Formerly an assassin who claimed to love his job, Ivan ultimately ended up fooling no one but himself. And... even that could only go on for so long. Now, he's an ex-Althena's Guardsman wanted for the attempted murder of his former employer, Lubov Yemelin. Whether he's in hiding is an open question, as he continues to seek eclectic work where he can, claiming "treasure hunter" as his general profession. For now, he's trying on different lives and personas, trying to figure out who he is after shedding the mantle of an obedient killer. With a tough-guy veneer belied by frequent stunning displays of naivete or sensitivity, Ivan may come off as a bit of an oddball to those he meets, but he is a capable fighter, who uses a combination of various summoned weapons and fire magic. Full Image
Ivan has a magical weapon called Memory that he received from his father's artifact stores, a ring that was allegedly forged by one of the Four Heroes long ago. It has a red stone that can "memorize" up to seven weapons--copies of actual weapons it has touched, which he can use in battle.
Ivan was taught by the same teacher as Talia, Sasha Zhirov, and has a similar fighting style, with a form and moves reminiscent of her style, which pairs a dagger for rapid parrying strikes with a short sword. His version of the style favors his own unique weapon, and as such, it is highly adaptive and focuses on quick surprise changes in stances and reach. Because he needs to change quickly to two-handed weapons at times, instead of a dagger-and-short-sword, he uses a bladed bracer on his off hand. Because of Memory, Ivan has dabbled in more weapon types than Talia, under Sasha's supervision. He has a basic competency in most common weapon types, but lacks the strength to use heavier, oversized weapons extensively in a fight,. He will still use them for shock value and surprise to get a few heavy blows in before putting them away again. One subject of particular independent weapon practice and interest was throwing weapon accuracy.
As a resident of Lunar, Ivan has the Blessing of Althena and uses fire and smoke-based magic. His style is primarily offensive and destructive, but also includes some spells focused more around distraction, spectacle, and escape.