Bartholomew Fatima

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Bartholomew 'Bart' Fatima
IC Information
Full Name: Bart
Gender: Male
Age (Birthdate): 18
Hometown: Bledavik
Hair Colour: Blonde
Class: Sand Pirate
Bounty: 1,000,000 Gella
OOC Information
Theme: Xenogears
Groups: None
Player: Zetasol

The notorious sand pirate and scourge of the dune sea, Bartholomew Fatima is secretly the heir to the fallen Fatima dynasty, who was driven out of Aveh when the Prime Minister Shakan overthrew the royal family during a coup ten years ago. The public at large knows of him as the dashing and mysterious rogue who commands the Yggdrasil Sand Pirates, conducting daring raids against both Aveh and Kislev in order to sabotage their war efforts. The sight of Bart's subterranean sandcrawler is a familiar occurrence near the Seed Cities and among the Adelhyde region, both of whom are benefits of his piratical activities as he and his crew work to undermine the ongoing conflict in the region.








Powers and Abilities

Bart is a rare Ether user who was born outside of Solaris, a fact that he would hide if not for the fact that Gebler is generally after him regardless - so in the end he doesn't care and just does what he wants. His Ether abilities tend to be channeled into various boosts for his own abilities and those of his allies, and while later on he will develop the ability to channel them more offensively his Limiter currently restricts Bart from being able to access his full power. His training with Sigurd and Mason have helped Bart to develop his own rather crazy style of fighting, using a whip and his own fists to pummel anyone who gets in his way. He generally doesn't make use of ARMs in person, preferring to mix it up face to face when possible, but he's not above keeping a small gunsmoke pistol hidden on his person just in case he needs a bit of a ranged punch. But as commander of the Yggdrasil Sand Pirates, Bart also has access to his own Gear, the Brigandier. His piloting skills are just as rough and wild as his method of fighting in person, and Bart's Gear uses a flexible combat rod which acts quite similarly to his whip, as well as whatever ranged weapons he pulls out of the armory for the job at hand. When not fighting in the field, Bart can often be found piloting the Yggdrasil itself, and his enthusiasm for employing its heavy weapons in taking out targets of opportunity has been... a challenge for his first mate at times.


Top Shelf

These are the ones you go to on your best day - or your worst. Always there for you when the going gets tough, or the tough gets going

Sigurd - The big brother Bart never had (so little does he know at this point), Sigurd has been an ongoing fixture in the pirate's life ever since he saved Bart and Margie from torture and execution at the hands of Aveh's Traitor Minister, Shakhan. When Bart decided that it was time to strike back against the corrupt scum leading Aveh, Sigurd was right there behind him. Bart still feels bad about the incident that lead to them both losing an eye, however.

Maison - The old coot might have crazy ideas from time to time, and he might get in over his head, but his heart is in the right place and he's been willing to do whatever it takes to protect Bart over the years. Despite whatever issues might crop up from Maison helping out, Bart is more than willing to indulge the man who has been a father to him for the past ten years. Plus he runs the bar, and thus keeps the ship running properly.

Marguerite Fatima - Bart's last remaining actual family (so little does he know), Margie has been a bright point in his life for a long time. The Holy Mother of Nisan helps to keep the rebellion alive in the people's hearts, if not in their fists. But Bart views that as being his job and generally prefers that Margie leave all the blowing stuff up to him. Not that it's going to stop her. Bart's accepted that as well with a sort of fatalistic nod and a smile. Also Bart's fiancée. Or something. It's weird, and Bart tries very hard not to think about it. For reasons.

Cecilia Adlehyde - For reasons that are not obvious to many people, Bart and Cecilia get along like a bar room brawl. (That's smashingly for those who don't get the joke.) The two of them have been aquainted for a number of years, although they had a long period where Ceci was sent to a covenant and Bart was sent to go start a war, which meant that neither had time to meet up and chat while they were doing important things like becoming one with the spirit of the planet and becoming one with the spirit of blowing Shakhan's shit off the planet. Since reuniting recently however, things have been going fairly well, although Bart's presence has probably started a few rumors of the unsavory types that Cecilia is hanging out with. Also worthless for carrying rocks.

Line em up, we're not stopping till the bar is dry

Life's a competition, and the winner is the one who's not vomiting under the bar when the drinking is finished.

Claude C. Kenny - While Bart wasn't too impressed at first, upon further review he's decided that Claude is definitely a kindred spirit. Bart remembers being that kid who needed to prove himself but was totally in over his head, so he sympathizes with Claude a bit. He also instinctively senses that Claude is totally a midshipman and thus badly in need of some traditional Yggdrasil Pirates initiation into the school of Hard Knocks.

Fei Fong Wong - Some rumored super elite Gear pilot who wrecked a whole lot of stuff but apparently is a bit of a wuss or something? Bart isn't sure, but he does shoot energy blasts that can knock holes in stuff so there's definitely some potential here.

Hiro - Nice guy who is stuck in a bad situation. 'Destroyer's Consort' is both the most misleading and most accurate title EVER. Seems reliable, but man has this guy got it bad. Still is willing to chip in when people need help, and that is A+ in Bart's book.

Something nice and smooth, Mason.

Folks that don't leave a bad aftertaste are always good to know. Get the job done, shake hands, and go your own way - those are the sorts you want to work with again.

Ida Everstead-Rey - Some might say 'scholar', Bart says 'A noodle armed geek, but good at figuring stuff out so I don't have to.' Just don't ask her to carry anything heavy. Or anything light for that matter. And watch where you put your hands, woman.

Talise Gianfair - Basically the Anti-Ida as far as Bart is concerned. Good for breaking stuff and being in a brawl with. Looking forward to drinks at some point.

Lily Keil - Bit of a stone cold soldier type, but seems reliable and enjoys blowing up Shakhan's crap almost as much as Bart does. Not a bad sense of humor, 10/10 will hire again.

Leon Albus - Seems like the sort of guy to balance Lily out a bit. For a two man team these two are pretty solid, looking forward to seeing how they perform when working together.

Getting buzzed at the cheapest possible price

Sometimes you don't really know what to think, but you need to get the job done. Opinions are for when you have a closer relationship.

Morgan Newkirk - Foxboi gladiator of some sort, hiring went horribly wrong during a bar fight. Got carried off and apparently is getting married or something according to Cassidy.

Cassidy Cain - Never gotten hit by a bar with a nicer looking girl. Or any other girl for that matter.

Lucia - Lord of Calamity? Bart knows what a real bounty looks like, and despite this rather stunning looker identifying herself as Lucia of the Blue Star, he seriously doubts that she's anywhere near as evil as her wanted posters claim that she is. Apparently really, really loves hamburgers. Apologies to whomever in her party is going to do the cooking.

Just pour it back into the goat, and the world will be a better place.

Sometimes there's no redemption, both for people and booze

Shakhan - Current rock paper scissors count between Bart and Margie about who gets to throw him off the roof of the palace with a bomb attached - 1121 Wins for Bart, 1121 Wins for Margie, 6399 Ties.

Logs and Cutscenes

Chapter 1 Logs

Chapter 1 Cutscenes