Lan Lilac

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Lan Lilac
Mk otro-lan.png
IC Information
Full Name: Lan Lilac
Gender: Female
Age (Birthdate): 25 (February 27)
Hometown: Little Firelight
Hair Colour: Blonde
Class: Kung Fu Space Witch
Role: Drifter
Bounty: 0
OOC Information
Theme: Wild Arms (OC)
Groups: None
Player: Rancakes
Hobbies: Threadwork, Meddling Helping Out
Favorite Food: Fried Vegetables, Stew
Disliked Food: Cartilage

A cheerful Baskar maiden, Lan wants more than anything to be of assistance to the people around her. She believes that even mountains may be moved with sincerity and the application of a kind word. Though she seems naive and somewhat flighty, Lan is more than willing to back up her noble sentiments with action - as a shaman, or just as a person. She's awfully confident for someone that doesn't carry a single weapon!

Icon-map.gif Background

Raised as a daughter of a small Baskar tribe, Lan grew up surrounded by aunts and uncles and cousins, some of whom were actually related to her by blood, most of whom were not. It's considered an important custom in her particular village to go out on a journey when one comes of age, traveling among the people of Filgaia in order to learn and bring back a new skill or discipline to benefit the tribe. Lan certainly left on her pilgrimage at the right time (the night of her seventeenth birthday) but she certainly got something kinda backwards... she took her village's enshrined medium, and went out to benefit the rest of Filgaia.

Hang on, let's back up a little.

Having grown up among tales of the world outside of Little Firelight, stories of the hardships endured by outsiders stirred her sympathy and pity for the poor people who had to live in war zones, in the Badlands, people who starved because their lands grew barren over the years as Filgaia continued to die. There's just too much much suffering out there to do anything about it, her elders said. All you can do is try to alleviate pain when you find it, and to heal those who come to you, but above all you need a strong home and family to support you, for without a place to return to you have nothing.

Little Firelight had a single medium enshrined from the days before her oldest grandmother was a child, a plate that belonged to a Guardian that even the village's shamans knew little about. It was called Rigdobrite, the Star Guardian.

On the night before she was to leave her village, Lan retired from her farewell party to rest up, and for the first time in her life she had a dream that felt important. An enormous glittering star fell from the sky, disappearing over the horizon and calling out for her to follow it. When she woke up in the early pre-dawn, she knew what she had to do. It was a single desire, a clear answer to her problems with the village's gentle 'us first, them second' policy.

So she stole the village's single medium and ran away. She had to, right?? It was a sign from the Guardians! And she was pretty sure the elders wouldn't agree, so it was just easier to take it and go. They probably didn't even notice it was gone for a whole week!!

...She's probably in biiiiiig trouble if she ever goes home again. She WAS in big trouble!! But they let her keep the Medium, at least...

Icon-crystal.gif Powers and Abilities

  • Hand-to-Hand - Lan specializes in unarmed combat, using her natural agility to move around the battlefield and avoid incoming attacks. In a real fight her priority is to strike hard and end things quickly.
  • Guardian Magic - Her patron is Rigobrite, the Star Guardian. Accordingly, Lan can summon his power (and to some extent that of the ambient spiritual energy around her) in battle.
  • Spiritual Attunement - As a shaman, Lan's job is to communicate with spirits and help out during spiritual crises. She has a natural affinity with wind spirits and can sometimes ask the friendlier ones simple questions. Example: 'Is there water nearby?'
  • First Aid - While she's still an amateur compared to those who have made it their profession, Lan can perform most of the basic duties of a medic.
  • Black Ribbon - A mysterious force left behind by the subsumation of the Drifter named Ashansi. While using it can make her stronger, relying on it too often or for too long will begin to degrade her sanity.

Icon-key.gif Relationships

Image Name Unsolicited Opinions
Azoth.png Azoth "I'm still a little scared of him. But I like him anyway."
Citan.jpg Citan Uzuki "He's been nothing but kind and polite to everybody I've ever seen him talk to - although I guess if you don't like dad jokes, maybe he'd be a bit too much for people. But Doctor Citan is smart, and calm, and listened to what I had to say, so... I'll take all the dad jokes he cares to tell."
Gwenface.jpeg Gwen Whitlock "A sweet girl, a loyal friend, and a heck of a courier. No matter what we go through, I hope I'll always be always to keep up with her. I want to hold her hand and keep waiting for the dawn."
Leah 1.png Leah Sadalbari "Even if we're supposed to be enemies, I can't forget that we were once friends. I don't believe your kindness isn't real. I'll miss you."
Tokens loren.png Loren Voss "I still miss him. Even if we argue, and even if we have to fight each other again, I believe in him. I gave back his brother's sword because I believe in him."
Isiris.png The Stranger *static*
Seraphita "At first I was sure she was going to try to recapture me, but she didn't. She was even really nice, and lent me her hat to keep warm! We had to fight later but... I don't hate her, even though she's super dedicated to Solaris. I think we could be friends, too."

Icon-chest.gif Treasure!

Digsite Reward
The Guardian Temple Medium of Moor Gault
Great Aveh Desert An oasis (and a mitten)
Azado Quarry Magic Explosives
The Feral Menagerie A faded photograph
Uzda Il-jam A slight increase in spiritual resistance
The Glint Mirage Ferroflora seeds (regular and echo)
Lost Village Fereshte Magical thread (resiliant aspect)
Xibalba - Necropolis of the Nahual Quetzal feather (agility aspect)
Wehaca - Homeland of the Godwalkers Wyvern tail
Meria Boule Festival Games Light-up carro plushie!!!
The Lifeweaver's Whorl Amazing hybrid fruits
Calm Lands - Monster Arena Single-use chocobo feather (speed aspect)
Yder Cave Ancient Bow (water aspect), some clumps of m o s s
Ruins of Azado A glimpse at Mauri's diary
Biroclef Ridge Assorted medicinal plants
Professor Raydon and the Meribia Sewers Mystery An Althenan Crest (earth aspect)
Fright Night A box of Meribia Delights
Fright Night II A bag of ariberry candy
Macalania Forest - Solaris Control A set of Sols

Icon-bell.gif Playlist

This section is always under construction.

  • Castle In The Mist -- ICO OST
  • House On The Moon -- Akino Arai
  • Kiss Twice -- Koudelka OST
  • Ouroboros Festival -- Final Fantasy 13: Lightning Returns OST
  • Tragic Decision -- Xenoblade Chronicles OST
Halcyon Days The Garden of Everything
Metamorphosis Pomegranate
For Friendship, Perhaps God Knows

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Icon-book.gif Logs and Cutscenes

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