Loren Voss

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Loren Voss
IC Information
Full Name: Loren Voss
Nickname Loren, Ren (Family-only)
Gender: Male
Age (Birthdate): 19 (10/28, 480 PC)
Hometown: Etrenank
Hair Colour: Blond
Class: Gebler Medic
Role: Antagonist
Bounty: 200,000 Gella (on Lunar)
OOC Information
Theme: Original Character
Groups: Solaris
Player: Shrimpy
Fun Information
Gear: Schiehallion
Favorite Food: Almost everything
Least Favorite Food: Anything alcoholic
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Hobbies: Analog games, astromathematics, reading
Good With: Trauma medicine
Bad With: Cooking
Soundtrack: 8tracks Version
YouTube Version

"Oh good. Just what I always wanted, dying in some hellhole."

A scion of one of Solaris' elite families, Loren currently serves as a medical support staff officer for Gebler operations in Aveh; his rank is Lieutenant and he specializes in ether use, particularly healing/support. However, while they may be elite, all is not well for his family. The name Voss has been looked up disfavorably after Loren's older brother Engil's death during an accident his brother caused during a routine Gear exercise years ago, which also managed to kill many of the other participating pilots and destroy expensive equipment. A rather bitter and dryly sarcastic young man, Loren is nonetheless known for his caution and focus. As a Gebler officer he has access to a Gear, Schiehallion, for missions that require it.


Born second son to one of the families counted among Solaris' first class, Loren's now-very-deceased older brother Engil's training accident (and the other lives + property damage that ensued) five years ago have dimmed the fortunes of him and his family. His parents were quietly reassigned to lesser work, and his time in Jugend was uncomfortable due to various rumors being spread about him. Being a social pariah didn't exactly help matters either.

After graduating, he ended up volunteering for operations in Aveh in the hopes of atoning for his brother's sins, and that's basically where things are at right now. Pray for him.

A series of mishaps and missions later, he's stuck on the Moon and it's an enormous disappointment. Apparently there was insufficient prayer.

Service record is visible here!

Powers and Abilities

Like anyone out of Jugend, Loren has the skillset and knowledge one would expect of an officer. Below are a few notable ones:

  • Combat Medic - One of the major areas of Loren's training in Jugend. As befits a medic, he's best at stabilizing injured allies mid- or post-combat, as needed, with the main goal of preserving life above all other considerations. As a result, he doesn't have much bedside manner and it's not going to be gentle care, but it gets the job done. He can also do some minor surgery.
  • Medical Science Knowledge - Loren's not a doctor (not even close) but he reads up on medical literature and developments and has some limited ability to diagnose problems (again, he's not a doctor). Basically, he's a nerd. He's also good at medical research and with the right resources and enough time can (assuming the issue is medical) probably figure out most medical mysteries.
  • Combat Training - Loren has had basic combat training and knows how to use standard ARMs and is proficient in the use of a shield. He also knows some basic hand-to-hand -- nothing fancy, just how to grapple, throw a punch and so on. He's also been schooled in how to take a hit and is just too stubborn to die easily.
    • L84 'Snow Lion' - Left-arm mount version of a collapsible tactical shield. Useful for defense, and due to its weight, can also be a potent bludgeon in close quarter combat. Looks like a gauntlet when collapsed, and can still be an effective weapon in that state.
    • ILR-764 Standard ARM - A standard Gebler officer sidearm. It's nothing fancy (...by Solaris standards) but it gets the job done.
    • Solomonov, the Razor of a Scholar - A blade born anew at Prissa's hands! Actually sized for his use... if he knew how to use a sword properly. Somewhat resistant to corrosion.
  • Ether Aptitude and Training - Loren's ether aptitude, particularly in his areas of focus, is considerable, and it's the main reason he was encouraged to enter Jugend once he showed interest in attendance. His specialty is in healing and defensive ether effects, but he can also draw upon his earth and water ether offensively. He has best affinity with earth ether. With the proper setup (for example, ether amp systems when piloting a Gear) he can hotfix surface damage to machinery with ether mid-combat (in other words, this is why he can 'heal' a Gear in this mode).
  • Resonance - Thanks to his encounter with Rahab, Loren can now see Malevolence and Seraphs. Whether this is a good thing is debatable, and worse, most of his colleagues can't see the people he's talking to which is a particular fact he has not entirely twigged to yet.
  • Mountain Medium - Medium of the Mountain Guardian, Dinoginos. Loren's not sure what he should do with this, but something feels very strange about it, as if it were meant for him. For now, he's holding onto it.
  • Gear Piloting - Gear piloting is a standard skill for officers, and Loren has proved himself to be a competent if a little bit over-cautious as a pilot. Ether aptitude is a useful talent to bring to Gear combat -- particularly when the pilot leans towards supportive modes.
    • Schiehallion - Not a new model as far as officer's Gears go, but hardly out of date either. Schiehallion is very slow and has some awkward handling as a result even in flight, but is extremely sturdy and features extensive armoring and shielding systems. The Gear favors ranged modes of weaponry, specifically twin handheld (for a Gear) ARMs and ether amplification systems for the rest.
  • Analog Gaming - Old style card games and strategy board games are his hobby, particularly games like Patience and (Solarian) chess, especially since they can be played alone. But the real upshot is that he is pretty damn good at them and by corollary apply the basic analytic process from these to any situation where he can take his time and think.
  • No Sense of Taste - Well, he seems to be okay with eating just about anything despite his place of birth, so it seems probable he just doesn't have a good sense of taste. Doesn't seem to apply for alcohol though.

Other Traits of Note

  • ??? - ??? Gives Loren terrible headaches and the occasional hallucination. He hasn't realized that this is more than just some wretched headaches or him being overtired yet. Mysteriously mute since returning to Filgaia. He hasn't noticed yet. (OOC notes: a mysterious potential liability; very much drawback, never a power. Something ill will come of this someday. Represented by the light blue text in pose and text.)


Name Type Rating Form Effects Description
MediScan v7 Wits 3 Self Enlighten, Efficient Handheld medical data collection/analysis device. Maybe a little too efficient sometimes. Definitely not a tricorder. (Probably.)
Solarian Medical Kit Combat 1 Self Cleanse Standard issue Solarian combat medic's kit, stocked with the basics (and then some) someone might need to treat the injured in the middle of combat. Does not contain Drive.
Ether Tuner Agility 1 Self Quicken, Rally Solarian military-grade technology. Fine-tunes support-type ether effects, particularly under duress.
Modafisol Wits 2 Self Resilient Standard-issue military alertness drug. Still not Drive.


Name Group Affinity Loren's comments
Cardia Ortell Solaris Affinity-3-green.png "Practical. Efficient. Keeps to herself. The ideal sort of person."
Elhaym van Houten Solaris Affinity-2-yellow.png "You... did well. In spite of everything, you did really well. I'll let them know."
Kahm Yugh Solaris Affinity-3-green.png "And yet, I still don't understand what drives you."
Leah Sadalbari Solaris Affinity-3-green.png "Leah..."
Myyah Hawwa Solaris Affinity-2-yellow.png "I have to be careful with someone of her rank."
Seraphita Solaris Affinity-3-green.png "She's an idiot, but she's good at what she does. I can see how she got the position in spite of herself."
Tabitha deVriese Solaris Affinity-2-yellow.png "Why me?"
Gwen Whitlock Vile Fiends Affinity-2-yellow.png "Useful. Cluing in, but useful."
Lan Lilac None Affinity-3-green.png "I don't know how I feel about this..."
Layna Manydays Fox Company Affinity-2-yellow.png "I feel like I might have been robbed. Still, the information helped. Something to keep in mind..."
Prissa Caravan Kinship Affinity-2-yellow.png "What a charming personality. The sword's been generally helpful at least."
Cecilia Adlehyde Dawn Chasers Affinity-2-yellow.png "It seems like they want us to support her goals for now. ...Whatever, I don't get to pick and choose what I'm doing."
Ethius Hesiod Caravan Kinship Affinity-2-yellow.png "Now here's a strange one. I can't tell if he's noticed we're watching him or not."
Fei Fong Wong Black Wolves Affinity-2-yellow.png "What a pain. Command probably wants him alive. 'That' is still missing, as far as I know."
Jean Vile Fiends Affinity-2-yellow.png "It's martial arts, yes, but what kind?"
Lily Keil Black Wolves Affinity-1-orange.png "Unfortunately, I have to suffer you to live."
Shalune Amira Caravan Kinship Affinity-2-yellow.png "Naive. That's the good news. The bad news is everything she's got her hands on -- potentially anyway. I suppose we'll see what Command thinks."
Katherine Weaver None Affinity-2-yellow.png "...To be honest, I'm not sure what to say. It was incredibly weird. The... clothes should be useful?"
Azazel None Affinity-0-red.png "If I could kill you..."
Cassidy Cain None Affinity-1-orange.png "This is only a means to an end. I can't and won't forget."
Kaguya Veruni Affinity-2-yellow.png "We're enemies. Don't forget that."
Margaret Althena's Guard Affinity-1-orange.png "...bitch."
Neriah Parringer Crucible Affinity-2-yellow.png "I'd rather not."
Seraph Ragnell Crucible Affinity-2-yellow.png "Aren't we friendly."
Cyre H. Lorentz Caravan Kinship Affinity-2-yellow.png "You're a personified migraine."
Seraph Lanval Fox Company Affinity-2-yellow.png "why"

NPCs of Note

  • Captain Aiah Petran - Captain of the medical division, Aveh operations. Loren's superior. She's usually in a meeting but still manages to find time (accidentally or not) to make his assignments unpleasant.
  • Rainer Voss - Father. Works as a researcher but currently tends to be shunted off towards projects of lesser importance/prestige
  • Odila Voss - Mother. A sub-commander, as of late largely assigned to missions of lesser importance/prestige.
  • Engil Voss - Older brother, very very dead. Don't say his name. Was 21 years old at time of death (494 PC).

Digger Discoveries

Does not include any outcomes where the winning result was 'a successful escape'

What Where Status
Malevolence-Mutated Lambs (...surface-dwellers) Otherworldly Hollow you don't want to know
Chest of tomes and scrolls (in Baskar) Sult Ruins Turned over to Cultural
A mysterious gemstone Rujm el-Hiri Taken by a woman named Kourin
Metal Demon list of ARMs trade routes Old Petra Handed over to command
Inactive Fire Scutum (an automaton) Temple of Rejection Handed over to engineering
Mountain Medium Guardian Temple In Loren's possession
Assorted Gears The Battle Front Handed over to engineering
Ceremonial Mask Stone Forest Apparently handed back to the Baskar
A waterwheel Wayside Wellspring Sure didn't mention this to Wayside
An optional battle Seven Sages Passed on this
An ancient recording Hadal Temple Handed to the labs for analysis
Jade sword Fortune Gear Did not take due to difficulty extracting weapon from location
A faded poster Burwich Village A faded poster of a missing young man
Tailoring voucher Claire de Lune Voucher for a free tailoring session at Festina Lente. Was used.
A mysterious note The Clockwork Observatory A note in Malevolent ink. Mysterious!

Logs and Cutscenes

Chapter 1, Act 1 Logs

Chapter 1, Act 2 Logs

Chapter 1, Act 3 Logs

Chapter 1, Act 4 Logs

Chapter 1 Cutscenes

Weapon Stories

L84 'Snow Lion'

Chapter Story Unlock
1 The universe is unknowable. Without a doubt, the earliest people stared up at the night sky and were stunned by what they saw there. Here too were shapes, lights -- pale imitations of the brilliance of the day. It's no wonder that the heavens became the place where gods were said to dwell above all that lived. Honesty
2 The universe is predictable. In time, people began to recognize patterns. The moon had a certain regularity to its movements, and certain stars -- which were not truly stars at all, but as they came to realize in time, planets -- cycled in fixed places in the sky. Even the stars themselves slowly change with the seasons. If You Ever Change Your Mind
3 The universe is wondrous. Everything fits together. Like clockwork in a machine, the universe is exquisitely assembled: stars, planets, and moons all spinning in balance, for eternity. Everything is assured -- we can predict anything in existence. Complications
4 [access denied] ????

ILR-764 Standard ARM

Chapter Story Unlock
1 Have you ever heard of something called the 'Universal Observer'? It's the idea of something that can know the position and momentum of everything in the universe. It's just a thought experiment, but bear with me. Nothing Logical
2 It stands to reason if you know where one thing is and how fast it’s going, you’ll know where it was and where it will be. Still with me so far? Good. In A Dark Sleep
3 If you took that to the logical extremes, then is it so much to speculate that you’d be able to work out the beginning and end of the universe from a single particle. That's what some people believe.
But then there are those who say it’s impossible to know everything, that there are too many factors to ever accommodate. That everything is in flux and anything is possible.
Nemesis Games, Part 1
4 [access denied] ????

Gebler Support Gear Schiehallion

Chapter Story Unlock
1 Red to white. I soar. Unstoppable. Strange Girl
2 White to blue. I dive. Uncontrollable. A Nice Game of Chess
3 Blue to black. I sink. Unavoidable. A Small Miracle
4 [access denied] ????

Brother's Blade

Chapter Story Unlock
1 History, it's said, is written by the victors. Blood In The Water
2 It's one of the things that frustrates historians, as I understand. Every account favors one's own side and motives in battle and conquest. The conquered are branded as deserving it in some way, if they register as more than a footnote in the annals when it's all finished. The Nature Of A Sword
3 Sometimes, though, mere denigration isn't enough. So they raze the cities, they salt the fields, they destroy the monuments and burn the texts. Obliteration and absence from all accounts forever more is the only solution. So much for history. The Inevitable Nature Of All Things
4 Why can't every trace of you be also erased? Reap The Whirlwind

Solomonov, the Scholar’s Razor

Chapter Story Unlock
1 Once upon a time there was a flourishing kingdom.

The king ruled wisely and well from within his fine palace. All the people were smiling and happy. And among the king’s many knights there was one in particular who shone as a star: a young knight in shining white armor, still young, with the promise of heroes in his blood.

Ours Is A White Lies Town
2 [access denied] ????
3 [access denied] ????
4 [access denied] ????



Did people spread weird rumors about Loren in Jugend (and beyond those hallowed halls)? Yes!!

  • Hit a classmate but the administration covered it up.
  • Cheated on exams.
  • Had a covert relationship with a Worker Bee.
  • Just plain bad luck -- if he's picked for your team, it won't go well.
  • Involved with a suspected Veruni agent... romantically.

Stuff Loren's Picked Up

  • Coin of Fate - Unclear use. A mysterious coin that manages to be incredibly predictable in its landing - it always has odd numbers of flips, and if it fails somehow, it lands on its edge. Won at the festival in Bledavik. Destined for ???
  • A Bandanna With A Textile Pattern That, When Tied On The Forehead Or Arm, Declares One To Be "Top Stud of the Sands" In Traditional Aveh Calligraphy - Won at the festival in Bledavik. Destined to show up at an inopportune time someday.
  • Shakhan Jr. Doll - An adorable and politically expeditious doll of Prime Minister Shakhan. Won at the festival in Bledavik. Destined to be used as a prank someday.