2017-06-15: A World So Distant: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:Chapter 1]]
[[Category:Chapter 1]]
[[Category:Chapter 1, Act 1]]

Latest revision as of 00:42, 27 June 2017

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

In the wake of the Battle of Adlehyde, Riesenlied has had much on her plate: she's gone around to speak with those that she has called friend, both to ensure their safety, and to try, however vainly, however hopelessly, to explain some of the context behind the aggression of her brethren. She doesn't think herself innocent. She doesn't think herself blameless. But it's all she can do, as one odd person standing against a tide of inexorable hatred...

...so it is with surprise, then, when both Noeline and Ragnell come to her with a suggestion to meet with one of the foremost people affected by the tragedy, Cecilia. Does she have the privilege to even speak to someone like that? She doesn't know. But if she doesn't try, then those bridges will never be formed.

The winged woman is standing on a nice, gentle clearing atop a small hill in Adelyn Ranchlands, where they'd agreed to meet, under a tree. It's not the most discreet spot imaginable to speak, but she didn't want to look like she was about to ambush her either. Her Ellurian capelet, evoking tribal designs of the people of the Northern Steppes, is draped about her shoulders as it ever is; there's no sword by her side at this time.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Perched up in the tree as if she were a particularly large bat, gently swinging her legs as she sits upon a thankfully thick branch, is a certain 'Crimson Noble'. It isn't entirely clear if Noeline actively likes being in a high place or is simply making herself visible for Cecilia to spot their location - either way, she certainly stands out against the skyline, a shock of deep reds and blacks in the midst of the light foliage, keeping watch for the incoming Princess.

Out of respect - if not entirely clear for whose sake - she's been keeping quiet, letting Riesenlied work through her thoughts on this meeting as she sifts through her own.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Honestly, when Ragnell had suggested to Riese that she talk about the post-war business with Cecilia, she'd mostly been joking. She hadn't expected both her and Noeline to take it seriously. Or perhaps it's more accurate to say that when she'd talked about it with Noeline, she'd thought it had been a joke, and hadn't realized she'd been serious until Riesenlied got involved? Either way, arrangements were made, and now Ragnell is hanging on in a tree on a branch on the opposite side from Noeline, arms behind her head, one leg swinging beneath her. She knows Cecilia can see her, so she makes no effort to be sneaky or to hide. It'll be interesting to see what the Princess makes of her presence.

Like Noeline, Ragnell keeps her mouth shut for now. For one, she has nothing in particular to say, and for another, whatever Riesenlied and Cecilia might discuss is probably going to be more interesting than her peanut gallery commentary.

<Pose Tracker> Cecilia Adlehyde has posed.

Previously: "Very well," Cecilia says. "But I doubt I'll be alone."


Cecilia approaches with exactly one companion - a taller blonde man, hair back, in a long duster jacket, and with an ornate sword at his hip. The field is wide open; there's no place for her to have hidden some secretive support, unless perhaps Bart has secreted the Yggdrasill nearby - and it would be rather poor support against sudden aggression here. She approaches in new attire, unlike what any who ahve seen her before may expect. What appears is not the long-haired princess in the fine formal dress; the girl who arrives has her somewhat choppy blonde hair cut at her neck, and held back by a bright red headband. Her face is framed by blonde bangs and a pair of unostentatious earrings. She's put on a practical black traveler's shirt under a laced-up brown leather bodice, itself under a blue long-sleeved belt-up vest with an orange hood, currently down. From a matching blue skirt comes a pair of black leggings with thick white pinstripes, disappearing into a pair of wooley green socks and boots, more suited for tromping through wilderness than castle walls.

The only clear sign of self-defense is the pentagram-tipped staff of Crest Sorcery in her hand. That, and the man at her side.

"You're serious," he grunts at her; they've clearly had this conversation in about four different variations since setting out, and all she does is step past, glancing over-shoulder at him. "Any step we can take is worth taking, Jack.'

Tch. "I won't hold back if these 'sympathizers' of yours do anything, Princess."

"That would be what we agreed, yes," Cecilia replies, curtly, and steps the rest of the way forward, a good few yards ahead of her companion. She takes in the trio; Noeline she expected. Riesenlied, she's heard reports of. Ragnell...gets a confused look.

Behind her, Jack frowns at her choice of direction to stare.

But the main show is the winged woman above, and Cecilia sets her stance toward her, ultimately. "As agreed," Cecilia says, tipping her staff just slightly backward, "I have come accompanied." Her eyes narrow a little. "I should note he is not as nice as I am, so keep your hands where they are and this shall proceed cordially."

Behind her, a voice that isn't Jack's: "Wow, it's like you're predictable, Jack!"

"I am Cecilia Lynn Adlehyde. Princess of Adlehyde, and Guardian Shaman." She draws in a breath. "...and I assume you are the 'Riesenlied' I've been told of."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied lowers her head in respect, and her hands are out in the open, gently, by her side. She blinks twice as she gazes upon the blonde man behind Cecilia for a moment -- there's a quiet gasp of what might be vague recollection for a moment, but she shakes it off. It couldn't be... Was it Arctica? She would have to speak to him more firmly to confirm, but that might also be difficult without getting a sword to her face.

Riesenlied herself is fairly average as far as height goes, at only 5'5" -- in all respects she resembles a human woman with long, flowing ashen-blonde hair, save for the large chitinous layered horns at her head and her large black wings, tapering to an orange gradient. Underneath the cloak, she has a refined white sleeveless shirt above a skirt and leggings, lightly armoured and filigreed with decor, perhaps an enchantment of some kind.

"... My name is Riesenlied," she bows her head in turn. "I am commander of the Ebony Wings, a small division within the Hyadean forces... and, yes, what you would call a Metal Demon. A Tainted, to be precise."

Her expression is firm, filled with a resolve that she's had to search very deeply within herself. Her voice is filled with an empathetic, gentle quality that seems rare, even anathema to what she's supposed to be.

"... I would ... first like to express my apologies, and condolences. It must come as cold comfort, for it will not bring back the deceased, but it is something I must express nonetheless."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

As the Princess and her retinue approach, Noeline pushes off the branch to let herself fall nimbly to the ground. It isn't an aggressive motion, though at the same time it isn't entirely born of an innocent desire to welcome Cecilia to the negotiation table - more a way to ensure that she's next to Riesenlied and ready to protect her should the absolute worst happen.

If she disapproves of Cecilia's choice in any way, she doesn't show it, instead bowing her head in a moment of respect. "As agreed," she echoes the Princess' comment as she straightens back up. "And, frankly, complete common sense. ... thank you," she adds, but doesn't elaborate on what that thanks is actually for as Riesenlied starts to speak. For coming out here, presumably?

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

And here's Cecilia. Ragnell tips the brim of her hat up to get a better look at Cecilia's new look. ...It's a good style for her. She wonders, briefly, if the Princess regrets handing over the Teardrop. Either way, when Cecilia gives her a confused look, Ragnell gives her a half-bow without moving from her spot in the tree. She'll be happy to explain why she's here later, but Cecilia will have to ask first.

For the time being, though, she just watches over the proceedings--and Riesenlied's apology. She doesn't know who Cecilia's companion is, but it seems only prudent for the Princess to bring protection/back-up, so Ragnell's hardly going to question it. Unlike Noeline, who hops down from her perch to stand next to Riesenlied, Ragnell remains where she is, above the meeting and apart from it. Is that meant to be a symbolic act? Maybe Cecilia should ask Jack about it.

<Pose Tracker> Cecilia Adlehyde has posed.

Arctica would certainly explain the extremely naked hate in his eyes. Then again, it is far from the only such thing that could, these days. His blade may be sheathed, but murderous intent boils off of him in waves...

But he apparently restrains himself, for whatever reasons he may have.

'Hyades,' Cecilia hears. That word again. At least it's consistent. "Tainted..." Cecilia murmurs, repeating. That one's new. "...I am not familiar."

The rest, though...

Jack visibly bristles, his posture shifting with /disconcerting/ speed into an outright attack posture. "YOU want to apologize!? The one who led the attack!? How about I give you a hand with that right now!"

"JACK!" Cecilia snaps, head turning to glare. But her posture suggests she is not so far from her own anger. She visibly lets the moment hang; gulps down a quiet breath, and doesn't quite look back at first. "....among humans," Cecilia says, slowly, "such apologies, from an enemy who has cost us so dearly...an enemy who offered us no generosity and danced on our weakness..."

She finally looks up, breath slowly leaving her, "Appear mocking, Commander." She struggles to keep her expression firm. In a way, she doesn't want to be here at all; she would rather be far, far away. Back at the Abbey, safe and unadorned. Not here on some field, holding two peoples' fury in check against two Demons and a peculiar Seraph who has gone more native than most. But she looks on just the same. "...but I appreciate the thought," she says. She can't make herself smile; not even that sweet, empty look she taught herself to show Shakhan. "What brings you here? Now? I asked Noeline a question she dared not answer...but surely you are not here only to satisfy a Shaman's curiosity."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied could sense that anger of Jack's. That hatred. She is no stranger to it. It haunts individuals, as spectres are wont to do. It's consumed one of her closest friends, Siegfried, over the centuries that she's known him. Clouded his judgement, sometimes. Pushed him towards things that he would not do.

She doesn't adopt a position in turn, though. She just stands there, fragile, ready to be cut down. "... it must indeed appear mocking. But if I do not express myself earnestly, then I cannot say I am anything, Princess Cecilia." She doesn't bother to comment on how she's only one of a number of commanders, or the fact that she let bystanders leave before commencing her attack on the Fairgrounds. It felt like... flimsy justification, even to her. But it did save lives, and that was a small solace that she had to embrace.

Her eyes have no hatred in them, unlike so many of the other demons. No, they are eyes that have seen much sorrow, and carry a mournful, long look to them.

"I would answer, where it is in my capability. But I am here to speak to you... in part, because I feel we are both entranced in a war that has gone on for longer than the two of us, Princess Cecilia. A thousand-year long war that has perpetuated a hatred between our ancestors, thoroughly poisoned both our cultures, and has engulfed all of us, who were not even born when that catacalysmic battle ensued, in it."

She lowers her head. "I have heard what Lord Siegfried had to say. I know him well. I know his enmity. I know what the Guardians have done to him... to me, to all of us. I have felt their naked enmity, Princess."

She holds onto both her hands, to her chest, slowly. "... but I cannot speak to them in turn, and that hurts me, more than anything else. Over the centuries, all attempts I have tried to commune with them have only ended in wordless hostility, even when I was young, and innocent. I... I do not understand it. I want to understand. More than anything else."

She looks at the Princess directly to her eyes. "I wish to speak to a Guardian, Princess -- Shaman Cecilia. Would you... listen to this most selfish request?"

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

The Crimson Noble at Riesenlied's side visibly tenses in the moment's following the swordsman's advance - she does not draw a weapon, does not even appear to have a weapon on her, and yet her posture shifts subtly so as to place herself ready to dart in front of the other woman.

"Led /an/ attack," she says after a long moment, her voice held slow and serious as she makes the correction. "Riesenlied led /an/ attack. An attack in which she led off with a warning - an attack in which she gave every chance to allow humans to get clear of the area and to safety. In orderly lines, even." A pause. "And an attack in which Gebler troops interfered along with an unknown Gear that - in that case, at least - probably destroyed more of the fair than the demons did."

She pauses. "... as fellow humans, should we equate Gebler's actions and intentions with your own? Why is it that humans can be arranged and sorted into varying groups with different goals, murderers and saints and those in-between, and yet demons are apparently all wholly united in purpose? That is the sort of thinking that has plagued both sides of this for far too long--" the Crimson Noble makes the point in Riesenlied's place - though she falls silent right afterwards, deferring to Riesenlied in an instant. The look on her face as she glances off to one side is surprisingly honest, a conflicted sort of grimace as she bites her lip and already looks scolded for the interjection.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Ragnell eyeballs Cecilia's bodyguard. The Princess hadn't introduced him, but then neither has Riesenlied introduced Noeline. For all Ragnell knows, perhaps they all already know each other. The only thing she knows is that that man is practically *radiating* hatred. Back on Lunar, a hate that strong would be an unlocked and open door to Malevolence. Isn't Filgaia grand, being so spiritually pure? Which doesn't stop the man, apparently named Jack, from nearly beheading Riesenlied for her apology. Ragnell eyes him a moment longer, then focuses back on Cecilia herself.

Mocking. Ragnell chuckles faintly, which may or may not be heard from where she is up on her perch. Cecilia has a point; some things can't be apologized for. Riesenlied would know that well, having spent so much time with Siegfried, trying to find a way past his rage. But the fact that Riesenlied is willing to try anyway, is prepared to face human judgment for it... So this is the form of her resolve. Ragnell's not surprised that Noeline defends Riesenlied on her behalf, nor is she surprised that she cuts herself off in deference to her. Strikes a bit close to home, that. She has a few things she could say in response to Noeline's hypothetical questions--but that would only serve to distract from the point and purpose at hand, so she continues to hold her peace.

Goddess willing, there'll be time enough for her to snark once this is all over. For now, everyone's better served by her keeping her trap shut.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"--Please, that's enough, Noeline," Riesenlied insists, at about the point where she stops -- she waves her hand to her briefly, then looks towards Cecilia again. She wasn't here to justify herself, because it was still an injustifiable act, no matter how noble. She understood this, she knows Cecilia knows, and it would only serve to detract from why they were here.

<Pose Tracker> Cecilia Adlehyde has posed.

Jack is visibly holding himself back from some fun words for Noeline's nitpicking. Cecilia seems, for once, to be on the same wavelength, as her look for Noeline is deeply unimpressed. Maybe not the time for that particular equivocation, no. "Our city," Cecilia replies, with a tone like ice, a voice that is only not screaming through sheer will, "was burning."

But apparently spurred by this, she does cut a glare for Riesenlied. "And while it burned - while my people were /butchered/ - /you/ had the audacity to declare us in the wrong for dreaming of defending ourselves against such a thing." Her grip on her staff is white-knuckle and she visibly struggles to keep her composure. That one particularly galled her.

"...But that is not why I will not help you," Cecilia continues, eyes down; shaken. "It is because I cannot. I heard the voice of the Guardians through the Teardrop. The world's song that has been with me my whole life is...barely a whisper, now." A moment's hesitation; Cecilia daring not to yield a step in either direction, but shaking from fear and anger. Her voice is quiet. "Your people have the Teardrop, now. You have come to the wrong place."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied lowers her head again, appearing pained for a moment. There was no remission for what has been done. For all the desires that she had under the designs of the Ebony Wings to uphold the Treaty of Iscariot-- to prevent those that are abusing artifacts and fossils from doing further... she still took part in the Battle of Adlehyde. Would it have mattered if she did it any other time? Likely not.

But she knew that.

She knew what it meant to receive the scorn of those who she hurt.

She looks towards the skies for a moment. "... I do not make excuses for what I have said, nor do I position myself on a moral high ground that you believe me to be. It is as you say. I had the audacity to use the chaos of the battle to make my statement. When I stated that I would fight against those that would accelerate the means of war, I know full well the deep hypocrisy within that statement."

Riesenlied's voice is at its most empathetic. "The Golems are no mere self-defense weapon. Their capabilities are fearsome enough that it can cause an instant repeat of Lahan, or worse. It would cause another Lost July. It must stop, or we will see a repeat of the Day of Collapse, Princess Cecilia. I can't bear to see Filgaia scarred even further."

She takes a deeper, pained breath, for allowing herself to go off-topic in turn. She glances aside as Cecilia explains her situation, and she hesitates herself. "... but, I see... I was not aware." She's struggling to not look deflated for a moment longer. "... again, and again, it feels as if I am no closer to understanding, to having empathy with them."

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

This time, at least, Noeline holds herself back from comment. It takes something of an effort on her part, especially given the sudden protective streak she's been finding within herself as of late. Even then, the idea of blaming Riesenlied for portions of the attack she had nothing to do with - justifying that blame on the attack itself in a cyclical fashion - brings a bitter little spike to her thoughts for a moment.

Once a demon, always a demon, and that's that. It's enough to make her let out a rueful sigh, kept to herself, as she tugs a hand back through her hair and listens to Riesenlied make her pleas and present her reasons; the word 'empathy' seems rather hollow right at that moment, even if Noeline realizes clinically that everything is too raw and fresh so soon in the wake of the attack itself.

Not for the first time, she has to wonder what drew her to humanity in the first place - why she finds herself so enamoured with the idea. But then, that's a question for her and Riese alike.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Hmm... Interesting. So the Teardrop connected Princess Cecilia to the Guardians... Ragnell holds her chin, considering this. Does this mean that the Teardrop is a conduit to the Guardians? Or, since Cecilia indicates that her ability isn't gone but just severely weakened, that it significantly strengthens what abilities are already there? Either way, she can see why Siegfried and the Quarter Knights might want it. But then, what's *Lucia's* connection to the Teardrop? Is she connected to the Guardians themselves...? Given what Ragnell knows about her and the Guardians, it doesn't seem far-fetched. But she'd have to ask Lucia to be sure, and, ha, that sure is a thing right now.

Either way, Cecilia can't help Riesenlied--maybe wouldn't even if she could, given how furious she is at her. Riesenlied accepts that, too, it looks like. Ragnell huffs out a little breath, watching the both of them. The Golems are that strong, huh. She'd had that impression already, but even so... When Noeline fails to say anything to the breakdown in negotiations, Ragnell finally hops down light-footed from her perch, then strolls on over to the two groups.

"Gonna give up?" she asks Riesenlied--but lightly, almost tauntingly. She already knows what the answer is. The point of the question is to remind the commander of it.

Either way, Ragnell then looks over at Cecilia, folding her arms. "Long time no see, Princess. Whatcha been up to? I mean, ever since you bartered the Teardrop for the lives of your people." It's said blandly, with no change in expression.

<Pose Tracker> Cecilia Adlehyde has posed.

Jack has been mostly riveted on Riesenlied and Noeline, but he has the attentiveness of a man who knows how to do guard duty; eyes cutting around toward any motion or potential threat. But...he hasn't looked straight at Ragnell yet. Around her; perhaps some vestigial sense of her presence and potential for threat alerting him to something in the trees. But he hasn't noted her specifically. He likely can't see, just yet.

Conversely, the little blue mouse that has decided to crawl out of his coat and sit on his shoulder is looking straight at her with what...is presumably consideration. Mouse faces are hard to read at thirty paces.

Jack scoffs loudly. "Oh! You noticed! That's great! As long as you're /aware/ every word you say is an insult, I guess it's fine!" he snaps.

Cecilia lets him say it, this time. She finds herself searching Riesenlied for a long time. And finally murmurs, "So even to you, they're..."

...she lets the thought lie. "...as I cannot give you what you seek," Cecilia says, quietly, "I will understand if you refuse. But yet I must ask."

She looks up, squaring herself. She looks at Noeline; Riesenlied. Her eyes cut to Ragnell, but with a brief, uncertain look. She...doesn't know what to make of the wayward Seraph. She hears the question and looks away. "Not now," she says, coolly. She'll get to that. Instead, she turns her focus back on Riesenlied.

In her mind, a faraway moment plays.

Tethelle has lashed out at Berserk's closed fist, seeking to prize the Teardrop from the titanic Quarter Knight's grip; but it is a grip like death. It is one of the only things that has made Berserk react to them with anything but scorn, as he shrieks, enraged by the audacity.

"You think you can take it from ME?! After we waited SO LONG!? She's coming back, and when she does--"

Her eyes open, focused laser tight. "Who is Mother?"

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied pauses, and it is within that moment, as she feels the temptation of how easy it is to just succumb to that cynicism that nothing ever changes, that once you're a demon, you're always a demon... she can hear her voice, so clearly. More clearly than ever, like something within her mind just-- twigged, some stirring of the particles within her.

"No," she answers Ragnell firmly.

That's all she has to say. Cynicism is obedience.

She lets Jack's sarcasm wash over her, feeling the pinprick of each one of his pointed syllables. It hurts. But if she didn't hurt, then she would have become so deadened to emotion that she couldn't be who she was.

"Mother is our saviour," Riesenlied expresses after a moment of firmness. "A long time ago, faraway in a land beyond the stars that dot the skies, Mother rescued our ancestors from the brink of extinction. She travelled with them, on a great ship, and descended to Filgaia seeking a new home."

She lowers her head. "... the rest is history, for even we do not know what truly happened. Only that there were disagreements between the Guardians, the Elw, the humans, and our ancestors. I do not know who raised the first blow, drew the first blood. But the result is the cataclysm that we only see in fossils and remnants buried beneath the ground."

Her eyes are clenched shut, as she murmurs, "... I am but one Tainted, who cannot even hope to accrue the approval of my brethren, forever seen lesser. I do not know what conflict exists between Mother and the Guardians. And I cannot reach out to the Guardians to ask them. But it is my fervent hope that Mother can speak on a level equal to them. Forge an understanding, in a way I cannot."

It's... incredibly generous, perhaps, to think that Mother will just talk to the Guardians instead of declare open war on them.

But when it comes to believing in higher powers...

Well, Riesenlied isn't the only one, is she?

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline certainly doesn't have the same iron will that Riesenlied does; that is, after all, why the winged woman is the commander of the Tainted - and she's just a spy that up until recently has had a distinct tendency to cut and run. Still, her protectiveness does not just stop at sniping back at arguments, and she sucks in a long breath to steady herself before turning to place a hand gently on Riesenlied's arm. She doesn't quite trust herself to open her mouth right at this moment, however, letting her presence be a reminder and a support to the other woman's words.

She did promise, after all. Even if they have to make the entire world their enemy, somehow they'll make it through. [OOC] Riesenlied says, "we are going to shimmy on home"

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Who is Mother?

Ragnell asked that same question of Riesenlied not that long ago. They'd agreed to talk about it over a meal. What Riesenlied tells Cecilia now is much the same as what she'd told Ragnell then. Ragnell, having nodded agreement when the Princess said 'not now,' now glances over at Riesenlied. She half-smirks at that monosyllabic, resolute response but doesn't otherwise reply, and doesn't interrupt either.

She does, however, study Jack and his blue mouse for a few moments. Jack doesn't seem to see or hear her, not properly, but the mouse... Heh. It's the inverse of Josie and her pigeon. While Cecilia and Riesenlied converse, Ragnell reaches out a finger to poke that mouse right on its tiny adorable nose. Or at least attempt to. If it dodges her or runs away, she's not gonna chase.

Either way, when Riesenlied suggests that perhaps Mother will speak to the Guardians, Ragnell re-folds her arms and looks back at her with a considering frown.

<Pose Tracker> Cecilia Adlehyde has posed.

Jack tenses. He /senses/ it, something in the wind, but--

The wind mouse reacts more obviously; it cuts around her hand, but rather less like an uncomfortable animal than like a person slipping to the side. At this range it doesn't look a whole hell of a lot like a /mouse/, actually, with huge fluffy ears and...standing on its hind legs, and very, very intelligent eyes. It squints at Ragnell directly. That's not animal curiosity, either; that is an old soul assessing a new thing. Jack barely notices; now, he's busy. But Rangell's right. The sheer purity of that anger, an overwhelming, overriding hatred...

Well, he's got it in check. For now.

Cecilia's listens, with all intent.

'I think the Metal Demons might also be from the... Sea of Stars... ' 'I don't remember any systems by that name, but that's not surprising. It's a big galaxy.'

Well, Claude was right about that much, she thinks, dully. "So that is your dream," Cecilia says, quietly.

The mouse glances over, away from Ragnell and toward Cecilia. "...there's no way," he mutters. Jack grunts an affirmative; but the mouse's words sound more measured than Jack's knee-jerk spite.

"Ragnell asked what I was planning to do," Cecilia says. (Jack blinks, looking around like he missed something, because he did.) "The Teardrop is in the hands of those who will use it against this world. It is both a treasure of this planet, and my last memory of my mother. More than that...it is a tool that invites calamity in the wrong hands. My father told me that only a person with a Shaman's blood can use it, but I cannot trust in that alone. And so I will go."

Her eyes set; staring Riesenlied on.

She knows that what she says next makes them enemies.

"I will go, and I will retrieve the Teardrop, even from the Demons' own domain."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied is silent for a long, respectful while at that declaration, and then gently nods.

"... I know," she answers. "I know that you will."

There's no malice, no fear, no anxiety in her face. Despite what it is, despite that she should be concerned, despite that she is inviting an enemy.

"There are many others who are doing the same. They ready themselves to journey, to grow stronger, to seek the Ruins out. ... and this is something I must do myself, as well. Because I cannot stand by and believe that what happened in the past through the words of others. To understand what has truly happened in the long, sad and messy history of this world..."

She lowers her head. "To seek the new world. A world where everyone may flourish, no matter who they are. That," she emphasises, "is my dream."

She looks gently towards Noeline, and... vaguely, in Ragnell's direction. She doesn't look like she can quite see her yet, but she can sense her... emotions, lingering in the air. "Thank you, for agreeing to see me. Though you understandably probably do not feel the same way, the chance to even speak to you, to be allowed to speak and understand you a bit better, is invaluable to me."

Her wings gently spread, stretching far to either side of her, then to Noeline. "Let's go. Be well, and safe travels, Shaman Princess Cecilia, and..."

She bites her lip, looking towards Jack, in the near distance.

"I am sorry for Arctica."

She departs with that, letting that apology linger in the air, knowing how useless words must be right now. It can't only be through words. The fervour of her emotion, her desire for understanding, for that new world... it must be done through action as well. But will that see her through, or will her hands be too bloodied for her to also flourish within that world?

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

The spy meets Riesenlied's glance, her expression drawn into a thin line; she nods ever so slightly, then turns towards the pair to bow in their direction. "... thank you for agreeing to our meeting," she offers, and then lets out a sigh. "I hope that I might at least be allowed to continue helping with the reparation work, if only to make up a little for the actions of those I do not personally agree with."

She hesitates, just for a moment, and then nods. "... all I would suggest is that you be terribly careful. I am certainly not the sort to try to stop you, but - as I'm sure Berserk has made /very/ clear - that sentiment is far from universal." So saying, she takes several steps backwards, still somewhat bowed - and turns on her heel to take after the Ebony Wings Commander.

She doesn't get cool wings or anything, so she just basically walks off, and it doesn't look nearly as cool. /Ugh/.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Huh. Now ain't that somethin'. Ragnell stares down the blue mouse when it sidesteps her finger, pulling back her hand to rest it on her hip instead. She's old enough to recognize sapience when she sees it, and after a moment of the two of them squinting at each other, Ragnell tips her hat, just a bit, to the mouse-like creature. She's not surprised to hear the mouse speak, either; after all, there are lots of Seraphim that take on the appearance of animals. Talking mice is pretty normal for her. As for Jack... well, Ragnell has seen enough of him for now. If he can't see her, then he's got nothing more to offer her sense of curiosity.

Then Cecilia declares her intent, and Ragnell turns, hands now in her pockets, to watch and listen. Technically that wasn't what she asked, but it *was* what she was going to get at, so good for the Princess for thinking a step ahead. A nod at the talk of the Shaman's blood; Siegfried doesn't strike her as anyone's fool, and if he doesn't have a workaround for that already, then he's probably got one in the works. It's wise for Cecilia to assume that the Teardrop isn't safe, for a relative value of 'safe,' until it's back in her hands. However...

"Does that mean," she wonders aloud, "that you regret givin' the Teardrop up in the first place?"

But beyond that, this meeting looks to be over. Riesenlied apologizes for Arctica, and Ragnell frowns slightly but doesn't remark. It seems like the commander is willing to accept Cecilia's will--no, beyond willing: prepared. She doubts Jack or Cecilia will appreciate the sentiment, but even so, at least Riesenlied got... *some* of what she wanted out of this. Noeline leaves too after giving the Princess a warning, likewise thanking her for her time.

Ragnell doesn't leave yet. Part of it is because she's still waiting for an answer, but beyond that, if Cecilia has anything to say to or ask her that she didn't want Riesenlied or Noeline hearing, now's the time.

<Pose Tracker> Cecilia Adlehyde has posed.

It is a kind of understanding, there; as Riesenlied and Cecilia declare such similar desires. If circumstances would humor them only that small bit...

But she does not curse her back. She does not mock her dream. She tips her eyes down, and murmurs, "What a lovely world that would be."

Hanpan hmphs, but even he just says, "Wouldn't be the first person to chase an unlikely dream under these skies..."

Cecilia turns to Ragnell. "Can it not be both? I did not wish to hand it over. It is a sacred charge of my family...more than that, it is my last memory of my late mother. Of course I had no desire to part with it. But my people were dying, and so I did what I could to save them."

She turns back, to Riesenlied. "So now it is my noble duty to do so again."

But then Riesenlied says something, and it cuts past Cecilia - but Hanpan goes ramrod straight. "No! Don't--!"

Then he's falling - or, given the circumstance, rather latching on to Ragnell's hand with stubby paws. Jack has /moved/ - traversed the distance between him and the hill, a distance of dozens of strides, in barely a heartbeat. When he appears in the new position he is already gripping his sword, postured to strike. Hate boils off him like steam from a pot. "DON'T YOU DARE!" he screams, and draws, and the top of the tree flies off - sliced clean by a blade that came nowhere near it, an assault toward Riesenlied, though sent wild by fury. "DON'T YOU DARE THINK THAT'S ENOUGH! DO YOU HEAR ME!?"

He moves as if to strike again - this time, stopped only by Cecilia gripping him from behind, not a grapple but an embrace. "Jack! Please! No!"

Some paltry attempt to stop the hatred. But try she must.

It is the only hope for any of their dreams.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

If nothing else, the Princess and the Commander have come that much closer to an understanding. Enemies without enmity is a sight better than how things were before. Ragnell, for her part, only chuckles and half-shrugs. As for the Teardrop... she nods slowly, considering, at the answer.

"I thought you were an idiot to hand it over," she tells Cecilia, as usual not mincing words. "Somethin' that important, that powerful, goin' into the hands of the enemies would doom your people as surely as doin' nothin' would. There was no guarantee that the Metal Demons would retreat if you handed it over, either. That's what I figured." She shrugs. "But I mentioned it to someone I know, and they said that doin' the dumb thing to protect your beloved people is the sign of a great ruler." So... was that an insult or was it praise? "So I guess," she continues, "I have to admit, you gotta do what you gotta do as the circumstances come up.

"In short: good luck gettin' that Teardrop back." She's going to need it.

Then Jack *moves*, and Hanpan flies and Ragnell catches the little mouse with a little 'whoop!' She blinks once, then turns to see Jack screaming at the sky after Rieselied, Cecilia attempting to bodily hold him back. Ragnell watches him with narrowed eyes, clucking her tongue.

"He'd better be careful," she murmurs in a low voice. "Malevolence is on the rise here on the Blue Star. If he doesn't watch himself, he might just turn into a Hellion." She peers down at Hanpan; then, in no particular hurry, she walks after Jack and Cecilia to return the mouse-person. Once she does, whether Jack's calmed down or not, she'll tip her hat farewell and take her leave.