gets her sword in its carrier while she's running to look less like a crazed murderer, slinging it over her back.

DG: Tethelle Cirdian has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Stop Right There!.
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

It hasn't rained lately in Meribia, but there is a great puddle of clear water somewhere between the stalls selling dull-looking leather shoes, and ho-hum accessories that were fashionable the previous year. The puddle, which sits in the way of Talise's professed escape route, is given wide berth by the locals..

Not that there's anything wrong with the puddle. No, it so happens that the puddle consists of the cleanest, clearest, mirror-like water in which even the oceans themselves would be jealous. Maybe it's more on virtue of avoiding getting one's new so-so leather shoes and out-of-style jewelry from geting wet... but one could do worse if they were seeking a reflective surface, as one small child delights in.

"Look at me! Bleehhhhhh," they make all sorts of funny faces at it before they are pulled away.




In the center of this puddle rests a heavy-set, bearded, bare-foot fellow whom snores so loudly that it seems unlikely that a great big flash of silvery light could ever stir them from this slumber. Nobody pays this sight any mind.

"Mmmph? Mmmmrpghglblr," they mumble as they struggle to sit up. Their silvery beard hairs terminate into bright blue tips. Their eyes do not open. Dribble escaping their lips is flicked off further to his right, wettening the ground with another sparkling drop of water while they stir and rise. "Whas all the," he slurs, "commotion now?"

He puts a hand up over his eyes, as though peering out like a pioneering sightseer. "That was a weird ol' liiiiight~"

He hears the sounds of heavy armor in movement. Guard's really been... productive, today, he reckons. Same as any other day, nowadays. He doesn't see that light happen again.

"Ahh, nothin'." He takes his gourd by its ratty rope, pops it open, and takes himself another swig. If he's going to be roused awake, might as well have himself a drink before he passes out again. Doubtful anything else interesting's going on today, as he flops back onto his seat within that puddle. Bunch of people running his way. Lots of people run around him, he reckons.

Just another day out in today's Meribia, then...

DG: Seraph Lanval has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Stop Right There!.
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

The last thing Layna knew, she was falling to her death from the platform where Drifters were struggling against the Lord of Calamity. The silver lining of all that was that at least he wouldn't get the pleasure of finishing her off.

She could be pretty petty sometimes.

And then, suddenly, there's a flash of silver light...

And rather than a sudden, painful landing, she experiences a soft 'thump' on grass, and the scent of the sea in the air. For someone like Layna, it was rejuvenating. And she can find the energy to reach into her coat, pull out a bottle, and just drink and enjoy it.

...For about a minute.

Soon enough, she can hear the sound of rather insistent voices from all around. She shuts her eyes tight, hoping to block them out. But that doesn't help matters, so before long with a grunt she forces herself to her feet.


And there she spots familiar faces - her friends - escaping from a group of Guardsmen. With a quick incantation to boost her speed - because she is otherwise not in any condition to be doing any running about - she starts to chase after them.

"So, uh...what'd I miss?" Layna asks, holding the half-drunken bottle out to Talise and/or Tethelle. She's still not...entirely sure of the situation.

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

"We're on Lunar, Layna! Back home! And the Guard are chasing us! And we're running!"

DG: Layna Manydays has used her Tool Quartermaster's Stash toward her party's challenge, Stop Right There!.
=======================<* Big Trouble in Little Meribia *>========================
=======================<* CHALLENGE - Stop Right There! *>========================
|Type: Entry       |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
----------------------------< Challenge Information: >----------------------------
 In a flash of silver light, you are whisked away from Filgaia, and appear in  
 the middle of the port city of Meribia. Specifically, you appear in its       
 marketplace: a bustling, busy place that is teeming with activity. Colorful   
 stalls and tents have been placed up, where people sell handmade goods,       
 leathers, and smithed tools and jewelry. Meribia is well patrolled, though,   
 and the sudden flashes of silver light draw attention.                        
 From men and women wearing polished steel helms and breastplates, carrying    
 spears. Low-ranking Guardsmen turn and stare in your direction, before one    
 bellows: "Stop right there!"                                                  
 The chase is on!                                                              
=Dungeon Conditions: Bad Luck=================================================
==================<* Big Trouble in Little Meribia - Round 1 *>===================
=========================< Results - Stop Right There! >==========================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Talise Gianfair                     0 --(10)--> 10                 Fail
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Seraph Lanval                       0 --(5)--> 5                   Pass
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Sephilia Lampbright                 0 --(5)--> 5                   Pass
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Layna Manydays                      0 --(5)--> 5                   Pass
Quartermaster's Stash               2   Agility Effects: Quicken              
Tethelle Cirdian                    0 --(5)--> 5                   Pass
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
------------------------------------< Party >-------------------------------------
Leader: Talise Gianfair             0 --(15)--> 15                 Pass
Conditions: Bad Luck(2)
Effects: Quicken(1)
================================< Dream Chasers >=================================
DG: The party led by Talise Gianfair has passed this challenge! The party gained 15 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

There's definitely heavy armour in motion! Talise has quite a lot of mail sandwiched between the outer layer and the lining of her coat, and another shirt of it under her tunic. Small surprise that she jingles when she runs.

It's not the easiest thing in the world. Talise is dripping blood behind her, and she's beginning to remember that, yes, the Lord of Calamity did punch a Malevolence ray through her midsection and nearly break her neck about four minutes ago. As Layna appears, Talise takes a swig of the offered booze, then tosses the flask to Tethelle. "That's the Guard, and we've got a wanted pirate with us and we've got weapons. We're screwed," she breathes, before picking up the pace.

Fortunately the Fox is a fleet-footed critter, and the group manages to lose the Guard in the thick Marketplace traffic. Talise hooks around a couple of wagons, dekes past Ramus's storefront, leads the group between a couple of stalls as she remembers her way around on memory -

The others are able to make it around Lanval fine. Talise staggers as she tries to hop over him, catching her toe against his generous hip and stumbling forward to land on the other side of him on her hands and knees.

"Damn it, shit," Talise curses as she claws her way back to her feet. "Sorry! Sorry, sorry...."

She doesn't bleed on the Seraph too much. She doesn't even seem to realize he is one, yet.

DG: Tethelle Cirdian has drawn a new Challenge.
======================<* Big Trouble in Little Meribia *>=======================
=========================<* CHALLENGE - FURY PIGEON *>==========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 Pigeons are evil, vengeful animals, whether on Filgaia or Lunar. As you run   
 through the market, you draw the attention of one such beast. It descends     
 abruptly into your number. Talons scratch and claw! Its beak pecks and        
 pokes! Its wings flap! And it squawks its protest right in your face!         
=Dungeon Conditions: Injure===================================================
<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.

Aren't you glad you're sensitive to that kind of thing now, Talise??

Tethelle rounds a corner, then another, as they lose the Guards. Now, she's in good shape, but she's also been (as previously mentioned) fighting, and climbing, and throwing herself through windows, and nearly falling thousands of feet... it's been a busy time.

She needs to catch her breath, and she leans on a statue to do it, because there's inexplicably empty space around it. This is because the locals know to give it a wide berth, because it has a bird's nest up on top, occupied by a particularly territorial pair of pigeons.

"Ow!" Tethelle just got dive-bombed by a pigeon; it slammed into her head and is currently digging its feet into her hair, pulling on it painfully as it flaps wildly. She doesn't feel right cutting a pigeon down, but having your hair yanked hurts! Instead she swings her open hand, trying to smack it away from her. "Let go!"

Tethelle staggers away from the statue, still being menaced by a small bird; she swings at it, it swings around her head, still with claws buried in her hair. It's not really a threat, ultimately, but it's really no fun and painful all out of proportion to the actual danger it presents. And there's another one starting to lift off with a menacing glint in its beady pigeon eye.

Okay this is just embarassing.

DG: Tethelle Cirdian has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, FURY PIGEON.
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephy pauses to catch for breath, cringing at the pain in her back. Then there's angry pigeons suddenly flocking Tethelle. Sephy wants to laugh, but what comes out instead is a pained sigh. "Chauncey, let's...oh Goddess." Chauncey gets big, but Sephy just shakes her head. "Oh fine, let's fight these stupid birds instead," she sighs. "Gooo, Foxington Whap."

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, FURY PIGEON.
<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

"Sorry, sorry," Talise manages again, grimacing as she tries to stagger past the drunken ghost man lying in the alley.

As she emerges into the clearer part of the square, Talise doubles forward and plants her hands on her knees, letting out a jet of breath and closing her eyes as she tries to collect herself. On the one hand, it's nice to be home. On the other...

On the other, being chased by the Guard is all too familiar. And --

She looks up. Recognition and horror flicker in Talise's eyes as she realizes which statue they've reached. Talise has been to Meribia enough times to know it by sight. "Oh no," she breathes.

In comes the Death Pigeon. Talise clenches her teeth and reaches for her shotgun - then realizes two things.

a) Nobody in Meribia has ever seen one of those, and

b) She likes Tethelle's face and shooting her in it would be bad.

"Damn it, Meribia," she sighs, grabbing a sheet off one of the nearby stalls and wrapping her shotgun in it before pulling it out like some kind of weirdly-shaped umbrella. "Hey! Hey! Get outta here, you damn Chiro Dog with wings!" she shouts, swatting at the pigeon a few times.

At which point the second pigeon swoops down and starts pecking at Talise's ears. "Damn it!" she growls, feeling entirely ridiculous as she whacks at a bird with her blanket-wrapped shotgun.

"Tethelle, they'll show no mercy, get out of there!"

DG: Talise Gianfair has used her Tool Trench Sweeper Shotgun toward her party's challenge, FURY PIGEON.
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

"Bmmff!" Goes the disheveled-looking vagrant of a man as he is bowled over by the larger Beastwoman whose business is far more urgent compared to his seeming daily planner of 'stew in pile of supernaturally fresh water for who knows how long,' flopping onto his back as Talise apologizes.

"Ahhhh, it's all riiiigh--" He stops himself mid-flicking of fresh blood stains off clothes that do not look terribly fresh unto themselves.

He opens his eyes. Aquamarine-colored eyes widen with an energy the rest of him does not have at that moment as he watches the lot of them run further off.


Just around the corner, our heroes are in the middle of being bothered by pigeons. It is a pitched, desperate battle for one's dignity as much as it is their own life! Who knows when the Guard will round the corner and catch up to them?! All seems dire...

The white-haired vagrant peers out from behind a few structures... well, no, his eyes are closed again, but one supposes 'peering' is about as good as one's going to get on short notice. His tongue presses up against his lips as he navigates his girth through an opening that should seem nearly impossible for someone of his size to pass through, flopping onto his side after one last comical, effortful squeeze--

--into actually a pretty freakin' sweet cartwheel to catch himself--

--and brings a hand up to his chin, watching the four of them. Could it be? The largest one among them, she... well, only one way to complete that thought as he rummages a hand... somewhere... on his person, withdrawing a sanctified pure white bottle.

He uncorks it, gives it a sniff, habitually drinks half of it before stopping himself. No, no, this one has a more important destiny than to wet his whistle as he pours it into the contents of his gourd.

"Don't you worry 'bout a thiiiiing," he laughs. Laughing at himself. Ahh, why say anything? Taking the rope his gourd is attached to, he hoists it above and starts spinning it! Its contents whirl about, spraying sanctified water everywhere as he trots about in good cheer. Good ol' infectious laughter and mirth.

There may have been a third or fourth pigeon in the wings. They decide to clutch their shiny objects they pilfered earlier and head off with them, minimizing any incidental loot these aggressive pests might have.

And so, for those who can see them, there is a drunken lout of an elemental spirit just careening around and spilling Holy Bottle-slash-unidentified-liquid-substance all over the place.

DG: Seraph Lanval has used his Tool Holy Bottle toward his party's challenge, FURY PIGEON.
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

"...Lunar, huh? Though the sea smelled familiar." Layna replies contemplatively. "...Wait, what? How the hell...?"

Layna slows down a little at this, and it allows her enough time to step around a bearded fellow lying into the middle of a puddle.

They continue onward, eventually running into...a statue. Now, Layna's been to Meribia a few times herself. As soon as she sees it she looks toward Talise, and it's clear that her friend has made the same recognition she has.

"Alright, lass, hold on, I'll-"

Layna is stopped in the middle of an incantation by the sight of the bearded fellow before - though it's unclear whether or not she actually recognizes him as such - laughing to himself and spinning his gourd around from a rope.

She just...kind of stares at him. Directly at him.

And maybe considers whether or not drinking so soon after losing approximately most of her blood was probably a good idea.

DG: Layna Manydays has contributed a Combat Basic Action toward her party's challenge, FURY PIGEON.
======================<* Big Trouble in Little Meribia *>=======================
=========================<* CHALLENGE - FURY PIGEON *>==========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Combat    |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
---------------------------< Challenge Information: >---------------------------
 Pigeons are evil, vengeful animals, whether on Filgaia or Lunar. As you run   
 through the market, you draw the attention of one such beast. It descends     
 abruptly into your number. Talons scratch and claw! Its beak pecks and        
 pokes! Its wings flap! And it squawks its protest right in your face!         
=Dungeon Conditions: Injure===================================================
=================<* Big Trouble in Little Meribia - Round 2 *>==================
===========================< Results - FURY PIGEON >============================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Talise Gianfair                     10 --(5)--> 15                 Pass
Trench Sweeper Shotgun              1   Combat  Effects: Embolden and Fanfare 
Seraph Lanval                       5 --(5)--> 10                  Pass
Holy Bottle                         2   Combat  Effects: Cleanse and Liability
Sephilia Lampbright                 5 --(5)--> 10                  Pass
Fight                               0   Combat  Effects: BASIC                
Layna Manydays                      5 --(10)--> 15                 Fail
Fight                               0   Combat  Effects: BASIC                
Tethelle Cirdian                    5 --(5)--> 10                  Pass
Fight                               0   Combat  Effects: BASIC                
-----------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------
Leader: Talise Gianfair             15 --(15)--> 30                Pass
Conditions: Bad Luck(1)|Injure(2)
Effects: Cleanse|Embolden(1)
===============================< Dream Chasers >================================
DG: The party led by Talise Gianfair has passed this challenge! The party gained 15 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.

Tethelle appreciates not being shot in the face.

Pigeons, as it turns out, are not actually especially dangerous. Tethelle lands an open-hand slap on the pigeon, getting it to make an unpleasant sound and attempt to disentangle itself from her hair, which doesn't immediately work; Tethelle winces as it keeps tugging, but Sephilia knocks it free.

Talise gets a pigeon of her own, but manages to drive it out without significant issue. Her armour may have a new decoration, though. Don't worry, it'll brush off when it's dry.

As for Lanval... Tethelle can clearly see him. She looks straight at him when he starts spilling something that she doesn't recognize. She can smell the pungency of it, though; it smells sharp. Alcohol? Or something else? Tethelle doesn't know, but it seems to be pretty good at keeping everything else away.

"Thanks," she says, looking every inch the ragged traveller that she is. "I wasn't expecting attack pigeons." Tethelle looks back up at the sky again. She can't seem to believe she's actually seeing it.

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has drawn a new Challenge.
=========================================<* Big Trouble in Little Meribia *>=========================================
=========================================<* CHALLENGE - Alleyway Shortcut *>=========================================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 1          | 
---------------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >----------------------------------------------
 As you sprint down the street, you spot a narrow alleyway. A very narrow one  
 -- you're not sure that one person can walk through it without walking        
 sideways -- but it could offer a shortcut across the market! Or, it could     
 get you stuck, if you're clumsy and careless.                                 
=Dungeon Conditions: Slow, Secret=============================================
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia is about to sigh with relief when she catches sight of one of the guards from before, looking alertly around for them. "Oh Goddess," she mutters. "Everyone, this way! You too, fat dude! Unless you wanna get brought in for some kind of questioning. I thought drinking was banned?"

Sephy, don't judge people's state of sobriety without being sure.

"Not that that's going to stop the rest of us, I guess," she amends, ducking into the alley and scooting along. She's tiny, it's not that tight a fit for her.

Might be for the others though...

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Alleyway Shortcut.
<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

Talise is in the process of swatting at a pigeon when the vagrant she just tripped over... does an acrobatic fucking pirouette off the handle into some spiritual stuff.

"I am not drunk enough for this," she decides with a couple of quick blinks. "But... thanks for your help. That was really useful, whatever's in that bottle."

She scratches the back of her neck with one hand. "And sorry I tripped over you. Was kind of, uh. Unintentional."

With a grimace, Talise looks back, then tenses at the sight of the guard heading their way. "Just what I need," she mutters, gesturing to the heavy-set man and urging him on - and beginning to get the sense there's something odd about him. Very odd. "C'mon, or they'll grab you too. Drinks on me later, okay?"

She follows Sephilia over to that narrow alleyway, sizing it up, then looking back to size up Lanval.

"...Hokay. Let's try this," she says, before sucking in her breath and turning herself sideways. Her coat jingles against the wall as she presses against it, trying to make herself as slim as possible as she sidles through the alleyway.

"Ugh," she grunts as her tunic catches on something and a button tears off. She shoulders past it. "Gonna have to replace that...."

DG: Talise Gianfair has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Alleyway Shortcut.
<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.

"Drinking is banned?" That never really sunk in with Tethelle. Of course, she's still having trouble with the whole 'being-on-Lunar' thing. She wants to sit down and think about this for a few minutes and maybe talk to her friends.

But nope! Gotta keep running.

Sephilia finds a path. For her, it's fine, she's by far the smallest member of the party. Tethelle isn't that much taller, compared to Talise at least, but she certainly isn't Sephilia-sized either. Tethelle also has a big sword over her back, which is very definitely not helping matters; it scrapes along one wall as she presses against it, trying to squeeze through without having to draw it.

She also catches Talise's button as it falls, and then proceeds to catch the upthrust pommel of her sword on exactly the same point Talise snagged on. "I could do with something to drink," Tethelle says. "Nothing is making sense. Am I actually conscious right now or am I dreaming?"

DG: Tethelle Cirdian has contributed a Agility Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Alleyway Shortcut.
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

The Sword Shaman, the Beastwoman, and the young girl with the sometimes-big, sometimes-small fox doll speak to him directly in terms of thanks and careful warnings! The staring down by the worn-down pirate isn't lost on him. He can tell. She sees him.

That's four. Four, in... how long? He continues to laugh, maybe too caught up in the atmosphere of it all.

"Think nothing of iiit! Hm, hm, hmm... haha... haaaah...! Wait. Wha's the hurry..."

This guy is... unambiguously sauced. The level of sauced that should see him swiftly removed from the streets by Althena's Guard, but nope, there he is, just three sheets to the wind with very little care. It's strange, though, isn't it? The Guard were pursuing them. They'd have detained this guy along the way... why is he even asking why they're in a hurry at all?!

"...Ohhhh. Hmm~. Hm. Trouble with the... okaaaaay." So he knows not to drink now, or is there just more on the subject he's decided is just best to let off as 'okaaaaay' for now?

He watches as they all decide to try their luck with the narrow path. Despite his girth, he just... slots into it like it's almost no thing. One of his shoulders twist with a range typically unnatural for the human body as he squeezes inside--

--then back out. Is he not going to follow?

"Y'knooooow," he slurs again, "I haven't had... had anyone to talk to in... less than forever, but... but more 'n... a long time--" Now's really not the time!! He gets out a length of pipe. Now is really not the time for a smoke break either, as he taps the end of it. "--I gotta way to getcha all through."

He stifles laughter. "Or over~" His voice trails off with a sigh as he takes a hit from it. It's not even lit. What's burning in there? Nothing's burning.

It produces a bubble.

It produces a very big bubble.

It produces several big bubbles, one of which he steps into as it starts to carry himself up, up, up and away.

"It's fiiiiine! It oughtta carry us over." Well, it will carry them, for sure, but will it really take them anywhere?

The flight path his own bubble seems to take looks mighty suspect... but that may be the best way forward if they can't fit through.

DG: Seraph Lanval has used his Tool Bubble Pipe toward his party's challenge, Alleyway Shortcut.
<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.

Tethelle looks at the drunk fat man. Well, when in Lacour, do what the Lacourians do, and when in Meribia...

"I think I'll take you up on it," Tethelle says - well, she grunts, because she's gotten her sword locked above her head with her body pressed against the wall. She's well and truly struck, and backing up is a lot easier than pushing forward - so she does that, stepping into a bubble. Hopefully it drifts to the far side!

<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

Well, on the plus side, the pigeon is dealt with. And by that, they kind of just chased it off. Hey, it's fine, they don't have to worry about it anymore. Layna stares at the bearded fellow a bit more, until Sephilia's warning catches her attention.

"Aye, lass." She starts to head toward the alleyway that Sephilia points out to them when suddenly the fellow starts to speak again. Talise heads on through, and when Tethelle asks for something to drink, Layna helpfully volunteers by tossing another bottle her way.

It might've been sarcasm...but hey! She's got plenty to offer.

She raises an eyebrow at his comment. She'd think he'd have plenty of folk to talk to in Meribia...but maybe he was just the type of person people tended to overlook. Hey, it happens.

And then he draws out a pipe. She raises an eyebrow again...and it produces a bubble? Not just one, several very big bubbles.

Layna shrugs. Well, he'd helped them out once, might as well give it another try...

She steops in the bubble and...it actually floats? But the flight path...


"Hold on, lemme..." Layna recites a quick incantation. Gusts of winds are invoked to hopefully nudge all of the bubbles in the right direction, including the bearded fellow's.

Hey, he was useful, might as well stick with it for now.

DG: Layna Manydays has used her Tool Quartermaster's Stash toward her party's challenge, Alleyway Shortcut.
=======================<* Big Trouble in Little Meribia *>========================
=======================<* CHALLENGE - Alleyway Shortcut *>========================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 1          | 
----------------------------< Challenge Information: >----------------------------
 As you sprint down the street, you spot a narrow alleyway. A very narrow one  
 -- you're not sure that one person can walk through it without walking        
 sideways -- but it could offer a shortcut across the market! Or, it could     
 get you stuck, if you're clumsy and careless.                                 
=Dungeon Conditions: Slow, Secret=============================================
=========================================<* Big Trouble in Little Meribia *>=========================================
=========================================<* CHALLENGE - Alleyway Shortcut *>=========================================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Agility   |Challenge Rating: 1          | 
---------------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >----------------------------------------------
 As you sprint down the street, you spot a narrow alleyway. A very narrow one  
 -- you're not sure that one person can walk through it without walking        
 sideways -- but it could offer a shortcut across the market! Or, it could     
 get you stuck, if you're clumsy and careless.                                 
=Dungeon Conditions: Slow, Secret=============================================
====================================<* Big Trouble in Little Meribia - Round 3 *>====================================
===========================================< Results - Alleyway Shortcut >===========================================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Talise Gianfair                     15 --(5)--> 20                 Pass
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Seraph Lanval                       10 --(5)--> 15                 Pass
Bubble Pipe                         3   Agility Effects: Rally                
Sephilia Lampbright                 10 --(5)--> 15                 Pass
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
Layna Manydays                      15 --(5)--> 20                 Pass
Quartermaster's Stash               2   Agility Effects: Quicken              
Tethelle Cirdian                    10 --(10)--> 20                Fail
Rush                                0   Agility Effects: BASIC                
------------------------------------------------------< Party >------------------------------------------------------
Leader: Talise Gianfair             30 --(20)--> 50                Pass
Conditions: Secret(2)|Slow(2)
Effects: Quicken(1)
==================================================< Dream Chasers >==================================================
DG: The party led by Talise Gianfair has passed this challenge! The party gained 20 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephy and Talise make it through the alley with only a bit of trouble, while Layna and the strange drunk man bubble across. Tethelle, on the other hand, gets caught in a bubble taking a somewhat circuitous route, and it bursts with her still a couple of meters above the ground. Thankfully, on the far side of the alley.

"Wow. You're really, really drunk, guy," Sephy observes. "But that was still cool!"

DG: Seraph Lanval has drawn a new Challenge.
==========================================<* Big Trouble in Little Meribia *>===========================================
============================================<* CHALLENGE - Out of My Way! *>============================================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Brute     |Challenge Rating: 1          | 
-----------------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >-----------------------------------------------
 The crowds in Meribia's markets are thick and heavy on market day... and,     
 really, they have seen thrilling chases through the market before. After      
 about ten of them, an enterprising entrepreneur accepts that she can't just   
 stand and gawk. As a result, the people here aren't clearing as fast as you   
 would like. They push and press against you, not making way -- but maybe a    
 show of force will get them to scamper out of the way! Before the guards      
 show up.                                                                      
=Dungeon Conditions: Overzealous==============================================
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

The drunken man laughs the entire way as some might be treated to a view of people mysteriously floating on magical bubbles all the way over to the other side of the alleyway. His bubble pops a bit higher from the ground than most would be comfortable with. He terminates his fall in an awesome ACTION ROLL... into him sitting down on the ground and having himself a quick sip of the gourd.

"You have no idea how long it's beeeeen!" That's starting to sound more like tears? "Welp, I'm sure you're all outta trouble now, so's... how's 'bout we say our hellos."

The bubble thing attracts a crowd. That, and maybe at least one or two of them being a very familiar wanted face? Lots of reasons. Pick one. The crowds aren't just here to gawk, they're here to make good on their namesake and... crowd.

"I'm Lanval, jusht... a humble servant of the Goddess," who is drunk as all get out, where it's been a few years since she said alcohol is bad, "Don't... don't you worry 'bout the... pro, pro... prohibition thing." Yes, yes worry about the prohibition thing.

"It'sh all safe with me. I take good care of that problem. Yup." He laughs, as the streets become less streets and more crowd. A crowd with a lingering street passing to and fro. That is how overcrowded and understreeted everything begins. He seems keen to continue to babble and drink and just take it easy when everyone is being beset upon by gawkers and lollygaggers and... honestly.

Now's not really the time for this, local drunkard!!

DG: Seraph Lanval has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward his party's challenge, Out of My Way!.
<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

"Ohhh yeah. You're conscious," Talise says with a tight smile Talise's way. "This is definitely Meribia and it's definitely Lunar. With all the dubiously fun entanglements that entails!"

Wriggling her way through the narrow gap, Talise grimaces a little... but as the fat drunk behind them starts to ramble, she pauses for a moment to listen, then blinks a couple of times.

And then Lanval pulls out his flying bubble pipe and says something about having nobody to talk to. Talise does a few quick mental calculations - surely someone as extravagantly sauced as this guy would've been tossed out of here by the Guard ages ago.

"You're not quite like the rest of the townsfolk, are you," she guesses with a slight arching of her eyebrows - until he tears up. Talise reaches over, patting the man on the shoulder. "Hey," she urges with a crooked smile. "Hey, hey... it's alright, pal. I'm Talise and these are Tethelle, Layna and Sephilia."

But there's a guard after them - socializing will have to wait. She pats Lanval on the shoulder once more. "C'mon, Lanval. Let's get through here before the Guard catches us," she urges, before slipping her gauntlets on and starting forward.

She doesn't start shoving. Instead she pulls a large, wheeled cart with an awning out from the street. A couple of people gasp as Talise just wheels it around effortlessly. "Hop on," she urges the four before beginning to push.

"MAKE WAY!" she shouts as she begins propelling the cart through the street like a bulldozer. "COMING THROUGH! Make way for Lord Foxington!"

DG: Talise Gianfair has used her Tool Ogre Power Gauntlets toward her party's challenge, Out of My Way!.
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephy looks at the wall of people in despair. She's small. She's used to being blocked off.

Chauncey, on the other hand...

Moments later, a twelve+ foot tall fox plush with menacing-looking claws attached appears in the midst of the crowd, the girl riding in his backpack laughing maniacally. "Ha ha ha ha! Anyone who does not move out of our way will taste the wrath of Lord Chauncey of Foxington!" She glances at Lanval. "Who is my buddy and bodyguard. Pleased to meet you, Lanval!"

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has used her Tool Digging Claws toward her party's challenge, Out of My Way!.
<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.

Tethelle Cirdian is now drinking (courtesy Layna) in a bubble (courtesy Lanval). She is increasingly convinced that this is a product of her imagination while she is passed out from violence and overexertion. At least she knows she's not dead. This doesn't look anything like what she expects to see then.

Having no way to steer the bubble, Tethelle... doesn't. She drifts along until the bubble decides to stop being one, and she's about five feet up. She windmills her arms, not spilling hardly any of the drink, and lands on her feet; it's a hard landing, sending a shock through her body from her feet to her toes, but one she can handle, if uncomfortably.

"Ow," she repeats, more quietly, as she does a quick squat to make sure her knees are still working. They are.

Tethelle rolls one arm while she listens to Lanval ramble; her shoulder hurts too much to do it to the other. "I'm Tethelle," she says, "Tethelle Cirdian. And..." She looks up again. "I don't think I'm at home right now."

When her gaze drops, people are starting to cluster. Tethelle is also used to vanishing in a crowd, though her attitude makes her less likely to be overlooked. She raises her voice. "EXCUSE US, PLEASE," she booms, as Tethelle pushes forward behind (or with) Chauncey. She doesn't need to hurt them, so her sore arm doesn't matter much. She has another.

Also, it gives her a hand to hold the bottle. She isn't taking many swigs anymore, at least.

DG: Tethelle Cirdian has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Out of My Way!.
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

Layna stumbles a bit when she lands. She's really in no condition to be taking any kind of drops, but fortunately it's not so heavy that she's at any risk of opening anything.

She glances toward the man, who introduces himself as Lanval. That gets another eyebrow raise from Layna and folded arms...but she smirks, goodnaturedly.

"A servant of the goddess, aye? If only they were all like you." She says, with a chuckle to herself. She nods when Talise introduces her. And when Talise grabs a cart from nearby, Layna hops in without having to be told twice.

Hey, it beat walking.

She lets the others do all the shouting. They're probably in a better condition for it.

DG: Layna Manydays has contributed a Brute Basic Action toward her party's challenge, Out of My Way!.
==========================================<* Big Trouble in Little Meribia *>===========================================
============================================<* CHALLENGE - Out of My Way! *>============================================
|Type: Exploration |Dungeon Ability: Brute     |Challenge Rating: 1          | 
-----------------------------------------------< Challenge Information: >-----------------------------------------------
 The crowds in Meribia's markets are thick and heavy on market day... and,     
 really, they have seen thrilling chases through the market before. After      
 about ten of them, an enterprising entrepreneur accepts that she can't just   
 stand and gawk. As a result, the people here aren't clearing as fast as you   
 would like. They push and press against you, not making way -- but maybe a    
 show of force will get them to scamper out of the way! Before the guards      
 show up.                                                                      
=Dungeon Conditions: Overzealous==============================================
=====================================<* Big Trouble in Little Meribia - Round 4 *>======================================
==============================================< Results - Out of My Way! >==============================================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Talise Gianfair                     20 --(5)--> 25                 Pass
Ogre Power Gauntlets                2   Brute   Effects: Strengthen           
Seraph Lanval                       15 --(10)--> 25                Fail
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC                
Sephilia Lampbright                 15 --(5)--> 20                 Pass
Digging Claws                       3   Brute   Effects: Rally                
Layna Manydays                      20 --(5)--> 25                 Pass
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC                
Tethelle Cirdian                    20 --(5)--> 25                 Pass
Force                               0   Brute   Effects: BASIC                
-------------------------------------------------------< Party >--------------------------------------------------------
Leader: Talise Gianfair             50 --(30)--> 80                Pass
Conditions: Overzealous(2)|Secret(1)|Slow(1)
Effects: Strengthen(1)
===================================================< Dream Chasers >====================================================
DG: The party led by Talise Gianfair has passed this challenge! The party gained 30 exploration! If anyone needs to use party
management commands, do so now. Otherwise, the next round's GM may begin the next round with +dungeon/draw.
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

Lanval plops himself onto the cart and leisurely lets a leg hang out the side of it while everyone is in a pitched battle to get the Blue Star out of the way of the incoming Guard by getting everyone else to get the Blue Star out of the way, and Talise does it the most economically feasible way possible - with a borrowed wheeled cart.

Hey, it still has some left-over fresh produce in it! Awesome! Considering the amount of trouble they're all in, a little bit of larceny's not gonna hurt anything much more.

People clear away immediately when the push-cart builds up enough speed underneath Talise's prodigious physical strength to see them through - and there's only further desire to run when a giant fox plush brandishes KILLER CLAWS and otherwise makes a scene of being a huge cute plushy monster. Tethelle, by following behind, can probably sneak in a hug or two of the huge plush thing if it makes her feel better as she adjusts to an environs she has no familiarity with.

"Nishe to... meet you! Ahahaha...!" He laughs, hiccuping all the while. He babbles some other things along the way, but they aren't important. The crowds clear to an appreciable amount of street, allowing them to maybe speed their way out the city limits with a clear sprint... maybe, just maybe...!

DG: Layna Manydays has drawn a new Challenge.
=====================<* Big Trouble in Little Meribia *>======================
=====================<* CHALLENGE - A Clever Disguise! *>=====================
|Type: Final       |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 You run into one of the large, open plazas of the market. Guards can be       
 heard behind you, still shouting for you -- and there are also guards that    
 appear on the opposite ends of the plaza, from the left... and then from the  
 right! However, you catch something: a stall with rack after rack of local    
 outfits. This may offer a way to blend in.                                    
 Or look ridiculous.                                                           
=Dungeon Conditions: Stupify==================================================
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

"Aye, aye." Layna says with a nod to Lanval. She reaches down, drawing out her telescope and using it to get a real good look at the path ahead of them.

What she finds is a stall full of clothes accidentally be pushed right in their path. With a 'wumph' their cart barrels through, and ends up...in a nearby alley. Layna climbs out, a bit dazed, and looks to the cart itself. Fortunately, it hadn't taken any damage in the collision...and, in fact, all of the clothes have ended up in a convenient pile inside of it.

"Looks like we hit the jackpot, me hearties." Layna comments with a grin. She sheds her ruined coat after removing the contents, slipping them into the pouch on her belt.

And then she removes her hat. She takes her coat, folds it up, then sticks them both underneath one arm. From the pile of clothes, she only draws two things - an eyepatch, which goes over one eye, and a long strip of cloth, which she uses to tie her hair back.

"Right, that should do it." She says, nodding. She seems...very confident.

DG: Layna Manydays has used her Tool Captain's Telescope toward her party's challenge, A Clever Disguise!.
<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

Talise finds that Layna and Lanval do want to get on the cart. "Move along, move along! Lord Foxington and Company, coming through!" she calls out.

Until their cart slams into the clothing wagon. Talise blinks a couple of times, then checks out the condition of both carts.

...She physically picks up her own cart, once everyone's off it, and pushes it past the clothes wagon. Saving it for later, maybe. For now, a chance to get out of her ruined coat and mailshirt! "Perfect. Let's do this," she says with a smile, beginning to shrug her heavy coat off. It jingles as she shucks it, casting it into... somewhere.

Talise pulls the clothing cart door shut behind her. From inside, something else heavy and jingling hits the ground. A few more metallic thumps can be heard.

"Tethelle, can you hold these for a second," Talise says pensively.

A few more minutes tick by. Something rustles. Then something else.

"This one hikes up too much," Talise opines with a grimace. There's the sound of a piece of fabric hitting the wall, not very hard.

Once again, a bit of time passes. Finally, the cart door pushes open.

"On the plus side, nobody will ever realize it's me in this getup," Talise sighs from beneath her broad, blue and gold-fringed white hood as she looks down at her flowing white robe with gold borders and its snowy white underdress with a broad blue sash about the hips. The cloak clasps with a slightly-too-big sigil of Althena's priesthood.

<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.

Tethelle does not hug Chauncey.

Okay, not more than once.

Tethelle is really starting to look not great by the time they get to the clothes stall; she's a lot more tired than she wants to let on, and while adrenaline and confusion pushes her for now, when they actually get to safety she's probably just going to pass out.. She practically stumbles into it while trying to evade line of sight with the Guards.

"I just got here," Tethelle says, "and I have not even done anything to get arrested. Why me?" She's not really asking anyone for a real answer. She knows why.

Tethelle doesn't have enough time to change into a full outfit, and some of the clothes here look a little strange to her eyes. She'll have to find something later that fits and is comfortable enough. Right now Tethelle goes the easy route.

She grabs what appears to be a wizard's robe, possibly leftover from Black Rose Street, and throws it on over her vest, shorts, and skirt. It covers her from neck to past the knee, so none of her older clothes are visible under it; it makes her look a little bulky, and it makes her uncomfortably warm, but she'll live. She can keep Talise's package out of sight when it needs to be, too. The biggest thing that doesn't match is her sword...

"Looks great," she says to Talise. "Now you hold this, Priestesses can have swords; wizards can't." She offers her sword, trying her best Crest Sorceress expression at the same time. It doesn't look great, but... well, it beats nothing.

DG: Tethelle Cirdian has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward her party's challenge, A Clever Disguise!.
<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia snags a simple girl's dress in dark colors and a cloak--though not one like the poncho she used to wear--and, ducking out of sight for a few moments, painfully sheds her burned shirt. Even more painful is getting the new clothes on over the burns. One of the reasons she chose this outfit is the dark colors and cloak will conceal any bleeding.

They don't suit her, though, so she snags a similar dress in green, and shoves it in her satchel.

She does leave some coins though.

DG: Sephilia Lampbright has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward her party's challenge, A Clever Disguise!.
<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

Lanval comes tumbling out of the two-cart pile-up without concern for whiplash or anything of that sort. He just neatly ends up coming to a stop with one elbow propping the rest of himself up as he spins the gourd around idly in mirthful laughter. (His back is turned to the lot of them going through clothes, Talise closing the cart door aside, so no worries about him peeking!)

(...There is something else to worry about, though, but give one a second to put away the brackets, once one finds where the other part of the pair went, it could be anywhere, usually at the end of a sentence, but it might be a while yet, so bear with us--)

There. Ahem.

...There is something else to worry about, though.

The drunken lout does not seem to grok that the encroaching guard are on the lookout. That maybe he should... make some kind of effort to hide, or stop talking, if he's not going to dress up. He does neither of these things, in favor of continuing to drink and babble, as though almost no one were watching him.

"...ish shtrange, but... it'll be fiiiiine, I'm suuuuuure," this is all that's legible from earlier ramblings while he was previously dangling out of the borrowed cart, "you all must be so devoted...!"

Why won't he shut up!!!

DG: Seraph Lanval has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward his party's challenge, A Clever Disguise!.
DG: Talise Gianfair has contributed a Wits Basic Action toward her party's challenge, A Clever Disguise!.
=====================<* Big Trouble in Little Meribia *>======================
=====================<* CHALLENGE - A Clever Disguise! *>=====================
|Type: Final       |Dungeon Ability: Wits      |Challenge Rating: 2          | 
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 You run into one of the large, open plazas of the market. Guards can be       
 heard behind you, still shouting for you -- and there are also guards that    
 appear on the opposite ends of the plaza, from the left... and then from the  
 right! However, you catch something: a stall with rack after rack of local    
 outfits. This may offer a way to blend in.                                    
 Or look ridiculous.                                                           
=Dungeon Conditions: Stupify==================================================
================<* Big Trouble in Little Meribia - Round 5 *>=================
=======================< Results - A Clever Disguise! >=======================
Player                               Exhaustion                      Pass/Fail
Talise Gianfair                     25 --(100)--> 125              Fail
Investigate                         0   Wits    Effects: BASIC                
Seraph Lanval                       25 --(100)--> 125              Fail
Investigate                         0   Wits    Effects: BASIC                
Sephilia Lampbright                 20 --(100)--> 120              Pass
Investigate                         0   Wits    Effects: BASIC                
Layna Manydays                      25 --(100)--> 125              Pass
Captain's Telescope                 3   Wits    Effects: Fanfare              
Tethelle Cirdian                    25 --(100)--> 125              Fail
Investigate                         0   Wits    Effects: BASIC                
----------------------------------< Party >-----------------------------------
Leader: Talise Gianfair             80 --(10)--> 90                Fail
Conditions: Overzealous(1)|Stupify(2)
==============================< Dream Chasers >===============================
DG: Talise Gianfair is too exhausted to continue!
DG: Seraph Lanval is too exhausted to continue!
DG: Sephilia Lampbright is too exhausted to continue!
DG: Layna Manydays is too exhausted to continue!
DG: Tethelle Cirdian is too exhausted to continue!
DG: The party has failed this challenge! All party members are now Exhausted. This attempt is over.
DG: The party led by Talise Gianfair has been fully Exhausted by Big Trouble in Little Meribia!
DG: The party will now draw a conclusion.
=====================<* Big Trouble in Little Meribia *>======================
============<* CHALLENGE - Those Aren't Local Merchants At All! *>============
|Type: Landmark    |Dungeon Ability: Conclusion|Challenge Rating: 1          | 
--------------------------< Challenge Information: >--------------------------
 You manage to blend into the crowd and lose the guards... for a moment.       
 However, one of them turns and looks right at you -- then cries out, "Wait a  
 minute!" You've bought yourself some time -- but you'll need to run out of    
 Meribia and let the heat die down a little, before you try returning. Maybe   
 you should look at another town, first?                                       
=Dungeon Conditions: Exhaust==================================================
<Pose Tracker> Layna Manydays has posed.

Layna stands back, choosing to stand guard while the others change their clothes. Her disguise was comparatively simple, so it made things easy. She does occasionally glance back to the cart to check how everyone's doing.

"Yeah, sure, super devoted." She comments off-handedly, with a wave back at Lanval.

While she's standing there, though, eventually a member of the Guard walks up to her.

"Excuse me, ma'am, have you seen a pirate, a small child, and two women with large swords passing by? They're wanted for questioning!" He says. Layna...just kind of stares at him for a second.

"Uh...no?" She replies.

"Oh! Carry on then!" He starts to leave, but just as everyone's gotten changed and is ready to get moving again, he returns...and from the sounds of it, he's not alone.

"Heyyy, wait a minute! I recognize that hat! You're-"

Layna clocks him.

"Alright, me hearties, time to go!" Layna calls out...and books it. It'd...probably be a good idea to get moving. "Looks like we're gonna have to lay low for a little while..."

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

"Did he call me a small child? Oooh, I'm going back there to kick his butt! Hey--put me down! Let me at him!"

<Pose Tracker> Tethelle Cirdian has posed.

"I'm not even a criminal here!" Tethelle books it right after Layna, holding up her robes around her knees and finding a new problem.

Tethelle knows robes. She's even trained and fought in robes before... but those robes were a good deal more open in the leg department, as opposed to heavy wizard's robes. "HOW DO YOU RUN IN THESE?"

Tethelle scoops up Sephilia as she passes, since she now has her hands free of sword. She's taller, even if she's still pretty short overall, and the extra leg length might help. "Get them back later," she suggests, with a grunt - Sephilia might be small but she still weighs more than Tethelle is used to carrying one-armed.

<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

Layna clocks the Guardsman. Talise reaches out and props him back up.

Then she conks him on the head again, picks him up, and casually stuffs him in the wardrobe cart.

After stealing his helmet, of course.

"What an unpleasant guy," Talise says, moving to usher Sephilia along with a quick pat on the shoulder. She steals a look back, as if to check if the Guard's still after them.

"Suggestion," Talise says, voice lowering a touch as they beat feet towards the door. "Let's head east, to Nota. We can get there by way of Azado." She smiles a tight smile. "...From there, we can head around the lake and then southeast to Takkar.

"So we can drop in on your parents," she says with a look at Sephy.

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia beams at Talise, anger at the Guardsman forgotten in an instant. "I thought the same thing! I'm glad you wanna come with me! Dad and Mom will be so happy to meet all of you! Even you, Lanval. I'm Sephilia Lampbright--George Lampbright, the famous explorer, is my Dad!"

She didn't get to introduce herself quite properly amidst all the running and hiding.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

The Guard swarm around. Lanval is sitting right there. He doesn't move very much, if at all. Not one of them comments on the fat drunkard just lounging about - they inquire about four individuals, instead of five.

Curious. Also, he doesn't seem to comment on their plans one way or another in favor of having another swig before the Guard - more than a swig. He's really guzzling down whatever's in that gourd of his. There remains no commentary.

Layna clocks a Guardsman, and he sits back up. They're already almost out of eyesight by the time he begins to start paying any real attention again.

On one hand, wow, punching out a Guardsman like that, that's... not a nice thing.

On the other...

"H-Heeeeey, wait... wait... wait uuuup," Lanval pines and whines as he huffs up to his feet. He gives chase with unsteady strides. He can't just let them go, after all this! It's...

It's been so long since... since, well, he knows, and after all that's happened, these folks just might be the only ones he'll ever get a chance to...

"Wh-where are you goiiiiiing?" Man, if he would have just paid attention and not babbled and drunk along, he'd already know the question. Instead, it is a pitched effort to try and keep up.

Ahhh, what was he thinking!! He changes... those... so infrequently it never even crossed his mind...!

Good thing Sephilia addresses him in greeting!

"Oooooh... I, I've heard that naaame! I hear a lot of namesh, that one'sh... not that long agoo, h-heeeey, 'm gonna follow..." Huff. Huff. Huff. "...yoooou! C'mooon. Lemme coooome... 'n, um, could ya lemme borrow one of yer thiiiiings? Anything... d-doesn't matter... muuuuch."

<Pose Tracker> Talise Gianfair has posed.

Among the crowds, someone else was watching the commotion.

With a snort, a large roan horse draws to a halt in the street. The man in the saddle is tall and dark-haired, with a brutal scar slashing down his right cheek and a shaggy beard that almost swallows up his frown. His heavy brows knit into a V as he squints after the Guard and the group of four people fleeing ahead of the lawman.

No, he realizes as he looks a little closer. No, there aren't four of them.

There are five.

"Interesting company they keep," he says to himself.

With a low rumble of thought in the back of his throat, the tall man takes the reins and gets his horse moving again. The huge steed snorts and wheels quickly, turning to navigate the crowds with a brisk purpose. Before long he's vanished down another street and out of view.