Violet Salazar

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Violet Salazar
IC Information
Full Name: Violet Salazar
Gender: Female
Age (Birthdate): 59 (March 20, 443 PC)
Hometown: Marze
Hair Colour: Silver-white with some gray streaks // Eyes: Sky blue
Class: ARM-totin' Atheist Midwife Granny
Role: Drifter
Bounty: 0 Gella
OOC Information
Theme: OC
Major Group: None
Minor Groups: None
Player: User:Malfi

There is more to this widowed old horse-Beastwoman midwife than is apparent at first glance. People might dismiss her because of her age, but underneath the surface once can sense a strength, a resilience, a restless active mind, and a sense of purpose. She carries herself with a dignity that belies her Beastblood and with the somber carriage that befits a mourner. She does not turn down patients just because they cannot pay. Most people call her by her name, others "Mother Vi," still others "Widow of Garlyle." She doesn't seem to prefer one name to another. Her speech and manner of dress are notably old-fashioned.


*Loves: Her late husband, her daughter and grandchildren, hot tea and cookies, respect from the youngfolks

*Likes: Children and animals in general, her work

*Dislikes: Religious fundamentalists, prejudice directed against her

*Hates: Losing patients

*Flaws: Obsessed with avenging her husband's death and with finding out why the gods won't save innocents

*Weaknesses: Compulsiveness, her age

*Personality Traits That Could Be Exploited: Compassion for her patients, curiosity, need to find ANSWERS to the questions that rankle her.

Latest Update

She helped drive the Guard away from Djose Temple. She still has no idea what they were trying to accomplish there. She also sat in on Ida's info session in Guadosalam.


Violet had an uneventful childhood in Marze with her horse-Beastman family, other than some teasing and bullying growing up. She learned to gunfight in early adolescence, something normal for a monster-and-outlaw-infested world like Filgaia. She undertook formal medical training in Marze, enough to become the equivalent of a nurse-midwife in our world. While still in school she lost a patient for the first time, which hit her hard and made her start questioning whether the gods were merciful after all. It is a question she is still wrestling with: she can't deny they have power, but why are they refusing to use it to help innocents? During her sophomore year she met and married Eduardo Salazar, a full-human. They have at least one daughter, Kathryn, who is married with six children of her own (so far). Eduardo was killed during the destruction of Garlyle, and Violet has sworn vengeance on his killer(s). She was away at a medical conference at the time and doesn't know whether he was killed by one of the raiders or by the Demon of Elru. Over the years Violet has built up a thriving practice: women in their pangs are desperate enough to seek aid even from a despised Beastwoman. Of course, many of her patients are Beastfolk themselves! Most of the women she helps deliver are poor, and Violet, who does not have any proficiency with magic herself, is distressed that powerful healing magic is so rare and/or expensive. Looking for easier, cheaper sources of major eldritch healing is one of the reasons she Digs -- but not the only one. She also wants to find out the real story of what happened at Garlyle instead of mere rumors, but tracking down the few survivors is proving to be challenging. She is good friends with Granny Rocket.

Powers and Abilities

  • Medical knowledge. Her healing buffs are all TEC: applying bandages, tourniquets, and splints, for example.
  • Sharpshooter. She also knows EXACTLY where to hit a human (or humanoid) to do the most damage. She uses a Collapse-era ARM named Jeremiah that converts between rifle and shotgun modes, as well as grenades.
  • Blood Gifts. She has more strength and endurance than one would expect, plus an intuitive understanding of horses -- they like her, and she can communicate with them on an instinctive level. When she was younger she could break a wild horse in under three hours. She is too old to even attempt that now.
  • Daisy. Her special horse, a sorrel mare with a flaxen mane and tail. If she knows she'll be riding into danger, she'll select another, lesser horse, normally Drummond, a buckskin gelding with a black mane and tail.
  • Magical Dullard. She's one of the few people from Marze without at least one Symbol. She tried, but the ink broke down within a month or two, as her body rejected it. She hasn't found a way around it yet. She could potentially use Symbological objects but doesn't know that yet.
  • Poor Resonance. She can tell that *something* is there but can't see or hear Seraphim. Yet.

Logs and Cutscenes

Chapter 2, Act 1


Chapter 2, Act 2


Chapter 2, Act 3


Chapter 2, Act 4


Chapter 2, Epilogue


Chapter 3, Act 1



Her Story Thus Far

Violet has found herself dumped on Spira, off the coast of Luca to be exact, where she was rescued by a bunch of strange people speaking nonsense. She was distressed to face the minor loss of the photograph in her locket, which was destroyed by the salt water. She found herself forced to trade some of the whiskey in her medical kit for food and more suitable clothing. She has, perhaps, half a pint left. She was around for the Q & A session with Lulu after the Fiend assault on Luca Stadium. She found herself tending the wounded after Operation Mi'ihen and regrets not being able to watch the Sending more carefully because she wants to learn more about the Spiran afterlife. She fought Elvis and Ratatoskr near Djose Highroad and was surprised when the Drifters won. She, along with several others, attempted to capture a fortress from the Guard. The attempt failed. She helped drive the Guard away from Djose Temple. She still has no idea what they were trying to accomplish there. She also sat in on Ida's info session in Guadosalam.


Friends and Acquaintances

  • Ashton Anchors -- a kind and helpful young man. But what is up with those dragons?!?! Is a wiz with one of those blitzball things, too.
  • Bera -- magical swordswoman. Seems to be native to these parts.
  • Brad Evans -- a big guy with even bigger ARMS (not arms).
  • Catenna -- A shaman. The Guardians lend their power to her but won't save innocents when I ask them. Grrrr.
  • Claude C. Kenny -- has unusual powers.
  • Cyre H. Lorentz -- another shaman, and a powerful one.
  • Eleanor Klein -- has a lot of common sense, that one.
  • Fei Fong Wong -- mightier than his slight build would suggest.
  • Gon Guado -- is a more capable warrior than one might expect, from someone of a race known for magic
  • Gwen Whitlock -- a courier, and good person to know. I wonder if she's ever been to Twebit?
  • Ida Everstead-Rey -- cannot even begin to imagine where her powers came from. She is obviously a leader among humans and their ilk.
  • Jacqueline Barber -- a source for healing potions, at last!
  • Lydia Seren-- would like to find out more about this fellow Beastwoman.
  • Loren Voss -- have caught a glimpse of him from far away.
  • Mariel -- I've never seen healing herbs used that way before.
  • Marivel Armitage -- is a Crimson Noble. Really?!?!
  • Noeline -- spotted from a distance. Never far from Riesenlied.
  • Riesenlied -- like me, is concerned with saving innocent lives.
  • Seymour Guado -- local leader of the Yevonites.
  • Yuna -- summoned an equine, the first I've seen in Spira!
  • Zhang Xiumei--has an entity in her necklace?


  • Blue Master Lunn -- can do truly frightening things, like catch my bullets and throw them back at me.
  • Elvis -- doesn't seem like such a bad guy; he didn't let the cave-in kill us and was careful to return the kidnapped Summoners unharmed.
  • Hilde-- A force of Nature in human form. Beware the shield!
  • Hiro -- only glimpsed from a distance. Stands out because of his winged cat...
  • Kaguya Alathfar -- definitely a force to be reckoned with!
  • Margaret -- a fount of sorcerous might.
  • Ratatoskr -- a Metal Demon. I didn't expect to find one on the Moon. Are they invading Spira as well?
  • White Knight Leo -- something I didn't expect, a Beastman leader of the Guard.


442 PC (0 years old) Violet Chatham born to an equine-beastfolk couple in Marze. Growing up she is teased and bullied for her Beastblood.

462 - 5 PC (20 - 23 years old ) Medical training in Marze; during these years Violet loses a patient for the first time, which profoundly affects her. While in medical school she meets and marries Eduardo Salazar, a full-human.

465 PC ( 23 years old) Violet gives birth to a daughter, Kathryn. Her graduation is slightly delayed by this.

489 PC ( 47 years old) Violet's daughter Kathryn, 23, marries Cody Moran, 28, a farmer in Twebit. Kathryn is a mail-order bride for the isolated village, and she and her fellows are usually "undesirable" in some way -- Beastfolk, the maimed and mutilated, the sickly, the outcast... Kathryn is a good catch; at least she's young, healthy, and attractive for her kind (or at least that's how the bigots would phrase it). The marriage works out.

491 PC (49 years old) Grandson Connor born (now 10); Violet is the midwife. By this point she and Eduardo have settled in Garlyle.

493 PC (51 years old) Violet's husband Eduardo slain during the destruction of Garlyle; granddaughter Leona born (now 8). Desperate for answers (and revenge), Violet takes up Drifting. Cody and Kathryn don't approve: they'd much rather she be living with them and enjoying a genteel retirement, helping out around the farm, or even being Twebit's resident midwife.

494 PC (52 years old) Twin granddaughters Valerie and Vivian born (now 7).

497 PC (55 years old) Granddaughter Brynn born (now 4).

500 PC (58 years old) Granddaughter Emily born (now 1).


Chibi portrait by yozha92, commissionable through .