2017-06-03: We'll Never Fight Alone: Difference between revisions

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*'''Log: We'll Never Fight Alone'''
*'''Log: We'll Never Fight Alone'''
*'''Cast:''' [[Character :: Ethius Hesiod]], [[Character :: Rose]], [[Character :: Jacqueline Barber]], [[Character :: Sephilia Lampbright]], [[Character :: Leon Albus]], [[Character :: Josephine Lovelace]], [[Character :: Rena Lanford]], [[Character :: Emma Hetfield]], [[Character :: Feena]], [[Character :: Rosaline Calice]], [[Character :: Lily Keil]], [[Character :: Xantia]], [[Character :: Catenna]], [[Character :: Tesni Inoue]], [[Character :: Vash the Stampede]], [[Character :: Gwen Whitlock]], [[Character :: Fei Fong Wong]], [[Character :: Ida Everstead-Rey]], [[Character :: Maya Schrodinger]], [[Character :: Sheriff Star]] (as Irving), [[Character :: Noeline]], [[Character :: Cecilia Adlehyde]], [[Character :: Rudy Roughnight]], [[Character :: Cyre H. Lorentz]]
*'''Cast:''' [[Character :: Ethius Hesiod]], [[Character :: Rose]], [[Character :: Jacqueline Barber]], [[Character :: Sephilia Lampbright]], [[Character :: Leon Albus]], [[Character :: Josephine Lovelace]], [[Character :: Rena Lanford]], [[Character :: Emma Hetfield]], [[Character :: Feena]], [[Character :: Rosaline Calice]], [[Character :: Lily Keil]], [[Character :: Xantia]], [[Character :: Catenna]], [[Character :: Tesni Inoue]], [[Character :: Vash the Stampede]], [[Character :: Gwen Whitlock]], [[Character :: Fei Fong Wong]], [[Character :: Ida Everstead-Rey]], [[Character :: Maya Schrodinger]], [[Character :: Sheriff Star]] (as Irving), [[Character :: Cecilia Adlehyde]], [[Character :: Rudy Roughnight]], [[Character :: Cyre H. Lorentz]]
*'''Where:''' Adlehyde - Town Center
*'''Where:''' Adlehyde - Town Center
*'''Date:''' 6/3/2017
*'''Date:''' 6/3/2017
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...A lot has changed, and some of it for the better.
...A lot has changed, and some of it for the better.
Maya Schrodinger (Maya) pages Rosaline Calice and Gwen Whitlock: I'll hop along! I think tomorrow is a public holiday here.

  <Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.
  <Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.
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[[Category:Chapter 1]]
[[Category:Chapter 1]]
[[Category:Chapter 1, Act 1]]

Latest revision as of 03:13, 16 June 2024

==========================<* Adlehyde - Town Center *>==========================

The centre of Adlehyde marks the intersection between the east-west and north-south roads that carve the city into near-quarters. The large shops packed around the city's main thoroughfares have largely been smashed down. Burnt, blackened shells mark where these great businesses used to say -- and few can say if all of them will ever reopen.

The intersection between the two roads is actually a large circle nearly a quarter-mile across, allowing wagons and other traffic to move with a minimum of collisions and profanity both. This area used to be clogged with carts and stalls, but it is now clogged with tents and ramshackle construction to make up for the destruction of many homes throughout the city. Altruists of all stripes, including Althena's Guard, have set-up makeshift soup kitchens to feed the many newly homeless.

The buildings throughout the rest of Adlehyde are built of stone and tile roofs, which are sometimes smashed and damaged, but still standing. Even now, repairs to broken roofs and walls are underway. As one moves away from the major routes toward the walls, however, they can see that the poorer and seedier enclaves have often been damaged far worse. Unsafe, unsound wooden buildings are a threat to their occupants and the street from collapse. The streets themselves are often lined with pockmarked burns and craters.

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MQRL7xws7w
<Pose Tracker> Leon Albus has posed.

The damage to Adlehyde is impossible to ignore. The city isn't a smoking crater, but almost no building has escaped damage. Many have holes punched through walls and roofs. Some are burnt shells, where the fires that started throughout the city raged through a building. Smoke still wafts up here and there, tendrils that touch the sky, though not the terrible columns of black smoke that rose on the day of the battle. It has been a week of sorting out the dead; a week of rebuilding; a week of mourning.

It wasn't until a week after the attack that any sort of ceremony to remember the fallen could be done. Before that, people needed to be rescued from the damaged buildings, tents put up, and food issued to the needy. But, it was important to remember what happened.

And so, both the residents of Adlehyde and the visitors swept up into this have gathered in the center of the city. The buildings here are still damaged, many with tarps covering them, but they have set up a few arches of stone and wood. White flowers are covering them, which gives a sort of serenity to the place despite the severity of all of the damage.

The chancellor of Adlehyde, the old white bearded man who is now helping Princess Cecilia govern, leads the way down the street. Cecilia has been in the castle -- due to appear later, to give a speech. The procession behind the chancellor is composed as much of Adlehyde's surviving guardsmen as it is citizens, Drifters, and the merchants who were trapped here. The center of the plaza has a huge, wooden construction -- a tree, though without leaves. Hundreds of small cupped holders give a place to put what is in everyone's hands: a small, lit candle.

The chancellor turns, to address the crowd. "Thank you," he says, "for gathering today. The attack upon our city was terrible. Senseless in its violence, cruel in the actions of those who perpetrated it, and unimaginable when we look at history."

He lets out a breath. "We have lost much. Countless loved ones have been hurt--and many are missing, still. King Justin passed, too, and the crown shall go to the princess. And yet..."

He closes his eyes. "And yet, we will rebuild. Princess Cecilia has vowed to find answers -- and we know that many of the Drifters who rose to defend Adlehyde will work to do the same. We must look to the future. But, today, let us remember those who fell."

The chancellor turns, and places his candle in the holder. A little pinprick of light on the tree, as the sun begins to hang low in the sky. And then another, and another still, as more people line up to place theirs on the Memorial Tree.

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

Rosaline has had an extremely busy week and very little sleep. The Ethos was there to offer charity and protection to the needy as it usually does, but with the magnitude of the crisis, every hand was needed on deck. The beastwoman nun answered the call, running herself ragged healing, patrolling for monsters and generally making herself useful in any way she could.

She hasn't offered to help with the religious services, however. She can't trust herself with something so important, especially since she's not a 'real' priestess just yet.

There had been little time for mourning, and no time to really contemplate the sheer enormity of what Rosaline and her companions had been caught in the middle of. Her earlier words to her friends had been optimistic, but she seems to barely be holding herself back from bursting into tears as she silently lines up to place her candle on the Memorial Tree. She listens to the speech, nodding along the words of both sorrow and hope, but they barely seem to register.

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

For the little while after the attack, Catenna had set up her tent closer to the wreckage of Adlehyde than she normally would. She'd set up a trio of fire pits and spent her time serving up curries to survivors. Slowly, though, she's run out of chicken and mutton, and people have begun to move on.

She hasn't been back into the city before now. But this one, she wasn't going to miss. It was important.

She's dressed quite a bit differently than she normally dresses. Her motif remains pearl grey with borders in geometric patterns of black, white, ochre and gold, but the outfit's more elaborate and formal this time, with sashes woven through copper rings crisscrossing over her hips and midsection to accent a robe that doesn't look like it's from around here. Nor does the overcloak that goes with it, decorated with a couple of feathers at the clasp but otherwise worn open, with the voluminous hood thrown back to leave her head uncovered for the moment.

Hands clasped, she stands among the crowd and listens politely, her head bowed slightly in respect as the chancellor begins to give his speech. Much has been lost, indeed.

She should not care as much as she does. This part of the world is alien to her people.

Nevertheless, when she speech ends, she's in line. A candle flickers in her hands. It's a simple one, but the colour's a bit off-white - it's tinged with a subtle rose hue around the tip, though it doesn't give off all that different of a scent.

She made it herself. It was the least she could do.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Ida spent considerable time in a hole in the ground earlier today--first clearing and surveying it, then packing some precious treasures for transport to Linga. With luck, she will be able to make use of them. Now, though, it is time for her to pay her respects. She's spend the past several months in this city, and she's come to know it. It's not home, but while the people may be strange in some ways, they're still people. They're still people who, collectively, have weathered a devastating loss. The least Ida can do is pay tribute.

The young naturalist walks along with the procession, completely silent, a candle cradled in her hands. She's dressed as she was when she first came here, with the addition of a pair of silk scarves--one black, the other white--intertwined around her neck. She walks up after Rosaline does, places her candle in the cup next to hers, and affixes a paper seal to hers. It bears the symbol of Granas, and a benediction for both the fallen and the survivors.

Ida places a hand on Rosaline's back. It's a gesture she wouldn't have done several months ago. Rosaline looks like she needs it.

<Pose Tracker> Feena has posed.

EARLIER: ("Hey, Feena! This king has the same name as me! Hey, do you think-" "Sssssshhhh.")

Feena managed to find her other companions, but she just needed a little space, or so she said, so we're now in the free-roam section where you can go talk to every NPC in Adelhyde to see if their dialogue changed. And that's probably what he's doing.

What she's doing is looking at her diddy little candle before she places it along with the others, and looking around, trying to see if she can recognize the faces of anyone who was there at the Saloon, or whom she's met earlier this week. Or, perhaps, if they're looking for her.

People who recognize her as who she is have been asking her what her take on all this is and what she's gonna do about it, curious Guild fans who look up to her image.

Well, what is she gonna do about it?

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei never had the chance to appropriately memorialize Lahan. He's been paying homage to it for quite some time, in his own way, but nothing like a formalized service such as this. This is for the people of Adlehyde. Fei knows this. But so soon after losing his own home, Fei can't help but conflate the two. The world has these situations, where homes and people's lives are destroyed, cast aside for trinkets, weapons, and ancient grudges that reasonable people know nothing about. At some point, he's been handled a candle and is in the line with the rest.

When it's his turn he places his cup down, unleashing one more little dot of light.

"Lahan." He says. "Timothy. Alice. I know it's my fault. It didn't have to be as bad as it became. I was going to live the rest of my miserable life mourning you..."

The Yggdrassil Alliance saw this character beat already so this is sort of a recap for the new viewers of the anime who missed that episode.

"But I can't just feel sorry for myself anymore. These people have suffered like you have suffered. They have survivors. Unlike...Unlike Lahan, they still let me stay here. I know it's not quite the same but... I can still help them. And I guess I'm not strong enough to not try to help people if I see them in trouble." He pauses. "More than that... I know now I'm not the only person who has lost everything to them. I know part of this is because of what I don't remember. I know that's a piece of it. I will figure out what that piece is and make sure it doesn't hurt anyone ever again."

He chuckles. "Or so I'd like to say. But the truth is, it probably will hurt a lot more people before I know the truth. I guess it's selfish of me, trying to keep doing what I did when what I did ended up hurting so many people. But maybe these people can keep that power from going out of control. If I don't try, thenall of this was for nothing."

He looks into the fire. Inside the fire he sees a wave of flame. An entire battlefield scorched. One piece among many that have been torn apart.

"I'm not Alone In The World anymore. I'm going to fight with them. That's all I can do to avenge you right now. Well, I guess it's not really avenging you. It's the only way I can be at peace with myself. How about that?"

He pauses. "Doc says Dan ran off. I don't know where he went. But if I run into him, I'll make sure he stays safe. He's a tough kid, so I'll keep my eyes peeled. I know he won't want anything to do with me, but he doesn't need to. I can do what I gotta do." He smiles. "Anyway, I should go. People are mourning. Me too. This was--this is a wonderful city. You would have liked it. It doesn't feel like a huge city, you know? Maybe this could be a new home someday. But right now my place is with Bart." He pauses. "Oh. Right. You don't knwo him."

He scratches the back of his head. "He's kind of a ... kind of a character. But his heart's in the right place. He's very genuine. He's a good guy. There's also this woman I met--" He frowns. "Well, it's actually pretty embarrassing. Heh." He shakes his head. "Anyway, what else. There's Lily and Leon. I guess they're an item? But also partners? They've got good heads on their shoulders. But even the ones that seem kind of loopy..." So many Drifters. "...they're good people. So I'm okay. So I hope you're okay too, wherever you are. I'll do what I can."

He then turns and walks away. He pauses, looks back to the candle--but the space has already been filled up by other mourners.

"Yeah... See you later."

He shoves his hands in his pockets and continues his walk away.

<Pose Tracker> Tesni Inoue has posed.

it'sbeen savaged but the city isn't a smoking crater, that is good news to Tess but it's left her in a darker frame of mind. Given the metal demons were here and active? This would change a lot for what she'd have to do and behave here. They were interfearing with this world's development in a very violent way. She pushes that thought out of her mind, it's time to mourn for those who have been lost here. She looks down at her candle for a moment sighing, she'd done something and helped some people escape. She also oddly feels conflicted about Zed.

This place has become a decent place to her, it was a good place to live when she thought about what was really needed in life it would endure and she'd see to it. She was set to go after the Demon. She also takes a moment ot looks to Rosaline for a moment she does seem to have been through the wringer and she moves towards her and Ida to join up with them but nothing it said for the moment.

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

Ethius seemed to drift away from Adlehyde in wake of its tragedies, in fervent search of... something or another. He's never spoken with much of anyone about it, but that's been his standard operating procedure. There is that sense of distance to this man. He's not from Adlehyde. By some accounts, he's been doing the city and its people some sudden and inexplicable injustices. Considering the breadth of his actions leading up to the invasion - and even during it - some discretion is warranted. He has compensated for it with a maroon-hued cloak that is frayed at the edges from wear and decay. (It might have been looted.) The lower half of his face remains masked. His eyes are unreadable.

He holds his candle as part of the procession unobtrusively, clasping it carefully as he walks along with the procession with a rhythm that is vaguely mechanical. He is not from here. He has shown a certain level of disregard to the cultural heritage of this city's people. There's that air to him that he seems to be here just... to be here. His head is not bowed in prayer nor remorse, eyes looking straight on...

Though he does look over his shoulder, as he catches Fei's words while they set down their candle. Beyond this, he does very little other than set his own candle down without flourish nor distinction.

Does the fear and remorse of a peace shattered not slow this man?

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

After a week of hard work helping people, for relatively free no less , the Sparrowfeathers certainly weren't going to miss the ceremony. Other people might feel weird about attending a ceremony where a number of the people being remembered were killed by your hands, but not Rose, and not her men either. Besides it's not like anyone knew that the merchant's guild was also an assassin ring; and the ones that did weren't talking.

With their caravans off to the side and tables set up, the larger part of the Sparrowfeathers are still distributing rations and assorted health care items. It's a net loss for them, but it's publicity, and what they're losing handing out emergency supplies they'll make from subsequent business, so it'll work itself out. Rose herself is nowhere to be seen, having left Eguille in charge of operates. That's because the merchant is currently busy sneaking.

And sneaking, and sneaking. Tiptoeing, approaching quietly, having spotted her prey. No knives needed for this one. Just her elbow. The moment Ida is done with the procession business, the moment she's out of the no-shouting zone, she has to deal with some aggro.

"Ida!" Jab. Jab jab. Rose jabs her elbow into Ida's side. It seems a little bit more proper than just outright tackling her from behind in the middle of all this. "We thought that big bug demon had run off with you! You okay?"

Truth told, Rose didn't have anything dramatic to say or think about during the procession. She was more concerned about the friend who'd disappeared in the midst of the attack, partly by her fault (or so she perceives). Besides there's a non-zero chance the Sparrowfeathers helped with the preparations to some degree so she's probably already made her peace, if she had any to make.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

As soon as Jacqueline had heard here was a date set for the ceremony, she knew she had to go. She had set aside her work for the day - making preparations for the future.

It was time, now, to look to the past, and all that had been lost. People she had known for so long, whether she liked them or not...were no longer with them anymore. Her family home had been destroyed. The King was dead.

She is dressed for the occasion. She had needed to purchase new clothes for it, and at the moment is in a plain black dress with a shawl. Gone were all of her bags - even the pouch of Crests at her side had been left behind.

She had thought she'd recovered pretty well. But now, being in the midst of all this...it wasn't easy to keep herself from tearing up. The emotions she had been pushing down were starting to well up within her once more.

She moves quietly along with the line, until it is finally her turn to place her candle.

"I'm sorry. I...failed so many of you...but I'll...I'll do what I can for everyone else, don't worry..." She murmurs, placing her candle in a holder.

And then, she walks away.

As she walks, she removes her glasses, trying to clean them with a cloth.

It was becoming difficult to see, but...

...Her glasses are perfectly clear...

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia is unusually subdued and somber, holding a candle silently in the line. She'd never been to a city before Adlehyde--even back home on Lunar she'd only been near Takkar, the closest city to the village she grew up in. She's spent the time since she arrived on the Blue Star exploring anywhere and anything she could, but Adlehyde is the closest thing she's had to a home here.

She sniffles.

"I know they're still alive," she whispers to Ida, "but do you think anyone would mind if this candle is for Zed and Riese? They're friends I lost..." Sephilia trails off, tears slowly trickling down her cheeks.

<Pose Tracker> Leon Albus has posed.

Leon, despite his image and his projection of himself as a cool and calm individual, is still here to pay his respects. He stands in line, too, with his candle in its holder. The little, flickering flame reflects itself in his silver eyes when he looks down.

He doesn't have clothes on for mourning, but his usual ones are cleaned and pressed. Grey coat, white shirt, suit vest, and black pants. Even his black leather boots have been polished, as he looks down at the candle and lets out a short sigh. It makes the flame flicker more.

He walks up a little after Fei. He stays quiet, at first, when he sticks his candle on the Memorial Tree. His eyes become harder. "Roanie, Gallen, Dara, Henwick. We haven't forgotten you. I know this isn't vengeance for you... but I hope that you'll understand. We are what we are. We can't ignore this."

He looks down, then he murmurs. "...But we won't make you wait long, either."

His hand pats the wood of the Memorial Tree, once. Leon looks up at it -- and then to his side, at the other person here with him. There is the briefest of nods to Lily Keil.

He turns, then, and steps away. His eyes drift, though, towards Fei. He nods, once. "Holding up all right?"

<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

Adlehyde was never Josie's home. She'd stayed here for a while, made it a sort of base of operations while she set about her own goals in the surrounding areas. Still, it had been a good place -- a change, a big one, from the years she'd spent combing the deserts out west.

It's just an ordinary candle, held in both gloved hands. Josie's gaze is fixed nowhere but straight ahead, where the other tiny lights dance like flickering stars in the sky.

What happened here isn't any of her business. It still, technically, isn't any of her business.


With atypical sobriety, Josephine Lovelace kneels, carefully placing her candle with the rest.

"Rest in peace," she says. In silence, she lingers for a moment of two, hands loosely clasped before her, her gaze only resting on the sea of tiny flickering flames.

Nevertheless, respect is due to the departed. There were people, good people, she'd used to see when walking the streets. And now they're gone.

Expression hard, Josie rises to her feet slowly to move aside. Her gaze travels the crowd, seeking out anyone she knows.

She makes her approach. "Leon. Fei. I should have known I'd see you here."

<Pose Tracker> Rena Lanford has posed.

After everything that's happened, this sort of procession is both necessary, and painful nonetheless. Rena stands about with a candle of her own, listening quietly as the chancellor speaks about the state of Adlehyde. Her eyes close and she keeps quiet. She's said all that she needed to say about everything that happened. She walked into a flaming hell and did everything she could to assist the wounded, as well as fight off the metal demons rampaging through the city. Now... this little candle was all she could offer in the moment.

She doesn't have it in her to say anything more. She just offers her own candle, adding another little dot of light to the growing number. They won't forget. Not the lives lost and pain and hardship endured. For everyone here. But they will move forward and take steps so that this does not happen again.

Once she's placed her offering, Rena takes a deep breath and turns, walking away with a difficult expression on her face. She's got a lot to think about now. The kind faces who she used to greet in the mornings and evenings will no longer be there. But she'll not forget who they were. She'll keep them in her heart as she does what she can to put an end to this threat, and uncover those hidden truths.

<Pose Tracker> Emma Hetfield has posed.

Emma thought about making an electric light, but she thought better of it.

I've been lucky, she thinks as she walks forwards, considering matters internally. There is a brief psychological digression about how if Cecilia is in charge now, she should be queen, not princess, shouldn't she?

But then she thinks further: I've definitely been lucky. Even if I found out about things before the attack.

Either way Emma is, for once, not crowing or looking bravely into the future, which is itself a kind of distinct moment in its own right.

When she comes up, she puts the candle down carefully, even as a drop of wax ends up landing on her finger, which she seems to serenely ignore. "Old man... I'll fulfill your ambition," she states, before getting out of the way and coming up into a momentary roadblock in the form of a guy with really good shoulders.

Emma pauses to examine Fei's shoulders, further complicating the traffic snarl.

<Pose Tracker> Feena has posed.

Feena realizes in that 'terrible realization dawns' way that really, it's kind of dumb going to a wake when you have nobody to mourn, much less when you have a fundamentally poor grasp of everything that's happened. She and hers blundered into this and had no real exposure to anything, so hearing people like Leon and Fei and Sephilia makes her heart ache.

She does notice Tesni, though, so she walks over there to greet her.

"Hey," she says plainly. "So, what's your story?"

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

Rosaline starts when she feels a hand on her back, but relaxes immediately, when she recognizes Ida. She doesn't speak just yet, but the gesture is appreciated. Tesni and Rose are less familiar presences, but they're not unwelcome. Rosaline looks at them politely.

She approaches Sephilia, while still keeping on a semblance of a brave face that might break down at any moment. "Sephilia. Would you... Would you like a hug?" Rosaline might have her personal space issues, but taking care of kids has been her job for some time.

...Not to imply that Sephilia is a kid.

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

Lily Keil has spent some of her time out in the city, handling what will be her future plans primarily... But not very much. She's intended to help others within the city like she did during the invasion, but the truth is that being out amidst the ruin of the city has been difficult for the black-haired sorceress. It's not just been because of her need to recover from her own injuries, or from the fact that she got almost no rest as a result of going into and out of the city.

Some had passed their thanks onto her through Bart. It would only be awkward to talk to the living about all of this, after everything. She let out too many secrets as it was; she doesn't want to deal with those conversations, with that kind of appreciation when she only did what she did because...

When she only felt...

But this, this she can't miss. There's no way tha she could avoid it; a service such as this is beyond her wishes, beyond her comfort levels, and in a way... is comforting to her, as well. So she has one of those candles. Black is easy for her to wear; black is what she wears all the time. Mourning dress might be assumed, given her somber expression and her serious gold eyes. She's walked through. Her bootfalls are almost silent as she does, looking down at her candle. She's careful with it. And when the Chancellor speaks up, she knows Cecilia's plans. She knows what must be done here. Her hair falls in front of her eyes, shielding her frm being seen by others. The light comes...

Lily pauses to look up at the tree. "...I'm sorry," she murmurs. "I did all that I could. I..."

She steps closer, shakes her head. "But sometimes, no matter what you try, this is just the way it goes. I hope you can all rest easy. What a person deserves doesn't matter... But you didn't deserve this."

It's difficult to say so much, but she forces it, setting her candle in the tree. She murmurs, "...There are others I wish I could do this for, too. If any of you can tell them on your way that I'm coming for them..." A sigh. She looks to the man with her, as well, to Leon Albus. Lily doesn't touch the tree except to have placed her candle there, and she's subdued a she looks to the others. Fei, there, and..

"Josie," Lily murmurs, as she steps away with Leon, close to her. Talking is difficult for another reason; she tilts her face his way, as if letting that angle and her hair shield her from having to be seen just now. Her hand slips to something in her sleeve.

<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

Xantia wasn't in Adlehyde when the attack started. She saw trouble brewing from afar, and rushed down a barricade like a crazy person, desperate to help as many people as she possibly could. She'd be lying if she claimed that it was pure altruism motivating her. Doubts had been consuming her, so she had something to prove, mostly to herself. That she could help. That her actions mattered. That she could make a difference.

She definitely protected people, helped them escape, saved lives. Her actions during cleanup and rebuilding, mostly helping out with the heavy lifting, definitely made a difference. She has to keep believing this, keep focusing on this. Try her very best to not get hung up on those that couldn't be saved, and some of the unfortunate findings underneath the rubble.

Suddenly the city seemed to stop, a great deal of inhabitants and outsiders alike moving towards a single spot. Xantia misses a lot of things, doesn't understand many things - a memorial service is just one of those things. Thus she is not in the procession, having come here solely because she was curious where everybody was going. Standing out because of the way she keeps moving around, looking at everything that's going on in a generally clueless manner.

Until she spots Fei walking by with his hands in his pockets. Then everything is ruined.


Wow Xantia, maybe not shout at the top of your lungs during a solemn event. And maybe not shout the name of someone with a bounty on his head to begin with.

Now standing out even more because of how she's suddenly by far the most cheerful person within a 5-mile radius, the fiery-haired girl waves wildly as she runs up to Fei, immediately starting a waterfall of words. "You're okay, I'm so glad! I don't know what happened, everything was so crazy, and I couldn't find anybody, and the roof you were on wasn't there anymore, and..." Clearly him usually being there meant that he was also there when it exploded, or so she assumed.

Only now does she actually take note of the mood. "...you look sad." She looks over to the other people who approached Fei was as well. "Actually, everybody here looks more sad than usual. What's going on?"

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

Catenna sets her candle into place and bows her head, drawing her hood up, then folding her hands for a moment.

"Astao ma shad himayah," she murmurs in her own language, her voice low and incredibly formal. A prayer. "Da masao ma yudir himayah. Mitur ma'amretam himayah. Chadani, chadani."

The candle flame flickers. Finally, she steps back, lifting her hands once more and drawing back the hood again. There's an obscure pain haunting her eyes but she doesn't give it voice. It's not one she wants to share just yet.

Sharing it would be to welcome others into her sin - the sin of caring for the wellbeing of one whose wellbeing it is monstrous for her to care for.

Quiet eyes survey the crowd for a moment. Moving with a serene calm that seems in some ways incongruous to the situation, she moves away from the line, clearing the way for others. In her peripheral vision she catches sight of a familiar figure, two, three; for a moment, her eyes linger on Lily and Leon, but she can tell that Lily doesn't want to let others see her right now.

She respects it. She moves instead towards another.

Her hand comes to rest on Sephilia's shoulder as she steps up to one side of her with a light step. The priestess regalia she pulled out for today gives her a dignity of presence that she tends to downplay otherwise. Above it, she's quiet for a few seconds.

Then she bows her head to the girl, and to Ida. "It is alright to cry for those we have lost," she assures the girl quietly. "Even those who are lost and still live."

<Pose Tracker> Tesni Inoue has posed.

Tesni Inoue looks to Feena for a moment as she asks her story.

"That's a long tale the short of it I'm an Archaeologist from Augusta."

Her accent's a bit odd but then again given she just said she was from one of the Seed Cities that would explain it a lot to her.

"I dig for the truth buried in the sands as best i can and make what money I can from working whatever on the level jobs I can find. I was here to check out the festivites when everything went history came up to try and murder everyone."

<Pose Tracker> Vash the Stampede has posed.

B e f o r e

The sky is a bright and beautiful blue. Cloud drift lazily, considerate enough to stay out of the way of the pounding warmth of the sun above. All around them, green grass flows like ocean waves against the waft of the cool breeze. A woman and two boys enjoy the nature, quiet and happy.

She's humming a song when they come across the glistening, dew-clung lines of a spider's web. They turn when they see it; a butterfly, trapped in the web.

The humming stops. The boy with golden blonde hair drawn up in spikes crouches near the web, his eyes wide with concern as the spider inches ever-closer towards its struggling prey. He reaches out. Hesitates.

And a second hand snaps out to crush the spider and its web without so much as a second thought.

The other boy with platinum hair looks down at him with a familial smile, as if he had done him a favor. The golden-haired child just looks on in horror.

"That was the easiest way to stop him. You wanted to save the butterfly, right?"

The woman and the other boy argue, but he can't hear it over the ringing in his ears. His fingers clench.

"What would you rather have us do, just stand and think about it? And while we do that, the spider would--"

And, screaming, the golden-haired boy lunges into the other, sending them both tumbling down that peaceful hill as he shouts with a frustration he can't rightly articulate.


N o w

A man in a dull brown cloak stands at the fringes of the gathering memorial. Features obscured by the cowl he wears, he says nothing, nor attempts to go out of his way to. He keeps a wide berth of others as he makes his way towards the tree beyond, the glimpse of aqua blue eyes staring at it seen now and again through the veil of tattered cloth. A stare with a heavy sense of melancholy that disappears with the downward tip of that hood.

Black gloved hands lift to set a white candle upon the tree, somewhere out of the way. He stares at the wooden construct for a moment.

What would you rather have us do, just stand and think about it? And while we do that, the spider would--

--eat the butterfly.

"... I'm sorry," he murmurs to those many candles. Those many lives. "I'll be faster next time. I promise."

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

Gwen expected King Justin to be there. After all, he was 'fine' when she last saw him being transported back into the city, with his men and his daughter Cecilia at his side. And that was the better way to be, not in the back of a Drifter's cart, being covered in blankets that display the reds, oranges, whites, and blues inspired by the desert horizon at evening. He is a king, not a refugee. He would go back to the castle, be among familiar walls, and get Better.

A king, as 'fine' as an older man could be, stabbed through with the blade of a metal demon far more powerful than anyone could take on. He was 'fine'. He will be here. She'll wash the cart, and the blankets, and at least one thing will be as it had been.

Gwen looks up, the words of the chancellor washing over her with news many have already heard, perhaps.

The king's not here. He was not 'fine'. He has passed away. She just stares blankly at the chancellor, trying to register those words.

He's dead. But he's not supposed to be dead.

It wasn't as if she knew him. She only met him two times. This isn't her city, her country, her anything.

So why is she crying?

A candle is eventually placed in the tree by a shaking, ungloved left hand. "I'm sorry. I was too bound up in ignoring everything that I refused to look at what was really in front of me." She takes a shuttering breath. "I'm glad you got to meet up with your daughter, and that you got to pass on in a place fit for a king."

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei waits for Leon and Lily. It's only polite, so he doesn't step away too far. He smiles at Leon and says, "Yeah. I'm managing." He gestures with a hand. "You?" Fei doesn't know Leon's image aside from what he experienced of him and heard amongst the pirates but he'd agree that he's a pretty cool and calm individual but, to be fair, this is Fei deciding what's 'cool and calm' and is probably safely thrown out by most.

THEN AGAIN there are Xantias in the world. Fei is about to say something to Josephine when suddenly he's XANTIA INTERRUPTED.

His eyes widen and brings up his arms as if he's expecting to be tackled THROUGH the tree, but when it doesn't happen--he lowers his arms. Maybe some people would be upset by Xantia asking 'what's going on' after the city nearly burned to the ground but Fei isn't that kind of people.

Instead he looks relieved, hugs Xantia of his own initiative and says, "Oh thank god," to her, a phrase that Fei will probably find ironic one day. "You missed it!"

He steps back a bit and looks to Lily, Leon, and Josephine (whom he failed to greet due to Xantia being a lot louder than her). "This is Xantia. She's a drifter too. I was actually wondering if she was one of your people." She looks back to Xantia. "Um, you missed it but." He pauses. "The city was attacked. By--" Cyborgs? Robots? No that's stupid. "--Metal Demons." Fei says instead. "I don't know much about them, but a lot of people got hurt. A lot of people died. Even the king." He gestures to Leon, Lily, and Josephine. "This is Lily and Leon. They're part of the pirate crew I signed on with. And that's Josephine." He nods to her.

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

In response to Rosaline and Catenna's kind words, Sephilia, now sobbing openly, embraces each of the women in turn.

"Th-they were...they ARE my friends...I just...I don't know how to feel or what to do about the whole thing anymore and...I would wish that everything could go back to like it was but--but I know there's scary dark things out there that would take a wish like that and...and make it bad..." Is the girl picking up on something, or have her encounters with the Pyre Witch simply made her paranoid?

<Pose Tracker> Feena has posed.

"Hey, that sounds a lot like someone else I know," Feena replies. "You work for the Guild, at all?"

'Dig for the truth', that noble profession which reminds her of Justin. It sounds a lot like her, as well, but Feena's still not sure about a couple things pertaining to herself.

"It looks like almost everyone here is in mourning for someone or another they lost."

Except her, unless you count innocence on the part of her travelling companions, and she's not sure she could light a candle for that exactly.

And yet isn't it strange, how she walked out of that saloon and the first person she met was pointing out to her that the Metal Demons weren't just a murderous horde, and that they had tactical decisions to make and things might have been a lot worse.

You know, looking around her right now, that sure does sound like a lot of horseapples.

<Pose Tracker> Leon Albus has posed.

"Josie," Leon says, a little after Lily. He looks her over, his expression still somber. He shakes his head, once, to her. "I'm glad that you survived. I'd worried and wondered."

It's quite an admission from him.

His hands, now without holding a candle, slide down into the pockets of his coat. He looks at Lily from the side and at the back of her head. He stays quiet when he does, though his expression is thoughtful for a moment. He looks back to Fei, when he speaks, and he nods. "Yes. Managing is a fine way to put it."

He opens his mouth, to say more, until he hears someone shout Fei's name at the top of her lungs. He turns, eyes widening, when he sees Xantia just bolt up and start talking quickly at Fei.

He feels a flicker of irritation. It isn't easy for him to quell. But, it helps when Fei hugs her back and expresses such relief. His expression softens, slightly, and he shakes his head. "...Yes. The city was beset by them. A number of people died."

Leon inclines his head, and then holds a hand out towards Xantia. "Leon Albus."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Having placed her candle, Jacqueline stands off to the side to watch the procession continue, arms hanging limply at her side. She'd since given up on trying to clean her glasses...or hold back the tears.

Well, she was managing to avoid sobbing grossly, so there was that, at least. Good job, Jacqueline.

The silence is momentarily broken by a shout from a familiar voice. Xantia. For the first time since the ceremony had started, Jacqueline manages a hint of a smile, but it fades shortly after as she returns her gaze to the tree, and to some of the familiar faces nearby.

Even people she knew were a little hard to recognize. She had never imagined she would see them all like...this, before.

She never could have imagined it.

<Pose Tracker> Tesni Inoue has posed.

Tesni Inoue says "No, I never had any connection to the guild to be honest. If we don't know our past we do the same thing over and over again. Look aty the Metal Demons this ain't hte first time they done something like this. I'm really a stranger out this way, did what I could to help but I know what it's like to lose things. Oh the name's Tesni Inoue."

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Sephi looks up at Ida, and Ida nods. "It's between you, them, and Granas," she says. Earlier, she'd spent some time alone--she'd taken out one of the prayer candles that her father had sent her, and lit it. She slips a hand into her pocket, and runs her thumb around the small, octagonal length of metal there. She'd used it to cut out the paper for the prayer strip earlier. Kalve wanted her to make things with it. She raises her head, and manages a stoic little smile as she looks at her companions. Stoicism is the proper reaction here, at least by the standards of Ida's culture.

In contrast, jabbing someone with an elbow at a memorial service is tantamount to heresy comes from. Her eyes shoot open, and she whirls on the familiar voice, words momentarily failing her. "Rose," she says, looking equal parts relieved and out of sorts. "I'm sorry for worrying you. I'm fine. He just took me and put me somewhere safe." Somewhere he thought was safe. And wait-- 'he'?

Gwen. Ida hasn't seen her since the castle, and she walks over to the courier, standing near her in silence for a moment. "Gwen," she says. She holds the piece of metal, remembering her encounter in Linga a few days ago. "You did what you could."

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

Rosaline looks at Catenna's approach. There's someone she hasn't seen in some time. She nods when she offers Sephilia quiet words of reassurance.

Her hug offer is faced with a sudden counteroffer, which she graciously accepts. "There, there."

"Life is full of trials, and this is one of them. We can't go back to the way things were, but we can find the strength to make them better in the future." A beat. Then, more quietly: "Until then, it's okay to be confused. It's okay to cry."

And it's a good thing, too, because her own tears have started trickling. She wipes at them with her sleeves, inefficiently. "O-Oh... I'm sorry..."

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

"You seem knowledgeable." Speaks a strange man in a maroon cloak, who is now presently shadowing behind Tesni's and Feena's conversations alike. Tesni might recognize the voice, but he (rudely) has not done much of anything to introduce himself, or pardon himself for the intrusion, or... much of anything. Is it an accusation? The stranger's tone of voice appears devoid of any of the atmospheric sorrow that hangs over the heads of the gathered here.

<Pose Tracker> Emma Hetfield has posed.

Emma ends up sidling around and behind Fei as he turns to talk to other people, staying in his blind spot and ogling his muscles until -

Her eyes turn to the side when someone says 'I'll be faster next time.' That's a peculiar sentiment, Emma thinks.

She then leans forwards to say, "Pardon me, I don't mean to intrude." This to Leon, and perhaps by extension, Lily. "Did you say pirates? Well, did he say pirates," her head tilts at Fei, "while openly referring to you. Excuse me," and now she steps around Fei, "I didn't mean to intrude, really, but I'm Emma Hetfield and I wanted to render you thanks if you're with the,"

Emma raises her hands to wiggle her index and middle fingers in what may be the invention of air quotes, "Pirates,"

"Who bombarded the Metal Demons."

<Pose Tracker> Feena has posed.

"Before this I never even really knew they existed," Feena says, mystified. "Except in a book or two." Probably the sort Leen didn't keep around because they were scary.

She looks around. "I feel terrible right now, you know, Tesni? As Feena the Adventurer. I feel as if I'm the kind of person who a lot of people expect to find a crate and stand on, and raise my voice, and tell them that I'm going down in the, whatever, abandoned mine and I'm going to sort this out and get revenge for my, someone and who's coming with me... yeah, that sounds like something I've done before."

"But all around me I just see people crying and people who've lost ones close to them, and I don't know how to handle anything."

"Maybe I should just get a head start on the crowd and mosey on out of here?"

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

Blessedly, Catenna has no idea the Pyre Witch exists.

Sephilia starts sobbing. The priestess curls her arms around the young woman's midsection and embraces her loosely for a moment, one hand coming up to pat her back gently. At first she says nothing and just lets Sephilia sob and cry to her heart's content.

(You and me both,) a little voice in her mind says bitterly. she silences it with a low rush of breath. "Often, life is not the simple thing we wish it was," she says instead, her voice low. "It is okay to hurt, Sephilia. Remember the kindness they shared with you... even though they travel a different turn of the world spiral now, a kind memory cannot die so long as you nurture it."

As she speaks, her eyes are climbing towards Rosaline. The other woman is crying and it brings a brief fracture to Catenna's poise - her lips twitch.

She sniffles slightly, then draws in a breath.

She cannot cry. A priestess cannot cry when times are grim.

Not yet.

Releasing Sephilia, she holds up a hand for Rosaline, shaking her head. "These things take time," she says. "It will... hurt, for some time. But you will grow with it."

Movement in her peripheral vision catches her attention. With a small frown, she turns and holds a hand out to Jacqueline - she takes a moment to place who she is.

Then she remembers escaping moles. Her eyebrows come up.

Stepping over, she moves up beside Jacqueline, head shallowly bowed, before she lifts it to offer the woman a faint, sad sort of smile. "It is hard, isn't it?" she asks quietly.

<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

"Hah... same, I think? I should have left you guys a message, huh?" She hasn't seen Lily or Leon since she left the two of them behind to travel to Linga. Somehow, though, she had the feeling they'd have survived all this, assuming they'd even been directly involved. As much as she'd like to assume they'd been smart about things...

"Hey, kiddo."

The words are out of Josie's mouth before she blinks, as if upwind from something surprisingly strong. Even the bird on her shoulder fluffs out. Briefly, Josie glances about herself, as if searching for something. That has to be a mistake, right--


There are some faces that you don't forget. Josie hasn't crossed paths with Xantia in ages but it's hard to forget the fiery-haired girl. Josie turns in surprise at the shout. "Whoa, hey there--"

Visibly, Josie pauses.

"Uh, it was--"

Something with an X?

All she can do is smile, a little bemused, as Fei fills in the blanks for Xantia. "Something like that... It's been a bad time, kiddo," she adds. "Probably, it's for the best that you gave it a miss. And it's Josie, okay?" She gestures at the bird on her shoulder, still fluffed not unlike a cat. "This is Penelope."

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

It might be heresy but it's less heretical than shouting Ida's name and tacklehugging her from behind, which MIGHT have been the original plan and luckily ended up not being! We're looking at you, Xantia. Or the crowd surely is. Rose does not actually mind in the slightest. She's not really the mourn and mope type, and it's been that way since a young age. She bounces back and she moves on at incredible speeds because that's how she was raised, never you mind the secret revenge agenda she has which might indicate otherwise. She certainly TRIES to be more practical than that. She focuses on what can be done going forward and pays little mind to the past. That's not to say the attack wasn't a dramatic turn and an unfortunate one at that, but...

Well, some stuff is more important. Like what Rose asks Ida: "Oh? Did he say anything that might indicate why there was an attack? ... anything useful at all, really?" Safe, though. How odd. So Kalve really is similar to the Trial Knight in that respect. At least on the surface. "Still, nice to see you made it!"

A glance down is then offered to Sephilia. "Mhm, it's true. Life will keep challenging you and it's by rising above those challenges that you get stronger. Right now this might seem really sad, but in five years it'll be a challenge you overcame and that shaped you into a better person! You and Lord Chauncey both!" She remembers the doll. The extraordinarily powerful doll.

Having agreed with Rosaline on the matter she also politely nods to her in greeting.

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

Fei asks about Leon, and Lily doesn't bother including herself in the question. As for Josie, Lily was concerned herself for the older woman. ...She doesn't look up at Leon for the moment though; tall as she is, he's taller. And seeing others is... difficult.

When the noise comes, Lily is glad Fei handles the explanation; she certainly doesn't want to explain something to someone as... loud as Xantia seems to be. In fact she glances up at her with a bit of apprehension. He explains though and she... "Ah. Yes, you missed it."

Despite herself Lily stands up a little straighter, brushing her hair out of her face enough to get a better look. "Lily Keil." Lily does not offer her gloved hand to shake.

"...It's like you, not to remember to tell us." It could almos be a joke, if not for the intensely subdued way Lily says it. "That reminds me... I had something for you. But..."

A hesitation, "I'm glad you..." Pause. "..Be careful of Penelope. She's sharp."

<Pose Tracker> Tesni Inoue has posed.

The hairs on Tess' neck stand p as she hears the voice of Ethiusbutshe keeps the rest of her reaction.

"There's been traces of them for a long time, corpses have been found before. Still I am not shocked, they were thought dead, why bother with species that's all long gone, right?" She looks to Ethius for a moment.

"I try to be sir."

She looks back to Feena for a moment.

"Souns like your a bit new at this, do what you can show your respect for those who have past on and get to rebuilding."

<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

It doesn't happen very often that Xantia's the one on the receiving end of more exuberance than anybody was expecting. She's not taken aback very much by a sudden hug, but she does look that much more surprised for it. "Huh? What, what did I miss?" Ah well, it doesn't really matter, she's glad to return the hug either way.

Being introduced prompts her to wave cheerfully at the others present, though with the explanation of what happened given, her attention is quickly returned to Fei. "Ohhh, so that's what they were. I didn't miss that, not really, I was... just a little late." A blink-and-you'd-miss-it flash of sadness crosses her features, bothered by how she could have done more if she had been here for the whole thing, but she doesn't get hung up on it. Instead, the expression melts into a bit of a pensive one. The king died... that sounds important, but she has no idea what that means in practice. She doesn't know much about many things, but politics is just a flat zero. She doesn't even really know what a king does.

That moment, too, passes quickly. After all, the introductions aren't over yet. She shakes Leon's hand readily, with the strong grip of one obviously used to fighting. Unbothered by Lily not offering her hand, and still managing to be all smiles in spite of everything. Perhaps one day, she'll look back on this moment and revise her stance on ignorance not being bliss at all. "Hi, Leon, Lily! You don't look like pirates. I think. Maybe the book was wrong?" Books are all she has to go on to identify what a pirate is supposed to be like.

It may not have seemed possible, but she brightens even more at the sight of Josephine. Because it's always great to see people that you can actually remember seeing before. "I remember you, Bird Lady! Josie!" That was either a quick correction, or she considers both valid names. Odds are good on the latter.

Then Emma approaches. "And you too..." Oh dear, mental wires crossed again. Xantia can't figure out Emma's name, because she spelled it entirely different than what she thought she heard. So she just sort of trails off awkwardly. Better change the subject. Just say whatever's on her mind, that'll be fine.

"I've been trying to help with cleaning up, but then everybody left all of a sudden, and now people are doing things with candles. I'm confused."

Fei may have left out an important detail about Xantia. Nobody would normally be this clueless.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Rose asks the tough questions, the ones that Ida really doesn't want to have to answer right now. She looks back at the merchant, realizes she's still within earshot of Gwen, and Rose is asking about the man who almost murdered her. Her grip tightens around the multitool, as if she could somehow make it summon Kalve to explain everything for her. For a few moments, Ida is completely silent, wondering if it's appropriate to humanize the entities responsible at this time.

She looks back at Sephilia, now. Compassion, even for those who have committed a great wrong.

Ida draws herself up a little straighter. "They have no home," Ida says. "And their Mother was struck down and captured in the first war." Her hand comes out of her pocket, still clutching the multitool, but it's hard to see it. "I don't think many of them know anything that isn't war." Her voice is soft.

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia goes to hug Ida, too. "Some of them do. Thanks to us, I think," the girl says simply. "They're still our friends.

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

Why do we venture forth, into the wastes?

Why do we spill so much blood on the sands of this dying world?

Why do the strong crush the innocent beneath their heel, and call it just?

A stormy grey cloak bobs slowly forward, admist a sea of like-minded mourners. The candle's flame flickers in the wind, a pulse of warmth whose image dances hauntingly in a reflection on the lenses beneath the hooded girl's spectacles as the sun begins to set. She filters through the crowd almost unseen, a non-entity of presence on the periphery of the event. A man in a dull, brown cloak not so far away reaches for the tree with black gloves and offers a solemn thought. He pledges that next time, he will be fast enough.

She hurts, in a way she hasn't hurt in many years. Maya feels an ache in her heart which threatens to tear her chest asunder. The tales of gold, glory, and guns which give her such strength feel hollow and flimsy, now. Baudy tales of high adventure seldom pay tribute to the tragedies surrounding such heroics. Sallying forth in search of gold and gems seems like a distant--stupid raison d'etre, now. No amount of riches will bring back the farmers, the fathers, the mothers, the brothers and the sisters Maya Schrodinger could not protect, even as she fought amidst the height of the carnage.

So. Looking quite removed from the tall and proud Drifter who forges a path through the wasteland, the much more frail and bespectacled Maya places her lone offering amidst the others, in the tree. Her hands are curiously still, for one so torn apart.

"I thought I could play the Hero," she admits to the memorial tree, as if it will absolve her of her sins. "But all I did was chase after the shadow of one. Forgive me..."

Her candle placed, her strange plea for forgiveness made, Maya gently steps away and lowers the hood of her cloak before strategically embracing the sobbing Gwen Whitlock from behind without a word. Fair's fair.

<Pose Tracker> Feena has posed.

Feena takes a moment to acknowledge surprise at the person who's just crept up behind them. "Don't spook me like that."

She looks back at Tesni, and she gets stuck on something.

She rolls the words around in her mind, a little. New to the idea of having people she cares about die. New to seeing this level of devastation. New to the idea of the mysteries of old returning to the present, in a fit of chaos and death. New to the idea of so many people in mourning. New to seeing so much sorrow and having no idea how to relate.

R "Yeah," she replies, mouth dry. "I guess I am new at this."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline glances towards Catenna as she approaches her. There is a quiet nod in her direction, but she doesn't say anything just yet. Instead, she turns her gaze to the sky. She is silent for a while yet before she speaks.

"I-I...I'm not...used to this." She admits, her voice quiet.

"I can...handle physical pain, but...I feel like I've had something torn out of me..." Jacqueline shakes her head and closes her eyes.

This was the first time she'd really experienced loss on this scale. There'd been times when she'd lost it all and had to start anew...but that had only been her own belongings.

Now, it was her people, their homes, their King. Not everyone would recover eventually. Most of them were beyond her ability to help.

<Pose Tracker> Leon Albus has posed.

"It would have been hard to," Leon says, with a shake of his head to Josie. "Everything was... it was damned confusing, that's for certain. I wasn't sure if you'd even come back from your trip." And, if she did, if she would have survived -- or possibly chosen to stay away.

He gives Penelope a wary look. Yes, even at a funeral.

He looks at Xantia again -- and then shares a glance with Lily. Are they pirates, now? He has to wonder. Does being on the Yggdrasill, at times, make one a pirate? He looks back at Xantia, before he shakes his head once. "Book?" he asks. "We're... we work with Bart, sometimes. I wouldn't say that we're, ordinarily, pirates. Of course... we'll be working with him a lot more now."

So maybe he is a pirate.

He looks at Xantia a moment longer. He isn't sure how to answer that, exactly. Explaining a mourning ceremony isn't easy. He is, it happens, saved by the question directed his way.

Leon blinks at Emma, when she approaches. He knows the name Professor Emma Hetfield, but he has no inkling that this is her. He turns to face her, his expression briefly guarded. But, he nods; given the public role that the Yggdrasill played in the battle's climax, he can't well pretend it wasn't there. "Yes," he says to her. "But... looking about the city, I don't think we're owed thanks. It wasn't enough to turn the tide alone."

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

The stranger in the maroon cloak regards Tesni's rebuttal with the same cool, virtually emotionless gaze he approached her with - taking Feena's scolding with only the turn of his head and walking away from the two of them, allowing the two archaeologist-adventurers to chatter in peace.

Sstriding along the funeral grounds, Ethius regards the ruin that no longer smolders with flame and fear. His right hand goes to his forehead, for a time, as complex thoughts stir in his head. A sense that he should be seeking... someone?

And an overpowering desire to not have to, for reasons he cannot put a finger on. A sense of disquieting inevitability, of a character and circumstance that remains clouded. Mourners filter all around him as they go about their business, as though he weren't even present as a person.

For the moment, that's... comforting?

He continues walking, past where Jacqueline and Catenna speak to one another. As one of Jacqueline's allies, as someone who has worked alongside her on expeditions and (appeared to have) worked to protect her from a people at first defined by what they thought as being exotic sorcery, perhaps he should say something to her. Reach out and provide some measure of comfort, to reassure her in the aftermath of one of the greatest trials of her very life.

He merely lingers.

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei is just glad Xantia is neither dead, traumatized, or on fire. Sometimes he needs to take solace in the simple things. He figures Xantia will quiet down once it's spelled out to her. "Oh, ah, right. Sorry. Josie." XANTIA INTERRUPTS have disrupted Fei's attempts to be polite. Of course, he doesn't seem to have any mind calling people pirates or anything so maybe Fei isn't very GOOD at being polite. It's not really polite to call pirates pirates in a public place after all. You have to use codewords.

Fei has no clue who Emma is but his eyes slant towards her punching glove hand.

He stares at it. His left hand twitches, strangely. He squints, and then adds, "Sorry what? Oh. Uh. Yeah. I mean, you don't have to thank me. I didn't know they were planning on doing that." He looks to Leon. "It was his call, I think? He sent up the flare, anyway."

He pauses strangely as Xantia explains herself. He studies her expression but doesn't comment further on it.

"Um, she has amnesia so if you could help her, that'd be great. Me too, actually, though uh--it's farther back than that. About five years and past that." Please pity her and not get pissed, Fei hopes.

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

The breeze plays with Catenna's thick, dark hair a little. She gives her head a shake to better let those heavy tresses spill free, before turning her eyes to Jacqueline once again. The picture of reserve, she nods with quiet sympathy as the other woman makes those sad admissions of loss and anguish.

An ember of sympathetic misery burns in the centre of Catenna's heart. Two such embers, really. Memories of another loss - and another, and another. Soft brown feathers fluttering through the dark places of her spirit.

Breathing in, she looks up towards the sky a moment, then lets her breath out in a slow rush, nodding once more as the other woman speaks her piece. "In a real way, you have," she says quietly. "We all lose things in our lives... but most of us do not know what it is like to lose things that are closest to our hearts. Homes, friends...."

Slender hands clasping together before her, she bows her head and purses her lips, long lashes dipping across her eyes like veils.

"It takes time. The loss never truly leaves you," she murmurs as she turns her eyes to Jay. "But with time, it becomes easier to accept, the way a wound to your body will become a scar as your body heals itself. Our hearts also heal... but every great loss... every great tragedy leaves something of itself with you."

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

Rosaline listens quietly as Ida provides a bit more context to the tragedy. She looks down. This casts their actions in a new light, certainly. She should feel a bit of compassion for them, but...

Her fists clench quietly. She isn't sure she can find that Granasian love in her. She hates herself for it.

She excuses herself from the group for now, seeing someone she was meaning to speak to. "Gwen," she says quietly, as she approaches, her tears stopped for now.

She's about to continue, but Maya, whom she doesn't recognize right away, is embracing her. Um. "Sh-Should I come back later?"

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Ida is hugged. She looks down at Sephy, giving the young woman a pat on the back. Naturally, she knows just the right thing to say to take a hammer to Ida's increasingly-delicate composure. She's never had to maintain the public face under these circumstances. "I can only hope," Ida says. She sees the way Rosaline clenches her fists. "I know," she adds, to the Etone-in-training. "It's difficult. Granas does not want us to be content with the simple things." She opens her hand, the candlelight glimmering on the multitool's surface. She runs her thumb along it.

It's as you said--you can imagine them more like humans now. There is sorrow in this, a deep sorrow that people have always known from war... but I think there is also hope.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

'I'll be faster next time. I promise.'

Gwen is silent, hearing the muffled words of the cloaked man who-is-not-Vash in front of her. So many people, trying their best, in their own way. Adlehyde has a lot of great people devoted to it.

Looking to Ida as she walks down from the memorial tree, Gwen's attention is drawn to the naturalist, her eyes rimmed with red. Ida. Someone who had gone missing under scary pretenses, but showed up during the attack on the castle, Gwen was afraid for her, but she was okay. "I only heard just now, so. It kinda.. shocked me, y'know...? I was hoping that everything was gonna get better. I'm just glad-"

She's being hugged, from behind, by the strong arms of Maya. She then grabs onto the already hugged Ida with one arm, then draws Rosaline with the other, drawing everyone in for a big group hug.

And if there's a stray hand ready, and if that quiet cloaked man takes a chance and strays close enough, she'll try to draw him in too.

He sounded like someone who really needed a hug as well.

<Pose Tracker> Emma Hetfield has posed.

Emma gives Xantia a sunny look.

And then she looks back to Leon. Her hand goes on her hip as she rocks back and forth on her heels once, hm-m-m-ming as if she's considering his words. "No," she says, "that won't do."

Emma wags a finger in Leon's face. "Fair enough if you want to avoid giving yourself a dislocation patting yourself on the back. But if you can't accept your successes and your triumphs alongsides the almost-got-it and failures, you'll sink into a slough of despond and perish in the sand sea of the soul."

She doesn't notice Fei eyeballing her punchy gun. Though it is set on her hip. It's nice and pleasant to look at. "That's a metaphor," she informs Fei and probably also Lily and others in the area, before--

Emma whirls on her heels, moving her conversational position with a dramatic flourish. Now she is nearer to Lily but able to look at both Fei and Xantia. "You both are suffering from amnesia...? Normally that means you've had a major brain injury... But I see you can both dress yourselves and don't seem to need an attendant or driver. In-ter-es-ting..."

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

"O-Oh... that's kind of sad," Rose answers Ida, before pondering. "But it does open up new venues to deal with them. Maybe they can be reached or turned against their current cause. There's plenty of kind souls out there who'd probably love to hug the invaders into stopping their war," she adds, though not without a few thoughts of her own.

If Sorey was here he'd probably worry that the Metal Demons having human minds might make them susceptible to Malevolence. Both its creation and spread. That's a thought Rose has, too, in part because she still doesn't understand Malevolence much.

"I'm sure Adlehyde'll rebuild itself to be stronger than ever, so I'm trying not to dwell on it too much. We can't change what happened, you know? But we can change what happens next, so we gotta make sure we stay a step ahead of those guys."

Then Rose diverts the topic, because she does have things to handle while she has access to all these people in one location. "Say, you three," she says, to Rosaline, Ida and Sephilia, "Do you know anyone who's good with... mechanical stuff? There's a... thing I need repaired." What were those things called again? She saw them showcased as Gear parts once. "Computer screen! I have a computer screen I need fixed." She pauses, and precises. "At... the bottom of a cave. It seemed really important. Some ancient technology or something like that."

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia perks up at Rose's question. "Oh, is that using electricity?" she asks, remembering a conversation earlier with Ida. "Ida, do you know how to fix that? Can you teach me? Can you?"

<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

"I suppose so." It's not a happy smile that follows. "I'd just gotten back, actually... I'd heard that something was about to happen. And then..." Slowly, the archaeologist shakes her head. There hadn't been time to do much of anything. She hadn't even found the person she was looking for until after everything had been said and done.

Josie's brow creases. ...That feeling hasn't abated. It can't be Lily, can it?

Lily doesn't meet her eyes, either.

Basically, Xantia and Josie had sort of gotten involved in a bar fight the one time. "...Bird Lady? Well, hey, that works, too!" Josie gestures, palms outward. "Now I remember, it was Xantia. With an X, right?" She glances over at Leon. "So, are you two pirates now? Hmm..." Thoughtful, she looks the two of them over. "Bart's a good kid. I think it's fine." And it's not as if they have much chance of advancement in the military right now, anyway. She props a hand on her hip. "Since you guys aren't going to stay out of trouble anyway, might as well go all out though, right?"

To Fei, she waves a hand absently. "Just remember it next time, kid." Fei, it seems, has been upgraded to 'kid' status.

Which is followed by a look at Xantia. "Amnesia, huh... that's rough. --And you, too?" Dark eyes redirect to Fei.

All mock-offense for a moment, Josie shakes her head at Lily's comment. "Hey now, I don't think I'm that bad about it," she gripes, only to shrug, jostling Penelope in the process. She blinks, though, glancing Lily over. "...You've got something for me?"

Emma Hetfield. Now that's a name Josie knows. She turns, eyes widening. "You're... Emma Hetfield? The Emma Hetfield?"

<Pose Tracker> Feena has posed.

Feena continues to kick her heels at the back of the crowd. She can appreciate the sentiment, but on the other hand the idea of staying to rebuild the city just is not something she... feels like she needs to do. That's not her... her thing, you know? Good luck with it and all but we're gonna move on?

If nobody else stops her, then she will probably just slip to the back even further and let people get their carthasis. She doesn't need hugs, she doesn't need to shed tears: she feels remarkably alien and disconnected from all of this, without a friend to emotionally connect with and understand...

Hearing someone say 'the Emma Hatfield makes her feel bizarrely jealous. Nobody's said that to her all week.

Perhaps she'd feel better if someone did.

Perhaps the fact that she'd feel better if someone did showcases just how much she doesn't belong here.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline's gaze finds the ground again. Her eyes linger for a moment on Ethius - or rather, the man in the maroon cloak, but she doesn't say a word. Instead, she wraps her arms around herself.

"I...want to believe that, Miss Catenna. I...I'll never be able to forget this, this feeling..." She replies, her breath hitching slightly, and shakes her head. Even though she would someday be able to accept it...it was still something that would linger with her.

Even once Adlehyde itself was rebuilt...though who knew how long that would take.

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

The quiet, cloaked man kind of walks into the landmine of a group hug as set up by Gwen in a moment of weakness from his inner contemplation. He... appears to accept the invitation, and even embrace with a hug back?


It's the kind of hug that seems only possible by someone who has watched other people do it, and understands the basic cultural implications of it at a fine level of how much, how long, etcetera is appropriate for the situation. It is instead decidedly lacking in any of the heartfelt warmth that a hug should have. The body that is engaging in the hug is, biologically speaking, warm-blooded. But there is something... missing.

The expression of their eyes is unchanging, as they peer over the opposite hugger's shoulder as the nearby Rose mentions something about a... computer screen. Computer screen. Com. Pu. Ter. Screen, at the bottom of a-- really important...

Ida might catch a look at the man's eyes while he's stuck in this hug, senses affixed on Rose's words.

That's the guy who damaged the Metal Demon blood display.

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

"The Emma Hetfield?" Fei asks.

"...Is she famous or something?"

There is a longer pause as Emma describes how amnesia works. "...Uh. Really? Is that how it works? Maybe it's something else. Like, amnesia except not that." Is...is 'kid' an upgrade? He seems more concerned about Emma's insights on amnesia.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Ida is pulled into a hug. She's not expecting it, but she doesn't shy away--she gives Gwen a pat on the back. "I know. I think we all were." Sometimes... things don't go the way they do in the stories. Her eyes start to mist up. She's gripping the little multitool so hard it presses into her flesh. Rose asks Ida a question, then. "Ah," she says, looking down at Sephilia. "I may be able to assist, but I think I'd want the assistance of someone more experienced, such as--" Doctor Emma Hetfield, who is right over there, talking to the young artist. Ida smiles--she wasn't sure Fei made it out alive.

It gives her a moment to process the fact that her mysterious potential nemesis is listening intently.

"Sir," Ida says, to Fei. She doesn't know his name, but figures 'Sir' is polite. "I'm glad to see you again." That's... over there, does she know him? Ida looks over at Leon a moment, recognizing the face, but not anything further.

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia sighs. She'd been excited to learn about something new, but she doesn't know thiss Emma person--on the other hand, she DOES know Fei! And she's happy to see him, at least. "Hey, I know that guy!" she tells Ida. "He did a portrait of me an' Chauncey. His name's...uh...Fei, I think?" She waves shyly at the artist. At least the tears have stopped, for now.

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

"No... no you won't," Catenna says, her eyes finding Jacqueline's and holding them for a second. There's sympathy there, quiet and full of dignity.

With a delicate touch, she reaches out to lay a soft hand on Jacqueline's shoulder, moving in to stand just beside her. Gaze drifting to the candle tree, she presses her lips together. The breath that rushes out through her nose has the flavour of a sad sigh to it. "And you should not try to," she advises. "What happened here... none of us should forget it, nor let it go unanswered. Even if those who caused it to be are... in many cases, those we once placed our trust in."

Her hand falls away, clasping with the opposite as she looks up towards the sky. For just a moment, a flicker of unspoken anguish dances across her expression. Her lips tighten at the corners, eyes narrowing as she blinks away tears that threaten to come.

(Riesenlied... why did it have to be you?)

"What will you do?" she asks Jay, then. "Will you stay to help rebuild... or will your plans take you elsewhere?"

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

Lily didn't think Josie would just leave and not come back. ...It might be foolish not to have thought so, but she didn't. On the other hand...

Fei's question is valid. Leon seems to have trouble with it, and Lily shrugs, to him and to Emma both. "Yes, we're pirates," she concludes very simply. "Or at least, I'm a pirate." It's on her wanted posters, in fact; it makes things very simple in that case. However...

"...If you're going to thank anyone, it should be Leon. His timing made a difference in that part of the battle." She nods to Fei.


"Amnesia...?" she asks, her medical curiousity roused when it comes to Xantia. "I've never treated amnesia." A pause, looking at Emma. That's certainly a possibility, a brain injury...

That feeling is Lily, the one that snakes into Josie's senses. Lily senses it, too. But she's distracted from amnesia by her, and...

She only eventually meets her eyes. "You're exactly that bad," Lily says. "But yes. I do. It's..." She stops, and reaches into her satchel to pull out a familiar handgun, handing it grip-first to Josie, and then the belt to go with it. "...You... can't have too many things to keep you safe."

She glances away, and looks faintly... embarrassed.

"Right, I..." She goes totally silent and looks off at literally anything else.

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

"No... no you won't," Catenna says, her eyes finding Jacqueline's and holding them for a second. There's sympathy there, quiet and full of dignity.

With a delicate touch, she reaches out to lay a soft hand on Jacqueline's shoulder, moving in to stand just beside her. Gaze drifting to the candle tree, she presses her lips together. The breath that rushes out through her nose has the flavour of a sad sigh to it. "And you should not try to," she advises. "What happened here... none of us should forget it, nor let it go unanswered. Even if those who caused it to be are... in many cases, those we once placed our trust in."

Her hand falls away, clasping with the opposite as she looks up towards the sky. For just a moment, a flicker of unspoken anguish dances across her expression. Her lips tighten at the corners, eyes narrowing as she blinks away tears that threaten to come.

(Riesenlied... why did it have to be you?)

"What will you do in the days ahead, then?" she asks Jay, then. "Will you stay to help the people rebuild... or will your plans take you elsewhere?"

<Pose Tracker> Tesni Inoue has posed.

Tesni Inoue says "We were all new once it'snot a sin to be new at it but better you learn about things like this now rather than later." She has to wonder about Hesido andwhat he's up to on this world? Why is he here? It's troubling to see him all things considered.

<Pose Tracker> Leon Albus has posed.

When Fei asks them to help Xantia, Leon hesitates -- but he nods, before he looks back at her. "It's... this is a memorial, for the people who died that day. They light the candles to remember them. It has symbolism. It's different, I think, for each person. But everyone did one. To remember those they lost, or... maybe what they lost. Or what they hope to do differently next time."

He frowns -- and his eyes turn downward, for a moment, before he looks back up. His eyes meet Josephine's. He half-smiles, when she starts to lecture him.

And then Josie asks if he is a pirate. Leon frowns, for a moment, before he shakes his head once. "Yes. I suppose we are," he says. "And... no. I don't intend to 'stay out of trouble.' Not after everything that happened."

Leon looks back at Emma, too. He hesitates, but he nods finally to her admonishment. Even if he frowns, briefly, at Emma.

"...Very well," he says. "I did call in the strike with a flare. Professor Hetfield... the ARMs meister?"

Leon looks at Lily, watching her sidelong as she offers the handgun to Josie. He blinks -- his eyes widen at seeing it -- but then he nods, and looks back at Emma.

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

Ida understands. Rosaline nods back, silently appreciative, but soon she is pulled into a Mass Hug. Gwen's power is unfathomable!

Rosaline appreciates it, too, and she hugs back clumsily (not least because it's hard to do so in a group hug situation) though Gwen's sleeve is likely to get wet as the tears start streaming again.

But all good things come to an end. When's she's pulled away, Rosaline speaks up again, quietly. She doesn't want to be overheard, but it's rather hard to avoid given the setting. "Gwen... I heard your warning. I just wanted to say... I think you made a big difference."

But Rose asks her and her friends about 'mechanical stuff'. "I'm sorry," she answers, "I'm only good at gunsmoke ARM maintenance... I know some Ethos members who are skilled with machinery, but it would depend on the reason." Repairing a computer at the bottom of a cave sounds reckless, to say the least.

<Pose Tracker> Vash the Stampede has posed.

He's content with this. This isn't his place to be, nor, he knows, does he deserve to be here. These people are grieving, and he should let them be to it.

What can he really offer them, in a situation like this?

And so, the man in the dull brown cloak steps back, staring at the woman in the black cloak for a moment. Behind his hood, he offers her a quiet smile of encouragement, one somehow filled with the weight of countless years behind it. And from there, he turns to leave...

... only to feel that tug on the tatters of his sleeve.

Behind his hood, the man blinks. He looks towards the others -- towards Gwen. Looking out for what might as well, by any indication, be an utter stranger to her. Golden blonde brows behind that hood soften, just a touch. He doesn't say a word. He just lets himself be drawn in for a long, quiet moment, looking more to soothe than be soothed.

And as he pulls away, his hand lifts to settle on top of Gwen's head, to ruffle that red hair in a reassuring way no doubt all too familiar.

"You have a good heart, Gwen."

It's all the man says before he pulls away, the glimpse of a sad smile and aqua blue eyes visible for a glimmer of an instant before he moves to lose himself in the crowds of mourners.

<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

Xantia blinks blankly at Leon's explanation. Then cocks her head and asks, "So... being a pirate is your hobby?" Makes sense to her!

She quickly proceeds to confirm, "Yes, I read a book that had pirates! They had a ship and drank and fought a lot and dug for buried treasure! But you don't have an eyepatch, or a wooden leg, or a hat with a skull and crossbones, or anything pirate-like. I guess that's only when it's your job." She nods, yes, that makes sense.

She smiles brightly when he name AND its spelling is remembered by Josie. "That's right!" Then her gaze falls on Penelope, and she questions, "...is that a parrot? Are you a pirate too?"

At least Fei explains the reason for this incredible lack of common sense. Xantia wouldn't have thought it necessary to bring up, and in fact appears a little distressed when Fei does. She may not know much about the world, but she does recognize that this probably wasn't mentioned out of the blue for no reason. "Did I... say something weird? Sorry... that happens sometimes."

More like, all the time.

She also doesn't understand why the details Emma brings up are so interesting, looking even more uncomfortable under the studying gaze. "Well... I don't know why I know the things I do know. I just... do." Though whether she knows how to dress herself well is debatable, given that her shirt is at least one size too small, the legs of her shorts are torn to shreds, and her battered travelling cloak is not worn properly at all, treated as if it were a cape.

Lily's mention of treatment changes her demeanor entirely, the redhead's eyes quickly turning to her filled with hope. "Do you know a treatment for amnesia? Even if it's your first time, if there's anything you can do, please try."

She's not desperate or anything, what gave you that idea?

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

"Mister Fei," Ida says, nodding at Sephilia. "I'm glad to see you again. And you, too, Doctor Hetfield."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline glances toward Catenna when she feels her hand on her shoulder. She listens quietly as she speaks, nodding in understanding.

'Those we once placed our trust in'...

She wanted to still be able to trust Riesenlied. It was because of her that she was able to keep going with her business. But...there was a lot of hatred between their peoples. Would she really be enough?

She unfolds one of her arms from the self-hug she'd wrapped herself in and reaches up to her glasses, pulling them off and making a half-hearted attempt at wiping away tears.

It was only partially successful.

"I'll...stick around around for a time, I think. Doing what I can to help." She replies, putting her glasses back on. "But...once my 'project' is complete, I think...I think I'll go on the road again."

With that said, she glances towards Catenna.

"Oh...also...I...wanted to thank you. I hear you've been a big help, feeding everyone...I think they all need it right now." She says, offering her a weak smile.

<Pose Tracker> Emma Hetfield has posed.

"Yes," Emma tells Josie, "I've eaten all the others."

A beat passes. "That's a joke," she informs the others, before looking directly at Fei. "Well... there's all sorts of reasons," she tells him. "Sometimes people put memories aside, or have temporary amnesia due to minor brain injuries. Really severe amnesia tends to come from really severe brain damage. I'm talking like that man who decided to look down the barrel of his ARM to see if it was loaded, and -"

Emma pivots her finger as if to point up her eye, makes a little 'phhoow!' noise with her mouth, and slides that finger up along her temple and out the top of her skull.

"But I can see from your intact skulls that neither of you have had that kind of an injury," Emma continues.

Leon asks if she is in fact Emma Hetfield, the ARMs Meister. On cue, Ida helps her. "Hello Ida! I guess their bellies weren't chubby after all, were they?" she says to Ida, then back to Leon: "Yes; extremely so. Do you need anything tuned? I do need some working capital..."

Her attention goes to Xantia then. "Hmmm... well, we could always try drilling holes in your skull. That's a joke. Have you been examined by a competent physician, just so I could rule out any other possible causes? There was a nasty outbreak of blob-pox in Aquvy a couple of decades ago and I'm told the fevers did cause some occasional brain injury."

After a pause, Emma muses, "But then the Ethos stopped preaching against blob inoculation... Hm..."

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

"Ah, no, I just thought--they might've known something." Fei tells Xantia. He's not one to fret over manners. "They're from Kislev and you had that gear piece, remember?" He seems to trust Leon and Lily enough to just casually mention that. As well as anybody in Adlehyde who happens to be listening in. Since like all of Adelhyde is here. Fei isn't exactly a spec ops type.

He is quietly relieved that Lily is also agreeing that they're pirates. Because he's pretty sure they are pirates. "I actually was wondering--since you're here--if you wanted to join us, Xantia. Uh--I guess it's not really up to me but I figure Bart'd get along with you so I'm not really worried about it."

He is worried about Xantia wandering around on her own without people looking out for her. She can handle most things, but she'd get in real trouble if she tried to do this to someone as deadly as the DEMON KNIGHTS whomever their names are.

He pauses, grimacing as Emma explains amnesia in further detail. Probably the detail about the guy checking his gun, really.

"Doc's with the pirates now, he could possibly give that exam." Fei admits. "He's a smart guy."

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia steps forward. "Hello, Miss. My name is Sephilia Lampbright. I'm a friend of Ida's. Uh...she says maybe you can teach me about electricity?"

She waves to Fei as she speaks.

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

Adlehyde was never Maya's home. She came here to further her family's wealth, status, and step out of her father's shadow.

And wealth, she certainly found. But not in the form of gold, gems, and tech. No, as painfully cliched as it sounds, the fame-chasing Drifter found something a lot more fundamental and important than anything you can measure with a gella sign next to it. The self-reliant, boisterous, and downright dangerous Lady Schrodinger found out what most people have known for years: it's a damn sight nicer to connect with people and rely on them, than to go it alone.

Somewhere else, the rest of her entourage clearly shrug lightly: better late than never.

So! Back in the present. Rosaline sounds pretty surprised to see Maya(?) hugging Gwen from behind, and the glasses-girl fumbles her reply quietly to her. "No, sorry--I just... it's important."

Even as the world keeps turning around them, Maya can't let Gwen's kindness go unpaid. It left an impression on her. So, thus, the hug. "You were there for me when--I was lost, after Virginia, so... it seemed right."

There's a quiet, that follows. It should be ominous, but instead--the air filled with the murmur of cathartic chatter and weeping--it is filled with solemn gravitas. So when the cloaked stranger with blonde hair and sad blue eyes smiles at Maya, their eyes meeting, she can only smile back with her own sorrow on display, tears running down her cheeks. Their regrets, perhaps, are not so different, despite having never met.

Importantly, Maya eventually lets go of poor Gwen so she can get her hair ruffled all adorably by the handsomest form of Vash you'll see for a while. Warm and fuzzy-like. She waits until the moment is passed, before finding her voice again.

"... it's good that you have friends--who recognizes that, Ms. Whitlock."

<Pose Tracker> Rose has posed.

As Ida and Sephilia migrate towards Fei, Rose briefly nods to Rosaline, taking note. The Ethos are that... religion, right? She's not sure if she wants to mix them up in the matter, but if she can't find anyone else, it's good to know.

Then she, too, heads towards Fei and Emma, leaving Rosaline with Gwen for the moment. The news that Fei is a painter is what she notices first, expectedly. "Ooh, a painter? Hey there! I'm Rose, leader of the Sparrowfeathers Merchant Guild. If you ever decide you might want to sell some of your paintings I'm your woman!" Girl? Well, she doesn't look that old. Young woman at best. Very late teenager more like. Either way she is entirely interested in selling paintings, good artists aren't very common!

The second person to catch her interest is obviously Emma. "Ah! Right, that's right! Miss Hetfield, you're an expert on ancient tech, right? Would you be up for an excursion in a little while, after all the dust has settled? I'll leave the details for another time but I really, really could use someone with your skills." And Ida's, it goes without saying. Why bring only ONE person who can fix things when you can have two along? Stack those odds, always.

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

More than anything, Catenna wants to trust Riesenlied, too. Other Metal Demons are much easier for her to see as monstrosities. Zed, for instance.

Riesenlied is different.

"I am sure those here will welcome the help that you have to offer them," Catenna says as she slides her hand away from Jacqueline's shoulder, once more weaving it with its opposite. "With luck, you will be safe in your travels. Perhaps you will meet many of those here again. I think a number who have Drifted here will soon be on the road once more."

Then she's thanked. It startles her. She blinks and widens her eyes, then dips them towards the ground with a soft blush.

"I... only did what I could," she says with a self-effacing shake of her head, as though reluctant to accept the praise. "Adlehyde is... far from my home, certainly. This is different for me than it is for so many of you... it is not always so... so close to the heart."

She bites down to the inside of her cheek, then lets it go, tilting her head back and lifting her eyes towards the moon. "...But I do know what it is like to have your home taken from you," she murmurs. "It is a lonely feeling. And I did not want those who have struggled to feel as though they were alone."

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline nods, looking at everyone else that was gathered. Many of them she considered allies, or even friends. They were people she had come to know and care about it. Perhaps she didn't know some of them as well as she would like, but...

She felt she could trust them all the same. That wasn't always easy among Drifters. There was a reason why they had the reputation they did. They weren't always good people.

But, even if some of them would disagree...Jacqueline felt these people, at least, she could trust.

Catenna's reaction to her thanks gets another smile out of Jacqueline and, surprisingly, a small chuckle.

"I'm sure it made all the difference, Miss Catenna. Reminding someone that they're not alone...sometimes, that's what people need most." She replies.

She was doing it right now.

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

Catenna's eyes follow Jacqueline's through the crowd. They are familiar faces, to be certain - people she has fought shoulder to shoulder with, some of them even in truly dire situations.

She may wish to call them friends. She is not sure any of them would call her the same. She is an alien in their world.

As much a Stranger to most of them, she realizes, as Ambrosius is to her.

"I like to believe that it has made some difference," she says with a deep bow of her head, closing her eyes. "Though I am sure that the well-wishings of a single foreigner in these lands are just a small thing... and I am hardly so close to many here, I think."

When she opens her eyes again and looks back to Jacqueline, she lifts a hand, thumb chasing across her own cheek to brush back a lock of raven hair. "...I am not certain where I will go next, from here," she confesses quietly. "There are those who have Drifted here who have true friends, who will travel closely with them in all things. Others will go home.

"I have no home to return to."

<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

What can Josie do but sigh at Leon's words? "Well, suit yourself, kid. Then again, I knew you were going to say that... There's no cure for foolishness, you know? But, it's better that way. If you're going to be a fool, you might as well do it all-out."

If it's not one, it's the other. Or it's both of them. "And here, I thought you'd have a little more faith in me, kiddo," Josie mock-laments. "Well, let's see it."

It's with no small surprise that she accepts that handgun, taking it by the handle and collecting the belt loosely with her right hand. "Wait a minute, don't you need this?" She pauses a moment, staring Lily right in the eyes, up until the moment the younger woman looks away. "...Well, if that's how you feel, I won't say no. Thanks, Lily." For now, she stuffs the weapon away in her bag. She'll have to give it a look-over later. Not at a funeral.

And then Xantia asks if Penelope is a parrot.

And if Josephine is a pirate.

Josie is uncharacteristically completely at a loss. "Uh." She blinks. "No, I'm an archaeologist, actually... and Penelope's a pigeon." A beat. "Though, maybe there's a career opportunity for an archaeologist pirate?" Josie tilts her head, as if considering this.

Penelope, still ruffled, squints her dark eyes completely shut.

If someone had told her that she'd meet Emma Hetfield at a funeral, Josie would have called their bluff immediately. And yet.

Josie's upper lip twitches. She tries, and fails, to not smile.

Apparently, it's about her level of humor.

"It's so good to meet you -- oh, she's famous," Josie adds, to Fei, nodding as Leon explains why she's famous. "Anyone who knows ARMs knows the name -- the man who remodeled my rifle told me about her. ...You know, I think I heard that story once," she comments, on the subject of the man who made a grave error with his gun. "Not a good way to find out your ARM is still loaded."

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

"Oh, I..." Xantia surprises Lily and makes her a little more uncomfortable than before; she was curious, she hadn't meant to make her all hopeful. "Tat's..." But Emma starts coming up with possibilities beforehand. "I would have to come up with a treatment plan to even guess if it weren't a result of some injury... And even then."

But Emma has... eaten all the other Emmas. Of course

"...A gear place from Kislev?" Lily asks. She lifts an eyebrow. This sounds maybe like something not to discuss in public. She looks.. concerned. However...

"Wouldn't you need to ask Bart about that?" Lily asks as to the matter of someone joining.

Josie, though--the gold-eyed woman shakes her head. "You remember I'm a pessimist, don't you?" It could almost be a joke... Really almost, this time. But not quite there given hwo serious she is about the firearm being handed over. Lily shakes her head.

"You know what I do can do without a weapon. ...And I picked up a rifle during the invasion, for if I decide I want one. I'm more comfortable with those, anyway." Pause. "...You're welcome."

"...You've worked with Bart before," Lily points out to Josie. She appreciate Emma's stories oo. Not that it's easy to ell.

She just gladly takes the chance not to be at the center of attention.

<Pose Tracker> Gwen Whitlock has posed.

Gwen survived, due to the mercy of strangers. That was the theme Gwen built her life around. Maybe it's why she managed to survive Little Twister without, well, Little Twister getting to her. Though getting out of there before the hammer of adolescence had a chance to fully slam down helped.

It also helped that she had a tendency to deny sad realities until they smashed through her door like an unwelcome guest.

Ida, Rosaline, and Maya may feel Gwen's surprised reaction to her hair being ruffled. "..." Catching the hooded Vash's blue gaze, her own brimming with happy tears, her mouth opens in a silent 'thank you' as he departs. He's okay. They both kept their promises, regardless if whether it was for lack of trying or pure luck.

Maya comments that it was good she had friends like that, and Rosaline comments on how the warnings helped. "Yeah... Wouldn't have known to warn at all if it weren't for a good friend of mine, and as for him, well." She looks to Maya, her eyes still shining with tears. "I don't think we would've made our getaway from Siegfried and Lady Harken if it weren't for him." King Justin and Lucia... would they have survived if there wasn't that distraction?

Whether or not he's truly Vash, Gwen has to make sure it was said, but only once he had a chance to move away. They can meet up later.

Now grabbing onto Maya and Rosaline, Gwen says, "I think it's time to get some drinks and eat merry, guys. We'll make the night last long into the...!" Night. "We'll get drunk. But only if we're allowed to." She'll grab onto anyone else with a familiar face that isn't busy talking, as well. "A drink to remember everyone by!"

<Pose Tracker> Leon Albus has posed.

"I--er--no," Leon says. "I mean. I suppose it could be. But..." He sighs, and looks to the side. The former Captain of the Black Wolves is, it seems, flustered.

He looks at Emma -- and then shakes his head once. "No, ah--no, it's fine." Argent Divider isn't the sort of ARM that needs all that much maintenance. He tends to do a lot himself. And given its age and rarity, he isn't inclined to share it, of course. He hesitates, though, before he looks at Fei. A doctor? His eyebrows furrow, before he nods to her.

And then, he blinks, looking surprised at Fei's offer. He doesn't, however, protest. He has an instinct to ask questions, immediately -- but Leon isn't the leader of the pirates. He isn't the leader of anything.

This will be Bart's concern.

But, he looks back at Josie. He smiles, slightly, again. Then he shakes his head. "I suppose so. I don't care to think of it as foolishness, however." He crosses his arms. "Call it... stubbornness, I suppose. I don't see any other way." He looks at Lily, then -- and nods. "She's right. That is how Bart is."

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei spots Sephilia. She's pretty small so, well, he didn't see her. He looks relieved. He didn't see Sephilia closer to the end of the fight and was worride she got crushed, eviscerated, stepped on, or immolated. None of these things happened.

He glances towards Lily. "Well yeah, but I won't bother him if Xantia's not interested. He's a busy guy isn't he?" He did mention before he'd have to check in with him. Hopefully! Unless his player forgot!! In which case oops!!! A LOT IS GOING ON!!!!

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline studies Catenna quietly for a moment. She felt a stab of sympathy, and its shows in her eyes for a moment. She couldn't imagine that kind of loneliness.

Adlehyde had been damaged, ruined...but its people still lived. Jacqueline couldn't truly say she no longer had a home to return to, though the physical building itself was no more.

"For starters..." Jacqueline begins, looking away from Catenna for a moment. "I think I'll be heading west. I think I'd get better business out there."

She hesitates a bit, unfolding her arms.

"If you want...you could come along with me. Lunata's coming too, though, so I hope you're alright with that." She offers, looking back at Catenna.

"I should warn you, though. The vehicle might be a bit...strange. I've got ideas for the chassis, and Lunata's mother is going to let me look at some of her notes so I can better refine them. And I'll be getting a motor from Professor Hetfield to make it run. It'll be weird and probably like nothing you've seen before, but it should be safe...probably!"

The last bit is added with an awkward smile.

How reassuring...?

She glances towards Gwen as she mentions going to get drink, but for now Jacqueline felt it was best to stick with Catenna.

<Pose Tracker> Rosaline Calice has posed.

Rosaline is fine with Maya(?) hugging Gwen, she just doesn't like to intrude. But then Gwen took matters into her own hands!! Quite literally.

Gwen has pain of her own to deal with, but proposes to spend the night merrily. This isn't a bad plan. And yet...

"But what about the princess' speech? A-And I made vows..." But despite the protests, Rosaline is letting herself be dragged away. Gwen did specify only to get drunk if one is allowed.

"It's probably fine if I order milk," she decides out loud, her hesitation disappearing. "I like this idea. After mourning the dead, we can celebrate those who lived."

That sounds healthy! She should try it.

<Pose Tracker> Xantia has posed.

Xantia takes in the knowledge of what a memorial is... and fails to understand why anybody would want that. There's no chance of her grasping symbolism in the slightest. As for remembering what they lost... "...I try to think about that as little as possible." It's necessary to keep looking forward at all times. Looking back... that way lies self-doubt, despair, and existential crisis. Especially when she gets stuck focusing on the fact that after far too short a time, everything just... stops. Can she really be blamed for choosing eternal optimism instead?

Xantia's hands fly to her head when Emma starts talking about getting shot in the skull, quite possibly checking for holes. She looks genuinely frightened, suddenly presented with an option she'd never considered before. It doesn't matter if there's logic to prove that isn't the case, one can never be too sure. Then she's questioned, and...

"What's a physician?"

Xantia how do you know exactly what a pirate is but never heard the word physician before

That considered, Josie might have expected the question 'what's an archaeologist' to follow her explanation, but instead Xantia nods in understanding. "Oh, so you dig for things!" She knows about that, somehow. But just when it looks like Xantia has common sense, she always finds a way to call it into question again. "I didn't know birds could help dig for things." She's finally figured out why Josie named her bird instead of eating it.

Fei speaks to her then, and she raises a finger as he brings up the gear piece. "Oh, that's right! I've found out that it isn't part of a Gear at all, it turns out that it's an ARM!" She raises her right arm, presenting the dark metal bracer surrounding it. "It was broken, but it's fixed now. ...I think. I still don't know how it actually works."

When faced with the option to join the pirates, Xantia looks surprised, but readily responds, "Sure, sounds fun! But, only as a hobby, okay? That stuff pirates wear sounds like it would get in the way."

She definitely has no idea what she's signing up for.

Lily's response, meanwhile... well, it's plain to see how much that disappoints Xantia. "Oh..." And then it clear right up, too instantly to be natural. "Well, that's alright! I'm sure there's a way, just have to keep looking!" Which is something she tells herself every. single. day.

All else is quickly forgotten when she catches that there's an ARMs expert in their midst, causing her to turn back to Emma. "Really? Do you know anything about this?!" She pretty much shoves her bracer right into Emma's face. An ARM is an ARM, she figures. Never mind that this one doesn't look ancient, nor recent, for Filgaia's tech level. If anything, it seems beyond recent.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Ida arches a brow at the 'chubby bellies' comment, and runs her thumb along the little multitool in her hand. Sephy goes ahead and introduces herself, and Ida figures Rose will join in short order. She does. Ida goes distant a moment, remembering.

I did not intend to hurt you.

Conviction. It wavered, then.

She's alone in her thoughts a moment, and when she snaps back into the present, Gwen is dragging Rosaline and that other woman off. Ida would join, but that's not what she needs right now. "Doc," she says, remembering what Fei called the strange man who treated her. She looks back at Leon, remembering--oh! "...Mister Albus?" Ida says, a little tentatively. She looks mildly concerned as Xantia shoves something into Emma's face, but figures that she will only intervene if necessary.

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

Catenna tries not to let too much of it show in her face. The breathtaking clarity of her eyes betrays her, though, the pale grey colour like clear ice in winter; sadness flickers behind her gaze as she lowers her eyes for a moment, then lifts them again.

Then Jacqueline makes an offer she doesn't expect. The woman in the elaborate robe blinks, and a flicker of honest surprise shoots across her face, dusky cheeks darkening with a touch of rosier colour. With an intake of breath, she brings that under control, turning her body a little to better face Jacqueline as the woman speaks her peace. "Lunata is a good person," she says quietly. "I am glad she has found someone kind to travel with... though I wish it were under... a better situation. And...." She lifts her eyebrows just a touch. "...I can respect the work of Professor Hetfield, though I will not pretend that I understand it."

For a couple of seconds she's quiet, eyes drifting to her left to focus on open air. And then, a faint smile comes to her lips. There is something almost shy to it.

She offers her right hand to Josephine. "I would... very much like to travel with you and your friends."

[ Catenna joined the party! ]

<Pose Tracker> Sheriff Star has posed.

The Memorial Tree is lit up, now. It isn't such a bright thing, but the hundreds of candles make little points of light that stand out against a sky growing dark with dusk.

Many of the people here have stayed. Gathering in small groups, talking, and remembering -- and there is, occasionally, even laughter. It makes it easier for wounds to heal, when they can talk. Even if they'll soon remember the wounds, the fact they can forget helps. The man walking down the street, a blue-gabred soldier wearing the foreign uniform of Meria Boule beside him, even smiles himself when he sees this.

He adjusts his long black coat, and then shifts the collar slightly. His long silver hair spills out of it, as he looks at the Memorial Tree. The many lights reflect in his dark eyes -- and his hand tightens about his cane. The soldier bobs his head, respectfully, to him.

"Should I fetch a candle for you, Lord Irving?" he asks.


"I'm... surprised you came," Justin Alexander Adlehyde, second of his name, managed from his bed. He turned to look at the man who walked in -- and he smiled, despite himself.

Irving nodded, with a smile of his own. His hand gripped his cane tightly, and he leaned on it as he walked closer, before sitting down with some effort. "It wasn't easy to charter a ship," Irving said. "But I managed. I've been reading the reports. It's... truly hard to imagine, Justin."

The king let out a sigh, and his breath rattled in the back of his throat. "It is. Cecilia... Cecilia understands, now. The lineage that our family possesses. The things that only we can do. It is no wonder our houses have long been friends."

That brought a smile to Irving's lips. "History has placed a great weight on us both, old friend."

"Yes," Justin said. "It has. But we shouldn't lie to ourselves. However great of a weight is on our shoulders... can it compare, Irving?"

The nobleman tilted his head. "Compare to...?"

"The weight we will put on them," Justin finished, closing his eyes. "Guardians, but I'm tired now. The Drifters who defended this city. The dream chasers that Cecilia will turn to. The ones... the ones you intend to call upon, when your preparations are complete."

The thought made Irving look down -- and frown all the more. "...No, Justin," Irving answered. "No, it cannot compare to the weight we will place on them. And so we will bear it, gladly."

Justin nodded, though it was a weak motion. "And so we will. May that weight drive them. To... to wherever it must carry them. Tell me, Irving," he said, his breath rattling again. "Tell me, where do you think it will lead them?"


"...No," Irving Vold Valeria says. "No, let their light shine. Mine has no place there." He looks sideways to the soldier, then nods once, before he turns carefully, clutching his cane. Where would the weight lead them?

Irving thinks he may know.


To the End of the Wilderness

<Pose Tracker> Emma Hetfield has posed.

Someone petitions. Emma looks towards Sephilia, crouching slightly and considering the question. "I can," she tells her, smiling. "But the question is -" And Emma raises an index finger: "Will I?"

A beat passes. "Yes, though I have many demands on my time. Ask your questions. The ancients called it 'multi-tasking,' but I know it as 'Emma tasking.'"

Such as now, to Rose. "I would adore that, but can you tell me more? Later, if you need to," she adds, nodding at her several time. Then back to Fei: "You paint?"

Adjusting her glasses, she looks at Josie with a grave nod. "You should assume any ARM is loaded. Even when proven otherwise. Sometimes there's hidden settings. Zepet had what he liked to call a 'soft weapon' that he showed me once..."

Xantia gets up in her grill! Emma's eyes cross a little. "It's an ARM," she tells Xantia. "I don't have my kit with me -- please, if you want a consultation, that's fine, but let's do it after the funeral..."

<Pose Tracker> Ethius Hesiod has posed.

Ethius silently parts the long reach of the group hug with little to say, even less to do, with the lot of them - even if he has been a part of many of their lives in passing.

A part of him seems perfectly content with this.

He absorbs a number of the words spoken about. Someone looking for help from amnesi-- no, not yet. A discussion by the humble apothecary to head westward... is it worth carrying his own curiosities over that way? The talk of those who had a hand in tragedy, and yet were to be considered friends-- such seems lost on him.

The value they have seen in one another to be all part of a shared, common goal.

The man in the maroon cloak silently walks away from the proceedings, as though separate from all of what's gone on around him. His concerns are, ultimately, his own - he would find his own answers, and then... what, exactly?

No matter which way anyone here walks, or with whom they walk, there will be challenges ahead. Battles that must be fought, to differences that cannot be resolved in any other way.

They'll never fight alone.

...Not even himself.

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei spots Sephilia. She's pretty small so, well, he didn't see her. He looks relieved. He didn't see Sephilia closer to the end of the fight and was worride she got crushed, eviscerated, stepped on, or immolated. None of these things happened.

He glances towards Lily. "Well yeah, but I won't bother him if Xantia's not interested. He's a busy guy isn't he?" He did mention before he'd have to check in with him. Hopefully! Unless his player forgot!! In which case oops!!! A LOT IS GOING ON!!!!

He focuses again on Sephilia. "I'm glad you're okay. Chauncey too." He rubs the back of his neck. "Geeze, I can't believe those thugs would act all high and mighty while burning a city to the ground." Sometimes it's nice not having lovely experiences only to have them scarred by betrayal and mass murder from people you thought were your friends and driftering comrades. He gives a small nod to Ida but is being chill otherwise.

Fei is a bit more disturbed by Xantia not knowing what a physician is. Even Fei knows that. Fei foudn that out real quick. Xantia hasn't had amnesia for--oh right.

"Oh." He says. "Well, that's good to know." The important thing is that Xantia isn't also a demon robot, come to think. That probably is also something that is important to keep in mind in one's life. "I'll check with Bart then." It's easier than trying to unpack Xantia's reasoning.

And then there's the chapter title oh shit. Not only that, but DREAM CHASERS That's not just a chapter title drop, that's a series drop. So cool!

Fei is oblivious to all of that and instead just is imagining Bart smacking him repeatedly in the back while laughing at something or another.

<Pose Tracker> Maya Schrodinger has posed.

For someone who bills themselves as a total Ace, Maya has a lot left to learn, doesn't she? But here she is, unmasked, unguarded, and ... recovering. Perhaps that's the most important bit of all.

The blonde's glasses are kinda foggy from all the tears. She's not used to this 'crying' thing, having had to carry her family on her back all this time (in her own opinion) and tuck all those feelings away. Her gaze flits again to the retreating figure of the strange, comforting man who Gwen speaks so fondly of. The one responsible, it sounds, for saving their lives at all.

"I--I will join you." Maya pledges nervously to Gwen, with a shaky smile. "There's just one thing I must go do, first... a friend I have to promise something to. But I want to take part..." oh, isn't she just adorable, with that hushed voice?

And, quite helpfully, Maya even tries to allay Rosaline's fears about the upcoming wake. "I think... I think what's important is just coming together in understanding. Whether you drink, or eat, or ... whatever you do. So--join us, okay? We have to be strong so we can look forward again... I think."

Yes, isn't that what's important, Maya Schrodinger? Is it obvious now, the brightest sparkle of all isn't from the glimmer of any coin or jewel...

... but the shining spark of hope, kindled in the company of one's friends?

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia has a ton of questions. "How does it work? How do you make it go from one place to another? How can you control how big it is? Where does it come from? Is it magic?" She pauses to think, tapping her nose in thought as she tries to think of other questions.

Then Fei mentions Chauncey being okay. "Oh...uh, Chauncey got pretty badly beat up in the fight, actually." She looks unhappy. "He was in pieces!"

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

For a moment, Jacqueline is afraid that Catenna would turn the offer down. That was her decision to make, though - Jacqueline would not have turned her down if she had.

But, fortunately, that wasn't the case.

A smile breaks through the sadness on Jacqueline's face, and she reaches up her hand to accept Catenna's hand and shakes.

"Welcome aboard then, Catenna! I'll keep you posted on the vehicle's construction. I...guess it'll need a better name than just the 'vehicle', though..." That last bit was added with a sheepish chuckle.

...Well, they could work on that later!

"Right now, though...I think I could use a drink. What about you?" She asks.

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

"Oh." Fei says.


He rubs the back of his neck before saying, "Well... I had some time on the ship where I wasn't busy..."

He reaches into his pack and fudges around for a moment before withdrawing and dusting off what looks like a felt tophat made at a craft's store which he offers to Sephilia.

"I uh. I figured since he's a lord and all." He pauses. "I could try and look at him too, if you want, though maybe Citan's better with the needle." He squints. "I'm not sure if the ears will fit in the holes I made, but."

He clears his throat awkwardly.

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephy's eyes widen. She accepts the tophat gracefully, then pulls Chauncey out of her satchel--despite some evident new repairs, he actually seems to be in as good shape as he ever is. "Chauncey, look what Fei brought you!" She shows the doll the hat, then sets it on his head.

The ears do indeed fit. Chauncey now looks dapper. His button eyes do not show his gratitude, but Sephy does make him do a little bow.

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

Her hand slips into Jacqueline's and clasps it, sharing that handshake, and a new ray of light shines into Catenna's life. For the first time all week, she does something she does not often do.

She smiles, warm and genuine. It lights her eyes up like full silver moons. "Thank you, Jacqueline," she answers, her voice still quiet and polite, but underlied by a spark of warmth she normally tends to keep bottled up.

Her hand finally falls away, and she inclines her head. "I am sure we can come up with a good name for the vehicle. Perhaps I can help you," she suggests. "When I see what it is, at least."

The offer is made, and she folds her hands neatly, inclining her head. "I do not... often drink alcoholic things," she admits.

"But I am willing to try...!"

<Pose Tracker> Emma Hetfield has posed.

"Hmmm," Emma says to Sephi's questions.

"It's a sort of expression of certain kinds of potential energy," Emma says, ticking off on her finger. "It naturally flows to reach equilibrium - the lightning you see during a storm is the same phenomenon. You can control it with voltage regulators and other tools that are too hard to explain concisely. It comes from the natural motion of objects, just on a tiny scale - like when you rub your hands together and they get warm and your old skin and dirt flakes off, but much tinier. And..."

Emma adjusts her glasses. "Not in and of itself, but magic can evoke it!"

Then to Fei, she says, "If you're an artist, I have a commission for you."

She pulls out a small coin purse and jangles it vigorously at Fei. "I need to develop a snappy and well designed slogan and logo suitable for painting on the side of a wagon. Thus far I've been going with 'The Inevitable Salvation of Filgaia,' but I'm afraid that's got too much overlap with the Ethos."

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephy wrinkles her nose. "Ew...book words." It's lightning...and...that's what Sephy got out of that.

<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

"You should think more positively, kiddo," Josie says with a smile. Lily might be completely serious, but Josie... is Josie. "Still. It's been a while, but I think I could use this. You've got good timing." It was only a few days ago that she could have maybe really used a small ARM.

Of course, it might have just made the situation worse!

"...A rifle, huh?" Thoughtfully, Josie rubs her chin. "Let me show you a few tricks, sometime."

"Foolishness, stubbornness -- whichever!" Josie waves a hand at Leon's comment, but the smile on her face is not unkind. "It's better than doing nothing, right? ...And I know how Bart is, but I also know a good kid when I see one."

Archaeologist's a word Xantia knows. "Yep! That's what we do!" It's a little more than that, but why complicate things? But once again, Xantia also manages to throw Josie for a bit of a loop. "Well... I guess? She might?" She glances over at the sulky pigeon, who appears to be deeply deeply attempting to phase through Josephine's shoulder at this point. "Penelope's mostly just my friend. It's lonely out there, you know?"

Which is about when Catenna approaches. "Oh, hey there, Catenna." It's been a while since they've crossed paths, hasn't it? Josie briefly blinks, then extends, on reflex, her left hand. "Well, sure. Penelope could use a few more friends," she says.

Of course, Josie nods at Emma's commentary. "Mmhmm. You never can be sure, can you? Some ARMs are tricky, that way. If you're lucky, you'll just put a hole through the wall. If you're unlucky..." Some thoughts are best left unspoken, it seems. Though Josie's eyes do light up. "So, tell me more about the 'soft weapon'--"

Though it might need to wait.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Oh no, that smile. So warm, so pure.

Jacqueline's taken aback for just a moment...but she's glad, and decides she made the right choice in inviting Catenna aboard.

"It'll be great, Catenna. I have some sketches in my notebook here..." She starts, and then realizes.

"Oh, right...I don't have my bags with me. Whoops." She's just a little embarrassed about forgetting such a thing.

Well, she can always show her some other time.

"As for drinking...honestly, I don't do it often, myself." That was a bit of a lie.

"But I can introduce you to my favorite...it's got a vanilla and cherry mixed in, and it's amazing." Jacquelline pauses for a moment.

"I hope there's still enough left..." She comments with a frown.

Perhaps it was a good thing, that now the potential absence of the ingredients to her favorite drink was her biggest concern.

<Pose Tracker> Leon Albus has posed.

Leon Albus looks at Josie, an eyebrow raised again... but he nods.

His arms cross, as he looks up at the Memorial Tree. The ex-soldier looks up at it, thoughtfully. He wonders for a moment -- and realizes how things have changed.

That they have allies, now. Even if he wonders if that is a good idea...

...A lot has changed, and some of it for the better.

<Pose Tracker> Catenna has posed.

For the most part, Catenna doesn't show her emotions much, unless it's a truly dire situation - like any situation involving evil Riesenlied, or Malevolence. This is rare.

"I am sure it will be wonderful," she says, then blinks lightly. "I did not know you were a sketcher. I shall look forward to seeing your art. I am not as good at that...." She dips her head a little. "...but I can handle the cooking.

"If you do not mind curries...?"

Giving her head a little shake to move in beside Jacqueline, she nods with interest at the talk of drinking. "That... does sound very good. I should like to try it. If... if there is any left, at least."

She inclines her head again. "Perhaps later, I will make you some shir khai... our tea from back home."

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei is relieved. Not just that the ears fit through the top hat but that Sephilia liked it. Maybe that will make the mass murder of the friendly townsfolk she probably grew to love a little less awful. Wow, Fei thinks, I just depressed myself.

"Thanks for looking after her, Chauncey. You're a true noble soul." Fei smiles at the doll, perfctly willing to talk to him like he's people. To be fair, he's seen what Chauncey can do and you never know. He might turn out to be a Fluff Demon one day. Pay it forward.

Emma makes a surprising offer. Fei is shocked and it takes him a moment to recover.

Fei, who hopes to not be a pirate one day even as he's glad to be a pirate now, is offered a commission job from the FAMOUS EMMA HETFIELD. Which he wasn't expecting when he went to the funeral. Sometimes Fei thinks God just likes to play practical jokes on him. Like a girl lifting a football away from his foot before he can kick it.

And he just keeps falling for it.

"It would probably be hard to fit that on a wagon too," Fei admits. "But I'll come up with some styles and pass them to your--office?" She has an office right? "And you can pick one out."

<Pose Tracker> Lily Keil has posed.

"Maybe I should," Lily answers Josie and her smile, but she says it in that way that suggests she doesn't even think about the suggestion. She says it with a certain quiet melancholy that so often seems to suffuse the black-haired woman. Josie's still Josie, though; she appreciates that about her. "...Glad I've got good timing. Prove me wrong, and keep yourself alive."

The strange feeling about her is different from what it used to be; it lingers around her, an aura now.

"...I'll take some tricks," Lily answers. "If I had my old rifle..." A shake of her head, "Anyway. Show me sometime."

Lily's good, herself. But that's an old goodnness. She doesn't think about Bart at the moment, doesn't think about the others...

Instead she turns to look up at Leon. The shorter of the ex-soldiers walks the rest of the short distance to him, just a step, and silently takes his arm. She wouldn't usually be this demonstrative in public, but...

A lot has changed. And for now, she's already forcing herself through the aftermath.

She looks up at the Memorial Tree, and Lily Keil finds herself staring, for a while, in silence with her partner.

<Pose Tracker> Jacqueline Barber has posed.

Jacqueline chuckles again.

"Well, I'm not so much good at sketching...but I needed to conceptualize this thing somehow." She replies. She was, in a way, being modest. She did all of her painting and designwork herself.

That was the only explanation for why anyone would let her get away with the hideously gaudy color palettes she was so fond of using. A professional artist would shut her down before it even got to that point, but she was under the control of no such thing.

"Curries are great. We don't have them often here...but I'd definitely be alright with having more of them."

And tea in the bargain, too!

"The future's starting to look brighter already..." Jacqueline comments, looking up at the sky with a smile on her face.

Indeed. The sadness she had felt had been overwhelming at first, but...it was something she had needed to get through. Like Catenna said...

...The heart will heal.

<Pose Tracker> Josephine Lovelace has posed.

Lopsidedly, Josie grins. "Sounds like a plan to me, kiddo. I don't plan on kicking the bucket just yet. Now, you'd better make sure and keep yourself going, got it?" Slightly, she shakes her head.

That sense of spiritual wrongness hasn't abated, either. Josie glances, again, at Penelope, and only the slightest of frowns worries at the corner of her mouth.

"Sometime. In exchange, show me how to pick locks, okay? You've got yourself a deal. For now, though... I'm going to get some air. Take care of yourself, ok?" She glances over at Fei, Leon, and the others. "And you guys, too."

And it's about there that Josie peels off at last, walking off into the crowd. She needs a little space, and room to think.

Damn, if she keeps this up, she's just going to get overly-attached.

<Pose Tracker> Cecilia Adlehyde has posed.

When Princess Cecilia Lynn Adlehyde, Last of Her Line, appears, it is subtle. It's easy to miss her, even; she appears in the wings of the procession, ghost-like, with no entourage or guard to her name despite her new station. She is dressed in black mourner's garments, an all black dress and and hat, her face hidden by a gauzy veil. Her hair is also cut - much shorter than it ever was before, not even making shoulder length - making the task of identifying her even harder.

Many seem to have done their peace with the Memorial Tree, but Cecilia ghosts up to it; and hangs her head; and remains silent.

There should be a weight around her neck, she thinks, quietly. She finds a much heavier one on her shoulders, now, instead.

<Pose Tracker> Emma Hetfield has posed.

Having disengaged in the flow of things from others, with the swapping of business cards and a brief excursion to get a beer inside of her, Emma had returned.

"You know," Emma says as she comes up near the memorial tree, looking round as if to try to spot out where the candle she left is, "I've wondered. When the announcement came, they still referred to her as 'Princess' Cecilia. I thought that must be a little inaccurate... even if there may be a relevant ceremony, an investiture or something like that, is that truly the proper term for an heir?"

Emma folds her arms, looking at the twinkling candles.

"It's pretty," she says. "Isn't it? But I wish it was plainer and more boring. And smaller, too."

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Ida's been looking up at the tree, watching the lights. Her hands are folded behind her back, where Devil's Due rests when she's carrying it--she looks lost in thought. The multitool is still hidden in her hands. It's a few long minutes before she dares to approach Cecilia, minutes spent trying to figure out what to say. She couldn't save Cecilia's father, or her city. She placed trust in people that ended up being the enemy. And yet, she is here, and she remembers that day in the Ruins of Memory when she, Cecilia, and Claude found a fragment of ancient history. The fragment led them all here.

Ida turns in a smooth motion. She is the very model of Galadian stoicism in the face of unthinkable tragedy, even though it feels like her heart is breaking all over again. "Princess," she says. "House Everstead-Rey grieves with you." She glances over at Emma, and would be shocked at this behavior if it weren't, well, Emma's behavior. Emma has her own way of doing things.

"I'm not familiar with the customs, I admit," Ida says, after a moment.

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

"It's an investiture, yeah. Until she's crowned she's still the Princess. That's if it works anything like it does back home," Sephy says. The girl has been quietly watching the tree too, occasionally sniffling. "It's...a thing I know about." She's been feeling a little dumb since all the book words.

<Pose Tracker> Cecilia Adlehyde has posed.

Emma draws up near enough to muse aloud. The grieving Princess glances to her side, quietly. It takes her a few moments to work up to a response.

"Not yet," she says; low. It's strange to think of something so....mechanical, at a time like this. "Princess is still correct. For now." For now...

She shakes her head, anyway. Wait, the rest of that was weird. It takes her a second to parse it out. "...it would be nicer if we had less to grieve," she replies, thinking she figured out where Emma was going. "Less we had to remember." Her eyes drift up, slow, watching the way the flick of the flames in a nearly imperceptible wind. She wonders what she would've heard, before, suddenly; if Fengalon padding past would have tapped at her mind.

Ida's words come over her and she finds she can't quite look at her. "...thank you for your kindness," she says back, low. What else is there for it?

<Pose Tracker> Emma Hetfield has posed.

"Investiture...? That sounds like book words to me," Emma says, because she is a mean old lady.

Emma's arms fold loosely. She rocks back on her heel, then forwards, and says finally, still looking at the flames, "I'm likely to hit the road for a while, I'm afraid, but this city will always be home to me in a way, I think. Thank you for what you've done."

She doesn't choose to clearly acknowledge the princess bit.

"It's good to see you're safe, though, Ida," Emma says. "Did you hear my remark about the chubby belly earlier? I'm really leaning on that one, because I'm terrified at my own powerlessness in the face of a horror out of history."


<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia sticks out her tongue. "You said it first anyway, book-lady." Sephy doesn't seem too offended--more like she's teasing back. Then she seems to realize that she's in the presence of royalty and starts into some kind of attempted curtsy-bow-fatal-loop.

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei Fong Wong just looks gradually more horrified in the background.

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Ida's lips thin into a little line. She does not publically scold Sephilia, because honestly, she's at that age where doing so is both condescending and grossly inappropriate for the immediate circumstances. She unfolds her hands, nods to Emma, and shows her... a small block of metal about the size of her middle finger, shaped like an elongated octogon. She sticks a thumbnail into the side and pulls out a pair of needlenose pliers. A multitool?

"I think we would be foolish not to feel at least a little terrified," Ida says. She folds the pliers back into place. "And we cope with it as best as we are able. I heard. Do you know that the one we fought made me this?" Ida lowers her voice a little. Part of her is terrified that she is being horrifically crass in front of a grieving orphan. "I confess I'm still trying to figure it out. But I also intend to move forward." Ida looks back at Cecilia, and a bit of the businesslike demeanor fades. She suddenly looks sad, and tired, but no less determined. "We can do nothing less. We've made our decisions."

<Pose Tracker> Cecilia Adlehyde has posed.

Cecilia hems at that. "...I hardly feel that I deserve it. I..." Could have stopped this. Knew for months that something was coming. But what could she have ever done? How do you FIGHT that?

....questions she has to seek answers to. She's weighing how to answer, when Emma...says something weirdly, piercingly honest...and Ida soon follows up with something else. Yes. They have made their decisions.

"I will also be departing the city soon," she says, though she doesn't quite know what to add to that. Eventually, she just lets herself lose in the sound of the still wind.

<Pose Tracker> Rudy Roughnight has posed.

For awhile, Rudy Roughnight didn't want to be involved with anyone. There was, is, and likely will continue to be a lot of emotion. He wanted to leave, to just put all of this behind him. But he knew he couldn't. As he stated before, until the Metal Demons are defeated and the people safe, he'll see this through to the end. So he watched the funeral procession, his brown eyes locked onto the event as if it was burning itself into his mind. To break him free of whatever thoughts ran through his mind, a red ball bounces in front of him. A blink is given before he sees the source: a small child. Calmly, Rudy crouches down to get the ball to the girl who backs away in fear: Fear of strangers, fear of tomorrow, and fear of a world where tomorrow Demons could kill her. Rudy sees the fear and it hurts. Children shouldn't live in fear.

Slowly Rudy rises. The gloved fist clenches and Rudy focuses on what is to come.

It's unknown how long Rudy was there, but it was likely a blessing that he seemed to be missed by many that would recognize him as it gives him time to think and process. But slowly, the crowds begin to make their way out to their homes to wherever they need to be. Rudy still stands there, focused on a procession that has long since past. Finally, after whatever silent prayers or promises are made, the outcast glances around, calmly moving down the street as he looks around to see a tree. He knows he knows he needs to pay his respects so he moves toward it slowly.

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei watches Cecilia for a moment. According to Bart, this person seems to be able to see the future somewhat? He's been thinking about it, asking about whether or not she can see his future. or his past. But right now, in this moment, he just has to admire the lady. Her world just got flipped turned upside down and she's handling it so well. It emboldens his resolve.

Then suddenly, a guy he didn't even notice stsarts approaching. He watches him instead so he can stop thinking about harassing the princess.

Nice bandana, he thinks instead.

<Pose Tracker> Emma Hetfield has posed.

Emma raises her eyebrows, but then lowers and raises them again. She is perhaps speaking all in fun.

"Yes, well... Was it that Kalve person? The joke's on him," Emma says, pushing her glasses up her nose. "I've got him figured out. I just have to remember what I named the file." She can't! Her player can't. If Kalve reads this please contact Emma's player and remind her.

"Going anywhere in particular?" she asks Cecilia, even as she puts a hand on her hip and -

Did someone go bounce?

She looks over her shoulder.

For once, Emma doesn't go 'yoohoo' and wave at him like an ass. Even she can read the room, sometimes. Instead, she moves towards him, saying quietly as she does, "Did you bring a candle?"

<Pose Tracker> Sephilia Lampbright has posed.

Sephilia grins back at Emma impishly. Doesn't add anything, though--she doesn't want to push her luck!

<Pose Tracker> Ida Everstead-Rey has posed.

Ida runs her thumb along the metal of the multitool, and looks at Cecilia again. It is quickly becoming something of a worry stone. "Claude told me something, several days ago," she says, "that I found helpful. Some people, when presented with horror and shock, will only seek to save themselves. Some will seek to save those closest to them. Some will attempt to save everyone, and then lose their resolve the moment they can no longer do so." Ida's eyes start to mist up a little, despite everything. "And then there are people who seek to save as many as they can. Not everyone--but they recognize they're only mortal." Ida isn't sure what to follow it up with.

"Yes," Ida says, softly. "I--" File? Ida looks a little worried, but it quickly fades.

<Pose Tracker> Cecilia Adlehyde has posed.

Cecilia...can only really listen to what Ida says. Her hands remain clasped, her eyes on the flames. Cecilia's mind wandering is nothing new. It's nearly her defining trait. Maybe it's not a moment she can respond to such a thought.

"...wherever I have to," Cecilia says, low, to Emma's question. Though that just raises questions of its own. "But to Milama, first."

On which note, Emma's call brings Rudy to her attention, and she half-pivots, glancing in Rudy's direction. Her sad smile shifts, just a little; but she only nods to him in welcome, before returning to contemplating the candles.

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Milama, Fei thinks. That's where he's headed next. It's as good place as any. It's not like Zed has a home address if he would want to try plugging him for information.

It's a postal box.

<Pose Tracker> Rudy Roughnight has posed.

As Rudy looks toward Fei, there is a brief moment as he considers him. After what seems to be intense thought, Roughnight manages a simple nod, as if it were a sign of utter respect. Considering how infrequently Rudy talks compared to others, it just might be.

Emma soon speaks and Rudy takes in her words. "I didn't know I needed one," he begins, his voice clearly concerned that he forgot important details with his rather removed state of being these last few days. The teen pats himself down, as if thinking he has one magically on him. He doesn't, it would seem. "Am I still allowed to be here?"

Then Cecilia sees Rudy without candles and Rudy winces with shame. He can't even memorial right! Under the royal gaze, he just lowers his head and offers a half-nod/half-bow in respect. "Hey," he offers simply as he offers a simple and weak smile, as the shame as the unintended advantage of distracting him from the grief. While he doesn't offer condoulences like so many, the pained expression is hopefully enough.

<Pose Tracker> Emma Hetfield has posed.

"It's alright; I put one up for the old man," Emma tells Rudy. She considers his question and says, "You are; But I think I'm just going to be leaving myself."

His shoulder gets jiggled by Emma then, because he's getting bashful. "Don't let the royalty get you down. Have you met her? Anyway, we should talk about what we're doing next soon."

Milama, Emma thinks. Where IS that? She needs a map, dangit.

<Pose Tracker> Cecilia Adlehyde has posed.

Rudy withering before her earns him a sound he might not be expecting to hear; a small, quiet chuckle. Cecilia steps a little closer to him, to be heard better. "Don't worry about it," she says, low enough for him. "You have already given more than this nation could ever ask of you. Thank you, Rudy. You don't need to give anything more."

Her eyes shut, behind her black veil. "Though, I'm grateful that you wish to anyway."

<Pose Tracker> Fei Fong Wong has posed.

Fei nods back to Rudy. There is some sort of silent understanding.

Then he goes on his way because this feels like a private moment that he's intruding on.

<Pose Tracker> Rudy Roughnight has posed.

"Thank you" is all Rudy really has to say on Emma paying her respects the 'old man'. As she prepares to go, the boy offers a "be safe out there" to her, because well, in this world it seems you never know when a fight could be your last.

But Cecilia's words soon cause him to turn toward her. A hand absently rubs the back of his head. "The man who raised me always said I do what I do... for a reason. If I didn't help people with it, I wouldn't be honoring what I was given. Or him. I'm just glad that I was given a chance to help. I just hope that in working with you and everyone else I can help make a difference." A glance is given to everyone gathered and the town itself. "These people, they deserve to be able to live in peace."

<Pose Tracker> Cecilia Adlehyde has posed.

Cecilia listens quietly to Rudy's words. She can only breathe quietly at them; a silent, weighty acknowledgement. "Yes," she finally says. "They do." She looks to the side at him. "And we shall go make sure they have that chance. We'll be heading out in the next...day or two, I suppose. Please take your time here and then prepare yourself for the road. I..."

Her eyes drift back to the flames.

"I wish to remain here for a while longer," she says, as her eyes shut to the world; listening to something she can almost hear.

<Pose Tracker> Rudy Roughnight has posed.

A glance is given toward the city. For some reason, despite being used to being constantly on the move, the blue-haired ARMslinger feels reluctant to leave as well. "We'll come back. And when we do, we'll make sure we have the money needed to make sure this place is back to how it was." His brown eyes soon look toward Cecilia's with a firm resolve. "No, even better." As the princess may be starting to discover, when Rudy declares something, as infrequent as it may be, there is a sure intensity about it.

But as quickly as the flames of hope burn within Roughnight, he returns to his calm self with a sigh. "But first, one step in front of another."