2021-03-14: Tea and Drakes

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  • Log: Tea and Drakes
  • Cast: Ida Everstead-Rey, Talia, Seraph Amaranth, Cyre H. Lorentz, Dean Stark, Seraph Lanval, Ivan, Seraph Clarine, Avril Vent Fleur, Seraph Boudicca, Azoth, Seraph Liath, Rebecca Streisand
  • Where: Guild Galad - The Electric Air Voids
  • Date: March 14, 2021
  • Summary: The Dragon of Celesti has made its nature clear. It's neither Metal Dragon nor engineered monstrosity--it's a Fell Drake, a corrupted Seraph that somehow ended up in northern Zoara. Its relentless attacks have brought great harm to people already struggling to survive, but if left to its own devices, something far, far worse will happen. Filgaia will see its first Fell Dragon... or perhaps its second, if one wants to get technical.
    Either way, Ida intends to prevent this calamity, but she can't do it alone. The Drifters must unite to subdue and purify the Drake before it becomes a Dragon--before the Seraph it once was is lost forever. Ida has found that tea and other light refreshments can help blunt the impact of such weighty discussions.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.


    Heavy ARMs Discharged, City Infrastructure Damaged, Falling Rubble Warning Issued For Void 36

    So reads the headline of today's issue of the Galad Gazette, as illuminated by the tasteful red and gold of a tea shop's neon signage. A young man stands beneath the sign, holding the paper aloft; he looks to be maybe twelve, at the absolute most, his clothes colorful but careworn and patched. Behind him, a staircase leads up to the second level of Second Bertram Plaza, one of four ten-story buildings filled with shops. There are literally dozens of buildings just like this one, carefully put together from the sawed-apart remains of Hyadean soldiers' dormitories. Some of the original signage is still there, beneath the neon and the paint.

    "Today's news, only ten gella!" shouts the young newsboy, though there is a distinct rasp in his throat. "Hot off the presses! Gang violence in Void 36! Repair teams dispatched to a scene of shocking destruction!" Someone approaches the boy, and he looks up, eager to make a sale. His throat is starting to hurt. "Madam, would you care to learn more?"

    "Of course," says Ida Everstead-Rey. She counts out three hundred gella, and presses them into the young man's hand. "Keep the change." He looks down at the money, then up at her like he's borne witness to the rebirth of Granas Himself.

    "Thank you," he says, bowing.

    "It's nothing," Ida says. She returns the young man's bow, and heads upstairs. The young man returns to his sales, because his father's still sick, and his mother's raising three children while working part-time as a dyer.

    Just another life down here in the Voids. Even yesterday's events weren't out of the ordinary, conceptually--setting aside the scale of the damage. The deeper one goes in Guild Galad, the more perilous life can be.

    But life endures.

    Ida keeps that thought in mind, almost mediative, as she ascends the stair. She makes a right turn, walks five feet, and pushes open a metal door. Chimes jingle as she enters the small lobby of the Freshwater Tea House, a cozy little space lit by candles and rich with the scent of green tea and baked goods. She's hardly been there a minute before an attendant--a feline Beastwoman in her early twenties, dressed in a floral-patterned gown--walks up to her. "...Miss Everstead-Rey," she says, a bright smile on her face. "Let me thank you again for your generosity. Your room has been reserved--please, this way."

    Ida nods, and follows. Along the way, she makes conversation. The attendant is the daughter of the couple that owns this place, her name is Sandra, and she is thrilled to have a patron from Skyside come all the way down here.

    Ida seats herself on a cushion in front of the traditional, low-slung table, and waits. The others should be along shortly.

    But despite the calming green wallpaper, the plush cushions, and the paintings of seascapes, the Freshwater Tea House is inescapably Galadian. The furniture is largely metal. The rumble of industrial machinery is dulled, but not gone entirely. Second Bertram Plaza rests atop the vast, well-armored bulk of a Hyadean water-processing plant. Tons of sewage and brownwater flow through it each day, and are transformed into clean, potable water. The sewage sludge reroutes down to the lower levels, to an organic growth compounder run by one of the Great Houses; it produces chemicals, and fertilizer for mushroom farms. Above, a grate the size of a motor coach hangs at the end of a long ventilation shaft, blowing processed, oxygen-rich air into the Void.

    It's a different Guild Galad than the others saw in Ida's home. It's Guild Galad nevertheless. She even thought of the needs of her Seraph guests, who will undoubtedly have enough on their plate solely because of the nature of this meeting.

<Pose Tracker> Talia has posed.

Talia doesn't know much about Guild Galad except that it's so utterly different than home that she thinks she never wants to come back. A city where the sky can't be seen, buried underground more than above, and with metal structures all around... it's different than anything on the Silver Star. It's even different than the Thames. She never knew that she could be put on edge just by entering a place.

Fortunately, she keeps it mostly under control. Amaranth and Ivan might spot it in how she's a lot more fidgety than usual -- and she tends to fidget a lot, with pent-up energy -- but she has a smile on her face as she enters the tea house.

There is, though, the pent-up sigh she lets out before she enters. Then, she smiles at Ida -- waves once -- and steps aside. She glances at her brother, then her fiancee.

"Here we are," she says, quietly, to the two of them.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Amaranth has posed.

    Amaranth is, indeed, putting an illusion of herself over herself, so that she can be seen. She hasn't really visited Guild Galad before, but... in some ways it reminds her of her brief visit (even under duress) to the Photosphere: a city of dug trenches and metal, so different to everything else in Meribia.

    There's a quietly morose expression to Katherine Weaver when she arrives, bowing her head to Ida. She looks like she's here with a specific question in mind.

    "Hello, Miss Everstead-Rey," she nods, looking to Talia and Ivan.

<Pose Tracker> Cyre H. Lorentz has posed.

What the papers do not say is that the raid was only possible due to a daring heist perpetrated by some of said vigilantes and particular by a mysterious WHITE SHADOW who came and went like a ghost from the heart of a criminal stronghold, leaving utterly untouched with a vast store of information in tow...!!!

(Cyre may be blowing his personal contribution to Ming's defeat a little bit out of proportion. He wasn't there for the final raid, having instead been preoccupied with getting a certain accountant out of the city.)

Oh well, he can be content with the headline that exists only in his heart. HANDSOME BASKAR PERPETRATES FLAWLESS HEIST. CRIMINAL ELEMENT BAFFLED!!

Ah. Regret.

"Hyo," Cyre says, flopping right down in a seat at one corner of the table. His arm is slung acround behind him, and his posture is what some might generously describe as 'mildly lackadaisical.' He looks to Ida with a rakish grin as he signals for a cup of coffee from the cafe staff. "So I hear you've got news about a certain disaster with wings. Tell me more."

<Pose Tracker> Dean Stark has posed.

Dean, who was born and raised a country boy, can't help but marvel every time at big cities like Lailah Belle and Guild Galad. As he walks with his friend(s? Rebecca miiight be running a little late) to the Tea House, he looks around with interest at the classy-by-his-standards place which nonetheless can't quite hide that it's a teahouse in a highly industrialized town. Already several people have arrived, and he smiles and waves to the ones he recognizes, then to the ones he doesn't, because it'd be a shame for anyone to feel left out, before he heads over to Ida.

"Hey there," he greets her. He looks around again, expression shifting to concern. "Is Boudicca here? I know she was having troubles before, but..." He trails off, not wanting to go into too much detail in such a public place. That pain she felt... it's not his to share. Still, he would hope that she *would* show. Maybe she's running late too.

There is *not* one notable Seraph Ragnell present, despite her having been very involved in this from the start. She's busy taking in the great outdoors, as it were.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Lanval has posed.

    As one who speaks for Filgaia's water, and is thus sworn to help uphold part of its burden (in mostly specific ways), Guild Galad is a difficult place for one Seraph Lanval to be - but it is in his core nature to amplify small joys just about anywhere he is rather than... go into some sort of crazed Revenge of The Elements rage against the incessant pollution.
     He spent the last few hours in the water processing plant. In those few hours... well! There was a further improvement in the water quality. The day got a little brighter for most! For Seraph Lanval...
     Well. Whatever the case, he knows what's going on is Important(tm) and has made it a point to be here early, all punctual-like, all professional-like, in that he's already there and sitting upright on a cushion, quietly sipping every so often from his drinking gourd rather than any additional tea. It's going to be a tense subject and a tenser discussion - but for the way he carries himself, he knows what his job is.

<Pose Tracker> Ivan has posed.

Ivan enters alongside his sister and Katherine. An earlier trip to Guild Galad got most of the shock at its strangeness out of his system, though the place still seems bleak to him.

He does give Talia a slightly concerned look at how restless she seems, but he isn't sure if that's about their surroundings being ominous or the possibility that they may be bearers of bad Drake-related news.

It's kind of a nice little tea shop, all things considered.

He gives an awkward wave to the assembled group, hanging back a step behind the other two.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

News had reached Clarine of a rather... disturbing incident. A drake... the idea is concerning. It scares her, honestly. It's one of the things most Seraphim fear. But... if it's true, there's a person in there. When she thinks about that... she feels like she has to do something.

And so, Clarine drifts through the tea house toward the designated meeting room. She isn't seen as she does.

"Hello, everyone..." Clarine greets softly as she drifts through the door and claims a seat close by to a lamp, settling in for a moment and soaking in the light.

Guild Galad... certainly isn't her favorite place. It's spiritually suffocating, and the only light to be found is of the unnatural sort. She can appreciate the artistry they put into their displays of light, of course, but even so it makes things a little difficult for her. It doesn't sustain her quite as well as natural light does.

Still, the place Ida has chosen is fairly nice, at least, and better than most.

"Ammy..." Clarine greets, offering Amaranth a small smile. It's really nice to see her again, though the current subject of their meeting does damper the mood a little.

<Pose Tracker> Avril Vent Fleur has posed.

    Avril has never seen a city like Guild Galad.

    ...And yet, a part of her can't help but feel like it's undeniably familiar. Perhaps long ago, cities were like this, and perhaps a part of her body remembers the sensation of feeling dwarfed, overwhelmed... exultant?
    Exultant, is that right?

    At least in a room like this things are far more 'normal', by comparison.

    She'd come with Dean, eager to support him in this -- but also because of what she had learned. Perhaps it isn't any of her immediate concern, but... can they really leave something like that be?

    And then there's the other half of it, the part she hasn't yet voiced to Dean. What if they can't help it?

    "Hello again, Ida," she says, perched alongside Dean at the table.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

    Ida offers Ivan, Talia, and Amaranth a smile and bow. "Welcome," she says, before gesturing to the cushions. "Have a seat. The hostess should return shortly." She pauses a beat, her brow furrowing slightly as she looks at Amaranth--but then she remembers that Amaranth probably saved Talia's life, and straight-up killed an abomination of unholy magic by snuffing out its lifeforce like a candle. Sometimes the memory needs a little prodding.

    Right on cue, Sandra reappears from behind the curtain leading to the kitchen. Another feline Beastfolk follows behind her--a little sister?--as the two dutifully begin passing out menus. Sandra's eyes wander a little, though, as Cyre walks in and makes himself right at home. (He's cute, okay. He's a cute boy and also a foreigner, judging by his dress, and that makes him double interesting to her.)

    "Not so much news as a strategy session," Ida says. "I'd heard about the attack on the Caravan--" --her eyes darken-- "--and that suggests it's already going after bigger prey. I don't know how much time we have..."

    Dean asks a very good question. "She's likely upstairs," says Ida, looking up--as if indicating the air reprocessor vent hanging over the building. "I... did try and choose a location that would be reasonably secure."

    Sandra touches two fingers to her lips, and nods in assent. After a little prodding, her little sister mimics the gesture as well.

    "The invisible monster that eats cattle?" says said little sister, a moment later.

    "Liza," Sandra says, calmly and evenly. Liza frowns, but sets about taking orders.

<Pose Tracker> Talia has posed.

Talia waves at Avril and Dean. It's been awhile since she has seen them, but she still waves. Then, she looks at Clarine and smiles. She hesitates for a second, before she speaks up.

"I didn't expect to see a Fell Drake in Filgaia, no?" She hesitates for a moment. "I--ah." She hesitates. "Ivan and I, we encountered them just yesterday. It was a bit of a shock, to say the least, no? But..."

She hesitates, and then her eyes glance sideways at her brother for a moment. "...They seemed to be dangerous. And not satisfied with eating vehicles," she adds. "You have a plan?"

She asks it of Ida.

She also reaches over -- takes Katherine's hand -- and squeezes once for reassurance.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Amaranth has posed.

    There's no small amount of discomfort in Amaranth's face, as more people enter; she looks contritely to Clarine as she enters, perhaps her glassy look kinda reflecting the Seraph's own wish that they're meeting under better circumstances.

    Boudicca is upstairs? She had heard she struggled under some circumstance related to the Drake...

    "I'd like to ask bluntly, Miss Everstead-Rey," Katherine pipes up first. "Are you gathering people to kill or to purify the Drake?"

    A longer pause, as she glances aside. "The second... is an option. It is not too late. But I do not have the capability to purify... ... I do not have the power to save people."

    A pause, as she realises those words slipped out again, and she hesitates as she looks to Talia. "But that is why I am here. Because I have... experience to share."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Boudicca has posed.

    Anyway, then a woman tumbles out of the air vents.

    "I have secured the building's aeration," Boudicca informs Ida. "There ought not be so much strain upon the generators from now on."

    One might get the impression that Boudicca had a very different quest leading up to this, but she's here now!! She picks herself up, waving to Dean and Avril before she goes to take a seat. She, of course, does not have any illusions to make her visible, but hopefully no one sits in her 'empty' chair.

<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

Excited as Azoth is for new sights and experiences, he can see why someone might feel out of place within the city. It is of little consequence to Azoth, but the conditions seem less than ideal for many other forms of life.

Normally, Azoth might barrel in with bright eyes and a brighter smile, but ever since the drake appeared, he's observed many of the Seraphim to be on edge. Loud noises and sudden movements wouldn't be comforting, to say in the least.

Instead, he quietly takes a seat with little more than a small smile and wave to make note of his presence. To Ida, he says more quietly: "It seems Ragnell isn't here today." He says it like he might have expected this, and not like he would be well aware if she was or wasn't. It's also probably not anything anyone should depend on him confirming again later.

Oh, no, orders of food! Azoth's one weakness. (One of many.) "Ah... just a cup of..." He grins a little at Liza. "Well, I can't say I'm an experienced connoisseur. How about you pick your favorite?"

Then, with a frown to the others: "How long does it usually take before this is... irreversible?"

<Pose Tracker> Cyre H. Lorentz has posed.

Cyre is being CHECKED OUT. And because he is in fact Cyre Lorentz and not as impenetrably thick as certain other individuals (hi ashley winchester), he picks up pretty quick and gives this cat a wink and a wave.

He's taken, but that doesn't mean he can't give a harmless little greeting, right? Right.


"Right, strategy." There are a lot of Seraphim here-- which honestly is to be expected, all things considered. "Apparently the thing isn't so far gone that it can't be purified," he says with a huff. "Though it ran away before I could finish the job. If we lock it down, I might have better luck. Get it all tied up and I can hit it with a tope con hilo and knock the Malevolence right out of it!"

There's a beat. He looks at the Smaller Cat and smiles, "Oh, yes. It's a great big monster, with huge wings and a fiery breath. A dragon, like the creatures whose bones fill Guild Galad. But don't worry! We're working on putting a stop to its rampage."

<Pose Tracker> Dean Stark has posed.

    Dean nods, some concern still in his eyes, when Ida says that Boudicca's just upstairs--but then when the Seraph in question tumbles into the room through the vents, he brightens. "Oh hey, Boudicca! We were just talking about you! Glad to see you here." He shares a smile with Avril as he sits down with her, now satisfied--well, for the time being. As has been established, they're here for a strategy meeting for how to deal with this Drake. It's a tall hurdle that's appeared in front of him as a fledgling Seer, but Dean's not nervous. With this many people here to help, he's sure it'll go fine.
    His smile does fade a little when Katherine asks if they're going to try to kill or purify the Drake. "Purify, obviously," he says firmly; he's that confident he doesn't need to check in with Ida or Boudicca on this matter. He looks over at Talia as she says she and Ivan ran into it just the other day. "Sounds like it's pretty active... But that's why we've got to take care of this right away, right?"
    Azoth asks a good question. Dean quiets for that answer--before looking over at Liza. "Oh! Are you taking orders? Could you get me some hot cocoa, please? And for Avril--" He looks over at her. "What d'you wanna drink?"
    Little Cat asks if this is that invisible monster. Dean would confirm it, but Cyre's got that covered, and with an approximate level of honesty that Dean himself would have used, so it's all good.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

Clarine returns Talia's smile with a small smile and a bow of her head of greeting.

"Talia... I hope you are well..." She says. And then, Boudicca arrives!

"Ah, hello, Boudicca..." Clarine greets "That is very kind of you..."

But soon her attention turns to Amaranth, and then to Ida as she asks a very important question - does she seek to kill or to purify the Drake? Clarine watches intently to see how Ida will respond. And when Amaranth says she has experience to share... Clarine repositions her chair just a bit closer, to help be there for reassurance.

<Pose Tracker> Ivan has posed.

Talia describes the twins' encounter with the drake, and Ivan nods along.

...They seemed to be dangerous. And not satisfied with eating vehicles

"...maybe they were dissappointed there was no one inside..." he observes, mostly to himself, since he had been pondering the mystery of why the beast was chewing on metal.

He looks to Talia. "Should we show them what we found?"

If someone is able to identify the drake based on the artifact, it... well, it probably wouldn't change any decisions on whether to try to purify it, but it might clarify the stakes somewhat if it turns out to be someone's friend.

He startles a bit as Boudicca tumbles down, appearing ready, however briefly, to fight her (sorry Boudicca). Then he calms and folds his arms with extra seriousness and tries to pretend he had been stoic all along.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Boudicca has posed.

    Boudicca spares Ivan an apologetic look. It's hard to gracefully exit from an air vent. One might ask, at this point, how someone in full plate slipped through an air vent, but that is because she is magic.

    "I will not kill the Drake," Boudicca replies, proving Dean entirely right. "We have the power to save them. I... shall not renege the next opportunity." And there is regret, there; but she does not explain what Azoth saw, what Ida and Dean had to address.

    She doesn't explain about invisible monsters, but that's mostly because she might well be invisible. Also, Cyre's got it.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Liath has posed.

While she might be one known for making grand entrances and grander declarations, the Seraph known as Liath also knows when it's wise to play the part of the wallflower. Mostly.

She has her moments. So... ... shut up. Especially you, Ragnell, wherever you are--

The point is, Liath's entrance to the tea house is one that is ultimately an unobtrusive and nondescript one, heralded only by the mildest ring of chimes at the tea house's entrance as she slips within. Bereft of the armor that usually adorns her right arm, the Prime Lord quietly shuts the door behind her as those bright eyes take in the gathering with wordless curiosity.

It's at the fringes that Liath takes her seat, hands folded in her lap as she watches Dean and Boudicca declare their intent to save the Drake. Gold eyes half-lid.

But the only thing the Light Seraph says at the moment is, "Ah -- a... peppermint tea, please?" before she falls back into quiet listening. The benefits of being an Accessible Ghost -- when everyone can see you, you can make your own orders!

It might not sound impressive, but for Liath, it's pretty great.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

    Liza's eyebrows shoot upwards as Cyre speaks of the dread beast. Her ears flatten, ever-so-slightly. But with Sandra right there, she's not in a position to ask any further questions. She keeps taking orders, and writes down "green tea, Sylvaland blend" on Azoth's behalf.

    And then Boudicca tumbles out of the vents. The two sisters completely miss this, of course, but Ida does not. "Boudicca," says Ida, a warm smile. She pats the empty cushion next to her. "Have a seat." She saved that one just for her.

    And then Amaranth opens with a bombshell of a question. "Purify," Ida says. There's no doubt or hesitation on her face, or in her voice--just resolve, and the knowledge of how dangerous this is going to be. "Anything less would be a mockery of the vow I swore. I tried, but it fled before I could gain a foothold--and it may well be too powerful for any one of us to Purify alone." She glances at Dean, then at Lanval, then at Cyre. "Indeed, Miss Weaver, if you have any experience at all... I would be glad to hear it. Anything we can use to save a life." A pause. She sees how Amaranth is holding Talia's hand. Her face softens. "But only so long as you're comfortable. I know how difficult this must be for you."

    Ida has no idea.

    But Talia speaks of another encounter. Ida tilts her head to acknowledge her. "...What happened?" she asks, glancing at Ivan. "What did you find?"

    And then another pause. Ida bows, ever-so-slightly, as Liath makes her entrance. "Prime Lord. Thank you for making the journey here, and... I apologize, if it was a difficult one." Guild Galad is not exactly Seraph-friendly. But it may well be Liath-friendly. So much to see and do!

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

    To Azoth, Ida simply says: "Ragnell has made tracking it her top priority." Which says a lot about how important this is to her.

<Pose Tracker> Avril Vent Fleur has posed.

    "Upstairs...?" Avril glances upwards and sights the vent, above. Aha. No need for further questions, your honor. And indeed, it isn't long until the woman herself arrives, via the airducts. Avril doesn't even blink at this. It's just part of Boudicca (and Seraphs in general) being who she is. Glancing over at Boudicca -- and with Dean -- she greets the two of them with a smile as well.

    Avril, meeting Talia's gaze, lifts a hand to wave (if a touch regally) back at Talia. It's been a while!

    "Purify..." Avril echoes, folding her hands over the tabletop. "I see... so that is what you intend, Dean. "If..." But she trails off, shaking her head. No, even Amaranth seems to think it should still be possible, so...

    For now she lapses into silence, pensively so.

    Well, until another important question is dropped into her lap: what does she want to drink?

    "Hmm... I think," Avril starts, pursing her lips as she considers her options. "Do you have 'red tea'? Something that is not terribly stimulating would suffice."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Amaranth has posed.

    Several people -- Dean, Boudicca, who tumbles out of an air vent! and Ida herself reconfirms that they want to purify. Amaranth's expression relaxes, but just a bit. At least she doesn't have to worry about the other case--

    But then Liath enters, and the seamstress' face looks like it's had a sackful of bricks dropped on them. She takes a moment, realising she looks like that, and recombobulates herself.

    "As you've seen and already understand... the Drake is but one stage of a Seraph's journey to becoming a Fell Dragon. When I encountered it with the other Drifters, it was about the size of a cart... a Dragon is, roughly, building-sized, if not larger."

    A pause.

    "Much like other Hellions... a Fell Drake will resist any attempts at Purification..." Is she flitting her gaze at the Prime Lord? "It was... necessary, the last time, that the Drake be weakened..."

    She glances to the side, squeeing Talia's hand further.

    "To undergo the process of becoming a Fell Dragon is... at least the last time, to have your overriding obsession intensify to the point where it consumes you whole. The closer you are, the more the obsession amplifies itself over your thoughts..."

    She does look surprised, though, when Ivan brings it up. "You found something?"

<Pose Tracker> Talia has posed.

Talia waves at Azoth, too. But she looks tense -- and a little more tense, as Katherine asks her question. The expression on her face says more than words, though: she has an opinion about whether they kill or purify the Drake. She glances sideways at Dean, then she smiles at his response -- and she nods.

That's the sort of response she would like to hear.

Talia is observant -- to a fault sometimes -- so when Liath makes a subtle entrance, she notices. She looks at her -- her eyes widen for a second -- and then she smiles, and she nods at her. "Hello, Liath!" she says, like they didn't fight earlier. Or... maybe like they did.

But, that's a talk for later. She looks at Ida -- and she nods once at Ida's response. She seems satisfied with it, but she does look at Amaranth. She nods at her, trying to be encouraging.

She is quiet while Amaranth explains. She looks at Amaranth, listening as she explained. She takes a deep breath, then nods. She squeezes her hand back.

When she finishes, she mouths: 'Good job.' Then, she nods. "Something that fell from the Drake. It was caught in their scales. Ivan took it back, and with everything, I didn't think to mention. I don't know if it will help..."

Then, Talia glances at her brother. Talia tilts her head to the side at him, then she nods her head. It seems best; after all, maybe someone here would recognize it. Maybe it would mean something to them. "Let's show them, brother," she says. "Maybe it will be helpful, somehow, no?"

<Pose Tracker> Cyre H. Lorentz has posed.

With Liza sufficiently awed by Cyre's bardic abilities, the shaman is content to lean back and turn his attention again towards the conversation at hand. "I do wonder why it is that Seraphs turn into dragons of all things. Maybe something to do with their tie to Althena? I know she has dragons. But then, that raises awkward questions about the nature of her dragons, doesn't it?"

And Cyre is all about those awkward theological questions.

But this is not the time, nor the place.

Not even beginning to explain what a tope con hilo is, Cyre can only nod. "If we need to weaken it, then the top priority will be immobilizing it. I think I should be able to restrain it, temporarily, at least. From there, we'll need to figure out a more permanent means of cutting off its ability to turn tail... Especially since it sounds like it'll probably start fighting tooth and nail the moment we begin purifying it, and I don't want to be tied up trying to hold it still if it does."

There's a very visible Seraphim there. Cyre... doesn't actually know that about Liath!! They're all very visible to him, after all. It would definitely be convenient, though, wouldn't it? Being able to make your own drink orders...

"Hmn?" He asks toward Ivan as his sister explains the situation. "Maybe it could be a hint as to what its obsession is. If we can use that against it, we could draw it into a trap...?"

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

"The power to save them... the power of Purification..." Clarine murmurs. ...A power that she doesn't possess. Would she really be able to be of any use...? She's drawn out of these thoughts by the arrival of Liath, who causes her to brighten up a little.

"Liath... it is good to see you again..." She says.

Fortunately, everyone seems to be in agreement that they wish to purify the Drake. Clarine feels a little relieved, at that. ...She's not sure how she would approach it if they were not.

"I am... pleased to hear that." Clarine comments. And then she goes quiet, looking toward Amaranth.

She's curious, though as Ivan and Talia mention that they found something. Does it belong to the drake...?

<Pose Tracker> Dean Stark has posed.

    Well, if it had been impressed upon Dean that killing the Seraph-now-monster was the only way, he'd do that. He'd be sad for the poor Drake, but if that's the only option, then he can't just sit back and let it terrorize innocent people. But he's been fully impressed that there's still a chance to save them, to turn them back into a normal person, and knowing that, of course he's going to opt for purification. That's what being a Seer is all about!
    So when Avril speaks, Dean gives her a firm nod and a solid, "Yeah." She might trail off, but he's confident. Even if he might not be able to do it alone, they've got everyone here. It should be possible!
    Boudicca declares her will, and Dean catches her eye and gives her a supportive thumbs-up. "Heck yeah!" He falls silent to listen to Katherine's explanation, nodding every so often. "So if we figure out its obsession, that'll help us help it?" he wonders.
    He pauses to look over at Liath as she enters and give her a bright smile and a wave in greeting; then he focuses back on the matter at hand. If Cyre can immobilize it, the Seers can try purifying it... But if it resists, that might be hard... It's still worth doing, of course; most things that're worth doing are hard. But they can't afford to botch it. Dean rubs his chin, trying to think of a strategy, but--it's not really his strong suit.
    At least they might get some more information from this thing that Talia and Ivan apparently retrieved! Dean looks over at whatever it is once they get this thing they found in the drake's scales.

<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

To Ida, he smiles faintly. "So it would seem."

Azoth gives Boudicca a warm smile and a wave. He notices the regret, but he won't pry into it. The resolve is answer enough of what would help most: working toward purification.

Liath is here, and like Thames, it seems her presence is not something so understated to those around her. Katherine, too. Both for different reasons, but he hasn't identified exactly what yet for either. He nods to both, then Talia and Ivan to. So subdued today! Admire his restraint.

But this seems more and more a dire enemy to fight, and not just for all the usual reasons. Unless Azoth can learn to purify, he'll have to calculate some other way to make himself useful. At the mention of something that belongs to the drake -- a once Seraph -- Azoth's eyes glow a little brighter. He glances to Cyre before his attention centers back on Ivan. A weakness to exploit... It's almost difficult to conceive with how much a wild animal the drake seemed. But if they still have emotional connections to who they were...

<Pose Tracker> Ivan has posed.

Ivan gives an embarrassed 'hmph' at the appearance of Liath; his pride is still a little injured over losing to her in the fight earlier, although there are otherwise no hard feelings.

Thankfully, it sounds like everyone is on the same page about purifying the drake rather than trying to kill it.

Let's show them, brother.

Ivan nods, drawing the flute from a pack and presenting it for the group's inspection. "We're not completely sure if it belonged to them before the transformation, but it could be something important to their identity," he glances to Dean, "or their obsession, like you said..."

<Pose Tracker> A Mysterious Object has posed.

The object in question is a piece of a flute, including the mouthpiece and a couple of the note openings before it trails off, broken. Once it may have been silver, or some similar material, but now it is blackened and purpled, twisted and broken by some corruptive force. In fact, those who can sense it can sense: there is Malevolence in this thing. Its misshapen pads trail it in quantities insufficient to harm most.

The style is of old Lunar--a knowledge of instruments or perhaps of this instrument will indicate just how old it is.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Liath has posed.

"Lady Ida." Ever-gracious is Liath as she dips her head in greeting. And ever-warm is her smile when she raises her head again, as if to banish the Galadian's concerns with nothing more than her radiant disposition.

"It was no trouble. I had already been in the region to scout with Ragnell," explains the Prime Lord, simply. "I thought it wise that one of us be here, at least, to see what decisions you all might come to with regards to this particular problem."

Her smile grows just a touch more excited, here. "Besides -- there are so many marvelous things to see here! Your carriages that harness the power of horses are particularly impressive."

Does she mean -- horsepower--?

Well anyway that sparkly-eyed god-knows-what-she's-imagining look at least starts to fade as she notices eyes on her. Her gaze drifts Amaranth's way. They blink, in wide-eyed wonder.

And then her expression melts into something softer, like sympathy knitted into understanding for seamstress' state.

It's an apology in a look.

It's one that's long gone, however, by the time her attentions turn toward the others. "Talia," she greets, friendly as ever, despite the fact that they had just been skewering each other with swords not so long ago. Work-life balance is important. "And Clarine. I did not realize you were all in pursuit of the drake, but I am so pleased to see you here."

She falls silent once more, though, offering Dean, <strikethrough>Ivan<strikethrough> Vlad, and Azoth all those sunbeam smiles of hers before her attention turns towards Amaranth. Her brows furrow inward, fingers threading in her lap as she listens.

"..." Her smile fades into something more contemplative. Her threaded fingers squeeze together as she looks downward.

And that is when she catches sight of that fractured flute. She blinks. Her lips purse. And though she says nothing, those expressive features paint a picture all their own: something like familiarity, or deja vu, perhaps -- a subtle dash in a wider sea of confusion.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Amaranth has posed.

    Amaranth has a great, silent pause at that, eyes widening slowly. She's careful to not... come too close, Malevolently imbued as the object is -- she hopes Ivan knows that -- but her glance is first spared to Clarine.

    Dean mentions that if they can latch onto his obsession...

    "Yes... the last time--" Amaranth pauses, before frowning. She hates herself for talking in circles. "No... rather."

    "When I was infected, I remember well that having people close to me to speak and distract me helped. I resisted with all my might, influenced by the Malevolence ensconced in my mind."

    The seamstress looks a bit tired at that, nervous tic acting up as she plays with her hair.

    "Regardless. That flute is... the divine vessel of one of our old companions, the Fire Seraph known as Yvain. And..."

    Her glance is at Liath again for a moment. "He was there to help me break free, at the time. ... now I have to repay that favour."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

Ivan presents a flute -or at least, a part of one - and Clarine's eyes go wide. She lets out a gasp of surprise and, immediately, looking toward Amaranth to judge if she recognizes it as well... and, indeed, she does. She notices, too, that tired look and scoots even closer to rest a hand on her shoulder.

"...Yes. There can be no doubt - I recognize it, as well..." Clarine murmurs, nodding in agreement. "If... you found it on the Drake, then it is possible..."

...She trails off. She doesn't like to think about that particular conclusion, but... there can be no doubt, can there?

"It is... sad, to see it in such a state. It used to be such a marvelous thing..." She murmurs.

<Pose Tracker> Rebecca Streisand has posed.

Rebecca Streisand is running late. And she's running even later than usual for a singular reason.

Her dextrous foot nudges open the door, and she steps in, balancing a large covered bowl on her fingers, and trying to hide it behind her body in profile.

Eyes scanning the occupants, she tries to be polite and not make a fuss as she creeps over towards the party itself, more than a little embarrassed given how classy this place is...

... as she's bringing with her the worst of all things for a place like this...

... outside food...

...outside fast food.

Dean, without much warning suddenly gets a covered bowl of fried noodle slipped into his hands before she leans over and quietly explains his way.

"Here Dean. Since we're getting involved in this... eat up. This'll definitely raise your purification power to maximum."

Rebecca to be clear knows zero, zip, zilch about purification and how it functions and what can actually strengthen it.

She does however tend to know Dean pretty well, and knows that a full stomach of comfort food tends to empower him more than any number of spiritual pep talks.

She then promptly sits down in her reserved seat, hoping noone but Dean and Avirl noticed.

"Just needed to make an extra stop." She says to Avril, sounding sheepish, before she faces forward and tries to catch up on the proceedings.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Boudicca has posed.

    When Amaranth was infected...

    Boudicca doesn't have time to address that, though, with what she trails into. Grey the sorrow in her eyes, to behold a divine vessel warped, wrenched, Malevolence bled to its edges. What Talia and Ivan have found is a home.

    Nobody's home.

    "Ida... Dean..."

    ENTER REBECCA, and that gives Boudicca time to collect herself a little, the warbling wobble of her gentle voice becoming more firm as she draws herself up on the pillow she's sitting on. "... we ought not leave such a precious thing plagued so."

<Pose Tracker> Cyre H. Lorentz has posed.

Cyre sees a flute.

And other than the craftsmanship and its woeful state of disrepair and corruption, utterly misses the significance of such an object. "A flute, huh? So... What can we do with this, exactly?" Cyre scratches his cheek curiously.

Also he might be giving Dean's delicious noodles a side-eye of envy. He kind of wants some of that......

...Do they make fried noodles at this cafe?

<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

A flute. Azoth has no familiarity with instruments. Most were far too small to be of relevance to him until recently, and even if he wanted to interact with him, he would be barred from the woodwind family. But he does recognize Malevolence now, and his eyes give another brightening flicker of their light.

"A vessel," Azoth repeats, perhaps only now beginning to realize how significant the concept is to a Seraph based on the reactions of those around them. "I thought those were protection from Malevolence."

In other words, shouldn't corrupting one be difficult?


Azoth's eyes dim as he glances downward, falling silent.

<Pose Tracker> Dean Stark has posed.

    When Amaranth admits that she had once been a Hellion herself, Dean only nods. Perhaps it's because he lacks context for how serious an affliction it really is for Seraphim; perhaps it's because he's had too many friends who became Hellions; but mostly it's because he takes it as a sign that there's still hope for the Drake.
    "An old friend of yours, huh," he says to her and Clarine. He pumps a fist in determination. "Yvain, you said? Then we've absolutely gotta save him!"
    Then, all of a sudden, there's a bowl of fried noodles in front of him. He blinks, looks down at it, and looks to the side to see Rebecca, Delivery Girl Extraordinaire. He lights up at her murmured explanation and whispers back, "Thanks a million, Rebecca!! You're the best!" And he picks up the bowl, grabs a fork, and starts chowing down at speed. If Cyre wants a bite of those noodles too, he'll have to be prepared to maybe lose a finger in the process.
    He does at least pause to nod firmly in agreement with Boudicca--but slows when Azoth makes a very good point about the purpose of a vessel in the first place. Dean's brows furrow in concern.
    ...then he grabs a drink of his hot cocoa, which has presumably been served by now, and resumes wolfing down those noodles. Gotta eat fast!!

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

    Sandra and Liza return bearing the Drifters' orders of food and drink, and begin doling them out to with grace and precision. As talk of eldritch forces and purification take center stage, the two of them do their best to fade into the background, listening, but not questioning the Drifters' business.

    Ida receives an iced cinnamon roll, fresh out of the oven, and a cup of black tea with sugar. She accepts them gratefully, nodding at Amaranth, then Talia, as the conversation proceeds. "Caught in their scales?" she murmurs, her brow furrowing. She doesn't like the sound of that.

    "At the very least," Ida says to Cyre, "We have a man who can control the wind itself--even become the wind, if necessary. It's surely slower on foot than it is in the air."

    Her gaze falls on Ivan, and then the object he produces. It's clearly part of a wind instrument, and Ida can smell the Malevolence clinging to it from here. She glances at Rebecca and her CONTRABAND, but only for a moment. "Mrs. Weaver..." she whispers, as the revelations come out, one after another. "You--" Oh God, Ida thinks. She didn't know. She didn't know. She meets the Seraph's eyes from across the table, her gaze glimmering with empathy. "We'll bring him back. Just as you were brought back. Just as I was." Ida sets her jaw. She turns to Boudicca, nods. "Ivan, if you would pass it here, please?" She holds a hand out, ready to accept it. Azoth asks his question, and Ida looks at him, grimly. That's not a question for her to answer.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Liath has posed.

"Yvain," says Liath, as if testing the name. A frown lingers at her lips.

"... So he was another of your companions. Like Ragnell. And..."

Liath stirs from her quiet consternation, however, as Azoth speaks. She looks up his way, for a wordless moment, before she looks back towards the Malevolence-laced object.

"There is no protection that is absolute in this world," is her explanation to what is likely dawning upon him.

"... Place enough stress on any thing, and it shall surely fracture."

<Pose Tracker> Cyre H. Lorentz has posed.

"Except pudding," Cyre says confidently, because he apparently has food on the brain. "That'll just squish."


"What could have been a powerful enough source of Malevolence to corrupt something like this, though? I can think of that one... Lion-guy, the one we ran into in the Sky Garden right before being warped to Lunar the first time." The Lord of Calamity, in other words. Cyre shakes his head slowly. "...Anyway. I'd be glad to help hold the drake down. Do you all need any help purifying this thing, or do all you Oracles have it covered?"

<Pose Tracker> Talia has posed.

Talia is quiet as she looks at Katherine, but she stays at her side. She doesn't approach the flute -- better to not risk any Malevolence exposure to Amaranth, if they can help it -- and her eyes widen a little. She knows Amaranth's past, but it is a surprise to hear her say it aloud to others.

She glances at her -- then at Clarine -- and she looks at the flute. Her eyes widen a little. "Yvain?" she asks. "Ah--it's like Dean asked, no? It could be him..."

She frowns, for a moment.

Then she glances at her brother, once. She nods -- and then she looks at Liath. "Did... you know this Yvain, Liath? It sounds like you didn't..."

Talia waves at Rebecca when she enters. And maybe looks a little hungry.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Amaranth has posed.

    "... yes," Amaranth nods of Dean's rather keen assessment. "As Liath said... nothing is absolute. And sometimes--" A pause. "Sometimes, the more protected something is, the easier it is to find a crack in that armour. A well-defended fortress draws curiousity and attention as to what its flaws might be."

    She has a look towards Talia, and bites her lip and exhales, nodding as her partner tells her quietly that she did a good job.

    She very clearly doesn't answer when Talia asks if Liath knows Yvain.

    Ida catches her look, and there's a moment where she looks back towards her. Just as she was? So Ida was a Hellion too...

    "... would you lend me the flute, once it is purified? I cannot fight. But I want to be there, when we bring him back..."

    A pause. "And I think... I could still play something on it. A tune he liked very much. It may help."

<Pose Tracker> Avril Vent Fleur has posed.

    "It is alright," Avril assures Rebecca, shaking her head. "I wonder why they do not sell fried noodles here, however?" she says, tilting her head to one side as she considers /this' particular conundrum carefully. "Would they not earn a larger income...?"

    Someone might, er, need to explain to Avril how a teahouse actually works. It's not a street restaurant!

    But, then there is the flute, set out before them.

    "This is..."

    She sits a little straighter in her seat, not least because of the aura billowing off of it.

    "This... belonged to it..."

<Pose Tracker> Ivan has posed.

It sounds like the Drake is a friend to some of them. Hopefully they'll be able to intervene in time.

"Er, yes, if anyone can purify it, I probably shouldn't be carrying it around like this..." But he didn't quite see an alternative. Moreover, he'd like to offer it to Katherine or one of the others who was friends with the drake -- Yvain -- and he can't do that when it's exuding an aura that would be toxic to them.

At Ida's request, he offers it over to her.

When Azoth makes his observation, he looks to the others, also wondering at the answer. He doesn't have the strongest grasp on how all of this works. It sounds like the answer might be very strong Malevolence, which... doesn't bode well.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

Clarine goes quiet, as the obvious question goes up - vessels are intended to be a protection from Malevolence, what must have happened for this one to be so tainted...? She doesn't like to think about it... but, if they truly wish to save Yvain, it may be important to find out what.

Ida asks for the flute, then, and Clarine looks upon her curiously.

"What do you intend to do...?" She asks. But, the others make it clear that she seems to intend to purify it. Clarine nods, relaxing a little. "Ah... I must confess, I do not know the full extent of the capabilities of an Oracle and their Seers..."

...She couldn't help but be a little curious.

She looks toward Amaranth, then, and smiles.

"That is a wonderful idea... he would like that, I am certain..." She says. ...She hopes there's enough of him left to like it.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

    "Thank you," Ida says, as her fingers curl gently around the flute. As Amaranth catches her gaze, she nods, knowingly, sadly. The two of them can talk more about that later, perhaps. Now, Ida has to do her duty.

    She breathes in, tendrils of Malevolence wafting up, though her nose, into her lungs. She breathes out, and holds the flute out, so Dean and Boudicca can touch it too. "The same sensations as the Drake itself," she remarks. "Burning heat. Helpless anger." A nod to Cyre. "We have it," she says, "but thank you. Dean? Boudicca?"

    Once the others join in, Ida's gaze hoods. Azoth saw her do this once before--the others, perhaps not. Bright, hot flame ignites in the palm of Ida's hand, washing over the tainted instrument. The Malevolence begins to burn off it, slow and steady, leaving nothing behind but pure white smoke and the scents of incense and burnt wood--

    And perhaps something restored to its rightful form.

<Pose Tracker> Rebecca Streisand has posed.

Talia gets a wave back from Rebecca... who tries her best NOT to watch her and Amaranth toooo closely given the gravity of this conversation.

Rebecca doesn't know too much about Seraphim, or the importance of vessels. However, she does at least understand that this is important to a figure known as Yvain, an old companion of Amaranth's, who Dean just resolved to save.

As Dean thanks her though, Rebecca keeps looking sheepish as she makes downward motions with her hands, like indicating for Dean to keep it down, and glancing sidelong at the proprietor to see if they noticed.

She does whisper though after she's checked... "It's no problem Dean. Gotta keep you in top shape for what's coming up right?"

Being an acrobat, she sees it basically as the equivalent of carb-loading before some big show or something perhaps... a theoretical big show.

... she's never really put on any big shows before... but in THEORY!

And then leaning over, she doesn't do the same and try to 'shoosh' Avril, but instead explains, "Oh uh... it's because it's a pretty classy place Avril. So their menu is created to serve... fare... that fits that... 'image'."

She seems to be struggling somewhat with the words because, restaurants are not the sort of thing she typically thinks about.

Avril though, sits up and takes notice. And even if she... didn't, she sits up a bit herself, trying to... stretch out her senses and give it more of her attention.

Amaranth's plan... well... she gives her a look as if trying to figure something out... and hasn't quite.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Boudicca has posed.

    The process of an Oracle and their Seers... well, Boudicca doesn't explain to Clarine, but they demonstrate.

    Cyre, it turns out, is not the only master of wind in this room.

    In the manner of Althena, air feeds fire. It builds around her, that taste of oxygen, until she reaches out to snap her fingers -- flint to steel --

    -- and the air which is her feeds the fire Ida and Dean use in their work.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Liath has posed.

Liath's eyes widen--!

"... Does that make pudding the ideal vessel...?"

no liath

"--But what if it were to be frozen--!"

no liath it started out as your own metaphor stop it

But even Liath's vast and sometimes unfortunate imagination can only distract for so long in a situation like this. As talk turns towards purifying the flute, she falls silent, her eyes fixating once more on that former vessel. Yvain. Does she know him?

She is as silent as Amaranth for a time almost interminable, as if sifting through a mountain of thoughts and impulses, before her lips finally part with an answer of, "... No. I am afraid I knew him not."

Her expression finally steels, then.

"But I will not suffer to have any of my kin to fester in such a fate, least of all one close to those I consider dear."

Despite her insistence, however, she does spare Amaranth a grateful smile as she speaks. "A fine idea. One does not need a sharp edge of steel to fight for what they hold dear." She pauses, considerate, for a moment. "And in purifying this, perhaps you all will get a better idea of what you will be facing. There can be no salvation without understanding."

<Pose Tracker> Dean Stark has posed.

    After a moment of high-speed gobbling, Dean finishes slamming his dinner. He manages *not* to slam the bowl, opting instead to flash Rebecca a grateful smile, finish off his drink to wash it all down, and wipe his mouth on a handy napkin. "Okay! I'm good to go," he says firmly, nodding once to Ida. He looks at Cyre and adds, "Let's see if we can handle this first! If it's too much, we'll ask you for help then." Then he goes over to join his Oracle and fellow Seer to help purify the old, sad, corrupted flute.
    He stretches out his partly-gloved hands, and a warm, comforting spark ignites between them, then flares into a small but strong flame when Boudicca sends up her wind to fan the flame. He takes up a position opposite from Ida and holds out his purifying fire to the flute's other side. The Malevolence singes away from that end too...
    And what's left behind once it's all been cleansed away is--

<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

There's so little of Malevolence Azoth has seen. But what must this flute have been through to end up in this state? More importantly -- what happened to Yvain? But there's some hope in the idea that the drake has friends. Once this is over, there will be familiar people to return to. Katherine mentions a song. Those can have such emotional importance, even if he's still struggling to understand such a language himself.

Maybe who plays it matters more than anything else.

At Liath, Azoth flinches. "Please reconsider. Someone might eat it." What happens to a Seraph if their vessel is consumed? He doesn't want to know, nobody test this.

But Boudicca, Ida, and Dean begin the process of purification, and all of Azoth's attention is on them as he observes the process, extracting as much detail as his sensors are able.

<Pose Tracker> Talia has posed.

"That seems like it might help... a way to chip at his armor, as you said, no?" Talia says with a glance at Amaranth. Then, she looks back at Avril, and she nods her head.

Then, she looks at Liath. Talia's eyes blink a couple of times -- her head tilts -- and she breaks out into a grin. "Azoth is right. It is a bad idea, no?" she says. "You see, people would eat the pudding. And then... a Seraph would live in a person's tummy."

She nods, sagely.

But she does look more serious, as she looks back at the flute. She watches as Dean and Ida combine their powers -- purifying flame washing over it -- and there's a sense of relief.

'And in purifying this, perhaps you all will get a better idea of what you will be facing. There can be no salvation without understanding.'

But there's another sense: a feeling of guilt, of a thought that intrudes into her mind. She can help fight the Drake, but she can't help purify it. She doesn't have the power to do so. But it's more than that.

She is still a murderer. A knife. And a knife can't save a soul. She looks down into the flames, her smile pleasant but distant.

<Pose Tracker> A Mysterious Object has posed.

When the light and heat fades, what was a fragment of an instrument is instead larger than it was; it's a full flute, carefully constructed once with metal mouthpiece and intricate structure to shape varying notes. It is a lovely instrument, and indeed of ancient style; it was old when the ones who saw it first saw it, and it shines with the light around it--no longer an inner light as perhaps it once may have, but light of a fire for the moment nevertheless.

It may be more delicate than it once was, but it is still essentially a metal rod. ...And there is no reason it could not sing again.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Amaranth has posed.

    Amaranth has little more to share; most everything has been spoken and laid on the table, but staring at the process of Purification, different as it is with the use of fire from Dean and Ida, with Boudicca supplying them with air to burn...

    It takes her back there.

    It takes her back to that obsession.

    Helpless anger... is a very familiar feeling to her. The sheer disgust and wretched hatred she felt for every juror, the judge, the cabinet and ministry...

    And how little that anger helped make things better in the end. You can be angry at the world with all your heart and have it mean nothing.

    She doesn't laugh at Liath's joke, notably. Because to laugh at it would be to....


    She doesn't want to think about that right now.

    She notices Talia's somewhat distant look and smile, though, stepping closer to her.

    "Thank you, all of you," Amaranth says quietly.

<Pose Tracker> Ivan has posed.

Ivan hides his face at whatever consequences he was imagining for a Seraph entrusting pudding to be their vessel.

Dean and Ida are able to purify the flute, and Ivan looks over to see how it changes, eyes widening in surprise to see that the broken, incomplete piece is now a whole instrument.

"Would he be able to use it as a vessel again now that it's purified?"

At the very least, it looks capable of making music again.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

    The flame burns. The helpless anger pours into Ida's heart--it's nowhere near as powerful as the Drake's own Domain, but it resonates deeply with her nevertheless.

    And she says, to that anger: I know. Please, let it out. Unburden yourself to me. I'm listening. There is no judgment here.

    Ida closes her eyes, and swallows. A single tear runs down her cheek, a tear of grief and love for a man she's never met. But when she opens her eyes, the instrument is whole again.

    Ida's heart skips a beat. It feels like she's worked a tiny miracle. "Here," she says, glancing at Amaranth, then Dean and Boudicca. "You should have this, Katherine."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

Clarine watches intently as Oracle and Seers work in tandem. Such teamwork... the three of them must have a great trust for one another. She has admittedly thought about it before - what it takes to become an Oracle. Soon it subsides, and flute returns to what it is.

Clarine looks upon it silently for a moment. It's nostalgic, really, to look upon it.

"...Ah. There it is." Clarine remarks. "It truly is a beautiful thing, is it not...?"

She goes quiet for a moment before looking between Boudicca, Ida, and Dean once more.

"...Thank you." She says.

It's only his flute, but... it's a start. If they were able to save it... then maybe there's a chance.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Amaranth has posed.

    Katherine might not even be thinking it consciously, but she runs along the same veins as Talia does; some part of her knows about Oraclehood, yet...

    It's not for those who have fallen, is what that part of her says.

    "I will keep it safe," Katherine answers very quietly, taking it to her hand to look at it. It really looks like the day she last saw it. "And... may it help, on the day we do this."

<Pose Tracker> Avril Vent Fleur has posed.

    "Oh, is that right?" she answers Rebecca, innocently enough. "I see. ...Hm."

    The wheels in her head are turning in regards to this conundrum. "Is it the result or the ingredients that make a particular type of food 'high class'?" ...Ask Avril a question about physics and you might get the right answer. Ask her a question about society and all bets are off. At least someone did explain marriage to her, eventually.

    Dean turns his attentions -- synchronizing with his fellow Seer and focusing their powers into the contaminated flute. And just like that, it's...

    Avril raises a hand to her lips, as if she were astonished at the sight before her. "Oh... it has been restored! Dean, how wonderful!" she utters, reaching over to (surreptitiously) take Rebecca's hand.

<Pose Tracker> Dean Stark has posed.

    What made Dean worthy of becoming a Seer--of gaining the power of purification--is perhaps the purify of his heart... but what makes him capable of *being* a Seer, of *wielding* that power, is the maturity and understanding of others' pain he's gained during his years of travel. When that feeling of helpless anger surges into him during the purification process, it's a surprise, but not an overwhelming one. It's only a small piece of Malevolence; he can handle it.
    And... he can sympathize with it. It reminds him of what Id shared with Dean about himself and his past; of that power that Volsung wielded that was almost exactly like a newly-born bird, terrified and struggling to live. He may not have Ida's experience with being a Hellion, but he learned how to listen, to have compassion, to simply be there for someone.
    He is there for these torrid feelings while they remain. And then, soon enough, they are gone.
    Dean breathes out a long sigh. He looks up at Ida, and he gapes fretfully when he sees Ida's crying--but the way she talks when she opens her eyes, she seems fine. Still, he gives her a look of concern before offering a smile to Amaranth and Clarine. "Yeah. It really is pretty," he says, observing the flute now purified and made whole.
    Avril's joy is infectious, too, and he grins and hops in place to face her and Rebecca. "Yeah! We did a great job!" He gives Ida a firm nod--he thinks that just one of them could have handled it, even... but if Ida was moved enough to cry, then he doesn't want to say that out loud. Instead, he gives Amaranth and Clarine an encouraging smile. "You're welcome." Then he pumps a fist into the air to share his enthusiasm with everyone, if he can. "Next stop: Yvain! We'll make sure to bring him home!"
    oh is avril holding hands with rebecca that's so nice dean's so happy that they're such good friends, just gals bein pals

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Boudicca has posed.

    The bridge is connection; the flame burns. These gentle, purifying flames...

    They are well-suited to the seat of a home.

    Boudicca sinks back, a little, as Ida and Dean finish their work, lets out a sigh of a breath which sends a breeze through the room. (And a shiny stone tumbling over to the feline beastfolk working so hard. She brought them a present of equivalent market value! Just in case she messed their generator up while trying to optimise their air purification.) Her eyes close, for a moment, when they open, she looks to Amaranth, again.

    "I understand a little..." It's time for her own words to trail, this time, in hesitancy. She remembers Marivel's conjecture; now it makes sense to her, the reason she could defeat a Drake of such power the way she was. "... if Yvain hears you... some part of him may still listen. I could do nothing pleasant with my chance, last time, but -- but were you to give us another, here, now --"

    Her hand goes to her heart, protected behind that breastplate. "Please, help us save him. And..." Boudicca's gaze shifts, to Clarine, who has trailed off so much tonight. "... were your barriers to assist us... I would be deeply grateful, Clarine."

    Dean has friends, and that's very good, but Boudicca is distracted by her Seraph friends being sad right now.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

    Ida sees Dean looking at her, offering up a small smile. "It brought back memories," she says. "Not all of them good. But I remember when I was purified--I'd been carrying that weight around for so long I'd forgotten what it was like to live without it. If I can do that for Yvain..." Her smile widens.

    And even though one of them could've handled this small ritual, they worked together for a reason--at least, Ida thinks so. There's a bond between the three of them, and it's important to her that the others see it.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Liath has posed.

There is a long time where Liath is silent after Talia and Azoth's very valid reasoning as to why pudding would be impractical where one can only hope that she's not imagining how viable it would be to use pudding and the digestive tract it resides in as some manner of two-factor verification vessel of purification even though deep down inside one knows that is absolutely what she's imagining right at this very moment.

"............ Ah. I suppose that is true enough. Mm."

Crisis averted--?

Liath is nothing, however, if not an observant creature. For all the wild places her tangents may take her, she does not fail to notice certain things as the purification begins: the way Boudicca, Ida and Dean all work in tandem towards an effect greater than the sum of its parts. The nostalgia in Clarine's eyes, that feels so familiar and yet not.

The way Amaranth falls into silence, lost in another sentiment that feels so achingly familiar.

The distance that Talia gently interposes between herself and the world.


When the purification is finished, Liath looks upon that instrument, her head cant to the right. Despite herself, fondness softens the edges of her expression.

"It is beautiful," she says, after a moment. "And he will be happy to have it."

With that, however, the Seraph rises once more to her feet. "I shall take my leave of you all now, and return to the hunt with Ragnell. When we find aught of the drake, you will know with all due haste." 'When,' not 'if.' After all... "I swear we will not stop until we have found him."

With that, she moves to take her leave anew. She only stops, for a moment, nearer to Amaranth and Talia. She looks down at the two of them for a quiet moment.

The gloved hand that falls on Amaranth's shoulder is a brief thing, but it is as bedrock as that smile of absolute, unwavering confidence she affords them both before she makes her way towards the exit anew.

<Pose Tracker> Cyre H. Lorentz has posed.

Truly, there are no greater vessels for a Seraphim than pudding...

Cyre nods in judicious agreement with this valuable mote of wisdom. "Pudding... or flan..."

But then, the purification occurs. Cyre watches, but he's paying closer attention to the Seraphim who claimed to be one of this particular Fell Drake's old companions... And more importantly, who is apparently one of Ragnell's old friends.

"That explains why she was so uncharacteristically enthusiastic about doing something that benefitted the world at large," Cyre murmurs thoughtfully. In his mind, Ragnell's image has forever been tarnished by an attempt to summon a damn Clysmian into the world, nevermind trying to fire a bullet of pure Malevolence directly into Raftina's own heart.

She'd probably say he holds too many grudges. Really, though? Really though? There are some things that deserve to be held against people for all time.

It's not like she's ever apologized for them, either. So.

"...Well. I think now we just need to hash out the details as to how we're going to lock this particular dragon down. Personally, I vote trapping him in a ravine while we hit it from both sides."

<Pose Tracker> Talia has posed.

"I hope so," Talia answers Ivan. She looks down. "I hope we're not too late, no? To think... that this was a friend of Amaranth's and Clarine's, that we fought yesterday. I'll owe him an apology, no?"

She smiles, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. There is a dark thought lingering -- even as she looks sideways at Amaranth. She smiles a little brighter, then, though, when she takes the flute.

She looks at her for a second -- and she is distracted in turn -- and then looks at Liath. She nods to what she says. "We will all be ready, no?"

Her eyes blink, as Liath comes closer -- and those eyes turn to Amaranth, at the gesture of clasping her shoulder. She smiles, then, as the Light Seraph makes her way out.

<Pose Tracker> Rebecca Streisand has posed.

Rebecca would ordinarily high five Dean in a moment like this where he actually doesn't slam the bowl, but that defeats the purpose. So instead he gets a discrete thumbs up.

The way Rebecca sees it, it can't be too hard after what he pulled off in that Bikkanel shrine... but still, she's on the edge of her seat a bit, the stakes feel higher.

Her focus though, cannot stay on a flute, when Avril has a question like that. She even has a smile on her face trying to answer it for her, "I feel it's one leads to another... a good chef, taking high quality ingredients, to make something that meets the expectations of their guests. But I think even an average cook... with the right ingredients can make something truly special too. Maybe not... 'high class'... but the kind of food that makes someone feel something, you know?"

Her focus shifts to the flute though, as Oracles and Seers work their magic in a display of light, and heat... and the spiritual sense around the flute changes.

"You really pulled it off! Great work Dean!" As she offers him praise, and wonders if maybe they really can save this Yvain. "You've really grown into t-"The moment fingers brush her hand, Rebecca looks sidelong at Avril, her expression just looks... momentarily surprised. Like such a thing is still a mite bit unexpected for her. However, then, surreptitiously, she squeezes her hand back... with this discrete smile on her face. Not even saying anything.

She just lets herself feel something in this moment. Because, it's still both a new feeling... and a good feeling for her. The best kind of feeling really.

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Amaranth has posed.

    Amaranth's smile is there, as Ida works through the emotions she gleaned; when she talks about the way the weight was removed from her when she was purified.

    She is glad, that some people can experience that.

    The weight feels like it's back on her chest when Liath moves past her, laying a hand on her shoulder for just a moment.

    It's all it's needed, really.

    When she leaves for the exit, there's a look that Katherine tries so hard to not turn bitterly frustrated.

    "... you're so unfair," she mumbles well under her breath.

<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

The Malevolence lifts. Ida cries, and Azoth is too hesitant to reach out in a moment that still feels possible to interrupt. What takes place in those moments during purification? Something, undoubtedly, is felt, but Azoth's sensors, for all their advantages, cannot read minds.

As Liath takes her leave, Azoth nods to her again. "Thank you. Please be careful, Miss Liath."

Ragnell did mention Cyre was one of those less 'charmed' by her... but what Cyre offers now isn't quite enough data for Azoth's purposes yet. What purposes? Don't worry about it.

He looks over the others still present. "I want to do what I can," he offers. "I may not know how to purify, but I think I'm a little resistant to the Malevolence itself... as a machine, that is." He gives a telling mechanical beep sequence to more pointedly express what he is.

Those little pushes from Marivel and the results thereof continue to have their influence.

"So... please don't hesitate to use me as a shield."

<Pose Tracker> Dean Stark has posed.

    "Wait, you're a MACHINE?" Dean utters, boggling at Azoth. "That's... that's... SO COOL!!"
    Look who finally caught up!

<Pose Tracker> Talia has posed.

Talia's head swivels. "AZOTH, RUN."

<Pose Tracker> Rebecca Streisand has posed.

Rebecca for once, and perhaps not... for entirely selfless reasons, lets Dean have this.

<Pose Tracker> Ivan has posed.

We will all be ready, no?

Ivan nods, glancing to Talia. Does she seem a little sad...? Well, it's a serious topic. Maybe he can try asking later if she's all right.

"We can't purify but... we'll still help if we can." It likely won't be easy to pin down the drake long enough for their plans of distraction and purification to take place. So that's one area he and Talia could help.

<Pose Tracker> Avril Vent Fleur has posed.

    Avril, for her part... just smiles.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

    "Dean..." Ida says, glancing across the table at her fellow Seer. "Let's--" Oh hell with it she can't bring herself to squash his enthusiasm. Not here, not now. "Just be gentle with him, all right? He's a dear friend."

<Pose Tracker> Seraph Clarine has posed.

"I am... uncertain how much I may be able to help..." Clarine admits, as Boudicca says she would be grateful if her barriers helped them. But... she can see that Boudicca is trying to help her, though, so she offers her a small smile. "But... I shall do what I can to help, even if it is only to offer healing and support to you all after it is done..."

She looks toward Liath, then, as she stands to leave.

"Please take care, Liath..." She bids her... but she can't help but notice the look on Amaranth's face, either, and she feels just a little helpless to do anything about it. And the way Cyre speaks of Ragnell... Clarine quails a little bit, and decides it's probably best not to say anything about that.

So for a moment she sits there, a bit awkwardly. Still... the image of the purification between Ida, Boudicca, and Dean is still strong in her head. She might be dwelling on that for a little while.

<Pose Tracker> Azoth has posed.

Still uncertain for the reactions he'll get, Dean's boggling is first met with hesitation.

It flips immediately into joy when Dean follows up. He gives a happy chirp-beep, eyes sparkling as he smooshes his hands to his own face, bashful, but with an almost gleefully stupid smile. "Ah -- thank you."

Talia warns him to run, and he stops, blinking once.


"Just be gentle with him, all right?"

"... ?!"