Talise Gianfair

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Talise headshot.jpg
IC Information
Full Name: Talise Gianfair
Gender: Female
Age (Birthdate): 18ish
Hometown: SS Lunabelle
Hair Colour: Brown
Class: Bladesinger
Role: Drifter
Bounty: Not yet
OOC Information
Theme: Original Character
Groups: None
Player: Hats

Talise Gianfair is a child of nowhere and everywhere. Born on a ship of miscreants long since lost, the bastard child of a Beastwoman pirate and a human con man who vanished along with the ship, she grew up wild, free and often afoul of the law, and with a thirst for adventure that took her away from the loss of her childhood home and across the Salyan Desert. In her heart she's a storyteller and a singer, the sort to knock back a couple of mugs of mead and sing songs of heroes long dead, favouring those of the Dragonmasters. But she's also a fighter at heart and a talented swordswoman, and she's learned by necessity to survive the badlands and the sea alike - and more recently to survive a world in which her Goddess seems to want to ban everything she finds fun. Now finding herself in a strange new world, she makes the most of it - and turns her eyes towards the lost treasures of the Blue Star.


Gianfair is the outcome of a drunken one-night-stand between a Beastwoman privateer named Tanin de Gianfair and a sly human con-man named Clyde Rath. She was born on Lunar, aboard a privateer ship called the Lunabelle, unwelcome in most ports for its crew of ne'er-do-wells.

Gianfair never had a formal education, though her father taught her how to read and write. She spent about half her time aboard the Lunabelle and the other half skipping from port to port or landing spot to landing spot. She grew up with two primary role models aside from her father. The first was her mother. Tanin de Gianfair was not only a strong-willed woman with a fiery temper and a big smile, she was a complete badass as a fighter, a talented swordswoman who could defeat most people on board the ship. Her second role model was a man named Piet Wilk, an older man who taught her most of her repertoire of old Dragonmaster songs, particularly introducing her to the story of Dragonmaster Chloe, the Beastwoman Dragonmaster.

When Gianfair was about ten, the Lunabelle was chartered for a dangerous mission. Understanding the risk, Tanin handed the ten-year-old Talise off to Piet and put them ashore in Dalton, promising to come back safely. The Lunabelle never returned to port, and Gianfair sunk into a deep misery.

She fell into the care of Piet, who cut a deal with the local thieves' guild and found the pair a little shack to stay in, the old man turning a pretty penny by peddling treasures. Talise proved something of a burden, too young to have many useful skills of her own, but to his credit Piet took good care of her anyway. As she grew up over the next few years, Talise learned from him: She, too, gained a good singing voice. She even learned to play the lute. Around the age of 13, she took to sitting by the docks and playing, singing songs about the Dragonmasters and collecting coins in her hat. Her li'l-minstrel act even had an audience: With Althena seemingly returned, more people became interested in old tales. Talise even heard tell of a few visions of the Goddess in the water.

Through it all, she never forgot her parents, and when she turned 14 - the traditional age of Adventuring Pipsqueaks in Japanese adventure shows - she stole an old sword, invited Piet to come with her, and set off over the horizon. What inspired her all the more was the announcement of a Dragonmaster - Ghaleon, a man dead a thousand years. She knew Ghaleon from the old stories of Dyne and, while excited to see a Dragonmaster, was also confused and disappointed - confused that a dead man could be Dragonmaster, and disappointed she'd never get to be one.

Booking passage on a rickety ship northward, Gianfair headed for Meribia, and she and Piet took to exploring. The two were joined by at least two more young party members (who I leave undefined in case someone wants to app them later) as they took to the countryside, exploring old caves and ruins and occasionally robbing fat-cat travellers for their gold. Over the next few years, Talise made a name for herself as an adventurer, but increasingly came to cross paths with Althena's Guard. She came up against one of their initiates when she was just fifteen, and promptly got her butt handed to her in humiliating fashion as her offensive style did nothing against the swordsman's more defensive style. She fled further away from Meribia, back towards the Badlands, ducking Althena's Guard wherever she could. To make ends meet she fell back on singing again.

The straw that broke her back, though, was the next year - when the church outlawed singing and drinking. She sank and drang anyway; someone from the Guard came and attempted to take her into care, resulting in a swordfight in which the 16-year-old Gianfair again got spanked and had to run away. From there she kept to the badlands around Dalton and Larpa and the broader Salyan Desert, occasionally traveling elsewhere by booking passage on ships under an assumed name. With survival on her mind now, she took to ruin diving again. It was her adventuring in this time period which brought her sword and gauntlets into her care.

Ultimately, Gianfair's adventuring saw her pursued into an old ruin somewhere within the Salyan Desert. After a chance tumble, she found herself deposited in another world, where a woman named Lynnai and a woman named Lestaci picked her up and carried her to safety. That's when she discovered she was on the Blue Star now - and stuck there.

Adlehyde: Four Women, a Girl and a Chauncey

Powers and Abilities



Name Standing Comments
Lynnai Albrek Loyal Gratitude "I owe her one for dragging me out of that ruin - and helping her is the least I can do. She's smart and competent and a great friend."
Ida Everstead-Rey Blossoming Camaraderie "She's an incredibly smart woman who knows a lot about Filgaia. I feel like I'm an idiot when I'm around her... but I could also learn a lot from her."
Sephilia Lampbright Big Sister Feels "I've never had to watch out for a younger person before. She seems so cheery but so naive in some ways. I want to keep her safe."
Jean SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS "I love her! She's a great dancer and a big drinker and she seems like she enjoys life without being a caricature of herself."
Hiro Healthy Respect "Nice guy, even if he does seem to really go for naive, helpless women. I'd roll with him. Plus his heart's in the right place!"
Noeline Something Sparky "Oh, I like her."
Riesenlied Fledgling Appreciation "She seems like her heart's in the right place. Hangs around Zed a bit too much, but she's smart and fun, and a snappy dresser to boot."
Bart Fatima Simple Camaraderie "Hey, he's a good guy! Not too complicated, but we're a lot alike, I think. He's kind of hot, too, though I feel like Cecilia would eat me if I tried."
Cecilia Adlehyde General Appreciation "I feel like she knows a lot more about Filgaia than any of us, but I can't figure out why. Either way, good girl, tries hard."
Morgan Newkirk ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) "Oh, I like him."
Lily Keil Neutral Respect "Competent girl. I like her. Quiet, but that's alright."
Leon Albus Neutral Respect "Competent guy here. Knows how to handle himself."
Lemina Ausa Growing Interest "You're an Ausa! That's awesome! And you're... kind of snarky, in a way?! But I dig it."
Lucia Curious Mystery "...What are you? How do you know Althena so intimately? And why does everything you say make me want so badly to believe you?"
Alisha Diphda Friendly Frustration "Damn it, I like you and you're a good person, but why can't you just swallow your pride and talk to Hiro and Lucia?!"
Sorey Appreciative Wariness "I want to like you, but I feel like you need to give Lucia a chance."
Arleph Ardan Friendly Acquaintance "How come I don't run into you more?"
Rudy Roughnight Quiet Pity "Poor guy. Someday he's gonna snap out of his shell and just rip someone's head off. Until then, he's so shy that I feel like I'm overwhelming him."
Kourin Vocal Frustration "Oh, come on. I have a sob story too but I don't use it as an excuse to be an ass! Nut up and do what's right!"
Amelia Rose Righteous Anger "I pity you - and I'm going to break your face for what you did to my lute."
Agatha Pyrelight Grim Uncertainty "Nobody messes with Sephilia the way you do and just walks away. I just wish I knew for sure that you were actually killable."


  • A whole lot of Heal Berries, and an urchin.
  • A mysterious piece of history.

Logs and Cutscenes

Chapter 1 Logs

Chapter 1 Cutscenes