2018-11-04: A Desolate Land
- Log: A Desolate Land
- Cast: Leon Albus, Riesenlied, Fei Fong Wong, Noeline, Elhaym van Houten, Xantia, Lily Keil, Josephine Lovelace
- Where: Northern Steppes
- Date: November 4th 2018
- Summary: The Black Wolves arrive in Elru. Plans are made.
<Pose Tracker> Leon Albus has posed.
The eastern continent's northern end is much colder than Ignas. Persistent weather patterns cause snow and ice for many months of the year, and the middle of winter makes that especially true. The Black Wolves are only one of the groups headed here; they came with the Fereshte, but aboard their own vessel: a loaner from Kislevi's government, provided in secret, with some plausible deniability.
The KIS Kraken has pulled into a small cove, docked there with the Fereshte. The two ships could not be more different. The Fereshte is makeshift and hammered together, part Metal Demon-era airship and part wooden sailing ship. The Kraken is an ironclad, with an armored hull and five 10-inch guns on each side, with a crew of dark-uniformed sailors scurrying about the deck.
The two ships have pulled in, side by side.
Some of the principals are arriving on Elru's soil. Leon steps onto the icy tundra, feeling the ground crunch under his foot. He sees his breath mist out before him, as he steps out; his hands are wedged into the pockets of his duster, but a scarf is wrapped around his neck, and he has a second woolen coat underneath it. He turns back to the others, before he looks about.
The land here is desolate: precious little vegetation, save for some shrubs and the occasional tree, and distant mountains tower high than anything on eastern Ignas.
<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.
A pallor of anxiety has clad itself over Riesenlied ever since they left Ignas' shores. It'd only been a year since she was last in Elru -- when she spoke a kind of indirect farewell of the daughter she could never be to Lord Siegfried -- but even in her immortal-ish lifespan it felt like ages ago.
Riesenlied steps down towards the ground, where the Fereshte's own landing planks have been extended; she's huddled up in her usual Fereshte garments, with an extra-thick traditional capelet that softly glows with the indication of magical threading.
"It is just as frigid as always..." Riesenlied whispers, closing her eyes. "But... it is good to see it again, no matter how torn it has become over the last few years..."
A pause, as she holds a basket of rolled-up scrolls next to her.
"I've prepared some maps from my time here. While I cannot account for any additional earthquakes and natural disasters, it should well contain major locales, and I've added some of the Fereshte's old campsites, foraging and hunting grounds..."
<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.
"Mom!" Lydia shouts over to, well, her mom. "don't go too far okay? We need to finish securing the ship--" and make sure that a certain pair of stowaways are behaving. She promptly startis running around like Cid in a pantomimed series of cartoonish events that provide a lighthearted backdrop compared to what everybody else is going through.
BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTihNYIPi34
Fei Fong Wong is grateful that Kislev was willing to lend a ship to his team. It seems that saving the Kaiser has been paid forward to an extent. It's the sort of thing that gives him hope...in a better...now? He can sense Riesenlied's anxiety. It's not superpowers in this case, it's just hard to miss. Hey, Cid! fades away from his mind as he observes what feels like a dead continent. Knowing that Arctica had fallen and Garlyle had been utterly decimated, it might not be too extreme of a truth that this land is that of the Veruni and the Metal Demons alone.
He looks towards Riesenlied for a long moment, knowing what had brought her to Ignas in the first place. "Did he do this?"
He then takes another step forward, looking out over the frigid land.
"This place..." He begins, but then trails off. Is he thinking or just spacing out?
<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.
Noeline has also come prepared - and her usual Crimson Noble look is a little marred by the large, thick insulated coat she's wearing over her dress, the collar feathered and thick. It's debatable whether she actually needs it, given she's better with the cold than Riesenlied is, but she's started to feel like it might be more important to stop being quite so flippant and instead prepare for anything.
She can't bring herself to say anything as she steps down from the Fereshte, marking the moment with silence as she stares silently out at the expanse ahead of them. Rather than words, one of her hands finds Riesenlied's, offering and seeking comfort in equal measure...
... because for once in her life, Noeline looks quietly affected, her eyes misty with nostalgia and uncertainty. It takes her a long moment to suck in a quiet breath, and then she lets it out all at once in a soft chuckle. "... once upon a time, I was sure I would never be back here. Even when we vowed to confront the past, it did not quite feel real - not until now."
She looks rather rueful as Riesenlied details maps; she's done her best to assist, certainly, but when it comes down to it her own knowledge was rather more urban than anything - and that isn't going to be of much help, nowadays. "From what I remember of last year, most of the mountain paths were still servicable. On the other hand, they are likely to be rather well-patrolled at this point. The Photosphere forces must be expecting us."
<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.
Of all the many twists and turns that have haunted the life of Elhaym van Houten, she has to admit that she didn't expect 'riding a loaned escort vessel of the Kislev naval forces' to be on them. It is, at least, a relief to her that she does not have another attack of horrors - she did not, for instance, sink the new ship manned entirely by the junior cadet corps and blight the future of an entire generation of the service, in the process of lifting Weltall the first time.
She thinks.
She probably didn't.
At least, if she did, nobody's mentioned it.
This is why Elly kind of kept a low profile on the ride over.
Now Elly debarks. She is wearing woolen slacks that happen, by coincidence of the Kislev naval service, to be a deep burgundy-tan, and happen, by coincidence of design efficiency, to be comfortably close fitting. Over this is a button-up coat, also naval issue if without insignia of rank. She has a fluffy knit scarf. That one she bought in a store.
Her breath plumes as she looks around at the desolation.
The wind howls...
... "Fei?" Elly asks, looking away from Riesenlied (to whom her eyes were straying, because she has maps of some kind) to, well, guess who. (Fei. It is Fei. That's probably the default in general, really.)
<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.
"Wow, everything's so... white."
A remark like that undoubtedly came from Xantia, looking around in wonder as she steps down the gangplank. Strangely, she hasn't done anything about her wardrobe, other than wearing her tattered Baskar traveling cloak more properly than usual. Granted, this one same outfit is basically all she ever wears, but it makes a lot more sense for warm environments than it does here. One would think she'd be majorly uncomfortable leaving that much skin uncovered, especially given the aversion to cold she's displayed in the past. And yet, she doesn't look to be particularly bothered by this.
Rather, she seems to be thinking about something as she steps onto the frigid soil. These thoughts don't remain private for long, Xantia looking to Leon as she remarks, "They didn't attack us yet."
She sounds more confused about it than anything else. She hadn't even thought of the possibility of the ship getting attacked before talking to Leon about the trip, but after that, she'd come to expect it would happen. Not that she's disappointed or anything, she sure wouldn't have enjoyed needing to fight while surrounded by ocean on all sides. But she is wondering what that means. She doubts they weren't noticed, especially with Noeline's affirmation that they must be expected. "They must be pretty confident then," she figures.
<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.
Despite their grim mission, Lily Keil has had a certain energy on the trip over; as soon as they sailed into open waters, she was alive, spending much of her time out on the deck, staring into the horizon. Weather didn't do much to faze her, frankly. But now...
Now, as they arrive, there's a different sort of energy in the air, Lily senses. ...But the dead nature of the world...
As Lily steps down from the Kraken after Leon, she looks around it, thoughtful. She has a long coat on, open, slacks and sturdy walking boots, what looks like an armored shirt. Her colors are dark neutrals, overall, and her eyes are both gold again. She is, perhaps, apparently underdressed for the cold, given just how cold it is.
"The maps should be useful," Lily says, looking to Leon again for a moment--and then out to the horizon.
"I wonder how much is even alive, here?" she asks, and her breath, too, mists before her.
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.
The snap click of a lighter echoes out in the still air. Shielding the tiny flame from the wind, Josie lingers in the lee of the docked ships as she lights her cigarette, perhaps using their bulk as a sort of cover.
"So what's the plan now, captain? Make camp?" she asks.
She, too, has made certain deference to the cold, including a bulkier coat and scarf and now also a widebrimmed hat.
Taking a drag, she looks about herself, perhaps taking in the scope and scale of their surroundings.
"So this is what snow's like. On Filgaia, anyway. Heh. Can't say I'm a fan." Her boots crunch in the frost clinging to the earth as she takes her first few proper steps across the new continent.
<Pose Tracker> Leon Albus has posed.
"We're fortunate to have you both with us," Leon says, with a glance at Riesenlied, and then Noeline. He looks back over the Elru landscape, his expression becoming more drawn as he considers it. "I'd expect them in force. We're lucky we're not trying to move an army through here, or we would be fighting for every inch until we get through to the Photosphere.
He glances at Fei. There is a moment's hesitation. Then, he shakes his head. "I haven't the foggiest. The war on Ignas... we never really understood what was happening here. To our detriment, but willful ignorance and prideful wars typically are."
He turns around, looking at Josie. He considers that for a moment, before he glances at Riesenlied. "I'm inclined to not stop here for long. We should get a lay of the land and formulate our plan, but we need a secure harbor. We can scout for one--there's a couple of motorized skiffs on the Kraken, and their crew can handle that. While they do that..."
He frowns. "...We need to begin developing a plan, and reach out to other Drifter groups, too. Those campsites of the Fereshte may be a place to start."
<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.
"Y-yes," Riesenlied stammers off-guard as she looks up at where Lydia's hollering towards her. To say she was caught off-guard by Janey and Mikaia stowing onboard is, weeeell... she might've had a minor meltdown about it -- before she realised she was basically the only one not in on the plan.
That their children were grown up enough to have their own wishes and support.
"... no... or rather, not just him," Riesenlied responds to Fei, huddling around her capelet closer.
"The Veruni, Id, the Sorcery Globe, the Fell Dragon within, and seemingly natural disasters have all ravaged Elru over the past few years... it is in significantly worse shape than it ever has been," Riesenlied expresses with no small amount of sorrow in her voice.
She looks towards Noeline and clutches at her hand for comfort, appreciating that look of affectation for a moment.
Xantia and Noeline's comments make her think. "It is true, I would have expected more aggression, but..." A pause.
"Well, perhaps we'd best use what we have been granted..." She looks to Lily. "... there is a surprising amount that can be found, if you know where to look. It isn't much even years prior, given its clime, but there are plants to find. The Fereshte used to move with the seasons... and with it, hidden bounties where even the ravages of the land can't reach."
<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.
Fei looks ahead. He isn't a coward, Elly had said, and he knows that she meant it but he has to wonder--how can he see himself the way Elly sees him with even a best case future being dreadful before them? Why does it seem like the most difficult thing in the world to do?
He looks to Riesenlied. The Veruni, the Id, the Sorcery Globe, all these things. Id was but one symptom of a whole slew of problems. It's strange to find this comforting but he does all the same in a strange, twisted way.
Elly said he wasn't a coward. Fei turns his hands up and looks at them. "I...want to see Garlyle."
He turns to look at Elly, smiling at her. "You know, I guess it's a little strange isn't it? For me to feel like this is such a...a moment, perhaps... when we've already traveled to another world? It's a little different when you made the trip because you chose to, isn't it? Rather than because you had no choice in the matter?" It could be argued they had no choice here but at least they went out, picked up a ship, and went across the ocean rather than tripped into a teleportation beam.
He looks to Leon. "Would it be alright? To visit that place? I imagine it wouldn't be a pleasant trip but if it's just ruin, I doubt the metal--the Hyadeans will follow us there."
<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.
"Don't be too fooled," Noeline chuckles quietly to herself, before she turns to glance towards Xantia. "The pure-white parts are the most dangerous at times. Grey snow means there's rock and dirt under there - that the floor isn't about to give way and reveal you've just stepped off a cliff," she teases(?) with a hum of air. "As for the Metal Demons, don't underestimate their ability to overestimate themselves."
She lets out a sigh, running a hand back through her hair. She's not wearing her hood, at least, preferring to be able to have a wider vision range than it would allow. "There were always a lot of farmsteads and villages around, despite the environment and the geography of the area. I very much doubt many of them have survived at this point."
She tilts her head slightly towards Leon, then lets out a breath. "I can help with that. I've got a lot more knowledge when it comes to getting around Elru in general; up and down the coast isn't a particularly dangerous or harrowing trip as it is. As for meeting up with the rest... I wonder who all is coming. Contacting the Kinship will not be hard. The Princess and her retinue, however... I wonder if they might be driving inland rather urgently."
Even Noeline had not been in on their daughter's plan, and that's probably why she offers another uncertain sigh before leaning just a little into Riesenlied's side. "... well, let's not look a gift horse in the mouth. Even sufficient shelter from which to plan and take stock would be a significant blessing."
<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.
When Fei looks at her, Elly smiles at him.
"... The military unit?" Elly then asks, seeming faintly baffled, but she rocks back on her heels. "Um-m," she says. "I think there's a lot to that. We went to Lunar without any purpose - we did not intend to get there, just to get home... now..."
Trailing off, she looks to Leon and Riesenlied both. "... I have a suggestion. If there are photographers on your ship, or on the Kraken, you should make duplicates of these charts."
She then blanches slightly at the news that the white snow might collapse underneath them. In this fleeting moment Elly wonders how anyone can live on the ground, but it is transient.
<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.
"No, the country," Fei explains. "What remains of it, anyway. One of my first digs. Sult, I think. We ran into some men from Garlyle."
<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.
"Huh," is Xantia's eloquent reaction to Noeline's snow lecture. This is helpful, she certainly wouldn't have known what to look for in this kind of environment. As for being underestimated, that prompts her to slam a fist into the opposite palm. "All the better for us, then." She certainly wouldn't know anything about overestimating herself, no way.
Xantia makes a soft noise upon hearing the words 'developing a plan'. She's not exactly much of a planning type. She's fine with plans that others made telling her what she should be doing. Going elsewhere is out of the question, though. Getting seperated from her friends is never great to begin with, but it would be extra bad on a continent she doesn't know the first thing about.
Riesenlied's mention of Id instantly draws her attention. It's not as if she knows much of the history of this place, but well... he's called the Demon of Elru for a reason, probably. ...Maybe this is where he lives? Maybe she'll get to see him again? Maybe she shouldn't let it show that this is something she's hoping for...
She looks to Fei as he mentions Garlyle, but this doesn't hold much meaning to her one way or another. She's fine with anywhere Fei wants to go. Though on the notion of the Metal Demons, she does have something more to say.
"...Come to think of it, I guess they don't really have to attack us, do they? They can win by not doing anything." Even if she doesn't understand all the specific details, if things are dire enough to mount such a big operation to travel all the way here in force, it's clear enough that they're not the ones with time on their side.
<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.
"How well could we have prepared, if Shakhan hadn't reignited the war? If Gebler hadn't prolonged it?"
Lily shakes her head, and considers just what they may need in order to push through. He isn't inclined to stop for long, and neither is Lily, for that matter. The plan...
"The Sorcery Globe," Lily repeats thoughtfully. "...So much happens here, in particular..."
"Is it strange?" Lily asks. "Part of a journey is the journey. ...We travelled in the blink of an eye to Lunar, but here, on our own world?" Lily shakes her head.
"We need to do some scouting regardless--I'd prefer to get the lay of the major landmarks and former settlements, to at least have an idea of whether we can expect the enemy to have reinforcements from elsewhere--or another front opening up without our warning." Lily looks to Fei after delivering that input to Leon, "...I don't think it's a bad idea. It's going to take us time to assemble what we need. I'd probably go with him, at least briefly."
A beat, and to Noeline, "...The snow is almost nostalgic for me," the sorceress admits. "...But that's true, Xantia. They can just hole up and prepare their defenses; that's why we need to move quickly, and decisively. In terms of a plan... Well, that's mine; we begin by scouting, gather information. We may be able to find resources we can use here--like the Feresthe did, as you say... Though we're looking more for ruins and allies than hidden plants."
A pause. "We should also arrange a rendezvous point in case things go south."
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.
Josie exhales smoke, perhaps taking a small dose of comfort in against the chill that permeates the air. "Hope it's not all like this," she murmurs, gaze hooded.
'Not here', Leon says. "Gotcha," runs her reply. "Wish I could be more help, but I'm way out of my element here. Heh heh." She can't help but laugh at her own joke, it seems.
"We'll probably want to spread out, anyway. Like Sugar said," She gestures, with her cigarette. "I suppose we could see if there's anything left of any settlements -- find places to establish waypoints. We won't get far without a place to fall back to, I can tell you that much." She glances up at the sky. "Same way I'd go about exploring part of the desert."
She settles into silence for a moment more, apparently intent on making the most of her cigarette.
"Wonder how many of those things are going to make trouble for us here. Metal Demons are a given, but the rest of it? Elru really is a cursed continent," she says at last.
<Pose Tracker> Leon Albus has posed.
"I don't see why not," Leon says. "I think we won't be able to waltz up to the Photosphere--we'll need to find a way in. So... going to Garlyle, and simply looking, seems like a wise idea." He nods to Fei.
Then, he looks at Elly, and nods. "We'll have a reproduction made--if they don't have photography, they might have a cartographer." He sighs, then, and puts a hand to his chin. He nods to what Noeline says. "Good."
He looks back at the horizon. "It's an important step. But... Xantia is correct. The Quarter Knights could simply hide away in their fortress and wait us out, if we can't find a way in. And... I doubt they will choose to not attack us."
He looks at Lily, then, and nods. "It's a sound idea, Lieutenant. We should see what we can discover. And make contact with both the Kinship and Princess Cecilia. I should hope she doesn't rush ahead of us, but her highness can be impulsive, to say the least."
He glances at Josie, then nods. "I think... finding old Fereshte campsites may be wise. They might offer points to fall back to, and waypoints, while we look for others--and for ruins and whatever else we can find."
<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.
Riesenlied gets a bit more quiet, once she's spoken her peace. She does seem distracted, bothered by something; something big and full of trepidation, though she glances towards Fei as she expresses, "I can... guide you to Garlyle. I was there, to observe the day it was decimated." A hesitant pause, as she expresses, "But we should not stray further south -- the Veruni Control Zones are highly guarded... and we do not need to draw further ire where it isn't needed."
Riese looks to Xantia as she perks up about Id, ever so slightly, but... doesn't comment further. She has a connection as well. But would they find him here?
"Ah-- um, I think there should be some photographers..." Riesenlied remarks to Elly, though she's not sure who.
She bobs her head. "I, too, have... a place I need to go. Something I need to reclaim." She hesitates further. "To... the ruins of the Fereshte's village."
She lowers her head further. Her voice is full of fear. "There is a Medium there... something I left a long time ago..."
<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.
Noeline allows herself a moment's quiet amusement at both the look on Elly's face and the earnest acceptance on Xantia's; she snickers softly to herself, then shakes her head. "Somehow, I doubt either of you are going to be heavy enough for it to matter too much. Just bear in mind that such things can happen from time to time - where possible, stay away from cliff edges, and ensure your boots have decent traction. If you absolutely must, use fire," she adds in something of a quip, tilting her head.
"I would normally say that the Photosphere's forces are not all that good at sitting still when an enemy presents itself... but times might be rather different now," she muses unhappily, squeezing Riesenlied's hand in hers. "They may well be galvanized by Mother's presence, thinking themselves invincible - or they may be held in check by her, if she's the sort to strategize to any degree." Her expression is glum; it's obvious she has no real idea which way things might go.
"... I'll be going with Riesenlied, of course. ... I would like to help her find it," she declares quietly, her voice low past the wind around them; she hesitates again, then shakes her head and draws herself up to her full height. "At the same time, I also intend to visit Arctica. I made a promise, to that effect - that I would bid it goodbye properly. I think I need to, in order to truly move forwards." Another pause, and she turns slightly. Though she doesn't say it, the 'we'll go together' to Riese is clear on her face.
<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.
"aa" Elly answers Fei, nodding once.
There does not seem much more to say, Elly thinks. They're speaking to one another...
But how much, Elly thinks, of what we say is truly the sharing of information? No, she realizes a moment later; it is sharing information. We're telling each other, one and all, over and over... that it's going to be alright, that we know what we're doing.
Elly looks towards the mountains and wonders: Do we?
But Riesenlied raises a question. "Oh?" she says to her, eyes widening slightly. "You did?"
For a moment Elly remembers the gift of Solais Emsu... sitting in a Gebler locker. If she's lucky. If not... ...they would have probably given it to father, Elly thinks to herself, blinking, before she slides her hands into the pockets of her coat.
"I hadn't known the Fereshte began here. ... Can I help you?" she asks Riesenlied as well as Noeline.
<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.
"Hyadean culture is closely tied to battle." Fei says, looking to Xantia. "They will find a reason. Besides... I don't think Siegfried is the type to just...wait. " He looks to Riesenlied and nods to her. "I would appreciate it. I don't have an interest in visiting the Veruni. I just...want to see it. We can visit Fereshte Village too."
He gives Xantia a concerned look. He doesn't know Id well--never managed to run into the guy--but being someone to look forward to is honestly just baffling to him. He doesn't ask about it. Maybe Xantia can get him to stop destroying civilizations. That would be nice but like heck is he going to hope for the opportunity to debate the guy.
"Arctica?" Fei asks. "Is that safe?"
Noeline going with Riesenlied is to be expected so Fei doesn't comment on it. Instead he nods to Leon and says, with a smile. "Thanks. I don't know if it's wise, but...I think I need to see it all the same. For myself."
Elly wonders if they know what are doing. Fei wonders that too but when Elly offers to investigate Fereshte village, that confirms for Fei a path.
"Then we can do that. We'll visit Fereshte, or Garlyle, whichever is closer and then the other place before coming back to camp. Noeline--if you feel like you should have a team with you to check out Arctica, we can visit there too."
Hammer, who had been quiet, reminds everybody he is here by adding, "And I'll make sure the boats're safe!" He may be the Shaggy of the mystery van team here.
<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.
Xantia crosses her arms and nods, what Leon and Fei are saying makes good enough sense. "So they're gonna be attacking when the time is right, is what you're saying. I guess we'd better figure out what the most likely time is, then."
She pauses, then looks around at anyone who might be looking in her direction. "...I'm just thinking out loud, it's not like I have any ideas or anything!" She laughs a bit, sheepishly, but feeling a little bad, also. She'd almost prefer if they'd needed to come in fighting. Then, at least, she'd have an obvious way to make herself useful.
Hearing that various people have their reasons to go to specific places in Elru just hammers that in more. She doesn't have anything like that, all she has is the vague hope that any place she happens to visit gives her answers about herself. And in that regard, this place feels like the wrong place to be. She was found in the desert, after all, not in the snow. So, in the end... it really feels like she doesn't have much reason to be here other than to fight.
Preferably while not falling off any cliffs. Noeline mentioning using fire causes Xantia to cast a look Lily's way, before she mumbles, "I wish I could..." It's not like she hasn't been trying to do fire. She can do things with fire, but creating fire is just not happening for some reason.
Okay, she has to distract herself from glum thoughts already. Maybe it would help is she had more of an idea of what people were talking about. To that end, she raises a hand.
"Sorry, but I feel like I'm missing something... I thought the Fereshte was just an airship, but there's a village called Fereshte now? And campsites? Why is everything called Fereshte all of a sudden?" Even if everyone else seems to know, she certainly doesn't know the story behind that name.
<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.
Riesenlied sound terribly embarrassed as she amends for poor Xantia's sake: "The Fereshte is... was... the Baskar tribe I belonged to. They were nomads and healers, along these northern steppes..."
A pause, as she tilts her head. "Their village bears their namesake, and I... named the airship after their memory."
<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.
"I have a feeling you'll have all the chances to 'help' you could want before long," Lily says to Josie. "...We can probably make or repair some fortifications depending on what we find out there," she suggests, and then nods thoughtfully to Leon. They will have to find a way in, of course...
"Playing defensive isn't exactly the kind of strategy we're used to out of them," Lily admits about the Metal Demons, nodding Fei's way. "The glory matters to them." But when Leon agrees with her--No, when he mentions Cecilia, Lily shakes her head. "One thing we can be sure of is that she won't be hanging back, at least." She turns to Riesenlied, looking her over--is she concerned for her? ...Well, that's clear enough, it might be the anxiety, it might be the cold...
"Garlyle," Lily says, quietly. But Noeline's talk of what the Hyadeans are up to gets a shake of Lily's head. "We'll adapt, whatever strategies they use. If we keep our eyes open, we can do what we need to." Her words are meant to be steadying, may even do it. Trailing off, however, the black-haired woman watches Riesenlied again.
"A Medium," she repeats. Whatever she thinks of that, she keeps to herself. "Let me know when you're ready, then. Obviously, I'm going with you." And maybe to Arctica--Lily cathces Noeline's eye. Is it safe? "Nothing here is safe," Lily points out.
To Xantia, "You'll do fine. Give it time."
Missing something... Ah, right. Lily begins to speak, but holds her tongue as Riesenlied explains instead. "With the map, we can chart a path. ...And Fei..."
"Don't worry about wise. When have we limited ourselves to wise plans?"
<Pose Tracker> Elhaym van Houten has posed.
Riesenlied explains the origin of the name. Elly breathes in deeply -
And marches straight over there. Her coated arms move to hug Riesenlied with abrupt force that might be uncomfortable from the surprise but which soon fades. Elly's eyes shut as she squeezes the woman twenty times her age; lets go; and says--
She skips a beat, in fact, but had been about to start some other sentence. Instead she says to Riesenlied, "Then they're still alive, right? Since you're still here."
The hug slowly loosens as Elly realizes, perhaps, the abruptness of this motion.
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.
"Yeah. If they had their front gates open and let us walk in, I'd be wondering if they had a screw loose. I suppose if it comes down to it we could try to force it, but I don't think that'd be our best plan," she says, punctuating the statement with a shrug as if to suggest this is a deliberate understatement.
"Don't doubt it in the slighest, Tiger," Josie replies airily without missing a beat. A nod follows at Leon's words. "In the meantime, though, I'll help with the scouting." She grins, brightly. "Close enough to my day job, eh?"
She glances over Riesenlied's way. "Tell me about it. I ran into one of the Veruni during the Hilton attack. They're definitely on speaking terms with the Metal Demons, so we really don't need to get caught between the devils and the deep blue sea, as it were. Watch your step, Junior. Still, I'd be interested in taking a look-see at those ruins, myself. Maybe Garlyle left something behind." She cracks a smile. "Sunshine and the rest go north to get your Medium thing back, and maybe I hang south with you lot?" she suggests, gesturing vaguely southward with her cigarette.
Only to stop, watching on in mild interest as Elly marches up to Riesenlied and gives the Hyadean a hug in the wake of her explanation about the airship's name. Josie's lips quirk upwards, just a touch.
<Pose Tracker> Leon Albus has posed.
"A Medium...?" Leon's eyes widen, slightly. "A Medium could help. And... if you have unfinished business, then we will stand at your side, Riesenlied." He glances at Noeline, before he nods. He glances sideways at Xantia -- and he cracks a slight smile.
He does, however, look slightly awkward when Elly hugs Riese. He coughs, once, glancing quickly to the side. "Well... we have our work cut out for us. But, we have no shortage of ideas about how to proceed. I think that better than not knowing where to begin."
He runs a hand through his hair. "The Veruni might intervene. We should be ready for it." He glances at Josie. "Since they appear to have thrown in with the Hyadean forces at the Photosphere."
<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.
Xantia blinks, wondering out loud, "There were Baskar way out here?" She'd never had cause to assume there were Baskar outside of Ignas. Even if what she's come to call 'home' is located in the Baskar Colony... well, it just never came up in the talks with the ones who nursed her back to health after discovering her passed out in the desert. That might also be why she's questioning the presence of Baskar, rather than a Metal Demon apparently having been a part of a Baskar tribe. She's just kind of automatically assuming the circumstances must have been similar to her own.
She doesn't immediately understand why that prompts such a reaction out of Elly. Then she raises a hand to her mouth as she puts two and two together. "Oh... I'm sorry." That's all she can say, really, not about to pry further after having inadvertantly brought up what seems to be a painful topic.
Okay, so maybe asking questions was a bad plan too. Back to focusing on matters of fighting then? Seems like the most solid plan. At least she knows what she's doing in that area. After a bit of a non-committal nod to Lily on the whole fire matter, she chuckles on the matter regarding plans.
"Lily's right. If you need volunteers for unsafe, unwise plans, I don't think you'll have to look very far." See, she's perfectly self-aware in that regard. She just dares to be stupid, that's all. Seems to work out well for her about 8 times out of 10, so clearly it's the way to go.
<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.
When Noeline looks back at Fei, there's a quiet sort of smile playing on her lips. It's much different to those she normally shows - there's no teasing to it, no humour or wry amusement. If anything, it's wistful and just a little far-off, as much as the clear light in her eyes indicates that she's still in the present. "Almost certainly not - but nowhere on Elru is, and at least in Arctica I will be in the closest thing I have to home ground. I made a promise - and I intend to keep it, regardless of what happens."
At least she pauses at Xantia's grumbling, letting out a more pleased-sounding snort this time around. "Honestly, so what if you cannot? It isn't like I can, either, but that's why we have such things as tinderboxes and flares. I'll make sure you get some from the Fereshte's stores before we set out anywhere.
A mildly possessive sort, Noeline smirks at the way Lily declares she's coming along with them - but there's relief in her eyes at the same time. As much as she's been practising with her link, using the shard of the Dragon's Tear she holds and Duras Drum's illusory sorcery in tandem, she still doesn't have the sheer power of empathy that Lily or Riese do... and she's dimly certain that might be their strongest option when it comes to a lot of their business on Elru.
She doesn't even seem to mind all that much when Elly buffets her out of the way, just snorting a second time and unable to help the grin on her face. "... quite true. A finer shaman, the tribe could not ask for, even if I am known for being rather biased."
Leon brings her back to reality, though, and Noeline slowly clears her throat. "About that... ... we were at the Photosphere when the truce was first forged, and I can assure you it was one hell of a surprise, even then. Mother's anger... I am not certain that it will spare the Veruni, and I have to assume that the Veruni are well aware of that too. Not to discount their presence, or anything, and not that it changes anything right at the moment - but worth bearing in mind, perhaps."
<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.
"We could always give it a shot, just to see what it's like. We can always go back to giving foolish choices," Fei smirks faintly, taking Lily's comment in good humor. "Wouldn't want to get predictable."
He thinks about how strong even the dying flower girls of the Veruni are. Also their scientists are giant musclemen with hands the size of Fei's head and frankly Fei thought he was pretty well built too but some people are just making a lifestyle out of it. Hopefully the Veruni don't intervene too much. "Well on the plus side, it's not as if we need to conquer the Photosphere either. We just need to get in, take down Mother, and get out. Ideally we can fight the Metal Demons a little as possible to achieve that end." That is a bit like pushing the block down the road but Fei will take it.
Noeline makes him consider the possibility of the Veruni actually stabbing the Metal Demons in the back to take control of the whole continent. That doesn't really seem unlikely. "If I were the Veruni," Fei murmurs. "...Thanks for the warning, Noeline."
Elly hugs Riesenlied. Fei smiles sadly. Moments like these may be far and few between tommorow on so it's nice to see it now while he still can.
<Pose Tracker> Riesenlied has posed.
"A-aah--" Riesenlied gasps for a moment as Elly moves closer and then surprise-hugs her. She pauses for a longer moment, before she finds herself finally tearing up and letting it all go with a loud sniffle. "... m-maybe... maybe so..."
She says this, with the pain of someone who wants that to be true, but isn't certain of herself. Of her status as its survivor.
There's a longer, more erratic breath as she dabs at her cheeks and eyes as Elly steps aside, and Leon reinforces that they'll be there with her when they visit. "Thank you. Y-yes..."
Noeline has designs to go to Arctica. In truth, she does as well, as much of an apology as it is a ways for her to be able to... move on. Perhaps not quite let go, as much as she knows she won't be able to do that, but... to move on.
She takes a moment to grapple back to reality, embarrassed still. She listns to Josephine's plans. And she reinforces: "And... I'll be there too, Noeline. We'll visit it together... we'll-- move forward together."
She does nod towards Xantia, though. "Yes, a long time ago. The Fereshte... were a group dedicated to Odoryuk, the Guardian of Life..."
<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.
Lily is entirely calm in the face of Noeline's smirk; it seems that she wasn't anticipating much argument. ...She shakes her head at Fei, though. "We could try it, but I think tactically sound is the best we're likely to manage. There's little wise about what we're doing. We just don't have much other option." A look to Xantia, and a nod. She gets it, all right.
"The Veruni..." Lily trails off. "We'll do what we have to if they become involved, but I suspect you're right, Noeline, from what you say." She pauses. "...And that's true, Fei. We aren't a large army and don't need to operate as such; we're a small squad, and that gives us options a greater force wouldn't have, even if it does make outright battles more difficult."
"And Riesenlied... That's right. But forgive me if I don't join in the group hug."
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.
"Hmm. Interesting," Josie comments as Noeline sheds a little light on the interplay between the Veruni and Metal Demons, after taking a particularly long drag. "So it's likely they'll get betrayed if they see an opening or opportunity. Doesn't much help us now, but good to know. We can keep an eye out -- who knows, maybe there's some way to play that angle. ...Thanks, Sugar." The enemy of their enemy is not likely to be their friend if such a scenario ever comes to pass, but at least it might level the playing field.
A little bit.
"Anyway. If you need backup, let me know, Junior," she says to Fei, glancing again his way. "Wouldn't mind digging around in some ruins, after all~"
She's apparently content to settle into a semi-amused semi-distant silence as Riesenlied speaks her thanks to the others.
Move forward, huh...
<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.
Xantia gives Noeline a look as if she was watching water burning. No, that'd probably make more sense in her mind than the notion of using tools for making fire. Which says a lot about the way her mind works. "Well, I... guess that could work," she eventually responds, sounding less than enthused. It's probably better than trying to work on a thing she's been having trouble with out here, though. She can get back to Ether training after this is all over.
On the possibility of having to face the Veruni out here too, she can only say, "I've never fought a Veruni before. But that's fine. Just let me know who to punch! Or not punch!" All the same to her, bad guys are bad guys. And from what she knows, anybody on this continent who didn't get there traveling with one of the various Drifter groups is probably a bad guy, so the list of people who were already here that she should not punch is probably shorter.
Then she looks to Lily, realizing that she missed some kind of cue. "Oh, this was supposed to be a group hug?"
It's obvious what's about to happen now, but no one can stop it. Xantia has decided this is a group hug now, so it's going to be a group hug. It doesn't matter that Elly doesn't seem to have gotten the memo and broke the hug already. That just means that Xantia's going to run up to Elly first, wrap one arm firmly around her, and pull her along back towards Riesenlied, whom she wraps the other arm around. There! Now it's a proper group hug. She's calling it.
"Group huuuug~" Literally calling it.
<Pose Tracker> Leon Albus has posed.
"Mm. I have wondered," Leon admits to Noeline. His brow furrows, while he thinks about this; then, he nods. "They might pull out, if things go poorly--or if they get whatever they're after. I'm not sure if that makes me feel better or worse."
He glances back at Riesenlied, his head tilted to the side. "I admit, I never quite expected that you would have ended up with one of the tribes out here. But... you're full of surprises," he says. He cracks a smile. "Good enough for me. We should see what we can find."
Then, Xantia declares a group hug.
"Erm." Leon pauses, for a moment. "I, er--I believe I--" He takes a few steps back, to stand next Josie. Josie seems safe and unlikely to engage in group hugs.
<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.
...also wants a hug, but he doesn't approach. He instead looks back over towards Elru for a moment, then back to Josie and Leon, raising both eyebrows in surprise. "Of course we could use you." Fei says, as if it were natural. His vision of who Josephine is may not match most people's vision of Josie. Or Josephine's vision of Josephine for that matter.
But then he adds, "I didn't get to say it properly before..." He looks back over to the distance. "But what you said to Grahf about not letting him use me... ... Thank you."
He is quiet for a moment before adding, "Even so, I feel like I should apologize for him. Because he won't. I'm sorry he treated you so poorly but I won't--"
He looks back to Riesenlied and Lily. "I won't be his toy. If nothing else comes from our--" he manages a small smile. "Our 'kinship'... let it be that we do it for ourselves."
<Pose Tracker> Noeline has posed.
Noeline gives Elly a moment before she chuckles, and there's a warm smile that she reserves for Riesenlied and her family as she takes her partner's hand once more, even if it is sort of sticking out of the fervent hug. "Of course... I wouldn't want it any other way. I would carry you there, if I had to, for the sake of sharing in our memory together." Someone's gotten pretty silver-tongued... but it's meant genuinely, given the look on her face.
Pausing for a moment, it almost looks like she has something to say in regards to Fei's newfound resolve - but doesn't dwell on it, preferring to leave the more serious points of their discussion alone for the time being. Instead, she answers the various thanks with a light nod and begins to cackle quietly to herself as she watches the embrace start to snowball.
Theoretically, she's included in it - if only by dint of Riesenlied's hand in hers. Nevertheless, that lets her waggle her eyebrows at Leon. "Really, now. I never figured you for the blushing innocent, Mr. Albus," she notes, more to point Xantia towards him than anything else.
<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.
Xantia declares it's time for a group hug. "I'll pass, but thanks, kiddo," Josie comments, lifting her cigarette away from her lips. Leon is apparently completely safe from hugs here.
Though he does get a fleeting pat on the back, a smile twisting her lips as she takes another drag of her smoke. Judging from the look in her eyes, this is purely a troll move.
This is naturally the moment when Fei -- quite openly trustingly -- says that of course he'll take her along.
And not just that.
As if suddenly thrust into an awkward space herself, Josie shifts her weight from one foot to the other, and glances away from him. "It's nothing personal, kid. I just hate it when other people try to tell someone what to do..."
<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.
"One problem at a time," Lily suggests about the Veruni. "No matter how many enemies we have, we can only shoot them one by one. ...Metaphorically speaking." Since they can in fact just blow up the whole area. But that doesn't work for the aphorism.
Lily's response to the matter of hugging, of course, is to stand right where she is, not even close to joining in. She isn't the hugging type, as a rule. But...
"You don't need to apologize for Grahf," Lily tells Fei, with a shake of her head. "...I don't aim to let him control you, either. You should decide for yourself as much as you're able."
Noeline and Riesenlied have their moment, of course--but Lily shakes her head at the comment. "Heh..."
She looks at Josie, though. She looks at Josie in silence, for a good few moments... and then just says nothing, for a little while.