2019-08-10: Just Some Normal Wear and Tear

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  • Log: Just Some Normal Wear and Tear
  • Cast: Citan Uzuki, Gwen Whitlock, Fei Fong Wong, Lily Keil
  • Where: Guadosalam
  • Date: 8/10/2019
  • Summary: Gwen goes to Citan for an ARM check-up, and Fei and Lily soon join in. They talk of the state of affairs between Yevon and the Guard, as well as the threat of Odessa. Meanwhile, Citan begins to suspect there may be more to Gwen's status than what she's may be telling him.

================================<* Guadosalam *>================================

Guadosalam is an underground that sits on the path from the north bank of the Moonflow and the southern trail of the Thunder Plains. The city is found inside an underground cavern, where the walls and walkways are composed of the twisted roots of the trees of the Moonflow's north bank, giving the entire area the faint resemblance of an underground swamp.

Guadosalam is the ancient home of the Guado, a race of Beastman-appearing humans who, until recently, lived outside the grace of Yevon. This changed with the coming of Lord Jyscal Guado, who brought his people into Bevelle's fold; following Jyscal's death, his son Seymour - also a Maester of Yevon - now rules the Guado people both temporally and spiritually.
<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    Towards the surface of Guadosalam is an inn, for the outsiders who pass through on their journeys between the major cities of Spira. This has two main results: it's a place a non-Guado traveler would be more accustomed to, and it ensures that most of the residents don't have to see travelers unless they make it a point to head up this way.

    Or at least, it would normally be that. Unfortunately for the more xenophobic members of the Guado community, there have been more non-Guado around of late. But it can't be helped.

    With Luca occupied, it's perhaps no surprise that the Black Wolves (and the others with them) have made Guadosalam their base of operations for the time being -- the only other choices are scattered travel inns along the roads and those are less likely to see quite the same volume of travel, which is a difficult thing for keeping in touch in a land without a good means to send a message.

    Which is why Citan Uzuki, the now very much wayward doctor of Lahan, has set up shop in one of the rooms the Black Wolves have more or less kept permanently rented. But if anyone thought he was practicing medicine tonight, they might be a little surprised at the scene within -- unless they knew the good doctor's hobbies that is.

    He's limited by the tools and materials he has available, but he's still opened up as much of Gwen's ARM as he can do safely, those few components he can remove laid out with a watchmaker's precision on a cloth on the table.

    "I am afraid there is a limit to how much I can do," he explains, and not for the first time. "I do not have even the most basic replacement parts available to me in Spira, let alone the specialty parts your ARM would require. ...It is a fortunate thing," he says, smiling self-effacingly, "that Metal Demon era ARMs typically do not require more than basic maintenance. Now, let me take a closer look." He leans in, tugging his toolkit closer. "...You said you had been in combat recently..."

    Ever so slightly, he frowns, reaching up to readjust one of the lenses on his glasses to see a more miniscule join more clearly.

    He squints at one particular component. "...Hm."

    And perhaps Gwen is quite fortunate, for now, that very quickly it becomes difficult for him to probe further on what he's just seen.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

    So, just how does it feel to have someone probe around the inside of your ARM, minus the actual gore that would naturally be the outcome of such a thing? Gwen wouldn't know. Now, if you went 'what if that arm was not a human arm', then the answer would be more exact.

    Still, the expressions Gwen makes probably make for a good lead on this question that nobody may be asking. They're not pained expressions, thankfully, more like someone tickling the back of some muscle she barely even knew she had. Irritating, a little uncomfortable, weird sensations of pressure that sometimes make the courier wince. But the doctor's touch is still professional, and she adjusts, keeping her ARM as still as possible for Citan's examination.

    The freckled redhead sits cross-legged next to what could be called a small 'surgery' table, but it probably likely just a surface for dining or socializing. The right sleeve of her tunic is drawn back and held in place by a ribbon, with no undergarment to obscure the mechanical flesh that makes up her right arm, leading up to the shoulder. The barest edge of pink skin exists at this uneven border, baring the gnarled texture of old scar tissue.

    "... You got an arm t'work with, n' that's all that's needed, really. I'm a little, uh, compromised, compared to the last time I had t'rely on you." Her pinkie twitches as Citan works, Gwen working hard to suppress a laugh. "As long as everything's workin' as it should, that's the best I can ask for."

    And hardly the part she should be worrying about, from what Citan may be able to see. What was a curious arrangement of ARM and human biology is now something more complex, beyond the scope of Citan's ability to research just yet. "And everything... looks the same as it did before." The statement comes as a hint of a question, Gwen's blye grey eyes searching Citan's face for any clues.

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei Fong Wong knocks on the door to the Black Wolves' room and says, "Coming in!" which is an improvement to how Fei has usually entered rooms before which is to just open the door, walk in, open any chests in the room, jump on the bed, and hide in the corner of the room when Bart enters the room and pretends not to see him.

Maybe one day he'll learn to actually wait for a response before opening the door too.

(probably not)

Instead Fei seems surprised to see Gwen and says, "Oh! Hey Gwen! Did you sign up with us?" He has no idea that Gwen and Citan already know each other. He sits himself down nearby and doesn't get in the way at least (imagine if he tried to jump on the table now!). Instead he kind of waggles his feet back and forth before adding, "Is everything alright?" He looks to Citan who is a pretty great doc as far she's concerned.

"Elly's doin' great, doc. Your regimen really played a big part of that so--thanks, man."

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

It's definitely a much more advanced prosthetic than the kinds Lily has dealt with before, either maintaining or fitting. That was something occasionally relevant for her, definitely part of her training, but Gwen's...?

She was gone by the time Gwen actually arrived, naturally, but Lily Keil strides in after Fei without really bothering to announce herself at first. Instead she just closes the door behind the both of them and brings up a hand to the strap of her bag, thumb between it and her shoulder as she removes it, looking over the others and lifting her eyebrow.

"...I'd have gotten some mechanical oil, too, while I was out, if I'd known she was one of your patients today."

Bag goes on the table; it has a few things in it, but most notably, a replenishment of medical-grade alcohol among other things. "Whitlock," she greets with a nod. "If you'd rather have the privacy I can go," she says, but...

Admittedly she's actually pretty curious. For some reason.

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

"Oh! yeah. I can go too. If you want privacy." Fei says, though he seems kind of comfortable already.

<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    He's been nothing but professional -- as expected of the beloved doctor of Lahan. Indeed, his attention has been almost entirely on her ARM rather than her, herself.

    One of the reasons for this is, indeed, the changes evident inside the ARM. It's a fact that Metal Demon War era ARMs are highly unusual in several respects, but the one that not everyone necessarily appreciates is the part where they can alter themselves. Indeed, the good doctor has encountered a few of their like before.
    But because they can change...
    Every single one of these ARMs is its own thing, its own puzzle to be unraveled.

    And Gwen's has become incredibly complex inside from the last time he's had the opportunity to do a tune-up. Did something spur its growth...?

    He picks up one of the more delicate probes from within the kit.

    And what's more, besides the growth--

    Fortunately he's not trying anything too delicate when the door rather suddenly opens. He sits up straight, sets down the tool, and readjusts the lenses on his glasses. "Fei? I was not expecting you to return so soon," he says, looking the young man over. There is a pause. "...No, she is not. I am conducting some routine repairs on her ARM, in light of our current situation."

    There is another pause when he brings up Elly's condition. Just a touch, Citan furrows his brow, then nods. "I see. That is good to hear. I had been concerned... perhaps I should speak with her soon."

    Fei, it seems, is not his only visitor this evening. He turns in his seat to regard her, nodding once as the former soldier makes her way in. "Ah, Lily. Thank you, but that is quite alright. I do not think I will need it. ...There is little that I need to do except make a few minor adjustments."

    After which he looks at Gwen silently, as if to get her opinion on the matter.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

    It's not as if Fei or Lily hadn't seen Gwen in various states of undress. Or, well, what passes for casual states of undress for Gwen, anyway. Ripped sleeves, blown gloves, slashed fabric, the usual damage every Drifter likely has to deal with for some reason or another.

    Yet, when Fei walks in without a care in the world, Gwen tenses for all the world like Citan was in the middle of giving her an actual non-ARM checkup. Citan's withdrawing of the tool is timely enough to avoid it getting jammed in some muscle or another, thankfully. When Gwen realizes who it is, she begins to relax. Then Lily comes in right after Fei, repeating the courier's process of tensing and then relaxing.

    "H-hey, Fei. Hey Lily. Hm? Sign up?" The curls on Gwen's head shift as she tilts her chin, looking clueless for a second before Citan steps in. "-Yeah. I'm just more comfortable with Dr. Citan, since it's nothin' he hasn't seen before." When Lily mentions oil, Gwen shakes her head. "Nah, I'm pretty good there. And it's okay. You guys have pretty much seen me in more embarrassing situations than this." And vice versa.

    When Fei mentions Elly to Citan, guilt clouds Gwen's face. She still hasn't visited on Elly and at least apologized for what happened, whatever it actually was. At least, she could apologize for Elly having to haul her heavy ass off a turbulent battlefield where being caught would mean certain death. While being injured, no less. "She's recovered okay from the fight with the four heroes n' all that, right?" Or was this due to another injury? It's possible, being that they're fight in a war.

    "I just wanted to do a check-up, mostly. It's hard t'do it on myself," Gwen says softly, flexing her fingers of her right arm. "N' also, well. Doc can keep a few secrets."

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei watches Gwen for a bit but isn't told to get out so he, uh, he doesn't get out. Which is a relief! He is already comfortable and doesn't feel like getting up anyway so, you know, he's already comf.

He says, "Oh, this is a Black Wolves room so I thought you might've given in and signed up! It's cool, though. Doc's a great doc." Pause. "I mean Citan's a great doc. Ahh you know what I mean."

He gestures vaguely with a hand before leaning back and adding, "Well, s'not like I haven't been in plenty of spots myself so it's not like I'm gonna give you any (much) grief."

He has no idea Gwen feels the NEED to apologize to Elly or he'd probably comment on that too but he adds, "Yeah she seems to be doing good on both fronts. We went on a walk with Besaid but ended up staying later than we expected to."

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

The ARM is pretty interesting, frankly. ....But then, Lily has the same kind of reaction--indeed, when Gwen mentions that they've seen her in embarrassing situations, it takes the ex-soldier a few moments to place what Gwen means before she even registers the reason for it--and shakes her head. "Trust me, I saw more scandalous during the war. It doesn't make a difference to me."

A nod to Citan, about the oil. "My area of expertise is more engines than ARMs that complicated," she admits, and then pauses, shaking her head. "...No, maybe it isn't, is it?" That cryptic question aside, she moves to settle down near Fei for the moment. "You're right, though."

"He certainly takes doctor-patient confidentiality seriously," Lily says, which has about the wry tone someone might expect from her. "And it's wise to have someone else look, too."

Pause. Glance to Fei, glance to Gwen. "...No, I don't think she has. Not that we'd oppose that, quite the opposite, but..."

Gwen might be too nice.

She nods about Elly. "I'm glad you were able to help her. ...It's definitely more than I could do for her."

<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    "With an engine your instincts would have been correct, Lily. However, this is a rather unusual ARM, I suppose you might say."

    Fortunately, Citan has good reflexes; perhaps on some level he was aware of someone being at the door. Given what he has told some of them -- Gwen not included -- of his past, it would make sense that his senses would be sharp, even all these years later.

    Even if it may be difficult to accept that the rather genial-seeming doctor was once a member of what may well be among one of the most elite forces on the face of Filgaia.

    "I believe Fei is asking whether you are joining the Black Wolves," he says, a hint of a wry smile on his lips. "However, it seems that Gwen is, ah, more than pleased with her current line of work!" he adds with a slight shake of his head.

    He says nothing when Gwen asks after Elly herself -- he just watches her for a moment, before turning his attention towards Fei. Which, when the young man praises him he just shakes his head a touch long-sufferingly (though not without humor), perhaps to at the nature of the turn of phrase or the praise, or maybe both.

    "If you are comfortable, then, I will continue," he says to Gwen. "I do not think this will be long. I lack the materials for appropriate repairs, but do not worry. Your ARM will be fine even if you do continue to use it as you have been. Metal Demon War era ARMs are far more resilient than many others."

    Likely because some of them can grow and develop, and thus have the same sort of resilience that a body can possess. It is at once a shame and a very fortunate thing that such things remain a rarity.

    For a moment, his hand hovers over the probe.

    "Please, do not mind me," Then, apparently thinking better of it, he turns his attention instead to the components he was able to remove. With care, he inspects one or two.

    "...There are some signs of wear and tear, but it is nothing you should worry about. I believe you should be able to continue using your ARM as you have been." He pauses, as if considering that last part on reflection. "...If we are able to return to Filgaia," he continues, as if barely skipping a beat, "there are some components I would recommend replacing," he says, putting down one of the pieces, "but that is simply as a precaution rather than necessity."

    He makes no further comment to Lily, for now, apparently walking that line between focusing on what he's doing and listening to what she's saying.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

    "Ohhh." As Fei clarifies, Gwen laughs, nodding genially as Citan gives a better answer than what she could provide. "I admit, I kinda just invite myself everywhere, so I don't actually think 'bout it. I mean, technically, I run around with Hiro, Lucia, n' the others, but bein' a courier's one of those jobs where you need t'be everywhere! So I just don't think 'bout those things. Especially, uh, now." She rubs the back of her head with her left hand, the fingers of her right hand twitching sympathetically as Citan continues to work. "I was gettin' a network goin' here, but the war's blown that all t'hell, and then, uh. It's kinda hard to put on this whole 'happy courier' persona when a bunch of people just saw me shoot things with my hand. But nah, I'm just here for Doc. N' for any gossip, of course. And of course hangin' out!"

    Exactly the sort of person that belongs in the Black Wolves.

    As Lily glances to Gwen, the courier gives her one of her usual, wide grins, perhaps confirming exactly what Lily was thinking. "Dumb question, though, but since we're talkin' about it, just what _are_ the Black Wolves, anyway? I've just always assumed it was one thing or another, like a mercenary group, but I've never, uh, actually sat *down* and actually thought about it?" Which is a much more delicate way of stating, 'I just went along because I assume you guys are all my friends'.

    "Hey, Fei, could ya tell Elly that I'm sorry? She kinda had to haul me off the battlefield and there were some other things that happened, n' I didn't want to come off as bein' insensitive." Guardians, Gwen probably shot her at some point too, but clearly Elly was forgiving enough to put it aside.

    When Citan finishes, Gwen hesitates, then nods. "Yeah. Auntie will be looking at my ARM first thing, definitely." If she's well enough to do it. If she is even al-

    Gwen puts on a smile. "Guardians, it's been a while since we've even been able t'be on Ignas. I hope everythin's okay up there. But I guess if we're all here, that means things are a-okay back there!"

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei laughs on the matter of doctor-patient confidentiality. "Like someone else I know." He grins, a little more sharply than Fei usually grins but it seems in the realm of appreciation rather than as a gesture of aggression. "Elly worked really hard too. I knew she had it in her, but it was still surprising to see her recover so quickly. I thought it'd take a year at least."

Fei blushes faintly when DOC calls him out. "Ahhahahah... I guess so... It's nice to have friends around, but don't let me tempt you, Gwen. You're doing good, it feels like, and I'm glad for it."

Fei eaes up on the Doc praise so as to not get into some sort of humility war with Citan but she does watch him for a bit--he seems to be working hard. Fei lets him to it, but with this faint smile on his lips that suggests that as happy he is for Gwen to be doing well, the same could be said for Citan. Even if he isn't saying it.

"Months. Yeah. Just like last time. Hopefully when we get back, Odessa won't be at Adlehyde's gate or something."

Gwen asks what the Black Wolves are. Fei opens his mouth to answer but then realizes there's Lily right there.

He looks towards Lily. "Want to field that one, chief?"

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

"I'd definitely say that," Lily agrees about Gwen's arm and ARM. It's unusual, all right. For a Kislevi soldier, she didn't actually get handed most of the really weird stuff--it wasn't part of their mission, wasn't necessary.

"She does seem to like the delivery business. Though i think she worries too much."

Lily has no reason to talk over or contradict or add to Citan's pronouncements about the ARM. She isn't going to redo perfectly good work.

"If you're running around with one gang of wanted criminals," Lily says dryly of the Vile Fiends, "Why not other unsavory sorts?" A beat. "...You can be a happy person and defend yourself, you know. I for one don't think less of you for it. I consider you about as over-heroic as I do Hiro."

Her answr to Fei is a little half-laugh, meanwhile. She's definitely used to that kind of secrecy too, isn't she? "Elly's got a lot more to her than I think even we recognize, sometimes. I'm not surprised that she managed it, somehow. She manages to stay as she is in the midst of all this already."


"So, there's no apologies necessary for hauling people off of battlefields--frankly, it's normal around us." 'Auntie' knows ARms, is it? "I think assuming it's all fine back there is optimistic... But considering that I've heard reports of Odessa activity here, too, at least we know they can't be devoting all of their forces back on Filgaia. And there are, as far as I know, the national militaries left."

"...Speaking of military," she says, and nods to Fei at his questions. "More or less you're right. The Black Wolves are a mercenary company at this point, taking various jobs while showing no consistent subordination to any extant government. Mostly our focus is war jobs, protection of people and places, and reclamation of dangerous ARMs, but we get involved in the same things as any Drifters. The name comes from the squad Leon and I were in, in the war. ...Before my father sent Gryndille after us."

"It's a living. And it keeps us funded so we can keep shoving our noses into whatever business we feel like, and keep looking for..." She glances at Fei, and it might be absently, "Answers."

<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    Citan nods but once, his expression briefly distant as if something were on his mind. "Indeed, her progress, to hear you say it, has been much quicker than I had anticipated."

    Particularly given what Elly had told him. About the particulars...

    "Indeed, you should keep to the sort of work that suits you best, Gwen," he says, and his gaze again lingers, briefly, on the exposed components of her ARM. "Myself, I have been content to learn more about the customs and history of the people in Spira. It is not often one finds themselves in a foreign land," he says, then shakes his head. "...Even if, I must admit, it was not precisely the manner in which I would have chosen to have traveled." His gaze hoods briefly, then turns back down to the components.

    Which he now begins to reinstall, one after the other, after checking them to make sure that nothing is amiss.

    'What are the Black Wolves' is, of course, a question he will leave to Fei... or Lily, as it happens.

    "I myself am not a member. I am merely accompanying Fei on his journey," he explains. His smile is a rueful one. "...I suppose with things unfolding as they are, I, too, have become a 'Drifter'." Again he shakes his head, before returning to his work. He, at least, doesn't seem like he's the type to judge people on what group they run around with, at least.

    "Yes. It would be best that she take a look at this," he says, a touch absently, as he works on what appears to be a rather delicate section of work; his expression is that of supreme concentration. Then he leans back, sitting up straight, rolling his shoulders as if to release some of the strain. "...There. That one was the trickiest piece." He'll continue with the rest momentarily. "Sometimes, I feel like it is much easier to take something apart than to put it back together again..."

    When Fei expresses concern about Adlehyde, Citan lifts his attention from his work for the moment. "Ah. Actually, I would not be concerned about Adlehyde, Fei." He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "...After what their leader had to say about Adlehyde, I believe they are safe from the attentions of Odessa." He pauses, turning his attention back upon the components of Gwen's ARM. "...However..."

    He picks up one of them and begins the slower work of reinstalling them into her ARM. He furrows his brow as he works, as if this work is taking all of his attention.
    Or, perhaps, as if he is thinking of other matters.

    "...the same cannot be said of other nations. If we are able to return... we may be able to learn what they have done. I do not believe they have been idle while we have been trapped here." He pauses a moment after Lily speaks. "Indeed. I do not think they have caused too much mischief, but it can be impressive what a relatively smaller force can accomplish. Against any given national military their numbers should be fewer, which suggests that they will rely on ambush, sabotage, and so on. I imagine we will find we have quite the situation awaiting us..."

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

    "D'aww, it's great t'hear you say that, Fei! Don't worry. Like I said, as a courier, I invite myself everywhere. I am an ally to all friend groups! More or less." She wags a finger. "I have my limits, of course. For one, I must consider my image as a happy-go-lucky courier!"

    Which is a great time for Lily to mention the whole thing about Gwen running around with a gang of wanted criminals. "C'mon, it's the only way to keep up with Hiro. And I would think you'd be the last person t'tell me that I need to worry less, Lily." Or would she? The sorts of situations Gwen's seen Lily be in... Has it ever been a case of Lily being anything but being in control? "You sayin' I can't defend myself, Lily? C'monn."

    As the topic shifts to Elly, Gwen slowly nods, her gaze drifting downwards. "She's a lot stronger than I gave her credit for. It's one thing to stand up and fight, or to be angry, but she doesn't... lose herself. She speaks from her heart. I don't know how a person like that came from a place like Solaris, but maybe I just don't know enough about the people there to understand. I mean, she probably has family or friends there that she cares about, who care 'bout her too." Everything she's learned has slowly shifted the place from a mysterious floating city in the clouds to something more sinister, but could she, of all people, use a person's place of birth to judge who they are?

    "So my initial idea of what you guys are is correct. And I don't judge a person for makin' a living." She waves her left hand dismissively, which looks odd as the right hand, its arm having components placed right back into it by Citan's careful hand, twitches from the movement. "And- wait. Your dad? Man, what's it with dads bein' assholes?" Gwen coughs, realizing the one person here who *is* a dad. "I mean, *some* dads."

    Talk shifts to Odessa, and Gwen keeps silent, nodding quietly. "... I just can't wrap my mind 'round this whole business. Or what Odessa really is. Just... it feels like a weird cult, but instead of it bein' a bunch of people in a settlement that I have t'skip, it's... a military. When I get back, hopefully I'll be able t'get my network of clients updated so I can see what the heck's goin' on. It's one thing battlin' the Hyadeans, but charisma is a beast of a different sort of danger. Daggers are fine and good, but a good smile and an easy answer for a bunch of people thirsty with questions is like a blade wrapped in velvet." She pauses. "... Somethin' like that."

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei nods once. "Answers..."

He doesn't say much beyond that on the matter of the Black Wolves. The sad truth is is that the military aspect of the group, the contracts, the mercenary work--it's all in service to that one end: Answers. Other than that, Fei is just happy to be with his friends and enjoy life. The actual mercenary jobs? That's just part of the bargain. Otherwise the Black Wolves wouldn't be a faction or group at all, it'd just be a home.

"Yeah, she's strong." Fei says. "I hope one day to be as strong as she is though, heh, sometimes she calls strength 'weakness' so maybe I should be saying I hope to one day be as weak as she is right? I guess some folks have very different ideas of what strength is."

He considers Odessa but honestly Gwen's wording feels quite similar to how he thinks of the group so far. So he nods. "Yeah pretty much."

So helpful Fei.

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

"Just like bodies, right? Taking them apart is a lot easier than making them work again." On that cheerful note, Lily nods to the matter of non-members, and looks thoughtfully at Gwen for a few moments. "...That's true about Hiro. But you think so?" she wonders aloud. "...Heh. Maybe I've changed." But she adds, "You can defend yourself. But I don't know if you're the type for the kind of work I'm used to. It can be bloodier than you'd probably like."

Elly... "I don't know how she got out of Solaris like that, either, if I'm being honest. But... Well. I guess we established that maybe my approach to Solaris isn't exactly the best one," she admits, what with the whole matter with Id. She's not thrilled about that, but at least she's ware of it.

"...Strength, weakness--maybe the point is that we shouldn't judge people only on that."

She seems to agree with Citan's logic, both about Adelhyde and otherwise. But for Gwen...

"...They have a point," Lily says simply. "Things might be safer if we'd work together, and if the people who were willing to protect others were in charge. The current people ruling are certainly doing a great job of fucking up as it stands. It's just that there's not any good reason to trust them any more than anyone else." Lily trails off a moment, and then shakes her head. "...I think I'm actually going to go for a walk. Government isn't really my concern anymore. We'll just make sure whoever it is doesn't destroy the planet, and someone else can decide what to do with it."

Lily nods, and starts to head out.

<Pose Tracker> Citan Uzuki has posed.

    The topic turns to Elly, and to Solaris.

    Citan does not so much as hesitate, continuing to work on reassembling Gwen's arm. He says nothing: what is there that he can say?

    "Do let me know if anything feels strange, Gwen. I do not believe I am making any errors, but it can be difficult with these types of ARMs." Hasn't he... worked on this one before? "They are all an entity unto themselves, I am afraid."

    In fact, he's apparently content to let the conversation as a whole drift around him, chiming in only as is necessary.

    Well, except for one thing. When Gwen makes that particular comment he lifts his head and, with a rueful smile, says: "I hope I am not included!" Though he then sighs and shakes his head. "...I admit I have not seen Midori in some time. She must be seven years old now..."

    A rare moment for the doctor: regret plays nakedly on his expression.

    But there's nothing to be done about that now. Nothing anyone can do about that now.
    So he focuses on the task in front of him.

    The last component is slid into place and he starts to replace the external plating.
    It doesn't take long.

    "There. As I said, normal wear and tear, but nothing unsurprising given the use it has seen. As long as nothing unprecedented happens, you should have little to worry about until your aunt can take a look. I may be familiar with your ARM but I am still not the one who installed it!" He sits up straight again and this time is treated to a delightful crack from somewhere in his spine. He winces, though in truth it hadn't hurt.

    "Perhaps I ought to have better posture when I work. Yui used to scold me about it..."

    He turns in his seat, regarding Lily in silence for the moment. "...It is easy to see how they would gain support, yes," he says mildly, though the look in his eyes is far more pensive and troubled than his voice might suggest.

    Lily says she's going for a walk. "...Ah. Then, I may see you again later, Lily. Have a good night."

    And on that note, he rises from his seat and begins to carefully pack up his tools. "I am finished, Gwen. There's no need for me to keep you any longer." His gaze turns over at Fei and he stands there for a moment, as if regarding him and the young woman both.

    "...Lily may have the right idea. After so much close work, taking a walk may be wise."