2019-07-31: Spice End: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "*'''Log: Spice End''' *'''Cast:''' Character :: Riesenlied, Character :: Noeline, Character :: Jacqueline Barber, Character :: Catenna, Character :: Ethius H...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 06:55, 2 August 2019

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

The last few weeks have been a trial for the combined refugees of Luca, Kilika and others displaced from the actions of the Guard. At first, the refugee camps established by both the Kinship and the Outreach had to be sufficient... but as the battles broke out amidst the Highroad, it was rather clear that another solution was very necessary.

As such, the Fereshte and others have been part of a greater effort to move the refugees out of the way of the fighting -- to Djose, Riesenlied mentioned; out of the path of the Highroad leading to the Moonflow, Guadosalam, and eventually, Bevelle.

And now, at least, underneath the awnings of Mushroom Rock Road not far from Djose Temple, the refugees have a base established.

The last few weeks have been trying, but amidst the Outreach's workers, the people of Azado -- stationed onboard the Dragons-headed ship -- have been visibly hard at work, as if bearing the guilt of what the Guard of their very own goddess are doing...

And Riesenlied is back from a trip up north to the Moonflow too, in part speaking to the Shoopuf services to see how likely it would be to migrate refugees across if it did come to it as well as seeing how feasible it was for the Fereshte to travel upriver (not very), and a vacation ...

... so why does she look so pale and harrowed about it?

The Hyadean is still in her wheelchair, tending to several children and fixing up their little cloaks and handing them packed lunches, but it's rather clear she's disturbed.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

It's been busy work all around - Jacqueline and the Caravan Kinship have been hard at work as well. With the Mi'ihen Highroad becoming dangerous, it was no longer safe to hide away the Carakin. So, deciding that the risks outweighed the secrecy, they decided to take the Carakin with them. It's been beneficial, at least - with it, they've been able to transport some of the civilians that are in no state to make the long trip on foot.

...It's still currently disguised as a chocobo hatching shack, though, complete with chocobo designs all around the vehicle.

Finally, they reach the base camp they'd decided on beforehand. The Carakin pulls in, and Jacqueline takes a moment to help people disembark. Everyone working together certainly helps.

Once everyone's situated Jacqueline takes a moment to scan the crowd - and, eventually, she spots Riesenlied, tending to the children.

"Ah, you're back!" Jacqueline says cheerily, walking toward her. "How'd everything go?"

She pauses, taking note of how she's looking.

"...Are you alright...? Did something happen?" She asks, concerned.

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

It's been harder and harder for Catenna to supply the kitchen she's been using to keep the refugees fed. Shipments along the Highroad continue to be intercepted by skirmishers and patrols. She's steadily nearing the bottom of her extensive store of supplies.

A solution is needed. The CaraKin's come along, at least, but supplies remain scarce.

Stepping down from the vehicle, Catenna - in one of her full-length dresses, grey with white accents - steps down with a soft sigh, taking a look over the crowd. Within, she's quick to spot a familiar Hyadean, surrounded as expected by wee ones.

"Riesenlied," she greets politely, stepping forward and clasping her hands. The sight of Riese so disturbed, however, draws a little frown to Catenna's face, and she draws herself up to Jay's right.

Her expression remains reserved as she gives Riese a quick look over. "You seem troubled," she invites - a prompt the Hyadean can take if she wishes to.

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

Ethius is usually hands off with just about any CaraKin business dealing, in favor of... whatever it is he does. This many years later that's still not an easy question to answer. Even now, his presence is not the most calming, or the most welcome - but there's a reason they're able to transport as many people out of the war zone as safely as they have. (How much of that is because of him, well, that's also a question!) He has been even /less/ nonsense than usual about that, and he already operates on a baseline of 'no.' He's dressed in a heavy cloak that's a bit too warm for this climate but he's wanted to show his face less than usual, and this is the closest brush with anonymity he can scrape together on such short notice. He's given away the moment he looks out to the camp, not because of any distinction of coloration of his eyes or anything - it's because that stare of his is just the sort that can't be from anyone else. He doesn't approach Riesenlied or the chidlren she's looking to, as Jay handles that conversation. He has too much to do, too little means in which to accomplish it... but a drive that he has not shown so fervently in some time as he quietly moves some smaller boxes off of the CaraKin.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

For Noeline, the trip to the north wasn't just a matter of refugee relocation, logistics, and a pleasant picnic atop the shoopuf that got only slightly derailed when a group of friends tried to kidnap Riese in a case of mistaken identity.

It was also about understanding the path of the Summoner a little more, and the challenges that lie ahead - figuring out the best way to get Riesenlied safely through the Thunder Plains without exacerbating her significantly wan condition, learning a little about the Calm Lands and the places that lie beyond it.

(It's not like she walked /that/ far - information just doesn't travel quite the same distance in Spira, so you need to be at least a little closer.)

There's nothing that says they have to follow Yuna's pilgrimage, but the Hyadean certainly has a strong suspicion that if they're going to find anything to send them back to Spira - another set of Elw ruins, or a mysterious Sorcery Globe - it's probably likely to lie along the pilgrimage route. Besides, it offers a direction of travel away from the Guard, and events do seem to be circling around the Summoner as of late.

She's hovering near to Riesenlied. Neither the Outreach nor the Azadians need much in the way of direction to set up and support a camp - most of them are old hands at this point, used to having to pack up and relocate every so often - so she'd much rather offer her presence. Some of the children are able to pick up on Riesenlied's concern, and in response she's weaponizing her bluster, grinning brightly as she distracts them with tales spun of shoopuf riders and their intrepid deeds, and an anonymous heroine's adventures on the Thunder Plains.

"And she /dove/ clear in the nick of time, as-- bazaam--" Maybe she's playing it up a little much, but the reaction she gets gives her enough time to nod a greeting to the Carakin members as they assemble, and then she looks back to the gaggle of children she's got with a gentler smile. "Of course, she was safe. And that meant a hundred in a row, and she'd earned her freedom."

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

Lydia Seren is around but she hasn't been doing much as of late beyond playing with Mikaia and Janey and being a general nuisance. She seems a little uneasy, as if it's tough for her to believe that the people of Azado--once as zealous as anyone from the Goddess's territories--but she can't deny the reality of their actions and she has been largely trying to calm herself and not really succeeding all that much.

Especially since she's rather conflicted with the Guard herself as of late and she has people she cares deeply about within the Guard. She wonders if she looked past too many flaws due to their gestures of kindness but ultimately she hasn't changed much of her behavior one the matter.

She also has been worried about Riesenlied, peeking over to her periodically and staring quietly before moving onto some other job or another. It isn't until Jay arrives that Lydia ends up approaching, but trying to be like cool and sneaky about it.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"Catenna... Jay," Riesenlied is very happy to see Jacqueline and Catenna again, of course, and given the state of the Caravan Kinship itself decorated as a chocobo hatchling station there may or may not've been a moment where--


"--eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..." Riesenlied turns pale and slumps to one side on her chair as she realises a few seconds too late that she's out of breath from squealing.

There may /also/ be a moment of true despair when she realises there aren't actually hatching chocobo chicks inside.


Ethius she hasn't seen since... well, it's been quite a long time now since the Photosphere... and maybe she's put off that conversation for a long time in turn. Still, it's not like she wants to reject a member of the Carakin. She rubs at her own cloak under which the grafted Medium is hidden under. She does give the Symbologist a quiet nod, though, if he looks this way.

"... I was... I was--" Riesenlied starts to stammer, after patting the head of the last child to run off with a wave of 'thanks, mom!!'. She reaches to Noeline's hand.

"... nearly kidnapped," she admits. "While we were riding the shoopuf."

She sinks into her shoulders tautly as she looks to Lydia, biting her lip and then looking to the other two. "Has it-- been going okay here?"

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

There may not be any chocobo chicks inside, but there /is/ one chocobo traveling with them, at least! She is very polite and very affectionate.

...Also wyvern eggs still, maybe? It's unclear.

She can't help but smile as she hears Noeline recite that tale for the children, distracting them from Riesenlied's current state.

And then, Riesenlied drops that bomb.

"Kidnapped...!?" Jacqueline replies, with a surprised gasp. She glances toward Catenna, concern clear on her face before looking back toward Riesenlied. "By who? Did you see who it was? Do you think they might try it again?"

The questions pause as Riesenlied asks how things have been going here and Jacqueline hesitates for a moment to gather her thoughts.

"...Things have been okay, thankfully - we managed to get everyone through without any trouble." Jacqueline replies. "Supplies have been a little difficult to come by, though, so we may need to seek out some alternative suppliers."

Jacqueline takes a moment to look toward Lydia, offering her an encouraging smile now that she's calmed herself down a little from the worrying news from Riesenlied. She takes a moment to look toward Ethius, too, but for an entirely different reason - he seems to be behaving himself, though, so she just nods to herself.

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

With a gentle smile, Catenna reaches out towards Riesenlied, her hand stopping in the air a few inches from touching the woman's shoulder before she draws it back. She refrains from actually making contact, largely because Noeline is there.

She clasps her hands again, her ankles closer together, and she smiles lightly towards Lydia - though the expression soon fades as she returns her attention to Riesenlied once more. The Hyadean has a story to tell, and Catenna arches her brows with surprise and concern, that little smile soon becoming a frown as she exchanges that look of worry with Jay. "You do seem to attract people who want your presence very much," she murmurs. "Who would do such a thing here? In any case... I am glad you are still with us."

Catenna remembers the last time Riesenlied was kidnapped pretty vividly. Blessedly, friends had been there to help her, despite her own mission taking her into the heart of Mother's lair.

She sighs and looks down, shoulders sagging as she lets her guard down just enough that a hint of her underlying weariness shows through. "Things have been difficult. There are many in need, and important cooking materials have been harder to come by with the Luca market off-limits."

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

Ethius' gaze turns the moment he hears through Riesenlied's pained murmurs - above the sounds of noisy and worried children - that she was almost kidnapped. The obvious questions that should arise are asked by Catenna and Jay, and so he doesn't repeat them. He sees Jay looking at him. He doesn't flinch or seem to think much of it, but he is stopping from moving a small box for what is blatantly an act of eavesdropping. Even so, he turns his head ever-so-slightly to Noeline's spirited storytelling to her captive audience. He mentally inventories the need to get his hands on some specific pieces of literature as soon as opportunity permits, but that's for another time. If he has any complex things to say or show as regards what had happened many months ago by now, he has made no outward gestures in favor of continuing to pretend to be an unnoticeable element in the background.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Noeline can spare a sympathetic nod of greeting and a smile to Lydia as their daughter steps closer. She's used to the feeling of not quite knowing what she can do to help, of being worried without any way to really let that feeling out in a productive fashion - so she can understand the persistent fears that Lydia's voiced to them in the past.

She carefully slips a hand into Riesenlied's, squeezing it gently but insistently as her partner starts to stammer and offering a source of affection for her draw from. "Be good," she shoots back to the children as they run off, letting out an amused chuckle at the same time; it's a welcome thing to focus on to one side, though it isn't long lived when Jacqueline gasps in surprise.

"... it is ridiculous to put into words, but it was actually a case of mistaken identity," she sighs as she picks at her hair, rubbing one tuft of it between two fingers of her spare hand. She lets it go, then moves around behind Riesenlied to commence gently fussing over her - tucking in the blanket over her lap a little better, making sure she's back properly in her wheelchair, Little routines she's done a lot of as of late.

"Once we straightened that out, the kidnappers were content to leave us alone and go on their merry way - but it was still quite a surprise, and really not at the best of times." ... by now, she's got a reasonable idea of what the kidnappers goal was, and it's not exactly one she disagrees with... but it seems wiser not to name names, just to prevent any confusion.

Besides, she remembers the last time that Riesenlied was kidnapped, as well. For a moment, her hand is a little tight around Riese's, her smile a little thin.

"In the meantime, everything else is as you see here - hopefully, as we approach Bevelle, we should be more secure," she comments, and frowns thoughtfully to hereslf. "Honestly, part of me wonders if we should head further north - but that is likely to be tricky, at least when it comes to bringing everyone along."

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

Lydia's eyes widen as she hears Riesenlied got kidnapped. Again!

Then she quickly looks away when she realizes Riesenlied hasseen her staring. She makes a show of being casual again. EVEN THOUGH SHE WAS (almost) KIDNAPPED! Judging by the biting of her lip she isn't quite as casual as she is pretending to be which is honestly pretty obvious just from observing her past character over the years.

She does give Catenna and Jay their smiles though.

She watches after that last child as they run off and THEN approaches, hanging out nearby and then adds, "So um." She looks down at her feet for a moment. "Uhh..." She looks down at HERSELF.

Why, she wonders, is she thinking about this now??

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

It's, in the end... really good that Noeline takes the initiative to explain, because while it doesn't seem like Riesenlied minds Catenna's gesture anyway, even after she's reached her hand to Noeline; as if a gesture of their friendship, she reaches for Catenna in turn with a reassuring pat to her arm, if the Shaman of Celesdue'll allow it.

She certainly doesn't /look/ like she's certain whether or not to explain or not.

"... it was really alarming. But it seemed like they were after Lady Yuna. I'm... pretty stressed about it, in all honestly, given what happened... last time someone--"

She pipes down, shivering a little further. Noeline seems to have the same sentiment, echoed through their rings, and that hand-squeeze is all the more reassuring for it.

She looks a bit frazzled, but tries to rally by listening to Jacqueline's assessment of the situation.

"... I am ... thinking of sending the Fereshte out to try to source us more food and supplies from Besaid and other ocean routes, but losing Luca really hurt the mainland's trade routes," Riesenlied muses concernedly. "At the Moonflow, I also spoke to some of the Hypello merchants, and some of the Shoopuf and river routes can source us more goods... but... I'm not sure that'll all be enough. What do you all think?"

She does look to Lydia with more concern, though, as she gestures closer with her arms out. She wants to hug her. Mom wants a hug!

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Noeline explains that it was a case of mistaken identity and Jacqueline relaxes a little, nodding with a sigh.

"I see...well, that's good, at least, but it was still awfully rude of them." She comments, folding her arms in front of her. "Did they apologize, at least?"

Riesenlied explains a little further, that it seems they were after Yuna. Jacqueline frowns.

"...I see...I hope Yuna's alright. She has enough problems on her plate as it is." She comments. Her expression softens a bit, though, as Riesenlied continues. "...I know. We're here for you, okay...?"

She looks back toward Catenna as she explains further about the situation involving the supplies and nods.

"...That's a good start, at least. At this point, we need all the help we can get. What do you think?" She asks, glancing toward Catenna for her input...and then, directly at Ethius.

"...You know, you don't have to pretend to be working if you want to listen to us." She says. She has his number by now. "I'm sure you'd even be welcome to join in, if you like."

And then, Lydia. Jacqueline looks toward her, and she can tells she's working her way up to something.

"Is something bothering you? You can talk to us." Jacqueline says, trying to be reassuring.

But then, there's Noeline's suggestion of heading even further north.

"That might be difficult...from my understanding, Bevelle keeps everything past the Macalania Woods pretty locked down. I don't think we'd be able to get this many people through there, at least not without discussing it with them first." She replies. And whether or not they'd listen was another matter entirely.

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

"At least it was a misunderstanding. And you both seem to have emerged from it well enough." Catenna inclines her head to Noeline, then to Riesenlied.

She allows the contact, resting her hand over the back of Riesenlied's for a moment and offering the Hyadean woman a quiet smile - inwardly marveling again at how much more like a sister Riese feels like to her, even compared to her real ones. Her hand soon falls away, and she clasps her hands together once more with a quiet sigh.

"I hope Lady Yuna is safe, then. Obsession is a grave matter, and Spira is counting on her." In truth, Catenna is too.

Tilting her head, the Moon Shaman folds her arms across her midsection and sinks into thought, a flicker of concern twinkling behind her eyes. "I have some worries about her," she murmurs, before nodding as Riesenlied begins to explain her plans.

"Cities are a convenient place to find necessary foods," she says quietly. "But I grew up as a nomad, and I understand some about how to find needed food and materials through other sources. I may be able to help you find contacts, or simply things we can harvest, sustainably."

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.


When Riesenlied reaches out for a hug, Lydia can't help herself. She rushes in and gives Riesenlied a tight hug, lifts her out of her chair in the process because of her hug power, and then sets her back down it still hugging.

"Want me to... drop a meteor on them?"

This could get out of hand! She of course remembers 'last time' quite well but this could get out of hand!

A stupid question occurs to her but she hesitates, not asking it right away. She fidgets a little, pulling away from hug eventually to kind of chill out standing there a bit awkwardly.

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

Ethius tries to put a hand to his forehead in all of this, but both of his hands are on a small box. So he rests his forehead against the box, which does not help matters and looks unquestionably silly. "...From a perspective of one's appearance, the confusion is..." He murmurs. Just in time for Jay to (correctly) call him out. There are very few things Ethius can get past Jay any more, from which his neck straightens out. He stares (...continues to stare), stands still for all of two seconds, and commences putting the small box where it needs to go. Is he going to join them? This gets answered at the most awkward moment possible, as Ethius comes up around this vague circle - about the outermost reach of what would be considered a polite conversational distance - and stands with his arms behind his back as gestures of affection and words for concern are shared. "The most I can offer on the front of how supplies and aid can be further rendered and secured, is that the bad actors within the Guard appear to be keeping their movements almost exclusively among their number." Ethius remarks, clinically. "I have witnessed no signs of movement or activity suggesting they are as of yet seeking to secure what lines of escape remain at present for those displaced." ...So that's a sign that the going is, currently, as good as it's going to get? With no small box in his hands, now Ethius can get the hand back to his forehead - but he says no more on that front.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

With an amused sigh, Noeline reaches forwards with her free hang to snag Lydia and tug her forwards in Riesenlied's direction, helping her into her mother's arms. "Really..." she sighs softly and privately, her voice low as she joins in for a moment. "I understand you're worried, but it's alright to pipe up and say something. That way, we can talk it out properly."

Straightening up a little to give Lydia space, she laces her fingers together with Riese a moment longer before letting the shaman monopolize her. "It might look a little run-down, but I think the Fereshte might be one of the faster ships around Spira at the moment. It only makes sense that we put it to use, so long as the crew agrees," she considers. 'Crew' is a little tongue-in-cheek; she means the Outreach, but also the Azadians with them, and the number of Spiran refugees they've picked up.

Considering that along with Jacqueline's comment, she lets out a quiet and thoughtful breath. "... given the situation now, perhaps it would be best to visit Bevelle and discuss things with the Church. I certainly can't say I relish the idea," she adds, staying somewhat prudent - they are otherworlders, after all, and use machina - "But they must surely recognize that the Guard are threatening their people. I would hope that they would at least be able to offer some sort of assistance."

With a puff of air, she glances towards Catenna, still wondering how to word it. "... I can at least say that they weren't obsessed. And I suspect they wanted to 'kidnap' the Summoner for her own good. I don't see her stopping her pilgrimage, and I don't see the Guard taking that lying down either. Still... it was rather terrible timing," she huffs in quiet amusement.

With a nod towards Ethius, she sighs. "Really... one visit from Sin would ravage their supply lines. I'm honestly amazed they have such momentum so far from home." She keeps her comments at that much; it's not a topic she wants to stick too close to right now, recognizing the value in looking forward rather than back.

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

"... yes... I know, I'm not alone, not in the Outreach or the Kinship," Riesenlied whispers softly in return to Jacqueline. There's a pause as Jacqueline asks if they apologised, prompting a tilt of her head. "W-well... sort of."

It seems to be really complicated for her to think about, so she puts it off for the time being. She didn't really want to out Fei, Elly or Josephine either... she knows Elly to have a really firm moral compass, so she's hoping she'll prevent the other Wolves from falling too far down the rabbit hole of taking a bad name for others.

Catenna's smile helps to reassure her, and her fellow history as both an Ellurian and a nomad does bring comfort to. "Yes... I don't want to exhaust or strip any lands in our search to supply everyone," she nods.

T-then Lydia offers to drop a Meteor on them! But does she have the 99 MP required--

10 O'aka Discoveries: Hi-Ether

uh oh

"N-n-no, that's okay..." Riesenlied stammers in reassurance to her daughter, even as she's lifted off her chair safely with Noeline's assistance, due to Lydia's immense and burgeoning Hug Power! (Hug Power Huge Power).

"One of them was the Al Bhed young man with the goggles and the -- tall spiky hair from Luca, I think... but he didn't seem actively malicious. Just... a bit confused, perhaps?"

... Brother, from the Blitzball tournament kidnapping, likely?

She looks to Noeline's comment about speaking to Bevelle, and then muses, "It may be more fruitful to speak to the Maesters we've met so far, who were closer to what has happened so far... such as Maester Seymour." She really can't predict what Yevon will respond with, though.

She's set back to where Ethius joins and comments on them... and she nods quietly. There's a soft gleam underneath the capelet the Hyadean is wearing for a moment as she looks to the Symbologist...

When he shares his estimations of what the Guard is doing, she nods. "Thank you, Mister Ethius. ... ah-- it's been a while since I last spoke to you." It's clear that the Hyadean is nervous right now, but she pushes on, not wanting to just regress backwards. There is hesitation, given how much the man has been concerned about any accidental gleams of emotion, but...

"I hope... you're doing all right."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

"I'm sure we can count on you for that." Jacqueline agrees, sending Catenna a smile. Her talents were largely how they were able to get everything set up in such a short amount of time, back when everything was just starting up.

Jacqueline glances toward Lydia, but since she doesn't say anything just yet Jacqueline doesn't press the subject, letting her speak at her own pace.

And then, she looks toward Ethius.

"...If it helps...I don't think they have any intentions of going after the refugees unless we start making trouble for them." Jacqueline says. "I ran into Kaguya the other day - she said as much, herself. ...It's because of her I was able to do my scouting in peace, actually."

She sends a smile toward Riesenlied, then, as Riesenlied confirms that she knows she's not alone...and confirms that they did apologize. 'Sort of'.

"...'Sort of'... well, that's something, at least." She says, then pauses as she mentions a certain young man with goggles and tall, spiky hair.

".../That one/? I remember him." She says with a sigh, then blinks. He didn't seem malicious, huh...? "...I guess he's just a troubled youth."

She looks between Noeline and Ethius, then, as the prospect of meeting with the Maesters is brought up.

"...That would be nice, as long as they'd be reasonable about it. But I can't help but be a little worried about the idea..." She murmurs. There was no guarantee they'd be agreeable to it - she'd seen their response to 'otherworlders'. It was part of what had started all of this in the first place.

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

"I see," Catenna muses, nodding along with Noeline's elaboration. "Still, it is not the first time Yuna and her group have been targeted. But then, I suppose that is the nature of one who must overcome trials to complete her journey...."

It had occurred to Catenna to try and help Yuna directly - but something Lulu had said had put her off the idea. Following her, however, is not off the table for the Moon Shaman - or keeping an eye on her, if nothing else.

"Things can be gathered in a way which respects the land," she assures Riesenlied gently. "It takes some effort to do it, mind... it is better to find area villagers who can provide what we need. In turn, our efforts will help them make a living." Evidently Catenna's been through more than her share of small towns and dealt with more than her share of villagers in need of coin.

The mention of Brother, though, leaves her pursing her lips. "...That was who I was thinking of the last time. Strange...."

Brushing back a dark curl, she nods quietly. "It could be worthwhile to talk to them, yes. I think...." For a moment she hesitates, eyes on Riesenlied, then on Jay, as she searches for words that won't seem callous.

"...My personal intention is to stay out of the fighting, unless it is to protect the helpless," she says quietly. "But I think that we may be able to convince the Althenians and the Maesters of the need for neutral parties to care for the innocent. White Knight Leo, I suspect, would hear us... though perhaps not me personally."

Catenna hasn't forgotten that she gravity-crushed Leo's sister and called her a bitch. Whoops.

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

Lydia Seren has a strong moral compass too. Unfortunately it's being held by someone who can't is holding it upside down. Luckily Lydia avoids suggesting Riesenlied talk to the Wolves about this problem largely because Lydia doesn't think about the Wolves too often for some reason.

"Oh Brother." Lydia says upon hearing that's it Brother, though this might not be actually because of his name at all or because she knows his identity or anything.

"Are you sure? It wouldn't be that hard..." But she drops the whole 'droop a meteor' thing after and gives Riesenlied a thoughtful squeeze on the arm.

"Anyway um." Lydia says, hesitantly. "I have an important question. That may change the future in a dramatic way and it's not rally related to any of this but..."

She glances to Catenna. "Uh... are you sure he would?" Hehe's managed to get herself in a very worried state over all ths but she forces herself to ask the question that's really on her mind.

"And uh. Okay so. Since my body is me and all... Um. Like even the armor is made out of me? Does that mean I've been walking around basically naked?"

Lydia is quiet for a while before adding, "Uhh sorry I guess that's not really related to politics or anything so you don't need to answer."

These are the questions Lydia has been grappling with while folks were worrying over the fate of Spira.

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

Noeline's observation about Sin's (lack of) appearance is one Ethius takes note of. There does remain a whole lot of mystery about Sin's movements and why. Was Azado the first time it was ever seen outside of Spira? Where is it now, if not here to disrupt the goings on? They're issues he doesn't feel too compelled to voice aloud. 'If it helps...' Jay starts, as she recounts an encounter with Kaguya. "So she would intend to use them as leverage." He speaks just as Jay is about to finish her sentence, coming just shy of cutting her off entirely as he makes that observation, removing his hand from his forehead and keeping that gaze locked on her... then off to the side, hands once again folded behind his back like he were standing at attention. (At inattention, technically, what with looking off to the side.) ...Which brings things to Riesenlied's soft-spoken acknowledgement of the passage of time between them. What happened out in the open between them months ago is well-known. "Indeed." 'I hope... you're doing all right.' "Your concern is noted. I am sound." He says, without looking Riese in the eyes - or anyone, really. It's not certain where he's looking. Maybe off to some of the refugees? If he's even looking at /anything/, but it's not straight ahead. Lydia talks about having an important question. Okay, question after the next. She expresses serious concern about whether or not she's been walking around basically naked. Ethius straight-up removes the robe he's had on. He has been wearing Filgaia-appropriate wear under there - wow, how is he not sweating to near-dehydration? He neatly folds up the cloak between his hands and extends it forward to Lydia, as if to nip the concern in the bud then and there if it's to her liking. "I must express concern, Miss Catenna, about who among the Guard is calling the shots about who or what is to be in the crosshairs of their crusade." Ethius remarks, closing his eyes. "There may not be the luxury of picking and choosing one's involvement, if she has such sway she could strike at the refugees with Guard backing if she feels so inclined." 'She' likely meaning Kaguya.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

Rather than disrupt the hug with Lydia, Noeline instead helps ensure that Riesenlied stays upright once she's lifted off her chair, sneaking an arm around her partner's waist and positioning herself to be leant back against. "... mm... I think you must be right. Certainly as plans go, I prefer it to just walking into Bevelle. If we can impress upon individual Maesters that our only intention is to help the refugees, that might be for the best."

Her closeness gives her a chance to close her eyes, reaching for Riesenlied through their link. There's no particular rhyme or reason behind it, outside of just the two of them being there - she just lets out a quiet breath and decides to go with the impulse, her thoughts briefly flicking towards Kaguya - how she might be doing. What she might be doing, and why.

... maybe she's more worried about that side of things than she wants to admit to herself.

When she looks back up it's with a light frown, her lips tight together as she glances between Jay and Catenna. "I am sure that the White Knight would hear you. My worry is that he would not /listen/," she states rather bluntly. "Perhaps if you caught him on his own. It would certainly be a lost cause if any of the Four Heroes were within easy reach - he would not look an inch past their orders."

Noeline pauses - and lets out a softer laugh at Lydia's question, which is rather more pertinent to her and Riesenlied than anyone else. "... I would say it doesn't matter," is her quick response, and one filled with confidence and surety. "If you wish to consider the armor part of you, then it is up to you if you want to cover it or not. If you wish to think of it as different enough to be only 'sort of' you, it is still up to you if you want to cover it or not."

A pause, and she can't resist the growing grin, knowing that she might get a horn-wiggle out of this. "I imagine a lot of Hyadeans are wondering the same thing, now that they're out in the world."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Jacqueline brings Kaguya up, and it's with a quiet chew of her lips that Riesenlied remarks, "We ran into Kaguya in Kilika. It was her interference that prevented the Guard from acting out on me, actually..." A pause. "Some Guardsmen still have misgivings about me, as 'The Deceiver'. And... maybe I can't fault them for that too much..."

She stops herself from becoming /too/ dour, at least. She looks to Catenna. "Back in Luca, Leo charged me with keeping the Azadians safe, saying he would hold me to my word. And while I would do all in my power to keep that promise... it is not as if his opinion is happily shared by everyone."

Ethius' response is... well, it may be more than she can ask, with how much she can't really tell about this often-mysterious man. "... that ... that is good," she nods quietly. She catches his lack of looking back at her, and it brings her to nervously look aside too. "If you need anything I can help with... do tell me."

But he mentions about the lack of luxury of picking and choosing involvement...

"The Highroad is a powder keg waiting to happen. I am not certain the Guard's leadership have uniform opinions, let alone individual units that may choose to act on their own... so we'll need to remain on our guard."

But Noeline's got herself wrapped around her waist, prompting a little flush as she provides advice to Lydia regarding her-- her question! As well as Noeline's tease of her.

"Noeline is right. I've known you from when you have an asteroid on your head to when you risked so much to save me you were melted to a metal skeleton, and... no matter what you look like or what you wear or don't wear, you're Lydia, and my daughter, to me. So you can feel free to pick what makes you most comfortable, okay?"

She accents that with a squeeze of her daughter's hand. ... /then/ the horn-wiggling comes on as she bashfully adds,

"... I--I have wondered the same when I turn into a Dragon too, but Dragon-size clothing is harder to come by ..."

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

With a cant of her head, Catenna looks to Lydia, giving her a pensive look over. She takes a bit of time to do it, as if checking if Lydia is, in fact, dressed.

"I just assumed that you were an exhibitionist at heart," she murmurs mildly. A tease?

The levity, however subtle, is quickly punctured as Ethius - everpresent lump - rains on everyone's parade, and Noeline comes in behind him to heap more bad news upon them. Catenna draws a breath, letting it out through her nose in a slow, heavy rush. It's the only response she gives beyond looking out over the horizon, her shoulders stiffening visibly.

She lets the tension gradually leave her body, sinking for a moment into mellower thoughts before looking to Riesenlied once more. The Hyadean's keeping herself above dour, and the Moon Shaman seems content to do the same. "We can only do what we can, ultimately. I think it is worth it to try and approach them, but if Leo's companions will not hear us or if Kaguya tries something, it falls to us to defend those who cannot defend themselves."

It's not something she's wanted to dwell much on. She's a Guardian worshipper; a religious war between two faiths with nothing to do with her seems especially dangerous for someone who's a heretic to both sides.

Catenna finally shrugs and smiles back at Lydia more mildly, reaching out to lay a hand on her shoulder. "More seriously, however you wish to appear, appear that way. You are kin to me and I appreciate you as you like yourself."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline looks toward Catenna as she speaks and nods, a bit awkwardly.

"...Yes, unfortunately, I don't think he'd listen to either of us." She admits. "We had a...disagreement, with the Red Priestess...his sister, over one of the Guardian Statues. He might be predisposed toward distrusting us, but...maybe speaking earnestly with him would help, at least..."

It would be risky. There'd be no telling whether or not he would just try to take them in on the spot. She looks toward Catenna.

"...We should probably go together, though. Just in case." She comments. And then, Ethius. Jacqueline frowns.

"...No, I don't think that's what she meant - she just wants her people focused on Yevon, not on people just trying to survive. That's what she said, anyway." Jacqueline explains, then looks toward Riese.

"Ah, you did...? She didn't mention that." She replies.

And then Jacqueline stares at Lydia, blinking, as she asks her question.

"...Ah...that's...well, um..." She pauses. These are not the sort of questions she's equipped to answer. Noeline and Riesenlied offer their view of the situation, though, and Jacqueline nods.

"Yes, exactly - your situation is probably...pretty new, all things considered. So...I think it's up to how /you/ feel." She says.

<Pose Tracker> Lydia Seren has posed.

"Oh I already told--SOMEONE--that it was like making my own clothes, but then I started second guessing myself because there's Emeralda right? I don't know if she considers it clothes or not though she probably does because she's basically innocent but I didn't really want to ask her because she's like 8 years old or something and I would feel even more awkward asking her in that kind of situation."

Her eyes widen when Riesenlied and Noeline BOTH reveal that she is not the first to have such concerns. WAIT WAS DRAGON MOM NAKED??? She really doesn't want to think about that!!

"Oh Guardians... I didn't even think about Dragon Mom...!" Lydia places both of her hands on her head with wide eyes. Well one hand at first. Riesenlied gets a handsqueeze before she does the same with her other hand.

She harumphs at Catenna. "Who taught you how to be so lewd??" Probably you Lydia but nevermind that.

"Anyway uhh...The Plan! The plan you guys probably made. I'm down with it. That plan. Yeah. Let's do it."

Then Ethius approaches oh no.

Oh no.

He offers a coat just like Ivan offered her a coat and Lydia breaks.

She sort of just...sits down with Ethius's coat and stares into space listlessly.


<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

Everyone gives their input on how Lydia could interpret their person versus the idea of being clothed. Ethius just goes to the direct option for resolution, as is how he does. He repositions himself to some weird personal criteria of his, as if wanting to stand where line of sight is best impeded between himself and... the refugees? As good a guess as any, as there's discussions about how and in what way anyone might listen to anything, as Riese appears to accept what he has to say. "Your offer is noted," he say - but there does seem to be some level of evasiveness to his positioning and choice of words, isn't there? As Jay clarifies Kaguya's position, Ethius turns his head with that stare of his. The look of a man who seems inclined to disagree, to raise some sort of counterpoint... but ultimately does not, looking away, to see Lydia look listless and disturbed. "Is it not to your liking, Miss Lydia?" Ethius asks, in that tone of voice that always sounds like he's reading off a script. A hand goes to his forehead, yet again. "...I believed that would have resolved your concern... nonetheless." Ethius straightens out. "I would like to secure copies of local literature," great, they have INFINITE COPIES OF "beyond the biography of Lord Mi'ihen," oh, nevermind then. "I believe the refugees would appreciate access to their local scripture. I am in possession - by spoken word, I confess - of several tales as regards modern day famous Guardian Auron, which I would not mind sharing for purposes of maintaining this tale in circulation." It's a strange thing for him to be fixated upon, but those who were with him on some of the Luca Market forays may recall he had an odd knack for being able to pick up stories he'd never heard of prior.

<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.

"I do not think the Guard are in much position to criticize you at this point," Noeline remarks, and you can tell she's hiding some irritation in the way she's so prim with her words. "You never stopped watching out for the people of Adlehyde, even after everything. I would say the Guard have rather squandered what goodwill they managed to generate."

There are happier things to think of, at least, and Noeline lets the subject go just as quickly to chuckle as she offers both arms around Riesenlied's waist in a more full embrace. "We'll simply have to find you some robes big enough, I suppose," she teases. "Or else just a blanket that we can throw over you." Her smile is genuine - as much as she might be worried about Riesenlied's degredation, or the potential side effects of an Accession, she is at least firmly confident in the knowledge that she'll be at her partner's side.

Ethius' motion makes Noeline blink in genuine surprise, and then bark out an astonished laugh. She doesn't say any more about it, but that reaction is surely enough - and the way she grins lopsidedly in a mixture of brief concern and amusement, reaching down a little to pat the shaman on the head in a 'there, there' sort of motion.

"All I can suggest is to be careful," she notes instead to Catenna and Jay in equal measure; she has ample evidence of the alchemist not being that on too often an occasion. "And make sure you have a safe route away from any meeting with them. Perhaps it is just my own pessimism at work, but even so... at this point, it is definitely better safe than sorry."

Ethius' request is a second surprise, and she lightly raises her eyebrows. Ethius picking up local literature to learn from it is something she might have expected. Making sure it's distributed to keep morale up, not so much - but she grins in the wake of it, and lightly nods. "I've a few things of my own I'd like to look up, and I do agree. It may be that we can have a word with Rin and see about getting some of his back stock, for a start."

<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.

Riesenlied nods quietly to Catenna, though flushing a bit at her tease towards Lydia. They can only do so much, and to try to have too many fingers in machination may do more harm than it does good... it is something she long knows about. But they've spoken of their plans and how best to proceed...

"I can provide children's stories too, since I've got a couple the children of Kilika wanted me to read," she offers to Ethius, nervously. At the very least, it's heartwarming to her to see him offer kindness to Lydia. She's leaning back against Noeline as she tries to relax.

But then...

"I'd... like to eat, I think. The children are waiting for us, and..." She looks to Catenna again. "... I--I'll try... a mildly spicy curry this time. I know I can do it!"

uh oh.