2017-05-22: The Shepherd and the Fiends

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<This scene takes place following Knights in the Nightmare.>
<Pose Tracker> Sorey has posed.

The city of Adlehyde had been a peaceful, welcoming place for the Shpeherd and his companions when they had first arrived. Sorey had enjoyed the time he had spent here, although it was hardly someplace he would have called 'home' seeing as it was on a different world. But despite that, it had been a place he had enjoyed visiting.

And now... it was in flames.

Upon arriving in the city, Sorey had immediately set to work pulling people out of the madness. The fact that there was at least an area outside the city that was being secured by some sort of... well, pirates in large red robots at least gave him some hope that people were pulling together in the face of this attack. But they weren't able to get inside the city to help, and that left Drifters who were willing to brave the fighting to pull people out.

Sorey had thrown himself into that role again and again, making forays into the city to help find people trapped by the fighting and leading them to safety. By now he was soot stained and tired - running battles with Metal Demons had been pushing the Shepherd to his limit, but even outside the city at the safe camp, Sorey felt like he could hear people crying out for help even as he rested. And so here he is again, pushing himself to try and save a few more people.

If not for his Seraph friends, he wasn't sure he'd even have made it this far. But the Shepherd runs through the wreckage and flames, looking for one more group of people he can possibly save...

As for whom he actually runs into...

Matilda Whitehead has arrived.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Edna has posed.

For the most part, Edna is dwelling inside of Sorey. If he wants her to do something, he can Armatize and do it himself. ... Okay she's not THAT mean. There are a few moments in which she comes out to help move rubble and wreckage, and help drive off any hostiles. But once the job was done, she ws right back inside the Shepherd.

No point in running about when Sorey can do all the running for her, right?


<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

EARLIER, as the skies filled with fire.

The hood and mask aren't on yet. Rose, and the Sparrowfeathers, are pulling out. Hurried packing meant leaving a lot of valuable wares behind at the Fairgrounds, but there wasn't much choice. Running, though... running left a bitter taste on the merchant's lips, and on someone else's lips too.

"Hey. You're not going to miss this chance, are you?"

A voice she can't hear, as Rose gathers the core of the group into the same caravan amidst the chaos. The Seraph in black tips his hat back with a grin, sending a blast of wind towards approaching Metal Demons, keeping them away from the caravan he's standing on.

"You already have a list. You can use the chaos the trim it."

And that was true. Rose shook her head, not hearing the voice still, but taking on its intent. "Eguille. Have half of the men escape the city to make it look like we blitzed. The other half are coming with me. We can't just leave people to die... and a lot of those folks don't deserve to escape. They'll prioritize their lives and their riches over the people."

"We'd be fools not to use this chance."


It had started. The Scattered Bones, half of them anyway, had deployed to the reaches of Adlehyde, trying their best to move unseen, to attract minimal Metal Demon attention, and to reach the people on their list before they could escape, adding to the ongoing chaos.

Inside her dwells the Wind Seraph, Dezel. He hasn't taken over or anything like that, but he wasn't going to let his vessel charge into a horde of Metal Demons without SOME supervision either. It was a subtle way to get around too. That way he wouldn't be seen supporting the assassins. Being visible to some people on Filgaia had forced him to change his methods a bit.

The downside is that doing this made Rose's Resonance stand out more, shifting from its normally concealed nature to a full-on spiritual pressure, as some Seraphim might describe it. It was different enough to avoid recognition due to his presence, but it was there.

It's from a rooftop that the leader of the assassins spots the Shepherd, stopping to stare down towards him. "Heh, figures. You're going to run yourself ragged, Sorey," she comments to herself, bringing a hand up to her head in exasperation.

<Pose Tracker> Hiro has posed.

There have been so many acts of heroism here in Adlehyde today. So many that the majority of them will be lost, never to be written down. Tales never to be told, but heroes all the same- their sacrifices not diminished.

But despite all of this, the city feels like a lost cause.

Adlehyde burns. Metal Beasts prowl the streets. The fate of it's King is unknown.

Even if all the reinforcements turn the tide even if it's Princess manages to rally its defenders back and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat... nothing will change the fact that today feels like a tragedy.


"Be very- very- quiet..."

The footsteps of the Hunter-Killer Metal Demon pounded about just out of sight and above them- as the huddled refugees tried not to make a peep. The only sound, the softest whimper out of Ruby's lips as she curled around her charge and tried to keep a fortunately very exhausted baby calm.

Fortunately someone must have answered those silent prayers- whether it be the Guardians, or Althena- because the titanic footsteps became more distant with every passing moment until they couldn't be heard at all.

Then they waited. And waited longer- the only sounds crackling flames and distant screams.

"Alright. Let's move..." Hiro's grip on the handles of the small two wheeled horse cart tightened, and he started to roll it forward. Inside, was the inert red-cloaked, eternally blue-haired form of the Lord of Calamity- eyes closed. The only signs that she was alive was the slow rise and fall of her chest. Beside her, was a tiny horse trough, filled with hay. The baby was bundled up inside there, Ruby curled up around it.

Of the other refugees there were only about a half-dozen, the ages ranging from the old to another tot who at least had enough comprehension and fear of the situation to remain quiet. Most of them shell shocked by everything that had happened, but compliant in the realization that this was there only chance out.

"Everyone stay close to your assigned guardian uh- Ragnell you may need to stay close to them instead." They were following the buddy system. Two with Jean, two with Lemina, two who were supposedly assigned to someone invisible. They didn't question that they just followed behind the cart.

The wooden cart wheels were perhaps the best sign that someone was coming- muffling even the footsteps of the others. But then there was light chatter, "The fairgrounds are overrun- found that out when I got seperated- if we can make a wide berth around them then we might stand a..."

Hiro comes around the corner of the block, and that horse cart instantly halts, because they just came around it right into the view of Sorey. "...chance." Frankly Hiro looks like hell, his tunic has been burned away revealing scored chainmail beneath it, he's bandaged all over- and has a nasty bruise on his jaw. "Oh hell!" That's Ruby standing up straight in the cart, pink fur arching backwards. A baby starts to fuss... but hasn't quite devolved into sobbing.

Hiro swallows, though he lets go of one of the cart handles just in case, "Sorey." He swallows, holding up that free hand, eyes flickering sidelong towards the only partially visible shape beside him, then looking up- at Rose, "Everyone... just stay calm. I'm sure they can be reasonable about this." And yet he remembers Corwynt- attacking him, even as a Quarter Knight devastated the fairgrounds. "I hope."

<Pose Tracker> Lemina Ausa has posed.

Lemina copes poorly with tension -- but she doesn't outright sabotage it. After all, she wants to live, too. She wears the mantle of 'refugee-saver' uneasily, her shoulders tense and her body language hunched; she's kind of worn herself out. A lot of big magic without a break to eat is always a disaster.

She stays close to the cart, gripping her bow and giving a small gesture forward with it as she sticks behind Hiro. She's quiet, which is its own small miracle. ... she's seen a lot of things she doesn't want to talk about tonight.

And speaking of things she doesn't want to talk about, here's one more!

When the group encounters Sorey, Lemina's shoulders just sag. Hiro's comment about reasonability manages to get something out of her that isn't fatigue at last -- unfortunately, it's snide bullshit, because a zebra can't change its stripes.

"Yeah, because everything we've seen up until now one hundred percent attests to that," she mutters under her breath, letting out a long sigh. ... the Junior Premier does seem to recognize that she's too Lemina to take point on this one, though, because she doesn't actually shout anything rude, or even snide, at the Shepherd.

Instead, she gives a look back toward Jean. Hopefully she's doing all right -- Lemina saw a new side of her tonight, after all...

<Pose Tracker> Jean has posed.

Jean is here as much as she can be here, and on her trip back from the castle she's been encouraging and warm to the refugees in her care, apparently carefree. Apparently, anyway; it cracks at the seams despite herself, her gaze staring a little too deeply into nothing at all and her smiles sliding away into troubled, pensive looks.

It's not as reassuring as she would like, and nor is her appearance. It gets easier for those following her after they see her fight, but mostly...

That she's still even walking with as blood-soaked as she is in her dancer's garb. Her leg is hastily bandaged, her legs still red with it, and that's only the worst of it. As for her bare feet, she doesn't seem to care about the things she steps on that render that unfortunate, too.

"Come on, you two. I've got you."

She has a lot of other things, too; the fire all around rages even when she closes her eyes. Are there fewer screams now? Jean can't tell. But she knows the feeling pulsing through her, remembers the battle...

She's shaking her head when the cart halts and immeiately halts herself. "...Well, Hiro, it was a good plan."

"Right... Calm." Jean's eyes latch onto Rose in her assassin's garb, noting the symbol. When Lemina looks at her she's wary, but other times she's looked at her she's... not doing particularly well.

"I didn't know the Shepherd kept company with assassins," she says to both, sounding if anything... angry.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Ragnell knew, just from seeing Zed at work, that Metal Demons were strong--but she had no idea that the Quarter Knights were THAT strong. She loves herself a good battle, but she's less fond of dying meaninglessly. When an opportunity to escape arose, she took it, as did the Vile Fiends. Now, after some possible diversions that we'll remains conveniently vague about, Ragnell follows Hiro and the others out of the city. She's running ragged after the beating she took during that battle, but being a Seraph means she has healing artes. She's doing a bit better--and she'll have done what she can to help the others, too.

There's nothing she could do about Lucia, though--which is more than a little troubling, for a variety of reasons.

"Got it," she says to Hiro, curtly, of the two refugees she's to be looking over, a pair of sisters or maybe close friends, who're maybe ten or twelve at the oldest. Her jaw sets grimly when she looks at them--it seems like they've been separated from their family(ies?), but they're remaining as calm as can be possible in the situation. It gives her a lot of mixed feelings, and to distract herself, she murmurs to Lemina, "No point in complainin'. Let's just do what we can."

Then she shakes her head and focuses on the matter at hand. When the Metal Demon leaves and they start to advance forward, she glances around, keeping an eye on their rear and in the skies. Because of that, she sees a shadow up above before she sees the Shepherd--a masked figure in dark raiments, standing on a nearby rooftop. Ragnell aims a gun at them, but refrains from firing, at first to avoid giving away their position, but then because she feels that person's Resonance. Her eyes widen slightly. ...she recognizes this presence.

With a small frown, she lowers her gun. Then she hears Sorey's name, and Ragnell shoots him a look--one that then slides over to Jean, eyebrows furrowed, when she accuses him of keeping company with assassins.

Meanwhile, if he's so inclined, Dezel might notice that Ragnell has a new hat. It has a feather on one side and a pair of large rings on the other in the ribbon circling the brim. ...Maybe she decided to upgrade after seeing his?

<Pose Tracker> Sorey has posed.

In the end, heroism isn't about if your story is told or not. It's what happens when no one else knows what you did, except maybe for the people that you helped. Sorey had seen soldiers holding a line so civilians who didn't even know they were being protected could get away, and if that wasn't heroism, what was?

Unaware that he's being shadowed by the Shattered Bones, or the fact that Rose is the one who is tracking him, the Shepherd has kept on moving through the city. Edna's help has been appreciated, especially with Lailah working to help heal back at the safe camp and Mikleo... well, dragon sitting outside the city. No sense in letting Odjn get caught up in this, something Riesenlied will probably appreciate later on.

But when he rounds the corner and sees a cart being escorted by the Vile Fiends, Sorey stops for a moment. He narrows his eyes for a moment... and he can *tell* that Lucia is with them, probably in that cart. The malevolence was unmistakable.

On the other hand Sorey hasn't noticed that he has someone watching from above yet either, while Hiro has. This could make for a rather exciting conversation.

But almost instinctively, Sorey's hand settles on the hilt of his sword. It's the hand on the side where his weapon is sheathed, although he has a knack for being able to draw it from that side... he doesn't know if the FIENDS know about that, however.

"Hiro. Lemina. Jean." Sorey's acknowledgement of the three is curt, but not hostile. These were people that he had gotten along with before he knew their relationship to the Lord of Calamity. And then he asks the charged question which is sure to put people on edge. He doesn't really *want* to, not in the middle of all this. But he has to. He's the Shepherd, and this is his duty.

"Is she with you?"

And then Jean's comment, and Sorey turns to look around as best he can without taking his eye off of the Fiends. He can't see Rose from where he is, so all Jean's comment get's in reply is a startled "What are you...?"

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"I'm not with him," Rose replies to Jean almost immediatly, lowering her voice intentionally. It's not Batman-levels of cringe inducing but it's pretty obviously a way to camouflage her voice and tone. She steps forward, towards the edge of the roof, closer to the now gathered crowd around the cart carrying Lucia, before she... sits down? Yep, just sits down, right there on the edge of the roof, swinging her legs back and forth merrily.

"Please don't stop on my account. I'm not here for either parties. I'm here for both." A harsh glare towards Hiro, Jean and Lemina, after examining the unconscious Lucia from afar.

"If the Lord of Calamity were truly detrimental to the people, it'd be the Scattered Bones' job to kill her while she's vulnerable," she explains, blunt, forward, without hiding her intentions. Then her eyes, under the mask, turn towards Sorey, with equal harshness in the look.

"And if the Shepherd were to be conducting a witch hunt without basis on the sole belief a title makes one evil and in need of purification, then it'd be the Scattered Bones' job to kill him."

The assassin's hands gather behind her head, adopting a relaxed position from the safety of her perch. Still, that presence around her, the way the wind is unusually still, it's like she's waiting to spring forward. "So please. Continue as if I wasn't there."

Dezel notes Ragnell's new hat. He would tip his hat in respect if he were not currently both in hiding and also without his hat.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Edna has posed.

"Oh great."

Edna's voice echoes inside of Sorey's mind. She's seeing what he sees, and this sight isn't particularly good right about now. There's a sigh, and then a pulse of golden light that shoots out of the Shepherd that flutters next to him. It expands, flashing to reveal Edna as she takes corporeal form. At least for those who can actually see her. Which should be just about all the Vile Fiends. Just about.

"Still following that bunch around, I see, Ragnell." The earth seraph murmurs as she opens up her umbrella and sets it against a shoulder. There's a glance about at the ruined street, then above at the assassin, whose resonance clearly places her as someone they know. Blue eyes narrow briefly at that, but then she looks back over to the cart, a smirk slowly forming.

"Enjoying the party, I see." Yes, because this is totally a wonderful little tea party. Those screams are screams of joy, shhhh. And those Metal Demons rampaging are part of a circus act. Totally. "Now... how is this little fateful meeting going to proceed, huh?"

Rose says her piece, and Edna quirks a brow. "Wow. Look at this one. All ready to exact her own brand of justice on the world." Icy blue eyes narrow, then close as she turns away. "You sure know how to pick em, Sorey." And she doesn't elaborate.

<Pose Tracker> Hiro has posed.

Lemina definitely had a point, as Hiro flinched at the comment. But- "Right now it's pretty much our only shot Lemina." Given the wringer they've been run through. A fight right now would not go well. Ruby does a little dance over her spot, before putting her soft pink pawsie up against the baby. "Shh- shh- don't cry cutie... go back to sleep. Aunt Ruby's not going to let anything happen."

Jean may get this chagrined look as she mentions that, a mildly apologetic look, even if he really doesn't have anything to apologize for since random Shepherd encounters are unpredictable. But then Jean says something, and Hiro follows her eyes back up to Rose- suddenly, extremely tense.

Sorey's curt tone causes him to meet the Shepherd's eyes with this sort of impassive look, like it was making him more tense with every passing moment. While he was trying to remain upbeat, this had been a really bad day. Lucia right behind him- unconscious, unwakable even after healing spells was evidence enough of that.

And she's also the Shepherd's subject of conversation.

He doesn't answer exactly where she is, right away. He may be optimistic, but he's not dumb. Jean had pointed out that the woman on the rooftops was an assassin with the high ground. "Lucia put her life on the line to try to protect the King of Adlehyde." More accurately, the Tear. "And was gravely wounded. She's gone through more than enough for one day."

Maybe he should invoke that Ragnell saw it all, but he had a feeling the Seraph wouldn't appreciate that, so he doesn't just yet.

Rose's words surprise him though, "Huh. That's... way more reasonable than I expected." Perhaps he was used to people attacking them in insane situations thanks to Althena's Guard. Still it doesn't lull him out of his wariness.

But there's another voice joining them- an unfamiliar one to him in Edna, and he's not quite certain he can pick out where it's coming from. "This is a party to you? Because I don't think the rest of us are having any fun at all." "Hiro don't provoke her, she's..._" Ruby trails off, "...that's just her way." She remembers her fight with Zed after all.

"Look Sorey. Just look around you- we're in the middle of a warzone. Althena's Guard might have their priorities all wrong in this situation, but I bet you understand what's more important here." After a moment, he gestures to the two huddled sisters that were with Ragnell, "And these people have nothing to do with what's going on between us. If you can't let it slide for Lucia... then can you let it go for them? If we do this here- then they might lose their only chance to get out of this mess and keep on living their lives."

<Pose Tracker> Lemina Ausa has posed.

"I know, I know," is all Lemina gives Ragnell. She's, frankly, too tired to argue... but on the other hand she's ultimately not the kind of person to leave unattended civilians on ass in a war zone. She makes an okay leader, though she's definitely more watching everyone else's cues as they make their way out than anything else.

Rose makes her intentions -- or at least the intentions of the Scattered Bones -- plain, and Lemina pulls a completely ridiculous face. "Well Lucia's no harm to anyone -- except maybe, you know, good taste..." she answers, subtly moving toward the Lucia-cart. "So maybe look over at the Shepherd instead, okay?"

Edna says something that diverts her attention though. "Jeez, can't you take anything seriously? This is mega-bad..." she mumbles, totally failing to take Ruby's advice regarding provoking Edna.

When Hiro explains the situation, Lemina just nods to him, then looks to Sorey. "We're just trying to help people, you mega-stooge," she appends, which is ironically the least helpful thing she could possibly say.

Jean's anger just gets a slightly helpless expression. Lemina... isn't really sure how to approach Jean right now, really.

<Pose Tracker> Jean has posed.

The dancer doesn't response to Hiro's chagrined look. Not this time.

Jean's eyes flick briefly to Sorey as the Shepherd sets a hand on his sword, though she makes no move of her own save to set a hand up to make sure her refugees don't try to move from here for the moment. Hopefully they'll move past the cart, rather than rush into danger.

Regardless, Jean is watching Rose within an instant, hearing Sorey's question. Her jaw sets as it's asked.

Jean doesn't bother answering Sorey at first. Instead she looks at Rose who answers her. A tilt of her head as she spots the obvious, and then she stares back at that glare. Jean's hands remain at her sides, loose and ready for action. She doesn't look like much herself; just a dancer covered in blood, which admittedly might make the difference.

Edna gets a look, and it's the sort of look that suggests 'what's with you, anyway?' without having to go into words. There's something odd about her but Jean doesn't have time to care about it.

"Right, an honest one," Jean answers Rose. "...I don't think you should kill either. You don't have the right."

It might sound reasonable to Hiro, but Jean is checking for obstructions in her path to Lucia as he talks to Sorey.

"...Help what people we can," she agrees with Lemina. "I won't allow more bloodshed than there has to be right now."

Bold words, given how completely wrecked she is.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

Huh. Ragnell peers at the assassin as she sits down on the edge of the roof, swinging her legs back and forth like a little kid. Hhhuh. Huh. Gun still in hand, she lifts the brim of her hat a bit to get a better look; then she frowns, listening, as the assassin explains that she's here to judge who is right and who is wrong. Interesting... she thinks. Equally interesting: Jean telling the assassin that she has no right to kill. Yet that power she used on Harken... Hm, hm, hm. Ragnell then pulls her hat down, briefly hiding her eyes from view, and lets her hands settle at her sides. She doesn't put her weapons away just yet, though.

It's true that Ragnell saw and can attest to the truth of what Hiro says. Whether she'd appreciate being put on the spot like that or not is another matter, but since he doesn't actually ask her to back him up, she keeps her mouth shut (on that matter, anyway) and lets the so-called Fiends have their say on their own. She does snort when Lemina makes that crack about Lucia and good taste, though.

Edna takes this moment to materialize outside of Sorey's body. Ragnell's gaze ticks over to her, and she half-smiles and gives her a nod. "Evenin' to you too, Edna," she drawls wryly. Still? "Yup, sure am." More or less, anyway--she only managed to catch up with them the day before the invasion, but Edna wouldn't know that, and Ragnell sees no point in clarifying. Hiro's outrage and Lemina's annoyance at her attitude gets each a frown, though. "Don't worry 'bout Edna," she tells them. Ruby weighs in, and Ragnell nods in agreement. "She's just bein' herself, is all."

To Sorey, she says nothing, only meets his eyes (or attempts to) with a steady, unwavering look across the square. She makes no attempt to offer an explanation for her being with the Vile Fiends, but she doesn't feel she has anything to apologize for or hide, anyway.

Next to her, the young sisters-or-friends huddle closer together, confused about what's going on and not daring to even try to bring attention to themselves by asking.

<Pose Tracker> Sorey has posed.

Well that complicates things, doesn't it? The assassins again - given their last encounter, Sorey was not particularly impressed with them. His hand tightens on the hilt of his sword for a moment as he hears that same assassin speak, declaring that she's here to pass judgment on everyone here. He was... getting a little tired of this.

"...it seems like a lot of people from Lunar seem to think that they have the right to put people on trial in one way or another," Sorey states quietly, closing his eyes for a moment. He can feel that bone deep exhaustion that comes from having overworked yourself badly, but he pushes it down as Edna speaks to him quietly, and then makes herself manifest. "First the Trial Knight, and twice now you've acted as if you're some sort of judge, jury, and executioner..."

There is a quiet rasp as Sorey draws his sword, and he steps around... and holds it out sideways, standing between the Scattered Bones assassin and the Vile Fiends. He looks at Edna for a moment and states quietly, "I'm not sure if this is the best time to try and lighten the situation..." Well, Sorey shakes his head. There's not a lot you can do about Edna, who will just be herself no matter what. There was something reassuring about that.

But his eyes turn, and he looks up at the Scattered Bones assassin. At Rose, although he has no way to know she is the one confronting him. "I think you are the one making assumptions here!" he calls out, his eyes narrowing. "Even the Lord of Calamity doesn't deserve to die, no matter what the Guard may be saying - I've made my stance on that clear from the beginning. But that doesn't mean that she shouldn't be purified to keep the rest of the world safe from her dark power!"

Sorey grits his teeth for a moment, and his swords comes down slightly - for a moment it feels almost too heavy to hold up, after the exhaustion of the last day. And he looks over his shoulder, and states, "So she was badly hurt then?" That's probably why he's not hearing her calling out for his power like she did last time, whatever that was about.

Alisha Diphda has left.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Edna has posed.


This little situation isn't improving whatsoever. At the various reactions to Edna being... well, Edna; she just smirks a little and shrugs her shoulders. Too bad, so sad. She's not gonna change for anyone. Her droopy gaze and slight smirk endure, even as Sorey draws his blade and takes a stance. "So we're really going to do this?"

The Earth Seraph sighs and lowers her umbrella from her shoulder, closing it up. "Well, it's your call, Sorey. I don't really care one way or the other." She moves and stands back to back with him, taking a vaguely ready stance as well. "You've got a brain in there. You can use it to make the decisions you think you need to. I'm just tagging along until you fulfill your promise."

She says that so casually too, her eyes settling on Lemina. "What's wrong? Not having fun? And I thought the screams of pain, the screeching metal, and the sweltering flames made for a fine backdrop to this tea party." The sarcasm is dripping from her dour tone with every word. Jean gets a glance, and then Ruby gets another, but Edna says nothing. She just smirks in her usual tired looking, dour sort of way.

"Well, you heard him. No one's dying, but the Lord of Calamity needs to be purged of her malevolence. What an impasse." Her eyes roll.

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"Everyone has the right to make the world a better place," Rose answers Jean, snapping back to attention from her casual posture. "But not everyone has the will or ability to do it, so people like us are necessary." With some thought, she adds: "We don't kill if we decide there's another way. So that's on you to convince us."

Which, to be fair, they've already done partly. So the Lord of Calamity acted selflessly to save people? That's a point in her favor. The presence of all these people, too, makes it really unlikely Rose could do what she claims she might have come to do.

It's Sorey who gets all the frowns under that mask.

"You're one to talk about putting people on trial, Shepherd! Purified this, save the world that. Do you have evidence anything needs to happen to her? Hard and concrete proof beyond legends?"

There is some absurdity to the situation. Even Dezel picks up on it. She's potentially defending the Lord of Calamity now, and opposing the Shepherd, although somewhat begrudgingly. But like Lemina said, at least for the time being it looked like Lucia was as willing to put her life on the line as anyone else.

The assassin sighs. "What a mess. What I know is, it's not the Lord of Calamity that set this city ablaze, and stalling here is only reducing these people's chance to leave the city. So Shepherd, how about helping them through and worrying about this another day?"

<Pose Tracker> Hiro has posed.

Hiro thinks Lucia is very stylish and cuts a sharp figure in her outfit. He does not however say that to Lemina. He does wince at her provoking Edna and insulting the Shepherd- but frankly doesn't blame her for being done after a day like today. There's just this sharp inhalation of breath as he tries to keep the cart balanced with a hand.

And while he agrees with Jean that someone shouldn't kill... well right now an assassin that's not just after them for money is way more reasonable than he'd expect. Not after Leo's Right Hand Man started pummeling him while he was trying to go to the aid of people beset by one of the Quarter Knights and Zed.

He addresses Jean and Lemina evenly, "There's not going to be any more bloodshed. Sorey's not going to put what he thinks is his duty over innocent lives." Whereas Edna- well he can't see her, but his gaze sharpens, even after being admonished by Ragnell.

Again, it was a fool's hope but... Sorey was the Shepherd. He had to believe that meant something. He had to believe the guy he met in those ruins wouldn't do that.

When Sorey replies to Rose though about putting people on trial. He finds himself actually agreeing with Rose. "She's right." Words he never thought he'd say, but doesn't know he's saying every day in 'The Assassin is right.'

Isn't that what you're doing Sorey? Putting her on trial just because of a feeling? The malevolence you've felt from her... it's a curse- placed upon her by something greater than you know. I was there when it happened. That malevolence hasn't created a single Hellion and it sure hasn't been the reason behind what's happening on this world."

He sounds tired, exhausted, "She's suffering too, each and every day. Enduring that curse and all that malevolence. It almost killed her before one of us managed to alleviate it a bit. But if I let you purify her- and she's unable to complete her mission. Then what happens? Our world- both worlds. They might suffer way more. The fact that you don't want to kill her- well it means a lot to me."

His shoulders straighten some, "But you're passing judgement too, on something you and I don't understand- something none of us do, except maybe her, and she's not able to speak for herself right now. I understand you don't want to be known as the Shepherd who let the Lord of Calamity and her dark powers run rampant when people write stories about you. But-" There's a pregnant pause and then he eyes Sorey across the gap, "-if you do this, then soon there might not be any stories left to write- because the real Destroyer is out there. And I believe Lucia is the only one that can stop it."

Exhaling the breath he doesn't even know he's holding, "But right now, let's say you don't believe me. Don't believe any of it. Still feel you have a duty to purge her." He stops for a moment and, "Then I guess one day a reckoning between us is inevitable- but let's not let it be right now. All these people, they're going to suffer if we have it here. You're too good a person to let that happen, Sorey. So what's it going to be?"

<Pose Tracker> Lemina Ausa has posed.

When Jean fires off a comment at the assassin in the wings, Lemina gives it a follow-up nod. She doesn't feel qualified to comment on the situation, but she'll happily back Jean up on this one.

She does feel qualified to offer her take on Sorey's question -- but frankly, even if she knows on some level that Edna is probably just memeing out and not actually an awful person, right now she isn't in the mood to put up with that particular brand of humor. Normally she'd be all for it, of course -- but her human suffering tolerance limit has been passed. "Yeah, and your jokes are real mega-classy," she fires off.

... and then Hiro presses the issue with Sorey. Lemina elects to stand clear rather than intervene in that conversation. Instead, she ends up giving the assassin, of all people, a quick, "... see, someone gets it..."

<Pose Tracker> Jean has posed.

Jean wouldn't be thrilled if Ragnell brought up what she used on Harken right now. ...Or at all, really. But it's in her own mind as she speaks, as she does everything here right now.

"There are plenty of ways to make the world a better place that don't involve murder!" Jean snaps at Rose before cutting herself off, looking to the side and drawing in a pained breath--probably because of her wounds already suffered. She glances at Edna, smirking next, full of sarcasm, and if anything that description makes things worse on her.

She looks back up again, and by then Rose is... on their side, apparently. The assassin defending them. Jean looks if anything confused. But ah... Another day.

"She's right," Jean chimes in, leaning with her hand briefly on the cart before she forces herself up and away from it.

"And yes, she's badly hurt. I don't care about judgement right now. But if you can differ from the Guard on that much..." A shake of her head.

She looks to Hiro; she listened to everything he said, and the's a moment of sympathy and then... resolve.

She leaves the rest of the talking to Hiro, for the moment, though she does glance once to Lemina when she pipes up.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

So Sorey doesn't appreciate being put on trial and judged, huh. One side of Ragnell's mouth pulls to one side, neither up or down, for an instant. However, when Rose counters Sorey by asking if he has concrete proof that he needs to purify Lucia, Ragnell snorts and laughs. Some things, you can't do anything but laugh at. Hiro chimes in, though, and Ragnell falls silent, listening what he has to say. She'd been long wondering about Lucia and her banner of Malevolence, but hadn't ever gotten a chance to ask about it. She still has questions, but... now's not the time for them. After all, Rose is right in that now is not really the best time to argue about these kinds of things.

Also not the best time: a sass-off between Edna and Lemina. Ragnell shakes her head and shrugs. Well, if Lemina wants to have a go at Edna, she's not gonna stop her. Edna can fire her own shots back if needed. For now, after a glance at Jean and her heated response to the assassin, Ragnell holds her tongue and waits to see how Sorey responds.

<Pose Tracker> Sorey has posed.

It seems like they're at crossed purposes her, although part of the problem here is none of them can FEEL the malevolence coming off Lucia. More than Sorey has ever felt in one place before. And while Hiro might have something of an explanation... was it the truth, or was he just covering for the woman he obviously cared about?

It was a hard question, and the general discussion here, in this location, was not really helping matters all that much. There were a lot of people here, and there was even more chaos around them. But Sorey takes his sword and shealths it, before looking back at Hiro for a long moment. "If she's hurt, I'm not sure that removing such a large amount of malevolence wouldn't actually do serious damage, or even kill her. And as I've said before, I've no desire to kill her. I'm not the Guard - all I have to go on are my own senses. I know that you can't feel it, but the malevolence coming off her is like a storm. I trust that all three of you are good people - when we worked together before, that was the impression that I had, and I think that's protecting you from the malevolence she puts off."

And Sorey walks towards them, standing right in front of Hiro and looking him in the eyes. He looks at Lemina, and then Jean. All three of them are battered and tired, and he can tell they've had a rougher time of it than he has. But as Sorey's eyes meet with Hiro's brown ones once more, the Shepherd still looks determined.

"I'm not going to fight any of you today - that's not why I'm here. I'm trying to get people out of this city before they are hurt. But you're asking me to trust you with a great deal... and both what I know, her actions, and your own make that very hard. The Lord of Calamity isn't the source of all malevolence, I know that. But they are tied to it, and there was no malevolence before Lucia came to this world. Malevolence comes from people - can you say for sure that the curse on her isn't causing Filgaia to suffer these problems?"

Another look, this time at Lemina. "What about what she said during our last encounter, wanting my power? Has she ever explained that? Why she wants to take away the power of one of the few people who can fight the Lord of Calamity?"

Another look at Jean. "...and then there is this city." Sorey looks at all three of them again. "Zed and that other warrior who helped you. I didn't want to believe it myself, but you realize that there will be people who've seen you with them, and will think that you helped the Metal Demons plot this attack?"

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"We can argue about methods and their necessity another time," Rose tells Jean from her perch, not seeming that offended by his remark. And she meant it too. Some other day, she'll find them again and they can discuss this entire mess over tea and biscuits. Or at knife point? It'll depend on her mood and the situation, really! Plus what happens inbetween now and then.

With Sorey backing down and showing he can put helping people before being the Shepherd, Rose seems satisfied. That's what she wanted to see. That Sorey'll never be so driven by his need to "purify" the world that he'll be able to ignore people's suffering right in front of him.

<As if Malevolence alone made someone evil. Tch.> Dezel grumbles to himself, in a voice that despite being in Rose's head she still can't hear. No, he's not biased in the slightest, what would make you say that? Is it the fact if Rose wasn't the purest of vessels Dezel would probably already have succumbed to his own inner demons? Perish the thought.

Rose hops off the roof, landing by the cart, Sorey, and by extension Jean, Hiro and Lemina. She's unarmed, putting her hands up to show she means it. "If you're going to keep arguing, at least do it while moving. I don't mind escorting you for a while as apology for pouring oil into the fire, but you're on your own when we reach the city limits.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Edna has posed.

Sorey's made his decision. Edna shrugs and opens her umbrella back up, setting it against her shoulder as she relaxes. "It's funny. They've got enough resonance to see me. Most of them. But not enough to feel how horrid it is around that woman." Her eyes close. "Ignorance really is bliss." She smiles faintly, but says nothing more on the subject. Lemina's barbs are met with little more than an amused look, but nothing more. Now isn't the time for sass off.

Rose gets another look then. ...She's never expressed being able to see Seraphim, despite having such impressive resonance. ... It's weird. But she doesn't call the assassin out. For one reason or another, she keeps quiet. Malevolence is one thing, but an assassin is a human problem to be solved by humans. That's as far as she cares anyway.

"Right. So you all get to go home free. Just, you know. Watch your backs." She'd chuckle if she had the capacity to. Maybe not at the moment. "But then, I don't need to tell you all that, do I?" A rhetorical question. Edna rolls her eyes and boredly twirls her umbrella against her shoulder slowly, jostling the orange normin doll atop it. What's with that thing anyway?


"So what now, Shepherd? Are we going?" A cursory glance at the surrounding wreckage draws a slow frown from her. "There are likely still stragglers about."

<Pose Tracker> Lemina Ausa has posed.

Now that she has a spare cycle, Lemina notes to Ragnell before anything else, "If that's being herself, she should find someone else to be mega-quick, at least for the next couple days..."

Sorey's comment, though, blindsides her, and keeps her blindsided for its followup. "Sheeee... hhhhhasn't," she says. "Annnnd... yes, but..." She slumps. This is out of her depth in the worst way. She glances back helplessly at the people she's escorting, and then to Rose.

"You don't, no," she notes for Edna, at the rhetorical question. That's all the editorial commentary she has for now, though!

<Pose Tracker> Hiro has posed.

There's a lot of relief when Sorey says he won't do it now, because she's badly injured. Though there is one thing to correct, "That's... no longer true that I don't feel it." He finally offers, "Couldn't before, but every now and then. I get sick." That's, putting it mildly, but he knows that by admitting this won't help his argument. "Started shortly after Alisha and I- fought over a misunderstanding. Then I began to hear Seraphim, and suddenly it just happened."

He's not so naive that he doesn't realizes it's going to get worse, the more sensitive he gets. Sorey walks in front of him, looks him in the eyes, and his brow furrows.

He does raise some good points. And some of it goes back to him thinking about what Agatha told him. So he slowly considers it. "All the places where the malevolence is sprouting up. She was nowhere near them. If she's really the Lord of Calamity- shouldn't her mere presence be creating Hellions of the people who aren't more protected? Are you saying that all the folks she's around each and every day are good people? That all the Hellions are popping up far away from her? I mean think Sorey... do you really think she was responsible for what happened at Lahan? She was trying to stop it."

But Sorey asks Lemina another good question, and at first he instinctually blurts out, "Lucia wouldn't!" But then he reconsiders, and clears his throat, "Look- Lemina didn't see her when she came to Lunar but- before the curse hit her." He straightens, "She was extremely powerful. More powerful than you can imagine. The curse stole it away a lot of that power in an instant. She came from the Blue Star- so maybe she doesn't even know what the Shepherd and the Lord of Calamity even is. The only thing she knew about this world was 'Althena' and that she needed to speak to her. And now she's lost all that power and..." He doesn't know. And it makes him queasy not knowing.

But then his expression hardens, "Look. People can try to spin it whichever way they want to put the blame on us. But we weren't the only ones who had the wool pulled over our eyes. The only way Leo will think we were involved in this is if Corwynt lies to him." Or dies, but somehow he figures that won't happen. "So many people saw Lucia putting her life on the line against them."

But Rose's point settles in quite well and momentarily he looks chagrined. He takes a look behind him at the people who have just been kind of quietly taking in something bigger than any of them- a dispute they have no stake in other than 'Are we going to make it out of this.' He puts his hand down back on the edge of the wagon, "Right. Thanks uh- Miss- uh- don't think I caught your name." "Miss Assassin of Justice." Hiro gives Ruby this look like 'Please not now.' Which leads to Ruby only addressing Edna to say, "You sureeeee don't given how crazy Althena's Guard has been about when they ambush us!"

Sorey hasn't said if he'd be part of the escort group but- he kind of assumes he will be, "Anyhow- Sorey you want to take point? Because uh- no offense but..." He cants his head to the cart where there's a baby and a Lord of Calamity- and a Red Dragonet who might just be a pink cat, "...after all that's happened, I think I should be the one pulling the cart."

<Pose Tracker> Jean has posed.

The green-haired woman stares up at Rose for a moment before inclining her head. "...You're right. It's not the time." Se sounds more tired than upset about it, though she's certainly frustrated. Probably most of what makes her let it go is discipline.

That, and the nausea this setting and probably her blood loss are inflicting on her.

As Sorey talks it out though, Jean warily listens, expecting something else--until he says that they can't feel the Malevolence around Lucia, at which point Jean looks at Hiro and then looks away. Good people, Sorey says...

Ragnell laughed earlier, and Jean finds it would be better to have laughed here.

"Mm..." Sorey makes some points; Jean isn't happy about it, but she can understand some, and others make her wonder. Not enough to abandon her friend, not enough to even consider it, but she had an easier time not understanding Sorey.

Her eyes widen at the thought that others will think they were in league with the Metal Demons. "What...? But we..." She stops, and looks down, immediately starting to understand. "..."

  1. -1 ARGUMENT OUT OF RANGE makes it that much harder.

Hiro pipes up, and now two of them have talked about Malevolence--and quickly three. Hiro explains, and Jean lets him, still wary in part because if she doesn't keep doing something, she really will just fall over. She feels fainter than she'd like. Her training prepared her for this, but even so...

"...I'll take up the back," Jean offers quietly. Are they really not going to fight it out? What does a Corwynt have to do with any of this? And Lahan...

"But," she says, "...I can sense it, too. The aura around Lucia." Her voice is quiet, as she starts towards the back of the group, but not before saying to the two refugees, "I'll look out for both of you, but you should stay up here with the others."

<Pose Tracker> Jean has posed.

The green-haired woman stares up at Rose for a moment before inclining her head. "...You're right. It's not the time." Se sounds more tired than upset about it, though she's certainly frustrated. Probably most of what makes her let it go is discipline.

That, and the nausea this setting and probably her blood loss are inflicting on her.

As Sorey talks it out though, Jean warily listens, expecting something else--until he says that they can't feel the Malevolence around Lucia, at which point Jean looks at Hiro and then looks away. Good people, Sorey says...

Ragnell laughed earlier, and Jean finds it would be better to have laughed here.

"Mm..." Sorey makes some points; Jean isn't happy about it, but she can understand some, and others make her wonder. Not enough to abandon her friend, not enough to even consider it, but she had an easier time not understanding Sorey.

Her eyes widen at the thought that others will think they were in league with the Metal Demons. "What...? But we..." She stops, and looks down, immediately starting to understand. "..."

It makes it that much harder.

Hiro pipes up, and now two of them have talked about Malevolence--and quickly three. Hiro explains, and Jean lets him, still wary in part because if she doesn't keep doing something, she really will just fall over. She feels fainter than she'd like. Her training prepared her for this, but even so...

"...I'll take up the back," Jean offers quietly. Are they really not going to fight it out? What does a Corwynt have to do with any of this? And Lahan...

"But," she says, "...I can sense it, too. The aura around Lucia." Her voice is quiet, as she starts towards the back of the group, but not before saying to the two refugees, "I'll look out for both of you, but you should stay up here with the others."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Ragnell has posed.

"Sorey is right 'bout Lucia's Malevolence," Ragnell chimes in then, matter-of-fact. "An' strictly speakin', Hiro, you got some good points of your own, but all you *really* got on that bein' there 'cuz of a curse is your word. If y'all can't prove that, well... it'll always come right back to this." Though it sounds like Sorey is willing to give the benefit of the doubt of there being a curse, judging by the way he speaks, but there's also all this other stuff Sorey's saying about Lucia apparently wanting his power. That's pretty shady too! And that's not even taking into account the current situation with the Metal Demons. Ultimately, though, just talking about it isn't likely to get anyone anywhere.

But, Sorey also makes it clear he's not going to fight. Ragnell eyes the assassin when she hops down from the top of that building and lands light as a feather, but doesn't remark on it or her offer to escort them out of the city. She does cast a meaningful look Edna's way, though, and also also snorts at Lemina's barb on Edna, but otherwise leaves it at that.

"Lady Mask is right. Let's get goin', then," she says. She strides forward herself to provide some perhaps-needed momentum, though she'll settle into the back with Jean (who looks like she's ready to collapse, Ragnell notes) once the group actually starts moving. "Can't be havin' tea and crumpets all day."

<Pose Tracker> Sorey has posed.

Sorey can see that Hiro is really trying - it's interesting to see the arguments that he reaches for. But the Shepherd can also see that he's grasping at some straws as well, and it's hard to say how things will work out. But Sorey turns slightly and starts walking, an invitation for Hiro and his party to follow them. The assassin gets a close look however - Sorey doesn't really trust them, especially after that whole incident with Alisha.

"No, we'll make sure that they're well away from the city and not apt to be ambushed by any of the Demons that are flying around," Sorey states to the assassin. "If you are intent on helping someone, you shouldn't aim for the bare minimum. I'm not going to turn anyone loose and say 'now you're on your own' until I'm sure they are safe."

Geez Person He Doesn't Know is Rose. Next you'll be saying they need to pay a fee for a cart ride to the safety camp or something.

"I'd appreciate it if you could keep an eye out for any other stranded people on the way, Edna," Sorey states. "We've got a couple more people to help guard them, so we can probably risk a bigger group. Plus..." And he smiles, tilting his head to the side slightly. "If we got ambushed and lost everyone here, we'd have done all this for nothing." And while Edna was gruff and abrasive, but she did care, and that would... probably frustrate her.

It was weird, knowing the person he had been told was a threat to the entire world was just behind him. Sorey closes his eyes, and thinks for a moment...

...he remembers...

...landing on the ground, his ten year old behind stinging from a blow that had come from a completely unexpected direction. Rubbing the bruised spot for a moment, Sorey gave Mikleo (laughing at him from the side of the practice area) a dirty look before standing up and taking his stance again. "That wasn't fair! You used a feint and hit me when I wasn't looking, Master!"

The taller man, one Sorey always remembered as being stern when needed, kindly otherwise, lowered his sword and laughed. "The principal you must remember from sword fighting is that someone may always be hiding their true objective from you." He took a stance, and gestured for Sorey to come at him again.

A moment later Sorey was on the ground again, rubbing his shoulder. His Master looked down at him, and added, "But sometimes what you see is exactly what is there. The true path to mastery is being able to determine when someone is hiding something from you, and when they are telling the truth."


"Ragnell has a point, but now that he's made it, I hope you understand what you need to do if you want to convince me that your Lucia isn't a threat." Sorey looks back at Hiro and the others, and sighs. "This isn't easy for me either - I don't think your Lucia *wants* to destroy the world, but there is no crueler trick I could think of than transforming someone into the Lord of Calamity and allowing them to cause malevolence to appear on any world they visit while they are desperately trying to help."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Edna has posed.


Looks like they're walking side by side with the Vile Fiends. How vile. How fiendish. How... Edna doesn't actually care.

Her eyes meet Sorey's for a moment at the mention of this being all for nothing if they get ambushed, and then she turns her gaze away, walking alongside him. Icy blue eyes narrow. "Maybe." They close for a moment. "I'll do what I can. For now." And so, she extends her senses, as well as control over the earth, feeling for any life signs within the wreckage as they make their way out of the city with the band of refugees they're escorting.

Alongside their MORTAL NEMESES. Well, not actually mortal. More like casual rivals? No, that's not it either. Hm. Well whatever.

"Imagine that. Plant a curse on a well meaning soul and watch the malevolence spread like wildfire." She smirks. "It's so sinister, that I'd believe someone's done it." Edna's Faith in Humanity and Other Things: Zero. So yes, this is believable to her. Not that there is proof, but hey.

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

All the way, Sorey says. The assassin seems surprised.

There's a smile under that mask, and another sigh.

"Fine, then. I'll leave once they're safe according to you. But after that I have other places to be." Whipped, clearly. Rose lets a single moment of softness shine through, just to show her intentions are real.

And no, she isn't ignoring the fact people seem to be talking to thin air. But as long as she has that mask on, as long as she's the leader of the Scattered Bones, she can't allow even a single moment of panic. That mask is a heavy burden but it also lets her function according to Reason rather than emotions. Funny how that works out. And references something!

As people get a move on, Rose is actually fairly quiet. She watches the group's back, listens to what they say about Lucia, without having anything else to add. She's missing context, she feels, on some of those accusations and stories, but she can ask for details another time.

Jean is the one who gets the most looks from the assassin, curious as to why she seemed to critique her methods so quickly, like she had a personal stake in it. It didn't feel like Sorey does - when he opposes killing, he does it from a moral high ground, a life choice he made and never broke - but Jean seemed different somehow and Rose couldn't put her finger on it.

<What a waste of time. We could be out there dealing with ->

<Shut up.> Rose thinks. To herself? She's not sure why she thought that. She ignores it. Right now she just wants to make sure the Shepherd isn't going to be able to weaponize some heroic high ground against her later. He was right, anyway. These people needed an escort to safety, not just out of the city.

<Pose Tracker> Hiro has posed.

Fortunately he gambled on the idea that Sorey is that kind of guy, and was correct in this case. But not just that- but also one willing to go the extra mile. "Thank you." A wave of relief that went up amongst the civilians when Rose offered is all the more palpable now that he's backed down. "Honestly given the day we've had..." Well he doesn't finish, he's doubtful they'd make it. He gives Rose a quick, tired wave of thanks as well, a smile pinched around the edges. "Always can count on you to watch our backs Jean..." He's not surprised when Jean says she can feel it.

Ragnell is unfortunately right. Too right. He really can't be swayed from the idea that it couldn't be the curse after he heard Zophar, saw it being laid upon her. But there's no way he can prove it's existence. He can't even prove Zophar exists. Just like Corwynt thought he was just trying to be a hero out of the stories that inspired him, anyone who hears the name Zophar might just think it's an obscure reference to a cult from long ago and he's just got his head buried too far up his butt.

"You're right. I know what I saw- and heard."

And he sounds tired as the realization settles in, "But I realize my word isn't enough." He didn't have a leg to stand on on his usual honest nature after once lying to get Lucia out of trouble with Leo when she was dying, and introducing himself as 'Alex' to Princess Alisha and the Shepherd over there. "...What if I vouched for what I saw too as a Red Drag-" Ruby takes a good look at Ragnell then cringes and mutters, -on... nevermind, back to where we started."

But he does make a fine point, and Hiro wearily, as he grabs the cart and starts to move considers it for a while. He's quiet, as if mulling it over for a while the sounds are mostly those of him pulling the cart- his eyes darting to where he thinks Edna is when she makes her point as well. Shaking his head for a moment as he tries to throw off the thought. It's disturbing after all. He continues to give it further consideration, "I won't say it's not impossible Sorey. But- if you're wrong."

He says as he stares into the folds of the elaborate white white cape ahead of him, "If you're willing to entertain that possibility, then you need to think about what kind of power out there is playing games like that. What's sending the Shepherd on a wild goose chase to distract from the real problem. ... And what's going to happen if you let it."