Seraph Lailah

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Seraph Lailah
IC Information
Full Name: Seraph Lailah
Gender: Female
Age: Who knows?
Hair Colour: White with Red Ends
Class: The Pure
Role: Drifter
Bounty: 0 gella
OOC Information
Theme: Tales of Zestiria
Groups: Shepherd's Retinue
Player: Tlynn

An ancient fire Seraph, Lailah spent a number of years using the sword in Ladylake as her vessel, waiting for a new Shepherd. That Shepherd would come to be Sorey, a human with a pure heart, whom Lailah is now bound to as his Prime Lord. Along with a number of other seraphim and humans, they have been traveling to world, aiming to quell the overwhelming amount of malevolence within it with purification. Their ultimate goal is to find the Lord of Calamity and defeat him. Because she is one of the older living seraphim she tends to be like a mother figure to others, especially her friends. For all her seriousness though, she also enjoys things like making puns and fortune-telling.


Work in Progress!

Powers and Abilities

Work in Progress!



  • Sorey: The Shepherd! Lailah is his Prime Lord and cares a great deal for him and has known him since his birth. While she allows and wants him to make his own path in life, she also will guide him as necessary.
  • Rose: Lailah is happy that Rose has joined Sorey on their journey. While Rose can be a bit impulsive, Lailah enjoys having her around and feels like it makes Sorey happier.
  • Seraph Edna: She is adorable and her no nonsense approach is what Lailah likes the most about Edna.
  • Seraph Ragnell: Having known Ragnell for awhile now, Lailah feels protective of her but Ragnell has her own agenda and the fire seraph tries not to intervene too much unless it's absolutely necessary.
  • Alisha Diphda: Another human friend of Sorey's. Lailah admires her tenacity and her dedication. However, she does feel like Alisha has to be careful about who she trusts and wants her to be able to keep her own safety and personal interests in mind.
  • Seraph Mikleo: Much like Sorey, Lailah has known him since he was a baby. She enjoys seeing the friendship that he and Sorey have built up over the years.



  • Claude C. Kenny : Unfortunately, he cannot see seraphim and her only interaction with him in any way was due to Ragnell and Rose's provocation. He probably still thinks they're ghosts unless Rose convinces him otherwise.
  • Lily Keil : She has a disturbing amount of malevolence although not as much as Lucia does. They had an interesting talk about it and Lily seems to have insights about it although much is still unknown but Lailah hopes she can keep it under control.



Logs and Cutscenes

Logs and Cutscenes

Chapter 1, Act 1 Logs

Chapter 1, Act 2 Logs

Chapter 1 Cutscenes

*Please note that all logs before 08-09-17 were not done with Lailah's current player.*